Society for Data Science (S4DS)

National Level Science & Technology Literacy for High School Children
Date: 01.09.2021 – 30.09.2021
Number of beneficiaries: 6, 7, 8, 9,10th Grades
Name and details of the Resource Persons: V BCA E (Analytics)
1. Joel John Joseph (19CS2A1012)
2. Anuskha Badani (19CS2A1005)
3. Geoffrey Bosco (19CS2A1010)
4. ThirumalaReddy Smithan Reddy (19CS2H1018)
5. Mohammed Furqan (19CS2H1042)

The students formed 2 teams to interact with the high school children on two topics.
Team 1: Medical Technologies for Health and Wellbeing
Team 2: Technologies for Agriculture and Food Processing

The students were able to expose high school students to advance state of art technologies and motivate high school students to pursue higher studies in Science & Technology and thus reduce dropout rates at high schools. Encourage girl students in high school for higher education thus promoting gender equality and Work towards educational inclusiveness by reducing disparity between urban and rural literacy at high school levels. The programme also provided an opportunity to interact with high school students at urban and rural schools and share their knowledge in advanced technologies.

Workshop on Python for Data Science
Date: 15-02-2021 to 20-02-2021
Classes Attended & Number of Beneficiaries: 13 Students from the Student Chapter of Society of Data Science Name and details of Resource Person: Mr.Amol Goje, President, S4DS, Director of VIIT Baramati, Pune,Maharastra,India
Objective: The objective of the workshop on Python was to make the students understand the concepts through learning the langage and practice.

The workshop started with a silent prayer followed by Welcome address by Ms.Sandra Prince, Student Member of Society for Data Science. Fr.Lijo P Thomas, Financial Administrator and Head of the Department, Computer Science gave an introductory talk where he highlighted the importance of learning Data Science concepts.

Dr. Amol Goje, the resource person for the 5-day workshop focused on the challenges of the traditional programming languages and programming solution was introduced with Python. The tools introduced to students really helped them realize the applications of Data Analytics in real-time systems. The students learnt Python from the scratch level and by the end of the workshop, the students were able to perform some very basic predictions.

Output: The Workshop gave practical insights to the students and the students were able to write practical solutions for the assignments given at the workshop.

Expert Lecture on Data Science and its Applications
Date: 24th October 2020
Number of beneficiaries: 212 Students
Name and details of the Resource Persons:
Dr. Saptarsi Goswami
Member, Society for Data Science Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Bangabasi Morning College. Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Mr. Atul Bengeri
Executive Committee Member, S4DS Director - Strategy and Business Transformation Acumen Today Pvt Ltd

The key objective of the Expert Lecture on Data Science and its Applications were to make the students understand the extraction of valuable information for use in strategic decision making, product development, trend analysis, and forecasting.

Dr. Saptarsi Goswami explained the core of Data Science and added on why and what of Data Science. He also gave a Recommendation System as a case study that can be followed by the students. Dr.Goswami explained the practice of analyzing raw data to discover any hidden patterns using data science algorithms. He also explained about the various applications and tools such as machine learning and sophisticated algorithms that are used for cleaning the data.

Unlike other forms of data analysis, it can be applied to both structured and unstructured data. Data science is related to data mining, machine learning and big data.

Dr.Goswami also threw light on the types of Machine Models and emphasized that getting the data itself is not good enough but the quality of the data must be known for further analysis.

Mr. Atul Bengeri concluded by thanking all the students and the faculty members and urged them to develop a few case studies related to data science.

Student Chapter on the Society for Data Science (S4DS)
Date: 03rd October 2020
Number of beneficiaries: 320 Students
Name and details of the Resource Person:
1. Dr. Amol Chandrabhan Goje
President, S4DS
Director, Vidya Pratishthan’s Institute of Information Technology (VIIT), Baramati, Pune
2. Mr. Abhijith M K
Digital Transformation Specialist, Bengaluru
3. Mr. Atul Bengeri
Executive Committee Member,S4DS
Director - Strategy and Business Transformation
Acumen Today Pvt Ltd
• To create a forum for the Interchange of ideas on Data Science
• To promote and create awareness about the Data Science in the rapidly-changing world, as an area where there is a lot of opportunities for placement and research, in India and worldwide by connecting individuals, corporations, and data scientists.

The Student Chapter on Society for Data Science was inaugurated by Rev. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College along with Dr. Amol Goje, President, S4DS.

Dr. Amol emphasized that the primary objective to create a student chapter was to develop and deliver educational initiatives in the domain of data analytics and data sciences to support the next generation of data scientists.

Mr. Abhijith explained the role of data scientist as a person who should be able to leverage existing data sources, and create new ones as needed in order to extract meaningful information and actionable insights. These insights can be used to drive business decisions and changes intended to achieve business goals. He also explained the fact that the students must be empowered and they must be made ready for data science careers through hands-on practical workshops, trainings, public events, and distinguished guest lectures, to assure base-level data scientist competency.

Mr. Atul Bengeri concluded by thanking all the students and the faculty members and urged them to help shape a better future – not just for the powerful, but for the majority of people through data science.

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