Seminars & Conferences

Inauguration Session of the 3rd International Conference on Economics, Business, and Sustainability
Date: 18 September 2024
The 3rd International Conference on Economics, Business, and Sustainability (ICEBS 2024), organized by the Department of Economics at Kristu Jayanti College in collaboration with the Euromid Academy of Business and Technology, commenced with an inspiring inaugural session. The conference theme, “Advancing Global Prosperity: Integrating Economics, Business, and Sustainability for a Sustainable Future,” underscores the vital role of sustainable practices in driving economic and business success

The ceremony began with an invocation by the Department Choir, followed by a welcome address by Dr. Aloysius Edward J, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Management. The lighting of the lamp symbolized the enlightenment that the conference aims to spread through its discussions on sustainability.

Dr. Sivasubramanian K, Head of the Department of Economics, delivered the prelude, setting the tone for the conference by emphasizing the urgency of integrating sustainable practices into global economic frameworks. He spoke about the need for collective efforts from businesses, policymakers, and academic institutions to build a sustainable future, highlighting the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Fr. Dr. Augustine George, Principal of Kristu Jayanti College, followed with the Presidential Address, where he declared the conference a critical platform for researchers, students, and industry leaders to share insights and engage in meaningful dialogue. He highlighted the submission of 126 high-quality papers from various countries, showcasing the global relevance of the conference.

The Inaugural Address was delivered by Mr. David Keynan, Vice Chairman of the Federation of Indo-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Managing Director of Vandey Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd. Mr. Keynan’s address revolved around three key pillars of sustainability: diversity, equality, and modesty. He emphasized that sustainability must begin with forward-thinking and adaptability to future challenges. Referring to philosopher Heraclitus, he noted, “You cannot step into the same river twice,” illustrating the necessity for organizations to embrace change and diversity to remain resilient. He also spoke about the importance of equality in the workplace, warning that unequal distribution of responsibility can burden smaller groups and hinder long-term success. Drawing inspiration from the 1500-year-long Indus Valley Civilization, he pointed to the integration of sustainability into everyday life as a key to longevity.

Mr. Keynan concluded by encouraging organizations to adopt a modest approach to sustainability, promoting openness to change and the ability to stand strong in the face of adversity.

2nd International Conference on Economics, Business and Sustainability (ICEBS 2024)
Date: 18 & 19 January 2024
The 2nd International Conference on Economics, Business, and Sustainability (ICEBS 2024), organized by the Department of Economics in collaboration with the EuroMid Academy of Business and Technology, proved to be a resounding success. Held from January 18th to 19th, 2023, under the theme "Sustainable Development and Green Economics: Shaping a Resilient Future through Sustainable Practices," was marked by an enriching inaugural address delivered by Dr Søren Tranberg Hansen, Science and Innovation Consul and Deputy Head of Mission at the Innovation Center Denmark, Consulate of Denmark in Bengaluru. Mr. Hansen's address added a global perspective to the conference, emphasizing the importance of innovation and sustainability in today's interconnected world. The conference featured insightful keynote sessions. Assoc Prof Dr Keshminder Singh Jit Singh discussed navigating tomorrow's climate and sustainable pathways, while Dr Nadia Mansour explored the FinTech revolution's impact on economic landscapes. AP Dr Abdul Rahim Ridzuan delved into a comparative study of the carbon footprint of G7 nations. The diverse range of topics addressed by these eminent speakers contributed to meaningful discussions, providing attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in building a sustainable and resilient global future. The resounding success of the ICEBS 2024 was further underscored by the acceptance of an impressive 93 papers for publication in the Scopus indexed Springer Nature Book Series. This noteworthy achievement not only reflects the high academic caliber of the presented research but also underscores the global recognition of the conference's contributions to the scholarly community The conference facilitated valuable knowledge exchange, making it a pivotal event for scholars, researchers, and industry experts.

Student Seminar Series: Application of Economic Theory and Business Model Building Through Innovative Teaching-Learning Pedagogy: Creative Stimulus and Brainstorming Activity
Date: 19 September 2023
The Department of Economics organized a student seminar series titled ‘Application of Economic Theory and Business Model Building through Innovative Teaching-Learning Pedagogy: Creativity Stimulus and Brainstorming Activity was held on 19th September 2023. The event was moderated by Dr. Sivasubramanian, K, Coordinator, Department of Economics and was attended by the final year students of BA JOEC(Journalism and Economics), and BSc STEC(Statistics and Economics). The students were expected to prepare and put forth a business model or a plan by relating it to an economic theory. Different theories in economics were discussed and debated by the presenters. The students prepared PPTs for the same and presented their innovative ideas and thoughts which were then validated or improved by the event moderator. Each presentation was then followed by questions from the audience and the event moderator, in which various doubts and concerns regarding the ideas or models were addressed. Overall, it was a valuable learning experience wherein multiple ideas were put into perspective and various learning points were taken into consideration.

International Conference on Economics, Business and Sustainability (ICEBS 2023)
Department of Economics organized an International Conference on “Economics, Business, and Sustainability” on 13th January 2023. The conference marked the presence of delegates from various Universities around the Globe. The Chief Guest, Mrs. Laura L Brewer, Appalachian State University, USA, Rev. Fr. Lijo P. Thomas, Vice Princpal and CFO, Kristu Jayanti College, Dr. K. Vinodha Devi, Programme Co-coordinator, Department of Economics, Mr Jaheer Mukthar KP, Conference Convener, and Prashanth Thapa, student coordinator, were present for the inaugural session. The conference opened with the inaugural session chaired by Mrs. Laura L Brewer.The event was inaugurated by lighting the lamp and by the honorable chief guest addressingthe gathering. Mrs. Brewer opened the keynote session by underlining the need for sustainable business models in today’s age. She talked about the small steps that an individual can take to bring sustainability in the world. In the second keynote session, the speaker, Sri R Gopinath Rao, the Deputy Director, MSME, Development and facilitation Office, Government of India, illustrated the importance of Micro Medium Small Enterprises (MSMEs) and its role in promoting entrepreneurship in India. He elaborated on the UDAYAM scheme and highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship. The final keynote session was handled by Ms. Padmaja S., Senior Manager, Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). The session focused on Government Initiatives and schemes to support MSMEs. Ms. Padmaja briefed the audience about the various SIDBI schemes in action such as ARISE, STHAPAN, PRATHAM, Mudra and E4 Scheme. She also highlighted the major lines of activity undertaken by SIDBI and the internship opportunities open to students.

The plenary session started at 2 pm and there were one offline plenary session and two online plenary sessions happened simultaneously. Offline plenary session was Chaired Dr Arti Singh, Department of Commerce , Kristu Jayanti College, Online Plenary sessions sere chaired by Dr KS Prakash, Mr Jaheer Mukthar KP and Dr Nirmala MM. A total of 40 Papers presented in plenary session. The event concluded by distributing the certificates to the researchers.

Virtual International Conference on Sustainable and Inclusive Global Economy: The Path to the Next Normal
The Department of Economics organized an International Conference on “Sustainable and Inclusive Global Economy: The Path to the next Normal” on 26th April 2022 in collaboration with the Indian Economic Association and Dhaka School of Economics. The aim of the conference was to focus on the key issues, challenges and to provide a solution to attain a sustainable and inclusive growth of the global economy.It also has provided a platform for young research scholars and academicians to present their ideas. In his Presidential address Rev.Fr. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) Bengaluru, put forward the vital requirement of an essential shift and further innovative programs in the economic sector. The keynote speaker Dr.K.Nuariyal, Professor& Head, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Roorkee, detailed that India’s upcoming depends on the global mindset. He stated that sustainability has three main pillars: economic, environmental, and social. These three pillars are informally referred to as people, planet, and profits. He further opined that natural resources and ecosystem services keep human beings and other species alive and support human economies. The International conference provided a forum for the young research scholars and academicians to exchange their thoughts and ideas, to communicate and state their research findings and conclusion in connection with a Sustainable and Inclusive Global economy.

National Webinar on ‘Scientific Research & Approaches For Social Science’
Department of Economics Organized a National Webinar on ‘Scientific Research and approaches for social science on 13th November 2021. Dr.Arulmurugan (Assistant Professor and Research Supervisor, Department of Commerce, Kariakal Campus Pondicherry University)was the Resource person. The resource person started with the importance of seeking research techniques. He suggested that, Research helps to judge the basic requirement of community and thereby provide an adequate provision of a nation's resources.. He added that, Social research methods can help us explore, enlighten, and explain aspects of the social world, as well as estimate whether particular programs or policies in fact work. Finally the session came to an end with an interaction session, wherein, the participants have posed various questions and accordingly the resource person clarified all of them.

National Webinar on ‘Investment Slowdown In India’
The Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College. Organized a National level webinar on the topic ‘Investment Slowdown in India’ on 26th October 2021. The resource person for the webinar was Prof. Pravakar Sahoo, Course director and Head, Indian Economic Service Section, Institute of Economic Growth. The resource person started his discussion with topic economic slowdown in India. He further went on to give a vivid outlook of the reasons for economic slowdown and how to revive investments in India. He emphasised the steps to boost investment. Finally the session came to an end with an interaction session, wherein, the participants have posed various questions and accordingly the resource person clarified all of them.

National Webinar on Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Indian Economy
Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) Bengaluru organized a National Webinar on “Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Economy” on October 7, 2021, from 3:30-4:30 PM The resource person of the day was Dr. Syam Prasad, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod. The Resource Person presented the impact of the pandemic on the Indian economy from a macroeconomic perspective. He observed how there were breakages in the circular flow of income due to the lockdowns, which led to a global economic recession. The implications of the lockdown were studied from three perspectives: -Domestic Slowdown, International recession, and Overall Uncertainty. Further, he analyzed the impact of the lockdown on primary, secondary and tertiary sector, which suffered loss of demand, supply chain blocks and complete economic halt respectively and concluded by saying that is optimistic of the recovery and revival of Indian economy on the condition that there will be no 3rd wave of COVID-19 and 60% vaccination by October 2021 and observed current trends of economic acceleration in the country. The session was followed by an interactive session with the students where Dr.Syam Prasad answered the student's queries about economic recovery and addressed their apprehension regarding economic trends. An illuminating session concluded by the Vote of Thanks by Mr. Sanjay Singh of second-year MA Economics

National Webinar on the Economics of Climate Change and UN IPCC AR-6
Department of Economics Organized a National webinar on ‘The Economics of Climate Change and UN IPCC AR-6’ on 15th September 2021. Dr.Krishna Raj, Professor, Centre for Economic Studies and Policy, Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bengaluru was the resource person. The resource person started discussion on economic inequality, environmental degradation, climatic change, greenhouse gas concentration, energy consumption and the Global disparity in carbon footprints. He stressed Natural methods everywhere the world are being exaggerated by local climate changes, predominantly temperature increases, and that these temperature escalations are very likely to be the outcome of anthropogenic discharges of greenhouse gases. He opined that, environment demands people and the policy makers to react quickly to ongoing changes that are unpredictable and out of control. Finally the session came to an end with an interface session, wherein, the students have posed various questions and accordingly the resource person illuminated all of them.

Virtual National Conference on The Changing Economic Models and Trends in the Post Covid-19 World
The Department of Economics (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, organized a Virtual Nationional conference on “The Changing Economic Models and Trends in the Post Covid-19 World” for the students of I and III Semester MA Economics, on 16/10/2020.

The objective of conducting this session was to provide an insight on what is next in the field of Economic Science in connection with the current era of global pandemic.

Details of Resource Person:
Dr. Davinder Kumar Madaan Secretary, Indian Economic Association and Professor of Economics and Head, School of Social Sciences, Punjabi University, Punjab.
Dr. Doris Padmini Selvaratnam Head of Industry, Alumni and Community Partnerships Office and Faculty of Economics and Management, University Kebangsaan, Malaysia.
Dr. P. Arunachalam Professor and Head of Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala.

The objective of conducting this session was to provide an insight on what is next in the field of Economic Science in connection with the current era of global pandemic. More than 240 participants (Internal & External) from various educational institutions across the Globe had participated in the programme.

The keynote speakers presented the far-reaching impact that Covid-19 had on the global economy with adequate statistics. They elucidated the inter relatedness of economic and community development and the importance of the informal sector in this age of uncertainty which is characterized by vulnerability, low wages and no rights with the help of self-developed economic models and mechanisms.

The keynote speakers also talked about the strategies that India need to undertake in order to revive itself from the economic downturn caused by the pandemic.

A total of 19 papers were presented at the Virtual National Conference related to the Changing Economic Models and Trends in The Post Covid-19 World.

Participants on their feedback for the programme commented that, The Virtual National Conference was very useful to understand the various aspects of the most vexed issue of Covid-19, which has shattered world economies and its bitter economic impacts. The attendees gave valuable policy recommendations and suggestions which could become the driving forces of economic renaissance soon.

The keynote speakers answered all the queries raised by the audience and sessions concluded with a question answering session.

3rd National Conference on Indian Economy towards Industrial Revolution 4.0
Department of Economics organized 3rd National Conference on Indian Economy towards Industrial Revolution 4.0 on 13th December 2019 in collaboration with Indian Economic Association. The aim of the conference is to provide discussion and solution to the challenges, key issues and way forward to the success of industrial revolution 4.0 for the growth and development of Indian Economy. It also provides a platform for the young research scholar and academicians to present their ideas. In his Presidential Address Rev. Dr. Augustine George put forward the vital need of a radical shift and further research programs in the industrial sector. The resource person Shri T. R. Parasuraman recorded that the India’s future depends on the global mind set. He stated that the industrial revolution 4.0 will be led by technological growth and Artificial Intelligence. There are new amazing things going around the world in this 4.0. 3 D printing, IOT, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Automated Factories and Clouds computing. Sir concluded that, what we are hearing, that is going to enter into fascinating world. In Keynote Session-II, Mr. Amit Das Gupta spoke about the digital economy and how our country started to take path for the industrial revolution 4.0. The 4th generation started the digitalization from 2005 and spoke about the hyper connectivity, disruptive innovation, cloud computing, data explosion and speed. Sir also mentioned the features of the 4.0 industrial environments. In Keynote Session-III. Mr.Rayner H Ephraim spoke about the reforms in banking during this industry 4.0. Dr. In Keynote Session IV, Sheethal Bharat spoke about how Industry 4.0 gives us to escape from the ideas which are implemented in the old days. The national conference brought altogether 35 delegates from states such as Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra, who took part in the conference to share their experience and research findings on Indian economy and industrial revolution 4.0. The national conference fenced with four key note sessions. There are 14 delegates were presented and the discussion was made on each topic and findings. The national conference provided a forum and platform for young research scholars, academicians, students and industrialist to exchange their thoughts and ideas, to communicate and state their research findings and conclusion in the field of industrial growth and development. The national conference was much useful to understand various dynamics of industrial revolution 4.0 to all the participants.

2nd National Conference on “Building Uniqueness of Agriculture Sector for Sustainable Development”
Department of Economics organized 2nd National Conference on “Building Uniqueness of Agriculture Sector for Sustainable Development” on 5th February 2019 in collaboration with Indian Economic Association. The conference has been initiated with an objective to provide inputs on contemporary issues in agriculture sector including prospects and challenges towards sustainable development. In his Presidential Address Rev.Fr.Lijo P Thomas put forward the vital need of a radical shift and further research programs in the agriculture sector. The Chief Guest of the Inauguration, Dr.Somannavar Shivajat Basalingappa, Honorary President, Karnataka Economic Federation, Davangere in his keynote address enlightened the gathering and threw light on present and future of agriculture and its role in the growth of the economy. The first edition of the department magazine – Arthvista was released by the dignitaries of the Inauguration function.

Dr. Parmod Kumar, Professor, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru in his keynote address illuminated the gathering with facts related with agriculture and allied industries through Indian agriculture performance appraisal. Dr. Mudalagiriyappa, Chief Scientist, Dry and Agriculture Project, University of Agricultural Science, Bengaluru in his keynote session - Venality in agriculture, has enlightened the gathering with innovation used in agriculture industry to enhance the performance and productivity. Dr. B M Nasir Khan, Coordinator, Department of PG Studies in Economics, Sir M V Government Arts and Commerce College, Kuvempu University was the Chief Guest for the Valedictory function. He emphasized on using econometric approach for understanding the relation between agriculture sector and economic growth. M

The Department received 84 research papers from various parts of the country for the publication, out of which only 46 Papers were selected after being scrutinized by the Peer Review Committee for the publication in UGC Indexed “The International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research” with Index No.63571.

Researchers representing 7 Universities, 33 Colleges and from 7 states across the nation were a part of the conference, majority were from Karnataka while there were representations from Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Jammu and Delhi. The deliberations witnessed the participation of 54 delegates on that day.

National Conference on "Indian Economy towards Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development - Emerging Trends, Issues and Challenges"
The Department of Economics of Kristu Jayanti College organized one day conference on 16th March 2018 to bring together academicians, researchers and industrialists from all over India to interact, collaborate and understand the emerging trends, issues and challenges behind inclusive growth and sustainable development in India. The Chief Guest of the inauguration, Prof. R S Deshpande Director, Bengaluru, Dr B R Ambedkar School of Economics (BASE) in his keynote address enlightened the gathering and threw light on inclusivity along with the growth of the economy. Shri Murali Sundararajan, Managing Director & VP Enterprise Architecture and Innovation, LBrands in his keynote address elucidated necessity of innovations in Information Communication Technology and discussed the value of the invention of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), challenges it confronts and the innovations being done on it. Start - ups that promote entrepreneurship give way to economic development. Shri Rajarshi Banerjee, Head, Customer Experience and Innovation, ABB Global Industries and Services Pvt. Ltd. in his keynote entirely expounded the positivity of technology and showed the various trends that technology has caused in our lives. He also threw light on how digitalization is causing an impact on a nation like India. The Department received 105 research papers from various parts of the country for the publication out of which only 70 Papers were selected after being scrutinized by the Peer Review Committee for the publication in UGC Indexed “KAAV- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, COMMERCE AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT” with Index No.47663. 145 researchers (representing 17 Universities, 51 Colleges and from 11 states across the nation and 1 from abroad) were a part of the conference, majority were from Karnataka while there were representations from Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Odisha, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, Telengana, Chandigarh and Delhi within India while 2 researchers were from Bhutan. 4 papers were contributed by professionals from the corporate & banking sector. The deliberations witnessed the participation of 73 delegates on that day. The Department of Economics was really honored to have Prof. Ramachandra Gowda, Registrar, and Bengaluru Central University Chief Guest for the Valedictory Function. He gave an overview of how inclusive growth & sustainable development go hand in hand for an economy to grow.

34th Edition of ''Vichaarmanthan - An Interaction with Global and Indian Visionaries' held on Thursday, August 31, 2017, 11.00 am at SKE Auditorium addressed by Shri S. Gandhi, Former Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India on ''Demonetisation : What Next''.

Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM