
Professor S. Sadagopan
Director IIIT-B

Vichaarmanthan had again brought a very eminent visionary in the jayantian campus, who had sealed every possible aspect in the field of IT, Prof. S Sadagopan, Director IIIT-B

During his address to the students he focused on reminding the new generation about the changes that has occurred with the growth of technology. He emphasized on the fact that, how the field of education has transformed with upcoming of new technologies like LMS (Learning Management System) and OCW (Open Course Ware). Sir, also spoke about how technology has taken a new motive of being "Global" in outlook but addressing "Local" problems, given birth to a new terminology "GLOCAL"

Sir, gave glimpses about the upcoming technologies like iLab, MOOC (Massive Open Online course ), Radix learning and Exampad. His explanation about the 4 L's of learning was much appreciated by the audience. The 4 L's were Lecturers, Laboratories, Library and Life.

Later on while answering to a question by a student Sir, gave one more "L" of learning ie. Liberation. His speech was amazingly interesting and churned quite a few minds among the audience, who came up with excellent questions such as "Why people blame Facebook?" Facebook- be used to an extent to improve and share knowledge with a learning process

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