Department of Psychology

About the Department
The Department of Psychology at Kristu Jayanti College was established in the year 2002. The department was started with the objectives to provide an environment that is “learner-centric”, to provide value-based education, to help students communicate effectively and to sensitize students regarding various contemporary psychological tools. The program in the department aims to develop the ability to realize one's complete potential mentally, physically, and emotionally. Also, it promotes creativity, scientific temper, and environmental sensitivity.

Programme offered
The Department of Psychology offers 4 Undergraduate programme under the Denary of Humanities and 3 Postgraduate programme.
The undergraduate programme offered are Bachelor of Arts (BA) Psychology, Bachelor of Arts (BA) Psychology and Journalism (PYJO), Bachelor of Arts (BA) Psychology and English Literature (PYENG) and Bachelor of Arts (BA) Psychology and Performing Arts (PYPA)

The Postgraduate programmes offered are Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Clinical Psychology, Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Counselling Psychology, and Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Psychology with two major specializations where students can choose from their area of interest. The specializations provided are Clinical Psychology and Industrial Psychology & HRM.

Psychology Lab
Assessments are the core of understanding human behavior, to train the students in assessments and interpretation, a well-equipped laboratory with state of the art psychometric tools to assess Intelligence, Personality (Objective and Projective), Interest, Aptitude, Neuro-psychology, Cognitive processes, Psychophysics and Perception, etc.

Training and Development
The department strives to improve the knowledge of students and keep them updated through Proprium series including - Guest lectures, seminars, and workshops by various experts in the field. Intervention and counselling techniques training is one of the unique practices for the post graduate students to get hands-on experience.

The backbone of any post-graduate program is the knowledge of research and its applicability. To train our students to have an understanding of doing research the following methods are utilized

  • Research Colloquium – Presenting papers of high quality from journals with high impact factor.
  • Minor Research Projects – A simple version of the research where the students get acquainted with the process of research.

The department of psychology while promoting academic excellence also emphasizes on holistic personality development of the students. One of the most important roles the department plays is to offer psychological support to the students. Counselling and guidance are offered to any student of the college who requires emotional support.

The department employs innovative teaching techniques including audio-visuals, paper presentations, group discussions, article reviews, collaborative learning, peer-assisted learning, case analyses, self-management projects, etc.

Fests, Conference, and Exhibition
The department focuses on the growth of an individual through various extracurricular activities. Thus to enhance the organizing capacity and growth of the students, they are given responsibilities in the conduction of the Psychology fests titled “Cognizance” – an Intra-departmental level Psychology fest and “Stimuli” – an Inter-collegiate level Psychology fest. The primary objective of the fest is to bring in awareness with regards to the theme of the fest in an amusing way.

‘Insight’ means the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of something. The annual conference of the department of Psychology is aptly named as Insight as we help to create an accurate and deep understanding in various areas of Psychology and also encourage learning through interactions with experts and students from other institutions.

‘Manodarshan’ the assessment exhibition is a new addition to the departments growing set of activities. Here the postgraduate and undergraduate students display various working models, posters, and assessments to the students and faculties of other departments. During the exhibition, the students also conduct various assessments for others to understand their psychological capacities.

Departmental Magazine
The department’s annual magazine ‘Pravaha’ is a way for students to put forward their thoughts and creativity. Pravaha is a Sanskrit term which means flow, i.e. performing an activity by showing full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. Students from Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels submit their write-ups, poems, drawings, photography, and games based on the theme selected for the year. The collection of best articles are compiled together and published during the annual conference of the college.

Extension Activities
Supervised fieldworks are part of the weekly schedule where besides classroom teaching, students are sent to various organizations around the locality such as Old age homes, home for the destitute, Hospitals, Rehabilitation centres, Special schools, etc. Students interact with the people and make a psychological analysis of their observations.

Students have to complete a 45-days supervised internship program in their area of specialization during the fourth semester. Students in the previous years have interned in organizations like Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore, Kempegowda Institute of Medical Science (KIMS), Bangalore, Jubilee Mission Hospital, Fr. Muller hospital, Mangalore, Mental Health Centre, Trivandrum, People Tree Marga, Masina Hospital, Mumbai, SCARFF, Chennai, Pepsi Co, Landmark, Volvo, Lifestyle International, Hinduja Global Solutions, COPER, Bangalore, Tata Steel, Future Retail, 3M, Strides and NGOs and henceforth.
Services offered by the department

  • Faculty Development programme at National level
  • Resource Person to colleges and schools across the country
  • Individual counselling
  • Aptitude testing and career counselling
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