Research Activities

Research is a process that simultaneously demands imagination, creativity, discipline and structure that needs to be navigated strategically from start to finish. Over the years, the Department of Social Work being a Center for Research has completed a plethora of research projects both minor and major on contemporary social issues in collaboration with various institutions. Striving for integrity in the process of research, the following are the research projects accomplished by the Department:


Sl. No


Nature of the Research

Title of the Research

Collaborating Organization




Evaluation of Anti-Child Trafficking Programmes implemented in West Bengal &

The Project goal is that “All children are cared for and protected from Child Sex trafficking, abuse, neglect, exploitation, and all other forms of violence, within supportive families and communities”.

World Vision India, Kolkata





Baseline Study

Baseline Study on Issues and Challenges of Migrant Workers
This baseline study focused on the issues and challenges of Migrant Workers in Bangalore and recommends intervention strategies for their
psychosocial and economic welfare


Helping Hand Welfare Society, Bangalore








Psychosocial Problems of Children associated with Online Classes in Karnataka
This research focused on studying psychosocial problems encountered by the children because of Online classes (because of COVID 19) in Karnataka. The study was conducted in seven Zones ok Karnataka using around 1500 samples. The mode of enquiry included both qualitative and Quantitative


Karnataka State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (KSCPCR)






Baseline Study

Study on Socioeconomic Condition of Children in and around Railway Station, Bengaluru.
The study was carried out in Bengaluru Railway Station and Satellite Centers to understand the socioeconomic condition of children landing up in Railway stations and prepared vulnerability hotspot mapping


Childline India Foundation
Bangalore Oniyavara Seva Coota (BOSCO)
Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives





Impact Assessment

Evaluation of mHealth
This study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of a Mobile App that was developed to monitor the regular checkup of pregnant women in Bangalore slums


Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP)
World Vision India





Action Research

Development & Validation of Community Owned Skill Training Model
This action research focused on the development of a community-owned skill training model and field tested with pre and post assessment


Functional Vocational Training and Research Society (FVTRS)





Impact Assessment

Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Beneficiaries

This qualitative study was carried out to study the impact of the welfare programs on of overall socio-
economic condition of orphan/semi-orphan children


Asian Aid, Australia Helping Hand Welfare Society






Need Assessment

Capacity Mapping of Partner NGOs of Child Fund India in Karnataka

This comprehensive capacity mapping study was carried out among the partner NGOs of Child fund India in Karnataka on five core dimensions of their functioning both in the organization and in the field.


Childfund India





Need Assessment

Socio-Economic Need Assessment Survey

This study focused on identifying the socio-economic needs of the target beneficiaries of the Organization


KKSSS Ashalaya Bangalore








Impact of Life Skill Education (LSE) and Stress Management (SM)

This study was carried out among IT professionals in Bangalore using a Quasi-Experimental design to understand the correlation between the presence of Life Skills (as prescribed by WHO) and the ability to cope with stress, using the pre- and post-assessment method.







Project Evaluation

Evaluation & Impact Assessment of Schemes and Programs

This study was carried out to evaluate the schemes and programs of the organization part of its 25 years of service


Don Bosco Anbu Illam (DBAI) Chennai





Project Evaluation

Evaluation of Area Development Project (ADP)

This study was conducted as a final evaluation of the 15 years Area Development Project for 15 years


World Vision India





Need Assessment Survey

Survey of Homeless in Bangalore City

This need assessment survey was carried out among the homeless poor in Bangalore City to study and support shelters for them


Indo Global Social Service Society





Corporate Study

Manpower Rationalization

This Study was Conducted to optimize Human Resources in a Healthcare Setting


Manipal Hospitals, Bangalore





CSR Need Assessment

CSR Need Assessment
This need assessment was carried out as part of the baseline study before launching the CSR project


Wayanad Agro Movement (WAM) tea factory





Impact Assessment Study

CSR Impact Assessment

This CSR impact assessment was carried out to measure the effectiveness of a CSR initiative among the government school children


ITC, Mysore






A Study on Causes and Effects of Over Use of            Pesticides

This small study was carried out among the farmers (Cardamom growers) in to identify the causes and effects of the overuse of pesticides in the Idukki district of Kerala



Prakruthi, Bangalore

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