Industrial Visits

Industrial / Field Visit to Qlick Technologies
Date: 06 November 2023
Qlik Data Integration automates the entire data warehouse lifecycle to accelerate the availability of analytics-ready data. Data engineers have the ability to create a data model, add new sources, and provision new data marts. Data warehouse automation (DWA) ensures success at every step of the pipeline from data modelling and real-time ingestion to data marts and governance.

1. Real-time data ingestion and update
Change data capture provides a real-time backbone to accelerate data movement to your warehouse from the widest variety of heterogeneous databases, data lakes, and enterprise sources like mainframe and SAP. Take advantage of:
• Change data capture streams
• Universal sources, targets and platforms
• Enterprise-wide monitoring and control

Industry Visit to to Comorin Technologies
Date: 27 to 31 March 2023
The Department of Computer Science (UG) organized an Industrial Visit to Comorin Technologies on the 27, 28, 29, and 31st of March, 2023. The visit was very informative and useful as the students could explore the usage latest technology in the IT industry. For many students, this visit was their first step toward the exploration of knowledge in the field of Blockchain and Consulting. Jeeva S. Chelladhurai (FOUNDER) explained the different types of services and technology which they are into. They were also briefed on how Consulting services help in the growth.

Industry Visit to Vainu Bappu Observatory, Indian Institute Of Astrophysics, Kavalur, Tamil Nadu - 635701
Date: 14 April 2023
The Vainu Bappu Observatory (VBO) is well-known as the second largest telescopic observatory in India and Asia, which is located in the picturesque neighborhood of the village of Kavalur in the Javadi Hills, in the state of Tamil Nadu. Established in the 1970s, VBO hosts the 1m Carl Zeiss Telescope, the 1.3m J.C. Bhattacharya Telescope (JCBT), and the 2.3m Vainu Bappu Telescope (VBT). The Third year (VI Semester) B.Sc (Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science) and B.Sc (Physics, Mathematics and Electronics) Programme students visited the Vainu Bappu Observatory, on 14th April 2023. The faculty members Dr. M. Ambrose Rajkumar, Dr. Shivaraj Maidur, and Dr. Vadhana Sharon accompanied the students.

On 14th April 2023, we have reached the observatory at 3.30 pm. Our visit was planned into two parts where the first part was about exploring the observatory and interacting with the experts, and the second part was about the observation of the clear sky (planets and stars) through a telescope. The brief introduction of the observatory including its history, working, importance in research and development, and outreach programs were explained by the research scholars and the officials at VBO. They also demonstrated how the data can be collected using the telescope by focusing on the clear sky. The achievements and the major scientific discoveries were also discussed during the session via PowerPoint presentations. Our students were very curious in understanding the concepts of exo-planets and the discovery of new stars, galaxies, and universes. There was a fruitful interaction between our students and the scholars and officials at VBO till 6.00 pm in the evening. The brief explanations about the various telescopes by the officials are summarized below.

The second part of the visit was to observe the night sky through the 15cm telescope. We gathered at the 15 cm telescope observatory after sunset and when the sky was clear around 7.00 pm. All our students have observed the planets Mars, and Venus, and some constellations of the stars through the telescope. They have also interacted with the experts and asked many questions regarding the location of the planets and stars, time of observation, finding the suitable position to observe the planets, etc. The telescopic observation and the interaction session were completed around 9.00 pm.

Industry Visit to Open Day (IISc, Bengaluru)
Date: 04 March 2023
The Department of Physics organized an educational visit to the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on the 4th of March 2023 to be part of Open Day 2023. This tour was attended by 44 students from the sixth semester, as well as faculty members Dr. Ambrose Rajkumar, Dr. Shivraj Maidur, and Dr. Vadhana Sharon.

Popular lectures, experimental demonstrations, poster presentations, and quizzes from many departments and centers were all part of Open Day 2023. During the visit, students were given a visual overview of the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering lab's facilities, especially, the nanofabrication facility with a clean room spanning 1400 square meters. They also visited the physics department, where the IISC Research Scholars gave a demonstration regarding their projects, including the tesla coil, handicraft generator, Bernoulli’s principle, holography, optical tweezer analogy, Lissajous figures, the light of shadow experiments during the visit.

Industry Visit to U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC)
Date: 14 November 2022
The Department of Computer Science (UG) organized an Industrial Visit to U R Rao Satellite Centre on the 14th of November, 2022. The visit was very informative and useful as the students could explore the usage of programming concepts and technology in the process of developing and launching satellites. For many students, this visit was their first step towards the exploration of knowledge in the field of satellites.Dr.Nagaraj explained the different types of satellites and their applications. Various components and the process of how the satellites are created were well explained by Dr.Nagaraj. They were able to realize how a laboratory could be integrated in a single chip. The students were explained about satellite operations, in particular to support the operation of large satellite constellations, which includes relative positioning, communication, end-of-life management.They were also briefed on how Machine Learning systems are also commonly used in space applications to approximate complex representations of the real world.The students also had an understanding of Mars rovers using AI, and been taught to navigate by themselves.The students were also provided with the insight of careers in satellite center and the details of applying for the same. The students has been encouraged to learn space technology as capacity building effort to prepare the future space scientists and technologists as well as to develop future vendors in this area, who can design develop, fabricate, test, space technology.

Industry Visit (HP)
Date: 20.05.2022 (11 AM to 4 PM)
Class & No. of students: IV BCA D & E
Places/Industry Visited: Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Bengaluru.
Department of Computer Science (UG) organising an Industrial visit to “Hewlett Packard Enterprise”, Electronic City Campus, Bangalore, was organized by the department of computer science of Kristu Jayanti College on Friday, 20th May 2022. 116 students along with 4 faculties visited HPE to provide the second-year students an insight regarding the internal working of companies. As we all understand that theoretical knowledge is just not enough for a successful professional career.

We were started at 11 AM, wherein the resource person gave an overview and a proper idea about the working of the enterprise. Later, with a proper schedule, the students were divided into 6 different batches for the visit around the company. The students were toured around five major labs of the company, consisting of- Global lab, Training lab, ITOC, SME session and lastly the IOT lab where they were briefed about the data networks and data centres of an enterprise, the communication system between the clients and the company, a brief presentation about Internet of Things and a model explaining the working regarding the same. The students were provided with a small video clip regarding the establishment of the company and its expansion at the end of all the day. The students considering this as their first ever step into the IT world had a delightful experience and gained a lot of professional insight about the working environment.

Industry Visit (HP)
Date: 19th May 2022 (12 PM to 4 PM)
Class & No. of students: IV BCA A, B & C - 145 Students
Places/Industry Visited: Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Bengaluru.
An Industrial visit to “Hewlett Packard Enterprise”, Electronic City Campus, Bangalore, was organized by the department of computer science of Kristu Jayanti College on Thursday, !9th May 2022. 145 students along with 3 faculties visited HPE to provide the second-year students an insight regarding the internal working of companies. As we all understand that theoretical knowledge is just not enough for a successful professional career.

We were seated in the company by 12 noon, wherein the resource person gave an overview and a proper idea about the working of the enterprise. Later, with a proper schedule, the students were divided into 6 different batches for the visit around the company. The students were toured around five major labs of the company, consisting of- Global lab, Training lab, ITOC, SME session and lastly the IOT lab where they were briefed about the data networks and data centres of an enterprise, the communication system between the clients and the company, a brief presentation about Internet of Things and a model explaining the working regarding the same. The students were provided with a small video clip regarding the establishment of the company and its expansion at the end of all the day. The students considering this as their first ever step into the IT world had a delightful experience and gained a lot of professional insight about the working environment.

Industry Visit (ISRO)
Date: 25.04.2022 (11 AM to 4 PM)
The Department of Computer Science (UG) organized an Industrial Visit to U R Rao Satellite Centre on the 25.04.2022. The visit was very informative and useful as the students could explore the usage of programming concepts in the process of developing and launching satellites. For many students, this visit was their first step towards the exploration of knowledge in the field of satellites. Dr. Nagaraj explained the different types of satellites and their applications. Various components and the process of how the satellites are created were well explained by Dr. Nagaraj. They were able to realize how a laboratory could be integrated in a single chip. The students were explained on how Artificial Intelligence is used in satellite operations, in particular to support the operation of large satellite constellations, which includes relative positioning, communication, end-of-life management. They were also briefed on how Machine Learning systems are also commonly used in space applications to approximate complex representations of the real world. The students also had an understanding of Mars rovers using AI, and been taught to navigate by themselves. The students were also provided with the insight of careers in satellite Centre and the details of applying for the same.

Date: 04/03/2020
Class & No. of students: VI BCA B, 55 Students
Places/Industry Visited: Infosys,Electonic city, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
The visit was a part of the SPARK event conducted by Infosys for the benefit of students. Students were taken inside the campus and were treated lavishly. Post lunch group assembled at AMPHI THEATRE and got a briefing about the infrastructure of Infosys. Later the group went for a campus round.

Students were addressed by the Head of Human Resource, Training & Developed team, in auditorium. Students were shown two short documentaries on the history, culture, vision, mission, success story, value and the customer’s feedback on Infosys. SPARK session has given an insight to students such as to set goals, never give up and reaffirmed that nothing is impossible. Students got an insight to high standards set by Infosys founder Mr. Narayana Murthy. The speaker addressed the students about the recent technologies and development.The speaker discussed about the projects and explained about the tools used in the Infosys. The response from the students was awesome and they are all overjoyed by the experience they had. They not only visited the company, they also got an insight to the corporate world through one of the most successful and value driven companies in the world.

Industry Visit Jawaharlal Nehru Planetorium and Science Park, Bangalore
Date: 06/02/2020
Class & No. of students: VI BCA A- 56 Students
Places/Industry Visited: Jawaharlal Nehru Planetorium and Science Park, Bangalore
Name and details of any external agencies/contacts involved: Nil

The students along with two faculty members from the department visited Jawaharlal Nehru Planetorium and Science Park, Bangalore as part of their Industrial Visit to gain an insight on the usage of computer animations and multimedia for various applications. The students were taken for a forty minute show on the solar system which started on with the vision of the beautiful night sky as seen from Bangalore and then an introduction to the prominent constellations and the mythological stories associated with them. The planets and their motion around the Sun and the Earth were also highlighted in the show with various researches done on the planets. All the concepts animated using 3D animations and projected on the full dome created an enchanting experience for the students. They also visited the exhibition hall which had a display of colourful posters and 3D models. A few students also went on to find their weights in various planets using the special weighing machine. They also spent their time in the science park which has over 40 exhibits exploring the DNA strand; looking through an optic tree; whispering to a giant dish, exploring the molecular structure of a crystal, resonant swings, echo tube etc.

Date: 5th February 2020
Class & No. of students: IV BSc CSME, 49 Students
Places/Industry Visited: Jawaharlal Nehru Planetorium and Science Park, Bangalore
Name and details of any external agencies/contacts involved: Nil

The students along with two faculty members from the department visited Jawaharlal Nehru Planetorium and Science Park, Bangalore as part of their Industrial Visit to provide an insight on the usage of computer animations and multimedia for various applications. The students were taken for a forty-minute show on the solar system which started on with the beautiful night sky as seen from Bangalore and then an introduction to the prominent constellations and the mythological stories associated with them. The planets and their motion around the Sun and the Earth were also highlighted in the show with various researches done on the planets. All the concepts animated using 3D animations and projected on the full dome created an enchanting experience to the students. They also visited the exhibition hall which had a display of colourful posters and 3D models. A few students also went on to find their weights in various planets using the special weighing machine. The students also spent their time in the science park which has over 40 exhibits, exploring the DNA strand; looking through an optic tree; whispering to a giant dish; exploring the molecular structure of a crystal, resonant swings, echo tube etc. Apart from exploring the universe, the visit also enabled the students in learning the use of computer animations and multimedia for various applications across domains.

Industry Visit Jawaharlal Nehru Planetorium and Science Park, Bangalore
Date: 24th January 2020
Class & No. of students: II BCA E, 59 Students
Places/Industry Visited: Jawaharlal Nehru Planetorium and Science Park, Bangalore

The students along with two faculties from the department visited Jawaharlal Nehru Planetorium and Science Park, Bangalore as part of their Industrial Visit to provide an insight on the usage of computer animations and multimedia for various applications.The students were taken for a fortyminute show on the solar system which started on with the beautiful night sky as seen from Bangalore and then provided an introduction to the prominent constellations and the mythological stories associated with them.The planets and their motion around the Sun and the Earthwas also highlighted in the show with various research done on the planets. All the conceptsanimated using 3D animations and projected on the full dome created anenchanting experience to the students.The students also visited the exhibition hall which had a display of colourful posters and 3D models. Few students also went on to find their weights in various planets using the special weighing machine.The students also spend their time in the science park which has over 40 exhibits, exploring the DNA strand, look through an optic tree, whisper to a giant dish , the molecular structure of a crystal ,resonant swings,echo tube etc. Apart from exploring the universe the visit also enabled the students in learning the use of computer animations and multimedia for various applications across domains.

Date: 19-01-2020
Class & No. of students: VI BCA C, 43 Students
Places/Industry Visited: Tea and Chocolate Factory, Ooty
Name and details of any external agencies/contacts involved: Bunkdays Outdoor Recreation Pvt. Ltd., Tour Operator
Address: - 4342, 1st Floor, Gali Bahuji, Bahadurgarh Road, North Delhi, 110006

The students along with two faculty members from the department visited Tea Factory and Chocolate Factory, Ooty as part of their Industrial Visit to gain an insight into the different varieties of tea, how tea is processed and made. The students were taken for a demonstration on the types of machines and the process involved in manufacturing tea. They saw the different machinery that helps to make the tea. Sample tea was given for us to taste, it was quite different than any other tea that we had tasted. The students also visited the chocolate factory which had a display of variety of chocolates.

Date: 19/12/2019
Class & No. of students: VI CSME/CSMS, 74 Students
Places/Industry Visited: 1.Namdroling Monastery and Coffee Plantation
Name and details of any external agencies/contacts involved: Nil

The students along with two faculty members from the department visited and Coffee Plantation as part of their Industrial Visit to learn about coffee plantations and to see the varied life style and practices of a Buddhist monastery. They could see the simplicity and peace which were the main features in the monastery through which the monks attained self-realisation. The students could understand the cultivation methods and the environment required for the growth of a coffee plant. Different terrace farming methods made them think how farming works and in turn to bring out innovative ideas on farming.

C-DAC Knowledge Park . Opp. HAL Aeroengine Division, Old Madras Road, Byappanahalli, Bengaluru
Date: 17-12-2019 (01:00pm-4:00pm)
Class & No. of students: VI Semester BCA D & 45
Institute Visited: C-DAC Knowledge Park . Opp. HAL Aeroengine Division, Old Madras Road, Byappanahalli, Bengaluru - 560 038, Bengaluru.

The visit to CDAC knowledge park was indeed informative and has inspired students to understand computer architecture, networking and super computers in depth. Our team of students was taken to the super computer center in their building. We were lucky to get Ms. Divya, an experienced and knowledgeable instructor to explain the components in the super computer room. She explained about the interconnections, performance, communications, data rate, storage capacity and other technical details of the PARAM Padma cluster. Students were explained about the configuration of clusters and the communication between head node and compute nodes. authorization, access control and work discipline were also some major points in the discussion. The instructor demonstrated major discussions by considering the example of adding 1 lakh numbers, each of 100 digit.

Multi core computers, its architecture, usage, calculating performance by computing flops, parallelizing the code to make the code work in multicore etc were also discussed. It was a real enlightening session to all the students.Students got valuable information from this visit.

Industrial Visit to Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bengaluru
Date: 17/1/2020
Class & No. of students: II BCA ‘D’ & 59
Places/Industry Visited: Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium Sri T, Sankey Rd, High Grounds, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001
Name and details of any external agencies/contacts involved: Nil

Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium in Bangalore is a popular attraction site in the city, administered by the Bangalore Association for Science Education (BASE). The entire establishment is meant for the science enthusiasts with an aim to impart knowledge of scientific aspects of earth and space in a fun and exciting way. A demonstration of how stars form to how planets evolve, from the origin of life to human's space expeditions, from how gravity works to how eclipses happen was explained in detail. The Sky Theatre was one of the major attraction wherein the presentation was made. Students were explained on the science concepts at the science park in a more practical way than eloborative lectures.

Learning Outcome: The visit gave insights into the constellations, planets and space along with an understanding of our universe.

Industrial Visit to Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bengaluru
Date: 17/01/2020
Class & No. of students: II BCA C and II BCA D (114 students)
Place visited: Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bengaluru
The department of computer science organized an industrial visit to Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium on 17th of January, 2020. The visit was very informative and educative for all the students. Students learnt a lot about illusions and science was made easy, fun and interesting to learn. The information and details about our solar system and the known space was very informative and really helpful. Not only was it an educational trip but also a trip where we could understand our friends and ourselves better. There was as much enjoyment and fun just as there was learning. The memories of this wonderful trip will always stay and occupy a special place in students’ heart.

Industrial Visit to Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bengaluru
Date: 16th January 2020
Class & No. of students: II BCA B, 58Students
Places/Industry Visited:
1.Jawaharlal Nehru Planetorium and Science Park, Bangalore
Name and details of any external agencies/contacts involved: Nil

The students along with two faculties from the department visited Jawaharlal Nehru Planetorium and Science Park, Bangalore as part of their Industrial Visit to provide an insight on the usage of computer animations and multimedia for various applications.The students were taken for a forty minute show on the solar system which started on with the beautiful night sky as seen from Bangalore and then provided an introduction to the prominent constellations and the mythological stories associated with them. The planets and their motion around the Sun and the Earth was also highlighted in the show with various research done on the planets. All the concepts animated using 3D animations and projected on the full dome created an enchanting experience to the students.The students also visited the exhibition hall which had a display of colourful posters and 3D models. Few students also went on to find their weights in various planets using the special weighing machine.The students also spend their time in the science park which has over 40 exhibits, exploring the DNA strand, look through an optic tree, whisper to a giant dish , the molecular structure of a crystal ,resonant swings,echo tube etc. Apart from exploring the universe the visit also enabled the students in learning the use of computer animations and multimedia for various applications across domains.

Learning Outcome:
The visit provided an opportunity for the students to explore the universe and learn the use of computer animations and multimedia for various applications across domains.

CDAC (Centre for Development of Advanced computing) Visit
Date: 16-01-2020 (10:00pm-4:00pm)
Class & No. of students: II Semester BCA A & 58
Institute Visited: Jawaharal Nehru Planetarium, Sankey Rd, High Grounds, Bengaluru.

The Department of Computer Science(UG) organized an Industrial Visit to the Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium on the 16th of January, 2020, reaching the venue by 11:30am, The visit was indeed informative and has inspired students to get inspired, understand and explore the knowledge about space and research. For many students, this visit was their first step towards the exploration of knowledge in the field of Physics and Astronomy. The venue was a vast ocean of various experiments, interactive displays and information. Each and every exhibit was explained in simple yet informative details, making it understandable to everyone. To mention a few exhibits in the Science Park: The advantage of using a pulley system, the demonstration of an echo, the demonstration of centrifugal force, and so on. The planetarium provided information regarding the history of constellations, the various satellites and their respective missions, the movement of comets and asteroids, and the scientists involved with the exploration of our Universe. The virtual, beautiful starry night projected by the planetarium was really awesome. Being a life changing experience, I hope all the students had a wonderful experience which would make them inspired to explore this Universe we call, our Home.

Learning Outcome: Students got valuable information from this visit.
Feedback: Was an informative and educational industrial visit.

Industrial Visit to Visvesvaraya industrial & technological museum
Date: 6/1/2020
Class & No. of students: II and IV Sem B.Sc (PMCS and PME) (84 students)
Places/Industry Visited: Visvesvaraya industrial & technological museum, Bengaluru-560077
The Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, Bengaluru, India, a constituent unit of the National Council of Science Museums, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, was established in memory of Bharat Ratna Sir M Visvesvaraya and was inaugurated by the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 14.07.1962. Visversvaraya Museum opened to public in the year 1965.

The students of II and IV sem B.Sc (PMCS and PME) were taken to Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum for Industrial visit as a part of Industry interaction to students along with three faculty members, Prof. Mamatha S Upadhya, Prof. Soya Mathew and Prof Anoop Baby.

Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum is a treasure trove of machines and artifacts related to science and technology. Its interactive exhibits make this a great place for students to develop a love for science. There are exhibition Halls on Engines, Electricity, Fun Science, Space, Biotechnology & Electronics. Animated dinosaurs,life-size model of Wright Brothers' flyer and Steam locomotive are other attractions. There are interesting shows like 'Science on a sphere', 'Taramandal', '3d film show' and 'Science show' held at regular intervals. Since the students are passionate about electronics and physics they had a great learning with the working models exhibited in the museum. “The Space” gallery provided sufficient information on Indian Space Program. The students enjoyed the space science section the most where they could actually see the rocket models, satellite models and much more.

Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bengaluru-560077

A planetarium is a theater built tohow educational and entertaining presentations about astronomy and the night sky. They are also used for training in celestial navigation. A main part of most planetariums is the large dome-shaped screen onto which images of stars, planets and other celestial objects can be shown and made to move to show the 'motions of the heavens'. The celestial scenes can be created using many different technologies. These include 'star balls' that combine optical and electro-mechanical technology, slide projector, video, full dome projector systems, and lasers. These technologies are used together to give an accurate image of the motion of the sky. Common systems can be set to show the sky at any point in time, past or present. They often show the night sky as it would appear from any point of latitude on Earth.

The students of IV SEM BCA were taken the students of IV SEM BCA were taken Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium and had a 40 minutes show on space exploration and solar system. There are many different sizes of planetariums. They can be as large as the Hayden Planetarium's 21-meter dome. It seats 423 people. They can also be as small as a three-meter portable domes where children sit on the floor. These portable planetariums are used for education presentations outside of the permanent planetariums at museums and science centres.

Industrial Visit to HAL Aerospace Museum
Date: 10/12/2019
Class & No. of students: IV BCA A and B (87 students)
Places/Industry Visited: HAL Aerospace Museum, Bengaluru-560077

HAL Aerospace Museum is India's first aerospace museum located at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited premises, in Bangalore. Established in 2001, the Museum is part of the HAL Heritage Centre and Aero Space Museum, and showcases the growth of the Indian aviation industry and HAL for six decades. The museum displays of various aircraft and helicopters, Aircraft engine models, Flight simulators, a mock Air Traffic Control Tower and exhibit of Indian aviation history.

The students of IV SEM BCA were taken to HAL Museum for Industrial visit as a part of Industry interaction to students along with two faculty members, Prof. Sandhya Soman and Prof. Ayshwarya B. The students found the halls of exhibit very informative and interesting. Two halls, one displaying the photographs of the chart of growth of aviation in each decade from 1940 till date and a Hall of Fame that takes the visitors on an exciting journey through the Heritage of Aerospace & Aviation Industry in India, caught the interest of the students. The other halls were highlighting the various functions of an Aero Engine by displaying motorized cross sections of various models of Aero Engines. The Museum has an excellently landscaped exterior with an exclusive Rose Garden, Orchidarium and Herbal Garden with several exotic varieties. The visit enabled the students to have an in-depth knowledge of Aero- engines and Aero Science. They also obtained knowledge about the various milestones achieved by HAL.

Industrial Visit to HAL Museum, Bengaluru.
Date: 09/12/2019
Classes attended & No. of Beneficiaries: IV BCA C & IV BCA D - 80 students
Name of the Event: Industrial Visit to HAL Museum, Bengaluru.
An Industrial visit was arranged by the Department of Computer Science for the IV BCA students. It was an enriching experience for the students to know the facts about the Aerospace and Aviation Industry of India.

Two major halls displayed the photographs that depicted the growth of aviation in each decade from 1940 till date and a Hall of Fame that took the visitors on an exciting journey through the Heritage of Aerospace & Aviation Industry in India. The second Hall highlighted the various functions of an Aero Engine by displaying motorized cross sections of various models of Aero Engines. Real Engines such as Garret (for Dornier Aircraft), Adour (for Jaguar Aircraft) and Orpheus (for Kiran Aircraft) can be seen here along with Ejection Seat with Parachute; and Pushpak & Basant Aircraft.

Outdoor display of Aircraft such as MARUT, MIG-21, HT-2, KIRAN, CANBERRA, AJEET, LAKSHYA (Pilotless Target Aircraft) & many more, has excited our students. For the academically inclined, a Library on Aerospace provides opportunity to trace the exciting development of the industry since the 1940s. While the Museums’ prized possessions include various types of Aircraft models on static display, the availability of Audio-Video facility enhances the experience immeasurably.

Industrial Visit to IBM, Embassy Golf Links Road
Date: 22/11/2019
Class & No. of students: ACM-W and BCA,Bsc(Girls) 50 students
Places/Industry Visited: IBM,Embassy Golf Links Road, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Domlur, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560071

Name and details of any external agencies/contacts involved:
1.IBM Host: Mekala V Reddy
2.IBM Speakers: R Latha & Mekala V Reddy
3.Facilitators of Data Centre: Sowri Rajan, Bala, Rafi & Venkat
4.Faculty from Campus: Dr.Ranjitha M and Prof. Divya K. S

The resource person briefed about the working environment of IBM .He gave complete insight about Interview Preparation,which included the preparation of CV,behavior of students in front of Interview panel etc. which helps the students a lot.The session covered the Soft skills and Entrepreneurship skills, which is required for their future career.Students were taken to the GREEN DATA CENTER , workplace and their highly equipped discussion panel and technical rooms.

Students are exposed to real working environment and shown how things are done in IBM.
They were given a clear vision to prepare and execute effective informational and job interviews. It helps to Identify career opportunities and target specific jobs that match current skills and career goals.This visit gave the students a new exposure to the outside IT world.

Industrial Visit to Visvesvaraya industrial & technological museum
Date: 22/11/2019
Class & No. of students: BSc-II-CSME, 30 students
Places/Industry Visited: Visvesvaraya industrial & technological museum
Name and details of any external agencies/contacts involved: -NIL-

Two faculty members of Computer Science Department, Prof. Sreeparna Chakrabarti and Dr. Stephen R, along with 30 students of BSc-II-Sem-CSME batch visited the Visvesvaraya Industrial & Technological Museum on 22/11/2019 at 9am.

Visversvaraya Museum opened to public in the year 1965 houses a treasure trove of machines and artifacts related to science and technology. The museum has a number of exhibition halls, two in each floor. “Engine Hall” was filled with engines of cars, machines, jet craft etc. which thrilled the students. The students tried their hands on fundamentals of machines in “How Things Work” gallery. “Fun Science” gallery greeted the students with science of sound, optics etc. They spent ample amount of time in “Electro Technic” and “BEL Hall of Electronics” Gallery since they are passionate about electrical exhibits. “The Space” gallery provided sufficient information on Indian Space Program.

The museum’s interactive exhibits made it a great place for the students to develop a love for science. The students enjoyed the space science section the most where they could actually see the rocket models, satellite models and much more.

The team reached back to college at 2pm, tired but happy at heart.

Learning Outcome:
This batch of students are studying a combination of Computer Science, Mathematics and Electronics and hence enjoyed the practical “hands on” displays to explain mathematical and electrical principles.

Industrial Visit to ISI
Date: 26-08-2019
Time: 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Class & No. of students: V Semester BSc (CSMS) & 43
Industry Visited: Indian Statistical Institute,Bengaluru

Indian Statistical Institute Bangalore is one of the ISI institutes in Bangalore. It is also known as ISI Bangalore and it was established in the year 1960. Indian Statistical Institute is affiliated with AIU and ISI approved by the UGC (University Grants Commission). Indian Statistical Institute is a prestigious institution in India. It is located in the Mysore Road, Bangalore- the courses offered by the institute are Bachelor of Mathematics (B. Math), Master of Mathematics (M.Math),MS in Library and Information Science (MSLIS),MS in Quality Management Science (MSQMS), PhD and Part-time Certificate Course

Our team of students was addressed by the associate dean. The students were briefed about ISI, about the Campus on Courses offered. Later the students went for a campus tour and visit to library.

At 3.30pm, the group attended a research colloquium on A Brief History of Sequence Alignment by Mr. Soumyashant Nayak which explained on RNA Sequencing, Bioinformatics tools for handling RNA Sequencing data.

The visit provided a motivational factor to pursue higher studies in Statistics. Also students gained awareness about RNA Sequencing and how it is used in the field of Statistics.

Industrial Visit to NSSO
Date: 29/ 06/ 2019
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Class & No. of students: V Sem BSc CSMS & 10
Places/Industry Visited: Kendriya Sadan, National Sample Survey Office
Name and details of any external agencies/contacts involved: Dr. P.T. Subha, Director(Z)

National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) is located in Koramangala, Bangalore. The people of NSSO, FOD organized this session on the occasion of “Statistic day”(29-june-2019). This session was held on 6th floor in shruthi auditorium. They started off with the inaugural session followed by introducing the chief guest Dr A V Manjunatha . At 11am we had a tea break . After the tea break chief guest took over the session, explaining the theme (“Sustainable Development Goals”) of the day. After this session we had a luxurious lunch. Later, then they conducted crosswords, quiz (games) for all students of various colleges who were invited to NSSO. The students of different colleges were shuffled for the organizing the quiz. The students who won in crosswords and quiz games were awarded with cash prize. It was fun and learning experience.

The seminars and lectures on the topic of Sustainable Developments Goals was informative and enlightening. A glimpse into the work and function of NSSO was great. The games conducted for the students and competing along with the faculty helped in mingling with the professionals at NSSO and the healthy completion was exciting. The visit to NSSO was interesting and enjoyable.

Industrial Visit to IBM
Date: 05-07-2019
Time: 09:30 am-2:00 pm
Class & No. of students: Vth Semester B.Sc(CSMS,CSME), BCA -50
Places/Industry Visited: IBM, Embassy Golf Links Business Park,Bengaluru, India

The department of computer science has organized the industrial visit to IBM Embassy Golf Link Business Park on 05/07/2019 for Vth Semester BCA and BSC(CSME/CSMS) students, accompanied by the faculty members Dr.Ranjitha and Dr.Cecil Donald . The Session started with the smart talk Talent Acquisition, Skill Ecosystem & Entrepreneurship -Ms. R Latha, Mekala V Reddy, Market readiness: Graduation to Professional: Bridging the Industry-Academia Gap – Mr. Mekala V Reddy and AI (Watson) on Cloud and Quantum Computing – Mr.Mekala V Reddy.

During this session, students were briefed about IBM, Problem-solution methods, Market readiness, IT Trends and in depth knowledge of academic subjects. The second session was on Quantum Computing, Entrepreneurship and how IBM & Government of India can support Innovations. The students were taken to the only one of its kind, IBM’s Green Data Center where they showed their reputed mainframes, fiber optic connections and how the entire data center runs on clean solar energy.Students got valuable information from this industrial visit as they were guided to be in the corporate world in the era of competition by simultaneously giving importance to the formulation of innovation.

Industry Visit (ISRO)
Date: 17th July 2018 (2 PM to 4 PM)
Class & No. of students: V Semester BCA and BSc (CSMS/CSME) -98 Students
Places/Industry Visited: ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore
Name and details of any external agencies/contacts involved: NIL
Mr.H.L. Srinivasa, Scientist, ISRO Satellite Centre briefed the students on various aspects of ISRO and space technology. The students were given an insight to the objectives and the various facilities for research, construction, test, launch, track and control facilities of ISRO through video presentations. The students also had a video presentation on the Chandrayan-1. Sir also elaborated on the different launch vehicles like SLV,ASLV, PSLVand GSLV. Mr.Srinivasa also spoke on the various satellite programmes of ISRO like NSAT (Indian National Satellite System), Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS),Radar Imaging Satellites and GAGAN satellite navigation system and its applications. The scientist also updated the students on the forthcoming satellites, launch vehicles and launches and also spoke on the Chandrayaan-2 mission planned to be launched to the Moon by a GSLV including a lunar orbiter, lander and rover in 2018. The students also visited the clean room which is equipped with harness lab for fabricating onboard harness of the spacecraft and Mechanical lab which is equipped with mechanical ground support equipment required for the assembly, integration and testing of the spacecraft and had an opportunity to see Chandrayaan-2. The students also had an opportunity to know their weight on various planets. Mr.Srinivas also informed the students on the wide range of career opportunities available in ISRO. The visit was very informative and inspiring as the student could see the various subsystems used in making of the satellite.

Industrial visit to ISRO Satellite Centre
The department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College organized a industrial visit to ISRO Satellite Centre on July 10, 2017 for the V semester BCA and B.Sc. Students.

The students were given an insight to the objectives and the various facilities for research, construction, test, launch, track and control facilities of ISRO.

Mr.Srinivas also spoke on the various satellite programmes of ISRO like NSAT (Indian National Satellite System), Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS),Radar Imaging Satellites and GAGAN satellite navigation system and its applications. He also updated the students on the forthcoming satellites, launch vehicles and launches. He also spoke on the Chandrayaan-2 mission planned to be launched to the Moon by a GSLV including a lunar orbiter, lander and rover in 2018. He also demonstrated the TV Signal Transmission through INSAT System. The students also visited the clean room which is equipped with harness lab for fabricating on-board harness of the spacecraft and Mechanical lab which is equipped with mechanical ground support equipment required for the assembly, integration and testing of the spacecraft. The students also had a video presentation on the Chandrayan-1 and making of satellites. Mr.Srinivas also informed the students on the wide range of career opportunities available in ISRO.

Industrial visit to Analog and Digital devices Bangalore
The department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College organized an industrial visit to Analog and Digital devices, Abbegere, Singapura Garden, Bangalore on July 18, 2016 for the I, III and V semester B.Sc. Students.

Analog & Digital Devices, has become one of the most challenging and leading manufacturers and suppliers of all kinds of Process control instruments, Measuring & Testing Equipment. Production Engineer Mr. Sairaj explained about the manufacturing of various equipments including Dual power supply, Digital trainer kit, TV trainer kit and LCD circuit etc.

Industrial visit to IISC
The department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College organized an industrial visit to IISC campus, Bangalore on July 29, 2016 for the III and V semester students of BCA.

The students learnt about the super computer architecture. The Supercomputer Education and Research Centre (SERC) is the country’s leading computing Centre having the state-of-the art computing facilities, catering to the ever-increasing demands of high performance computing for scientific and engineering research.

Industrial visit to ISAC
The department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College organized an industrial visit to ISAC, Bangalore for the V semester BCA students.

