Title of the Practices - Spark
Language Corner
Theatre workshop
Society of Poets
Communication Logbook
2. Objectives of the Practice
To provide a platform for students to express themselves through various forms of writing and role-play. Students who are interested in different areas of language and literature are provided with an opportunity to express. They are given chance for reciting their poems, act on the stage and learn new words and phrases. Students can publish their work in the magazine, Expressions. Language corner helps improve their proficiency in English.
3. The Context
Coupled with academic progress students can also develop their skills. Along with learning poems, they are writing and publishing their own poems that makes them appreciate any literary work. Through all these activities they hone their proficiency in language.
4. The Practice
Expressions- It’s a creative journal by the Erudite club that encourages to explore and express creativity of the students. Student irrespective of the course, can publish their work in this magazine.
Language Corner – It provides a unique opportunity and platform for language learners to improve their proficiency through news and updates in general and language and literature in particular.
Society of Poets – It is to promote interest in poetry. It helps students appreciate and enjoy poetry. They are given a platform to recite their own poems.
Theatre workshop – Every year we organize a play in the even semester provide opportunities for students to act on the stage. Usually it is a Shakespearean play. Interested students can register in the Erudite club and will be given a chance to perform on stage.
Communication Logbook – Along with the syllabus, to learn English language, students have a communication log book where every day they write new words, phrases and idioms.
5. Evidence of Success
* Students are actively participating in this practices and it help them to perform well in inter and intra collegiate fests.
* Students get opportunity to perform on stage and they enjoy theatre activities literature.
* Students use the new words and phrases in their day to day communication.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
It is not possible to provide opportunities for all the aspiring students, to take part in stage performance.
All the articles cannot be published in Expression.
1. Title of the practice: Aces
GLIMPSES – e Newsletter & Annual Printed Edition
KJC Radio
Social media content management- Blog
2. Objective of the practice:
Provide a platform for students to express themselves through various forms of writing like news reporting, comments on current topics, literary/creative writing and video & radio production also. The essential purpose of is to inform, engage, inspire and entertain a diverse readership -- including alumni, faculty, staff, students, parents and other stake holders of the College -- by presenting an intimate, timely and honest portrait of the College -- its people, its programs, its history, its challenges, its resources and its mission
3. The Context:
The department’s Pedagogy -Synergizing journalism programs with practical components. The course introduces various facets of the profession of the journalism to the students with theoretical knowledge and on the job training. We have to balance the academic demands of university and the practical demands of industry. These platforms help the students to express and identify their potential area and help to find out their career.
4. The Practice
There are six best practices in the department. Each of them aims to improve the student’s competence in a specific domain of their choice.
GLIMPSES – e Newsletter –
Objective & Nature of the Programme ‘Glimpses’ is a regularly distributed e- newsletter publication produced every week started in the year 2015. Journalism students will cover the major events happening in the college and make the reports. This can be geared towards students, faculty members, alumni and people who associated with college. Around 40 students are part of reporting and photography.. More than 10000 people are receiving this newsletter.
Number of Issues Published this year: 29 (Online)
Printed Edition: Annual Edition: Vol. 11 , Issue 1
KJC Television
An offline TV programming and production started with an objective to reach out students, staff and visitors by streaming two minutes mash-up videos of all major programmes conducted in Kristu Jayanti College. It established in the year 2015. 14 MA journalism students are part of the production. The receivers are Kristu Jayanti college staff, Students visitors of college and also available in youtube. (KJC TV displaying in main entrance).
Number of Programmes produced in this year : 53
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okShnOoHJbI
KJC Radio
An offline radio programming and production started with an objective to reach out students, by streaming 30 minutes infotainment programme on events conducted, upcoming events and music tapes. It started in the year 2015. Around 20 UG and PG students are part of the production.
Number of Programmes produced in this year: 01
Link: http://kristujayanti.edu.in/media_room/audio/KJC-RADIO-VOL-3.mp3
Journalism-Blog (Social Media-Content Management)
As per the latest studies, around 92 per cent of organizations claimed that social media marketing was important for their industry, with 80 per cent indicating their efforts increased traffic to their websites. Even the MacAfee report says almost 70 per cent of online youth in India spend more than 5 hours on the internet in a normal week. Hence the purpose of online content management is to be connected with the youth through their most favorite platforms and increase the institutional visibility. It started in the year 2016.
Number of Stories uploaded this year: 25
Link: https://journalismatkristujayanticollege.wordpress.com/
The undergraduate students in the department of journalism brings outbid annually newsletter consists of college and departmental activities. This enhances skills and talents with young aspiring journalists.
