Date: March 16, 2022
The Department of Media Studies (PG) conducted a virtual International Media Conference on the "Role of Media in Sustainable Development" on March 16th, 2022. The inaugural function was held at the SKE auditorium in the college and journalism students along with faculties and other participants from various courses were also present. The attendees witnessed an enlightening inaugural address delivered by the Chief Guest for the day Dr. Niranjana, Vice-Chancellor of Bengaluru North University.
Rev. Fr. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), emphasized the United Nations' sustainable development projects and their relevance in the future in his presidential address. Prof Abraham, Coordinator, Department of Media Studies (UG) briefed the events lined up for the day. He provided a detailed profile of the keynote speakers and paper presenters of the conference. Dr. Niranjana’s remarkable speech stated that the media have a responsibility to report on developmental topics in a proactive manner. He highlighted though social media is reliable, one should exercise caution when utilizing the platform, especially those who are the journalists – the future content makers. His words left a very strong impact on the students since he discussed the shift in the industry. He concluded his words motivating the future journalists to be the best version of themselves to build a developmental society. The Vice-Chancellor was honored in the inaugural ceremony and Dr. Juby Thomas, Coordinator, Department of Media Studies (PG) delivered the Vote of Thanks.
The inauguration was followed by the first keynote session at 11.30 AM. The speaker for the session was Dr. Abhijit Ghosh, Dean, Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Lincoln University College, Malaysia. He talked about the role of media in sustainable development by revisiting the importance of technology. The interactive section helped the paper presenters and participants to understand the dimensions in which technology has taken over the media industry. He also talked about the need for engaging technology for the self-sustainability and development of a nation.
The afternoon session was initiated by the second keynote session on Investigative Journalism: A Critical Tool in Sustainable Development. The keynote speaker was Mr. Josy Joseph, a prominent investigative journalist and the founder and CEO of The Confluence Media, Delhi. The session focused on the importance of new journalistic skills in journalism. Investigative journalism is a powerful weapon to fight corruption and injustice and therefore helpful in initiating growth and development. “Citizen Journalism and big data analysis have contributed a lot of new opportunity to the investigative journalist to ensure the development and sustainability of a democratic system”, Josy added.
The keynote sessions were followed by the paper presentation which was held in 5 parallel panel sessions. There were 47 research papers by academicians, professionals, research scholars, industry experts, and students. The papers cover a wide range of themes in mass communication and provide multiple ways in which how a sustainable economy can be maintained in the media stream. The recommendations of the paper were an insight to future researchers to focus on the UN initiatives in sustainable development goals and how media can be the part and parcel of the initiative. The one-day conference was insightful providing a platform for the exchange of knowledge and to find new methodologies for a sustainable future in media and social development.
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication organized a guest lecture on ‘ Advanced Digital Photography’ on October 26, 2018. Mr. Sumesh Senan, Entrepreneur - Expert in Video Production & Professional Photographer, Clicksmiths, spoke on the technical nuances required for industrial photography. In his lecture, Mr. Senan highlighted the deeper understanding of lighting and spoke on the use of reflectors in photography. The session also provided an interactive platform for students of MA JMC to explore a deeper knowledge of photography.
The Department of Mass communication and Journalism organized a rural exposure program for the first and second year postgraduate students on 27 February 2018. Students visited Byalahalli, a village located at Kolar District. The day began with a formal session with the teachers and the students in the government school. Drawing, craft and sports competitions were conducted for the students in the school. Journalism students made all possible ways to create awareness on various safety tips and conducted sessions on spoken English and ethical values.
In the afternoon students were split into various groups and went to each house in the village and conducted a media exposure survey. The program ended with a valedictory session at 4.00 Pm in the school and Prof. Juby Thomas distributed prizes to the school children.
Department of Journalism and Mass communication organized a one day national conference on Contemporary Discourses: Media, Gender and Culture was organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication on February 16, 2018. Miss Dhanya Rajendra, Managing Editor of The News Minute was the Chief Guest. She spoke about the changing role of women in media. “Although there is an increase in the number of women journalists, what we need are more women in decisive roles within media organizations. Journalists should be hired on the basis of the skill in gathering and reporting the truth rather than because of their gender”, said Miss Rajendra.Dr. Akkai Padmashali, Guest of Honour, leading Transgender Social Activist and Founder, Ondende opened up a broader outlook towards the field of Journalism and said, “Journalism is not just about the stories you cover, it is about the issues that you stand for and its overall impact. The time has come to speak the Journalism and Politics of love, acceptance and development”. The conference further had elaborative and profound talks given by the technical session speakers.
“Journalists need to be the smartest kids”
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication organized a guest lecture as part of the international lecture series on “The Weaponization and Victimization of the media” on February 12, 2018. Dr. Stefanie Pukallus, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism Studies, University of Sheffield, UK, was the speaker of the day.
The session dealt with various aspects of global media covering the recent trends like partisan reporting, fake news, hate speech, political agenda that turns down the ethical belief in journalism all over the world. The cornerstone of Dr. Stephanie’s lecture was letting know the students as how media acts as a weapon and victim at the same time.
The young future journalists were left with an unavoidable question quoted by her “Do you publish or don’t you?” the answer lies with you!
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication organized a Guest Lecture on ‘News, News Maker, News Anchor- Modern Trends on January 31, 2018. Dr. Biju Alappat, Former Reporter BBC, Former Reporter Vatican Radio and Former director for News Jeevan TV was the Speaker for the Day. He highlighted on the recent trends in the broadcast industry and changing role of the definition of news.
The Post Graduate Students of Department of Journalism and Mass Communication attended a Guest Lecture on January 16, 2018 at Kristu Jayanti College. Prof. K.V Nagaraj, Former Vice-Chancellor of Assam Central University, Silchar was the resource person who addressed the students on the topic ‘Journalism as Profession and Trends in Communication’. Professor began the session by giving an overview of his career aspects as a Journalists and Teacher in the field of Indian Journalism. He emphasized that arrival of television has trivialized and changed the face of Journalism. From information age society, Journalism and individuals have moved to knowledge upwards that has resulted in Digital Divide in society.
Faculty Development Programme
The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication organised one-day Faculty Development Programme on ‘Research in Media and Communication’ for Journalism faculty members on January 16, 2018. Prof K V Nagaraj, Former Vice-Chancellor, Assam Central University was the resource person. He addressed the importance of quality media research, publishing research scholar papers in International quality journals, research language and enhancing reputation as a researcher. The session focused on different formats of qualitative and quantitative research.
Media Veteran Mr. John Thomas interacted with the Journalism students
Department of Journalism and Mass communication organized an interaction with Mr John Thomas, Former Editor Vijay Times, and Consultant Editor International Business Times on September 23, 2017 Monday for the first and second year post graduation students. He addressed the students on: Media bashing and Attacks on the credibility of journalists. Is there something we are missing?
The session began with the rural and urban divide in India through media’s perspective, and the importance of films in creating an impact for rural aspiration value, he also spoke about the lack of exposure of rural struggles in today’s Indian media and how different news channels cover news stories from diverse perspectives.
“Today most of the news stories are gathered by urban thoughts and it is the employed editors who decides on the news stories which has to appear in the front page of the newspapers and further added that major portions in a newspaper is filled with advertisements than news,” opined Mr. Thomas. He also highlighted the difference of a Journalist and an Activist, and also gave a brief idea on how Newspaper organisations were started in Bangalore
“The session was inspiring and informative as the students could interact and accumulate in depth knowledge on the topic,” said Nikhil P Sam a Second-year postgraduate student of Journalism and Mass Communication.
An interaction with the Indian film Director Kranti Kannade
The department of Journalism and Mass Communication organized an interaction with the Indian film Director Mr. Kranti Kanade on 18 September 2017 at 2:00 PM. “The cinema should not be about the majority viewers, it should consider the common man, it should reflect reality, and go beyond the commercial interest,” opined Mr. Kranti.
Kranti kanade is an Indian filmmaker whose films include CRD, Gandhi of the month, Mahek and Chaitra which got five national awards ‘the session was very interactive. The guest kept the crowd engaged. More than being monotonous he cracked jokes lighting up the mood,” said Divya KS, a first year Journalism student.
Guest Lecture on ‘An Introduction: Media Literacy and Media Evaluation’
The Department of English (PG) in collaboration with the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, organized a guest lecture on ‘An Introduction: Media Literacy and Media Evaluation’, Dr. Martin Lang, Associate Professor, Media Gender and Communication Studies at Minnesota, U.S.A addressed the students. Dr. Martin Lang enlightened the students on how the media functions and plays with the minds of the public, depending upon the stereotypical thinking and cultural upbringing through a power point presentation on, ‘A critical theory for representation in the media’. He also mentioned about how well we can be aware and spread awareness about the impact it has, by being critically detached as we all watch media.
An interaction with the Ramnath Goenka Award winner
The students of MA Mass Communication and Journalism, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore had the privilege for an interaction with Ms. Nileena Atholi, the Ramnath Goenka Award winner. Ms. Nileena is currently working as the Sub editor with Mathrubhumi. Her interaction was on various topics ranging from the challenges she faced while covering a series on the plight of transgender to working for the deprived in the society.
Ms. Nileena gave the students insights on how to approach people especially the neglected, the human consideration that one needs to hold as a media person, the profound research that becomes vital for publishing articles and many more.
Her composed and dignified demeanor added with courage surely sets an inspiration for the upcoming journalists and for the media persons. She urged the students to be more cautious on using certain terms that socially define a particular person, gender or a community.