The students were briefed on the types of satellites, applications and properties like height, weight, velocity and purpose of the different satellites. During this industrial visit Mr. Srinivasa, Scientist, ISRO, gave a demo on TV Signal Transmission through INSAT System. A Video on the launching of Chandrayana 1 was also Projected .

They also updated the students on their future projects Chandrayan 2, which will be launched in the year 2018.

Industrial visit to CDAC, Byppanahalli
Industrial visit to CDAC, Byppanahalli, Bangalore was organized on August 21, 2015 by the department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore. The first year students of CSMS/CSME, accompanied by the faculty members Dr. N. Gnanasankaran and Mrs. Suni Ajaykumar visited the CDAC campus.

Dr. Soundarrajan, CDAC gave a detailed presentation on Information and data security, Password security, various types of threats and hacking issues available through the internet and what are the problems encountered through online fake websites, various threats through phishing and Skimming. He also explained about the primitive measures that could be taken to protect and ensure security through passwords and other technologies.

The students also visited the Data center where they could view the “PARAM PADMA” – The super computer developed and maintained by CDAC.

Industrial visit 2014
As part of the industrial visit, the department of Computer Science, KJC the students of I Semester BCA – ‘Asection’ visited CDAC [Centre for Development of Advanced Computing], Byappanahalli, Bangalore on 7th August 2014.

The session started with a PowerPoint presentation

CDAC and super computers which detailed about how CDAC came into existence and the services rendered by CDAC to the nation, the history of super computers,

Industrial visit to CDAC
The department of computer science at Kristu Jayanti College conducted an industrial visit to CDAC on August 7, 2014 by and super computers which detailed about how CDAC came into existence and the services rendered by CDAC to the nation, the history of super computers was also given

Industrial visit to WIPRO
The department of computer science at Kristu Jayanti College organized an industrial visit to WIPRO for the V BCA - (A, B, C)/ V B.Sc (CSMS/CSME) students on August 5, 2014.

Dr. Datta Kumar (Talent Transformation Director) from Wipro explained the learning curve and behavior of the technology in the coming decades has how one needs to adopt and prove in the Industry as a professional and also described the futuristic vision and focused on Cloud computing, Mobility and Data Analytics.

Industrial Visit: CDAC
The department of Computer Science organized an industrial visit to C-DAC, Bangalore for the first B.Sc. and CMS/E students on August 7, 2013.

The visit comprised of A multimedia presentation on the establishment and about the super computer PARAMPADMA which was displayed at the C-DAC. The visit concluded with the question and answer session with the Sri. Soundar Rajan, Chief Engineer, C-DAC.

Industrial Visit: CDAC
The department of Computer Science organized an industrial visit to C-DAC, Bangalore for the BCA ‘C’ section students on August 12, 2013. The session started with a welcome note by Mr.Saravanan, CDAC followed by a multimedia presentation on the various technological advancements made by CDAC, the super computer PARAM - PADMA being the highlight. C-DAC’s expertise in developing, porting and demonstrating applications in critical scientific and engineering fields such as computational atmospheric sciences, bioinformatics were also demonstrated in the presentation.

Sri. Soundar Rajan, Chief Engineer, CDAC explained various manufacturing techniques, security principles and applications of the Super Computer “PARAM PADMA and also interacted with the students by answering their questions and clarifying the doubts.

Industrial Visit: CDAC
The department of Computer Science organized an industrial visit to C-DAC, Bangalore for the first BCA ‘A’ on September 9, 2013. The visit started off with a presentation on the working of C-DAC and their projects.

Sri. Mohan Dhamodhar, Chief Engineer of at the C-DAC explained about the super computer PARAM - PADMA and also engaged the students in an interactive session.

Industrial Visit: ISRO
The department of Computer Science organized an industrial visit to ISRO Satellite Center, Bangalore on October 7, 2013 for the II and III year BCA students of the college.

The students accompanied by the faculty members Ms. Aruna Devi.K, Ms. Liji George and Mr. Prathap visited the divisions of ISAC such as 1.Satellite & Launch vehicles Exhibition, Clean Room, Thermo Vacuum Lab, Solar Array Deployment Lab, Shock & Vibration Lab, UHV & Cryo Lab and Large Space Simulation Lab

Industrial Visit: CDAC
The students of I BCA - B on 28 June, 2012 had the opportunity to visit CDAC for an industrial visit. The day’s programme began with an brief presentation about CDAC, their existing, upcoming super computers and the detailed configuration of CDAC’s existing super computer - PARAMPADMA, the first super computer in India.

The students were also presented with the workings of the PARAMPADMA and also a chance to observe the super computer in person. The industrial visit was concluded with an interactive question and answer session.

Industrial visit to the Infosys campus, Mysore
An industrial visit to the Infosys campus at Mysore was organized on September 18, 2012 for the V semester students of BCA and B.Sc by the Department of Computer Science. The session began with an brief presentation on the Infosys culture, ongoing and upcoming projects by the staff of the Infosys.

An interactive sitting was also the part of the 45 minutes long session where in the students guided by Prof. Sen B Mathew, Prof. Prathap and Prof. Ramanadhan actively participated. The industrial visit was concluded with a tour of the Infosys campus.

Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM