Social Outreach Program (SOP)

Extension Activity Community Engagement Programme
Date: 24 February 2024
The Department of English organised a Community Engagement Programme as part of their Extension Activity on February 24, 2024. B.A. English literature students, accompanied by two faculty members, visited the New Ark Mission of Home of India, Home of Hope. Dr. Prema Ponmani and Dr. Uma organized the event. The day began with a viewing of a video recounting Auto Raja's efforts in rescuing and supporting numerous individuals. Following this introduction, attendees had the chance to interact with the residents of Home of Hope, engaging in enjoyable games and uplifting songs with the children. These activities brought smiles to their faces. Additionally, donations of essential items were made to the foundation, adding to the atmosphere of joy. Before leaving, participants took photographs to commemorate the day. The extension activity concluded at 11:00 a.m., leaving a lasting impression on all involved, as it fostered values of compassion and empathy.

Rural exposure camp
Date: February 16-17, 2023

Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College organized a rural exposure camp that extended two days, starting from the 16th of February, 2023 to the 17th of February, 2023. The extension activity included 31 students from 1 MA English, accompanied by Dr. Lyola Thomas (PG coordinator) and Dr. Arsha Subbi (Class Animator). Prior to the activity, the class was divided into four groups with each group focusing on different topics. Each group had 4 weeks to prepare teaching materials for the students. The students along with the faculty members left the campus at 7:45 am and reached Netaji High School - Kansavadi by 10:00 am. After a brief introduction about the class timings by the teachers of Netaji High School, the students began to take classes in their allotted sections from 10:30 am to 12:15 pm. This was followed by a skit that focused on the importance of education.

Social Outreach Programme on ‘Gender Awareness’
Date: May 16, 2022

The Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru, organised a Social Outreach Programme addressing the topic, ‘Gender Awareness’ on May 16, 2022, for the students of Don Bosco High School, Bengaluru. The outreach programme was conceived as a one-day workshop, where the students prepared a syllabus independently. The syllabus inculcated essential matters intending to educate the school students on topics of gender, sex, and orientation. The first session of the outreach programme was conducted by Aditya Rajesh and Haritha M of final year JPEng(B). Games and activities were included as part of the session. The students were receptive and interactive as they shared their views.

Social Outreach Program (SOP)
Date: 03/12/2021
Class: V JPEng A, B and V JPCS
Venue: Don Guanella Aged Home
Our Experience
According to Shakespeare, old age is the age when a person behaves like a child again. We witnessed the same. They were in hunger of love and to love. They were very friendly to us. Throughout the day, they treated us very warmly with their beautiful smiles and never reflected on their problems even for a second (even though most of them had their own sorrows and pains, having had to face harsh realities in life). To break their monotony, our students entertained them with a cultural programme.

We empathized with them and regretted that they were confined to an Aged Home by their children. The visit made us introspect on our own lives and how we treat our parents and other elderly people. We engaged the members of the Home in activities such as singing and dancing. Even though we were unfamiliar with them when we arrived, we soon got to them, especially because of their welcoming and warm demeanour, and we joined with them to share experiences and enjoyed the time we spent together like one large family. This was a humbling experience for us. We saw people who had nothing and still chose to be happy, having a positive outlook on life throughout. They taught us to value what we have and live every moment like it could be taken away from us at any second.

Social Outreach Program (SOP)
Date: 19/09/2019
Department: Humanities – BA
Class and No of Beneficiaries attended: III JPsEng (55 students)
Venue: Guanella Preethi Nivas, Hennur Road, Bengaluru
Time: 1:45PM to 4:30PM
Faculty In Charge: Ms Abhilasha R

“A home away from home”
Guanella Preethi Nivas Home fr the elderly, situated on the Hennur road is such a place that provides shelter and care to many elderly and mentally challenged men. The home houses 25 such individuals who have been physically and emotionally deprived from their blood relatives. The institution has its branches in all the southern states of India and is mainly based in Italy and run by the Servants of the Charity and Guanellian Fathers. The elderly home is active since two decades and the Fathers believe in sharing the sorrow of the shelter residents.

Our Experience
We started off at 1:30 pm and reached there by 1:45 pm. The fore most thing which struck us was the elderly man outside the gate selling handmade broomsticks who greeted us with smile and warmth. The place house 25 residents presently and is equipped with emergency medical care as well. Once inside the premises we were welcomed by a particular resident Mr Prassanna Kumar who suffers from amnesia but is overly energetic and witty.

The head of the shelter home was overwhelmed by our presence and was happy to have us there. However, all of them were lonely and craving for love and affection. We interacted with them, shared our love and lent our ears to their everyday struggles.

The residents were in thirst of love and to love. The people of old age were very kind and friendly, they treated our whole day with their beautiful smiles and they didn't reflect their problems even for a second. To break the ice and change the mood of the residents’ students performed to various popular songs to which the men of the home involved actively.

They shared their sadness and personal stories with us which moved us to tears. The care shown to them by the workers at the home was indeed inspiring. Though the time spent with them was just a few hours, we had a lifetime of experience; moreover it taught us an amazing lesson which we will carry forward throughout our journey of life.

Social Outreach Program (SOP)
Date: 18/09/2019
Department: HUMANITIES
Class and No of Beneficiaries attended: III-BA JEEng (28 students)
Venue: RAYS OF HOPE, Kannur, Bangalore
Time: 10:00AM to 12:30PM
Faculty In Charge: Prof. Lillykutty Abraham

The students of BA JEEng visited ‘Rays of Hope' home, Kannur, Bangalore. This home works toward the cause of NEGLECED, DEPRIVED, POOR, NEEDY and ABANDONED lives without hope and it is also a home for ages, handicapped and children. We had conducted 'passing the ball’ game with the elderly people living there. Some of the students sang some songs, danced and showed some of their talents to entertain them. Later they introduced themselves and shared some of their stories and also the reason they like to stay there. Even though children also live there we couldn’t meet them as they had exams.

The students were very happy to visit that home. They could learn that there are not only brighter sides in life, but the darker sides too. It was lovely to see the way students interacted with the elderly people. Because they considered us as gifts of God. This was an opportunity for the students to help the people in need and to learn some lessons from their life experiences. Overall, it was a time full of happiness and fun.

Social Outreach Program (SOP)
Date: 29.08.2019
Class & No. of Beneficiaries: 59 (students)
Time: 1.45pm-4.30pm
Faculty in Charge: Dr.NAVKIRAN KAUR BEDI

Guanella Preethi Nivas, is a charitable institution under the registered society (The Guanellian Society, No. 121/87). It aims at serving the poor and needy people especially the aged and orphans. At present in this locality of Geddalahalli Hennur region it exercises charitable activities in various ways possible such as Don Guanella Home for the Aged, Guanella Oratory for Children, Guanella Youth, Guanella Tuition Center (boys and girls) and Open House Ministry for the Aged People.

We started our journey from Kristu Jayanti college by 1.45pm and reached the institution by 1.55pm as it is located quite nearby to our college. Just as we entered the ‘Guanella Preethi Nivasʼ gate, we were welcomed by the staff members. All of us were taken in and seated at the auditorium along with 25 inmates from the old age home. Our class which concludes about 60 students had collected some amount for contributing to the charity along with some fruit supplies which was given to Rev.Fr.Peter Sebastian, the main celebrant in charge of the ‘Don Guanella Old Age Homeʼ.

“We do all these types of charitable activities only with the help of the local people and above all with the bounteous help of God, the Almighty” said Rev.Fr.Peter Sebastian as he started to address with his speech, introducing us to the Preethi Nivas House.As his speech went on, we were all touched by his words about how everyone of them has a story to share about what these innocent people have gone through. He went into telling how the methods of the Guanella house were different from that of Mother Teresaʼs nursing as, at the Guanella house they concentrated on rehabilitation and therapy, given to the inmates and not just care and love. He later spoke about the difficulties the Guanella house is facing due to the new BJP government which has caused problems in the receiving of funds from foreign countries to the charity institution as most of it is blocked or a good amount is gone into taxing. Finally, he thanked us all for making it to the institution with a handful of help and blessed us all for our outreach.

We all started off our interaction with a bunch of musical performances and welcoming them all. It was a heart - warming sight to have seen them all clap their hands and tap their feet to the songs, and then we later played music and slowly invited them all into a wonderful hour of dancing and prancing around and just having a lot of fun with them all. When all of us got tired, we all got around in the auditorium, sat down, went around speaking to all the inmates which left us all with heavy hearts after listening to their struggles and ill fortune they went through.

Time passed by in a flash and it had already been 4.30pm. It was time for us to leave. With smiles all around and warmth from every single person, we bid adieu and thanked them for the opportunity they gave us in helping them and letting us make a short and beautiful memory in their lives which both us and them, would be able to cherish till the end.

To conclude, it was a heart- warming experience and a lesson for us students. This experience also made us realise the necessity to develop gratitude and empathy. The fact that every smile counts was once again proven. Thus our aim is not just to help such institutions but aim at reducing the number of such institutions by loving and caring for one another which begins from our own homes.
“One who gives to the poor lends to God and receives from God”
- Blessed Luigi Guanella

Social Outreach Program (SOP)
Date: 28/08/2019
Department: HUMANITIES
Class and No of Beneficiaries attended: III-BA JPENG A (60 students)
Venue: RVM Humanitarian Home, Chikka Gubbi Bengaluru
Time: 1:45PM to 4:30PM
Faculty In Charge: Prof. Kavitha

“The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.”
RVM Humanitarian home is a shelter for the poor, disabled and homeless. Not only are they deprived of the simple comforts of life, but even basic amenities and essentials like clothes, food and healthcare. Some of them including the elderly and physically or mentally challenged have been abandoned on the streets. They need our understanding and empathy. They require action and care from people like us, who are more privileged. It has been 23 years since the institution has been carrying out this great responsibility.

Our Experience
We started off at 2:00 pm and reached there by 2:15 pm. The place had people of different age groups, from small children to men and women aged more than 60. We interacted with all the inhabitants of the home – the old and the young alike. They were very happy when we talked to them. They were delighted that they had company and were content throughout our visit.

The concerned authority told us that these people who were dumped on the railway stations, roads, etc., were brought to them by the police. She went on to say that the place was facing a shortage of necessities because the number of people there had outnumbered the maximum limit.

Our minds were filled with sorrow as well as a need to help these people in whatever way we could. Their disabilities taught us to look at our lives more closely, appreciating every second of it. We learnt that we should not take anything for granted. We engaged them in activities such as singing & dancing. Although we were strangers to them when we arrived, we blended in with them soon enough, sharing experiences and enjoying our time together as one big family. This was a humbling experience for us. We saw people who had nothing and still chose to be happy, having a positive outlook on life throughout. They taught us to value what we have and live every moment like it could be taken away from us at any second.

From the moment we stepped into the facility, we found that the members were easy to interact with. We provided a variety of entertainment is the form of singing and dance performances. Although they were shy when we started out, soon we had them dancing with us to hit Bollywood songs, enjoying themselves like they were at a festival. A few of them even felt comfortable enough to sing for us. They were all happy that we were there, thankful for the interaction and memories that were made. Some of them even spoke to us about their very own experiences. Although it was emotional at times, we cherished what they had to say the whole time. As we left, we thanked them for accommodating us. They were also happy about our presence. They requested us to return whenever we pleased. We may have gone there as part of a social outreach programme. But we left with so much more. We left with a gratitude and appreciation of our lives that we didn’t have before. We left with the knowledge that disabled or not, people are still fundamentally people.

This experience was definitely an eye opener for each one of us as college pupils. We the BA JPEng students are so blessed and lucky to have been a part of this wonderful programme. And would be extremely glad for more opportunities like this. This experience helped us learn so much about the life and struggles of the disabled, mentally challenged, and elderly, and the difficulties they face in their day to day lives.

  Department Extension Programme

Community Engagement Programme- Health and Cleanliness Drive
Date: 15 March 2024
On 15th March, 2024, The Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College had organized a community engagement programme- Health and Cleanliness Drive on 15.03.2024, Friday. The students of II BA PYEN, JOEN along with faculty in charges Mr. M. Inbaraj and Dr. Kanimozhi visited Modala Shale (Ananda Sagara Charitable Trust), an alternative school for the children of Migrant Workers run by an NGO at Yerappanahalli, Dodda Gubbi, Bengaluru. The purpose of the visit was to make primary school aware about the importance of Health and Cleanliness and inculcated basic health and hygiene practices for migrant workers’ children. Students distributed fruits to the children. And other necessary requirements for the school was handed over to the faculty in charge of the school. It was a successful venture.

Literacy Programme
Date: 24 February 2024
On 24th February, 2024, The Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College had organized a community engagement programme- Literacy Programme on 24.02.2024, Saturday. The students of II BA PYEN along with faculty in charges Dr. Anindita Chowdhury and Mr. Meshach R. S Edwin visited the nearby slum area at K Narayanapura, Bangalore. The purpose of the visit was to make people aware about the importance of Literacy and make them conscious about the Govt. schemes of free education for under privileged people in the poverty stricken areas and to provide them with food essentials and other products that could be useful for the family for a short tenure. Grocery items like Rice, Pulses and other food products were provided for about twenty houses. Stationary items were also distributed to school going children. It was a successful venture.

Poverty Alleviation
Date: 24 February 2024
On 24th February, 2024, The Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College had organized a community engagement programme- Poverty Alleviation on 24.02.2024 , Saturday. The students of II BA Viscom along with faculty incharges Dr. R .Vidyavathi and Dr.Smrithy Sonal visited the nearby slum area at K Narayanapura, Bangalore.The purpose of the visit was to engage with people in the poverty striken area and to provide them with food essentials and other products that could be useful for the family for a short tenure. Essentials like Rice, Pulses and other food products were provided for about twenty houses. Stationary items like pencils were given to school children studying there. Overall it was an amazing day out for service. As we were able to discover the meaning behind the saying "Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give."

Extension Activity-Green Initiatives
Date: 24 February 2024
On the 24th of February 2024, the Department of English organized an extension activity on environmental concerns and titled “Green Initiatives – Greening the Globe, Cultivating the Change”. Through the activity, students tried to create an awareness in the general public about various environmental issues. This enlightening session, held in K Narayan Pura Cross, began at 12 noon and was attended by the VI Sem BA PYEN and PSEN students. The students were divided into several groups and each group had to hold their campaign posters regarding environmental issues. The event was coordinated by Dr. Ravi Kumar N and Dr. Irona Bhaduri. The students tried to create an awareness for the general public about environmental conservation and the effects of environmental degradation. The relevance of planting more and more trees was also discussed.

Inservio - Extension Activity
Date: 15 & 16 February 2024
On Feb 15th and 16th February, 2024, I MA English students were involved in Extension Activity at Nethaji High School, Kanaswadi, Kannamagla Primary School, Kannamangala and Kristu Jayanti CMI Public School, Kannamangala. The aim was to provide a platform for the students to interact with the community, understand the needs of the community and also provide teaching exposure to the students with simultaneously leaving an impact on the young learners. On the first day 15th February, 2024, the students were warmly welcomed to the school assembly at Nethaji High School, Kanaswadi. The assembly brought back nostalgic memories for the students of their school days. The MA students were divided into groups and were allowed to interact with the students from Classes 1 to 9. The interactive sessions featured focus on topics like daily communicative skills in English, personal health and hygiene and social issues through dance, games and songs. The students performed skits and engaging game-based learning through activities like Jenga, which effectively conveyed moral values, and personal hygiene. The day concluded with the thoughtful distribution of 250 stationary kits for all the students of the school. As part of the Book Donation drive, a total of twenty books were also contributed to the school library by the student representatives. Next, the students visited Kannamagla Primary School, Kannamangala which had a total student strength of twenty-eight. The children were taught the importance of washing hands properly through a handwash dance. The game of Pictionary was also played. After giving saplings to the school, the students departed to Kristu Jayanti CMI School.On the second day, 16th February, 2024, at Kristu Jayanti CMI School, the MA English students engaged with classes from Grade 1 to 9. Activities were tailored to each class, with particular emphasis on imparting moral values; concepts like empathy, gratitude, and kindness were explored through stories, videos, and educational games. The school students were taught the importance of healthy habits, life values as well as character traits with the help of interactive activities. Career guidance and effective communication skills, were other important topics covered in the interaction. The extension activity not only provided valuable teaching experience for the MA English students but also succeeded in positively influencing their educational development.

Extension Activity: Collaborations with Community
Date: 22 February 2024
Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Department of English, organized an extension program titled "Collaborations with Community." The extension activity focused on 'Care and Connect: Connect to Care!' The event occurred on February 22, 2024, at Guanella Preethi Nivas in Bangalore. The programme happened from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The VI Semester BA English program students visited and engaged with the residents of Preeti Nivas- An Old Age Home for Destitute Men. The children empathized with the elderly's issues, listened to their anecdotes, and sang to entertain them. They contributed fruits, drinks, and food, recognizing the significance of charitable efforts that lead to heavenly love.

Awareness Programme on Child Safety
Date: 17 February 2024
Kristu Jauanti College (Autonomous), Department of English conducted an extension activity, an Awareness Programme on Child Safety. The event was held on 17 February, 2024 at Government Primary School, Kothanur. The programme was scheduled from 9.00 to 10.00 am for the students of Elementary classes. The students of the theatre club, performed a street play demonstrating the values of kindness, social upliftment and child safety. 12 student from II Semester PYEN, aided in instructing and educating the young children on the importance of body boundaries and consent. Through play and drama, the young children were encouraged to engage with topics pertaining to empathy and empowerment.

Extension Programme on Universal Values and Ethics
Date: 17 February 2024

The Department of English successfully organised an Extension Programme on Universal Values and Ethics for children at Government Primary School, K.Narayanpura, Kothanur, Bengaluru on 17/02/2024. During the event, a thought-provoking street play was enacted to vividly showcase the importance of universal values and ethics in our daily lives. Additionally, engaging worksheets were distributed to facilitate a deeper understanding of these crucial concepts among the students. The programme aimed to educate and inspire young minds towards fostering a culture of integrity and empathy. Through engaging activities and interactive sessions, students had the opportunity to explore important universal values and ethical principles. We believe that this programme greatly benefited the students of Government Primary School by providing them with valuable life skills and a strong foundation for personal growth.

Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM