Jayantian Code of Conduct

Kristu Jayanti College requires all students to act as responsible citizens and members of a higher education academic community. Each student is responsible to know, observe, abide by, and adhere to the College's student code of conduct, policies, rules, and regulations. Students must comply with all policies applicable to conduct in the classroom as well as in the campus. The college endeavours by means of enforcing this code to pioneer and administer a student discipline process that is democratic, diligent, effectual and prompt; providing a system that promotes student growth through individual and collective responsibility.

  • The medium of communication in the campus is English.
  • Students should maintain decorum and discipline at all times, both within and outside the campus. Those who are guilty of serious misconduct or whose presence is detrimental to the order and discipline on the campus are liable to be expelled from the college.
  • Kristu Jayanti College is a ragging free campus. Ragging is banned inside and outside college and in the hostels and any other place of accommodation. There will be zero tolerance to ragging.
  • The Anti-Ragging Committee monitors the discipline. The details of the Committee members are displayed on the college website and the Notice Board.
  • Smoking / chewing tobacco/using intoxicating substances are banned. Such behaviour is punishable. Any violation will be viewed very seriously, and action will be taken against the offender/s.
  • Any involvement in drug peddling or usage of drugs will lead to severe disciplinary action including dismissal from the College.
  • Usage of cell phones within the college building is permitted with prior permission.
  • Students should possess all necessary documents pertaining to their vehicles.
  • Students coming in two-wheelers without wearing a helmet will not be permitted to enter the campus. The same will be applicable to the pillion rider.
  • Students coming in their respective vehicles should collect entry pass (stickers) from the office for their vehicles.
  • Over speeding and flouting traffic rules are strictly prohibited and are punishable offenses.
  • There should be complete silence in the corridors during class hours. Students must not loiter in the corridors during class hours.
  • Boys and girls are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and maturity. In their inter-relationships, they must observe the norms of decency and propriety.
  • The campus must be kept clean at all times. Littering, defacing the walls or desks, damaging college property etc. are offences. Every class, under the guidance of the class leader, will be responsible for the cleanliness of the room allotted.
  • Outsiders are not permitted in the campus. Strict action will be taken on those students who bring outsiders into the campus.
  • Students will be permitted to enter the campus only if they possess a valid ID Card and every student is required to wear the ID Card in the college campus.
  • The ID Card should be with the authorised Student only, and if found with someone else, strict action will be taken both on the owner and the recipient.
  • If the ID card is lost, the college authorities should be informed immediately. Application for the issue of a new ID card will have to be submitted within one day.
  • If the lost ID card is found, it is the responsibility of the owner to surrender the lost and found ID card to the college office. Having two ID cards is a punishable offence.
  • Any notice to be displayed on the notice boards of the college or classrooms should carry the signature of the college authorities.


Students are expected to conduct themselves in a worthy manner in their dress, demeanour and be committed to uphold the value systems of the college.

  • The dress code is complete formal on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for the undergraduate students.
  • For postgraduate programmes the dress code is complete formal for five days in a week. Informal dress code on one day of the week will be decided by the respective department.
  • Boys: Formal shirts, tie, formal trousers and formal shoes
  • Girls: Salwar Kameez with Dupatta, Western formals (formal shirt and formal trouser)
  • On special occasions – Uniform Suit / Complete formal attire
  • On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, undergraduate students can wear informal dress (Decent T- shirt, preferably collared and without printed /words /images and jeans) / shirt, trousers, salwar kameez with dupatta.
  • Students should be groomed and dressed modestly in conformance to the Department/programme requirements
  • Uniform suit is to be worn as per the specification of the respective department
  • Low waist, cargo trouser, sleeveless top, transparent, tight or loose attire, any distasteful writings or picture on shirt or T-shirt or sweater are generally considered inappropriate and are not entertained on campus.
  • Body piercing, tattooing and colouring of hair are not allowed


  • Every student is required to have 75% attendance in every subject to be permitted to write the examinations. Attendance is taken separately for each period and is mandatory for the current affairs and club activity sessions.
  • Submission of duly filled leave form is compulsory after availing leave. The form must be signed by the Parent / Guardian. It will be verified by the class animator and recommended by the Head of the Department.
  • Leave application will be accepted only if the actual attendance is above 60% and application for leave of absence may be accepted /rejected by the Principal based on the genuineness.
  • The leave application should be submitted within three days of reporting to college after a leave.
  • All leave applications must clearly state the roll number, class, name and subjects taken as well as the names of teachers teaching those subjects.
  • If a student is absent for up to three continuous classes for a course, he/she may attend the next class of that course only after obtaining the signature of the class animator in the leave form.
  • Due permission must be obtained from Director/ Principal/ Dean/Head of the Department/Class Animators before students attend class.
  • The attendance and progress report of each student is available in the Campus Management System (TCSiON) and is accessible to the students and parents. The parent has to make a request at the time of admission/beginning of the academic year to avail this option.
  • In case of a medical leave, the application form should be supported by a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner with doctor’s registration number has to be submitted to the attendance section of the Campus Management Solutions, in the ground floor PG Block Office.
  • Students must be present in the college on the first day of every Semester, and reopening day after holidays.
  • Students who are absent for one full semester or more at a stretch without prior permission are liable to have their names removed from the rolls.

Academic Integrity

  • Fundamental to the academic work a student does at Kristu Jayanti College, is an expectation that you will make choices that reflect integrity and responsible behaviour.
  • Honesty is the foundation of good academic work. Whether working on a problem set, lab report, project or paper, avoid engaging in plagiarism, unauthorised collaboration, cheating, or facilitating academic dishonesty.
  • Do not allow another student to copy assignments or in exams. Do not take an exam or complete an assignment for another student. The students must adhere to the highest academic standards in knowledge production.
  • All the works submitted by students for assessment must be original. Students are encouraged to appropriately acknowledge the source of information while referring to someone else’s idea.

All the fees paid by the students will be updated in the college ERP system (TCSiON) within 3 working days. If it is not reflected, students must immediately approach the fee counter for further clarification. Confirmation of Fee payments is the responsibility of the students.


Provisional Certificate
After successful completion of the course, a provisional certificate will be issued by the college with the approval and signature of the Controller of Examinations.

Transfer Certificate (T.C.)
Transfer Certificate (T.C.) can be collected from the college office by submitting the following documents in original.
1. Request letter duly signed by student and parent
2. No Due certificates from Library and Lab
3. College ID card
4. Receipt of Fees paid

Degree Certificate
The degree will be awarded by Bengaluru North University. The name of the college will also be mentioned in the degree certificate.

Duplicate Certificate
The duplicate certificate will be issued only for genuine cases, if the original is lost or, stolen, damaged. In order to get a duplicate certificate, the following documents should be enclosed:

  • Copy of FIR (First Information Report) filed with Police intimating the loss of the certificate
  • The copy of the notification published in newspapers or gazette regarding the loss should be enclosed for verifying the date of issue, name and page number of the newspaper.
  • A non-traceable certificate issued by the Police official duly signed by the Inspector or Sub-Inspector with round seal (from the area in which the candidate lost the certificate)
  • Finally, a requisition letter duly signed by the candidate for the application of duplicate certificate mentioning the loss/damage of certificate and the above-mentioned documents is to be addressed to the Principal.

Bonafide Certificate
The students, who wish to obtain a bonafide certificate, must apply with requisite documents.

Migration Certificate
The Migration Certificate will be issued by the parent University for those students who got admission in the college other than Bengaluru North University.

Issue of Transcripts
The examination office issues transcripts for the students who wish to apply for foreign and other universities for higher studies.

Procedure to Collect the Original Document Through an Authorised Person
Students can authorise a person to collect the certificate. If an authorised person is assigned to collect the certificate/document on the student’s behalf, an authorisation letter specifying the required documents duly signed by the student applicant with the authorised person’s details and an ID Proof of both should be sent to the college office either by fax (Fax. No. 080 68737799) or as a scanned document through e-mail to principal@kristujayanti.com and office@kristujayanti.com.The applicant should intimate the office over telephone (080- 68737777 and also inform Director/ Principal/ Financial Administrator regarding the authorisation. The authorised person should bring the ID proof of both authorising and authorised (Original & copy) which is mentioned in the authorisation letter. If the authorised person is a foreign national, he/she should bring the Residential Permit & passport (Original & copy).

Circular for End Semester Supplementary Examination Fee [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 4th Annual Convocation of Bengaluru North University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM |