Journalism Club

The main objective of the journalism club is to empower the media aspirants in KristuJayanti College with creative talents. Towards this end, the club regularly provides myriad opportunities to understand the latest developments in the media scenario, both in style and content. Activities like mock press, public communication for social transformation, debates, newsletter publishing, Ad campaigns, quizzes etc. are a few events where students get opportunities to become more expressive. The club also conducts regular workshops and seminars for the journalists to attain hands on experience. Moreover, every year the club organizes summer internship plan for budding journalists.

"JNANA DARSHAN: The Annual Book Exhibition 2019-20" – Book Exhibition
The Department of Library & Information Centre and Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, Kristu Jayanti College organized book exhibition in order to educate Students and Faculties towards Library Collections and the New Arrivals was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Smt. Santwana Bhattacharya, Resident Editor, The New Indian Express, Bangalore emphasized on how reading helps us to learn and know what is peddled to us on July 18, 2019.

The welcome address was given by Mr Harish D N, Chief Librarian expressed his gratitude on the successful of course of the event. The presidential Address was delivered by Rev Fr Emmanuel PJ truly inspired and encouraging the students to read. He emphasised on how the college helps in the holistic growth of students and the book exhibition was an apt example of that. He rightly quoted “Today’s Readers are tomorrow’s Leaders”. Having 21 publishers in the venue is a great achievement in the 21 years of running he mentioned. Fr Emmanuel rested his address pointing out of the glory of print media and how the value of that can never diminish as years go by and also focuses on that this college looks forward for building communities of wisdom and Knowledge.

Books displayed were of various kinds namely General Books, Social Science, Commerce, Management, Computer Science, English Literature, Kannada Literature, Hindi Literature, Complementary Books, Departmental Books, Donated Books, Encyclopedia, Dictionaries, Yearbook, Bound Volumes and Project Reports from the Library Collections. The Librarians introduced the visitors about the New Arrival Books, ‘In and Out Management” and how to search for library collection of books and non-book material. Visitors to the library gathered more information regarding Library services and gained knowledge of availability of books in the library. Smt Santwana Bhattacharya, Resident Editor, Rev Fr Some Zacharia, Director of Library and Research, Chief Librarian, Rev Fr Emmanuel PJ, Mr Harish DN, and Prof Abraham, Faculty of Department of Journalism and Mass Communication were also present.

“Advance Reporting: Workshop”
The Journalism Club, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, Kristu Jayanti College organized Workshop on “Advance Reporting” by Mr. B Pradeep Nair, News Editor, The Hindu for the BA Journalism Club students on June 25, 2019. Mr. B Pradeep Nair started by mentioning the different types of writing like: Newspaper writing, Magazine writing, Press releases and Advertisement copyrighter among others. Mr. B Pradeep Nair focused his attention specifically on writing for newspapers and magazines in a Workshop on Advance Reporting Skills.

Mr. Nair classified newspaper articles into two kinds - news articles, feature and articles.

He also gave the students some valuable advice to help combat writer’s block and pen a well-structured article. He emphasised on one’s story having “more facts and figures than views.” The introduction of an article must contain the essence of the story. The most important part about achieving a good article is to “get the copy vetted by someone else before publication”, he said.

“Reporting Skills Workshop”
The Journalism Club, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, Kristu Jayanti College organized Workshop on Reporting Skills by Prof Abraham, Asst. Professor, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, Kristu Jayanti College on August 14, 2019. The students were briefed on the basics and importance of writing skills with examples from news, article and feature write-ups. The 5w’s and 1h was thought and explained its implication in style of writing with examples.

Prof Abraham spoke on the principles of reporting skills and how to write the report. The lead, body and the detail part of writing was discussed in detail with examples. How to cover story by making record of the most important points that the source made news and also the quotes made is jotted down or recorded and then transferee the same into writing report in the order of importance. The chronological and logical order of the story was discussed in detail with examples.

The importance of correct and full name, designation of the guest, correct spellings and the facts of the events with the schedule how to put in the structure of the story writing was thought. The students were asked to write a lead within 30 words was evaluated to understand the reporting and writing skills.

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