Grievance Redressal

There is a grievance redressal cell which include COE and Asst. COE’s. Grievances pertaining to CIA or FA component marks should be addressed to the COE/Asst.COE’s through the appropriate mail id( within two days from the announcement of CIA/FA component marks in the Campus Management Solution. Grievances pertaining to End Semester Examination/SA marks should be addressed to the COE/Asst. COE’s through the appropriate mail id ( within three days from the announcement of the ESE or SA results. Grievances will be addressed within ten days of the request by the COE.

Grievances can be addressed to the following mail id’s

Circular for End Semester Supplementary Examination Fee [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 4th Annual Convocation of Bengaluru North University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM |