Industrial / Field Visit

Field Visit-Dairy Day Ice Cream Factory in Harohalli Industrial Estate, Bengaluru
Date: 25 October 2024
On October 25, 2024, undergraduate students (BA-Applied Economics) from the Department of Economics visited the Dairy Day Ice Cream Factory in Harohalli Industrial Estate, Bengaluru. The purpose of the visit was to provide practical insights into the production processes and business operations of a prominent ice cream manufacturer. The visit allowed students to observe the entire production line, from ingredient sourcing to packaging, while applying economic theories such as supply chain management and consumer behaviour.

Institutional Visit Institute of Social and Economic Change (ISEC)
Date: 25 March 2024
The Department of Economics organized an institutional visit to the Institute of Social and Economic Change on March 25, 2024. Dr. K. Vinodha Devi accompanied the students from II and IV MA Economics on their industrial visit. The morning session was led by Dr. Thomas Felix, Assistant Professor at ISEC, who guided the students through the many research initiatives done at ISEC. He also informed the students about internship options and Ph.D. work being done there. The students also had the opportunity to tour the V.K.R.V. Rao library, where they gained valuable information on research and related books. They had the opportunity to explore various sections of the library and interact with the extensive knowledge on research and related literature. They got the opportunity to explore different sections of the library and interact with the vast variety of books, journals, and multimedia items available. Mr. Pradeep, the Deputy Librarian, guided the students. The insights gathered throughout the tour will benefit the students during their internship and Ph.D. programs.

Field Visit to the University of Agricultural and Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore
Date: 31 January 2024
On January 31, 2024, the Department of Economics at Kristu Jayanti College organized a comprehensive one-day field visit, the purpose of this visit was to enhance students' understanding of Indian agriculture and Economics, crucial components of their academic curriculum, and to provide practical insights into agricultural practices prevalent in the country. The objectives of the field visit were twofold. Firstly, it aimed to familiarize students with diverse agricultural activities across various plantations, soils, and crops. Secondly, it sought to cultivate knowledge in horticulture, floriculture, and sericulture. It reinforced classroom teachings and fostered a deeper appreciation for the complexities of agricultural practices and their economic ramifications. Dr.Nirmala MM and Dr. Baiju P organized a Field Visit and accompanied the Students.

Industrial Visit to ASIAN Granites in Chikmagalur
Date: 14 & 15 october 2023
Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College Organised an Experiential Learning-Industrial Visit to ASIAN Granites in Chikmagalur, Karnataka,on 14th and 15th October 2023. The visit was organized to allow students to learn about the granite industry and its processes. The visit began with a briefing about the company by the representative, who gave an overview of the granite industry. He also spoke about the company's history, products, and manufacturing process. After the briefing, the students were taken on a tour of the company's manufacturing plant. They saw the entire process of granite production, from quarrying to polishing. The students also had the opportunity to interact with the company's employees and ask them questions about their work. The employees were beneficial and informative, and the students learned a lot about the granite industry from them. Dr.Sivasubramanian K & and Dr, Neelu S Kumar accompanied the Students.

Industrial Visit to MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises)
Date: 09 March 2023
The Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) in collaboration with SIDBI, Bengaluru organized an Industrial Visit to MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) on the 09th of March, 2023. A Group of 16 MA Economics students accompanied by a faculty member visited Spookfish Innovations Pvt Ltd and Pavithra Toolings with the intention to get real insights into the functioning of MSMEs in India. The students were toured around the plants and understood the internal working of the enterprises through demonstrations. The students also understand the opportunities, challenges, and struggles to become an entrepreneur. For many students, this visit was their first step to enter into the world of entrepreneurs. They were also briefed about the functioning of the enterprises and their future plans. Further, the opportunity paves a great way to encourage entrepreneurship among young minds.

Industrial Visit to Heritage Winery, Ramanagar
Date: 28 February 2023
The Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) organized an Industrial Visit to Heritage Winery, Ramanagar, on 28th February. Fourth Semester MA students, sixth-semester BA HEP, JEE, EPS, and BSc MSE students visited the winery. The students got a chance to move around the winery and got the opportunity to understand the working of the unit. The representatives of the winery were briefed about its functioning of it.

Institutional Visit for MA Economics
Date: 18/02/2022
The industrial visit has become an integral part of academic curriculum for the students pursuing MA Economics, was organized for one day on 18th February 2022. The students and faculty members of Department of Economics, Kristujayanti College has visited the Reserve Bank of India, Bengaluru at 10.30 a m. Mr.Nagaraju, Assistant General Manager, RBI was the resource person. He started with the relevance of conduct of 'Financial literacy week' during February 14-18 by the RBI, to focus on creating awareness about convenience of digital transactions. He has explained about the functions and objectives of the Reserve Bank of India. He has also explained about the precautions while making digital transactions. There was an interaction session, wherein the Resource person has answered the queries of the Students.

Industrial Visit to The Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore
Date: 20/02/2020
Venue: The Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore
Resource Person: Dr.Kalil Shaha.
Visit Attended & Number of beneficiaries: II and IV Semester MA Economics, 13.

The industrial visit has become an integral part of academic curriculum for the students pursuing MA Economics was organised for one day on 20th February 2020. The students and faculty members of Department of Economics, KristuJayanti College has visited the institute at 12 pm. There was students’interactions with the faculty of ISEC, Dr.KalilShaha explained about the functions and objectives of ISEC. He has also explained about the PhD programme, ISEC has been providing and how to prepare for the entrance exam. He further explained about the research writing and how to write the statement of problem. After the interaction session the students visited the library of ISEC. The library has many books related to economics and other social sciences, and the library contains many journals and publication of different volumes. The library is helpful for a researcher to undertake their research. Finally the students and faculty members have visited the garden of the institute which was the most attractive part of the institution.

About the Institute
The Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) is a social science research institute in Bangalore, founded in 1972 by Prof. V. K. R. V. Rao. ISEC is the largest among the 27 institutions supported by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). ISEC is one of three major institutions established by Prof. V. K. R. V. Rao, along with the Delhi School of Economics and the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. ISEC is the biggest research Institute amongst ICSSR sponsored interdisciplinary research institutions. The research and academic activities of the institute are structured under eight centres covering the areas ranging from economics, ecological economics, agricultural economics, population research, sociology, health, education, political science, public administration, decentralization and rural development. The research under these centres is collectively discussed and monitored through statutory bodies.

Industrial Visit to Power-One Micro Systems Pvt. Ltd, Peeniya Industrial Area, Bengaluru
DATE: 25/01/2020
INDUSTRY NAME: Power-One Micro Systems Pvt. Ltd, Peeniya Industrial Area, Bengaluru.
1. To understand the cost of production and production process of manufacturing unit.
2. To make the students to familiarize with the industrial atmosphere and operations.

Department of Economics visited the industry Power One Micro Systems Pvt. to expose the students towards industrial environment. The students with 4 faculty members have reached the orphanage home at 11 AM in the morning. The children’s of the home welcomed our studentsThe Department of Economics went for an Industrial Visit to Peeniya Industrial Area, Bangalore on 25 January, 2020. They visited Power One Micro Systems Pvt. Limited, a medium scale industry manufacturing and assembling of Uninterruptible Power Source (UPS) and Solar Inverters and its components. It is one of the companies dealing with renewable energy source, the solar energy. The visit was an informative one where the students got to understand the working of UPS systems, how they are assembled and also how solar inverters are becoming a major source of revenue for them now, because of government subsidy in renewable energy, as well as people becoming aware and switching to these sources. The company exports their products to Gulf countries, contributing to the export revenue of India. We also got to know how electricity can bring down crime rates, as in the case of Bihar where a good portion of their orders come from the state. It was a very useful practical learning tour where we got a good experience and lots of information and insight.

Industrial Visit - NABARD

The Students of 1st and 2nd year MA Economics visited the NABARD Karnataka Regional Office on 21st August, 2018. The students were accompanied by Prof. Neeta Dwivedi, Coordinator, Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College.

The formal programme commenced at 10:30am with the screening of an award winning video on NABARD. This was followed by an elaborate presentation by Mr. Nirmal Kumar, Assistant General Manager, NABARD on the functions and responsibilities of NABARD.

After the presentation, the other resource persons, Mr. Uday Bhaskar, Mr. A.V Joshi and Mr. Sudarshan enlightened the students on the role that NABARD plays as the ‘Development Bank of the Nation for fostering rural prosperity’.

Towards the end, the students put forward their queries which were beautifully and precisely answered and clarified by the resource persons. The session came to an end at 1:00 pm with the vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Sunon Zhimo (2nd year, MA Economics).

Industrial Visit ISEC and SIDBI

“If you have never visited the valleys, the view from mountain top is not breathtaking”.

On January 5 2018, the Department of Economics arranged an industrial visit to Institute of Social and Economic Change (ISEC) and Small Industries Development Bank (SIDBI).Both institutions were concerned about the development of our country and well established with experienced professionals.M

ISEC is a social science research institute established by Prof. V.K.R.V Rao in 1972, funded by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). ISEC’s concern for the social and economic welfare of the poor and disadvantaged groups reflects strongly in the large number of studies it has undertaken to understand the various dimensions of poverty and human development. SIDBI is an independent financial institution aimed to aid the growth and development of micro, small and medium-scale enterprises (MSME) in India. Set up on April 2, 1990 through an act of parliament, it was incorporated initially as a wholly owned subsidiary of Industrial Development Bank of India.

We students were accompanied by two teachers Prof. Neeta Dwivedi and Prof.Geetanjali. Morning session was taken by Mr. B.B. Chand and had gone through research works of ISEC .We also had a great opportunity to visit V.K.R.V Rao library and helped us to gain vivid information on research and its allied books. The V.K.R.V. Rao Library has an impressive collection of two lakh titles, 400 microfiche copies of periodicals, official and non-official documents and back volumes of professional journals and periodicals. The V.K.R.V. Rao Library is considered as one of the best reference libraries in social sciences in south India, and the World Bank and several other international organizations have recognized it as a depository library. Recently, with a grant from Government of Karnataka ISEC has started a digital library and a large number of rare books and reports in social sciences have been digitized. We were amazed with wide of medicinal plants in campus that would maintain temperature and keep us fresh.

Afternoon session was taken up by GM of SIDBI Mr. Anadi Sahu and had an interaction about the working of SIDBI .He gone through a brief history on setting up of SIDBI and how it helped people in setting up of industries. He also said that skills should be developed from each individuals and ours ideas and thoughts have its own impact in achieving success in our life was and concluded by criticizing our education system lacks recognizing creativity and we should develop our own ideas through creativity.

Both session helped students to develop thoughts on subjective issues and was able to understand strategies, which government ut up to develop our country.

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