Kristu Jayanti College of Economics

A graduate program for prospective students with a bachelor's degree in a related field who are interested in enhancing their qualifications in Economics, a Master of Economics can lead to a rewarding career. Master of Economics degree holders go on to find jobs in business, finance, academia, consulting and more. Kristu Jayanti College offers Master of Economics programs to prospective graduate students.

Master of Economics program in Kristu Jayanti School of Economics range from micro economics, Macroeconomics, Micro Economics, Econometrics, Developmental studies, International Economics. Master of Economics degree from Kristu Jayanti school of Economics takes one to two years to complete on a full time basis. Most Master of Economics programs culminate with the completion of a thesis project, which is normally research-based and may be assigned to an individual or group of students. It has both theoretical and Practical methods of learning.

Department of Economics provides wide opportunities to students to enhance their knowledge in the ways as to how societies, governments, businesses, households, and individuals allocate their scarce resources with the aim of reaching “the pareto optimality”. It believes in nurturing students with strong background in micro & macroeconomics theory, about international financial institutions, knowledge in various applied areas of economics, knowledge of relevant mathematical and statistical techniques, and expertise in the use of computers for the analysis of data as well as in the ability to use the analytical tools of economics in problem solving. The complementary study of econometrics, the primary quantitative method used in the discipline, enables students to become critical consumers of statistically based arguments about numerous public and private issues rather than passive recipients unable to sift through the statistics. It also enables students who can read competently as a law graduate, compute effectively as an accountant, and analyze data flawlessly as a statistician. Department of Economics offers BA (Economics, History and Political Science) and MA Economics


  • The department has established a few linkages with external institutions for upgrading the quality of teaching and research.
  • True to the Vision & Mission of the department and college, importance is given to value based education, imparted through seminars, retreats, annual festivals, etc.
  • To broaden the scope of curriculum and to go beyond curriculum, the department makes a efficient use of every minute of students. Thus the library hour slots are devoted to enhance the student’s communication and aptitude and the research hours are diverted to UGC NET Exam training.
  • Research Forum - A platform for students to write quality papers on the selected topics.
  • Department Blogging – A student can share the thoughts on the current trends of Economics.

 My Blog

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Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM