International Faculty Interaction

International Lecture Series #3 on Labour Market, Education and Employment: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Department of Economics organized International Lecture Series #3 on 23rd May 2022 from 1.30 pm till 2.30 pm. Prof.Jamila Jigangic, Associate Professor and Dean of Faculty of Business Economics, University of Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina, was the Resource person. The session started off with an introduction of the Resource person. The Resource Person opined that, Labour policy includes policies concerned with relations between employers and employees and those concerned with the employment, training and distribution of workers in the labour market. The session was ended with an interaction session, wherein the resource person answered the doubts of the participants.

International Webinar Series on Transforming Indian Economy-Perspective of the RBI
Department of Economics Organized an International Webinar Series on ‘Transforming Indian Economy-Perspective of the RBI’on 18th September 2021. Dr. Manoranjan Sharma, (Chief Economist, Infomerics Ratings, Delhi, Former Chief Economist, Canara Bank) was the resource person. Dr. Manoranjan Sharma started the discussion on the macro-economic situation, scheduled and non-scheduled banks, and economic slowdown of the global economy due to the pandemic. He also stressed financial frauds, bank rate policy, and IBC 2016 to stabilize the Indian economy. He opined that the application of technology in the banking sector could reduce financial frauds and losses. Finally, the session concluded with an interactive discussion among the participants.

International Webinar Series on Effective Routes to Get Articles Published in Scopus & WoS Indexed Journals
Date: 18/8/2021
Department of Economics Organized an International webinar series on‘Effective routes to get articles published in Scopus & WoS indexed journals ‘on 18th August 2021. Dr. Gilbert C. Magulod Jr., was the Resource person. He pointed out the most common reasons for desk rejection was lack of novelty or being out of the journal's scope. Improper study designs, poor methodological descriptions, poor quality of writing, and weak study grounds were the most common rejection reasons mentioned by both peer reviewers and editorial re-reviewers. He suggested that, how to publish research articles in reputed journals. According to him, all papers must be 100% novel and have not been published in parts (text/figures/tables) in any conference proceedings or journal in any form, any media or any language. He added that, all papers will be reviewed and go through checking for plagiarism. It is the full responsibility of authors to get all manuscripts properly checked for the English language and the publisher will not assume any such responsibility whatsoever.Finally the session came to an end with an interaction session, wherein, the participants have posed various questions and accordingly the resource person clarified all of them

The Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College organized an International Expert Lecture on “Why Economic Development and Not Just Growth” on 9th April 2019 under the leadership of Dr. Neeta Dwivedi (Coordinator, Department of Economics) and Dr. V. Muthukumar (Coordinator, Department of Commerce). The resource person was Mr. Jahir Islam, Faculty School of Economics, Finance and Management, University of Bristol, United Kingdom. Mr. Jahir Islam began his talk with an extract from Human Development Report and then explained how growth is dissimilar from development. He then demystified the various internal and external barriers that blocked growth to translate into development. Sir also stressed that we have to aim for sustainable human development and not just sustainable or human development and wrapped his speech with Leo Tolstoy’s quote: “Happy families are all alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”. His speech was followed by an interaction session between him and the audience comprising of MA Economics, M.Com and M.Com FA students and faculty members of both the department.

Title: “Changing World Order: Is Western decline inevitable and will developing economies shape the 21st century institutionalism?”

Date: 15.2.18
Classes Attended: II BA (HEP), VI BA (HEP), II MA Economics & IV MA Economics
Name and details of the Resource Person: Prof Simon Sweeney, Senior Lecturer in International Political Economy and Business, The York Management School University of York

The session began with discussion on different crisis including Human flow with special mention of 65 million refugees worldwide. The interaction proceeded with the notion that trade is a good thing and for a smooth and efficient trade worldwide, there is WTO. But we don’t have WEO i.e. World Environment Organization to tackle the problem of climate change. The interaction continued with the understanding of different trade barriers and structural reforms taken to improve world trade. There was special remark on need of Global governance. Rise of neoliberalism was also discussed along with the consequences and emphasized on CSR as a supportive strategy in times of crisis.

Dr. Sheri Markose, Professor, School of Economics, University of Essex, UK and Founding Director, Centre for Computational Finance and Economic Agents (CCFEA), Essex.
Financial Market Stability & Economic Growth
Date: 4.1.18
The session was started with welcome address given by Shama Stephen, student, IV MA Economics followed by introduction of resource person. The interaction started with brief introduction of the Centre for computational finance and economic agents followed by importance of ICT in the financial market research. The resource person has given the example of role of financial sector in Global recession of 2007-08 and highlighted the concepts of shadow banking and misleading measurement of risk. The resource person has stressed on the use of Simulation method and network method to analyse the present market situation. The students have interacted about the applicability of such methods in other related areas. The resource person also talked about systemic risk management as the need of the hour and interacted about position of India in the Global Recession Scenario.

International Guest Lecture
International Guest Lecture on "Insides of Economics-The Game Theory" addressed by Dr. Debashish Pal, Academic Director, Department of Applied Economics, University of Cincinnati, US and Madam Anali Khevnekar, India Country Head, University of Cincinnati, US on 21st September, 2016.

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