
Workshop on SPSS
Date: 08 August 2024
A workshop on Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) was organized by the Department of Economics , Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous on August 8, 2024, from 01:40 PM to 3.30 PM in H1 Lab, Humanities Block. The resource person was Dr. Saket Ranjan Praveer, Professor, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous. The resource person provided practical exercises, including the creation and interpretation of frequency tables, performing t-tests, creation of charts, graphs, and cleaning datasets for analysis. Throughout his session, the resource person emphasized the value of presenting SPSS results in reports and presentations as best practices. Students eagerly asked a variety of questions about SPSS during the Q&A period.

StartaVista Symposium- Research Dissemination Workshop “Impact of Government Programs and Policies on Startups in Bangalore”
Date: 14 February 2024
The StartaVista Symposium Research Dissemination Workshop on the Impact of Government Programs and Policies on Startups in Bangalore conducted by the department of Economics and department of Professional Management Studies, took place on February 14, 2024. The event commenced with a warm welcome by Dr. Baiju P, followed by an inspirational address from Fr. Jais V Thomas, Financial Administrator guiding students on entrepreneurship. Dr. R. Renjith, the project coordinator and Head of Economics Area at IIM Ranchi, presented the research report, highlighting challenges faced in acquiring financial data from startups. The research revealed that while there is a supportive framework for startups, issues persist in accessing capital, gender parity among founders, lack of awareness about government policies, and underutilization of incentives. Panel discussions featured entrepreneurs like Mr. Christo John, Ms. Palak Devpura, and Ms. Tusharika Goswami, who shared insights on government regulations, tax incentives, and challenges faced by startups in Bangalore. Recommendations included the need for awareness programs, improved mentorship, and streamlined funding processes to foster a thriving startup ecosystem.

Workshop on Macro econometric Modeling on Monetary Policy Using EViews
Date: 23 January 2024
A workshop on macro econometric modelling of monetary policy using EViews was arranged by the Department of Economics and held on January 23, 2024, at 02:40 p.m. in M419, Main Block at Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous. The workshop's resource person was Dr. T K Murugesan, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce PG. The resource person provided practical instruction on how to use E-Views for financial data analysis. Throughout his talk, he emphasized the value of analytical ability and regression modeling. Students eagerly asked a variety of questions about E-views and regression modeling during the Q&A period that followed the presentation.

Two-day Workshop "Aptitude Alchemists"
Date: 20 & 21 October 2023
The Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College, organized a two-day Workshop "Aptitude Alchemists" on the 20th and 21st of October 2023. The Workshop was conducted by Mr Dennis Jose, Founder and Chief Trainer, of DJ's Classes. The Workshop was designed to support students in improving their aptitude skills, essential for success in competitive exams and job interviews. The objectives of the workshop were to: Help students understand the different types of aptitude questions, Develop strategies for solving aptitude questions quickly and accurately, and build confidence in their aptitude skills. The trainer used various teaching methods, including lectures, discussions, and problem-solving exercises. The trainer also provided individual feedback to students on their performance. The Workshop covered the following topics: Quantitative aptitude: Number systems, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus, Verbal aptitude: Reading comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar and logical reasoning: Analytical reasoning, puzzle-solving, and critical thinking.

Workshop on State Pakistan’s Economy
Date: 03 & 04 October 2023
The Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru in collaboration with the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru (NIAS Area Studies: Pakistan) organised a workshop on the State of Pakistan’s Economy. The event took place on October 3rd and 4th, 2023, whose moderators were Dr. Sivasubramanian K, Coordinator, Department of Economics and Prof. D Suba Chandra, Professor and Dean, School of Conflict and Security Studies, NIAS. The event's primary objective was to encourage young scholars to research the state of Pakistan’s economy and present their findings. Each scholar was given a vertical of Pakistan’s economy. The topics/verticals ranged from external debt, labour force, and agriculture to fascinating verticals such as the China and Pakistan Economic Corridor and privatisation. The participants from all the institutes enthusiastically put forth their perspectives and points about their respective topics. New insights were put into perspective and learned. Overall, the event was informative and the attendees left with more knowledge and a better understanding of the state of Pakistan’s economy.

6 Day Workshop on Transforming Skillsets for Competency
Date: 18th to 25th August 2023
The Department of Economics has organized a 6 Day Workshop on ‘Transforming Skillsets for Competency’ for III and I Sem M A Economics students from 18th to 25th August 2023. The workshop was inaugurated by Ref. Fr. Joshy Mathew Director, Library and Information Centre, Director, HR Department and Head, Department of English on 18th August 2023 at 1.45 pm in the M3 Auditorium Main block followed by the day one session of the workshop by Dr. D Joseph Charles Tamilmaran, Coordinator, School of Management, as the resource person. The remaining five days of the workshop were engaged with eminent resource persons from different fields like Mr. Bijin Philip, Mr. Suku Thomas Samuel, Dr. Winnie Joyce A, Dr. Soya Mathew and Ms. Menaka B. Through the workshop the students of M A Economics were trained with different soft skills like I T Skills, interview skills, self-branding skills, psychological skills, quantitative skills and aptitude. The workshop transformed and updated the students' skills for competency.

A Hands on Training Infographic Design
The Department of Economics conducted a hands on training info graphic design program for the students of I BA and I MA Economics. The session was addressed by Mr.Surjit Singha, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Kristujayanti College. During the session, the speaker threw light on the graphic design, creating posters for various purposes. This session aims at equipping the young minds with the skills set which would make them the major driving force for technology innovation and improving their competencies.

The session ended with a Q & A. It was an informative and enriching session.

Two Days Workshop on Statistics Using R Programming
The department of Economics conducted two days’ workshop from 06/06/2022 till 08/06/2022, on the topic “Statistics using R programming” for the students of I MA Economics. The session had begun with a silent prayer and followed by a welcome to the resource persons and all the participants present in the Workshop. The resource persons enlightened the students on the use of R software in statistics. About 17 students had participated in the workshop, wherein they have got an adequate knowledge on an application of Regression and Correlation analysis. Workshop concluded with an interface session in which, the resource persons cleared the doubts of the participants.

7 Days Workshop on Emotional Quotient vs Intelligence Quotient -The combination for Success
The Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College, has organized a 7 Days Workshop on Emotional Quotient vs Intelligence Quotient, the Combination for Success” from 22nd till 29th of October 2021. The resource persons were Dr.Alice Aloysius, Dr.Jonas Richard, Dr.Rema, Prof.VijayKUmar R, Dr.Winnie Joice A, Prof.Vigraanth Bapu KG, and Prof.Ramanathan.G. The resource persons enriched the knowledge of the students with their guidance, counseling, interpersonal relationship, life skills, emotion regulation strategies, and yoga for emotional wellbeing. It was a great opportunity for the students of the Department of Economics to learn and to have an overview of the subject, interesting facts, and knowledge shared by all the resource persons. The students have participated actively and gained unique information on various aspects.

Workshop on ‘Financial Savviness among Youth”
The Department of Economics, in collaboration with HerMoneyTalks, organized a workshop on the theme “Financial Savviness among youth" to create effective money planning amongst the students of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) on 28th September 2021 at 10.00 A.M. The resource person for the first session was Mr. Amit Gujarati CA, Financial trainer HerMoneyTalks. Mr. Gujarati has been instrumental in designing financial literacy training for teachers as well as for schools and college students. He stresses the significance of financial wellbeing among youth. The second session was carried out by Mr. Mihir Shah, Joint Assistant Vice President, Learning and Development at HDFC AMC. . The session highlighted interview skills and how to set yourself up for being successful in an interview. The session was followed by an interactive question and answer session.

Workshop on “Online stock trading – how and why?”
Date: 26.09.20
Number of beneficiaries: 70
Name and details of the Chief Guest: Prof. Kiran Kumar, Assistant Professor, Kristujayanti College
• Raising awareness of investing in the financial markets, developing the knowledge related to financial markets, and the services provided by Stock Market.
• Practicing, operating, managing and developing all the activities of securities, commodities, and derivatives market.

The Economics Club of Kristu Jayanti college organized a workshop on the title ‘Online stock trading – how and why?’ with the aim of guiding the students on how to do online trading and benefit from it. An online registration form was circulated among the students of all UG classes and the workshop saw a good number of student participants. The workshop started exactly at 9:15 am with a short silent prayer. The resource person Prof. Kiran Kumar and the faculty members graced the occasion with their presence. The welcome speech was given by Amala George and a brief profile reading of the resource person was done by Jeson J Thomas. The workshop started with Prof. Kiran Kumar giving an introduction on stock trading and how it can be done online. The resource person introduced the students to two new mobile applications which helped the students in better understanding of online stock trading. The speaker explained how to predict the price of shares before buying and selling in the market. The session was interactive and informative. There was a question session at 10:45am which was followed by vote of thanks by Sakshi Shukla. The session ended at 11:00am.

National Level Workshop on Applied Econometrics
Date: 24-25/02/2020
Venue: Computer Lab, 5th Floor, Admin Block
Resource Persons: Dr.Jyoti Manoj and Dr.Nelson Michael J
Number of beneficiaries’ attended Workshop: Students of II and IV Semester MA Economics and external participants, 29 (Internal 14 + External 15)
Name of the Workshop: Two Days National Level Workshop on Applied Econometrics
Programme Outcome: The participants are learned all the econometric tools from the workshop sessions. It was very much useful for their research analysis.

The Department of Economics (PG), Kristu Jayanti College, has organized a National Level Workshop on Applied Econometrics on 24th and 25th of February 2020. The resource persons was Dr. Justin Michael Nelson and Dr. Jyothi Manoj.

Econometrics is the quantitative application of the statistical and mathematical models using data to develop theories or testing existing hypothesis in economics by Adam Hayes, Econometrics has a tremendous scope in the present scenario to understand the policies made by the government and also helps in analyzing economics theories and policies, today it is used among academics as well as the practitioners such as traders and analysts. It was a great opportunity for the students of department of economics (PG) to learn and to have an overview of the subject and also because of the interesting facts and knowledge shared by both the resource persons was appreciate able to make the workshop interesting. We were delighted to see participation from students, research scholars and professors from various institutions across the country.

The programme was Rev Fr Lijo P Thomas, The Financial Administrator of Kristu Jayanti College, Father in his address spoke about the importance of statistics and econometrics in day-to-day life and told his experience about the subject, his words truly enlighten us. Sessions:

It was started with the topic “Introduction to econometrics software- Gretl: Descriptive Statistics & Graphical Representations” and the resource person was Dr Justin Michael Nelson, it was a fruitful session taken by the sir, all the participants got to know the basics of Gretl software and how to use it for statistical analysis.

Then followed by another resource person Dr.Jyoti Manoj, this was the session were most of the participants find it interesting to know about the various linear regression models and learning about Multicollinearity, Autocorrelation and Heteroscedasticity, It was knowledgeable session.

Then after lunch break the participants were taught on the topics like dummy independent variables regression models, also panel data regression models, and followed by topics like time series analysis, it was a really an knowledgeable session taken by both the resource persons.

Day 2
It was started with topic “Cointegration and error correlation mechanism: concept of causality and followed by most important topics in econometrics which is very helpful for analysis, most of the participants were research scholars, for them it was a knowledgeable session, also followed by topics like box Jenkins models, autoregressive models and modelling volatility using heteroscedasticity, followed by ARCH & GARCH models, that was the last session taken by the resource persons, it was happy moment for the participant and exciting moment for the participants to have an opportunity to learn a subject which is very much useful for the future and it was proud moment for the students MA Economics to conduct and learn for the resource person, now all the participants are waiting for most awaited moment the Valedictory function.

Valedictory has been conducted with the Vote of thanks proposed by Dr.Raju, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, by thanking the Management, Resource persons, Faculty Coordinator, Faculty members, Participants and supportive staff for the successful completion of the workshop.

Certificates have been distributed for the participants followed by high tea.

2 days National Level Workshop on Applied Econometrics
28th & 29th September 2018
The Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College organized a two day national level workshop on “Applied Econometrics” on 28th and 29 September, 2018. The inauguration took place in Conference Hall, PG Block with Dr T Rajendra Prasad, Professor and Chairman, Department of Economics, Bangalore University, as the chief guest who emphasized on the critical importance of Statistics and Econometrics in research and Economics as a whole. Rev. Fr. Josekutty P D, Principal, Prof. Neeta Dwivedi, Coordinator, Department of Economics, and Prof Vinoda Devi, Faculty Coordinator of the workshop were also on the dais.

After the inauguration, participants inclusive of faculties, students and budding researchers from all over India along with students of MA Economics were provided with hands on experience on operating an open source statistical package for Econometrics named Gretl by two eminent resource persons Dr. Nelson Michael, faculty member, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College and Dr. Jyothi Manoj, Faculty member, Department of Statistics, Kristu Jayanti College, who through their experience explained the application of Gretl. In 2 days workshop, the hands on training were given on some specialized econometric methods like Cointegration, Error Correction Model, Multiple Regression Analysis, ARIMA and Granger Causality Test.

The valedictory session was presided over by Rev. Fr. Josekutty P D, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College, who expressed his overwhelming satisfaction on the organization and success of the workshop. The participants through their feedback expressed their satisfaction in understanding the econometrical tools due to special care taken by the resource persons.

“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” ― Albert Einstein

On August 4, 2018 Department of Economics was honored and pleased to organize a workshop on foreign exchange directed by the central institution of our country, The Reserve Bank of India. A team of ten officials from the Foreign Exchange Department, RBI had made the workshop into an insightful and auspicious occasion.

The workshop began with the inaugural function. Shri. P. J Thomas, the Regional Director of RBI, Bangalore graced the occasion as the Chief Guest in the inaugural function, while Shri. R Sudeep, General Manager, Foreign Exchange department, RBI, Bangalore was the Guest of Honour. Rev.Fr.Josukutty P.D, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College presided over the function.

Welcoming the Chief Guest and other dignitaries, Dr.Alosiyous Edward, Dean, Commerce and Management discussed about foreign exchange reserves and the current data pertaining to foreign exchange of India. An introductory session about the workshop was given by Shri. R. Sudeep.

In his presidential address Rev. Fr. Josukutty P.D, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College thanked the RBI officials for this opportunity and also congratulated the Department of Economics for organizing the event.

The workshop was officially inaugurated by the Chief Guest Shri. P. J Thomas which had an appreciative and well- informed knowledge about working of our economy and its adjustments for retaining the foreign reserves.

The first session was taken by Ms. Rashmi. R. Menon, Asst. General Manager, on the topic “Functions of RBI” which covered all the major functions and had gone through different departments of RBI and also mentioned about the job opportunities for the subject economics and its applied research. The second session was taken by Ms. Annie. M. Rajan, Asst Manager, on the topic “Forex Facilities” which had all the information regarding how the banks provide their facilities for FOREX and its functioning for NRIs. The third sessions was taken by Mr. B. R. Devanandan, Manager, on the topic “Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade”. This session explained the FEMA act and its rules and regulations. All the three sessions were very informative and students got their doubts cleared on the FOREX with specialized mentors from RBI.

The workshop was officially concluded by Prof. Neeta Dwivedi, Coordinator, Department of Economics, by extending the vote of thanks.

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