Faculty Development Program

FDP on Designing Internet of Things (IoT) Applications
Date: 12 to 16 June 2023
The Department of Computer Science [UG] organized a Faculty Development Program on Designing Internet of Things (IoT) Applications from 12th June 2023 to 16th June 2023.

Dr.V S Prakash FDP Coordinator Welcomes the gathering.Prof.Calistus Jude AL, Dean, Faculty of Sciences addressed the gathering about the need for the Internet of Things. The session was then handed over to the resource person Mr.Vivekanand, IoT Engineer, Riyasaa Lab, Nagerkoil, Tamil Nadu, and his team. There were many participants from various distinguished colleges who actively participated in the FDP. The FDP served to fulfill the below outcomes.

The purpose of this training program is to demonstrate to the Faculties, the future of Designing Internet of Things (IoT) Applications

This FDP will cover a quick introduction to setting up Arduino, IoT Components, and Simulator locally on your own machine.

To provide faculty members with a comprehensive understanding of IoT concepts, applications, tools, and resources.
• Interacting with IoT industry professionals enables educators and students to produce more constructive minor and major projects.
• Encourage innovation, and support professional development through interdisciplinary design thinking.

The FDP covered the following topics:

  • Introduction to IoT, Overview of IoT & IoT Applications
  • Introduction to Sensors, Type of Sensors, Applications of Sensors
  • Introduction to Tinker Cad, the Installation process of Tinker Cad
  • Arduino UNO, Based Built-in LED Blinking
  • Basic concept of connection, LED & Battery in Breadboard, LED & Switch
  • Multi meter values (Based on Ohm’s Law)
  • Arduino UNO
  • Built-in LED & External LED Blinking
  • Sensor Threshold alert using a Single LED
  • Control LED
  • Fading using POT
  • Basic Concept of LCD Display
  • Basic Concept of tri Color LED
  • Basic Concept of Motion Sensor
  • Reading the Sensor data in Soil Moisture Sensor
  • Basic Concept of IR sensor data collection and control of the LED
  • Arduino UNO Based
  • Motion Sensor, Detect the motion and alter by LED
  • Reading the Sensor data in Temperature sensors

One Day Faculty Development Programme on Artificial Intelligence - NEP 2022
Date: 06 May 2023
Bengaluru North University in association with Karnataka State Higher Education Council (KSHEC), Bengaluru & Future Skills Prime, NASSCOM conducted One Day Faculty Development Programme on Artificial Intelligence- NEP 2023 which was organized by Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru. Prof.Calistus Jude AL, Dean, Faculty of Sciences welcomed the gathering. Prof.Narasimhamurthy N, Registrar, Bengaluru North University addressed the gathering about the need for Artificial Intelligence. The Inaugural address was delivered by Col.(Prof) Y S Siddegowda, Vice Chairman, Karnataka State Higher Education Council, Bengaluru. Prof. Niranjana witnessed the session. Prof. Hanumanthappa M, Chairperson BOS(PG), Dept. of CS, Bengaluru North University addressed the gathering about the importance of Artificial Intelligence in today’s world. Fr. Lijo P Thomas, Vice Principal, Kristu Jayanti College felicitated the delegates. The session was then handed over to the resource person Mr Dinesh Kumar and his team. Mr.Dinesh Kumar and Mr Manoj Sharma spoke about Artificial Intelligence and its impact on the current world. There were many participants from various distinguished colleges who actively participated in the FDP. The FDP served to fulfil the below outcomes.

• To provide faculty members with a comprehensive understanding of AI concepts, applications, tools, and resources.

• Interacting with AI/ML industry professionals enables educators and students to produce more constructive minor and major projects, which will aid them in their placements.

• Encourage innovation, and support professional development through interdisciplinary design thinking.

Mobile App Development Program Using flutter
Date: 13/12/2022 to 21/12/2022
This course will cover a quick introduction to setting up Flutter SDK, Android Studio IDE, and Android Emulator locally on your own machine. However, setting up your own local environment is not required to follow exercises in this course. you should be able to run Flutter Apps right here on the Educative platform.

  • Start from building a Hello World app with Flutter while learning the fundamentals of Flutter widgets.
  • Learn about layouts by building a contact profile page for Android device’s address book.
  • Understand styling apps using Flutter themes.
  • Build a Movie Listing App using The Movie DB REST API.

Lastly, this course will end with a brief introduction to publishing your Android apps on the Play Store.

Orientation on Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Date: 04-12-2021
Number of beneficiaries: 41 (Faculty) In-house: 41 External:-0
Resource Persons with details: Dr. Aloysius Edward J, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Prof. Vigraanth Bapu, Programme Coordinator (PG), Department of Psychology, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru.
In session I, Resource person clearly clarified the purpose of outcome-based education with different levels. Sir has explained about Blooms taxonomy, Course outcome and Program outcome mapping techniques also discussed about importance of OBE.
In session II, Resource person explained about Outcome Based Education through course outcome indicators with sample data. Sir explained three components of OBE such as CO attainment, Student level attainment and Snapshot of attainment indicators.

Workshop on Academic Aptitude Assessment (AAA) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Date: 19-08-2021
Number of beneficiaries: 41 (Faculty) In-house: 41 External:-0
Resource Persons with details: Prof. Dhanamalar, Prof. Ramanathan and Prof. DevaKumari, Department of Computer Science (UG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru.

In session I, Resourse person clearly clarified the Academic Aptitude assessment. Prof.Dhanamalar gave in depth insight about pre course,mid course and post course assessment to identify slow learners,average learners and advanced learners in a course.

In session II, Resourse persons explained about Outcome Based Education through course outcome indicators. Hands on session was conducted to give practical experience on mapping course outcome to Program outcome and attainment of course outcome.

One Week National Level Faculty Development Programme on Open Source Demystified Level - 1
Date: 06-08-2021 to 13-08-2021
No. of beneficiaries: 60 Internal: 40 || External: 20

Department of Computer Science (UG) in association with SODA Foundation organized One Week National Level Faculty Development Program on Open Source Demystified Level -1 from 06-08-2021 to 13-08-2021.

The three days Faculty Development Program on Open Source Demystified Level -1 organized by Department of Computer science UG and SODA Foundation on August 6-13, 2021 through Zoom platform. The Workshop was inaugurated by the principal, Kristu Jayanti college. The workshop enlightened by 4 resource persons from SODA foundation with seven booming topics in Open source technology. Open source software is software in which the source code used to create the program is freely available for the public to view, edit, and redistribute. Open source software (OSS) is software that is distributed with its source code, making it available for use, modification, and distribution with its original rights. Source code is the part of software that most computer users don’t ever see; it’s the code computer programmers manipulate to control how a program or application behaves. Programmers who have access to source code can change a program by adding to it, changing it, or fixing parts of it that aren’t working properly. OSS typically includes a license that allows programmers to modify the software to best fit their needs and control how the software can be distributed.

One Week National Level Faculty Development Programme on Open Source Demystified Level - 1
Date: 06-08-2021 to 13-08-2021
No. of beneficiaries: 60 Internal: 40 || External: 20

Department of Computer Science (UG) in association with SODA Foundation organized One Week National Level Faculty Development Program on Open Source Demystified Level -1 from 06-08-2021 to 13-08-2021.

The three days Faculty Development Program on Open Source Demystified Level -1 organized by Department of Computer science UG and SODA Foundation on August 6-13, 2021 through Zoom platform. The Workshop was inaugurated by the principal, Kristu Jayanti college. The workshop enlightened by 4 resource persons from SODA foundation with seven booming topics in Open source technology. Open source software is software in which the source code used to create the program is freely available for the public to view, edit, and redistribute. Open source software (OSS) is software that is distributed with its source code, making it available for use, modification, and distribution with its original rights. Source code is the part of software that most computer users don’t ever see; it’s the code computer programmers manipulate to control how a program or application behaves. Programmers who have access to source code can change a program by adding to it, changing it, or fixing parts of it that aren’t working properly. OSS typically includes a license that allows programmers to modify the software to best fit their needs and control how the software can be distributed.

Faculty Development Programme on Technological Trends and Advanced Machine Learning
Objective: The primary objective of this one-week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Research Applications and Machine Learning was to enrich faculty members of Computer Science stream with preliminaries of artificial intelligence and its modern applications in machine learning and deep learning. The FDP was divided into several modules falling under the umbrella of Artificial Intelligence including Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Natural Language Processing and Digital Image Processing. The objective was to address modern trends in the field of Artificial Intelligence with real time problem solving. This FDP focused on hands-on implementation of various algorithms to deliver practical skill to participants.

Session I: Title: Big Data in Today’s World
Resource Person: Dr. Sagayaraj Francis
The resource person explained the basics in the field of machine learning and soft computing are the part of intelligent systems. These are viewed as a mixture of computational intelligence and applied statistics. Both these branches are realized as the most critical components in everyday tools ranging from search engines and credit card fraud detection to stock market analysis. The intelligent systems have made rapid progress in developing the state of the art in machine learning based on smart and deep perception. Using machine learning, the intelligent systems make widely applications in automated speech recognition, natural language processing, medical diagnosis, bioinformatics, and robot locomotion. With the wide scope of these technologies these branches are very much enthralling.

Session II: Title: Deep Learning Algorithms
Resource Person: Dr. Kavitha R
He explained that the exponential growth of business data, low-cost data storage, and Artificial Intelligence reaching maturity will lead to more businesses outsourcing their data center enter activities to cloud service providers. Also, the future of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence explains that while cloud brings agility to businesses, AI and ML will leave a major impact on business outcomes.

Session III: Title: Exploring Python for Data Analytics
Resource Person: Dr. Arul Kumar V
Python is a general purpose and high level programming language. We can use Python for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web applications. Also, Python, as a high level programming language, allows you to focus on core functionality of the application by taking care of common programming tasks. The simple syntax rules of the programming language further makes it easier for us to keep the code base readable and application maintainable.

Session IV: Title: Cyber law & societal impact
Resource Person: Laura Adde
In this session, Anjali Luthra will explain the concepts of Cyber Law, Cyber Ethics and Cyber Crime along with the Societal Impact of Social Media and Internet. This class would be helpful for the aspirants preparing for the Class.

Session V: Title: Future of Enterprise App Development - Lowcode/Nocode
Resource Person: Mr. Ajith Mathew George
SharePoint is the most flexible content collaboration platform in the industry. Microsoft has been recognized as a Leader in the Gartner Content Services Platforms Magic Quadrant for 2020. It helps to build robust solutions, deliver business value, and achieve digital transformation. With SharePoint Server 2019, get new capabilities and improved support of Power Automate, Power Apps, and more.

Session VI: Title: Autonomous self-driven vehicle
Resource Person: Mr. Raja Subramanium N
The self-driving cars are the latest technology for which many big companies are investing in the present days. Self-driving vehicle (also known as a driverless car, self-driving car, robotic car, autonomous car etc.) is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without any human input. Autonomous cars use a variety of techniques to detect their surroundings, such as radar, laser light, GPS, odometry and computer vision. Advanced control systems interpret sensory information to identify appropriate navigation paths, as well as obstacles and relevant signage. Autonomous cars must have control systems that are capable of analysing sensory data to distinguish between different cars on the road.

Session VII: Title: Data Driven Inventory Allocation in Retail
Resource Person: Mr. Utkarsh Yadav
The retail industry is witnessing a major transformation through the use of advanced analytics and Big Data technologies. With the growth of e-commerce, online shopping, and high competition for customer loyalty, retailers are utilizing Big Data analytics to stay competitive in the market.

The FDP provided inputs to the participants on technological trends and Machine Learning which will enhance their ability to work in interdisciplinary areas. It will boost their research ability and also enhance their confidence to contribute in seminars / conferences / workshops, as Resource Persons.

Acted as Resource Person:
Dr Dalvin Vinoth Kumar. A acted as resource person through online “IoT Applications ti Fight Against Covid-19 Pandmic, Bishop Heber College Trichy” on 03/06/2020.

Participated FDP/Workshop/Conference/Seminar:

Prof. Ann Mary Joyson participated through online “Science , Technology, Engineering and Mathematics(STEM)” for making 21st century challenges, Smt Danamma Channabasaviah College of Arts, Commerce, Science and Management, Kolar on 30/06/2020.

Prof.Ann Mary Joyson participated through online “Abstract Algebra and its Applications” Dept of Mathematics, AES National Degree College, Gauribidanur on 30/06/2020.

Prof. Sreeparna Chakrabarti participated through online “ICT Academy virtual book launch of “Future of Higher Education-Nine Mega Trends” and expert talks, online on 30/06/2020.

Prof.Ann Mary Joyson and Dr. Soya Mathew participated through online “Advances in Graph Theory, Dept of Mathematics, Govertment College Daman” on 29/06/2020.

Dr. V.S.Prakash participated through online “MACHINE LEARNING Department of Computer Applications, Angappa arts and science college, Coimbatore” from 29/06/2020 to30/06/2020.

Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Big Data Analytics (Bharathiar University, Coimbatore)” from 27/05/2020 to 29/05/2020.

Prof.Ann Mary Joyson & Dr. Soya Mathew participated through online “ Online National level workshop, Python for Beginners, Department of Mathematics, Government First Grade College, Kolar” on 27/6/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti & Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Dynamics Of Collective Learning”, Dept. CSE Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai,” on 27/6/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti & Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Hands-on Online FDP on ‘Python for AI & ML’, Dayanand Sagar College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bangalore, Online” on 27/6/2020.

Dr Mayank Pandey & Amjad Hassan Khan participated through online “Virtual Electronics Lab for B.Sc(CS) and B.Sc (Regular) using circuitmod simulation (MIT Art and Science College, Pune)” on 27/06/2020.

Prof.B. Manimekala Dr.V.S.Prakash participated “IoT Programming using Rasberry Pi and IoT Evaluation (Joseph Arts and Science College, Kalalkurichi)” on 27/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S Dr.V.S.Prakash participated “Deep learning & Data Visualization (St.Mother Theresa college), Tamilnadu” on 26/6/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti & Prof.Soumya K participated through online “SQL vs NoSQL”, Dept. CSE Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, online” on 26/6/2020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash participated through online “Emerging Trends inConsumer Behaviour”, Department of CSE, Sathyabama Institute of Science” on 25/06/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti & Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Analysis of Algorithms”, Dept. of CSE, Kings Engineering College, Irungattukottai, Tamil Nadu, online” on 25/6/2020.

Dr. M. Ambrose Rajkumar participated through online “An Overview on Characterization Techniques of Crystal Growth" Department of Physics Easwari Engineering College(autonomous), Ramapuram, Chennai” on 25/06/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti & Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Emerging Trends in Consumer Behaviour”, Dept. CSE Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, online” on 25/6/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti & Prof.Soumya K participated through online and achieved cleared assessment “Introduction to MITRE ATT&CK framework”, Cyber Security Karnataka(CySecK), online” on 24/6/2020.

Dr.Margaret Mary T participated through online “Data Science using python Sambhram Academy of management studies” on 24/06/2020.

Dr. M. Ambrose Rajkumar participated through online “International webinar on “Basics of IR and Raman Spectroscopy, Department of Physics, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India” on 24/06/2020.

Prof. B. Manimekala participated through online “Emerging Trends in Information Technology (Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore” from 23/06/2020 to 27/06/2020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash participated through online “Mobile phone design and android OS, Kings Eng College, Chennai” from 23/06/2020 &24/06/2020.

Prof. Soumya K participated through online “Data Cubes As A Paradigm Fr Serving Big Spatio-Temporal Data, D ept of electronics and communication engineering (St.Joseph Institute Of Technology), Chennai” on 23/06/2020.

Dr.V.S. Prakash participated through online “PYTHON Programming , Department of Information Technology from TIRUCHENDUR-628215” from 22/06/2020 to 28/06/2020.

Dr. M. Ambrose Rajkumar participated through online “Webinar Series on Advances in Materials and Technology (WSAMST-2020), Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities (Physics), School of Engineering, UPES, Dehradun, India” from 22/06/2020 to 26/06/2020.

Prof. Soumya K participated through online “Artificial intelligence & Cyber Security, organized by vidharbha industries association vijnan bharati & raman science centre” on 21/06/2020.

Prof. B. Manimekala participated through online “Containers Cloud (Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai)” on 20/06/2020.

Dr.G.Jasmine Beulah participated through online “International Conclave on “Emerging Trends and Applications” Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College for Women, Chennai” from 19/06/2020 & 22/06/2020.

Dr Dalvin Vinoth Kumar. A participated through online “Exploring IoT Use-cases Don Bosco College Dharmapuri” from 19/06/2020 To 20/06/2020.

Prof.B. Manimekala participated through online “AI Trends in Shaping Future (Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Arts and Science College, Chennai” on 19/06/2020.

Prof.B. Manimekala participated through online “Digital Forensics with Wireshark – A Tool (Presidency College, Chennai)” on 19/06/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti, Prof.Soumya K & Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Deploying an App to PCF & AWS Cloud”, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, online” on 19/6/2020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash participated through online “Advanced Topics in Signals and Image processing, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shadan College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad” from 18/06/2020 to 20/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Technology and Management (SATHYABAMA Institute), Chennai” from 18/6/2020 to 20/6/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S S participated through online “Cyber Attacks and Mobile Security (KKR & KSR Institute), Guntur” from 18/6/2020 to 19/6/2020.

Dr.K.Kalaiselvi participated through online “Cryptocurrency-Blockchain Technology organised by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, VISTAS in association with Computer Society of India (CSI) on June 18, 2020” on 18/06/2020.

Dr. A. Cecil Donald participated through online “Artificial Intelligence and its Application in Public Health, PG Department of Information Technology, AIMIT, St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru” on 18/06/2020.

Prof. Divya K.S participated through online “Cryptocurrency-Blockchain Technology (VELS ,Chennai)” on 18/6/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti & Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Robotic Process Automation”, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, online” on 18/6/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti & Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Security at the hardware Level”, Cyber Security Karnataka(CySecK), online” on 17/6/2020.

Prof. Divya K.S participated through online “Modern Web Development (St.Joseph college), Chennai” on 17/6/2020.

Dr.Anthony Vincent. B participated through online “International Webinar on Recent Trends in Information Sciences” from 16/06/2020 - 20/06/2020.

Dr. Antony Vincent & Prof. B. Manimekala participated through online “Recent Trends in Information Sciences (Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur)” from 16/06/2020 to 20/06/2020.

Prof.Soumya K & Prof. Divya K.S participated through online “Learn To Manage Your Project Like A Pro, Department of Information Technology (St Joseph college), Chennai” from 16/06/2020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash participated through online “Embedded System Application Development Program For Absolute Beginners, JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore ” on 15/06/2020.

Prof. Divya K.S participated through online “Project Management in Post Covid World”(Sinhgad Technical Education Society’s RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering,)” on 14/6/2020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash participated through online “Advanced Networking Technologies, Shadan College Of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad” from 13/06/2020 to 15/06/2020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash participated through online “How to develop web Application, Kings Eng College, Chennai” on 13/06/2020.

Prof. Divya K.S participated through online “Generative Transformers In Natural Language Processing(St.Joseph college), Chennai” on 13/6/2020.

Prof. Divya K.S participated through online “Recent Trends in Cybercrime (St.Joseph college), Chennai” on 13/6/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Scope of IoT in Industries (Dr. Ambedkar Government Arts College), Chennai” on 13/6/2020.

Prof.Devakumari, Prof.Divya K.S, Prof.Soumya K,& Prof. Sreeparna Chakrabarti participated through online “IIOT - Real Time Approach” by R.V.S. College of Engineering, Dindigul” on 13/06/2020.

Prof.B. Manimekala participated through online “Moodle: A Quick Tour (Chikkanna Governement Arts College, Tirupur)” on 12/06/2020.

Prof. Divya K.S participated through online “Embrace Conflicts In Challenging World (St.Joseph Engineering College), Chennai ” on 12/6/2020.

Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Role Of Big Data Analytics in Smart Grid (IEEE Johnson Institute Of Technology), Coimbatore” on 12/06/2020.

Dr. Soya Mathew participated through online “Essential Mathematics for Engineering Projects and Research-An insight into Methodologies, Sastra Deemed to be University, Thanjavur” on 12/6/2020.

Dr.Margaret Mary T participated through online “IIOT, IT Integration Sri Eshwar College of Engineering” on 12/06/2020.

Dr. R. Stephen & Dr.Cecil Donald participated through online “Data Analytics and Applications, PG Department of Computer Science, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli ” on 12/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Signature Verification Proces-cryptography (Vivekananda Institute of Technology), Bangalore” on 12/6/2020.

Prof. B.Manimekala, Dr Mayank Pandey & Dr.K.Kalaiselvi participated through online “Effective E-content Design (Kristu Jayanti College, Begaluru)” from 11/06/2020 & 12/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Gateway To Research And Research Article (Hindusthan College of Arts and Science), Coimbatore” from 11/6/2020 to 12/6/2020.

Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Design, Development & Delivery Of Online Course (JNU , New Delhi)” from 11/06/2020 & 12/06/2020.

Dr. Sandhya Soman participated through online “Defect Assisted Atomic Orbital Engineering In 2D Materials In High Performance Transistors & IEEE Bangalore Webinar-Learning Series by IEEE Bangalore Section” on 11/6/2020.

Dr. B.J.Hubert Shanthan participated through online “Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, Data Science Oriental Insitute of Science and Technology , Bhopal” 10/06/2020 to 16/06/2020.

Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Moodle Learning Management System, Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay, - Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu” from 10/06/2020 to 16/06/2020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash participated through online “Artificial intelligence and Data Science, Oriental Institute of Science & Technology, Bhopal” from 10/06/2020 to 14/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Preparation for NET/SET Exam in Computer Science (Shri Shivaji College of Arts, Commerce and Science) , Amaravati” 10/6/2020 to 12/6/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti & Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Patent Act, Drafting, Filing system and Challenges in India”, R.M.D. Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil Nadu, online” on 10/6/2020.

Prof.Soumya K & Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Placements New Attacks, Function Based Attacks and Graph HMAC, CySeck, Bangalore” on 10/06/2020.

Dr. Soya Mathew participated through online “National Webinar on “Differential Equations Approach in Mathematical Modelling” conducted by the IQAC cell, GFGC & PG Center, Chintamani” on 10/6/2020.

Dr. R. Stephen & Dr.Cecil Donald participated through online “Sensitisation on Intellectual Property Rights, Chevalier T. Thomas Elizabeth College for Women, Chennai” from 10/06/2020 to 11/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Patents & Intellectual Property Rights(RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering) Pune” from 10/06/2020 to 11/06/2020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash participated through online “Patent Act, Drafting, Filing system and challenges in India, R.M.D Enginnering College,Kaveripattai” on 10/06/2020.

Prof.A.Deva Kumari participated through online “Placement New Attacks, Function-based Attacks and Graph HMAC" by CysecK govt of Karnataka” on 10/06/2020.

Prof.B. Manimekala participated through online “Traditional Classroom vs Digital Platform Classroom (Thiruvalluvar College, Papansam & ASDF International, UK)” on 10/06/2020.

Prof.B. Manimekala participated through online “Data Science using R studio (Dr.MGR Educational & Research Institute, Chennai)” on 09/06/2020.

Dr.K.Kalaiselvi participated through online “New trends in sports and physical education, Department of physical education Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru” from 08/06/2020 To 11/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “R Programming (A.N.Institute-Spoken tutorial, Patna” from 8/6/2020 t0 17/6/2020 (12 days).

Prof.B. Manimekala participated through online “Academic Leadership, TLM, Research Plan, Patent , Cyber Security& Stress Management (SNMV College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore)” from 08/06/2020 to 15/06/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti participated through online “Python 3.4.3”, Pragati Engineering College (Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh) in association with Spoken Tutorial IIT, online” from 8/6/2020 to 13/6/2020.

Prof. A.Deva Kumari participated through online “Python 3.4.3 and Django” by CMR engineering college and spoken tutorial IITB” from 08/06/2020 to 13/06/2020.

Dr.Margaret Mary T participated through online “Virtual classes- Are you Ready Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore” on 08/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Virtual Power Seminar - Oracle DB, Query and Trends”(Kings Engineering college), Chennai” on 8/06/2020.

Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Oracle DB query trends, Department of Computer Science (KINGS Engineering college), Chennai” on 8/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Innovation In Technology During COVID Times”(St.Joseph College), Chennai” on 8/06/2020.

Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Advanced Techniques For Energy Efficient Devices & MATLAB Coding, Department of mechanical Engineering (Sri G S Institute Of Technology & Science, Indore)” on 07/06/2020.

Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Digital Learning & Online Library Services (Govt. Bilasa Girls PG Autonomous College)” from 06/06/2020 to 08/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Webinar on Career Opportunities in VLSI(Mohamed Sathak A J College Of Engineering, Chennai” on 6/06/2020.

Dr.K.Kalaiselvi participated through online “Economics for Engineers and current COVID situation”EINSTEIN College of Engineering Tirunelveli-12 Department of Computer Science and Engineering” on 6/06/2020.

Prof.A.Deva Kumari participated through online “Effective Online Teaching Strategies" by Marian International institute of Management, Kerala” on 6/06/2020.

Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Network Simulation Using NS-3 -A Research Perspective, Department of Information Science & Engineering.-SVCE bangalore ” 06/06/2020.

Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Introduction To BlockChain Technology (Arasu Engineering College), Arasu Engineering College-dept of computer science and engineering-kumbakonam” 06/06/2020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash K participated through online “Machine Learning and Data Science for Engineering Applications, Department of CSE & IT, Shadan College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad” from 05/06/2020 to 10/06/2020.

Prof.Sandhya Soman participated through online “Introduction to Virtualization using VMware and Robotic Process Automation using UiPath & IQAC and Department of Sciences, St. Claret College, Bengaluru” from 5/6/2020 to 6/6/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Innovation Opportunities in Robotics, Drones & AI (St.Joseph Institute of Technology) Chennai” on 5/06/2020.

Prof.A.Deva Kumari participated through online “Environment day quiz for Engineers (Thiruvalluvar University College Of Arts And Science), Arakonam, Chennai” on 5/06/2020.

Dr.Anthony Vincent. B participated through online “Cloud Computing Instances on resource maximization (Hindustan College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Chennai)” on 5/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Advanced in AI/ML/DL (Bethlahem Institute) Chennai” on 5/06/2020.

Prof.Soumya K participated through online “Decision Making With The Application Of DataMining, Department of Mathematics-K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Samayapuram, Trichy” on 05/06/2020.

Dr. Margaret Mary T participated through online “6th Wave of Innovation: Disruption (Sri Eshwar College of Engineering)” on 04/06/2020.

Prof. Divya K.S & Prof.Soumya participated through online “SWOT Analysis To Be Done In Post Covid 19 Dept of computer application-patrician college of arts and science-Cennai” on 4/6/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Quality Engineering (Kamaraj institute), Madurai” on 4/06/2020.

Prof.A.Deva Kumari participated through online “Cyber Security ,by Anurag university and Indian Servers,” from 3/06/2020 to 05/06/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti, Prof.Soumya K, Prof.A.Devakumari, & Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems”, Cyber Security Karnataka(CySecK), online” on 3/6/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Computational Intelligence-Risk Management (Kamaraj Instuitute of Technology) Madurai” on 3/06/2020.

Prof. Divya K. S & Prof. A.Deva Kumari participated through online “Issues and challenges in cyber security (DonBosco Institute), Bengaluru” on 02/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Easy Crack UGC NET / SET - Theory of computation” (Dr. Ambedkar Government Arts College), Chennai” on 2/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S & Prof.Soumya.K participated through online “Big Data Engineering(Kings Engineering College),Department of Computer Science, Chennai” from 1/6/2020 to 5-6-2020.

Prof. Ann Mary Joyson participated through online “Mathematical Modelling in Multidisciplinary Domain Dept of Mathematics, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode” from 1-06-2020-07-06-2020.

Prof.B. Manimekala participated through online “Trends in Virtual and Augmented Reality (Karpagam Engineering College, Coimbatore)” on 01/06/2020.

Prof.A.Deva Kumari participated through online “Microsoft Office 365 Education” by SMK Fomra institute of technology, Chennai” on 1/06/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S participated through online “Computational Intelligence (Kamaraj College), Madurai” on 01/6/2020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash participated through online “AWS Cloud Computing” Organized by Department of Information Technology, Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal” on 01/06/2020.

Prof. Mary Jacob Participated in FDP on “NAAC Accreditation Assessment :Mastering criteria 1 to 7” Organized by Nirmal Integrated Consultancy in association with International Association of Research Scholars held on 30/05/2020.

Prof. Mary Jacob Participated in FDP on “Data science for Biomedical Applications” Organized by Department of Biomedical Velalar College of Engineering and Technology held on 26/05/2020.

Prof. Soumya K Participated in FDP on “Demystifying Network Security” Organized by S.A. Engineering College, Chennai held on 28-30 May 2020.

Prof.Sandhya Soman Participated in Webinar on “AI and Data Science” Organized by IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society Bangalore Chapter in association with IEEE Bangalore Section held on 28-30 May 2020.

Prof.Liji George Participated in Webinar on “Doctrina-2020” Organized by Department of Statistics and IQAC, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba held on 30/05/2020.

Prof.Ann Mary Joyson Participated in Webinar on “Recent Advances in Graph Theory” Organized by Kristu Jayanti College,Bengaluru held on 30/052020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Ramanathan G Prof.Ayshwarya Prof. Manimekala B Participated in Webinar on “Cyber Security from an enterprise viewpoint” Organized by Coimbat ore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore held on 30/5/2020.

Prof. Mary Jacob Participated in Webinar on “Social Work Response towards Covid- 19 Pandemic” Organized by P.G & Research Department of Social Work, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur Dist. TN and Dept. of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College,Bengaluru held on 29/05/2020.

Dr. Soya Mathew Prof.Ann Mary Joyson Prof. Liji George Participated in Online FDP on “Google Tools” Organized by Dept of Science, Christ College of Science and Management, Alambady, Malur held on 28-30 May 2020.

Dr. A. Dalvin Vinoth Kumar Participated in Webinar on “IoT Application Development for COVID 19 Pandemic” Organized by Bishop Heber College Trichy held on 29/05/2020.

Prof. Mary Jacob Dr.Kalaiselvi Participated in Webinar on “World of IoT- An Insight” Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Einstein College of Engineering, Tirunelveli held on 29/5/2020.

Dr.Vinothina V Prof.Ayshwarya. B Participated in Workshop on “Data Visualization using Tableau” Organized by Department of Computer Science[UG] Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru held on 28-30 May 2020.

Prof. Manimekala B Participated in Workshop on “NAAC Assessment and Accrediatation in Step by Step Process” Organized by GATES Institutes of Technology held on 28-30 May 2020.

Prof.A.Deva Kumari Participated in FDP on “Internet of Things” Organized by Anurag University held on 28-30 May 2020.

Dr.Kalaiselvi Prof. Gopika S Prof. Mary Jacob Participated in National Webinar on “Sports Psychology” Organized by Department of physical education Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru held on 28-29 May 2020.

Prof.Divya K.S Participated in Webinar on “Semantic Web-An overview of Protégé” Organized by VELS Institutue of Science and Technology ,Chennai held on 28/5/2020.

Dr. Kalaiselvi K Prof.Anita C Participated in Workshop on “Data Visualization using Tableau” online workshop Organized by Kristu Jayanti College(Autonomous), Bengaluru held on 28-30 May 2020.

Prof.Shivakumar B. N. Prof. Ann Mary Joyson Participated in webinar on “Fluid Dynamics and its Applications” Organized by GFGC Vijayanagara held on 28-29 May 2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Participated in Webinar on “Star AI/x-per”t Organized by Star Certification, Bangalore held on 28/5/2020.

Prof. A.Deva Kumari Participated in Webinar on “Block chain and Vedas Connection” Organized by CySeck Govt of Karnataka held on 27/05/2020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash Participated in FDP on “Trends In Teaching And Learning” Organized by Bishop Ambrose College,Bangalore held on 26-29 May 2020.

Dr.Vinothina V Participated in FDP on “Data Analytics in R” AICTE Training and Learning Academy Organized by IIIT, Vadodara held on 25-29 May 2020.

Prof. Sandhya Soman Participated in Webinar on “Women Leaders” Organized by Women Leaders Under the aegis of IEEE Bangalore Technolgy Conclave held on 25-29 May 2020.

Prof.Ramanathan G Dr. Margaret Mary Participated in FDP on “Data science using Python” Organized by CSI Chapter Kancheepuram Mohamed Sathak A J College of Engineering, Chennai held on 25/05/2020 to 30/05/2020.

Dr.Margaret Mary Participated in FDP on “An Innovative Research Trends in Data Science Using R Programming” Organized by Santhiram Engineering College, Nandyal held on 26-31 May 2020.

Prof. Hubert Shanthan BJ Prof. Jasmine Beulah G Participated in Webinar on “Big Data Analytics” Organized by Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore held on 27-29 May 2020.

Prof. Devakumari Participated in Quiz on “Data Structures and Algorithm” Organized by University of Jammu held on 27/05/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Soumya Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Devakumari A Participated in Webinar on “IoT Stack – End to End Security Considerations” Organized by Cambridge Institute Of Technology Bangalore held on 26/5/2020.

Prof. Devakumari Participated in Quiz on “Covid-19, Technological and Digital Transforamtion for New Era” Organized by G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science, Telangana held on 25/05/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Participated in E-Quiz on “Azure Cloud Technology” Organized by SNS Institutions, Coimbatore held on 25/5/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Participated in Webinar on “A decade in Technology and Cyber Security” Organized by Department of Computer Science, CSI College of Engineering, Ketty held on 25-26 May 2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Participated in Webinar on “Accelerating Industry 4.0” Organized by ICT Skycampus held on 25-29 May 2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti & Prof.Divya.K.S Participated in Webinar on “Computer Programming” Organized by Adhiparasakthi College Of Arts And Science held on 25/5/2020.

Prof. Ramanathan G Participated in Workshop on Online “TABLEAU Training” Organized by Voksen Corporate Training, Mumbai held on 24/05/2020.

Prof. A.Deva Kumari Participated in Webinar on “Cloud virtual Education System become new normal” Organized by IEEE Bangalore section held on 24/05/2020.

Prof. Amjad Hassan Khan Participated in Quiz on “Mock test for UGC NET/JRF Paper-I” Organized by Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai held on 23/05/2020.

Prof.Dhanamalar Dr.V.S.Prakash Prof.Sreeparana Chakrabarti Dr. Ranjitha M Dr. Anthony Vincent B Prof.Manimekala.B Prof.Aswin H Sathish Dr.Kalaiselvi Dr.Vinoth B Participated in Webinar on “AI based Proctoring in Next Generation Educatio” Organized by IQAC, School of Computational Science, Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College for Women,Chennai held on 23/05/2020.

Dr. Mayank Pandey Dr. Cecil Donald A Prof. Divya K.S. Prof. Soumya K Participated in FDP on “Adaptive signal processing” organized by SNS College of Technology Coimbatore held on 23/05/2020.

Dr. Mayank Pandey Participated in Webinar on “Soft-Matter Optics: A Cabinet of Curiosities” organized by American Chemical Society held on 22/05/2020.

Prof. A.Deva Kumari Participated in FDP on “IoT and Cyber Securiy-a industry perspective” Organized by Cambridge institute of technology and VTU held on 22-23 May 2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Prof. Chakrabarti A. Prof. Devakumari Prof. Soumya K Participated in FDP on “Artificial Intelligence” Organized by Vignan a Bharathi Engineering College, Hyderabad held on 22-26 May 2020.

Prof.Soumya Participated in Quiz on “MATLAB” Organized by Pace Institute Of Technology And Science Andhra Pradesh held on 25/05/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Soumya Prof. Divya K.S. Prof. Manimekala B Prof.Devakumari .A Participated in webinar on “Utilizing Digital Resources for E- Commerce development and Designing” Organized by Smt. Kamaladevi Gauridutt Mittal College Of Arts & Commerce, Mumbai held on 22/5/2020.

Prof.B.Manimekala Participated in Webinar on “Writing a Research Paper” Organized by Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam held on 22/05/2020.

Prof. Manimekala B Participated in Webinar on “Computing Paradigms” Organized by ACM Chapter & Don Bosco College (Co- Ed) - Yelagiri Hills held on 20-21 May 2020.

Dr. A. Cecil Donald Dr. B.J.Hubert Shanthan Dr. Dalvin Vinoth Kumar served as a resource persons in Webinar on “Computing Paradigms” Organized by ACM Chapter & Don Bosco College (Co- Ed) - Yelagiri Hills held on 20-21 May 2020.

Dr. Ranjitha M Participated in FDP on “Virtual Classroom Teacher” Organized by Classle SKILLNET in association with CSI,ACM and IEEE Computer Society held on 20-21 May 2020.

Prof. Nagendra S Participated in Workshop on “Role of Administration and Benefits of Digitilization during LockDown” Organized by L.S. Raheja College of Arts and Commerce, Mumbai held on 20-21 May 2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Soumya Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Devakumari .A Participated in FDP on “Migration of IT Infra Using Cloud” Organized by Poornima Institute Of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur held on 20-21 May 2020.

Prof. Mary Jacob Participated in National FDP on “Data Science using Python” Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kongu Engineering College,Erode held on 20-24 May 2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Soumya Prof.Divya.K.S Participated in Webinar on “Meltdown and Spectre (CySeck)” Organized by Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security, Bangalore held on 20/5/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Soumya Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Devakumari .A Participated in Webinar on “Cyber Security” Organized by Department of Computer Science Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences, Erode held on 20/5/2020.

Prof. Sreeparna Chakrabarti Soumya K Devakumari Ramanathan G Prof. Jeo Joy A Participated in Workshop on “Reference Management Tool for Research articles and thesis writing” Organized by IEEE Bangalore section researchers forum held on 20/05/2020.

Prof. Ramanathan G Participated in Online Webinar on “Impact of Banking and Financial Sector in the Post Covid 19” Organized by Kristu Jayanti College(Autonomo us), Bengaluru held on 19/05/2020.

All Faculty Members Participated in Workshop on “Creating an Inclusive Teaching Learning Experience in LMS(Moodle)” Organized by Kristu Jayanti College(Autonomo us), Bengaluru held on 19-21 May 2020.

Prof.Sevugapandian served as a resource person in Workshop on “Creating an Inclusive Teaching Learning Experience in LMS(Moodle)” Organized by Kristu Jayanti College(Autonomo us), Bengaluru held on 19-21 May 2020.

Prof. Vinothina V Participated in Webinar on “Decoding Datascience for Decision Makers” Organized by CleverInsight held on 19/05/2020.

Dr.B.Vinoth Participated in Webinar on “Reevaluating COVID 19 for new business opportunities” Organized by Thakur College of Science & Commerce, Mumbai held on 19/05/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Manimekala.B Participated in Webinar on “Best cybersecurity practices in Corona Era Covid19” Organized by Seshadripuram First Grade College, Bengaluru held on 19/05/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Ramanathan G Prof. Gopika S Participated in Webinar on “Water Concervation in Post Pandemic World” Organized by Deparment of Commerce Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru held on 18/05/2020.

Prof.Soumya K Prof.Devakumari .A Participated in FDP on “Outcome based education” Organized by IQAC, C B Bhandari Jain College in collaboration with InPods. held on 18/05/2020.

Prof.Mary Jacob Participated in FDP on “Big Data Tools” Organized by St.Martins Engineering College,Secunderabad held on 18-23 May 2020.

Prof.Dhanamalar Participated in FDP on “Digital Learning Series, Role of Artificial intelligence in World Health crisis” Organized by Sree Ramakrishana College for Women, coimbatore held on 18/05/2020.

Prof. Sandhya Soman Participated in Webinar on “Technology, Management and Industry” Organized by IEEE Bangalore Section in association with IEEE TEMS Bangalore held on 18/05/2020 to 22/05/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Soumya Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Devakumari .A Participated in Webinar on “Future Tech 2020” Organized by ICT Skycampus held on 18/5/2020 to 22/5/2020.

Prof.Dhanamalar Participated in “Quiz on Test Your Skills in Python” Organized by Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Chennai held on 18/05/2020.

Prof.Dhanamalar Participated in Quiz on “Test your Knowledge of Plagiarism” Organized by Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai held on 17/05/2020.

Dr.Vinothina V Participated in Workshop on “Effective and Efficient Online Teaching in the Age of Corona” Organized by IIT Bombay held on 17/05/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Dr.Vinothina V Dr. Ranjitha M Dr.V.S.Prakash Prof.Soumya Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Devakumari .A Prof.Aswin Herbert Sathish Prof. Manimekala Participated in Online FDP on “National Level FDP on Association Rule mining” Organized by Department of Computer Science(PG),Dayan anda Sagar College, Bangalore held on 16/5/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Soumya Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Devakumari .A Participated in Webinar on “Data Analytics Using R” Organized by Seshadripuram College, Bengaluru held on 16/5/2020.

Dr.B.J.Hubert Shanthan Participated in Quiz on “National level e- quiz open competition Pre- On-Post-COVID19” Organized by Phase Academic Initiative Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) held on 16/05/2020.

Dr.Anthony Vincent. B Participated in Webinar on “Research insights of Cloud Development Model for Justice” Organized by Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women Chennai held on 16/05/2020.

Prof.Divya.K.S Participated in FDP on “Graphic Design (Edu-Vitae)” Organized by Panimalar institute of technology , Chennai held on 16/5/2020.

Dr.Anthony Vincent. B acted as a Resource Person in FDP on “Research insights of Cloud Development Model for Justice” Organized by Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women Chennai held on 04-05 May 2020.

Prof. Gopika S Prof.Ramanathan Prof.Aswin H Sathish Dr.Margaret Mary Dr. Anthony Vincent B Participated in FDP on “Research Insights on Internet of Things” Organized by Department of Computer Science (UG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru held on 15,16 &18 May 2020.

All Faculty Members of Computer Science Department Participated in FDP on “Research Colloquium on "Research: Traverse from Crawling to Running” Organized by Kristu Jayanti College,Bengaluru held on 15,16 &18 May 2020.

Prof. B.Manimekala Participated in FDP on “Front end Framework: Angular” Organized by Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai held on 15/05/2020 to 16/05/2020.

Dr. A. Cecil Donald Participated in Webinar on “Psychological Strategies to Overcome COVID-19”, Organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Vadapalani Campus, Chennai held on 15/05/2020.

Dr. A. Cecil Donald Participated in Webinar on “Let’s Get Back to Routine with Ease” Organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai held on 15/05/2020.

Prof. Dhanamalar Participated in FDP on “Training on LaTeX” Organized by Sankara College of Science and Commerce, Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay held on 15/05/2020.

Dr. A. Cecil Donald Dr. Dalvin Vinoth Kumar Dr. Anthony Vincent B Served as a resource persons in FDP on “IoT Frameworks” Organized by Department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bangalore held on 15/05/2020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash participated in Webinar on “IoT Frameworks” Organized by Idhya College For Women,Kumbakonom held on 15/05/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Dr.Jasmine Beulah Prof.Aswin H Sathish participated in Webinar on “The Role of VR and AR in industry 4.0” Organized by Allagappa university, Karikudi held on 15/05/2020.

Prof.Mary Jacob participated in National Workshop on “Animation” Organized by Universal Teachers Academy,Puducherry held on 14-18 May 2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.B.Manimekala Prof.Soumya Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Mary Jacob Prof.Devakumari .A Participated in FDP on “Data Analysis and Data Visualization Using Tableau” organized by Shri Krishnaswamy College for women, Chennai held on 14-15 May 2020.

Prof. Amjad H Khan Participated in Webinar on Putting the word ‘ABILITY ’ in ‘Disability’ Organized by SCOO News held on 14/05/2020.

Prof. Amjad H Khan Participated in Webinar on “Android for absolute beginners” Organized by Patrician College of arts and science, Chennai held on 14/05/2020.

Prof.B.Manimekala Participated in Webinar on “Virtual Reality” Organized by Pantech & SRM, Chennai held on 14/05/2020.

Dr. Margaret Mary Participated in Webinar on “AI and Machine Learning” Organized by Sri Eashwar College of Engineering, Chennai held on 14/05/2020.

Dr. A. Cecil Donald Participated in Webinar on “Blockchain Technology for New Era of Higher Education” Organized by Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh held on 14/05/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Devakumari .A Participated in Webinar on “Sentiment Analysis-Concepts And Applications” Organized by Nehru Arts & Science College, Coimbatore held on 14/5/2020.

Prof. Liji George served as a resource person on “Virtual FDP on Descriptive Statistics” at Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru held on 14/05/2020.

Prof.Soumya k Participated in Webinar on “Innovative pedagogy and effective teaching and Learning” Organized by panimalar institute of Technology held on 14/05/2020.

Prof.Liji George Participated in FDP on “Virtual FDP on Descriptive Statistics” Organized by Kristu Jayanti College(Autonomous), Bengaluru held on 14/5/2020.

Prof.Shivakumar B. N. Prof.Anita.C Dr.Mamatha S.Upadhaya Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Dr.Vinothina Dr. Ranjitha M Prof.Manimekala .B Dr.Jasmine Beulah Prof.Soumya Prof.Gopika Prof.Divya.K.S Dr.Soya Mathew Prof.Devakumari .A Prof.Ramanathan .G Prof.Ann Mary Participated in FDP on “Virtual FDP on Descriptive Statistics” Organized by Kristu Jayanti College(Autonomo us), Bengaluru held on 14/05/2020.

Dr. B.J.Hubert Shanthan Participated in Webinar on “Digital Knowledge Series Super Session on the theme Good Teacher to Geat Teacher” Organized by ICT AcademySkycampus held on 14/05/2020.

Prof. Sandhya Soman Participated in Webinar on “Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” Organized by Kristu Jayanti College in association with Panasonic EdTech Solution, 360 DigitTMG held on 14/05/2020.

Prof.Sevugapandian Participated in Workshop on Workshop on “Data Visualization using Tableau” Organized by Kristu Jayanti College held on 13/05/2020.

Dr. A. Cecil Donald Participated in FDP on “IoT & AI”, Organized by Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Coimbatore held on 13/05/2020.

Prof. Deva Kumari Participated in Webinar and Assesment on “Network security and Application Security” Organized by Cyseck- govt of Karnataka held on 13/05/2020.

Dr.Vinothina V Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Devakumari .A Prof.Ramanathan Dr. Anthony Vincent Participated in Webinar on “Free MOOC to Complement Engineering Educatio” organized by IEEE Bangalore Section held on 13/05/2020.

Dr.Margaret Mary Prof. Ramanathan G Participated in FDP on “Artificial Intelligence” Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Santhiram Engineering college, Hyderbad. held on 13-18 May 2020.

Dr. Mayank Pandey Participated in Webinar on “Skill Gap Analysis and Entrepreneurship Development” Organized by Tamilnadu College of Engineering Coimbatore held on 13/05/2020.

Prof.B.Manimekala Participated in Webinar on “Integrated Digital Marketing” Organized by Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore held on 13/05/2020.

Prof.Amjad H Khan Participated in Webinar on “IEEE society chapter webiner series” Organized by IEEE Bengaluru Series held on 12-15 May 2020.

Prof. Dhanamalar Participated in FDP on “Computational Intelligence” Organized by Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, PSG College of Arts and Science, coimbatore held on 12-16 May 2020.

Prof. Sandhya Soman Participated in Quiz on “Java Basics” Organized by Department of Computer Engineering, Marathwada Mitra Mandal Institue of Technology held on 12/05/2020.

Prof. Vinothina V Participated in FDP on “Fundamentals of Machine Learning” Organized by ICT Academy held on 06/05/2020.

Prof.Sevugapandian Participated in FDP on “Mobile Application Development” Organized by ICT Academy held on 12/05/2020.

Prof.Amjad H Khan Participated in Webinar on “Digital Marketing” Organized by Christ University held on 12/05/2020.

Prof.B. Manimekala Participated in FDP on “Developing Teachers Overall Personality” Organized by Prerna College, Nagpur held on 11-20 May 2020.

Prof. Sowmya K Prof. Divya K.S. Dr. Stephen R Participated in FDP on “Python: Beginners Tutorial” Organized by Alagappa University, Karaikudi held on 11/05/2020.

Prof.Prathap.G Participated in FDP on “SARS-CoV-2 Research: Insights from Computational Biology” Organized by Department of Life Sciences, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru held on 11-15 May 2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Participated in Webinar on “Season5-Education, Employment & Entrepreneurship” Organized by ICT Skycampus held on 11-15 May 2020.

Prof.Nagendra S Prof. Anita C Participated in FDP on “Role of Teachers in Quality Enhancement and Accreditation” Organized by Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru held on 11-18 May 2020.

Prof.B.Manimekala Participated in FDP on “R Programming” Organized by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay & BIT, Noida held on 11-15 May 2020.

Prof.Dhanamalar Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Manimekala .B Prof.Soumya Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Devakumari .A Prof.RamanathanProf.Aswin H Sathish Dr. Mayank Pandey Prof.Sandhya Soman Dr. Anthony Vincent Participated in FDP on “Improving your research visibility – Research Impact and Metrics” Organized by Research Development Cell and IQAC, Vellalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode held on 11-13 May 2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Manimekala Prof.Soumya Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Mary Jacob Prof.Devakumari .A Prof. Prathap G Dr. Vinothina V Participated in FDP on “Scope of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Automation” Organized by Velallar College of Engineering And Technology held on 11/052020 to 17/05/2020.

Prof.B.Manimekala Participated in Webinar on “Machine Learning Algorithms, Applications and Trends” Organized by Shasun Jain College for Women, Chennai held on 10/05/2020.

Prof.Shivakumar B. N. Prof.Soumya Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Devakumari .A Participated in FDP on “LaTeX & Xfig” Organized by A. N. College, Patna held on 11-17 May 2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Devakumari .A Participated in Webinar on “Impact of COVID-19 on Information Technology” Organized by Patrician College of Arts and Science held on 11/5/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Soumya Prof.Divya.K.S Participated in Webinar on “Blockchain beyond the Hype:Real Use Cases” Organized by Dhanalakshmi Srininvasan College of Engineering, Perambalur held on 11/5/2020.

Dr.V.S.Prakash Participated in Quiz on “CPP Programming” Organized by Sandip Institute of Tech held on 11/05/2020.

Dr. A. Cecil Donald acted as a Resource Person in FDP on “Research Insights on Cloud Computing” Organized by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai held on 11/05/2020.

Prof. Sandhya Soman Participated in Webinar on “Satellite and Automation Webinar Series” Organized by GSSS Institue of Technology for Women, Mysuru and IEEE WIE Affinity Group held on 11-13 May 2020.

Prof. Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof. Devakumari Prof. Divya K.S participated in Quiz on “Mock Test for NET exam Paper-I “organized by M.S. University Constituent College, Kadayanallur held on 11/05/2020.

Prof.B.Manimekala Dr. Kalaiselvi Dr. Jasmine Beulah Participated in Webinar on “Machine Learning Algorithms, Applications and Trends” Organized by Shasun Jain College for Women, Chennai held on 10/05/2020.

Prof.Amjad H Khan Participated in FDP on “Digital Signal Processing and Its Applications in Industry” Organized by Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bengaluru held on 10/05/2020.

Dr. A. Cecil Donald Participated in Webinar on “Futuristic Information and Communication Technologies” Organized by World Academy of Informatics and Management held on 10/05/2020.

Prof. Devakumari Participated in Quiz on “C Beginner Skill Test” held on 9/05/2020.

Dr. BJ.Hubert Shanthan Dr.Dalvin Vinoth Kumar Participated in Webinar on “Unleashing Machine Learning and Cloud Computing” Organized by Holy Cross College, Tirchy held on 9/05/2020.

Dr. Ranjitha M Participated in Webinar on “Smart Vehicle” Organized by IEEE held on 09/05/2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Prof.Soumya Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Devakumari .A Participated in Webinar on “Blockchain technology” Organized by SG Balekundri Institute of Technology, Belgaum held on 9/5/2020.

Prof.Dhanamalar Participated in Webinar on “Machine Learning with Covid’19” Organized by Department of Information Technology, Mahendra Engineering College(Autonomous), Namakkal, held on 09-May-20.

Dr.Jasmine Beulah Prof.Liji George Dr.Kalaiselvi Dr. Margaret Mary Dr.V.Prakash Prof.Nagendra Prof. Amjad H Khan Participated in FDP on “Fuzzy Logic” Organized by Department of Mathematics, Kristu Jayanti College Bengaluru held on 9/05/2020.

Dr.Mamatha S Upadhya acted as a Resource Person in FDP on “Fuzzy Logic” Organized by Department of Mathematics, Kristu Jayanti College Bengaluru held on 8/05/2020.

Prof. Ayshwarya B Dr.Margaret Mary Prof.Dhanamalar Participated in FDP on “Effective conduct of online classes” Organized by Department of Electrical and Electronicse Engineering Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore held on 08/05/2020.

Prof. Dhanamalar Participated in FDP on “DevOps & AWS” Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, SRIRAM Engineering College, Chennai held on 07-08 May 2020.

Dr.Kalaiselvi Dr. Hubert Shanthan BJ Participated in Quiz on “KNOW IT -2” organized by SNMV CAS held on 07/05/2020.

Dr. Ranjitha M Participated in Webinar on “Virtual and Augmented Reality in Industry 4.0” Organized by Vivekanda College, Namakal held on 07/05/2020.

Dr. A. Cecil Donald Prof.Manimekala .B Participated in FDP on “Data Analysis & Visualization of COVID-19 Dataset using Python” Organized by Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai held on 07/05/2020.

Prof. Sevugapandian Anthony Vincent Dr. Vinothina V Prof. Dhanamalar Dr. Ranjitha M Dr. Stephen R Prof. Manimekala B Dr. Jasmine Beulah Ramanathan G Prof. Sowmya Participated in “Conference on Current Trends in Advanced Computing” Organized by Department of Computer Science(PG), Kristu Jayanti College(Autonomous) Bengaluru held on 06-07 May 2020.

Prof.Mary Jacob Participated in FDP on “Teaching Techniques with Gamification” organized by ICT Academy held on 06-11 May 2020.

Dr.Anthony Vincent. B Dr.Vinothina. Prof.Dhanamalar M Dr. Ranjitha M Dr. Stephen Prof.Manimekala Dr.Jasmine Beulah Prof.Divya.K.S Prof.Sevugapandian Prof.Ramanathan G Participated in “International Conference on Current Trends in Advanced Computing” organized by Department of Computer Science(PG), KristuJayanti College(Autonomous) Bengaluru held on 06-07 May 2020.

Prof. Jeo Joy has presented a paper titled “Energy Healing (EH) Techniques – Its Global Impact and Role of Information Technology in EH”, in the Two days International Conference on Current Trends in Advanced Computing organized by Department of Computer Science (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru on 06-07 May 2020.

Dr. V.S. Prakash, Prof. Divya. K. S and Prof. Devakumari have presented a paper titled “Establishing Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing with Third Party Auditing”, in the Two days International Conference on Current Trends in Advanced Computing organized by Department of Computer Science (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru on 06-07 May 2020.

Prof. Ramanathan, Prof. Margaret Mary and Prof. Soumya have presented a paper titled “Effective and Intelligent Implementation for Children with Learning Disabilities using Android”, in the Two days International Conference on Current Trends in Advanced Computing organized by Department of Computer Science (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru on 06-07 May 2020.

Prof. Gopika and Prof. Mary Jacob have presented a paper titled “Secured Authentication for Passwords Using Hash Code”, in the Two days International Conference on Current Trends in Advanced Computing organized by Department of Computer Science (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru on 06-07 May 2020.

Prof. Aswin Hebert Sathish has presented a paper titled “The Role of MOOCs in reforming Higher Education”, in the Two days International Conference on Current Trends in Advanced Computing organized by Department of Computer Science (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru on 06-07 May 2020.

Prof. Sandhya Soman has presented a paper titled “An empirical investigation on practicing secure software development on software development life cycle in small and medium level software firms in Bengaluru”, in the Two days International Conference on Current Trends in Advanced Computing organized by Department of Computer Science (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru on 06-07 May 2020.

Prof. Sandhya Soman has presented a paper titled “An empirical investigation on practicing secure software development on software development life cycle in small and medium level software firms in Bengaluru”, in the Two days International Conference on Current Trends in Advanced Computing organized by Department of Computer Science (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru on 06-07 May 2020.

Prof. Sreeparna Chakrabarti has presented a paper titled “Mental Health Assessment in Teenagers using Machine Learning”, An empirical investigation on practicing secure software development on software development life cycle in small and medium level software firms in Bengaluru”, in the Two days International Conference on Current Trends in Advanced Computing organized by Department of Computer Science (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru on 06-07 May 2020.

Dr.Vinothina V Participated in FDP on “Fundamentals of Machine Learning” Organized by ICT Academy held on 06-12 May 2020.

Dr.Anthony Vincent. B Participated in Webinar on “Introduction to Python programming” Organized by ICT Academy held on 06-12 May 2020.

Prof.Dhanamalar Participated in Webinar on “Virtual and Augmented Reality” Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore held on 6/05/2020.

Dr. A. Cecil Donald Participated in Webinar on “How to be Secured in Digital Era” Organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai held on 05/05/2020.

Dr. A. Cecil Donald Participated in Webinar on “Use of Elsevier Tools in Research Workflow” Organized by University of Madras, Chennai held on 05/05/2020.

Dr. Ranjitha M Participated in FDP on “Java Business Applications” Organized by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai held on 04-08 May 2020.

Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti Dr.Ranjitha M Dr.G. .Jasmine Beulah Prof. Divya.K.S Prof.Manimekala .B Prof.Devakumari Prof.Ayshwarya Participated in Webinar on “Season4-The Future of Education, Employment & Entrepreneurship” Organized by ICT Skycampus held on 04-08 May 2020. Prof.B.Manimekala Participated in Webinar on “Problem Solving Techniques” Organized by Soka Ikeda College of Arts and Science for Women, Chennai held on 05/05/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S Participated in Workshop on “Lessons in God in Boardroom” Organized by ISBR College,Bnagalore held on 5/5/2020.

Prof.Divya.K.S Participated in FDP on “Python-3.4.3” Organized by Satyabhama Science and Technology, with Spoken tutorial held on 04-08 May 2020.

Dr.Anthony Vincent. B acted as a Resource Person in FDP on “Microsoft Dynamics 365” Organized by Department of Computer Science Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru held on 04-05 May 2020.

Dr. A. Cecil Donald Participated in FDP on “Machine Learning using Python”, Organized by Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai held on 04/05/2020. Dr B.J.Hubert Shanthan Dr.Dalvin Vinoth Kumar Participated in Webinar on “ICT Academy Skycampus : Digital Knowledge Series - Super Session Power of Teacher” Organized by ICT Academy held on 04/05/2020.

Dr. Soya Mathew Dr. Mayank Pandey Participated in Online FDP on “Remarkable Structural, Magnetic and Microwave Adsorption Properties of Rare Earth-Doped Mn- Cu Ferrites. & In- situ characterization of Materials at Elevated Temperatures” Organized by Department of Physics, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru held on 04-May-20.

Prof. Ayshwarya B Gopika S Sreeparna Chakrabarti Sowmya K Devakumari Mary Jacob Margaret Mary T Dhanamalar K. Kalaiselvi Ramanathan G Ranjitha M Divya K.S. Dalvin Vinoth Kumar A Participated in FDP “on Microsoft Dynamics 365” Organized by Department of Computer Science Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru held on 04-05 May 2020.

Dr.A.Cecil Donald Dr. Dalvin Vinoth Kumar A Dr. Hubert Shanthan BJ Participated in National on “ I-Innovate 1 Million Seconds Online Hackthon” Organized by by Telegana State Innovation Cell and Telegana Information Technology Association held on 03-14 May 2020.

Prof. Ramanathan G Dr.Margaret Mary Participated in Workshop on Online “Microsoft Powerpoint Training” Organized by Voksen Corporate Training, Mumbai held on 03/05/2020. Prof.B. Manimekala Participated in Webinar on “Quantifying the Quality of Research” Organized by Dr. Hiren Patel, Freelancer – Educationalist, Researcher, Author held on 02-03 May 2020.

Prof. B. Manimekala Participated FDP on “How to Write Case Study” at Atmiya University, Gujarat on 02/05/2020.

Prof. Ramanathan G Participated Workshop on “Online Microsoft Excel” Training at Voksen Corporate Training, Mumbai on 02/05/2020.

Dr. Margaret Mary Participated Workshop on “Online Microsoft Powerpoint Training” at Voksen Corporate Training, Mumbai on 02/05/2020.

Dr. K. Kalaiselvi Attended Quiz on “Basics of computer network” at Govt College For Women, Maddur, on 02/05/2020.

Prof. Sreeparna Chakrabarti and Prof. Sowmya K Participated Webinar on “Season3-ICT Skycampus-“day 5 session on 01/05/2020.

Prof. Dhanamalar M, Dr. Margaret Mary and Prof. Ramanathan G Participated Training FDP on “Moodle Learning Management System” at Kaypeeyes College of Arts and Science and IIT Bombay on 01/05/2020.

Prof. Dhanamalar Participated AICTE Training and Learning Academy FDP on “Artificial Intelligence” at College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipur on 30/04/2020 to 04/05/2020.

Prof.Divya K.S, Dr. Ranjitha M, Prof.Soumya, Prof.Devakumari.A, Prof. Sreeparna Chakrabarti participated through online “International Tech conclave, IEEE, BVM Engineering College, Bangalore from 26/4/2020 to 30/4/2020.

Prof.Ramanathan G and Prof.Ayshwarya, participated through online “B Virtual Yoga, Building Resilience in Body and Mind, IEEE on 28/04/2020

Dr.Ranjitha M, Dr.Margaret Mary, Prof.Ramanathan G, Prof.Divya.K.S, Prof.Soumya Prof.Ayshwarya, Prof.Manimekala.B, Prof.GopikaA.Deva Kumari, Prof. Sreeparna Chakrabarti, and Dr.Kalaiselvi participated through onlineSkycampus : Digital Knowledge Session - Season 2 - Leading in a VUCA world, ICT Academy from 20/04/2020 to 24/04/2020

Dr.Vinothina V participated through online“Effective online Engineering Education- IEEE Bangalore section on 26/04/2020

Dr. Margaret Mary, Prof.Ramanathan.G, and Dr.Vinothina.V, participated through online“Writing a competitive grant research proposal” IEEE Sight special interest group on Humanitarian Technology on 20/04/2020

Dr.Vinothina V participated through online “We binar on Emerging Technologies – VIT Mumbai from 20/04/2020 to 22/04/2020

Prof.Ayshwarya.B participated through online “Introduction to bigdata and apache spark, Cognixia” Bangalore on 22/04/2020

Dr.Margaret Mary,Prof.Ramanathan.G, Prof.Ayshwarya, Prof.Mary Jacob, Prof.Prathap G Dr.Prakash V S, Prof.Divya.K.S, Prof. Aswin Herbert Sathish, Dr. A. Cecil Donald, Dr. B. J.Hubert Shanthan, Dr. A. Dalvin Vinoth Kumar Dr.Soya Mathew, Dr.Vinothina,Prof.Manimekala.BProf.Soumya, Prof.A.Deva Kumari, Prof.Sreeparna Chakrabarti, Prof.Sandhya SomanDr.Kalaiselvi, Prof.Amjadh Khan, Prof.Mini.G, Prof.Ann Mary, Prof.Liji, Dr. G.Jasmine Beulah, Dr.Mayank Pandey,and Dr.Anoop Baby.K.B taken online FDP “Outcome Based Learning Approach in Higher Education” organized by IQAC, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru from 22/04/2020 to 24/04/2020 and 28/04/2020 to 30/04/2020

Prof.B.Manimekala participated through onlineWebinar on Systematic Literature Review – SRAM Model (Dr. Hiren Patel, Freelancer – Educationalist, Researcher, Author) 23/04/2020 on 23/04/2020

Dr.Margaret Mary and Prof. Ramanathan G participated through online “Effective online engineering education : Tips and Tricks” IEEE Sight special interest group on Humanitarian Technology on 26/04/2020

Prof. M. Dhanamalar participated through online“ The Power of Block chain and its application, organized by School of Computing Science, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraa College, Pollachi on 25/04/2020

Dr.Anthony Vincent B, participated through online“ Virtual IEEE faculty conclave for Non- IEEE faculty member, on 25/04/2020

Dr.Anthony Vincent B, participated through online“ IEEE Humanitarian technologies , Bangalore section., on 25/04/2020

Dr.Margaret Mary and Prof.Ramanathan G participated through online World Intellectual Property Rights Day IPR Cell and Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) Approved by MHRD and AICTE on 25/4/2020

Ranjitha M Taken online course Intellectual Property and Technological Innovation in COVID-19 and Role of University R&D Spill Over for Societal Benefits, Organized by National Research Development Corporation, Govt. of India and IIC, GIET on 26/04/2020

Prof.Divya K.S, Prof.Soumya A.Deva Kumari, Prof. Sreeparna Chakrabarti participated through online “The future is here now, ICT academy from 27/4/2020 to 1/5/2020(5 sections)

Prof.Dhanamalar M, Prof.Mary Jacob, Dr.Dalvin Vinoth Kumar participated through online Webinar on Recent trends in Computer Science , organized by St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Thiruchirappalli from 24/4/2020- 25/4/2020

Prof. Dhanamalar, Prof.Soumya K, Prof. Divya, Dr.Kalaiselvi, Dr.Ranitha, Prof.Mary Jacob Dr.Vinothina, Prof.Sreeparna chakrabarti, Prof.Sandhya soman, Dr.Hubert Shanthan Dr.Stephen.R, Dr.Dalvin Vinoth Kumar, Dr.Prakash V.S, Prof.Aswin Herbert Sathish Prof.Devakumari.A participated through online FDP on “Current Trends in Software Engineering : Agile & Devops”organized by Kristu Jayanti College, from 28/4/2020 to 30/4/2020

Prof.Dhanamalar M and Prof.Ayshwarya B participated through online “Online FDP on Moodle Learning Management System organized by Department of Computer Science, Kaypeeyes College of Arts and science, Kotagiri, with Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, MHRD, from 29/04/2020 to 1/05/2020

Dr.Anoop Baby.K.B participated through online” Webinar Evolution of Quantum theory organized by Amity University on 29/04/2020

Prof. Ramanathan G.and Dr.Margaret Mary participated through online“IOT (Internet of Things) AICTE Recognized FDP, Computer Science and Engineering Department, National Institute of Technical Teacher Training and Research , Chandigargh from 10/4/2020 to 14/04/2020

Prof.Gopika S participated through online“The NATIONAL LEVEL AICTE recognized Faculty Development Programme on Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing, NITTTR, Chandigarh, from 14/04/2020 to 14/04/2020

Dr.Vinothina participated through online “IOT (Internet of Things) AICTE Recognized FDP, Computer Science and Engineering Department, National Institute of Technical Teacher Training and Research, Chandigargh ftom 15/04/2020 to 19/04/2020

Divya K.S participated through online “An Effective Research Paper Writing Skills” ,Bhagwan Mahavir University,Gujarat from 13/4/2020 to 16/4/2020(4 sections)

Dr.Ranjitha,Prof.Divya.K.S,Prof.Ayshwarya.BDr.Vinothina,Prof.Soumya,Prof.Manimekala.B, Prof.Gopika,ProfA.Devakumari,Prof. Sreeparna Chakrabarti,Dr.Kalaiselvi,Dr.G.and Jasmine Beulah “ participated through online“The Skycampus :: Digital Knowledge Series 2020 - Season 1- Technology for Future,ICT Academy” from 09/04/2020 to 18/04/2020

Prof.B.Manimekala participated through online“One Week Online FDP on Research & Role of Ethics in Research (SJBIT, Bengaluru) from 13/04/2020 to 18/04/2020

Dr.G.Jasmine Beulah participated through online“Making academia-industry colloborations work Research Academy” – Elseivier (International) on 18/04/2020

Dr.G.Jasmine Beulah participated through onlineGuide to Reference managers-How to effectively manage your references Research Academy – Elseivier (International) on 18/04/2020

Dr. Kalaiselvi participated through online“Introduction To New Online Learning Platform”, AWS Academy on 23/04/2020

Dr.Margaret Mary, Dr.Vinothina , Prof.Ayshwarya, Dr.Cecil Donald,Dr. Hubert Santhanam, Dr.Stephen, Prof.A.Devakumari taken online FDP” Inclusive Quality Initiatives for Higher Education” co-ordinated Inter State cluster Vellalar College for Women, Erode from 27/04/ 2020 to 4/05/2020

Prof.M.Dhanamalar taken online FDP “AICTE Training and Learning Academy Online FDP on “Internet of things(IOT)” at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh. From 20/04/2020 to 24/04/2020

Dr.Margaret Mary Resource person, Title “Internet Of Thing using Tinkercard” Department of Computer Applications, Dayananda Sagar Institutions, Bangalore on 20/04/2020

Dr.A. Dalvin Vinoth Kumar participated through online“Develop the Ebility To Write Research Proposal International FDP, AIMIT Bengaluru 24-04-2020

Prof. M.Dhanamalar, Prof.Ramanatha, Dr.Cecil Donald, Dr.MargaretMay, Dr.HubertShanthan, Dr.Stephen. R. Dr.Dalvin Vinoth Kumar, participated through online“World Intellectual Property Rights Day Quiz by IPR cells and Institutions Innovation Council of Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumarkoil on 25/04/2020

Prof.B.Manimekala participated through online “Dhrona – The Art of Teaching & Learning for the NextGen DG. Vaishnav College, Chennai on 11/04/2020

Dr.Ranjitha M completion of online training on “Java Business Application”, IIT Bombay on 08/03/2020

Prof.Amjadh Khan, presented paper title “A study on qualitative approach towards Smart villages in India through Information Technology” in National conference "Science technology and Liberal arts for rural transformation " conducted by SEA college of Science, Commerce and Arts, K.R.Puram, Bengaluru, on 11/03/2020

Prof.Nagendra.S presented paper title, “A study on Qualitative approach towards smart villages in India through Information Technology’’on National seminar on Science, Technology and Liberal Arts for Rural Transformation at SEA college, Virgonagar, KR Puram Bengaluru, on 11/03/2020

Dr.Vinothina V, participated through online“IP Challenges and Patentability Criteria in Telecom Hardware and Software” –IEEE Bangalore Section from 27/03/2020 to 28/03/ 2020

Prof.B.Manimekala attended International FDP on Develop the Ability to Write Research Proposal (Wavoo Wajeeha Women College of Arts and Science, Bengaluru & AIMIT) on 24/02/2020

Prof.Amjadh Khan, presented paper title" Role Of Electronic sensors in textile industry – to measure physical parameters " in Science and technology for sustainable future NSSTF-2020 " conducted by Basaveshwara College of Commerce, Arts & Science, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru, on 26/02/2020

Prof.B.Manimekala presented paper title “Comparative Study of Adhoc Networks reference to MANET, VANET & FANET” , in Second International Conference on Research Trends in Computing Technologies (ICRTCT 2020) Dr.NGP College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore. From 28/02/2020 & 29/02/2020.

All Faculty Members, attended a Research colloquium “Medical Image Analysis and Visualization” on Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium, department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore on 6/01/2019.

Dr.Ambrose Rajkumar attended a FDP “Know the atmosphere you live” in Institute of Advance Research in Science, Bengaluru from 20/12/19 to 21/12/19

Prof.Mary Jacob and Dr.K.Kalaiselvi attended seminar on National Seminar Role of Deep learning in Multidiscipilanary Design Optimization (MDO) and its applications & tools Karpagam College of engineering , Coimbatore , Tamilnadu from 13/12/2019 to14/12/2019

Dr. A Dalvin Vinoth Kumar, attended a Seminar as a resource person title “Internet of Things” on Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, Coimbatore on 12/12/2019

Prof.Vinothina V, Prof.Mamatha, and Upadhaya S paper presented Title” Fuzzy Logic Based Approach for Possibility of Road Accidents” in 3rd National Conference on Computational Intelligence NCCI 2019 Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous, Bangalore, from 6/12/2019 to 7/12/2019

Dr.Margaret Mary, Prof.Ramanathan, Prof.Sangamithra A, and Prof.Soumya S paper presented Title” Design and Enactment of Heart Attack deduction using IoT Measuring Device” in 3rd National Conference on Computational Intelligence NCCI 2019 Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous, Bangalore, from 6/12/2019 to 7/12/2019

Prof.Dhanamalar, Prof.Sreeparna, Prof.Gopika, Prof.Divya, Prof.Devakumari, and Prof.Mary Jacob attended conference on 3rd National Conference on Computational Intelligence NCCI 2019 Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous, Bangalore, from 6/12/2019 to 7/12/2019

Dr.A.Cecil Donald Resource Person Title “Internet of Things” in Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, Coimbatore on 12/12/19

Dr.A.Cecil Donald Resource Person Title “Green - IOT” in State level seminar St.Joseph’s College Thiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu on 13/12/19

Dr.Jasmine Beulah and Dr.Vinothina, Resource Person Title “Research Aptitude ” in Kristu Jayanti College on 10/12/19

Dr.K.Kalaiselvi attended a FDP “Cloud Practitioner” from 11/12/19 to 13/12/19

All Faculty Members attended a research colloquium on “Data Analytics in Aeronautical R & D Applications” Resource Person Shri. Sufal Chandra Swar, Scientist ’E’, at Research colloquium Kristu Jayanti College Bangalore on 16-11-2019

Prof. Sevuga pandian Resource Person Title “Creative Pursuit for Sciences” in National service scheme Guruji Shri Rishi Prabhakarj of Rishi Samskriti Vidya Kendra from 13/11/19 To 19/11/19

Dr.Vinothina, Prof.Prathap.G paper presented on 3rd International Conference on intelligent computing and communication (ICICC-2019)Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, DayanandaSagar University, Bengaluru, India, from 7/06/2019 and 8/06/2019

Prof. Ayshwarya attended a FDP on “soft computing approaches for pattern recognition” atReva University, Bangalore from 21/07/2019 to 23/07/2019

Prof.Liji George attended FDP on “NPTEL - Introduction to Biostatistics” Bangalore from June to Sep 2019

Prof. SandhyaSoman attended FDP on “NPTEL – Software Project Management” Bangalore from July to Oct 2019

Prof. Ayshwarya B attended as a resource person Workshop on “Digital inclusion, identity, trust and agency (INDIITA) – 2019,IEEE Advanced Technology for Humanity, Bangalore” from 18/7/2019 and 19/7/2019

Dr.Anthony Vincent attended Educators Meet on AWS Educators Meet-2019 on 24/7/2019

Prof. Dhanamalar, Prof. Mary Jacob attended workshop on “International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Mother Teresa University” on 5/08/2019

Prof. Mary Jacob attended conference on “International Conference on Soft computing and optimizing techniques Kamaraj College, Thoothukudi” and presented paper title Intelligent Transportation System for Smart Cities to Avoid traffic using Congestion Control Count & Density Algorithm, from 9/08/2019 and 10/8/2019

Dr. A.DalvinVinoth Kumar, Resource person on National Seminar on IOT – The next Technology,Adhiyaman Arts and Science College for Women,KrishnagiriDistrict,Tamilnadu, topic on Issues and Challenges in IOT on 14/08/2019

Prof. Ramanathan G attended Workshop on National Level Workshop on Cloud Services using AWS, Department of Computer Science[PG], IEEE Student Branch, KristuJayanti College Bengaluru, from 23/08/2019 and 24/08/2019

Prof. Dhanamalar, Prof.Mary Jacob attended workshop on “Two Day Workshop on Research Methodology for Ph.D Scholars,Mother Teresa University,Kodaikanal, from 13/09/2019 and 14/09/2019

Dr. Vinothina, Resource person on “BRUG (Bengaluru R Users Group, sponsored by R Consortium) at Grofers, Bangalore, topic on Text Analytics in R on 21/09/2019

Prof. Sevuga Pandian attended FDP on BRIDGE 2019 ICT Academy, Bengaluru, on 24/09/2019

Dr. Ranjitha, Resource Person (Symbosium) on National Level Fest Symbosium“ Latest Trends in IT”Vivekanada Arts and Science College for Women, Sankari District Salem on 1/10/2019

Prof. Ayshwarya, Prof. Prathap, Prof.Ramanathan, Prof.Mary Jacob attended FDP on ICT Academy in association with Salesforce,Platform Developer 1, Sri Ram Engineering College, Anekal, from 14/10/2019 to16/10/2019

Prof. MiniGopal Krishnan attended conference “International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Sciences(ICRAAS-2019)School of Applied Sciences Reva University, Bengaluru, presented paper topic on Generator Graphs for cyclic groups from 17/10/2019 and 8/10/2019

Prof. Sreeparna, Prof.Divya, Prof. Devakumari, Dr.Cecil, Donald, Dr.Stephen, Dr.Vinod, Dr.Prakash, Dr.DalvinVinodKumar, Dr.AntonyVincent, Prof. HubertSanthan, Prof. Mamtha, Prof.Sandhya Soman attended FDP on Future of Learning and Work-enabling graduates to be industry ready KristuJayantiCollege,Bengaluru on 19/10/2019

Dr. Margaret Mary T, Dr.Jasmine Beulah G attended FDP on data Analytics with R, at presidency College, Bangalore, from 15/10/2019 and 16/10/2019

Dr. Margaret Mary attended FDP on “Faculty Development Workshop on Data Analytics using Teblean, Sambharam Academy of Mangament Studies, Bengaluru” on 19/10/2019

Prof. Mary Jacob attended conference on International Conference on Computational Sciences (ICCS 2019)Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, and paper presented topic on Advance traffic management system using fuzzy logic controller to differentiate parking vehicle and moving vehicle on 23/10/2019

Prof. Dhanamalar M attended conference on International Conference on Computational Sciences (ICCS 2019), Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, paper present topic on Disease Inference from Health-Related Questions using Sparse Neural Network and LSTM, on 23/10/2019

Dr. Anthony Vincent attended as a Resource person workshop on Supporting and troubleshooting windows 10 training batch for Singapore based Corporate, from 21/10/2019 to 23/10/2019

Title: Research Discussion on IoT
Date: 11/05/2018
Number of beneficiaries: 22
List of Resource Persons with details:
Dr. Cecil Donald and Dr. Vinothina.V- Department of Computer Science (UG), Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous, Bangalore
Objective: To impart knowledge on the emerging technology of IoT with live Demo

The Resource person, Dr. Cecil Donald began the session with various emerged and emerging technologies in the current era. He discussed about the importance of IoT and the driving force behind IoT. He also spoke about different architecture of IoT, Applications of IoT, current Research challenges in IoT and IoT Technologies. The role of IoT in our daily life is depicted through video. Followed by, different components IoT System, What is IoT Platform, Best IoT Platforms, IoT IDE, different Developments board are discussed by Dr.Vinothina. She also addressed steps involved in programming IoT using Arduino IDE with few examples. Then live demo on controlling LED, controlling light from Wi-Fi network, controlling light from cloud and reading room temperature and moisture using DHT11 sensor were shown by resource persons. Finally, session concluded by explaining the summary of research issues and hints to be followed during research tenure.

Title: LaTeX – A Document Preparation System
Date: 25/04/2018
Number of beneficiaries: In-house: 32 External: NIL
List of Resource Persons with details:
Dr. Emmanuel Jebarajan, Rtd. HoD Dept. Mathematics, The American College, Madurai, Tamilnadu
Objective: The objective of FDP on “LATEX – A Document Preparation System” was to enable the Faculty members to know some of the useful commands in LATEX and learn writing Scientific Documents and Thesis in LATEX. To provide hands on learning in the software.

Session I: Title: LaTeX – A Document Preparation System
Resource Person: Dr. Emmanuel Jebarajan
The resource person explained the basic commands in LATEX and how to prepare scientific documents. LATEX (pronounced lay-tek) is a Document Preparation System for producing professional-looking documents; it is not a word processor. It is particularly suited to producing long, structured documents, and is very good at type- setting equations. LATEX saves formatting time and effort. The software helps to concentrate on (writing) content and NOT on formatting (appearance). It is available as free software for most operating systems. The session was indeed a motivation for the faculty members to use the software.

Title: Faculty Development Program on Python Programming
Date: 21-03-19 & 22-03-19
Participants and Number of Beneficiaries: All UG & PG Faculties and 20 Participants.
Name and details of the Resource Person: Dr.Ambika.P, and Prof. Ayshwarya B, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore.
Objective: To elevate the faculties enrichment in programming skills.
The Department of computer science organized “FDP on Python”.
About Python
Python is an open source, high-level and powerful programming language that is well suited for scientific computing. The aim of the FDP was to provide training to the participants and benefits of Open Source Software.

Day - 1 (21.03.2019)
The FDP started at 9.30 am and inaugurated by Vice Principal Fr. Augustine George and he encouraged the participants with an enthusiastic words.
Prof. Ayshwarya B handled Session- I.
Session I: Introduction to Python
• Basics of Python
• Using the command interpreter and development environment
• Running Python Scripts
• Lists, Functions
• Packages
• Operations, Expressions
• Files, Dictionaries & Sets
Dr.Ambika.P handled Session-II
Session II: Intermediate Python
• Dictionaries and Pandas
• Logic, Control flow and Filtering
• Loops, Loading data in pandas
• Plotting data with Matplotlib,
• Different types of plots
Day-2 (22.03.19)
Session- III & IV handled by Dr.Ambika.P
Session III : Advanced Python
• Connectivity of Python with MySQL or MongoDB
• Python Libraries - Process text using regular expressions
Session IV : Data Science Toolbox
• Writing your own functions
• Default arguments, variable length arguments
• Lambda functions and error handling
Prof. Ayshwarya B handled Session IV.
Session IV: Machine Learning in Python
• Classification
• Clustering in Python

Title: Introduction to mobile app development
Date: 19th & 20th November 2018
Number of beneficiaries:In-house: 15 External: 9

List of Resource Persons with details: Ms. Fareha Hareem, Senior Technical Trainer, ICT Academy.

The objective of FDP is focused program aimed at helping learners create applications using Google's Android open-source platform. The course explains what Android is and how it compares too other mobile environments, the setup of the android based development tools, the Android SDK, all essential features, as well as the advanced capabilities.

Resource Person:
The resource person explained the differences between android and other mobile development environments, understand how Android applications work, their life cycle,manifest, Intents, and using external resources, Design and develop useful android applications with compelling user interfaces by using, extending, and creating your own layouts and Views and using Menus The session was indeed a motivation for the faculty members to use the software.

By learning practically they can contribute applications to the Android community, making it more possible for the world to experience their innovative ideas.

The session was informative and valuable. The trainer was well prepared and responded to questions in an informative and appropriate manner.

Two Days IEEE Workshop
Title: Design, Development and Deployment of Machine Vision Intelligence in IoT Edge
Date: 14th & 15th November 2018
Classes Attended & Number of students benefited:
Number of beneficiaries:In-house: 23 External: NIL
List of Resource Persons with details:
1. Dr. Jayankumar Singaram, Founder, RINANU Semiconductor LLP, Bengaluru
2. Dr. Jayakumar Venkatesan Chief Executive Officer, Valles Marineris International Private Limited
The objective of the workshop was to explore the world of new opportunities of the Internet of Things and to manage them efficiently. The Faculty members were introduced to know a model tool set with the domain knowledge, train the tool set with experience in the algorithm level, test and deploy the future of business in IoT Edge. The workshop enabled them to create a model in Watson Studio in the IBM Cloud and also install Tensor Flow software in Ubuntu 64 bit machines.

Technical Sessions:
The resource person explained about the IEEE BLP and its contribution to the world of IoT in education sector, ADAS, home automation, primary health center, taxi service etc. He also dealt with the 6 ways of how Internet of Things dealt in education. The various other IoT applications and their design guide were also explored. Machine learning in the model and its possible use of Innovation at the IoT edge was also discussed.

IBM Watson IoT Platform:
Dr. Jayakumar S emphasized on Watson Studio as an integrated environment designed to make it easy to develop, train, manage models and deploy AI-powered applications. It is a SaaS solution delivered on the IBM Cloud.
Watson Studio provides a suite of tools for data scientists, application developers and subject matter experts to collaboratively and easily work with data. They can then use that data to build, train and deploy models at scale. These tools are preconfigured, so builders don't have to spend time installing, setting up and maintaining them. The built-in catalog function enables knowledge sharing and retention. Watson Studio can infuse AI into your business.

The faculty members were motivated to create an IBM cloud account, open IoT Device type, add IoT device and get the IoT device information. Different data sets were added and the model was trained for visual recognition to find the optimized image. Custom network designed with Kera version of TensorFlow:
Hands on Training in TIDL (TI Deep Learning) tool set were provided with methods and process to import Deep Learning model in Tensorflow (1.0). As a part of workflow, offline training of the model was also considered and the same was used in Ubuntu 14.04 OS based PC. Data for training was taken from Tensorflow Github.

Title: Research Discussion on IoT
Date: 11.05.18
Name and Details of the Resource Persons: Dr. Cecil Donald and Dr. Vinothina.V- Department of Computer Science (UG), Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous, Bangalore.
Objective: To impart knowledge on the emerging technology of IoT with live Demo.
The Resource person, Dr. Cecil Donald began the session with various emerged and emerging technologies in the current era. He discussed about the importance of IoT and the driving force behind IoT. He also spoke about different architecture of IoT, Applications of IoT, current Research challenges in IoT and IoT Technologies. The role of IoT in our daily life is depicted through video. Followed by, different components IoT System, What is IoT Platform, Best IoT Platforms, IoT IDE, different Developments board are discussed by Dr.Vinothina. She also addressed steps involved in programming IoT using Arduino IDE with few examples. Then live demo on controlling LED, controlling light from Wi-Fi network, controlling light from cloud and reading room temperature and moisture using DHT11 sensor were shown by resource persons. Finally, session concluded by explaining the summary of research issues and hints to be followed during research tenure.

Title: LaTeX – A Document Preparation System
Date: 25th April 2018
Classes Attended & Number of students benefited:
Number of beneficiaries: In-house: 32 External: NIL
List of Resource Persons with details: Dr. Emmanuel Jebarajan, Rtd. HoD Dept. Mathematics, The American College, Madurai, Tamilnadu
Objective: The objective of FDP on “LATEX – A Document Preparation System” was to enable the Faculty members to know some of the useful commands in LATEX and learn writing Scientific Documents and Thesis in LATEX. To provide hands on learning in the software.
Session I: Title: LaTeX – A Document Preparation System
Resource Person: Dr. Emmanuel Jebarajan
The resource person explained the basic commands in LATEX and how to prepare scientific documents. LATEX (pronounced lay-tek) is a Document Preparation System for producing professional-looking documents; it is not a word processor. It is particularly suited to producing long, structured documents, and is very good at type- setting equations. LATEX saves formatting time and effort. The software helps to concentrate on (writing) content and NOT on formatting (appearance). It is available as free software for most operating systems. The session was indeed a motivation for the faculty members to use the software.

Ms. Ann Mary Joyson and Ms. Mini G attended a 3 Day workshop titled "Science Academies Workshop on Essence of PDE " conducted by MES Degree College, Bangalore from 20-March-2018 to 22-March-2018.

Ms. Ann Mary Joyson and Ms. Shraddha R Bandekar attended a 1 Day workshop titled "Faculty Enrichment Program on Analysis and Multiple Integrals " conducted by Vijaya College, Bangalore on 27-March-2018.

Prof. Sevuga Pandian and Dr.Ranjitha M attended a 5 Day workshop titled "Oracle Professional Development" on Java Fundamentals and Java Programming conducted by Oracle Academic from 8-Jan-2018 to 12-Jan-2018.

Prof.S. Saravana Kumar attended a 5 Day workshop on "Palo Alto, Firewall, Installation, Configuration and Management" conducted by ICTACT from 8-Jan-2018 to 12-Jan-2018 at Alvas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mangalore.

Dr.Vinothina and Ms.Manasa Manjunath attended a 5 Day workshop on Data Science and Dig Data Analytics" conducted by ICT Academy in association with DELL EMC from 30-Oct-2017 to 03-Nov-2017 at Sri Venkateswara college of Engineering"

Prof.Vani Chakraborty attended a FDP on “Cognitive Analytics- Future of Knowing” in association with IBM, AIMS institutes, Peenya, Bangalore on 17th February 2017.

Prof.Bino Joseph attended a two day FDP at Flim & TV Academy, L.V.Prasad, Chennai on 17th and 18th February 2017.

Prof. Ms.Ayshwarya and Dr.Anthony Vincent attended a FDP on “Data science and Big Data Analytic” at Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore from 3/10/2016 to 7/10/2016.

Prof.Diana Susan attended 2 days Workshop on “IOS App Development” at, MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore on 20/08/2016 & 21/08/2016

Prof.K.Kalaiselvi and Prof.B.Ayshwarya attended 2 days Workshop on “VMWARE Virtualization fundamentals” at Dayanand Sagar University on 18/08/2016 & 19/08/2016

Prof.Ayshwarya attended a FDP on “soft computing approaches for pattern recognition”at Reva University, Bangalore from 21/07/2016 to 23/07/2016

Prof.Mary Jacob and Prof.Vani Chakraborty attended a ten Day Training “Program on Big Data Analytics” sponsored by DST and organized by School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCOPE), VIT University, Vellore Campus, TamilNadu from 20/06/2016 to 29/06/2016.

Dr.Anthony Vincent B of Computer Science Department completed an online course of study offered by EMC Education Services on “Data Lakes for Big Data” from 12.05.2015 to 12.06.2015.

Mr.Jeyasheelan and Dr.Gnanasankaran of Computer Science Department attended Training of Trainers on Life Skills at Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore conducted by Centre for Life Skills Education & RGNIYD, Sriperumbudur from 23-06-2015 to 25-06- 2015.

All the faculty Members of Computer Science attended “Introduction to Moodle “conducted by Prof.Sevuga Pandian on 20.06.2015 in Computer Lab, Kristu Jayanti College. Ms.Dhanamalar, Ms.Ayshwarya and Ms.Kalaiselvi of Computer Science Department attended International Lecture series on “Quantitative analysis for scientific research” Kristu Jayanti College,Bangaloreon 9.07.2015

Mr.Jeo Joy attended “Data Center Dynamics Converged” Conference at Sheraton Hotel, Brigade Gateway, Bangalore on 13.07.2015.

Ms.Mary Jacob, Ms.Dhanamalar, Ms.Kalaiselvi K, Mr.Ramanathan G, Ms.Ayshwarya of Computer Science Department attended a Workshop on “Data mining techniques using rapid miner tool “at Kristu Jayanti College on 26.8.2015 & 27.8.2015.

Dr.GnanaSankaran of Computer Science Department attended 4th National Conference on Intellegent computing” K.S. Rangaswamy college of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Tiruchengode on 3.09.2015 &

Dr.Anthony Vincent and Mr.Rajesh.H of Computer Science Department attended two days NAAC sponsored national conference on “Quality initiatives & Bench marking in higher education institutions” on 3rd and 4th September 2015 at Surana College, Bangalore.

Vani Chakraborty, Anthony Vincent, Kalaiselvi K, Diana Susan D’Roza, Sandhya Soman and Anitha D’Souza of Computer Science Department attended the Training of Trainers on Life Skills at KristuJayanti College, Bangalore conducted by Centre for Life Skills Education & RGNIYD, Sriperumbudur from 17.06.2014 to 21.06.2014.

Aswin Herbert Sathish and Mary Jacob of Computer Science Department attended a training on Storage Area Network, CMRIT, Bangalore conducted by EMC2 from 21.07.2014 to 26.07.2014.

Ms.Suni Ajay Kumar and Ms. Liji George of Computer Science Department attended a National Level Workshop on “Statistical application of R Software” at Maharani’s Science college for women, Palace Road, Bangalore on 11.09.2014 & 12.09.2014.

Ms.VaniChakraborty of Computer Science Department attended One day International Conference “VIBHAVAT 2014”, RJS First Grade College, Koramangala on 15.10.2014. All faculty members of Computer Science Department attended an IQAC “Six Sigma Certification programme” at KristuJayanti College, Bangalore from 1.05.2014 to 3.05.2014.

Rajesh.H Computer Science Department attended a One Day Faculty Development Programme “Redefining the Role of Teacher-Tradition, Transformation, Innovation” at Sambharam, Academy of Management Studies on 19th feb 2014.

K.Arunadevi, Siji.T.Mathew, ShereshaChalasani of Computer Science Dept, attended a National Workshop on NPTEL, Indian Academy,Bangalore on 7th and 8th Nov, 2013.

Mary Jacob, Mary Ross and Siji T Mathew of Computer Science Dept attended a National Workshop on Network Virtualization, CMRIMS, Bangalore on 29th Oct 2013.

All faculty members of Computer Science Dept attended a FDP on Institutional Integration and Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness At KristuJayanti College Bangalore on 3rd and 4th June 2013.

All faculty members of Computer Science Dept attended a Training of Trainers on Life Skills at KristuJayanti College, Bangalore, conducted by Centre for Life Skills Education & RGNIYD, Sriperumbudur in two batches dated 5th to 9th June 2013 and 7th to 11th May 2013.

Ms. Liji George attended a Seminar on “Recent advances in theory and applications of Statistics” on 29-06-2011 and the workshop on ‘importance and use of official statistics’ on 30-06-2011organized by the department of statistics Bangalore University.

Mr. Pratap G and Ms.Neethu Sen attended a UGC sponsored State level seminar on “Mobile computing-trends and Future challenges” on 1st and 2nd September 2010.

Mr.Akilan.S, Ms. B.Aishwarya and Ms. Dhanamalar attended a One day State level workshop (Microsoft) at St. Claret College, Computer Science Department on 22nd September.

Ms. Suni Ajaykumar and Ms. Liji George attended a Workshop on “Statistical Inference” organized by the department of Statistics Bangalore University on 25th & 26th October 2010

FDP on National Workshop on .netfromework
Date: 23/11/2016 – 24/11/2016
Number of beneficiaries: In-house:30
List of Resource Persons with details: Prof. Aruna Devi, Assistant Professor, Kristu Jayanti College
Objective: The objective of FDP is focused program aimed at helping learners create applications using .NET. To provide a consistent object-oriented programming environment whether object code is stored and executed locally, executed locally but web-distributed, or executed remotely.

The resource person explained the .NET Framework is a development framework that provides a new programming interface to Windows services and APIs. An offering of commercial web services, specifically developers can use these services in building applications that require them. By learning practically they can contribute applications to the .NET, making it more possible for the world to experience their innovative ideas. The session was indeed a motivation for the faculty members to use the software.

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