BSc Computer Science, Electronics (CSEL)

Computer Science
Computer Science is an exciting, growing, challenging field that has revolutionized the world over the years. It has changed the very face of the society. It has found wide range of applications in different spheres of life which includes medicine, communications, automotive technology, weather forecasting, entertainment, mining, pharmacology, forensics, manufacturing, disaster recovery, security, law, business etc. With an overwhelming increase in the widespread usage and popularity, computer education has become inevitable for the common man.

Students choose to major in computer science for a variety of reasons. Many of our students graduate to rewarding computer-related careers in software development, testing, software engineering, system administration, research and development in private and governmental sectors.

Our society is becoming increasingly dependent on technology for every aspect of our lives, from business to social interaction and beyond increasing the demand for graduates in every industry in a wide range of capacities. Owing to the fact that information technology has made an impression in every discipline, most of our graduates acquire solid foundation which paves way for career in multifaceted disciplines.

Electronics is a branch of science that deals with the study of the controlled flow of electrons and their effects in semiconductor materials. Electronics basically deals with electronics circuits that involve active and passive components and integrated circuits. We are highly dependent on electronic gadgets for our daily activities.

It is a comprehensive course that explains the functioning of electronic devices, the integration of electronics components and the processing of data and signal. The curriculum is framed to equip the students with in-depth knowledge about discrete components, Electronics devices, digital electronics, Verilog, Communications, Digital System processing, biomedical systems, microprocessor and micro controller applications.

B.Sc. Computer Science Electronics degree program serves as a basis for higher studies in this field, like M.Sc. and PhD Degree in the branch of Computer Science and Electronics. Following are the ample of employment opportunities in Aerospace Centers, Civil Aviation Department, Consumer Electronics & Communication Equipment Manufacturing Units, Defence Electronics, Defence Services, Design, Testing and Production, Educational Institutions and Research Establishments, Entertainment Industry, Health Care Equipment, Manufacturing Industry, Indian Railways, Inspection and Quality Control, etc.