Number of students involved: 27 (Reporters & Photographers)
Number of issues published : 02
The department publishes magazines that discover and prompt journalistic and creative insights of the students. Pixel brings out the photographic genius of the students and the inspirational journal Expressions, publish original work of aspiring young writers. This year MA Journalism and Mass Communication students have published two issues of Pixel.
Number of students involved: 10(Photographers)
Number of issues published: 02
Campus Courier
Campus Courier is a newsletter produced by PG students of Journalism on current events, features and college program
Number of students involved: 10(Photographers)
Number of issues published: 02
KJC Mirror
The KJC Mirror is a weekly newsletter produced and published by the postgraduate students of Journalism and Mass Communication Department. KJC Mirror provides a glimpse of curricular, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities of the college. The goal of the newsletter is to inform the larger student fraternity about news and events happening in the campus.
Number of students involved: 10(Photographers)
Number of issues published: 20
Carnival is a niche lifestyle magazine that chronicle latest trends in fashion, food, travel and life-style. It is an annual publication MA Journalism first semester students.
Number of students involved: 10(Photographers)
Number of issues published : 01
The purpose of the internship course is to give students a comprehensive, practical experience in a real world setting. It also enables students to apply their academic knowledge and critical thinking skills in work environments, while enhancing personal professional development.
This course aims at molding the students for a career in journalism, both print and electronic media broadcasting, and in allied fields like advertising, new media and film. The course introduces various facets of the profession of journalism with a blend of theoretical knowledge and hands on experience. As part of it department organizing a 15 days internship in reputed organizations
5. Evidence of Success
1. Students are actively participating in these kind of practices and it help them to perform well in inter and intra collegiate fests.
2. Internship programmes help them to identify their career opportunities and many students are getting job offers after their successful completion of internship.
3. Glimpses newsletter is publishing every week and the online version is available for all students, staff, parents, alumni and other stake holders.
4. KJC offline television is screening in the college reception every day and the visitors will get a visual idea about major college events.
6. Problems encounters and resources required
1. Lack of industry experiences sometimes will affects the quality of the production.
2. Time management is another problem especially in the video production. Students are taking
too much time for the post production process of video production.
3. For the offline radio presentation reachability is less.
The ‘Mock Election’ or Eleccion 2018 was conducted on 08/03/2018 in the political science department for the purpose of enhancing awareness between or among the students of [B.A] Ist, IInd & IIIrd Year [JPOL/HEP] 120 students. The fundamental principles followed in the election process include nomination of candidates, party-based campaigning, general interaction with the public incorporating both students and teachers addressing various issues related to the party agendas and manifestos.
The basic steps involved in the event ranging from press interaction of the audience including the students, infrastructural arrangement, ballot box and the general public. Therefore the process of election represents general election and prepares the student for the very basic exercise in the outside world at large.
The mock election started with general guidelines to the voters regarding the exercise of their popular power followed by the normal view-point of the candidates, which in turn would have decided the voter’s choice and the ultimate election results. Though the entire procedure was conducted in a systematic manner with the main objective of ensuring activation or initiation of democratic spirit among the students for people have a significant role to play in the process of public administration. However the organization of this event and its overall functioning to a great extent is contingent upon the disciplinary factor.
Thus this was a major event of our department conducted once a year. It is a representation of Elections that are held in the country, there were various activities like Campaign, Debate and Press Conference where the contestants introduced their Party and their manifesto in front of all the students of Political science department. The Activity consist of three rounds, the first is a Introduction of the contestants Party and their Manifestos, the second includes Press conference where questions are asked by the students to the Candidates and finally the voting takes place in the third round after the voters oath taking ceremony.
This year 5 students stood for the Elections from the 1st and 2nd years. The 3rd year students are not allowed to stand for the election as they are the organizers. The ultimate winner of this year Election was Ms. Reshma of 1st Year with majority of votes. This time NOTA was also introduced which played major role in changing the result of the election.
Although there were some difficulties in managing the operation of the event, this activity of mock election helped the students to learn more of the election process in a country and how the power of one individual can be exercise by voting for the right candidate in times of election is important.
Moreover the resources required to conduct it includes digital tools along with human power as the results were reported electronically.
The activity represents an important stage of learning for the future responsible citizens in a democracy like India and also holds ramification for higher level of education for it gives a practical exposure to the students through training them in different roles respectively.