Commemorative Events

Freedom Canvas (India’s Roadmap to 2047: Sustainable Development and National Progress)
Date: 15 August 2024
Freedom Canvas (India’s Roadmap to 2047: Sustainable Development and National Progress) is a poster making competition to celebrate the Independence Day. The main objective of the competition is to inculcate spirit of patriotism and nationalism among the students. The event was exclusively conducted for the students of English Department. Participants were made to create handmade posters in chart paper highlighting India’s development and progress in various fields. Participants were asked to submit any number of posters made of charts.

Skill Enhancement Programme - Celebrate Freedom
Date: 12 to 15 August 2024
The Department of English Literary Association Krysolite,Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bangalore, celebrated Independence Day by conducting various competitions for the students of MA English between 12th August to 15th August, 2024. Four events were held as a part of the programme. The events included Essays of Freedom (Essay writing competition), Frames of Freedom (Movie screening), Tunes of Freedom (Singing competition), and Freedom Quiz. The first event conducted was Essays of Freedom (Essay writing competition) on the 12th of August 2024 for the students of II MA English. The venue was the Admin block library at 12 pm. A total of seven students participated in the competition. The topic for the essay writing competition was “The Role of Art and Culture in Nation-Building”. Dr. Edwin Meschach judged the entries. The second event was the Frames of Freedom (Movie screening) on the 13th of August, 2024. The patriotic movie “Uri: The Surgical Strike” was screened for the II MA English students. The venue for the event was Conclave Hall in the Admin block. The event was from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm. Later, the students were asked to share their critical analysis on the movie’s impact on them through a Google form. The third event conducted was the Tunes of Freedom (Singing competition) on 14th August 2024 from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm at the Admin Block A2 Audi. Solo singing and group singing competitions were conducted. There were 8 participants for solo singing and 3 groups for group singing. The judges for the event were Dr. Samjaila TH and Dr. Steffi Santana Mary. The final event conducted was the Freedom Quiz on the 15th of August, 2024. The competition was an E-Quiz. A Google form’s link was circulated among the students on the morning of Independence Day. The submission deadline for the E-Quiz was 8.00 pm. There was a total of 52 participants and all received participation certificates. The result of the competition was announced on the Department of English's Instagram page. The results of the competition were as follows:

The Independence Day events conducted from 12th August to 15th August successfully instilled a sense of patriotism among the students. The faculty coordinator for the event was Dr. Giftsy Dorcas E, and the student coordinators were: Ms. Sagarika U K(23MENG37), Ms. Anna Mariya (23MENG15) and Ms. Achsah Matthew (23MENG02) of II MA English Literature.

Skill Enhancement Programme - Book Reading Marathon
Date: 09 August 2024
National Book Lover’s Day, is celebrated every year on August 9th. It is a special occasion dedicated to promote reading and literature on the whole. The Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru, conducted a programme, “Book Reading Marathon” on 9th August 2024 which engaged the II MA English students. The programme aimed at immersing the students in the act of reading and challenged them to complete as many books as possible within the allotted time. The programme began at 1:40 pm under the guidance of Dr. Giftsy Dorcas E and lasted till 4:30 which offered a platform for continuous reading. The books read by the students included a diverse genres. The book reading marathon featured readings from Snow White, Berenstein Bears, The Ginger Bread Man (Children’s story), The Adventures of Little Peachling (Japanese folktales), God of Arepo (Web comic), Tales From the Café. A total of seventeen stories, including one poem were read by the students. The reading process involved students taking turns to read the books aloud. They engaged in doodling as they listened to the stories. The students were then divided into seven groups. They were allowed to choose a book each and were given 20 minutes to read and engage with the book. Then the students presented their interpretation of the stories they read. One group rapped the story, some groups narrated the stories as a skit, some presented their own version of the story, thereby presenting a variety of themes including deforestation, tribal issues etc. The group activity helped the students create a sense of community among themselves by sharing a common passion for literature. The programme as a whole was a profound success, developing in the students a deep sense of love towards reading and it was marked as a fruitful event which could be looked upon annually.

Kut Of Telongjem- A Celebration of North East India
Date: 25 March 2024
On 25th of March 2024, Dr. Sikha Das and Dr. Samjaila TH, Assistant Professors, Kristu Jayanti College, conveyed a comprehensive and enlightening presentation, providing valuable insights and information on “Kut of Telongjem”, North Eastern culture diversity and innovation. The key focus of their presentation was a brief introduction about North East culture and their traditions. Dr. Sikha Das delivered an insightful presentation on the vibrant tapestry of Assamese culture and its cherished traditions, while Dr. Samjaila TH provided an engaging discourse on the cultural nuances and heritage of Nagaland and Manipur.

Representatives from each team representing the diverse regions of North East India stepped forward to enlighten guests about their vibrant cultures. Particularly, students from Meghalaya captivated the audience with a traditional dance performance and melodious song from their tribe. Additionally, a compelling exhibition showcasing the unique aspects of each North Eastern state, curated by students pursuing MA in English Literature, garnered significant acclaim, marking it as a resounding success.

Women Of Letters E-Quiz on Women Writers & Works Celebrating International Women’s Day
Date: March 08, 2024
In commemoration of International Women’s Day (March 8th, 2024), the Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College , Autonomous, Bengaluru, organised a quiz competition focused on women writers in English literature. International Women’s Day is a global celebration of women’s achievements and a call for continued progress towards equality. English literature boasts a rich history of incredible female writers who have shaped the way we see the world. This event aimed to celebrate the significant contributions of women to the literary landscape and to encourage students to explore the diverse voices and perspectives they offer. The quiz was administered through a Google form consisting of fifty questions. The quiz covered the women writers and their works in English literature through different ages. The quiz generated a positive response with students actively participating. Students showcased their knowledge of women’s literature and gained exposure to a wider range of female authors.

International Mother Language Day
Date: February 21, 2024
Department of English celebrated International Mother Language Day on 21 February 2024 to address linguistic diversity and promote the importance of preserving and fostering mother languages worldwide. A unique and enriching celebration that embraced linguistic diversity within their classroom was conducted by the II Semester PYEN (Psychology, English) students. To make the celebration inclusive and representative, students from diverse linguistic backgrounds were selected to speak to the class about their mother tongue. These students were chosen based on their willingness to share their cultural experiences, traditions, and the significance of their native language in their mother tongue. A video was created to celebrate beyond borders and embrace the beauty of linguistic diversity. The video featured students speaking in their mother tongues, and sharing their pride and joy in using their mother tongues. It sparked conversations about the importance of preserving mother languages, fostering cultural appreciation, and building bridges of understanding within the academic community. The event helped to promote cultural understanding, celebrate individual identities, and create a space for students to share their linguistic heritage.

Panel Discussion on the occasion of International Day of Social Justice
Date: February 20, 2024
The UNAI HUB FOR SDG-1 in association with the Department of English and the Department of Social Work, organised a Panel discussion on Reducing Inequalities and Addressing Intersectionalities on 20th Feb, 2024 in A3Auditorium, Admin Block. The event commemorated the International Day of Social Justice. The moderator for the discussion was Ms. Flora Maculay, Communication Strategist, Social Worker, Bangalore. The panel consisted of six students from I MA English and MSW. Firstly, Mr. Amos Rudhay from I MA English led the panel discussion. Speaking at a time when nationalism is viewed as an independent enterprise, he discussed how citizenship should be viewed as a participatory dimension. Ms. Riya Shaji Mathew from I MSW was the second speaker on the panel. In addition to highlighting the importance of employment and initiatives like the Poverty Eradication Strategy, she also discussed the social service sector and reinforced the idea that gender inequities are not taken seriously. The subsequent speaker was Ms. Christian Freya Davis from I MA English. She enumerated the ways that ‘education’ contributes to discrimination in rural and urban areas, and that opportunities and curriculum are not improved for members of the ST, SC, and OBC castes. Ms. Roopashree S, the fourth panellist, underscored the pervasive disparities. Ms. Roopashree S, the fourth panellist, called attention to the disparities that exist within the ‘Family’. She brought attention to the risk of domestic abuse within the family. The financial crisis and generational divides were cited as contributing factors. Subsequently, Ms. Tanvi Stella Balmuchu, MA English, expounded on the concept of ‘Gender Intersectionalities’. She recounted past occurrences, particularly the discrimination and lack of opportunities faced by African American women. In the fields of criminal justice, education, and healthcare, women still experience marginalisation and identity difficulties. The final participant from I MSW Ms. Deborah Davis underlined how discrimination resulting from uneven pay affects firms' policies about promotions for both men and women. In comparison, women receive 14% fewer promotions than men in same circumstances. To ensure that there is no more disparity in the political and entertainment industries, fair pay and benefits as well as flexible work arrangements were emphasised. Each topic covered by the panellists has intersections, as the moderator, Ms. Flora Maculay, pointed out. To address the problem of disparities in all disciplines, she emphasised the importance of education and social consciousness. The event threw light on many problems and obstacles associated with inequality and the pressing necessity to prioritise human life. The UN's 17 SDG Goals were also to be accomplished by "Leaving No One Behind."

Kristu Jayanti College Celebrates National Youth Day
Date: January 12, 2024
The Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, organized, ‘In Conversation with an Author’, with the renowned Tibetan Poet, Tenzin Tsundue to celebrate National Youth day on 12 January, 2024 to mark the determination and zeal of youth.

Through wit and humour, he examined the pressures and anxieties of writing, which deeply resonated with the students, many opined their inhibitions and lack of motivation that hindered their process of writing. The session provided an opportunity for students to navigate through their own uncertainties and queries regarding subjects of linguistic and cultural gaps in translated works, the multitudes of identities and the domination of English as a medium to bridge the gap between the native language and the lingua franca.

The interactive session on writing and resistance examined key points such as writing as a tool of advocacy, representation and as a voice for change. According to him, the universal truth of poetry is its ability to transform, touch and empower lives. Tsundue’s talk truly captured the essence of literature in its capacity to shape and define young minds.

Global Media and Information Literacy Week
Date: October 27 to 31, 2023
Department of English in collaboration with Library and Information Centre celebrated Global Media and Information Literacy Week from 27/10/2023 to 31/10/2023. In this Global Media and Information Literacy Week, the event coordinators Dr.N.Kaushi Reddy, Assistant Professor of English and Dr. N.Ravikumar, Assistant Professor of English organized Book Review Session, Book Release Session, Book Exhibition Literary and Theory Review. Students from various departments contributed their roles through writing reviews on their own interest literary works. In Book Review Session Dr. Ruth Magdalene, Assistant Professor of English, Dr. Anindita Chowdhury, Assistant Professor of English, and Mr.Blesson Varghese, II BA English Literature were the authors of the session. The authors briefly narrate about their books. It went on interactive session between students and authors. In this all events more 160 students got benefitted.

World Students’ Day
Date: October 18, 2023
On commemorating World Students’ Day, the department of English organized “Ingenium: Reel making Competition” on 18th of October. The theme was “Student’s Creativity: Expectation vs. Reality”. The competition was open to all the Jayantians. The competition was an initiative to use various techniques in the digital platform to showcase their creativity. The students brought out thoughtful videos based on their creativity. The students participated with great zeal and enthusiasm. The judgement was based on the content and creativity.

Igniting Minds E-Quiz
Date: October 15, 2023
The Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, organised an E-Quiz- Igniting Minds. The quiz was organised to commemorate the birthday of the former President of India, Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam. Dr. Kalam was an exceptional scientist, president and human being.

This quiz was an attempt to remember this great leader on his birthday. The quiz included thirty multiple-choice questions formatted in a Google Form. The quiz was open to all Jayantian students. It tested the students on their knowledge about the life, works and achievements Dr. Kalam. The quiz was a successful event that helped to raise awareness about Dr. Kalam's life and legacy among college students. The e- quiz was an informative event that benefited the participating students.

“Kavya Likhati: Tanka Penning Challenge”
Date: October 02 to 05, 2023
On commemorating Gandhi Jayanti, the department of English organized “Kavya Likhati: Tanka Penning Challenge” from 2nd of October to 5th of October. The competition was open to all Jayantians. The competition was an initiative to introduce the genre Tanka and encourage the students as they can easily come up with their short poems. There were twenty two participants on the whole. The judgement was based on the content, writing style and creativity.

Scrolling Gandhi- Microtales Writing Contest
Date: October 02, 2023
The Department of English organised a micro tales writing contest “Scrolling Gandhiji” on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. The contest was aimed at encouraging students to learn more about Gandhi's life and legacy, and to express their understanding of his teachings creatively and engagingly. Participants were required to submit a micro tale of up to 50 words on any of the given topics: 1) "In a gentle way you can shake the world." 2) "A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes." The micro tales contest on Mahatma Gandhi was a successful event that helped to raise awareness about Gandhi's life and legacy among college students. It also provided an opportunity for the students to express their understanding of Gandhi's teachings in a creative and engaging way.

Book Besties
Date: September 08, 2023
Department of English organises Book Besties in commemorating the International Literacy Day on 8th September, 2023. This event is about; students are willing to share the books or introduce the books to their own friends to evoke the curiosity in their thoughts towards reading. Students were actively participated in this event and experienced the knowledge of sharing; what they read in the particular books and make their friends to do the same things what they have gained with their books. Sharing books also helps with talking, listening, and communication skills and also encourages imagination, curiosity, and emotions.

Masters of Grandiloquence: India’s Supremo in Global Relations
Date: August 16, 2023
“An eloquent speech does not reach from the lips to the ears rather it reaches from heart to heart”. To hear out the eloquent and heart to heart speech of the students, the Department of English organized an oratory competition, “Masters of Grandiloquence: India’s Supremo in Global Relations” on 16th of September 2022. The competition was organized in order to commemorate the Independence Day. The competition was conducted for the students of B.A. English Literature. The parameters for the judgement was content, confidence, presentation, creativity, eloquence and pronunciation. The participants exhibited their oratory skill with zeal and enthusiasm.

E-Quiz: She Said What? - International Women’s Day
Date: March 08, 2023
On 8th of March 2023 the Department of English organized the literary association programme Celebrating International Women's Day, for the students of the Department of English by the students of 1MA English. The event encompassed all of the students present there and was highly fascinating and enjoyable.To celebrate this woman's day, the quiz was embezzled with all the iconic quotes by some of the very female writers of the world and the students were given the task to identify to whom the very iconic quotes. The E-QUIZ: She Said What? Was a special initiative by the students of 1MAEL students of the English Department to celebrate women writers and their achievements and to also erudite students with the very poignant quotes they wrote down which went onto make history.The whole event was planned to imbibe the very spirit of women who achieved great things through their words. The program ended with a photo session to celebrate the successful accomplishment of the event conducted and coordinated by the student MA English along with the help of the respective faculty members.

E-Quiz - “Road to Republic”
Date: January 26, 2023
On the 26th of January 2023, the Department of English organized a Quiz for students of 1st M.A English Literature to enrich students with knowledge about Republic Day. This program was well coordinated by the teachers of the department itself. The quiz not just gave the chance for the students to showcase their general knowledge but also for gaining new information about republic day. The students gathered in Class 403, 1st MA English Literature, Admin block. The event began at 02:40 pm and was attended by PG students of first-year MA English Literature. The students were given limited time to complete the Quiz and all participants were able to gain insights and understand the significant contributions of the Indians.

Let Republic Day - Report on Letter Writing Contest – “Dear India”
Date: January 26, 2023
The main aim of the contest was to inculcate and nurture a sense of belonging as citizens of the nation and work through an imaginative response as India celebrates Republic Day. To commemorate Republic Day on 26th January 2023, the Department of English (UG) organized a letter writing contest for all English major students. The students participated in the competition and submitted their responses through a Google Form. The winner was picked after scrutiny.

Bookmark Making Contest & Book Spine Poetry - Book Week November 2022
Date: November 25, 2022
To celebrate the joy of books and reading, the Department of English conducted two events - bookmark making contest and book spine poetry to observe Book Week November 2022. The contests were open to all undergraduate students and saw active participation from many. The bookmark making contest required students to use a favourite quote from a book to create unique bookmarks with their creativity and originality. The completed bookmarks were dropped in a box kept in the Department of English. Students from all deaneries took an active part.

Book Spine poetry Contest was the second event open to all students and was to be submitted online. The contest required the participants to submit a poem made out of book spine titles alone. A pile of books need to be stacked and the photo taken and submitted as an entry for the same. The google form link was shared in class groups and this event also witnessed active participation. Winners will be provided a certificate from the department.

Photography Contest - Commemorating Gandhi Jayanti
Date: October 03, 2022
The objective of the contest was to commemorate Gandhi Jayanti and to build a feeling of inquiry and connection with the teachings of Gandhiji. On Gandhi Jayanti 2022, the Department of English held a photography contest for all students of KJC based on the theme ‘Gandhi and Modern India’. The contest was open till 6:00 pm on October 3rd and the participants were asked to register and submit their entries via a shared form. The event was conducted to build a feeling of inquiry and connection with the teachings of Gandhiji and how it connects to the world today.

Filmania: Online Quiz on Book Adaptations
Date: September 23, 2022
On the 23th of September 2022, the Department of English organized an online quiz “Filmania” on the occasion on National Cinema Day. The quiz was based on both classical and popular fiction books that have been successfully adapted into films. The quiz was open to all UG and PG students from the English department. It was held online using Google Forms and was open to entries from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on 23-09-2022. The quiz contained 20 multiple-choice questions drawn from Indian and international cinema based on books and had to be completed within 10 minutes. A total of 28 students participated in the quiz and two UG students, Roktim Mishra and Shombit Das from III BA English (Honours), were tied at the top score of 19/20. Elena Silvia Tirkey from II MA English came a close second with 18/20.

Writeopia – Flash Fiction Writing Contest on International Literacy Day
Date: September 08, 2022
The main object of the event was to commemorate international Literacy Day and to instill a sense of the importance of education. The Department of English conducted a flash fiction contest on 8th September 2022 to commemorate International Literacy Day. The contest titled Writeopia – Flash Fiction Writing Contest was held online and was open to all English major students. The theme of the writeopia was “Classroom”.

Interaction with General Consul of Italy - International Day of Peace
Date: September 21, 2022
On the 21st September 2022, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous in collaboration with SCEAD International invited His Excellency Mr. Alfonso Tagliaferri who is the General Consul of Italy to speak to students on the occasion of International Peace Day. This thought-inspiring session was held in the SKE Auditorium, 1st floor, PG Block which was attended by PG and UG students, faculty members, Rev. Fr. Augustine George, Principal of Kristu Jayanti College, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel P. Thomas, and Prof. Stephen Deepak. The event began with an invocation song by the Department choir. Prof. Chitra Susan was the MC of the event. Prof. Mr. Alfonso Tagliaferra started with a quote by Lincoln about peace and then introduced himself and his role as the General Consul of Italy. He then explained the significance of the United Nations as a body overlooking many countries and how he believes human progression and evolution to him means to see all the world’s countries as one. An interactive session ensued his pragmatic session where the audience asked the speaker questions and clarifications.

Reams to Reels - Commemorating National Cinema Day
Date: September 12, 2022
The Department of English organized a reel making competition ‘Reams to Reels’ commemorating National Cinema Day on September 12, 2022, for the III sem BA English Honours students, I MA English and II MA English. The topic for the competition was to make a reel based on any Indian fiction adapted into a film in any Indian language. The time duration for the reel was given as maximum 1 minute. The rules of the competition was specified to the students. The submissions were done through a Google Form. A total of six entries were received. The students had submitted their creative reels based on the films the following Indian fiction like Two States and Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagath, Blue Umbrellla by Ruskin Bond. The reels were uploaded in the department Instagram page by tagging the contestants. The judge appreciated the students' efforts. The winners were based on the score given by the judge and the number of likes received on Instagram

Independence Day - Caption Contest August 2022
Date: August 12, 2022
To commemorate the 76th year of the Indian Independence, the Department of English (UG) organized a caption contest for all English major students. The students participated in the competition and submitted their responses through a Google Form. The contest was also opened out for the faculty as well to instill the patriotic fervor. There was enthusiastic participation from all. The winners were picked by Fr. Joshy Mathew, HOD of English Department and were provided certificates of achievement

The Freedom Quiz – Independence Day Celebration
Date: August 12, 2022
The Freedom Quiz was one of the many activities set up for the Independence Day celebration week. It was held on the 12th of August at 3:30 pm in Kristu Jayanti College, Room No. 404. The contest was held among 25 individual students. The quizzers were chosen after tough series preliminary quizzes and they proved themselves to be most knowledgeable on the topic of Indian Independence, on which the quiz was based. The quiz comprised one round and was facilitated using the Google forms platform. There was an air of excitement and curiosity in the audience as the quiz progressed further. Many unsung heroes of the nation were remembered. Tatya Tope, Annie Besant and Lokmanya Tilak were among the common names taken during the quiz. The quiz was won by Antony Teslin,II MA English Literature. The quiz was an interactive one, involving audience participation. The quiz was successful and ended with a documentary showcasing India’s road to freedom. It is thus, rightly said by M. K. Gandhi, “The history of India is full of men who rose to leadership by sheer force of self-confidence, bravery and tenacity.”

The Song of Freedom - Regional Song Competition
Date: August 12, 2022
The Department of English organized a Regional Song Competition, 'The Song of Freedom' for the II MA English Literature students. The event took place on 12th August 2022. The judge for the competition was Dr. Pavithra, Assistant Professor, Department of Performing Arts, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru. The students gave their performances in their respective regional languages like Malayalam, Hindi, and their tribal language. The faculty members also gave their performances in Tamil, Bengali, English, and Hindi

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