Community Development Programmes

Community Organization Programme on Health And Hygiene
Date: 21 March 2025
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti college, Bengaluru in collaboration with Diya Foundation organized a community organization programme on Health Na Hygiene at Diya Foundation, Bengaluru on 21st March 2025.The programme aimed to the program aimed to raise awareness about the importance of health and hygiene, featuring an inspiring session by Mr. Danush, resource person. The programme began with a welcome address by the Student Coordinator. The Resource Person Mr. Danush talked about the importance of healthy life style and mental health in day-to-day life. The programme also focused the good food habits, nutrition, and sleep hygiene, which plays a pivotal role in health and hygiene. He also highlighted on personal hygiene and clean environment. The student Coordinators are Mr. Able Basalel and Ms. Nandana.

The programme was ended up with a vote of thanks to all participants and resource person. The programme on Health and Hygiene is a successful one.

Community Organization Programme on Empowering Women’s Health through Nutrition
Date: 20 March 2025
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonmous) Bengaluru, organized a community organization program in collaboration with BMSSS organization on the topic “Empowering Women’s Health through Nutrition” on 20th March, 2025 at the auditorium of BMSSS, Benson Town. The objective of the program is to education and empower women about the importance of proper Nutrition for their health and well-being.

The program was started with a warm welcome and introduction by Ms Shalina Jamatia Student co-ordinator. The resource person is Dr. Stephen Anthony is a MBBS working in Devine Medical Center, Bangalore. The resource person talked on important nutrition like iron, Vitamin D, Calcium, Protein, and Folic acid. He explains this nutrition plays a major role and if a person has nutrition, it will help the person from preventing illnesses and a better quality of life. He explained symptoms of malnutrition and provide information on need to eat egg, meat, green vegetables more. He focused on advantage of calcium and Vitamin D with regards to women and child. At last Dr. Stephen told them to live a healthy life it depends on the individual and if you eat two-time meals in a day, it should be nutrition food.

Dr. Stephen concluded the session by summarizing the session and then the question-and-answer session took place. After that Mr. Hemanth kumar presented a vote of thanks to resource person. The number of beneficiaries who came to participate is around 25 members, and all of them they are the member of BMSSS, SHG (Self-help groups) from the diocese.

Community Organisation Programme on Health Hygiene
Date: 14 March 2025
On March 14, 2025, 1 MSW students Mr. Alan Tom and Ms. Priyanka Khongbantabam of Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College in collaboration with Marthoma Opportunity School organised a community organisation program titled Health and Hygiene at Mar Thoma Opportunity School. The session is being attended by 15 beneficiaries. The program aimed to raise awareness about the importance of health and hygiene, featuring an inspiring session by Mrs. Kumari N.S. The resource person talked on health and hygiene of the children. She focused on sleep hygiene, nutrition, and mental health of the children. The initiative, complemented by heartfelt engagement, left a lasting impact, encouraging the participants to do healthy practices in their daily life.

Community Organization Programme on Empowering Women for a Brighter Future
Date: 14 March 2025
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College in collaboration with Bal Raksha Bharat organized a community organization programme on Empowering Women for a Brighter Future at Multi Activity centre in Recahnahalli on March 14, 2025. MSW students Ms. Hanna Ann Koshy and Ms. Jessie Mary Pale of Kristu Jayanti College organized a Community Organization program. The program, attended by 24 beneficiaries. The programme aimed to raise awareness on women empowerment and focused on key themes of equality, breaking stereotypes, and showcasing women’s roles in the community. The community mobilizer Mrs. Malthi engaged the participants in discussions about the importance of empowering women, highlighting the need to challenge gender stereotypes and create a more equitable society. The program emphasized how women’s contributions are essential to building strong and thriving communities.

Community Organisation Programme on Dental Hygiene and Sensory Integration for Parents
Date: 14 March 2025
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru in collaboration with Manna Developmental Disability Centre organised a Community Organization Programme on Dental Hygiene and Sensory Integration for Parents On 14 March 2025. Social Work student coordinator Mr. Joel Nainan Xavier and Ms. Badashisha Ranee conducted the programme. The programme was attended by 22 parents. The main objective of the programme is to empower them with strategies for optimal oral hygiene, sensory management, and stress-free dental care for their children.

The programme consists of formal sessions led by Dr. Angeline Jeevitha BDS and Mrs. Sheeba Nelson, followed by an interactive session was led by Ms. Candida Preetham in which all resource persons participated. Through this initiative the parents gained knowledge about oral hygiene practices, effective sensory management, and strategies to ensure a stress-free and inclusive dental care experience for their children

Community Organization Programme on Echoes of Love: Music and Art for Inner Peace
Date: 13 March 2025
On March 13, 2025, I MSW students Ms. Joyce and Ms. Dimple Maria of Kristu Jayanti College organized a Community Organization program titled "Echoes of Love: Music and Art for Inner Peace" at Grace Hospital (St. Theresa’s Multi Speciality Hospital), in collaboration with the DREAM INDIA NETWORK. Attended by 20 beneficiaries, who are in destitute care. The program mainly focused on painting as the primary activity. The session allowed them to express their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Additionally, music is incorporated to enhance the therapeutic experience, creating an immersive atmosphere that encourages relaxation and mental focus. The program was facilitated by Dr. Sandra K S, whose guidance was instrumental in the success of the session. The program helped to promote emotional healing, mental peace, and social connection. The initiative, complemented by refreshments and heartfelt engagement, it provided a transformative space for healing, fostering hope and self-expression for all participants.

Community Organization Programme on Mental Health and Well Being of Women
Date: 13 March 2025
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru in collaboration with Christel House India organised a community organisation programme on Mental health and Well Being of Women at Penya Nagar on 13th March 2025. The aim of the programme is to Help women understand mental health issues and how they affect daily life. Teach simple ways to handle stress and emotions. Encourage open discussions about mental health to break social stigma. Explain the importance of self-care and support systems.

The session aimed to raise awareness about mental health and teach women how to take care of their emotional well-being. A total of 40 women attended the session, which was led by 1 MSW Students and the resource person Mrs Chandra. They spoke about common mental health issues like stress, depression, anxiety, and emotional struggles faced by women. The session covered topics such as Balancing work and family life, dealing with stress and emotional pressure, Postpartum depression and maternal health, Importance of seeking help and self-care. The session was interactive, allowing women to share their experiences and learn from each other.

Community Organization Programme on Mindful Aging: A Communicative Care Programme
Date: 13 March 2025
On 13th of March 2025, Mr. Mathews, 1st Year MSW student conducted a community organization program titled Mindful Aging - A Communicative Care Program at the Main Block Building of Advantage Elder Care from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. The session aimed to enhance the well-being of elderly individuals through engaging activities that foster communication, joy, and emotional well-being. The program was led by Ms. Leena, a Senior Nurse, and the Head of Palliative Care at Advantage Elder Care, who emphasized the importance of social interactions, emotional support, and mindful activities in promoting mental health among the elderly.

Throughout the session, participants engaged in various activities, including singing together, storytelling, watching television together, and listening to music. Singing familiar and nostalgic songs created a sense of joy and connection, while storytelling encouraged social interaction and evoked cherished memories. Watching television together provided a shared experience that fostered a sense of togetherness, and the presence of music created a soothing and uplifting atmosphere, contributing to the overall well-being of the participants. A total of 18 elderly individuals actively participated in the program, enjoying the companionship of fellow residents and facilitators. The event successfully uplifted their spirits and provided a space for meaningful social interactions.

The program concluded on a happy and positive note, with participants expressing their gratitude and appreciation for the initiative. The interactive session reinforced the importance of communal activities in enhancing the well-being of the elderly. Mathews' effort in organizing this initiative was commendable, and the event served as a reminder of the significance of mindful aging and compassionate care in elderly communities.

Awareness Programme on Promoting Wellness Through Effective Health and Hygiene Practices
Date: 07 March 2025
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College in collaboration with FIDES, Bengaluru successfully conducted a Community Organization Awareness Program on Promoting Wellness Through Effective Health and Hygiene Practices on 7th March 2025 at Safal, Avalahalli, Bengaluru. The initiative aimed to raise awareness about Health and Personal Hygiene among the community members.

The session began with a warm welcome by Student Coordinator followed by the introduction of the resource Ms. Lisha Jeniffer, Facilitator, FIDES. The expert delivered an engaging and insightful talk on importance of nutrition food, safe drinking water, peaceful life, healthy and clean environment, and personal hygiene etc.

To make the session more interactive, the resource person used visual aids, demonstrations, and games, making it both informative and enjoyable for the community members. The children showed great enthusiasm, actively asking questions, sharing their experiences, and participating in discussions. To reinforce their learning, Student Coordinator conducted a fun and interactive quiz on nutrition, fruits and vegetables, sound sleep, clean environment ensuring that the key concepts were well understood. The program positively impacted on children, and adults of the community equipping them with essential knowledge to improve health and hygiene practices for wellbeing.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Student Coordinator expressing gratitude to the resource person for their valuable insights, the Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College for their support, FIDES, Bangalore for their collaboration and the participants for their enthusiasm and engagement.

Community Organisation Session on Neuro Developmental Disabilities
Date: 07 March 2025
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College in collaboration with LIZA’ Home, Bengaluru successfully conducted a Community Organization Session on Neurodevelopmental Disabilities on 7th March 2025 at LIZA’ Home, Bengaluru. The session focused on understanding various neurodevelopmental disabilities, including ADHD, schizophrenia, and autism. The session was organized for the caretakers and staff of Liza's Home and was facilitated by Dr. Candida Preetham, who delivered an insightful and impactful session.

Dr. Candida emphasized the importance of recognizing the unique sensory needs of individuals with these conditions. She provided valuable guidance on how caretakers can offer effective support, create a comfortable environment, and respond with patience and empathy. It was an interactive and engaging session, with participants actively sharing their experiences and seeking clarification on challenges they face in their caregiving roles.

After the session, a small cultural program was conducted by the student coordinator Ms. Akshay and Amla. To mark Women's Day, we also cut a cake, making the occasion even more special. Coordinating this session and participating in the cultural program was truly a valuable experience. Managing the arrangements, executing the cultural programme and witnessing the positive impact of the program was deeply fulfilling.

The session was concluded with sincerely thanks to all the participants and resource person for the opportunity and support in leading this meaningful program. This experience has been incredibly enriching, and I look forward to contributing further to such impactful programs.

Community Organisation Awareness on Work Life Balance
Date: 07 March 2025
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College in collaboration with Akshadaa Foundation, Bengaluru successfully conducted a Community Organization Awareness Program on Work Life Balance on 7th March 2025 at Akshadaa Foundation, Bengaluru. The initiative aimed to raise awareness about Work life balance among women employees. The awareness session was led by Mr. Tahsin Ismail, Program Officer in Education at Akshadaa Foundation.

The session began with a welcome address to the resource person and participants by the student coordinator. Total 14 participants, who actively engaged with the session. The resource person talked on balancing the personal and professional life. Participants gained valuable knowledge on achieving a balance between work and personal life. The expert delivered an engaging and insightful talk on importance of time management, skills on problem solving, safety skills and strategies to deal mental health, stress, and work pressure at work place. She also conducted few activity-based games for the participants.

The programme concluded with a vote of thanks to both resource person and participants for their valuable contribution.

Community Organisation Programme on Life Skills
Date: 06 March 2025
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College in collaboration with BOSCO, Bengaluru successfully conducted a Community Organization Program on Life Skills on 6th March 2025 at Anadhapuram Community, Chamrajpet. The initiative aimed to raise awareness about life skills among school going children on time management, problem solving, decision making, safety skills and study skills.

The session began with a warm welcome by Student Coordinator Ms. Aiswarya Babu followed by the introduction of the resource Ms. Archana G, Community Organiser, BOSCO. The expert delivered an engaging and insightful talk on importance of time management, skills on problem solving, safety skills and some skills related to their studies. She also conducted few games and activity based games on Life Skills for the students.

To make the session more interactive, the resource person used visual aids, demonstrations, and games, making it both informative and enjoyable for the children. The children showed great enthusiasm, actively asking questions, sharing their experiences, and participating in discussions. To reinforce their learning, Student Coordinator conducted a fun and interactive quiz on time management, ensuring that the key concepts were well understood. The program positively impacted 20 children, equipping them with essential knowledge to improve their time management skills, study skills etc.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Student Coordinator Ms. Arya Sukeesh expressing gratitude to the resource person for their valuable insights, the Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College for their support, BOSCO, Bangalore for their collaboration and the participants for their enthusiasm and engagement

Community Organisation Programme on WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)
Date: 02 March 2025
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College in collaboration with SOS Children’s Villages of India, Bangalore successfully conducted a Community Organization Program on WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) on 2nd March 2025 at the Old Bagalur Layout Tailoring Centre. The initiative aimed to raise awareness about WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) and educate children on essential hygiene practices for a healthier life.

The session began with a warm welcome by Student Coordinator Ms. Balarihun Lyngkhoi, followed by the introduction of the resource person Mr. Sathish K N Catalyst Management Services, an expert in health and hygiene. The expert delivered an engaging and insightful talk on importance of proper handwashing techniques, the dangers of contaminated water consumption, the role of self-care in maintaining hygiene

To make the session more interactive, the resource person used visual aids, demonstrations, and real-life examples, making it both informative and enjoyable for the children. The children showed great enthusiasm, actively asking questions, sharing their experiences, and participating in discussions. To reinforce their learning, Student Coordinator Ms. H. Ramdinmawii conducted a fun and interactive quiz on hygiene, ensuring that the key concepts were well understood. The program positively impacted 27 children, equipping them with essential knowledge to improve their daily hygiene habits. Participants were provided with notebooks, pens, and snacks as a token of encouragement.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Student Coordinator Ms. Baby Rosangzuali, expressing gratitude to the resource person for their valuable insights, the Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College for their support, SOS Children’s Villages of India, Bangalore for their collaboration and the participants for their enthusiasm and engagement

BIRDS organization on Personal Hygiene and Well Being
Date: 21 February 2025
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) Bengaluru, organized a community organization programme in collaboration with BIRDS organization on the topic “Personal Hygiene & Well Being” on 21st February, 2025 at the auditorium of Kyalasanahalli government primary school. The objective of the program is to foster a culture of health and wellness by promoting good hygiene practices, healthy habits and self-care, ultimately leading to improved overall health, wellbeing and quality of life. The program was started with a warm welcome and introduction by Ms Deinihun I Syngkon student co-ordinator and followed by prayer song. The resource person Ms Hajira. S who is a nurse and SHG co-ordinator of Brothers Integrated Rural Development Society (BIRDS) started the program on Personal Hygiene and Well Being. She said maintaining good personal hygiene and well-being is essential for overall health. Good hygiene practices, such as washing hands regular, bathing daily, and brushing teeth twice a day, help prevent illnesses.

A healthy diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep also contribute to well-being. Additionally, self-care activities like meditation and relaxation techniques can reduce stress and improve mental health. By prioritizing personal hygiene and well-being, individuals can enhance their quality of life, boost self-esteem, and increase productivity. Regular health check-ups and following a healthcare professional’s advice also play a crucial role in maintaining good health. The SHG co-ordinator of BIRDS concluded the session by summarizing about the session and then the question-and-answer session took place.

Ms. Deinihun I Syngkon presented a vote of thanks to the resource person. The number of beneficiaries who came to participate is a around 73 members, and all of them they the students of Government Kyalanasahalli School. The program concluded with juice and snack.

Resilience Through Art Therapy in Collaboration With Dream India Network
Date: 28 November 2024
To promote mental well-being and resilience among community members through creative expression using art therapy. On November 17, 2024, MSW studentsMs. Dhaniya Shirin K H and Ms. Komal Yadav, of Kristu Jayanti College organized a community program titled "Resilience through Art Therapy" at St. Theresas Multi Speciality Hospital, Rajajnagar. The program aimed to promote mental well-being among community members through art therapy, focusing on fostering resilience and coping strategies. The event was attended by 20 participants and facilitated by Dr. Sandra KS, resource person with expertise in art therapy.

The session introduced participants to the therapeutic potential of creative expression, allowing them to explore emotions and build resilience. Dr. Sandra guided participants through various art-based activities that encouraged self-expression and stress relief. The session emphasized how art can be a tool to process emotions, develop coping mechanisms, and overcome challenges in life.

The program successfully achieved its objectives by providing a safe and interactive platform for participants to enhance their mental well-being. It highlighted the importance of creative outlets in addressing mental health challenges and reinforced the role of community-based interventions in fostering resilience.

Health and Hygiene
Date: 28 November 2024
On November 28, 2024, I MSW students Mr. Abel Besalel Ssajan and Ms. Arya Sukeesh of Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, in collaboration with Ashalaya Trust, organized an awareness program on health and hygiene for the migrant community in Billahalli. To promote awareness and educate the migrant community in Billahalli on essential health and hygiene practices to improve their quality of life.

The initiative aimed to improve the overall wellness and quality of life of the residents by addressing critical issues related to health and sanitation. This program was specifically tailored to meet the unique challenges faced by migrant populations, who often lack access to healthcare services, information, and adequate living conditions.

The session covered a wide range of topics, including the importance of maintaining personal hygiene, access to clean water, proper waste disposal, and the prevention of communicable diseases. Practical demonstrations were conducted to educate participants about simple yet effective hygiene practices, such as handwashing techniques and maintaining a clean living environment. The program also emphasized the importance of seeking medical help when needed and provided information on local health resources.

The program successfully raised awareness about essential health and hygiene practices, equipping the migrant community with the knowledge and tools to improve their living conditions. It also fostered a sense of collective responsibility among the participants to create a healthier and more resilient community.

Action Research Project Udaya Vikasa
Date: 26 November 2024
Udaya Vikasa, meaning Rise and Develop, was a minor action research project initiated by five second-year MSW students from Kristu Jayanti College. The aim of the project was to address the pressing needs of a migrant community and provide essential items to improve their living conditions. The objective of this action research project was to assist marginalized and vulnerable communities, ensuring a tangible improvement in their lives through need- based interventions. The required funds were raised through a crowdfunding campaign, which successfully collected ₹96,000. Based on the survey, the students decided to provide the following items to each family 2 mattresses, 3 blankets, and winter clothes for children

On 26th November 2024, the students implemented the action research project at Rammaiah Colony. Over 120 people gathered for the event, which was inaugurated by Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head of the Department of Social Work. The event was also graced by faculty coordinators Dr. Winne Joyce A and Dr. Satish Kumar R. To ensure smooth distribution and avoid confusion or duplication, tokens were provided to each family, which they used to collect their assigned items. The items were distributed as planned, with each family receiving the identified necessities. The programme concluded with refreshments for all attendees.

Action Research Project ‘Sahaya Hasta’
Date: 25 November 2024
On 25th November 2024, the Department of Social Work at Kristu Jayanti College, in collaboration with the ‘SAHAYA HASTA’ team, successfully organized a program to distribute essential items to these families. The initiative not only aimed to meet their immediate needs but also to foster a sense of community and hope among the beneficiaries.

The ‘Sahaya Hasta’ initiative, led by a group of passionate MSW students from Kristu Jayanti College, was a heartfelt endeavor to uplift the lives of 20 migrant families in the Nagenahalli community. These families, originally from Yadgiri, Karnataka, migrated in search of livelihood opportunities and now work as daily wage laborers. Facing significant challenges such as limited access to basic necessities and unstable income, these families were in dire need of support. The objective of the minor project ‘Sahaya Hasta’ was to address the pressing needs of 20 migrant families living in Nagenahalli, Bangalore. The project aimed to provide essential goods and hygiene products, foster a sense of dignity and well-being, and spread awareness about health and hygiene practices. The program’s core activity was the distribution of kits containing rations, hygiene products, and daily essentials such as: Rations: Atta, dal, tea powder, sugar, salt, chili powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, and sambar powder. Hygiene Products: Toothpaste, toothbrush, bathing soap, sanitary pads, detergent, and dish soap. Daily Essentials: Blankets, towels, bedsheets, and oil.

The kit distribution was overseen by Dr. Winnie Joyce A., Dr. Bijaya Laxmi Sahoo, and the student coordinators. The families expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the initiative, which was evident in their emotional responses and warm smiles. The event concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. M. Lalremruatpuii, expressing gratitude to the Nagenahalli community for their trust, the faculty for their guidance, and the donors for their generous contributions.

Minor Project- Nirgama
Date: 25 November 2024
The Department of Social Work, as part of its academic action research initiative, conducted Project NIRGAMA on the 25th of November, 2024 at 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The project aimed to support and uplift 33 migrant families in the Kalkere community by providing essential resources such as ration kits, blankets, and tarpaulin sheets. This initiative was undertaken to address the immediate needs of the community and foster a sense of dignity and hope among the families.

Project Nirgama aimed to support and uplift the lives of 20 migrant families residing in Kalkere, Bangalore. The initiative focused on providing essential items, including food grains, winter essentials, and tarpaulin sheets, to address immediate needs and enhance the quality of life in the community. The project activities were presented, detailing the distribution of ration kits, blankets, and tarpaulin sheets to the families. And after the distribution of kit refreshments have been served to the community members. The students shared their experiences of working in the community, reflecting on the challenges faced and the impactful outcomes achieved.

The session concluded with an interactive discussion, where the participants and guests shared their thoughts on the project and its implementation. This was followed by a heartfelt thanks by team members, who expressed gratitude to the faculty, guests, and community members for their support in making Project NIRGAMA a success.

Action Research Project
Date: 23 November 2024
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru organised a minor research project name “Swastha Bhojan”.The initiative aims to enhance food security by supplying nutritious groceries to 36 families, ensuring they have access to balanced meals. It also includes measures to prevent mosquito-borne diseases, promoting better health and well-being. By alleviating financial burdens through the provision of essential items, families can redirect resources to meet other needs, supporting their economic stability. The program fosters a sense of community participation, encouraging collective responsibility and unity. Through active engagement, this effort strengthens both individual households and the broader community, contributing to long-term sustainability and improved quality of life.

A needs assessment conducted through surveys and interviews helped identify key priorities, such as food security. Resources, including groceries, mosquito nets, and transportation, were sourced at affordable prices through partnerships with local suppliers. Crowdfunding and played a crucial role in funding the project, enabling the team to bulk-purchase essential supplies. The project's goal was to provide essential food supplies, such as rice and pulses, and promote health and wellness to improve the overall quality of life.

The "Swastha Bhojan" project demonstrated the power of small interventions in improving the lives of marginalized communities. It stands as a model for addressing the essential needs of vulnerable populations and creating lasting change.

Community Organization Programme on Awareness on Good Touch and Bad Touch
Date: 17 November 2024
On 17th November 2024, I MSW students Ms. Pallavi PR and Ms. Shalina of Kristu Jayanti College organized a community organization program in collaboration with SWAM (Sports with a Mission) at Refuge Foundation on the topic “Safe Boundaries and Recognizing Manipulative Behaviour.” To educate participants about the importance of setting safe boundaries and recognizing manipulative behavior in personal and social contexts.The session was facilitated by Dr. Nandini Vijay Kumar, Co-founder and Managing Trustee of SWAM, who delivered an impactful and interactive session.

The program focused on educating participants about the importance of setting healthy boundaries and identifying manipulative behavior in various social settings. Dr. Nandini emphasized practical strategies for recognizing red flags, building self-awareness, and asserting personal boundaries. The session encouraged participants to share their experiences, fostering a supportive and open environment for learning.

The program witnessed active participation from beneficiaries, who appreciated the relevance of the topic to their daily lives. Interactive activities and real-life examples shared by the resource person made the session engaging and relatable. The collaboration with SWAM added depth to the program by emphasizing the role of sports and teamwork in building resilience and confidence.

The event concluded with positive feedback from the participants, highlighting the importance of such awareness programs in promoting mental well-being and empowerment. The program successfully achieved its objective of enhancing participants' understanding of maintaining safe boundaries and recognizing manipulative behavior in their personal and professional lives.

Life Skills Education
Date: 17 November 2024
On 17th November 2024, I MSW students,Ms. Adithya Theres Dominic and Ms. Nandana C A of Kristu Jayanti College organized a community organization program on Life Skills Education at the BOSCO Life Skills Education Centre. To empower children with essential skills for personal development and social integration. The program was led by Fr. Varghese Pallipuram, who conducted an insightful session on life skills, aimed at empowering the children attending BOSCO’s various centers. The children actively engaged in both the session and the cultural programs organized as part of the event.

The session focused on imparting practical life skills to the children, covering essential areas such as communication, decision-making, problem-solving, and stress management. Fr. Varghese used interactive methods to ensure the children understood the significance of these skills in daily life. The event was a blend of learning and creativity, providing the children with valuable tools to navigate various aspects of their personal and social lives.

Menstrual Health and Hygiene
Date: 17 November 2024
On 17th November 2024, I MSW students, Mr. Abhishek Matthew Das and Ms. Lalpianpuii of Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College conducted an awareness program on "Menstrual Health and Hygiene" for migrant workers . To raise awareness about menstrual health and hygiene among migrant workers, providing them with knowledge on hygienic practices and menstrual alternatives.

The session commenced with a welcome speech delivered by the trainee, followed by the resource person, Sr. Litveena, who presented on the importance of menstrual hygiene and discussed various hygienic practices. Sr. Litveena also introduced different menstrual alternatives suitable for women in the community. Her insightful presentation addressed both the physical and emotional aspects of menstrual health, encouraging a holistic approach to personal care.

The participants, primarily migrant workers, actively engaged with the topic, expressing appreciation for the session. They were keen to learn about the various menstrual hygiene practices, which were especially valuable in the context of their day-to-day lives. The resource person's detailed explanations helped demystify common misconceptions and promoted a healthier understanding of menstrual health.

The program ended with a closing statement from the organizers, and participants were provided with resources for further guidance. This community development session was instrumental in enhancing awareness and fostering better health practices among the migrant workers.

Beyond Stigma: Women’s Path to Mental Well-Being in Collaboration With Debora Foundation India
Date: 16 November 2024
On November 14, 2024, I MSW student of Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Mr. Mathews K Saji and Ms. Priyadha Joshy, coordinated a community program titled "Beyond Stigma: Women's Path to Mental Well-being." This seminar aimed to raise awareness about mental health challenges faced by women and to encourage open conversations about mental well-being. The event was held at a community center with a group of women in attendance, and the session was facilitated by Mrs. Kavyashree, an expert in mental health.

Mrs. Kavyashree, the resource person, made the session engaging and interactive, focusing on the importance of mental well-being and the significance of having a support system. She emphasized the need for women to open up about their struggles to trusted friends and family members. Through her insightful guidance, the session allowed the participants to feel safe enough to share their own painful experiences and gain support from one another.

The event was well-received, with women expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to discuss mental health openly. The interactive nature of the session made it both empowering and therapeutic for the participants, while also providing valuable learning for the students and staff present. The program helped in breaking the stigma around mental health, and the women were motivated to take steps toward prioritizing their emotional well-being. The positive impact of the seminar on the participants highlighted the importance of mental health awareness and the need for continued conversations on this critical issue.

Life Skills In Family Values in collaboration with Bangalore Multipurpose Social Service Society (BMSS)
Date: 16 November 2024
On 16th November 2024, I MSW student Ms. Amala Joseph of Kristu Jayanti College organized a Life Skills Session on Family Values at St. Thomas Church, Jeevan Bhima Nagar, for the self-help group members of the area. The session was facilitated by Mr. Imban Francis, who led the discussion on the significance of family values in fostering strong and healthy relationships. To enhance family values and improve communication, conflict resolution, and mutual respect among self-help group members. The session highlighted key aspects such as the role of communication, balancing family responsibilities, fostering mutual respect, and resolving conflicts peacefully. Mr. Imban also emphasized the importance of instilling positive values in children and creating an environment that promotes mutual support within the family. The session was designed to be interactive, with participants actively engaging by sharing their personal experiences and challenges.

The program was well-received by the participants, who found the session insightful and thought-provoking. It provided them with practical tools to improve family dynamics and enhance their relationships. The positive feedback received from the participants indicated the session's success in achieving its objectives. The coordination of the event, including the logistical arrangements and ensuring active participation, was a valuable learning experience. The program’s positive impact on the attendees reaffirmed the importance of such initiatives in strengthening community ties and promoting family well-being.

Child Rights and Safety
Date: 16 November 2024
On November 16, 2024, MSW students, Ms. Aleena Shaji and Ms. Akuminla Imchen of Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College organized a seminar on "Child Rights and Safety" in collaboration with Liza's Home at Creating Futures NGO, Kannur Village, Bengaluru. To empower underprivileged children by educating them about their rights and safety measures through an interactive and engaging seminar.

The session, led by Mrs. Jiji Joseph, Executive Director, Liza’s Home aimed to educate over 20 underprivileged children about their fundamental rights and safety measures, empowering them to recognize and respond to unsafe situations effectively.

The seminar focused on essential topics such as abuse prevention, understanding personal boundaries, and utilizing reporting mechanisms to address issues of safety. The session was interactive, with children actively participating in discussions and engaging in the activities designed to enhance their understanding of the subject matter.

To complement the seminar, co-curricular activities were also organized, including simple craft exercises and a fun grammar lesson. These activities not only reinforced the educational aspects of the session but also encouraged creative expression and skill development among the children, making the experience enjoyable and impactful.

The program concluded successfully, leaving a positive impression on the children and highlighting the value of such initiatives in raising awareness and fostering a more informed and empowered community.

Project ‘Akshayapatra’ - A Minor Project Initiative
Date: 15 November 2024
The *Akshayapatra* minor community project was undertaken by a team of five social work trainees from the Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru. This initiative aimed to address the immediate needs of the migrant community in N. Nagenahalli, which comprises 50 families (approximately 184 individuals) who migrated from neighboring districts of Karnataka for better employment opportunities. The primary objective of the project is to address the basic needs of the migrant community in N. Nagenahalli by ensuring access to essential resources, including nutritious food, clean water, and adequate clothing, thereby enhancing their overall quality of life.The project was guided by Ms. Heera S Xavier and executed collaboratively by her team, focusing on improving the community’s quality of life through resource mobilization and distribution.

The *Akshayapatra* project not only addressed immediate necessities but also empowered the trainees with critical skills like crowdfunding, resource mobilization, and community engagement. This initiative demonstrates the transformative power of collective action and thoughtful planning, serving as a foundation for future social work interventions aimed at promoting resilience and inclusivity.

Orione Seva Celebrates Children’s Day to spread joy and inspire futures
Date: 14 November 2024
To create an engaging and memorable Children's Day celebration for underprivileged children, fostering joy, creativity, and a sense of belonging On 14th November 2024, the I MSW students from the Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, celebrated Children’s Day with the children of Orione Seva at Devara Thayi, Bangalore. The celebration commenced as the children, guided by their teacher, entered in an orderly line and took their seats. Ms. Anthu Mery warmly welcomed everyone with a heartfelt speech and later joined the organization’s brothers and sisters in a song, filling the room with joy and enthusiasm.

The event continued with delightful performances by the children, including dances, songs, and a choir, showcasing their talents. To add to the excitement, the I MSW students led an energetic Zumba session, which brought smiles and energy to all attendees.

Following this, Mr. Sunil, I MSW, shared an overview of the significance of Children’s Day. Subsequently, Ms. Monica, I MSW delivered an interactive speech, emphasizing the potential impact that the dreams of today’s children could have on the world in the future. Fr. Avinash then shared an inspirational message, encouraging the children to dream big and strive to reach new heights. Adding to the festivities, Ms. Merin and Ms. Akshaya, I MSW students performed a graceful dance for the children, which captivated the audience. Ms. Anthu Mery also danced for the children, surprising and delighting her students.

The program concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Anthu Mery, marking the end of a memorable celebration.

Unlocking Futures: The Journey through Learning & Film Screening in Collaboration With Echo-Happy Kids
Date: 14 November 2024
On 14th November 2024, the I MSW students, Mr. Martin George Thomas and Ms. Monica Ann George of Kristu Jayanti College organized a Community Organization program titled "Unlocking Futures: The Journey through Learning & Film Screening" at ECHO Happy Kids, in collaboration with the ECHO Center of Juvenile Justice. The objective of the programme is to raise awareness about the importance of education and prevent from child labour through interactive session and engaging activities.

The program aimed to raise awareness about the power of education and the prevention of child labor, following a need assessment survey conducted at Janakiram Layout under the guidance of Ms. Hemalatha, CBR In-Charge, ECHO.

