
Justice Shri Kurian Joseph
Judge Supreme Court of India

Title: Fundamental Duties
Date: 21.01.2017
Classes Attended & Number of students benefited: II MCA, MBA and BA(Political Science)
List of Resource Persons with details:
Justice Shri Kurian Joseph, Judge Supreme Court of India
Objective of the Vichaarmanthan session is an interactive program organized by the Kristu Jayanti College, where students are exposed to Indian and Global visionaries. Vichaarmanthan literally means churning of ideas, and exactly this happens through the fruitful discussions

On the occasion of the 32nd edition of Vichaarmanthan organized by Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous on 22nd January 2017, the MCA, MBA, BA (Political Science & Journalism) students had the opportunity to interact with the esteemed Judge of the Supreme Court of India-Justice Shri Kurian Joseph.

The event was titled on the theme 'Fundamental Duties'. The Honorable Justice emphasized the importance of the duties and responsibilities associated with being a citizen of India. He spoke on the need of considering the fundamental duties as our individual responsibilities and adopting them in our day to day life. He echoed a theme which is quite the need of the hour in our society, to raise our voice in a chorus against people and activities, and neglect of the fundamental duties. He pointed out that this would encourage a behavioral change, objectivity and sensitivity, contributing to a better society. He narrated an incident where a young individual questioned his intervention when he was being reminded to comply with a law of the country. The phrase 'being ignorant of the law' quite often voiced by individuals in the society seem to be farcical as it's a duty of a citizen to educate themselves on the laws that govern their country of residence. Never has this been more important as the country is evolving through myriad changes in politics, economics and culture.

The Honourable Justice interacted with students and answered many interesting queries raised by the students. The interaction with Justice Kurian Joseph reiterated that Fundamental Duties in the Constitution of our country could help in balancing the rights of its citizens and further make them more responsible towards the country's development.

The Deanery of Science co-ordinated in planning and organizing the 32nd edition of Vichaarmanthan.

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