Students Panel Discussion

Student Panel Discussion on Aligning Business Goals with Stakeholder Expectations
Date: 07 August 2024
The students of third semester MA Journalism and Mass Communication of Kristu Jayanti College organized a panel discussion on ‘Balancing Stakeholders Expectation in Business Goals’ in Panel Room P1 on 07August 2024 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. The panel discussion was moderated by Prof. Dr. Juby Thomas, Associate Professor from the department of Media Studies. Ms. Galsasi Supriya, Ms. Evita Richards, Mr. Asher S. Biju and Ms. Ammu were the panelists, and they presented their views on ‘Balancing Stakeholders Expectation in Business Goals’.

Ms. Supriya gave an account of how stakeholder’s feedback is gathered and the importance of corporate social responsibility in a corporate organization. With the help of case studies Ms. Evita Richards explained the role of communication, feedback, planning, risk management and stakeholder engagement. “Effective communication can create a huge impact on employees as well as the company’s profit,” added Mr. Asher S. Biju. He also pointed out the impact of communication and transparency in a firm. Ms. Ammu concluded the panel discussion by adding the benefits of long-term planning and the importance of mediation and negotiation. She also included Starbucks case study to support her statement.

The panel discussion was followed by a question-and-answer session and feedback session. The panel discussion underscored the critical need for businesses to harmonize stakeholder expectations with their strategic goals.

Panel Discussion Sheds Light on Migrant Labor Rights and Laws in India
Date: 30 October 2023
In a bid to address the pressing issues surrounding labor rights and laws for migrant workers in India, the Department of Media Studies, kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru organized a thought-provoking panel discussion that delved into the multifaceted challenges faced by this vulnerable demographic. The event, which took place in the P2 Conference hall on 30th October 2023, attracted a diverse audience interested in the welfare of migrant laborers.

Dr. Juby Thomas from the Department of Media Studies moderated the discussion and the panelists, Mr. Hansel Rodrigues, Ms. Nehal Gupta, Ms. Jacinth J, and Preethi Gimire engaged in a comprehensive discourse on various aspects of the subject matter. The discussion revolved around the myriad hurdles and legal support mechanisms available for migrants in India, emphasizing the vital role of NGOs and individuals in extending much-needed assistance to this marginalized group.

The panel discussion began by shedding light on the challenges faced by migrant laborers in India. India has several labor laws and regulations in place to protect the rights of workers, including migrant laborers. However, there is a need for better implementation and enforcement. Panelists also highlighted the significance of spreading awareness about these laws among the migrant community. The discussion didn't stop at highlighting challenges but also explored the potential for improvement. Panelists stressed the importance of creating a more robust support system for migrants, including strengthening enforcement of existing labor laws, improving housing conditions, and increasing access to healthcare and education for this community.

Panel discussion on ‘Future Trends in AI and Corporate Communications’
Date: 05 September 2023
The Department of Media Studies conducted a student panel discussion for the second-year students of MAJMC on the exciting and ever-evolving topics of "Future Trends in AI and Corporate Communications." The event took place on September 5, 2023, in the P2 Panel room. The discussion featured student speakers who shared their insights and perspectives on the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Corporate Communications. The panel consisted of three well-informed and passionate student speakers, The Moderator for the panel discussion was Dr. Juby Thomas, and the student panelists were Ms. Rathinavathy, Ms. Angela Elizabeth Biju, and Ms. Shivangi Kashyap. The discussion began with an exploration of the current and potential applications of AI and the predictions made in the field of AI. The panelists highlighted how AI-powered chatbots, virtual assistants, and automated content creation are transforming the way people interact with each other. They emphasized that AI can enhance efficiency and personalization in communication strategies. The panelists provided insights into emerging trends in AI and corporate communications, including the integration of AI in healthcare, the Education sector, and other sectors as well. They discussed how these trends are shaping the future landscape of corporate communication. The panelists also discussed the skills and education required for individuals aspiring to work in this evolving field. They encouraged students to acquire a strong foundation in AI and communication to stay competitive in the job market. The audience actively engaged in the discussion by asking thought-provoking questions to the panelists. The Q & A session provided a platform for further exploration of topics such as the potential risks of AI in communication, the role of AI in crisis management, and the ethical implications of data usage. The panelists effectively conveyed the significance of AI and corporate communication. The audience left with a better understanding of the dynamic field of AI and corporate communications and its potential impact on the future of the industry.

Panel discussion on ‘Ethical Challenges in PR and Branding’
Date: 08 September 2023
The Department of Media Studies conducted a student panel discussion for the second-year students of MAJMC on the topic “Ethical Challenges in PR and Branding”, on September 8, 2023, in the P2 Panel room. The student speakers expressed their opinions and insights on the ethical challenges in PR and Branding during the student panel discussion. The panel consisted of four passionate student panelists who were Mr. Adharsh S, Mr. Rigsum Tamung, Ms. Sreya Ann Mathew and Ms. Wooddipona Bhattacharjee and Moderator Dr. Juby Thomas.

The discussion began with a beautiful introduction about PR, Branding and Ethics in the field of PR and branding. The panelists highlighted guidelines of ethics in PR and Branding, also discussing the challenges faced in the field with proper case studies. Insights about the key principles and common ethical problems in PR and Branding including the Disinformation and Fake News, Cultural Insensitivity, Stereotyping and Discrimination, Exploitative Marketing, Honesty and Transparency, Integrity, Respect for Stakeholders, Privacy and Data Protection, Authenticity were provided. Discussions on how these problems can be avoided through Clear Ethical Guidelines, with proper Ethical Training, Social Responsibility, Ethical Audits, Transparency, etc were also done. The panelists also went through how by implementing these solutions, organizations can work toward building and maintaining trust with stakeholders and the public while avoiding the ethical pitfalls that can harm their reputation and credibility in the world of branding and PR. The audience actively engaged in the discussion by asking thought-provoking questions to the panelists. The Q&A session provided a platform for further exploration of the topic. The panelists effectively conveyed the importance of Ethics in PR and Branding.

Student Panel Discussion on ‘Sustainability and Corporate Reputation’
The Student Panel Discussion series conducted by the Department of Media Studies for the second-year students of MA JMC witnessed an enthusiastic last day with its second last panel discussion on the topic of ‘Sustainability and Corporate Reputation.’

The discussion which took place in the P2 Panel Room of the PG block featured student panelists who shared their insights and inputs on how sustainability is important in the corporate sector and how sustainable measures can impact the corporate reputation.

The panel consisted of four sincere and passionate student speakers, namely, Ms. Aneesha Susan Shaji, Ms. Ishita Roy, Mr. Sonam Wangyal Bhutia and Mr. Sudarshan M. The Moderator for the panel discussion was Dr. Juby Thomas.

The discussion began with a deep dive into Sustainability and its pillars. The panelists further discussed the term of corporate reputation and how it is important to build a positive brand image. They also put forth their insights on the importance and implementation strategies of sustainable measures in the corporate sector.

The discussion carried forward with how sustainability impacts customer behaviors and the reputation of a company. The panelists along with the moderation of Dr. Juby Thomas put forth an engaging session, wrapping up the discussion with interesting case studies on brands such as H&M, Volkswagen, Starbucks etc. The discussion finally drew the curtains with a Q&A session from the audiences which helped put more insights into the topic.

Panel discussion on ‘inclusive communication and diversity in branding’
Final year students from the Department of Media Studies organized a panel discussion on the topic Inclusive communication and diversity in branding. Along with the presence of the moderator Dr. Juby Thomas and fellow classmates, the panelists Sruti Sikdar, Jesvin Joseph, Rahul Shridharan and Katteth Jibin Thankachan discussed about four major aspects, Inclusive Brand strategies, Diversity in branding and Authentic representation in branding, Inclusive communication and corporate ethics and measuring inclusivity and diversity in branding.

After the short introduction by the first panelist, the discussion delved into different case studies and a short presentation on how inclusive communication plays a major role in the corporate field. The students even tried to focus on different social stigmas and raised questions about various instances seen in the media world. The discussion even involved questions from the audience, as well a clear discussion on different issues in the country related to the country. The panel discussion came to an end with the panelists driving an end towards the topic and the students’ point of view about the topic, as well as certain relevant questions from the audience.

Panel Discussion on ‘Navigating digital communication in the post-pandemic world’
Date: 05 September 2023
Department of Media Studies, Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous, Bengaluru, conducted a student panel discussion for the second-year students of MA JMC on the topic ‘Navigating digital communication in the post-pandemic world." The event took place on September 5, 2023, in the P2 Panel room. The discussion featured student speakers who shared their insights about different sectors’ lifestyles in the post-pandemic era. The panel consisted of three well-informed and passionate student speakers. The Moderator for the panel discussion was Dr. Juby Thomas, and the student panelists were Ms. Sruthymol Thomas, Mr. Arun K, and Harish Kumar S. The discussion began with a question ‘ What is Post-pandemic’ , with that The discussion began with a question, 'What is Post-pandemic?', with which the panelists explained the details of the post pandemic and what has been happening in the world to cope up with the situation. The panelists also explained the lifestyle of different sectors that improved during COVID and the post-pandemic era. They gave examples for each sector and correlated with the overall theme. The panelists also gave five case studies related to post-pandemic and gave a wonderful insight into the topic. The audience were able to learn many insights about the topic and enjoyed it.

Panel Discussion on ‘Crisis Communication Strategies for Brands’
A panel discussion on Crisis Communication Strategies for Brands was organized by Department of Media Studies for the final-year MA JMC students. The panelists Abhinand Prasanakumar, Alice Olive Kujur, Chayanika Sarma, and Saransh Sunil, discussed the key aspects of crisis communication for brands. Dr. Juby Thomas, moderated the session. From identifying the early stages of a crisis to implementing rapid response strategies and ultimately rebuilding trust, these topics were meticulously dissected.

The students were treated to an informative study of ways for overcoming a crisis and raising a company from the ashes after the brief introduction by the first panelist. The do’s and don'ts when a brand encounters difficulty was shown with real-world examples and case studies. Students gained important insights into the world of crisis communication as ideas flowed and questions were posed. Students were actively engaged, sharing their perspectives and posing questions. The panelists concluded by addressing both the students' viewpoints and questions from the audience. Overall, the panel discussion provided valuable insights into crisis communication and left a lasting impact on participants.

Meet the Scholar
Date: 08 November 2022
Department of Media Studies (PG), Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous organized a ‘Meet the scholar’ for I semester Journalism and Mass Communication students on 8th, November 2022. The moderator was Dr. Juby Thomas coordinator of the department of Media studies (PG) welcomed the scholars to the program.

The students of the first year participated in the event to introduce many communication scholars worldwide with creative ideas. The event was conducted in the presence of Dr. Juby Thomas, Dr. Ravi Kumar P, Mr. Vishnu Achutha Menon, Dr. Samuel Duraivel, and the second-year students of the MA JMC. The students presented their content with remarkable creativity such as games, presentations, videos, animation, mono-act, and play.

The Meet the Scholar was first introduced by the students of MA JMC of batch 2021 – 2023, to bring in an innovative pedagogical approach to learning, teaching, and introducing various types of topics or scholars around the world; with a belief that to perform better in the media career, one must look into a topic from various perspectives and express them in different forms of entertainment, humor, and logic. For media students learning the art of expression is always an added advantage.

The event was divided into three series to divide the number of students into different batches to narrate their stories of the day. A total of 27 performances were carried out throughout the day in the event. The event started at 10:00 AM and ended at 04:00 PM, including an hour of lunch break in between. The event ended with some remarkable feedback from the Head of the Department with valuable feedback and suggestions from many different faculties and audiences.

Panel Discussion- Sustainability: The new mantra for competitive advantage
Date: 19 September 2022
Department of Media Studies (PG), Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous organized a panel discussion for 2nd year Mass Communication and Journalism students. The panelists for the day were Ms. Abiya Annie Varghese, Ms. Ashmita Adhikari, Ms. Irin PP, and Mr. Jack Joy.

The moderator was Dr. Juby Thomas, coordinator of the department of Media studies (PG) who introduced the topic and welcomed the participants and the panelists. The event started with Ms. Irin PP who discussed the introduction, characteristics, methods for developing SCA, and examples. Mr. Jack Joy, the second panelist, talked about what sustainability means and its different aspects. Ms. Ashmita Adhikari presented about corporate social responsibility, different fields of responsibility under CSR, and the Government’s role in Corporate Social Responsibility.

The last panelist Ms. Abiya Annie Varghese presented why sustainability is known as the mantra for competitive advantage, three categories of sustainability, and positives and negatives of sustainability.

The event came to an end with the question-and-answer round involving the participants. Such discussions knock into the reasoning aspects that are hidden within the students.

Panel Discussion- Ethics 2.0 A Distinct Corporate Approach
Department of Media Studies (PG), Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous organized a panel discussion for 2 nd year Mass Communication and Journalism students. The panelists for the day were Ms. Mansi Saha, Ms. Reddy Kala Pujari, and Mr. Abishek N K. The moderator was Dr. Juby Thomas, coordinator of the department of Media studies (PG) introduced the topic and welcomed the participants and the panelists.

The event started with Ms. Mansi Saha who discussed the unethical practices done by the public relations officers in corporate communication. In addition to that, she also talked about the ethical issues that are faced due to unethical practicing. She concluded her discussion with a quote “The ethical heart of the practice of public relations lies in posing only one question to the management: Are we doing the right thing?”

The second panelist, Ms. Reddy Kala Pujari talked about the ethics followed by public relations professionals in digital media. She further discussed public relations, its types, and the importance of a code of ethics for PR professionals.

The last panelist, Mr. Abishek N K started by introducing Ethics 2.0 and why digital ethics matters. Further, he discussed the different ethical guidelines to be followed by Public Relations professionals and explained the characteristics of ethical corporate communication.

The event came to an end with the question-and-answer round from the participants.

Panel Discussion for III MA JMC
Department of Media Studies (PG), Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous organized a panel discussion for 2nd year Mass communication and Journalism students. The panelists for the day were Ms. Mansi Saha, Ms. Reddy Kala Pujari and Mr. Abishek N K. The moderator was Dr. Juby Thomas coordinator of department of Media studies (PG) who introduced the topic and welcomed the participants and the panelists.

The event started off with Ms. Mansi Saha who discussed about the unethical practices done by the public relation officers in corporate communication. In addition to that she also talked about the ethical issues that are faced due to unethical practicing. She concluded her discussion with a quote “The ethical heart of the practice of public relations lies in posing only one question to the management: Are we doing the right thing?”

The second panelist, Ms. Reddy Kala Pujari talked about the ethics followed by public relation professionals in digital media. She further discussed about public relations, it’s types and the importance of code of ethics for PR professionals.

The last panelist, Mr. Abishek N K started by introducing Ethics 2.0 and why digital ethics matters. Further he discussed about the different ethical guideline to be followed by the Public Relations professionals and explained about the characteristic of ethical corporate communication.

The event came to an end with the question-and-answer round from the participants.

When Scholar Meets the Scholar –A Panel Discussion
Department of Media Studies (PG) conducted ‘Meet the Scholar’ panel discussion on January 04, 2022 and January 05, 2022. This event was headed and organized by Dr Juby Thomas, Coordinator of Media studies (PG), Kristu Jayanti College. Students from the MA JMC 1st year presented and discussed about many scholars who were allocated to them individually. The presentations on various scholars provided a more in-depth knowledge of their personal lives, education, contributions, and accolades.

The event took place for two days. On January 04, 2022 the presentation started off with Ms. Manisha who was assigned to introduce the scholar, Mr, John Fiske. He was a professor and a member of the University of Footlights, which is a dramatic amateur theatrical club that was run by the students. Fiske is a well-known media critic and some of his works include ‘Power plays, Power works’ 1993, and ‘Understanding popular culture’ 1989. He was also the editor-in-chief of the New England Antiques. Followed by Ms. Manisha’s presentation, Mr. Leuwellyvn introduced a scholar named Warren Weaver who was born on July 17, 1894 and studied at the University of Wisconsin. He directed the Rocksfeller Foundation. He was influenced by his physics teacher Charles Max Mason. Mason and Weaver together wrote the classic text ‘The Electromagnetics Field’. He died in 1978 at the age of 84.

The presentation was carried forward by Kala whose scholar for discussion was Herbert Richard Hoggart. He ventured into the fields of Sociology, English Literature and Cultural studies. He discussed the influence of mass media in the United Kingdom. He graduated with first class degree and was a staff tutor at the University of Hull from 1946-1959. He was well known for Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies. At latter stages of his life, he got dementia and passed away at the age of 95.

On January 05, 2022, Mansi carried on with ‘Meet the Scholar’ presentation discussed the scholar Denis McQuail. McQuail defined communication as ‘a process which increases commonality- but also requires elements of commonality for it to occur at all’. He was born in Wallington. He completed his Ph.D in social studies and did a thesis on ‘Factors affecting public interest in television plays’. He was appointed as professor at the University of Amsterdam. His First book was titled ‘Media Performance’ 1992. He was a theorist who looked into why people used media and found out four reason those being information, personal identity, integration and social interaction and finally entertainment. His major works include ‘Journalism and Society’, and ‘The media in Europe’.

Ms. Sanaaz introduced a French Sociologist Jean Baudrillard who was born in Reims, Northeastern France. Jean was a post-modernist, post-structuralist philosopher, sociologist, cultural theorist, photographer and a political commentator. He became aware of pataphysics via the philosophy professor Emmanuel Peillet. Baudrillard began to transfer to sociology, eventually completing and publishing in 1968 his Doctoral thesis Le Système des Objets (The System of Objects) under the dissertation committee of Henri Lefebvre, Roland Barthes, and Pierre Bourdieu. Psychoanalysis and Sigmund Freud also had a key impact on Baudrillard’s philosophy. The strongest influence on him remains that of Marxism. The System of Objects (1968) and Consumer Society (1970), In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities (1983) etc are a few works of Baudrillard.

Another famous scholar introduced was Marshall Mc Luhan by Hrishikesh. Mc Luhan was ‘the man who predicted internet’. He coined the terms – ‘the medium is the message’, ‘global village’ and ‘Hot and Cool Media’. He studied under I.A Richards and F.R Leavis. His first book was titled ‘The Gutenberg Galaxy’ 1946. His books were written in the form of poetry. He published his first major work ‘The Mechanical Bride’ 1951 where he spoke about the popular culture.

The entire session of ‘Meet the Scholar’ ended with the scholar Paul Felix Lazarsfeld presented by Sheba. Paul Felix was born on February 13, 1901 and served as a socialist activist. He served as a director of the office radio research in Princeton University. Lazarsfeld and Merton were best known for their work ‘Mass Communication, popular taste and organized social action’. He developed two theories of communication namely ‘two step flow theory’ and ‘limited effects theory’. He was also known as the Father of Empirical Sociology.

Overall, the seminars provided access to a wealth of knowledge and information that had previously been hidden. Following each presentation, the students had a conversation about their take away from each session. 'Meet the Scholar' enabled students to gain a better understanding of the scholars’ life and contributions to society. The presentations were animated, and the passion behind each idea was brought to light. This event also provided valuable exposure, which aided in the development of confidence in students and ongoing interest for the subject.

Student Panel Discussion on Government Public Relations: The Game Changer
Date: 03/12/21
Department of Media Studies (PG) conducted a Panel discussion on “Government Public Relations: The game-changer” on December 3rd, 2021. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Juby Tomas, The coordinator of the Department of Media Studies (PG). Sakshi Amani, Karan Ashwath, U Mohnish Kumar, Abhiram J P, and Lakshmi Muralidharan were the panelists.

U Mohnish Kumar from IInd year MA JMC talked about Governmental Public Relations and their advantages with suitable examples. Abhiram J P from 2nd Year MA JMC discussed the role of Social Media in Government Public Relations. He gave a brief explanation of how Social media has been an active agent in the Public relations department. Sakshi Amani from 2nd year MA JMC continued the discussion by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Government Public Relations and its need.

Lakshmi Muralidharan from IInd MA JMC took the topic further by describing the elements of Public Relations in Government institutions with case studies. Last Panelist Karan Ashwath of III MAJMC summarized the topic “Government Public Relations: The Game Changer with suitable case studies. The second-year PG students were present and discussed their queries with the panelist and moderator. An hour-long discussion brought out the understanding and unique analytical skills of each student. The moderator concluded the session by providing suitable scenarios where government organizations tactically adopt PR techniques for effective communication.

Student Panel Discussion on 21st-century tactics and approaches of proactive vs reactive PR
Date: 2/12/21
The department of Media studies PG of Kristujayanti college, conducted a panel discussion on the topic of 21st-century tactics and approaches of proactive vs reactive PR on 2/12/2021 Thursday from 9.30to 10.20 in the panel room. The Moderator of the program was DR. Juby Thomas, Coordinator of the Department of Media Studies (PG).

Student panelists were Sreelakshmy PR, Gayathri R, Anjana Sera Mathew, and Marvi Muskan. They discussed the important aspects of Public Relation tactics focusing on proactive and reactive public relations strategies. The discussion started with the basic introduction by Sreelakshmy PR. She discussed the concepts of Public Relation and their relevance along with a detailed explanation of tactics that are widely used today by PR officials.

Gayathri carried out the discussion talking about the importance of proactive and reactive public relations strategies. Panelist Marvi Muskan talked about the advantages of reactive PR strategies with relevant caste studies. The discussion concluded with panelist Anjana’s comments about the advantages of proactive strategies with some important case studies.

After the discussion of the students, Dr. Juby Thomas, the moderator provided a concluding statement by highlighting the importance of proactive and reactive PR. The student panel discussion was fruitful due to the participation of the III MA JMC students. The audience raised questions and clarified their doubts and the session was successful in learning the skills of corporate communication.

Creative Energy: Leveraging the Youth Power in India - A Student Panel Discussion
Date: 27/11/2021
The department of Media Studies (PG), conducted a student panel discussion on, “Creative Energy: Leveraging the Youth Power in India” on 27th of November 2021. The panel was chaired by student panellists Abin Babu, Cassandra Meokee, Nisha M and Sherly J Victor of III semester MA JMC. The moderator of the panel was Dr. Juby Thomas.

The Panel started with Mr. Abin Babu pointing out the role of youth in the political scene in India. He elaborated on how the youth in India are either not interested in politics or their life takes a negative turn by getting involved in politics. He highlighted the need for youth to be part of our nation’s law-making. He spoke on how even though there is youth participation to a certain extent, yet, there is a lack of proper guidance and responsibility.

The next panellist on the dais was Ms. Sherly J Victor. She emphasized on the importance of youth’s participation on the social issues in India. She said, “We as Youth are powerful because we listen to our own. When a Malal speaks we listen, when a Nirbhaya is wronged, we stand with her, so it is high time that we take a stand for the future of our country and work towards eliminating the social evils.” She spoke on the immediate social issues that require the attention of youth and suggested solutions to maximise youth participation.

Panellist, Ms. Cassandra Meokee, spoke about the role of youth in the economic growth of India. She put light on the issues pertaining to the rise of unemployment and the lack of necessary skills in the youth in India, today. She provided solutions to move forward towards a brighter future. Some of the solutions were, improving human capital, skilling, education, demographic dividend, job creation and the promotion of growth of labour-intensive sectors.

The last panellist for the day was, Ms. Nisha M. She focused on the role of youth in nation-building as a whole. She said that, “the intelligence and the work of youth will take the country on the pathway to success.” She suggested ways through with youth can be uplifted and the major change can come from a little push from the government. She emphasized that youth and their creative energy are the way forward towards making India into a super-power nation.

After this, there was a question-answer session from the audience. The panel concluded with final remarks by Dr. Juby Thomas. She said, “There is a dire need for the youth today to stop being lazy and make use of every opportunity that comes in their way. As youth focus on bringing a change and influence each other in a positive way to grow. And as the youth grows, India will grow to greater heights”.

Student Panel Discussion on The Role of Technology in Corporate Communication
November 26, 2021
The Department of Media Studies (PG) conducted a Panel discussion on the role of technology in corporate communication on November 26th, 2021. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Juby Tomas. Gopika Jayaraj, Swetha K, Harikesh Menon, and Mahalakshmi were the panelists.

Gopika Jayaraj from IInd year MA JMC talked about corporate communication and the importance of technology. Swetha K from IInd Year MA JMC discussed the history of technology and the tools of today’s corporate communication. Ms. Swetha also spoke about the importance of technology in corporate communication. Harikesh Menon from IInd year MA JMC continued the discussion by pointing the advantages and disadvantages of technology in corporate communication. Mr. Menon had also stated various to substantiate his point.

The final panelist Mahalakshmi from IInd year MA JMC concluded the topic by indicating the impacts of technology in corporate communication. She summarized the role of technology in corporate communication. After the presentation of the topic, the second-year PG students discussed their queries regarding the topic with panelists and the moderator.

The discussion lasted for an hour-long and brought out the understanding and unique analytical skills of each student. The discussion was concluded with a closing note of Dr. Juby Thomas, the moderator by stating “In the 21st century, corporate companies leverage the potential of technology. A lot of new trends have been identified in the corporate world while communicating to internal and external stakeholders like; Go Social, digital campaigns, adoption of gamification, reduction in internal spam, and Transparency 3.0. Adoption of these techniques in academics and media industry is essential too”, she added.

Panel Discussion on the Contemporary Importance and Relevance of PSA
November 26, 2021
The III MA JMC students of the Department of Media Studies (PG), Kristu Jayanti College conducted a panel discussion on 26th November 2021 on ‘Contemporary Importance and Relevance of PSA’. The student panelists were Ms. Raveena Ravindran, Mr. Haptarshi Roy Saikia, Ms. Andrea Helder, and Ms. Kritika Mohinta. Dr. Juby Thomas, the coordinator of Media Studies (PG) was the moderator of the panel discussion.

The discussion was opened by the moderator stating the role of PSA in the contemporary digital world. Ms. Raveena Ravindran introduced the topic by defining PSA, and its history of growth. Ms. Ravindran beautifully laid out the definition of PSA and also talked about the advantages and disadvantages of Public Service Announcements.

Mr. Haptarshi Roy Saikia took over the platform to talk about the importance of Public Service Announcements on online platforms. He laid out different examples of how PSAs have successfully taken over social media platforms as a means of delivering messages to the audience.

The third panelist of the day was Ms. Kritika Mohinta, who focused on the purpose and the relevance of PSAs. Ms. Mohinta talked about the purpose of PSA by giving an example of each purpose. She also talked about different audio PSAs released during the current pandemic to make the message more relevant to the audience.

The last panelist of the day was Ms. Andrea Helder, who talked about Radio PSAs and Television PSAs. Ms. Helder gave distinct features of Radio and Television PSAs. She also gave key points an individual needs to keep in mind while writing a radio PSA script, and television PSA script.

The overall panel discussion was concluded by the moderator. The floor was then open for questions and discussions. Ms. Padmaja Jayaraman asked a question to the panelists on “how to differentiate an unbiased PSA from a propaganda created through PSA.” The question was answered by the panel member Ms. Kritika Mohinta.

The moderator concluded the session by stating that “during the pandemics, government NGO’s and education institutions have vitally made use of Public Service Advertisements to safeguard students and the general public. Awareness about vaccination, Covid protocols, and safety measures was successfully conveyed through Public Service Advertisements. For a media professional, it was an eye-opener to recognize the potential of PSA in crisis communication” she added.

Panel Discussion on “Ethics 2.0: A Distinct Corporate Approach”
November 25, 2021
The Department of Media Studies PG, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru organised a panel discussion on the topic “Ethics 2.0: A Distinct Corporate Approach” on November 25, 2021. The students of third semester MA Journalism and Mass Communication hosted the discussion. Mr. Shreyas J, Ms. Prathana R Neoge, and Ms. Rumi Besra were the student panelists. The faculty Coordinator, Dr. Juby Thomas was the moderator of the discussion. The discussion began with an introduction of the topic by Ms. Rumi Besra about what is Ethics and Ethics 2.0. She explained that ethics are the major guidelines to be followed by every organization for better growth and work environment. She also focused on why a person should implement or inculcate ethics in the organisation. She also discussed the benefits of ethical practices in organisation which will help the institution to derive huge advantages.

Mr. Shreyas J discussed the principles of ethics in corporate communication and how they are useful in building relationships with each other. Another panelist, Ms. Prathana R Neoge explained the benefits of corporate ethics. The discussion covered different kinds of benefits that could be attained by an organisation for being ethical. Prarthana put forth the example of various products and how ethics works in the promotion and selling of the products.

After the discussion of the student panelists, the platform was open for discussion for the audience. The audience shared their thoughts and viewpoints. The panel discussion ended with a concluding remark from Dr. Juby Thomas, the moderator. She said, “Ethical concerns around using technology in business have been a heated topic of discussion for decades”. “Currently there are a plethora of guidelines available pertaining to the usage of technology in business and it is our individual responsibility to practice them” she added.

Corporate Advertising in the New Challenging Era: A Student Panel Discussion
Date: 23/11/2021
The Department of Media Studies (PG) organized a student panel discussion on ‘Corporate Advertising in the New Challenging Era’ in Panel Room 1 (PG block) on 23 November 2021 at 11:30 am. The student panelists were Andra Filina, Chanchal Thilakan, J Padmaja, and Shubhangi Kakade of third semester MA Mass Communication and Journalism. The moderator for the discussion was Dr. Juby Thomas, Coordinator of the Media Studies Department (PG).

Chanchal Thilakan opened the discussion with an introduction of Corporate Advertising, saying, “Rather than advertising on brands and products, the corporate advertises has to build its image”. Following Chanchal, Shubhangi spoke about the merits and demerits of corporate advertising. She explained that corporate advertising is a great vehicle to position an organization, and when it is supplemented with the efforts of public relations, it turns out to be beneficial for the brand. “On the other hand, there is no evidence that corporate advertising is effective,” said Shubhangi.

The next panelist, Andra spoke about the functions of corporate advertising and its trends in the current trend of the internet era. “The internet environment creates an opportunity to reach the right audience at the right time with the right message,” shared Andra.

Padmaja, the final panelist spoke about the trends of corporate advertising in the days of the pandemic. By substantiating her points with the case, she also criticized the corporate ads along with their merits.

There were relevant questions posed to the panelists from the audience. The session concluded with the closing remarks of Dr. Juby Thomas. Her concluding speech focused on the importance of ethics in the corporate advertising field, and she proposed some solutions to overcome the barriers of corporate communication. She stressed the importance of advertisement literacy among the common people for a tranquil flow of information.

A Student Panel ‘World Sleep Day’
Department of Media Studies (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) organized a Student Panel Discussion for the IV Semester Media Studies students, commemorating ‘World Sleep Day’ on 18 March 2021. The topic for discussion was on ‘Analysing Contributory Factors of Sleep Disorders among Adolescents’. The student Panellists were Ms. Nida, Ms. Elizabeth and Mr. Akhil who took over the session in the presence of Dr. Juby Thomas, PG, Programme Coordinator.

The discussion began with Ms. Nida introducing the necessity of proper sleep for an individual with the slogan ‘Regular Sleep is Healthy Future’. She said that adolescents need to do something productive other than disrespecting sleep for something that is not a necessity.

Mr. Akhil continued the discussion, stating the factors that contribute to the sleeping disorders among adolescents includes physical disturbances, environmental issues, poor sleeping habits. Ms. Elizabeth took over the panel discussion, stating that mental health is considered a taboo in India since this is another reason for being sleep deprived. The panel discussion concluded with the audience’s discussion and feedback on the topic and with Ms. Nida saying, ‘sleeping well is self-love’.

Panel Discussion on CYBER ETHICS AND INDUSTRY 4.0
Department of Media Studies-PG, Kristu Jayanti College organised a virtual student panel discussion on the topic Cyber Ethics and Industry 4.0. on 12 May 2021. The panel discussion was conducted via Zoom platform. The student panelists were first year MA Journalism and Mass Communication (MA JMC) students- Haptarshi Roy Saikia, Lakshmi Muralidharan, Sherly J Victor and Sakshi Amani.

The discussion started with Mr. Haptarshi welcoming session moderator Dr. Juby Thomas, coordinator, Department of Media Studies-PG and his fellow classmates. Giving an overview about cyber ethics, Haptarshi said that cyber ethics is the philosophic study of ethics pertaining to computers, encompassing user behaviour and how computer affects individuals and the society.

Highlighting the ethical problems in cyber world, Haptarshi said some of the malicious activities people might fall into are online scams, fraud and impersonation. He mentioned that identity theft is also rapidly rising due to availability of private information on the Internet. He pointed out that ethical codes are violated in online gambling, due to digital divide, freedom of information, and intellectual property rights.

After giving an overview about cyber ethics and a brief idea about the discussion, the next panellist Ms. Lakshmi discussed about cyber ethics in detail and cyber-crimes. She said cyber-crimes have risen in India and it has forced the Indian Constitution to come up with laws to prevent such crimes in the country. In India cyber laws are contained in the information technology Act,2000 and also Indian Penal Code,1860. She gave instances of Salami Attack where financial attacks took place in cyber space. She further discussed about web jacking. She said that once a website is web jacked the owner of the site tend to lose all control over it.

The next panellist Ms. Sakshi discussed about Industry 4.0. She first gave a brief idea about industry 4.0 mentioning that the concept of industry 4.0 refers to the so-called fourth industrial revolution. This involves the digital transformation of the industry with the integration and digitalization of all the industrial processes that make up the value chain , characterized by its adaptability, flexibility and efficiency that allows to cover customer’s needs in the current market. Sakshi said some principles are identified as integral to industry 4.0 are interconnection, information, transparency and technical assistance and advantages.

Sherly Victor, the final student panellist of the session, discussed three cases to helped understand industry 4.0 in a manufacturing operation-supply chain management and optimization. She said it helps companies to deliver products and services to market faster and cheaper, predictive maintenance/analytics and also it gives solutions to manufacturers the ability to predict when potential problems are going to arise before they actually happen. She also discussed about asset tracking and optimization. She said it allows manufacturers to keep better inventory, quality and optimization opportunities relating to logistics. Sherly also spoke about some of the ethical challenges in industry 4.0 like Gap of Comprehension, privacy and data security, and anonymity. Moderator Dr. Juby Thomas opened the panel for question and answer session. The panel discussion concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Sherly.

Digital Resilience and Economic Intelligence in the post -pandemic era
The Department of Media Studies PG organized a virtual student panel discussion on the topic “Digital Resilience and Economic Intelligence in the post -pandemic era” at Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bangalore on 17 May, 2021. The student panellists were Shubhangi Kakade, Anjana Sera Mathew, Gopika Raj and Andrea Helder. Dr. Juby Thomas, coordinator, Department of Media Studies- PG was the moderator of the session.

The program was hosted by Gopika Raj student panelist, she addressed the welcome speech and introduced the chief guest Dr. Juby Thomas. The session was started by Shubhangi Kakade, introducing the topic Digital Resilience and Economic Intelligence and its key features. The next panelist, Gopika discussed about the future of economy after the pandemic, which focused on some of the changes that might happen in the future due to the pandemic.

Speaking about how technology has changed businesses as well as in other work areas, Anjana, a student panelist said digital and technology have transformed due to the pandemic and this further change the world economy.

While concluding the discussion, Andrea, a student panelist talked about the importance on Digital Resilience and Economic Intelligence and about how digitization is keeping society and businesses afloat during the pandemic. After the discussion, a brief Q & A session began where audience asked questions to the panelists based on the topic. The answers gave an insight to the audience. The student panelists gave value added inputs regarding the topic.

The session was indeed innovative and informative.

Student Panel Discussion on IT Act 2000: A Critical Appraisal Essential’
The Department of Media Studies (PG) organized a virtual student panel discussion on the topic ‘IT Act 2000: A critical Appraisal Essential’ on 3 May, 2021 via Zoom. The student panelists were Sreelakshmy P R, Harikesh Menon P, Chanchal V Thilakan and Kritika Mohinta. The session was moderated by Dr. Juby Thomas, Coordinator, Department of Media Studies-PG.

Student panelist, Kritika Mohinta started the session by welcoming the moderator and the audience. Kritika gave an overview of the topic- IT Act 2000.She said Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000 is an act of the Indian Parliament notified on 17 October 2000. It is the primary law in India dealing with cybercrime and electronic commerce.

Explaining the shortcomings of the IT Act, Sreelakshmy P R said “As the horizons of technology widen, more amendments will be needed to tackle the existing and future shortcomings in order to create a satisfactory, well laid-out framework which along with its plethora of goals, deters cyber criminals. Following Ms. Sreelakshmy’s topic on the shortcomings of the IT Act 2000, Mr. Harikes Menon P. discussed about the gaps that exist in the current Act. He observed that the punishments are bare minimum and the concept of cybercrime is not taken seriously. Harikes said the current unaddressed cybercrimes like cyber stalking, cyber theft, phishing, identity theft and so on should be addressed.

Ms. Chanchal V Thilakan, another student panelist, focused on the list of suggestions and improvements for the current IT Act. She gave few suggestions on the improvement of the IT Act. She said there should be severity of the punishment, imposition of heavy fine for individuals booked under this act and cyberwar must also come under the purview of IT Act.

After each of the panelists made their points, the moderator made the closing points before opening the floor for questions from the audience.

Panel discussion on the topic “ Cyber Governance And Security In India”
Department of Media Studies (PG), Kristu Jayanti College ( Autonomous), organized a virtual student panel discussion on “ Cyber Governance and Security in India “ on 28th April 2021 at 9 am. The student panellist were Casandra Meokee, Mohnish Kumar, Rumi Besra and Swetha K, first year MA Journalism and Mass Communication (MA JMC) students.

Panellist Swetha K. started with the introduction about the topic and its importance that plays a vital role in the life of every individual. She said governance is an important topic in cybersecurity as it describes the policies and processes which determine how organizations detect, prevent, and respond to cyber incidents.

Ms. Swetha also reflected on the term cyberspace. She said that a global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures, including the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers. According to the Ministry of Information and Technology, Internet Governance, broadly defined, as the development and application by the government, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet. It covers activities such as the development and coordination of technical standards, operation of critical infrastructure and public policy issues.

Later on second panellist Rumi Besra explained seven types of cybersecurity threats that are commonly found in India such as Malware, Emotet, Denial of Service, Man in the Middle, Phishing, SQL Injection, and Password Attacks. She also highlighted the steps taken by the Indian government since 1977 when first virus was detected and also mentioned the government is taking steps to reduce cybercrime.

Third panellist Mohnish Kumar discussed various laws about cyber law. He said that it is a specialized branch of law that focuses on the quality and security of the contents available in the online media. Infringing the regulations of this law will lead to legal action against the guilty personnel. He said that due to lack of cyber securities in India, the country also ranks in the top 10 cyber-attacked countries in the world.

Panellist Cassandra Meokee explained the advantages and disadvantages of cybersecurity. She said that sensitisation of cybersecurity is essential as everyone needs to aware of the cybercrime taking place in the cyber world. Panellist Rumi Besra concluded the panel discussion by giving some safety measures that Internet users can protect their devices from cybercrime.

Student Panel Discussion- 'Editorial leadership in the age of disinformation'
Department of Media Studies organised a student panel discussion on 'Editorial Leadership in the Age of Disinformation' at Kristu Jayanti College on April 21, 2021, via the Zoom platform. The panellists were Andra Filina, J Padmaja, Shreyas J, and Mahalakshmi R from first year MA Journalism and Mass Communication (MA JMC).

The discussion started at 9 am with Padmaja talking about the different types of fake news listed by UNESCO. She gave an idea about disinformation, misinformation and mal information.

Elucidating about the history of disinformation, she touched upon how the World Wars, totalitarian governments of Germany and Russia spun fake news. Apart from giving real examples, she gave a reel example by citing the movie 'Citizen Kane'. It is a movie about how a businessman made yellow journalism as his business.

The next student panellist, Shreyas J gave a comparison of fake news in the past and the present. He spoke about how The New York Sun spun the tale of life on the moon in 1835. He gave several instances in the past when newspapers reported misleading information.

Explaining the trends of fake news in the present, he gave examples of the disinformation that was propagated by media during the lockdown last year. "The traditional media cross-check the content multiple times and carefully consider the consequences, before publishing. But many people these days get news from social media platforms. There are no cross-checking mechanisms on whether the news is credible, factual, and authentic or not. This is where the role of editor comes into play. Any editor must be vigilant enough to only allow accurate content in the public domain. Many editors say that we have failed in the country to bring out good editors. Currently, there is a need for social media editor," remarked Shreyas.

Segueing into what steps an editor can take to battle disinformation, Mahalakshmi said that the editors are responsible for the verification and fact-checking. "But for the news that is spread in social media, people are responsible for it. They should find if the source is credible or not. They should know the consequence of spreading false news," she commented.

What would happen if fake news is not battled? Answering this question, the final panellist, Andra said that disinformation would spread false claims, misleading data, and lies which would reduce public trust and threaten democracy. Disinformation could complicate the public's understanding of issues and serve as a source for belief and attitude formation.

On a concluding note, Andra said that disinformation could affect the decisions of the people, and also can alter political outcomes.

The session ended at 10 am with the audience joining the discussion by asking questions to the panellists.

Panel Discussion on “Digital Ethics: The Future Risk of Digital India
Department of Media Studies- PG, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru organised a virtual student panel discussion on “Digital Ethics: The Future Risk of Digital India” on 19 April 2021 at 9:00 AM via Zoom virtual platform. Prof. Dr Juby Thomas, Coordinator, Department of Media Studies (PG), was the session’s moderator.

The student panellists of the discussion were Karan Ashwath, Abhiram J P, Nisha M, and Raveena Ravindran, first-year M.A Journalism and Mass Communication students. Raveena Ravindran gave the welcome address and introduced the chief guest for the session Dr Juby Thomas.

Student panellist Raveena Ravindran began the session with an introduction to the topic of the day. Highlighting the future risk of digital in India, she said the pace at which change is taking place is not equal to the adaptability towards the change. She pointed out that dilution of ethics is taking place, and people must be more conscious and responsible about their online presence. Emphasising the imbalance in the distribution of power, Ms Raveena said that self-regulatory measures must be imposed. She said the technologies are rapidly controlling humans. She concluded her discussion by stating that there is no such thing as “total security” and warned that cybersecurity is related to national security.

The second student panellist Mr Abhiram JP gave insights into what is “Digital Ethics”. He said ethics are the code of conduct that must be followed while using digital media. It is also known as “online etiquette”. Highlighting the importance of ethics, he said that as the world is shifting towards the digital platform, how we behave online, our social media presence is considered one additional parameter to evaluate us. He concluded that whatever we post now goes into the archives and remains there forever; it can be retrieved and used at any time anywhere.

Ms Nisha, the third student panellist, spoke on the topic “potential solutions”. To give a better understanding of the potential solutions, Nisha discussed contemporary virtual ethics as a perspective for digital ethics; re-imagining justice in this digital era; data traceability and accountability; guidelines and code of conduct; Incentive structures; new system architect; and beyond compliance.

Mr Karan concluded the panel discussion with a summary of all the other three panellists’ major points and emphasised the topic’s relevance by highlighting the key issues. The student panel discussion saw active participation from the audience. The audience asked questions to panellists related to the topic, to which all the panellists answered. Dr Juby Thomas also gave her ever valuable insights and shared her invaluable knowledge with the students.

Panel Discussion on ‘Marginalisation in the Modern World: Revitalization and Counter Revitalization’
Department of Media Studies (PG) organised a student panel discussion on ‘Marginalisation in the Modern World: Revitalization and Counter Revitalization’ on 26 March 2021. Abu Saji, Nishita, and Senorita, final year MA JMC were the three panellists for the discussion. The three panellists discussed three different facets of marginalisation existing in the present-day world. Nishita started the panel discussion by bringing forth several vital factors on how the LGBTQ+ community faces marginalisation in the modern world.

Speaking about the discriminations faced by LGBTQ+, she stated that these communities face discrimination in their daily lives. She added that people belonging to the LGBTQ+ community cannot avail the basic facilities that are entitled to everyone in society. Nishitha also suggested some solutions that would make the LGBTQ+ community’s people not feel inferior. The second panellist, Senorita, discussed the marginalisation faced by the tribal communities in India. In her discussion, she stressed the marginalisation faced by tribal people of Jharkhand, Orissa and North East. She explained how people from other states who comes and settles in these regions makes the tribal communities of these regions inferior in their states. She also explained how tribal communities opportunities are limited, which restricts their share of development.

The third panellist, Abu Saji, discussed the marginalisation faced by people in general. Abu stated that the marginalisation of technology impacts everyone, and he stressed that people who are even educated and own businesses face technological marginalisation. He discussed the problem faced by small restaurants and ‘dhaba’s’ as they do not have access to Swiggy or Zomato. Abu stated that this difficulty makes the small restaurants suffer economically, and huge companies who can invest in such things keep growing, and others lag.

The panel discussion concluded with Dr Juby Thomas giving significant insights and thoughts on the topic. Aileen Sarah Jacob, Final Year MA JMC student, Department of Media Studies, stated that the panel discussion on ‘marginalisation in the modern world’ widened the students understanding of how marginalisation occurs in society and how various groups of people become victims of such groundless exclusions.

Panel Discussion on How do Emerging Technologies Affect the Creative Economy
The Department of Media Studies (PG) of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bangalore organized a Virtual Student Panel Discussion on ‘How do Emerging Technologies Affect the Creative Economy?’ on 04th January 2021. The panelists for the event were Haptarishi Roy Saikia, Rumi Besra, Sakshi Amani, and Gopika Raj, first year students of MA Journalism and Mass Communication (MA JMC). Class animator Dr. Juby Thomas was the moderator of the panel discussion.

The panel discussion was started by Mr. Haptarishi, who gave a brief introduction on how emerging technologies have a huge impact on the creative economy. Another student panelist Ms. Gopika gave a detailed explanation about how media is driven by the new advanced technologies and how it affects media content creation and production. Ms. Gopika also highlighted the key trends in the media and entertainment industry. Supplementing Ms. Gopika, another student panelist, Ms. Sakshi stressed about the technological trends influencing the media industry.

Ms. Rumi, the fourth panelist, gave a full explanation about the technological advancement that led to many changes in the field of journalism. She explained in detail about the dynamics of changing print media which is now referred to as traditional media, due to the ever changing adoption of new and advanced technologies. The panelists discussed the whole new change that was being brought in the field of media and entertainment industry. The panel concluded with students asking questions to the panelists.

Virtual student panel discussion on “Right to Tell: Role of Media in Economic Development
The Department of Media Studies (PG) conducted a virtual student panel discussion on “Right to Tell: Role of Media in Economic Development on December 14, 2020. The panellists were students of I year MA JMC, Ms. Gayathri R, Mr. Shreyas J, Ms. Chanchal Thilakan and Ms. Sherly J Victor.

The discussion began with Ms. Gayathri, who spoke about the economic impact of the media. She elaborated on how the media is a big game changer when it comes to promoting or selling the goods and services in a country. ‘Media has the power to make or break anything or anyone’, cited Gayathri. The media is responsible for labelling certain things and lifestyles as the good life. This mass consumption leads to a boost in a country’s economy, in turn increasing the GDP. She elaborated on the three business models, namely monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition. She pointed out how certain companies hold a larger share as compared to others and gave the example of Facebook, which is the social media giant in today’s time, owns WhatsApp and Instagram, which has a huge consumer base.

The next panellist was Mr. Shreyas, who spoke about the advertising industry and its economic benefits. ‘Advertising supports the core principles that shaped our nation: free speech, competition, and democracy’, quoted Shreyas. In a country in which consumer spending determines the future of the economy, advertising motivates people to spend more. By encouraging more buying, advertising promotes both job growth and productivity growth both to help meet increased demand and to enable each consumer to have more to spend. Shreyas then briefed the students about economic rationale to create, accept and use advertising. The session was then carried forward by Ms. Chanchal who spoke about how the media covers news related to the economy. According to her,” The media industry, whether public or private, plays an important role in any economy by garnering support or opposition for those who govern, by highlighting or failing to do so the views and/or sins of industry, by providing a voice for the people or not doing so, and by simply spreading economic information.” She pointed out how economic news impacts the perspectives and controls the choices of the masses of people. The effect that the media has on society and potential economic partners depend to a large extent on whom they reach. By providing easy access to information to users of public services, the media empowers citizens to demand quality and accountability from the governments.

Ms. Sherly concluded the panel discussion. She drew attention about how the media is affected by the economic growth of a country. ‘There is hardly any rigorous study about the relationship between the state of the economy and the state of the media’, she said. She focused on four major areas – import of newsprint and printing materials, fall in advertising revenue, news gathering expenditure and job security of journalists. She put forth these effects from an Indian perspective. She also shared the concerning plight of magazines and newspapers that have shut down operations due to shortage of funds. There are also no proper legislations concerning the pay of journalists or any pension schemes.

The panel discussion was then open to questions from the audience.

Virtual Student Panel Discussion on Art and Visual Perception
Department of Media Studies, Kristu Jayanti College organised the ‘Virtual Student Panel Discussion’, for I BA Visual Communication on 16th December 2020.The student panelists were S.Aaqifah Hilmi, Varun Vijay, John George Alexander, Ridha Sharieff, Varghese Iype Vengal, Joshua Singh and Emmanuel Edwin .Students explained about the artistic and aesthetic perspectives of different architecture and discussed the history, cultural representation of different art pieces.

Students analysed and appreciated the art works of CSI Holy Cross Church, Bangalore, Equestrian statue of Sir Mark Cubbon, Kaviyoor rock cut temple in Kerala, Moti Masjid situated in Bhopal, Bangalore Palace, Chowmahalla Palace and St. Vincent Pallotti Church located in Bangalore.

Altogether the panel discussion was very effective and insightful which helped the other participants and audience to know about different places and its aesthetic values which made the event successful.

Panel Discussion on Socio-Political Impact of Media
The Department of Media Studies (PG) of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bangalore organised a virtual student panel discussion on Socio-Political Impact of Media on 10th December 2020. The panellists for the event were Shubhangi Kakade, Sreelakshmy P R, Mohnish Kumar, and Cassandra Meokee, first year students of MA Journalism and Mass Communication. Class animator Dr. Juby Thomas was the moderator of the panel discussion.

The panel discussion was started by Cassandra, who gave a brief introduction followed by Sreelakshmy, who gave a detailed explanation about the media and its socio-political aspects.

Cassandra talked about various types of media with panellist Mohnish giving examples about how popular culture such as movies, advertisements, shows, televisions and other media have affected our social and political scenario.

Another student panellist, Shubhangi discussed the major impacts of media on society and politics. The panellists went on to discuss the positive as well as the negative impact of media. The panel concluded with students asking questions to the panellists.

The Paradigm Of Cultural Imperialism In India
The Department of Media Studies PG, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bangalore organized a virtual student panel discussion on the topic “From Traditional to New Media: The Paradigm of Cultural Imperialism in India” at 12.15p.m on 9th December 2020. Prof. Dr. Juby Thomas was the moderator of the panel discussion.

The student panellists consisted of three members- Andrea Helder, Swetha K and Abhiram J P. The program was hosted by Anjana Sera Mathew, a student of first year MA Journalism and Mass Communication.

Student panellist Andrea opened the session with an introduction of the origin and history of cultural imperialism, cultural hegemony, and globalisation. She explained in detail the history behind cultural imperialism and how it has impacted the process of globalisation. She put forward a question in between her session to one of her panelists to suggest a few examples on today’s communication system like the Internet.

The next panelist, Anjana talked about the communication process, how English language influences other forms of communication. She further explained that cultural imperialism is closely related to global communication. She said the fashion industry is the trendsetter of the current world, there’s also a change in the food culture and the media.

Another student panellist Swetha took over the session to talk more about the impact of television, advertisements, food, dress, film, McDonaldization and yoga. She highlighted the promotion of Ayurveda as part of the globalisation process.

Abhiram, a student panellist concluded with an insight on the positive and negative aspects of cultural imperialism on media culture and summarised the whole idea given by other panelists.

The Question and Answer session was followed after the panel discussion. The audience asked questions to the panellists ranging from the role of indigenous products in bringing back our culture and ideologies to views on AYUSH doctors being allowed to do surgeries by the government.

The questions gave an insight into the discussion to everyone present at the session.. The discussion also elicited valuable feedback to the student panellists as well as to the audience.

News as a Contested Commodity: Clash of Capitalist and Journalistic Imperatives
Student panel discussion on News as a Contested Commodity: Clash of Capitalist and Journalistic Imperatives was conducted by I Semester MA Journalism and Mass Communication (MA JMC) students of Media studies (PG), Kristu Jayanti College Bengaluru on December 8 2020 at 9:15 a.m. via virtual platform Zoom.

The student panelists were Andra Filina, Lakshmi Muralidharan, Mahalakshmi, Marvi Muskan and Abin Babu of first semester MA JMC. The panel discussion began with Ms. Lakshmi Muralidharan giving an introduction on what commodification of news means. She stressed on the functioning of capitalism and commodification of news in the media. She said that digitalization of media production is leading to the hollowing out of media as one of the central pillars of democracy. As a result of this, sensationalism in news has led to decline of credibility of news and information being provided to the audience.

The next session of the discussion was by Ms. Andra Filina who spoke about the characteristics of commodification of news media. She emphasized on the major characteristics of news commodification such as capitalism by which media alters people's culture, tradition and way of thinking, advertising and product placement, a phenomenon in which media influences the audience to think or act in certain ways. Commodification of audience segments is about how audiences contribute to media companies as workers and buyer’s commodification of entertainment media is creating programmes and contents in such a way to gain commercial advantages and commodification of news media and advertisement leads to a culture of distraction in today's scenario.

The session was followed by Ms. Marvi Muskan where she spoke about commodification of women in the media. Media is seen to objectify women and that has an impact on the society the society as whole. For example dropping out of education, women face depression, low self-esteem by comparing themselves to women shown in the media termed as ‘beautiful’. She highlighted the examples where women are portrayed in a positive manner in media like Ariel matic advertisement where it shows that household chores are not only women’s job. Media can influence the audience hence it should portray women in a positive light and not as an object. Ms. Mahalakshmi spoke about the effects of communication, ethical aspects of journalism, paid news, and the people's choice of news trivial due to commodification of news. She said the media's role as a marketplace of ideas is truncated, leading to gross failure in performing the traditional functions of the media and quality of information and public enlightenment is compromised.

Mr. Abin spoke about how we have to look at news commodification and concluded the panel discussion with the vote of thanks.

Panel Discussion on “Trends in Corporate Communication”
The Department of Media Studies PG, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru organized a panel discussion on the topic “Trends in Corporate Communication” on November 27, 2020. The students of third semester MA JMC hosted the discussion with student panelists - Ms.Erica D’costa, Ms.Dixith Suma, Ms. Irene jose and Ms. Saranyamol C . Faculty Coordinator, Dr. Juby Thomas was also present at the discussion.

The one-hour discussion began with Ms.Erica enlightening on the topic “Trends in Corporate Communication”. She said that sharing information with target audiences at the right time is essential for building a brand value, and cementing its reputation. She also said communication professionals have a good opportunity to manage flow of communication with external and internal audiences. Ms. Dixith highlighted the trends of using mobile apps that enabled effective internal communications within an organization.

Another panellist, Ms. Irene Jose brought out the trends in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data driven communication with examples. She explained how AI has made it easy for communication professionals to communicate with internal and external public. She said that new data gathering and analytics tools have become powerful tools to communicate more efficiently. The fourth panelist, Saranya covered the increased authenticity and the rise of digital tools. She said authenticity in communication, while communicating with the internal or external audience, is important.

By the end of the discussion, the audience posed several questions and were answered by the panelists. The discussion ended with the feedback given by Dr. Juby Thomas.

Student Virtual Panel Discussion on “Ethics 2.0: A Distinct Corporate Approach”
The Department of Media Studies PG, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru organized a virtual panel discussion on the topic “Ethics 2.0: A Distinct Corporate Approach” on November 24, 2020. The students of third semester MA Journalism and Mass Communication hosted the discussion and Mr. Abey Jacob, Mr. Gopinath, Mr. Akhil T Mijesh and Ms. Linga Bhavani were the student panellists. The faculty Coordinator, Dr. Juby Thomas was also a part of the discussion.

The discussion began with an introduction of the topic by Mr. Abey Jacob explaining what is Ethics and Ethics 2.0. He explained that the ethics are the major principles and guidelines to be followed by every organization for a better growth and work environment. Ms. Linga Bhavani discussed the principles of the ethics in corporate communication which are integrity, loyalty, confidentiality, courtesy, fairness, respect and concern and how they are useful in building relationships with each other and telling the truth is always just the start. She explained that business ethics must be at the core of relationship building, whether between individuals, companies, or a firm and its customers and community.

Panellist, Mr. Gopinath explained the benefits of the corporate ethics. The discussion covered different kinds of benefits that could be attained by an organization by being ethical. Mr. Akhil T Mijesh brought in the importance of laws in the corporate world and also discussed the various kinds of ethical violations that are happening around the world.

After the explanation by the student panellists the platform was open for discussion and the other participants shared their thoughts and viewpoints and also their doubts on the topic.

Student Virtual Panel Discussion on “Corporate Advertising in the New Challenging Era”
The Department of Media Studies (PG) Kristu Jayanti college Bengaluru organised a virtual student panel discussion on the topic "Corporate Advertising: A Selling Strategy in Turbulent Times" on 26th November 2020.

The student panellists- Bal Francina, Aabha C.M, Senorita.S.Lakra and Shibin Thomas discussed various aspects of corporate advertising and its relevance to the current pandemic.

The panellists talked about the meaning of corporate advertising, its types, importance and controversies related to it as well. Bal Francina highlighted the relevance of corporate advertising during these difficult times. She explained how large corporations responded and did their part in helping those in need. Big corporations like Ford and SBI made substantial contributions as well as helped the communities impacted by the pandemic.

“We adopted the virtual panel discussions for the postgraduate students with an aim to nurture their public speaking skills. The Q & A discussion in the panel allows the panellists to creatively involve and engage with their peers. It also acts as a beautiful platform for the MA Journalism students to engage with people on various issues, and also gain experience in planning and facilitating an event. I am extremely happy with the efforts taken by the students to make effective discussions to empower themselves and others.” said Dr. Juby Thomas Programme Coordinator, Department of Media Studies.

"The panel discussion gave us insights about corporate advertising and its use in today's world. It was an in-depth discussion providing the tools and techniques used by companies to promote their identity and brand credibility", said Malavika Surendran, student, Department of Media Studies (PG).

The panel discussion ended with a Q & A session where the audience asked questions to the panelists regarding the subject and also added inputs from their side as well.

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