Student Extension Activities

Extension Activity as Part of World NGO Day
Department of Economics organised Community Engagement Programme for MA Economics students as part of World NGO Day. On February 28, 2024, about 11 a.m., 51 students were taken to Home of Hope Doddagubbi, Bangalore. Mr. Auto Raja, the founder of Home of Hope, gave a briefing on the organization's assistance to the downtrodden people in the community. Homes of Hope is changing the lives of neglected, orphaned, and abandoned girls all over India. He added that they have established orphanages and schools and offer girls the best education, wholesome food, and affection. Students gave out groceries to the underprivileged. To keep people interested, they planned a few games and other events. They organized few games and other activities to engage the people there. The students and the charity home benefitted from the visit.

Sashakth-Let’s Empower Community Engagement Programme
The Department of Economics Organized an Orphanage visit, ‘Sashakth-let’s empower’, a community engagement programme in observance of International day of awareness of food loss & Waste. Faculty members of Department of Economics and the students of II M A Economics visited the orphanage by 3.00 p.m. On behalf of Department of Economics food items and financial aid were provided to the authorities of the orphanage Centre. The students had an interactive session with the children. The visit ended by 5.00 p.m.

Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM