Department Webinars

International Webinar on Journalism beyond boundaries; Prospects and challenges
Department of Media Studies, Kristu Jayanti College, organised an international webinar on ‘Journalism beyond Boundaries: Prospects and Challenges’ on April 9, 2021. Ms Methil Renuka, Managing Editor, Forbes Africa and Forbes Women, was the virtual event’s resource person. Ms Renuka began her talk by sharing her thoughts on ‘journalism as a profession’. She stated that journalism is a solemn profession that offers the opportunity to meet significant changemakers worldwide. While talking about the dynamic changes unfolding in journalism, she said that “I think and it is my hope telling me that print media would survive in some form”. Mentioning news reporting, Renuka emphasised that “some of the greatest stories come up from the most unlikely places” where she opined that remarkable stories come from the undocumented and unsung people in one’s country.

Throughout her speech, she encouraged the budding journalist to think differently and think out of the box. She advised students that if they happen to meet an important person and get a chance to interview them, they should always ask the personality about their works and their impact on the world. Reflecting on how the media portrays Africa in front of the world, she said, “Media has portrayed Africa as a dark continent, but I have seen how beautiful this continent is. It is truly the next frontier”. The speaker also urged the participants that, in addition to covering glitz and glamour, one should also look for impelling stories that can change society as a journalist.

Further, Ms Renuka also spoke about the need for creating a gender-inclusive society. She ascertained that both men and women need to contribute to run the wheel of the economy, and she mentioned the existence of a lot of gender norms in the society that the journalists must break. Ms Renuka also urged everyone to think like a global citizen and to start embracing other cultures in the world. The resource person concluded her talk by advising students to ‘hit the ground running’ and develop their journalistic skills.

Webinar on Urban Strategies for Waste Management
The Department of Media Studies (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, organized a Webinar on Urban strategies for waste management on 28 September 2020. The objective of conducting the webinar was to understand in detail the strategies adopted for waste Management in India and the Gaps and challenges faced in practicing it.

Dr. Sonia Devi Henam, Deputy Program Manager, Centre for Science and Environment, Delhi, was the resource person of the Webinar. More than 50 participants, including the first and second year Post graduate students along with the faculty members from Media Studies and other departments attended the programme.

Dr. Sonia spoke about the issues, challenges and constraints of Sustainable Solid waste Management and the centralized and decentralized waste management technologies adopted by our Country. In her lecture Dr. Sonia emphasised on the need of segregation of waste and its importance. She opined that the fundamental component of waste management is segregation of dry and wet waste and Cities with high segregation levels are very high on the performance list. Dr. Sonia explained the various methods adopted by different states regarding waste management.

She also reminded the students the importance of reporting on environmental issues as the media plays an important role in making people aware about waste pollution and implementation of Waste Management in our Country.

Participants on their feedback for the programme commented that, the webinar was highly significant and informative. Dr. Sonia answered all the queries raised by the audience and It concluded with an interactive question and answer session.

Webinar on Media Reporting about Mental Health Issues
Industrial Visit Club in association with Department of Media Studies had organised a webinar on 19th September,2020 over zoom platform from 2.00 PM to 3.00 PM. The resource person for the webinar was Mr. Bharat Bhushan Shandilya who is presently the editor of Brut Hindi. He was a former production and programming Head Media at NEWJ and former Senior Asst. Producer at Republic TV. He shared his insights on the topic Media Reporting about Mental Health Issues.

Mr. Bharat spoke about mental health and how it is perceived in Indian context. He talked about social media responsibilities of each member of the society and how each member can shape a positive environment in social media. He further highlighted how the present mainstream news media lacks sympathy and often report suicide news with a touch of conspiracy.

172 attended the event. Participants of the webinar were thrilled to learn about the insight shared about the on-field experience of a media professional.

It was indeed a learning experience for all.

National Webinar: “Television in the Post Covid Era: An Indian Perspective”
Department of Media Studies organised National Webinar on 26 August 2020. Mr. Edwin Gracious Thomas, Senior Associate Editor of Assignment Desk, CNN News 18, New Delhi addressed the gathering on the topic “Television in the Post Covid Era: An Indian Perspective”.

The objective of the webinar was to understand the possibilities of Television, Journalism and Media in the post covid period.

Mr. Edwin spoke about the changes which Covid 19 has made to the society and added that television journalists weren’t much affected by the crisis. He opined that Covid 19 pandemic has opened new opportunities for students to take up online courses and other new skills. Mr. Edwin encouraged students to keep their options open by building their own brand and portfolio during this crisis period. During the interactive session Mr. Edwin reminded the audience to try and focus on new skills. He also added that efforts which we take during this period keep ourselves in the ‘game’.

Around 150 people across the nation participated in the webinar. Participants on their feedback for the programme commented that, the webinar was highly significant at this juncture when people are confined to their homes due to Covid pandemic. Mr. Edwin answered all the queries raised by the audience and made it a good interactive session.

National Webinar on World Sports Journalists Day-Prospectus and Challenges in Sports Journalism
National Webinar on World Sports Journalists Day-Prospectus and Challenges in Sports Journalism was organized by Department of Media Studies and Department of Physical Education, Kristu Jayanti College. The one day webinar scheduled on July 02, 2020 designed to enhance the Sports Journalists/Physical Education Directors / Teachers / Coaches / Sports Personnel at the College/School level. The event witnessed a participation of 612 delegates from across the globe, with delegates from different countries. International Webinar on World Sports Journalists Day-Prospectus and Challenges in Sports Journalism was inaugurated by Rev. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College. Father said that In sports journalism as technology introduced new developments like the radio, television and the internet, the focus of sports coverage shifted from the play by play to statistical analysis of the game and background pieces on the players. This was also coupled with a massive increase in sports amongst the general public. In the modern scenario sports students have lot of job opportunities in sports Journalism for the future.

The one day National Webinar had commenced with Introduction of the Speaker by Prof.Abraham Assistant Professor Department of Media Studies, Kristu Jayanti College. Followed by session was addressed by Ms.MANUAJ VERAPPA Assistant Editor, (Sports) The Times of India, Bengaluru. At the end of the session questions and answer by delegate, which was answered by the speaker.

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