Orientation Programme

Placement Orientation and Training Program for III Sem MA JMC
Date: 10 September 2024
The Department of Media Studies and the Centre for Employability and Corporate Relations (CECR) at Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, organised a ‘Placement Orientation and Training Program’ for third semester MA Journalism and Mass Communication students. The session was conducted on September -10, 2024. The session was handled by Prof. Sen B. Mathews, Director, Centre for Employment and Career Relations (CECR) at Kristu Jayanti College. Prof. Mathews provided valuable insights into the placement opportunities available to Mass Communication students and elaborated on the CECR's policies. The session also included practical advice on approaching interviews, with live demonstrations of self-introductions by students. This hands-on approach helped attendees gain a clearer understanding of effective communication strategies.

Placement Orientation and Training Programme (POTP)
Date: 30 August 2023
Centre of Employability and Corporate Research of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized a placement orientation and training programme (POTP) for the Second Year Students of Department of Media Studies. The resource persons of the day, Prof. Sen B. Matthews and Prof. Bijin Philip, briefed all the students about the functioning of the placement cell.

Prof. Bijin Philip explained the steps that students to follow in order to apply for the companies for GATE 2024. He explained the students as to how they need to build themselves in aptitude tests as well as logical reasoning, as these tests are the main foundation for the student to crack the interview format. He also spoke about the two important first steps the students need to keep in mind – first is to fill the master tracker form and second to fill the GATE registration form only if a student is interested in applying for placements from the college placement cell.

In the end of the discussion, Prof. Sen B Matthews motivated the students by explaining them how the college has been in connection with more than 200 companies and how the students can build and create themselves for a successful and better future. He also spoke about how students need to be confident in their career and how they need to be patient in order to build a better career for themselves. The orientation ended with the question and answer session.

Outcome-Based Education and Assessment
Date: 26/09/2022
The Department of Media Studies, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized a 2-hour orientation program on Outcome-based education and assessment on 26 September 2022. The orientation program was on the importance of goal-based education instead of grade based education system. The resource person was Dr. D Joseph Charles Tamilmaran, Assistant Professor, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous, K. Narayanpura, Bengaluru

Dr. D Joseph Charles Tamilmaran is specialized in the field of the Banking Industry and Teaching. An experienced Relationship Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the banking industry for seven and a half years with leading banks in India. Skilled in Customer Experience Management, Business Relationship Management, Retailing, Sales, Operations, and Customer service. Four and a half years of teaching experience in subjects like Retail Management, Service Marketing, and Business Analytics. He started the session by giving valuable insights on the importance of outcome-based education and assessment in the present scenario.

He elaborated on the construction of program outcomes and program-specific outcomes. Especially he concentrated on the part of mapping the system in OBE. He pointed out that NEP is considered one of the important initiatives taken by the Indian government to achieve skill-based education rather than the marks-based traditional method. He spoke about the different scaling systems in mapping the competencies in adopting Bloom’s taxonomy pattern. He also stressed the reason behind utilizing the rubrics in identifying the achievement of every student.

He explained that outcome-based education and assessment will help students to understand their level of learning and prepare themselves to set new goals. The session was very fruitful and Dr. D Joseph Charles Tamilmaran got a lot of positive feedback from the attendees. The lecture concluded with a question and answer session, which was as insightful and helpful as the whole session.

Dr. Ravi Kumar P, Assistant professor of the Department of Media Studies (PG) concluded the session with a vote of thanks.

Ideation to Incubation - Orientation Program on Journeying into an Entrepreneur
Date: 15/09/2022
Department of Media Studies and Department of English in association with Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) organized orientation program, for the first-year students on 15th September 2022. The resource person of the event was Dr. Ravindran D, Assistant Professor, School of Management; and Innovation Activity Coordinator of IIC.

Dr. Ravindran sensitized the students on the importance of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking. He oriented students on the various approaches towards pursuing your ideas and converting them into a profitable business. “The word entrepreneur itself derives from the French verb entreprendre, meaning “to undertake”; his team and the college is committed to aid and motivate young entrepreneurs” he added. Dr. Ravindran urged the students to be restless with ideas, and to be develop an imaginative approach to solving problems that tends to viewing life in a different way for others. Financial, marketing and technical aspects of entrepreneurship was also discussed at length during the session.

Paving The Way Ahead - Placement Orientation and Training Program
Date: 14/09/2022
Department of Media Studies and Department of Social Sciences in association with Centre for Employability and Corporate Relations (CECR) organised Placement Orientation and Training program, for the final year students on September 14, 2022. The resource person for the event was Mr. Sen. B. Mathews, Director, Centre for Employability and Corporate Relations (CECR), Kristu Jayanti College.

Prof. Sen. B. Mathews began his interactive program by laying out the options that a graduating student can choose from – continuing higher education, placements or opting for a work-and-study alternative. Emphasising on competency over grades, he described competency as “a combination of knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviour”. Further, he also elucidated on the importance of preparing for aptitude tests, and building all-round knowledge for a better group interview performance.

Prof. Sen also stated that students often lack understanding of how to sell oneself- “To sell, one needs to match. To match, one needs leadership.” An accurate self-assessment of one’s strengths and weaknesses paves way for enhanced understanding and presentation. Self- introduction is a crucial component of all interviews. A sincere greeting with warm expressions and eye contact can go a long way in forming a good impression. The resource person further outlined the right way to introduce oneself – begin with name and career objective, followed by one’s theoretical or practical understanding, in relation to what is mentioned in the job description. It is essential to align one’s resume with the employer’s expectations. The self- introduction further includes areas of interest, achievements, hobbies, family and reasoning behind wanting to work at the particular company/ organization. The resource person’s talk was followed by an interactive question and answer session with the students.

The session was an attempt to prepare the students for the internship and the upcoming placement processes. This session thoroughly energised the students to face the stresses of the placement process with a positive attitude.

Orientation Programme On Consultancy Servies
Date: 12/08/2022
The Department of Media Studies, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized a 1-hour orientation program on consultancy services. The orientation program was on the importance & applications of corporate training programs in the field of media. The resource person was Dr. Baba Gnanakumar, Director for Consultancy and Corporate Training, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) K. Narayanpura, Bengaluru.

Dr. Baba Gnanakumar is specialized in the field of Commerce. He received Gold Medal in Commerce from then President His Excellency K.R.Narayanan. He received awards for best research paper from IIM B and IIM K. He received distinguished faculty awards from ICMB, Hyderabad, AIMS international award, Venus international award, and Academic excellence awards (IBAE-2019: Dubai). He started the session by giving valuable insights on the importance of consultancy services in the development of the institution.

He elaborated on the three important types of consultancy, i.e., research-based, hackathon, and fellowship. He pointed out the consultancy services taken care of by Banaras Hindu University. He explained the concept of a digital advertising consultancy service. He spoke about Visualization, infographics, and media buzz survey with students. He also stressed general requirements for consultancy services like personal branding, utilizing the E-governance portal, and the PFMS portal.

He explained the IPR (Intellectual property rights) system in KJC. He also concentrated on fellowship-based consultancy services by ICSSR and UGC. The session was very fruitful and Dr. Baba Gnanakumar got a lot of positive feedback from the attendees. The lecture concluded with a question and answer session, which was as insightful and helpful as the whole session.

Mr. Vishnu Achutha Menon, Assistant professor of the Department of Media Studies (PG) concluded the session with a vote of thanks.

Placement Orientation- Jobs In the Media Industry
Department of Media Studies PG, Kristu Jayanti college, Autonomous, Bengaluru, in association with the Centre for Employability and Corporate Relations (CECR) organized a placement orientation-‘Jobs in the media industry on 12th September 2022 from 3.30 to 4:30 pm for the benefit of III Semester MAJMC Students in panel room 1, PG Block. The resource person for the program was Prof. Sen B. Mathews, Director, Centre for Employability & Corporate Relations (CECR). The program helped students to enhance their abilities, information, and procedures for appearing for job interviews, which would support them to seek job openings.

The main focus of conducting this session is to provide several pathways for seeking job opportunities. The pre-placement session aptitude exam, self-introduction, dress code, behavior style, and the importance of communication were all underlined by the resource person. The students must incorporate all of these standards in order to search for job opportunities with various firms. A mock group discussion conducted by Prof. Sen. B.Mathews made the session more attractive.

The workshop concluded with an interactive session in which the resource person answered all of the questions that the students had raised.

Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM