
Dr Rathan Kelkar
CEO, Center for E- Governance, Government of Karnataka

Date: 27.07.2015 ------ Time: 11:00 am 1:00 pm

The Department of Computer Science (PG) conducted the 24th edition of Vichaarmanthan (2015-2016) for all PG students on Governance at your fingertips. Dr Rathan Kelkar, CEO, Center for E- Governance, Government of Karnataka, was the Chief Guest for the twenty fourth edition of Vicharmanthan - an interactive series with Indian and Global visionaries on July 27, 2015.

The session was overall made very interactive by allowing the students to ask few questions related to the inconvenience caused by the Government to the public. The questions were more focused on corruption, traffic, road conditions and the relevant replies for each of the problems were clearly discussed by the Chief Guest.

After the interactive session Mr. Kelkar took us through the presentation slides. He introduced a new mobile application called MOBILEONE which was developed as a major project for the welfare of the public. The various functionalities of the application like the traffic alert, weather forecasting, the details about the farmers land which was sent as a message to each farmer were explained in detail. The various facilities like Bangalore One provided by the government to the public were also educated to us. The overall session was very interactive and helped us to know the initiatives taken by Government in promoting e governance to the daily life of common public.

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