
Dr. K. Kasturirangan
Member Planning Commission, Government of India, Chairman Jawaharlal Nehru University

Dr. K. Kasturirangan "India has all the potential and unlimited opportunities to make a global impact" said Dr. K. Kasturirangan while addressing the gathering on the Vichaarmanthan at Kristu Jayanti College on 9th February. Vichaarmanthan is a platform for the students of Kristu Jayanti College to interact with the global and Indian visionaries and churn their thoughts to bring the best idea into reality. Padma Vibushan Dr. K. Kasturirangan, member Planning Commission, Government of India, Chairman Jawaharlal Nehru University was the chief guest of the 15th edition of Vichaarmanthan. Rev. Fr. Jose P.J, Principal & Financial Administrator; Rev. Fr. Augustine George, Head of Computer science Department, Prof. Jeo Joy, Prof. Anita, Staff Coordinators , Computer science Department; and Ms. Sadia Fudoos, Student Coordinator of Computer science Department were also present.

Padma Vibushan Dr. K. Kasturirangan enlightened the crowd with his view about what changed our country after independence and how India can develop a new holistic perspective. Our country has remarkable growth of 8% in GDP index. "It shows we have grown a lot. We have grown in investment and there is more scope in our country" said Dr. Kasturirangan. Indian needs overall development not only in technology but even in the spheres of food, water, education and medicine. He discussed the possibility of India in emerging as the world's third largest economic power by 2025.

Dr. K. Kasturirangan inspired the youth of country to pursue research in scientific field and come out the conventional educational system. He emphasised that overall development in our country can be achieved only by the promotion of science and technology in the field of education, health, energy, water and so on. The science and research create lot of opportunities for the young generation to study about this field and bring development by overcoming the challenges. Science kindles your imagination. Specialisation helps in nation development and better living conditions. Each career is multidimensional and is not confined into itself observed Dr. K. Kasturirangan.

Dr. K. Kasturirangan has shared his experience in research and work in ISRO with the students and stimulated their interest in research area. He explained the limitation of conventional education and the unlimited scopes of borderline studies. The emerging borderline studies provide the convergence of two or more conventional area that is more challenging and exciting. "This is the most interesting era to get into the career of your choice. With the transmission of culture, lifelong learning, the opportunities our country gives and the excitement it provides, sky is the limit" said Dr. K. Kasturirangan.

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