MA English Literature
The Masters programme in English Literature was introduced in the year 2015 as a part of the Department of Humanities. Within a span of two years, it was able to create a niche of its own and the Department of English (PG) established its independent identity in the year 2017. The Department strives to provide a nurturing ground for students providing them opportunities to be creative, resourceful and dynamic. The Department is committed to expose the students to a learning environment that supports growth as individuals and professionals.
The Masters programme is a two year course aimed with the objective of familiarizing students to a wide gamut of emerging areas of literary study, to inculcate in them an essence of critical exploration and develop their analytical and ingenious aptitudes. The programme offers an advanced course of study in British Literature, American literature, Indian Writing in English along with the emerging areas of literary studies inclusive of Postcolonial Literature, Subaltern Literature, Literature from the Diaspora, Indian Literatures in Translation, World Literature, Russian Literature, French Literature and Literary Theory and Criticism. These various branches of literature will help to inculcate in them an essence of critical exploration and scholarly practices. The programme also provides domain specific specialisations on English Language Teaching and Linguistics to help students gain a better understanding of the structure of language, its changes over time across social situations and groups.
The Department fosters, facilitates and inspires students with creative and critical thinking focusing on holistic development. The mission of the Department is to introduce students to cutting-edge erudition and scholarly activity in order to provide an avenue to seek a career in teaching and literary learning by developing strong methodological skills and diverse critical and theoretical approaches.