
Dr. Srinivas Melkote,
Professor Emeritus, School of Media and Communication, Bowling Green State University, USA

“Role and Place of Communication in Development: Implications for the Field'' - 44th Edition of Vichaarmanthan”: VICHAARMANTHAN
The Department of Media Studies, Kristu Jayanti College organised the 44th edition of Vichaarmanthan with the theme on “Role and Place of Communication in Development: Implications for the Field'' on December 18, 2020. Dr. Srinivas Melkote, Professor Emeritus, School of Media and Communication, Bowling Green State University, USA was the chief speaker.

The Department of Media Studies, Kristu Jayanti College organises the prestigious “Vichaarmanthan” programme every year, inviting dynamic global and Indian visionaries to impart insightful knowledge and generate stimulating dialogues on the significant role of media and communication in the contemporary society

Fr. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College greeted the chief guest and various dignitaries, professors, and students from across the country who attended the session through the Zoom platform.

Dr. Shilpa Rao, Professor, Department of Management and Coordinator, Literary and Cultural Organization, Kristu Jayanti College, welcomed the gathering.

Giving a historical background to the principle of development communication and its relevance, Dr. Srinivas said there are certain limitations to the various paradigms of development in the past and there is a need to address the problems with the current changing scenario. Highlighting development at the most basic level of improvement in the living conditions of people, he pointed out two parameters of development-‘access to resources’ and ‘improving human capability to enjoy the good things in life’.

Emphasizing on the relevance of communication for development, he said ‘today, the field of development is satisfying and thriving, and is still based on access to resources’. He further said communication plays a very important role in our social and cultural transmission. He emphasized on how media and communication play an important role in reducing the problems relating to empowerment and inequality. Dr. Srinivas enlightened students on the importance of political, social, and cultural awareness in the development process.

The lecture sparked many interesting questions from the participants and provided a dynamic discussion among the expert and the participants. After the talk, iCAN, an e-magazine prepared by final year MA in Journalism and Mass Communication (MA JMC) students was published online by chief guest Dr.Srinivas and Dr. Augustine George, Principal of Kristu Jayanti College. The e-magazine covers a wide range of articles on various aspects of COVID-19 and provides invaluable information about the pandemic at the individual and community level.

Vichaarmanthan 2020 was concluded with the vote of thanks delivered by Dr. Juby Thomas, Program Coordinator, Department of Media Studies (PG).

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