The event featured an insightful session by Ms. Hemalatha, who shared inspiring stories of ECHO students who have achieved success through education. A screening of the acclaimed film I Am Kalam was organized to further highlight the importance of education. To make this possible, resources such as a projector were mobilized from classmates, and an innovative screen was created using a white dhoti.

For many children, it was their first experience of a theater-like setting, which brought immense excitement and joy. Refreshments of Bournvita milk and biscuits were provided, and the program concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Martin.

Social Adaptability Skills through Inclusion in Collaboration With Diya Foundation
Date: 14 November 2024
On November 14, 2024, I MSW students Mr. Akash Mathew and Ms. Marina Mangthameni of Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College organized a Community Organization program titled Social Adaptability Skills through Inclusion in collaboration with Diya Foundation. The session aimed to enhance students' understanding of essential skills required for effective social adaptation. Twenty students from the foundation participated in the program.

The session began with a warm welcome address, setting an inclusive tone for the event. Mr. Dhanush, the resource person, conducted an engaging session on five key social adaptability skills: empathy, active listening, verbal and nonverbal communication, a positive attitude, and a non-judgmental approach. Each skill was explained in detail, highlighting its relevance in fostering better interpersonal interactions and inclusivity.

Due to scheduling challenges, the program was rescheduled from its original time to accommodate the students' other class commitments, ensuring maximum participation. The interactive nature of the session encouraged active engagement, as students shared their perspectives and related experiences, deepening their understanding of adaptability.

The program concluded with feedback from participants and a brief note of thanks, leaving a lasting impact by promoting skills that are vital for social inclusion and adaptability. The initiative successfully fostered awareness and practical understanding of social adaptability skills among the participants.

Mental Health Awareness for Parents in Collaboration With Mar Thoma Opportunity School
Date: 14 November 2024
On November 14, 2024, I MSW students, Mr. Joel Nainan Xavier and Ms. Ankita Bharali of Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College coordinated an Awareness Programme on Mental Health for Parents at Mar Thoma Opportunity School. The program was organized with the objective of raising awareness about mental health among parents and was attended by 25 beneficiaries. The event was graced by the chief guests, Rev. Dr. Jacob P. Thomas and Rev. Gijo Daniel, who are also donors of the organization. The session was led by Rev. Joel George Philip, Director of the organization, and focused on understanding mental health, recognizing signs of struggles, and implementing self-care strategies.

The session provided parents with insights into identifying mental health challenges and practical ways to address them. The program encouraged active participation, as parents shared their experiences and discussed mental health-related concerns in a supportive environment. This interaction created a platform for learning and mutual understanding among the attendees.

The coordination of the event involved managing hall arrangements, welcoming guests, and assisting with logistics such as serving lunch. The social work trainee collaborated with the fieldwork partner, Ms. Ankita, to ensure the program's smooth execution.

The initiative successfully met its objective of raising awareness about mental health among parents, creating a positive impact on the attendees. Additionally, the experience enhanced the trainee's program coordination skills and confidence in organizing community-centered initiatives.

Educational Awareness: Empowering Young Minds in collaboration with Brothers Integrated Rural Development Society (BIRDS)
Date: 14 November 2024
To raise awareness about the importance of education and empower students to pursue their academic goals for a better future. On 14th November 2024, I MSW student, Ms. Hanna Ann Koshy of Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College coordinated a community organization program titled "Educational Awareness: Empowering Young Minds" at Kyalasanahalli Government School. The event was organized by the Department of Social Work in collaboration with Brothers Integrated Rural Development Society (BIRDS). The program aimed to highlight the importance of education in shaping a better future and empowering students to achieve their goals and contribute positively to society.

The resource person, Mr. Gnana Prakash, Rural Coordinator, BIRDS, led an engaging discussion with the students about their educational goals and aspirations. Through interactive activities, the session emphasized the significance of education and the transformative role it plays in creating opportunities for personal and community development.

Students gained valuable insights into the importance of pursuing higher education and how it equips them to make informed decisions about their academic and professional futures. The program encouraged the students to view education as a tool for empowerment and a pathway to achieving their dreams.

The program concluded with a lively discussion, where students actively participated, sharing their aspirations and asking questions about academic opportunities. The initiative effectively instilled a deeper appreciation for the value of education among the students and motivated them to strive for excellence in their academic journeys.

Awareness Session on Prevention Of Breast & Cervical Cancer
Date: 14 November 2024
On 14th November 2024, I MSW students, Mr. Abhiram G Nair and Ms. Shanila Takelmayum of Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College organized an awareness session on the Prevention of Breast and Cervical Cancer in collaboration with Global Concerns India. To educate participants about early detection, risk factors, and preventive measures for breast and cervical cancer.

The session aimed to educate participants about early detection, risk factors, and preventive measures for these cancers.

The Resource Person, Mrs. Zeena Mani, Education Coordinator, covered essential topics, including the importance of regular self-examinations, mammograms, and Pap smears, along with the benefits of HPV vaccination in preventing cervical cancer. Participants were informed about key risk factors such as age, family history, and environmental influences. Emphasis was placed on adopting a healthier lifestyle, including balanced nutrition, physical activity, and avoiding tobacco use, to reduce cancer risk.

The session was interactive, with participants actively engaging in discussions and asking questions. Educational materials and visuals were utilized to enhance understanding, and the facilitator encouraged participants to share their concerns and experiences related to cancer prevention.

The initiative successfully raised awareness about breast and cervical cancer, empowering attendees with knowledge to take proactive measures. The collaborative effort highlighted the importance of regular screenings and lifestyle changes in reducing cancer risk and promoting overall health and well-being.

Seminar on Coping With Exam Stress in collaboration with Karnataka Rehabilitation Centre (KRC)
Date: 12 November 2024
On 12th November 2024, I MSW student, Ms. Feba Susan George of Kristu Jayanti College, had the opportunity to coordinate and actively participate in organizing a seminar titled "Coping with Exam Stress" at St. George School, Bangalore. The program was organized by the Department of Social Work in collaboration with the Karnataka Rehabilitation Centre (KRC) and aimed to address the mental health challenges faced by students during exams. To provide Class 10 students with practical strategies for managing exam stress and promoting mental well-being during the examination period.

The seminar was led by Ms. Sumitha Joshua, Head of Community Outreach at KRC, who conducted an engaging and informative session. She shared practical strategies such as time management, relaxation techniques, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Through relatable anecdotes and interactive discussions, Ms. Joshua helped Class 10 students reframe their perspective on exams, encouraging them to view exams as opportunities for growth rather than stress-inducing events.

The seminar allowed students to openly share their concerns and seek guidance on managing exam-related stress. Positive feedback from participants emphasized the significance of such initiatives in promoting mental health awareness in schools. This experience has strengthened the trainee’s commitment to advocating for mental health support in educational settings and integrating wellness programs into future social work practice.

Life Skills Education in collaboration with Shishu Mandir Children’s Home
Date: 10 November 2024
The Department of Social work, Kristu Jayanti College in Collaboration with Shishu Mandir Children’s Home organised a community programme on Life Skill Education on 1oth of November 2024. The Objective of the programme isTo impart essential life skills to children through engaging activities, fostering their confidence, teamwork, and critical thinking abilities.The program aimed to equip children with essential life skills to enhance their confidence, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities.

The emcee for the event was Ms. Akshaya, followed by a welcome address delivered by Ms. Deini.The session included various outdoor activities designed to teach critical life skills such as communication, teamwork, stress management, critical thinking, empathy, and creativity. The trainees took charge of the arrangements for the program, mobilizing resources and assisting the resource person to ensure smooth execution of the planned activities.

The children participated enthusiastically in all the events and activities, showcasing immense interest and energy. The program was highly effective in imparting life skills, helping the children build their confidence and discover their talents. The program concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Kezia.

The Community Organization program demonstrated the trainees' ability to plan, adapt, and execute events that meet community needs, while fostering valuable life skills in the children of Shishu Mandir.

National Conference (Offline & Online) on Transforming Approaches for People with Developmental Disabilities
Date: 06 & 07 November 2024
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, organized National Conference on Transforming Approaches for the People with Developmental Disabilities on 6th and 7th of November 2024. The objective of the Conference is to enlightening delegates on innovative and inclusive strategies to support individuals with developmental challenges. The goal of the Conference was also to inspire students to contribute actively to creating a more accessible and equitable society. The National Conference is inaugurated by Fr. Lijo P Thomas, Vice principal, Kristu Jayanti College and Mr. N.S Senthil Kumar followed by the first session taken by Dr. Candita Preetham on Developmental Disability: An Overview. Second session was on Therapeutic Approaches in Developmental Disabilities handled by Ms. Saranya E V and Ms. Tamil Thendral. The last session of the First day of Conference was on Key aspects of Special Education by Ms. Renuka Jiothyswaroopan.

The second day of the conference was started with the concept of Community Based Rehabilitation by Shri N V Ranganathan. He talked about the community approaches to address the issues of Developmental Disabilities. The topic named Role of NGOs in supporting People with Developmental Disability was being taken by Ms. Vaishali Pai. And the last session of the second day of conference was on Role of Parents in empowering Children with Developmental Disability’ by Mr. Prabhakara Rao. There were 10 papers presented by the participants in second day of national Conference.

Community Awareness Programme on Health and Hygiene
Date: 25 October 2024
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College in collaboration with Grass Root Action on Community Empowerment, Bengaluru organized a community level awareness programme on Health and Hygiene on 25th October, 2024. The objective of the awareness programme is to provide a knowledge and understanding of the health and hygiene to the community members.In the current landscape the significance of health and hygiene cannot be overstated. Sr.Ningamma Shreeshail, Vocational Trainer is the resource person for the Pogramme.

The event began with a speech of Chief Guest Fr. Sandeep, emphasizing the need for healthy habits. After that there is session about health taken by the resource person Mrs Ningamma Shreeshail who provided expert insights into practical hygiene practices, proper nutrition, and the impact of sanitation on public health. The director Mr. Bosco Antony sir take the hygiene session who emphasizes hygiene practices to prevent illness and improve well-being. Engaging activities, interactive discussions, and real-life examples were incorporated to enhance participants' understanding. The program concluded with an evaluation encouraging attendees to clarify doubts and commit to adopting better health practices in their daily lives.

Community Awareness Programme in Collaboration with Rise Against Hunger India (RAHI) on Health and Hygiene
Date: 23 October 2024
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru in collaboration with Rise Against Hunger India (RAHI), Bengaluru organised a community awareness programme on Health and Hygiene on 23rd October, 2024. . The program focused on the topic of ‘Health and Hygiene’ on 23-10-2024 at Sneha Joythi Orphanage Children’s Home. The student Coordinator, Ms H.Ramdinmawii began the programme with welcome speech and introduced the resource person, followed by a prayer song performed by student coordinators. The Resource person Mr. Sagar Potalkar, Senior program Executive, RAHI started the session on Health and Hygiene. He covers the topics such as good health practices, food hygiene, body hygiene, preventing the spread of infections, and the importance of exercise in our daily lives. The programme also included a PPT presentation done by Balarinhun Lynkhoi. Classified the important subtopics about personal hygiene such as oral hygiene, body hygiene, hand care, nail Care, clothing hygiene, intimate Hygiene etc. The student coordinator play short video aimed at educating children on Health and Hygiene, including hand washing, brushing teeth, and bathing. It also covered food and nutrition, highlighting the importance of health foods and a balanced diet. The video promoted a healthy lifestyle by encouraging regular exercise and staying active.

The student coordinators Ms. Baby Rosangzuali concluded the session by overall reviews along with vote of thanks. Around 17 children are participated in the community programme. Under the direction of the Department of Social Work faculty, the programme was carefully planned and organised. The participants shared their deepest gratitude to the organisers for having the significant topic discussed and explained.

Awareness session on Child Rights
Date: 24 April 2024
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) Bengaluru, organized a Community Organization program in collaboration with Diya Ghar on 24th April 2024, from 2.30pm to 3.30pm at Diya Ghar center-Kalkere 2, Bengaluru, Karnataka. The Objective of the awareness programme is to raise awareness about child rights, its importance and needs of education in life. This knowledge helps them understand the importance of their rights. To make the participants aware about the support systems for the children.

The program began with a silent prayer followed by a welcome address delivered byMs. Shijina Shiju, the Student Coordinator and introduced the resource person and the topic. The resource person Ms. Deekshitha Harish a student volunteer from Diya Ghar, started the first session. She highlighted the various rights of the children especially the right to education. It was a highly informative session where students acquired knowledge. The second session was taken by Mr. Ashish Arulanandham, Community Development Executive, Diya Ghar. The session was about the support for the children. Especially the children's help-line numbers, supporting systems that are given by the government, etc.

Approximately 12 students from one of the nearest community were actively participated in the session, displaying enthusiasm and interest. The interactive nature of the program allowed students to grasp the importance of child rights

The session ended with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms.Shijina shiju, the Student Coordinator. The programme was a successful one.

Child Rights Trust organises Community Programme on Mental Health
Date: 23 April 2024
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) Bengaluru, organized a community organization programmed in collaboration with Child Rights Trust on the theme “Mental Health” on 23th, April 2024 at Sanrakshan Children Home. The program commenced with a prayer song led by the Sanrakshan girls, followed by a welcome address from MS. Chinnu MSW1st year St. Gregorius College, Kerala. Subsequently, Ms. Sorormi Jessy Zimik, the Student coordinator introduced the resource person and highlighted brief description on the topic “Mental Health”.

The resource person Mrs. Shubha N, The Monitoring and Documentation Assistant Child Rights Trust began the session on “Mental Health” by defining the concept of mental health and its adverse impacts during the period of adolescence due to the various contributing factors which includes hormonal shifts, brain development and life transitions. She also stressed on the common mental health issues and the various risk factors resulting to the negative impact on adolescent. Further she emphasized on the importance of early intervention to develop healthy coping skills and positive mind practices and treatment options. Additionally she also highlighted the various preventive strategies to promote adolescents mental health through Anti-bullying campaigns, teaching stress management techniques and also addressed on the important role to be played by the parents, caregivers, educators and schools as supportive mechanism to reduce the adverse consequences on the mental health issues among adolescents. She concluded with suggestion that by prioritizing adolescent mental wellness can empower today’s youth to thrive and reach their full potential. The programme was ended with a vote of thanks to the resource person, faculties of Social Work Department and all other participants.

Awareness Programme on Building Resilience
Date: 24 March 2024
The Department of Social Work in collaboration with Bangalore Multipurpose Social Service Society Bengaluru, Organized a community awareness programme on Building Resilience on March 24th, 2024, at Bengaluru. The program initiated with seeking blessings from the almighty and was followed by the welcome address given by Ms. Prince and Ms. Yugapriya, Student Coordinator.

The objective of the community awareness programme on Building Resilience among community people was to impart knowledge and raise awareness about essential features of capacity development and problem solving to cope up with the situations. The session also focused on creating a healthy environment for the people with crisis and to enable them to solve and find solutions for their own problems. The goal of the expert session is to empower participants to take charge and initiative to handle and develop problem solving capacity of the community members.

The resource person Ms. Rani Khatoon, Programme Coordinator, Jeeva Pragati Trust gave an overall idea on the session to be covered. The session detailed about the importance of building resilience power to face and solve any problem which the community members are facing. The resource person demonstrated and conducted couple of activities which leads to problem solving capacity and using their capability to provide solutions to their problems. The student coordinators also assisted to the resource person to organise and conduct the activities effectively. The conducted activities provide an opportunity to the community members to enhance their capacity with regards to resilience. She also mentioned about the way to develop problem solving capacity and its importance in current life. The programme was ended up with a remarks and vote of thanks.

Community Awareness Programme on Environmental Hygiene and Personal Hygiene
Date: 23 March 2024
The Department of Social Work in collaboration with LIZA’s Home Bengaluru, Organized a community awareness programme on Environmental Hygiene and Personal Hygiene on March 23rd, 2024, at Bengaluru. The program initiated with seeking blessings from the almighty and was followed by the welcome address given by Ms. Libiya Raju and Ms. Maria Thomas, Student Coordinator.

The objective of the community awareness programme on Environment Hygiene and Personal Hygiene among school was to impart knowledge and raise awareness about essential features of health and hygiene. The session also focused on creating a healthy life by proper personal and community cleaning and creating awareness, behaviour change, and the adoption of personal hygiene and community hygiene as well. The goal of the expert session is to empower participants to take charge of their personal health and hygiene. It also aims to promote school children engagement and ownership of keeping their surrounding clean and safe for all members of the community.

Dr. Janani, Founder & Director of Rexpride and President of United Human Care International (USA) gave an overall idea on the session to be covered. The session detailed about the importance of maintaining environmental and personal hygiene which has a significant role in leading a healthy and happy lifestyle of the school children. The resource person explained about the importance and way of maintaining and keeping personal hygiene and community cleanliness of Women, Children, and other stakeholder of the community. Also focused the ill effect and negative impact of the unhygienic way of life leads to unhappiness and diseases. She also mentioned about the way to maintain healthy life style and its importance in current life. The programme was ended up with a remarks and vote of thanks.

Community Awareness Programme on FIRST-AID
Date: 22 March 2024
The Department of Social Work in collaboration with Dream India Network, Bengaluru, Organized a community awareness programme on FIRSRT-AID on March 22nd, 2024, at Bengaluru. The program initiated with seeking blessings from the almighty and was followed by the welcome address given by Ms. Indira and Ms. Catherine, Student Coordinator.

The objective of the community awareness programme on FIRST -AID and its perfect use among Community people to maintain healthy life style. The importance of first aid for immediate relief from the injury and accident impart knowledge and raise awareness about essential features of health and hygiene. It aimed to equip individuals with information on how to maintain proper hygiene, promoting good and healthy food habits. The session also focused on creating a healthy life by proper personal and community cleaning and creating awareness, behaviour change, and the adoption of personal hygiene and community hygiene as well.

Dr Sandra K.S, Grace Hospital, Dream India Network gave an overall idea on the session to be covered. The session detailed about the importance of First Aid and maintaining personal and community hygiene which has a significant role in leading a healthy and happy lifestyle of the community people. The resource person explained important equipment to be kept for emergency and to maintaining and keeping personal hygiene and community cleanliness of Women, Children, and other stakeholder of the community. Also focused the areas where the first Aid box must be kept for maximum use. She spoke about the ways and methods to keep and maintain personal and community hygiene particularly the women and children’s groups. The programme was ended up with a remarks and vote of thanks. The participants of the programme expressed their gratitude towards organiser and resource person.

Community Awareness Programme on Prevention on Tuberculosis
Date: 22 March 2024
The Department of Social Work in collaboration with Global Concerns India Bengaluru, Organized a community awareness programme on Prevention on Tuberculosis on March 22nd, 2024, at Bengaluru. The program initiated with seeking blessings from the almighty and was followed by the welcome address given by Ms. Baby and Ms. Aleesha, Student Coordinator.

The objective of the community awareness programme on Community people healthy life style was to impart knowledge and raise awareness about essential features of health and hygiene in general and Prevention of Tuberculosis in particular. It aimed to address a very acute health problem i.e disease of Tuberculosis and its treatment. The session also focused on symptoms and treatment of tuberculosis at door step and at hospital setting. The prevalence of tuberculosis is increasing day by day. So, it is the need of the time to spread more awareness on prevention of tuberculosis cases. It also addressed the health care practices related to tuberculosis and Dos and Don’ts for tuberculosis patients. Centre government have also focused to decrease the no of Tuberculosis patients with proper care and attention. The National Tuberculosis prevention programme is one among them. Overall, the objective of community Awareness programme on Community Hygiene is to improve the quality of life of the community members including the women, child and elder’s hygiene status and make them aware about the ill effect of tuberculosis and its treatment.

Ms. Maria Subramanian, Field Coordinator of GCI gave an overall idea on the session to be covered. The session detailed about the importance of maintaining personal and community response and role in addressing and prevention of Tuberculosis. The resource person explained about the symptoms and treatment of the tuberculosis. The programme was ended up with a remarks and vote of thanks.

Community Awareness Programme on Healthy Life Style Habits
Date: 07 March 2024
The Department of Social Work in collaboration with Brothers Integrated Rural Development Society Bengaluru, Organized a community awareness programme on Healthy Life Style on March 7th, 2024, at Bengaluru. The program initiated with seeking blessings from the almighty and was followed by the welcome address given by Ms. Riya Devi and Ms. Heera, Student Coordinator.

The objective of the community awareness programme on Community people healthy life style was to impart knowledge and raise awareness about essential features of health and hygiene. It aimed to equip individuals with information on how to maintain proper hygiene, promoting good and healthy food habits. The session also focused on creating a healthy life by proper personal and community cleaning and creating awareness, behaviour change, and the adoption of personal hygiene and community hygiene as well. The goal of the expert session is to empower participants to take charge of their personal health and hygiene. It also aims to promote community engagement and ownership of keeping community clean and safe for all members of the community. Overall, the objective of community organization programme on Community Hygiene is to improve the quality of life of the community members including the women, child and elder’s hygiene status and make them aware about the ill effect of the unhygienic and illness due to unhygienic practices of the community people.

Ms. Devika, Project Coordinator of BIRDS gave an overall idea on the session to be covered. The session detailed about the importance of maintaining personal and community hygiene which has a significant role in leading a healthy and happy lifestyle of the community people. The resource person explained about the importance of maintaining and keeping personal hygiene and community cleanliness of Women, Children, and other stakeholder of the community. Also focused the ill effect and negative impact of the unhygienic way of life leads to unhappiness and diseases. She also mentioned about the way to maintain healthy life style and its importance in current life. She spoke about the ways and methods to keep and maintain personal and community hygiene particularly the women and children’s groups. The programme was ended up with a remarks and vote of thanks.

Community Programme Session on Menstrual Hygiene for Migrant Mothers
Date: 29 February 2024
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru in collaboration with Vathsalya Charitable Trust organises a community programme on Menstrual Hygiene for Migrant Mothers at Doddagubbi park on 29th of February 2024.

Objectives: To create understanding and insight on menstrual health and hygiene among migrants mothers of Doddagubbi community. The expert session on reproductive health and menstrual hygiene would provide a knowledge and information on menstrual hygiene practices and its importance. The programme was planned and executed by students of Social Work. The resource person for this programme is Mrs. Srimathi N, Project Officer of Income Generation Programme, Vathsalya Charitable Trust. The programme was started with a silent prayer and followed with welcome and introduction of the resource person. Mrs Srimathi started the session by asking few general questions on menstrual hygiene of the mother. Then she focused on the importance of the menstrual hygiene for mothers. She talked about the personal hygiene during monthly period. Focused on using of sanitary pad and cleanliness. The session was an interactive one.

Community Awareness Programme on Child Rights
Date: 22 February 2024
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru in collaboration with GRACE organises an Awareness programme on Child rights for Community people on 22nd of February 2024.

Objectives: To create understanding and insight on child protection and child rights among community people for better future of the children. It would help the parents as well as teachers to access and practice this protective and preventive law for children development. The resource person for this programme is Prof. Mary Sadhana Abraham, Asst. Professor Kristu Jayanti College of law. The programme was started with a silent prayer and followed with welcome and introduction of the resource person. Prof Sadhana interacted with the beneficiaries on child health and rights. She had a depth knowledge and expertise on child rights. She elaborated all child rights such as Rights to Survive, Right to Development, Right to Participation and Right to Education etc. with community people. He also focused on needs and problems of the children and how it can be address through proper implementation of all child rights. The programme was meant for the Mothers and Parents so they expressed their satisfaction and gratitude at the end of the programme.

Building a Legacy of Education Community Social Action Initiatives as A part of Minor Project Provided Stationary Kits for Migrant Children
Date:29 November 2023
Department of Social Work conducted social action initiatives by providing Stationary Kit to 50 children of Chikkagubbi Community of Bengaluru on 29th of November. The objective the project is to help the needy school going children by practicing the social work methods and skills. The students from II MSW identified the community and also ranked their needs. After analyzing the needs they found the school going children of the community should provide stationary kit for better performance in their study. The II MSW students mobilized the funds through crow funding, raise funds from CSR sources and other resources. They decided to distribute stationary kit of books, Pencils, Pen Eraser, sharpener, and compass kit etc.

On 29th of November, 2023, students along with the faculties of department of Social Work Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head of Department of Social Work, Dr. Winnie Joyce A, Dr sathish Kumar R were attended the programme and distributed the stationary kit among the children of the Chikkagubbi Community. Members of the community expressed their gratitude and thanks to the faculties and Kristu Jayanti College as well. The outcome of the projects was very much impactful and a fruitful one.

Community Social Action Initiatives as A part of Minor Project Bringing Sunshine to Every Home: Providing Water Drums, Blankets and Solar Lamp to Kalkere Community
Date:29 November 2023
Department of Social Work conducted social action initiatives as a part of minor research project by providing water drums, Blankets and solar lamps to the Kalkere Community of Bengaluru on 29th of November. The objective the project is to help the needy migrant families by practicing the social work methods and skills. The students from II MSW identified the community and also ranked their needs. After analyzing the needs they found the migrant families are in need of water storage drums to keep water for their day to day requirements and as the winter is arrived so they also decided to distribute the blankets and solar lamps to the families. The II MSW students mobilized the funds through crowd funding, raise funds from CSR sources and other resources as well.

On 29th of November, 2023, students along with the faculties of department of Social Work Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head of Department of Social Work, Dr. Winnie Joyce A, Dr sathish Kumar R were attended the programme and distributed the water storage drums, blankets and solar lamps to the migrant families of Kalkere community. The programme was started with a welcome address by student coordinators and followed by address of Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head of the Department and after that they distributed water storage drums blankets and solar lamps to the community members. The Programme was ended with a vote of thanks. The Members of the community expressed their gratitude and thanks to students, faculties of Social Work and Kristu Jayanti College as well. The outcome of the project was very much impactful and a fruitful one.

Vikash 2.0 Community Social Action Initiatives as A part of Minor Project Provided Two Mobile Toilets to Migrated families of Kalkare Community
Date:28 November 2023
Department of Social Work conducted social action initiatives by providing two mobile toilets to 25 no of families of the Kalkare Community of Bengaluru. The objective the project is to help the needy people school going children by practicing the social work methods and skills. The students from II MSW identified the community and also ranked their needs. After analyzing the needs they found the school going children of the community should provide stationary kit for better performance in their study. The II MSW students mobilized the funds through crow funding, raise funds from CSR sources and other resources. They decided to distribute stationary kit of books, Pencils, Pen Eraser, sharpener, and compass kit etc.

On 29th of November, 2023, students along with the faculties of department of Social Work Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head of Department of Social Work, Dr. Winnie Joyce A, Dr sathish Kumar R were attended the programme and distributed the stationary kit among the children of the Chikkagubbi Community. Members of the community expressed their gratitude and thanks to the faculties and Kristu Jayanti College as well. The outcome of the projects was very much impactful and a fruitful one.

Basket of Love Community Social Action Initiatives as A part of Minor Project Distributed Ration Kit (Grocery items) to Families of Bellahalli Community, Bengaluru
Date:27 November 2023
Department of Social Work conducted Community Social Action Initiatives by providing Ration Kit (Grocery Items) to 42 families in Bellahalli community of Bengaluru on 27th of November, 2023. The objective the project is to help the needy people by practicing the social work methods and skills. The students from II MSW identified the community and also ranked their needs. After analyzing the needs they found the families of the community should provide Ration kit which comprises rice dal, salt, oil etc. The students mobilized the funds through crowd funding, raise funds from CSR sources and other resources. They decide to distribute ration kits such as Rice, Dal, Salt, oil packets, Wheat flour etc. to 42 families. It was a Nobel initiative by the Department of Social Work to help the community.

On 27th of November, 2023, students along with the faculties of department of Social Work Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head of Department of Social Work, Dr. Winnie Joyce A, Dr sathish Kumar R department were participated in distributing the ration kits to all 42 families in Bellahalli community.

Empathy in Action Community Social Action Initiatives as A part of Minor Project Distributed Winter Essentials to Migrated Families, Bengaluru
Date:26 November 2023
Department of Social Work conducted social action initiatives by providing winter clothes to the 100 children of Kalkare, BDS Garden, Kothanur on 26th of November. The objective the project is to help the needy people by practicing the social work methods and skills. The students from II MSW identified the community and also ranked their needs. After analyzing the needs they found the children of the community should provide winter essentials as the winter season has arrived. The students mobilized the funds through crow funding, raise funds from CSR sources and other resources. They decide to distribute winter essentials such as sweaters, uniforms, and slippers to the children.

On 26th of November, 2023, students along with the faculties of department of Social Work Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head of Department of Social Work, Dr. Winnie Joyce A, Dr sathish Kumar R department were participated in distributing the winter essentials to the children of the Kalkare Community.

Community Organization Programme on Health & Hygiene in Collaboration With GRACE (Grass-Root Action on Community Empowerment) Old Bagalur layout, St. Thomas Town Post, Bengaluru
Date:24 November 2023
Department of Social Work organizes community organization programme on Health and Hygiene in collaboration with GRACE (Grass-Root Action on Community Empowerment) on 24th November, 2023. The venue of the programme was the office building of the GRACE organization. The programme was organized and conducted by looking to the needs of the local people. The Objectives of the programme are to impart knowledge on the concept of health and hygiene. To develop a positive attitude among women towards maintaining the personal health and hygiene. To provide education and information on nutrition food and its significance in life. To make aware mothers with information on child health and hygiene.

As we know health is an important indicator for achieving sustaining development and it is also deciding our future the social work students they identified the felt need of the community and organized the same for providing healthy and happy life to the women and children.

The programme was started with a silent prayer to the almighty and welcome address was given by student coordinator. She introduced the resource person as well as the other dignitaries present over there. Inaugural address was given by Dr.Bijaya Laxmi Sahoo, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous). She covered the concept of health and hygiene particularly the women and Child health. As the women are being considered as backbone of the family and a society so she should be aware of importance of health and hygiene. Dr Bijaya laxmi also talked about the health issues which are very prominent among women. She enlighten the programme with information on women and child health, issues and challenges and suggested some remedies to come out of the problem.

After the Inaugural address the resource person Ms. Ambika, teacher of GRACE institute had took the session on medicinal benefits of Papaya and Allovera. She discussed with the beneficiaries on health benefit of Papaya and Aleovera. She explained with adequate examples. The community coordinator Mr. Bosco has summarized the prograamme and called for end of the programme. After thet ripe papaya was being distributed to all Participants. Finally, the programme was ended up with a great vote of thank and feedback were collected from the participants.

Community Organization Programme on Nutrition Awareness
Date:15 September 2023
The Department of Social Work in collaboration with United Way Bengaluru, Organized a community organization program on September 15, 2023, at 11:00 AM at the Nameghatta maternity hospital under Hessareghatte PHC with the theme "Nutrition Awareness". The program initiated with seeking blessings from the almighty and was followed by the welcome address given by Mr. Muhammed Hafis N H, Student Coordinator. The objective of the community organization programme on Nutrition Awareness was to impart knowledge and raise awareness about essential nutritional diet for the healthy life. It aimed to equip individuals with information on how to maintain proper diet, promoting good and healthy food habits. Ms. Kavyashree (Community Health Officer, Nameghatta) gave an overall idea on the session to be covered. Mr. Munegowda, Project Manager of United Way Bengaluru inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp. Mr. Narayana, Health inspector Hessareghatte PHC then introduced the resource person for the day, Dr. Rathnaprabha (Medical officer, Primary Health Centre Hessareghatte).

The session detailed about the importance of proper nutrition which has a significant role in leading a healthy lifestyle. The resource person explained about the importance of consuming proper diets rich with nutrients. She also explained about the ill-effects of lack of proper nutrition and the health adversities that can likely occur. She also mentioned about the alarming rise in the suicidal tendencies and therefore along with the proper healthy nutrition it is also important to have a healthy mind especially for the vulnerable like the women and youth. The concluding remarks was delivered by Ms. Larisha Wahlang (student coordinator). The awareness session was well organized with the efforts Dr Jonas Richard A, Head of the Department and Faculties as well.

Livelihood Skills for Migrant Women
Date:21 May 2023
The students of the Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) Bengaluru conducted a community organisation programme on the topic, "Livelihood skills for Migrant Women" at Muniyamma Kenchappa Community, 4 A cross, K Narayanpura on 21 May 2023 at 5:00 PM.

The Student Coordinator, Ms. Megha Ann Biju, began the programme with a welcome speech. The session was commenced by the resource persons, Ms. Aditi Parsai, and Ms. Kanchan Kumari, students of I MSW, who shared some advice on how to create mehndi designs swiftly. Prior to teaching women how to create complex designs, they first created small, straightforward designs. For the women in the community, this programme was seen as a means of developing their skills for a sustainable livelihood. Ms. Ksh Asha Chanu, the student coordinator, proposed the vote of thanks to conclude the programme.

The women in the neighbourhood made an effort to represent the same designs that the resource persons had tried to show them. The participants were very eager to learn new design techniques, and the session was very informative and interactive. Participants also had a chance to share their opinions. A total of 25 beneficiaries took part in this programme.

The organisers have the participants' deepest gratitude for presenting together such enlightening sessions that enabled the target population to learn more for the advancement of their abilities in securing a living.

Expert Session on Health and Hygiene
Date:17 May 2023
The students of the Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, organized a community organization program in collaboration with Don Guanella Aged Home, Geddalahalli on the theme “Expert Session On Health and Hygiene” on the 17th of May 2023.

The program began with Ms. Vismaya P, Student Coordinator welcoming everybody. The presidential address was given by Fr. Sunil SDC, Director of Don Guanella Aged Home, and the Head of the Department of Social Work, Dr. Jonas Richard A addressed the gathering at the event. The Resource person Dr. Esther Shoba R, Assistant Professor in the Department of Life Sciences started the session on highlighting the importance of proper hygiene and maintaining good health. She emphasised the significance of always maintaining cleanliness in our bodies in order to be able to have a happy and healthy lifestyle. She also emphasised the crucial aspects of following the basic personal practices which can help them to tackle a wide range of problems such as skin infections, respiratory problems, gastrointestinal problems, and several such issues that occur when proper care is not given to the body.

The expert session included discussions with the inmates of the home, clarifying the doubts and queries that they had relating to the topic as well as providing small healthcare tips that they can follow in their everyday life. The sessions were very interactive and informative. The participants also got the opportunity to give their feedback on the session. The strength of the participants for the session was about fifty members.

The participants are extremely grateful to the organizers for efficiently coordinating such an informative session which helped the target group to gain knowledge on the importance of Health and Hygiene.

Self-Management Skills
Date:06 April 2023
The students of the Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized a Community Organization program in collaboration with Shishu Mandir on the theme ‘’Self-Management Skills ‘’ on 6th April 2023 at Shishu Mandir.

The program started with a prayer song by the students and a welcome address by Ms.Upasana Das - student coordinator.

The resource person Mr. Simon J, Life Skill trainer started the session by highlighting the skills of Self-Management. He emphasized the significance of problem-solving, adaptation, goal attainment, how to manage time, and how to be self-aware.

The program also included interactive activities and ice-breaking sessions regard to skill management and self-awareness. The ice-breaking session includes paper crafts and the participants also got an opportunity to showcase their talent. The session was really interactive and informative. Around 40 beneficiaries were witnessed in this program.

The participants are extremely grateful to the organizers for organizing such an informative session that help the target groups to gain skills in self-management.

The programme came to a formal end with a vote of thanks given by S.Vaishali (student coordinator) and a group photo

Community Development Activity - Self-Awareness and Stress Management
Date:03 April 2023
The Students of the Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized a community organization program in collaboration with Ashalaya Trust Social Service Center, Vidya Nagar, Bengaluru on the topic self-awareness and stress management on 03-04-2023 at Ashalaya trust.

The program was started with a prayer song by the students, followed by a welcome address by Mr. Mani (trainer) Ashalaya. Sr. Bindu Joseph (Director) was invited to address the gathering where Sister gave insight into the significance of self-awareness and stress management in the present world and handed over the session to the resource person.

The Resource person Mrs. Shashikala S.K, Project Coordinator, started her session by highlighting the importance of self-awareness and stress management. She provided intuition on the causes of stress and the power the self -awareness has on one’s character and personality. The resource person further gave tips on how one can be aware of oneself so that an individual can effectively manage their stress to lead a healthy and happy life.

Following the thematic address by the resource person, Mr. Arun Kumar R and Ms . Ann Mariam Thomas (Social Work Trainees) presented a poster on how to master stress and how self-awareness can be developed and increased among students. Interactive games were also part of the program where the students participated enthusiastically as well as learned about the topics through Activity Based learning. There were about 15 beneficiaries present throughout the program who benefitted from the same.

Community Development Activity Recreational Programme for Adults with Autism Spectrum
Date:31 March 2023
The students of the Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized a community organization program in collaboration with Diya Foundation, Bengaluru on the theme “Recreational Activities for Adults with Autism Spectrum” on 31st March 2023 at Diya Foundation.

The program was started with Emcee, Ms. Vishnupriya K C, social work trainee, followed by a welcome address by Lawmsangzuali, social work trainee. The Facilitator Ms. Joanna Stephan, communication & Resource Manager, of Diya Foundation addressed the gathering by highlighting the importance of Autism Awareness Day. The program further had a talent show for Adults with Autism spectrum and everyone one of them performed their talents and showcased different skills. Through the talent show the message shared about Autism is, it is a spectrum disorder, so each person with autism has a distinct set of strengths and challenges. The program also included interactive activities and a video of the members that included their skills, roles, and hobbies. The sessions were really interactive and informative.

Awareness of Tuberculosis Prevention
The students of the Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) Bengaluru, organized a community organization program in collaboration with Brothers Integrated Rural Development Society (BIRDS), on the theme “Awareness on Tuberculosis Prevention” on 27th March 2023 at 05.00 PM in BIRDS campus.

The program started with seeking blessings from an almighty and welcome address by Ms. Dona Mariya Joseph, Student Coordinator. The Resource person Mrs. Betilina Smith (GDA trainer, BIRDS) started the session by highlighting the causes, symptoms, and preventive methods of Tuberculosis. She also talked about the importance of having a healthy diet to stay away from diseases such as TB.

The program also included poster presentations & ice-breaking games for the participants. The sessions were really interactive and insightful. 30 beneficiaries from the evening tuition center, under the guidance of BIRDS, participated in this awareness class.

Participants shared positive feedback about the awareness session since it provided useful information within a short span. The session ended with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Vanlalmuankimi, Student Coordinator, and a group photo.

Awareness Program on Alcohol and Domestic Violence
The Students of the Department of Social Work and PROCEED Family Counselling Center, Lingarajapuram organised an awareness program on Alcoholism and the Domestic Violence for the residents of Old and New Bagalur Layout Slum on 23rd October 2018. The resource team comprised of Advocate Eunice Mercy and Advocate Regina Salomi (Family Court Advocates, Bangalore).

The program commenced with prayer followed by Miss Animol PM’s welcome address. Miss Aneesha Sebastian, introduced the resource team to the participants Advocate S Benjamin Franklin, Chairman PROCEED, in his inaugural address highlighted the importance of legal awareness to deal with issues like alcoholism and domestic violence. Dr Jonas Richard A, Head, Department of Social Work, emphasised the need for psychosocial support to the spouses of persons dependent on alcohol.

The resource persons stressed the importance of knowledge of legal options if faced with domestic violence. They expressed their readiness to help and support if there are any victims of the same. They also persuaded women to seek legal help in cases of domestic violence.

Around 20 members, mostly women participated in the program and clarified their doubts. The program helped them to learn about the adverse effects of alcoholism and ways to deal with persons who are victims. These homemakers were given a platform to identify their rights and the relevant laws on domestic violence. The session ended with a vote of thanks by Miss Anju P Benny.

Children’s Day Celebration with Underprivileged Children
The students of Social Work in association with Sumangali Seva Ashrama organized special programme for the underprivileged children on the Children’s Day at Sumangali Seva Ashrama, Bengaluru on 13th November 2018.

As part of this community initiative, students are able to assist the neighborhood community and act as a social change agents in the society to bring positive changes through networking and collaborative activities with social service organisations. This programme started with a silent prayer followed by a welcome address by Ms. Jeena Elizabeth Rajan, student trainee. Ms. Shantha - Counsellor, Sumangali Seva Ashrama, gave an inaugural address about how every child is different and when they come together they make this world a beautiful place to live in. It was followed by a felicitation by Ms. Geetha (Supervisor, SSA). Special Appreciation award was given to Ms.Ranni and Ms.Sujatha (Slum School Teachers) for their dedication and services to the children. The afternoon session was led by Ms. Jeffine J. Joseph, student trainee who conducted activities for the children involving a moral cartoon video followed by fun and games. The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Ms. Jereena, student trainee.

Legal Empowerment of Women
The students of social work in association with People’s Trust organized a Community Development Program for the legal empowerment of women on 14th November 2018 at Sadenahalli village in Doddaballapura Taluk, Bangalore Rural District As part of the ongoing initiative to empower the neghbourhood community, the students of social work undertook this initiative which also helped them to strengthen their theoretical learning with the practical exposure.

The program was inaugurated by Mr. Muniyappa (The Panchayat President) and the students’ trainees Mr John P Jerry and Mr. Jijo Joseph welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource persons.

Ms. Sahana Gopal, faculty member from the Kristu Jayanti College of Law was the resource person and she addressed on domestic violence, dowry and property rights of women. She highlighted the need to be aware of own rights and seek legal assistance if needed.

The session ended with the Q & A session and vote of thanks by Ms. Juby Johnson

Awareness on Child Protection and Child Helpline
The students of Social Work in association with SATHI (Society for Assistance to Children in Difficult Situation) conducted a community programme titled Awareness on Child Protection and Child Help Line at Preeti Sadan children’s home, Kannur, Bengaluru on 18th November 2018.

The programme commenced with a welcome address by Ms. Minju James, student trainee followed by a video presentation on child protection. After visual presentation, Mr. Mathew Robert, student trainee, emphasized on Protection Rights. He was also highlighting the purpose and functions of Child Help Line. He made the children to recall the child help line number 1098 and to ensure them to dial when they face crisis. He made the session very interactive with lively discussions which helped the children stay more active.

The programme ended by a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Nimisha Abraham, student trainee.

Empowering Adolescents through Life Skills
The students of social work in association with Shishu Mandir (An NGO Working for Children) organized a Community Development Program to empower the adolescents through Life Skills Education on 20th November 2018 at Shishu Mandir, Bangalore. As part of the ongoing initiative to empower the adolescents, the students of social work took this initiative in order to help them in strengthening their theoretical learning with the practical exposure.

The program was started with welcome address by Ms. Shoby PS, Student trainee followed by introducing the resource person by Ms. Christina, Student trainee.

Mr. Daniel Mathew, Analyst from ANZ Bank was the resource person and he addressed the students on two core life skills of Time Management and Stress Management. He pointed out few strategies to overcome their stress during examination effectively by effective time management techniques. He also gave few tips to develop deeper interest on studies and career.

The session led into more interactive and concluded with Q & A and feedback session.

1 Semester MSW students of Kristu Jayanti College conducted a community organization program as a part of their concurrent field work activity in collaboration with Shishu Mandir, Bangalore on 20th November 2018.

The program commenced around 3:00pm with a prayer song by the class choir. The welcome address was delivered by Miss Shoby P.S (MSW).Miss Christeena (MSW) introduced the resource persons to the gathering.

Mr. Daniel Mathew (, MBA) talked about the problems students encounter during exams such as stress, lack of time management. These subjects inculcated deep interest because they badly wanted to overcome these issues. Tips given to prepare for examination made the students reevaluate the way they used to study.

Around 17 students participated in the program. The resource person was successful in making the session interactive and informative. The participants were able to reevaluate the way they study and the way they use the time. After the session the participants shared their feedbacks. Ms.Shoby P.S (MSW) winded up the session with a vote of thanks expressing her gratitude towards the resource person and Shishu Mandir.

Training on Effective Parenting through Life Skills Education
The students of Social Work organized a Community Development Programme on Strengthening of Parenthood through Life Skill Education. The programme was in association with World Vision India, at Pandrapalaya slum Bangalore on 20th November 2018. The program was started with prayer song by Ms. Janet, student trainee followed by welcome address by Mr. James Binu Chacko, Student trainee. Mr. Jinson, Community organizer and staff of World Vision gave a brief introduction of the session to the participants. Ms. Shailaja, student trainee highlighted the ten core life skills defined by World Health Organisation(WHO) She explained in detail how each of these skills are linked to becoming better parents. She suggested measures to practice life skills in their day to day life for positive parenting. The session was both in English and in Kannada.

The session was ended with vote of thanks by Mr. Jacob, student trainee followed by the feedback session

Awareness on Menstrual Hygiene
The students of Social Work organized a programme on Menstrual Hygiene for Mothers of Adolescent Girls at Y M Shala Community Center, Bangalore in collaboration with BOSCO on 20th November 2018.

The students of Social Work are getting involved to organize community initiative programmes to gain experience in understanding the social issues and learning the different modes in addressing the issues in order to sensitize people in the society for the betterment.

The students of Social Work are getting involved to organize community initiative programmes to gain experience in understanding the social issues and learning the different modes in addressing the issues in order to sensitize people in the society for the betterment. This awareness programme started with welcome address by Ms. Maria Jose, student Trainee followed by a video presentation on Menstrual Hygiene. The guest speaker Ms.Vinnarasi, Social Mobiliser - BOSCO stressed on the importance of menstrual hygiene and behavioral changes that takes place in adolescent girls. She explained the significant measures to take care during menstruation cycle. The session was added with new sights on the mentioned topic. The participants took active participation throughout session and were keen in asking doubts and clarifying their doubts. They also shared their valuable feedbacks about the session.

The programme ended with vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Mariam Mani, student trainee.

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment
The students of social work in association with FIDES (Family Integral Development and Education Scheme) organized a Community Development Program on 21st November 2018 for youth group in FIDES, Bangalore.

This community engagement practice helps students to understand the significance of community mobilizing and organizing and learn to be a catalyst to bring positive changes in the society.

The programme started with a prayer song by Ms. Hoselin, student trainee. Mr. Bestin, student trainee welcomed the gathering. Mr. Hari Krishnan, student trainee addressed the youth group on the importance and the issues related to gender inequality. He highlighted the essentials of women empowerment that leads for the development and wellbeing of families and communities. During the session, interaction and discussion took place where most of the students participated and contributed their opinion on gender equality and shared ideas on how to tackle and take remedial measures to reduce and eradicate gender inequality in their own communities.

The programme came to an end with vote of thanks by Ms. Hoselin.

Awareness on Elderly Care
The students of Social Work organized a community outreach programme for the students of St Mary’s PU College. Bangalore on Elderly Care on 23rd November 2018, with the title “Parenting the Parents”.

As part of the ongoing service learning initiative, the students of Social Work are involved to empower the neighborhood community through experiential learning which increases their capacity to become more effective in implementing social work interventions with diverse communities.

This programme started with Welcome Address by Ms. Liya Lopez, student trainee followed the session addressed by Ms. Jeffine, student trainee who began her session with an icebreaking in which the students were asked to introduce their friends instead of introducing themselves. After Ice breaking, the participants were asked to share their experiences, memories and special moments with their grandparents. Ms. Jeffine highlighted the challenges faced by the elderly and stressed the importance in taking care of their grandparents. The last session was followed by a feedback

The programme ended with vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Luckachan, student trainee. The session resulted in great learning experience for the children on the above mentioned topic.

Training on Parenting Skills
The students of the Department of Social Work organized Training on Parenting Skills in collaboration with The Association of People with Disability on 31st November, 2017. The participants were the parents of Children with Disability. The programme started at 11:30 am with the welcome address by Ms. Pungbile (Fieldwork Trainee). It was followed by the first Session on Introduction to Disability which was handled by Ms. Aarthi (Physiotherapist, APD). The second session on Locomotors types, causes and management was shared by Mr. Ashwath (Physiotherapist, APD). The relaxation and motivational activities were conducted by Ms. Mercy (Fieldwork Trainee). The final session was conducted by Mr. Ashwath on the meaning and management of multiple disabilities. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Nivya Joseph (Fieldwork Trainee). The beneficiaries expressed their gratitude. The programme was coordinated by Ms. Mercy Baby, Ms. Nivya Joseph and Ms. Pungbile.

Workshop on Child Rights Awareness
The students of the Department of Social Work organized a workshop on Child Rights Awareness in association with India Cares foundation on 8th November, 2017 at Raza Educational and Social Welfare Society, Excellent English School, Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru.

The programme started with a prayer by the School students and the programme was formally inaugurated by the Ms. Sadiya the Principal, Excellent English School. The first session was handled by Mr. Pramod Naikodi, Programme Officer, Actionaid. Mr. Pramod spoke about child rights and the problem of child marriage in India wherein he elaborated upon “The Prohibition of Child Marriages Act, 2006” and “Juvenile Justice Act, 2000”. It was followed by a session on Child helpline by Mr. Pradeep from APSA (Association for Promoting Social Action) who highlighted the works done by Childline, an organization that operates a telephone helpline for the children in distress.

After the technical sessions, the students of Excellent School interacted with the guest speakers and expressed their views about child rights with them. It was followed by a group activity with the students wherein they were asked to depict their understanding of child rights through pictures.

The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by the student of Social Work department and they received feedback from the students of Excellent English School. The workshop was coordinated by Ms. Meena Nair, Mr. Melbin K. Johny and Mr. Melbin K. Antony.

Free Eye checkup camp
The students of the Department of Social Work organized a free Eye checkup camp for the under privileged senior citizens in collaboration with Nightingale’s Medical Trust, Kothanur on 7th, November 2017.

The camp started at 10:30 a.m. with a welcome speech by Ms. Jennis Kurian (Fieldwork Trainee). It was followed with the introductory speech by Ms. Jisha Shaji (Fieldwork Trainee). The eye check-up for the senior citizens (70 years and above) was done by Dr. Uma Mahesh from Bangalore Nethralaya, Kalyan Nagar, followed by eye check-up for senior-citizens between 60 to 70 years of age. The camp concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Treesa Elizabeth Thomas (Fieldwork Trainee). The beneficiaries shared a positive feedback. The eye checkup camp was coordinated by Ms. Jisha Shaji, Ms. Jennis Kurian and Ms. Treesa Elizabeth Thomas.

Workshop on Time Management
The students of the Department of Social Work organized a Workshop on Time Management in collaboration with Advantage Elder Care, for Nursing Students of Community College on 7th November 2017.

The program commenced at 02:00 pm with the welcome speech by Ms. Mariya Joy (Fieldwork Trainee). Ms. Mary Dinakar the Nursing director, Ms. Nisha Varghese, Chief Nurse and Ms. Kaveri Kavitha, The hostel warden were also present for the workshop. Ms. Manasa Trisha Shankar (Fieldwork Trainee) introduced the topic of Time Management to the students. She started her introduction with a quote by Swami Vivekanda and moved on to speak on the meaning of Time management, the need for Time management and tips on how to use time effectively, the process of time management and concluded with a quote by Crystal Paine.

The resource persons conducted a small game called “60 seconds” that taught the participants that each person’s time zone is different and each one should have their own schedule to manage time effectively and productively.

The session was further taken forward by Mr. Joseph Colin (Fieldwork Trainee)who spoke on the importance of time management and scheduling. He also shared some tips on making a daily time table followed by a game named “Ribbon of Life” in which the students learnt the importance of using time wisely and resourcefully.

In the feedback session the participants were requested to note down their feedback on the forms that were circulated to them. All the participants liked the workshop and found it very meaningful.

The workshop came to a close with a vote of thanks by Ms. Maria Joy (Fieldwork Trainee). This workshop was organized by Ms. Manasa Trisha Shankar, Mr. Joseph Colin and Ms. Maria Joy

Workshop on Memory Skills
The students of the Department of Social Work organized a workshop on “Memory Skills” in association with Don Guanella Aged Home on 5th November, 2017 and the participants were the children up to age of 15 from Gedallahalli.

The programme started at 10:00 a.m. with a prayer by Ms. Wom-ieh-mika Lyngdoh (Fieldwork Trainee) which was followed with the welcome address by Ms. Sharon Elizabeth James (Fieldwork Trainee). The First session was handled by Mr. Avinash Shenoy, Engineering student, University of Vivekananda, Bangalore. He shared techniques to improve the Memory. The second session was handled by Mr. Naveen Prabhu on the topic “memory” and “active listening skills”.

The workshop came to a close at 12:30p.m.with an IQ test and a question- answer session. The vote of thanks was given by Ms. Vaishnavi Rao (Fieldwork Trainee).

The programme was coordinated by Ms. Vaishnavi Rao, Ms. Sharon Elizabeth Thomas and Ms. Wom-ieh-mika Lyngdoh

Awareness on MHM (Menstrual Hygiene Management)
The students of Department of Social Work organized an awareness program on Menstrual Hygiene Management in collaboration with Shishu Mandir for women from the villages and slums in Kithiganur area on 5thNovember, 2017.

The program started at 10:00 am with the welcome address by Mr. Ajith C. Thomas (Fieldwork Trainee). The resource persons for the program were Ms. Mary Sheeba, Faculty, Bangalore International School and Ms. Deepa, Faculty, St. Joseph School, Bangalore. They spoke about the different problems faced by the women in our society and the importance of menstrual hygiene management.

Evaluation was carried out after the session and the beneficiaries expressed that the session was informative .The program concluded at 12:45 pm with a vote of thanks by Ms. Alphonse Manuel (Fieldwork Trainee). The program was coordinated by Mr. Ajith C Thomas, Mr. Albin Jose and Ms. Alphonse Manuel.

Workshop on Wellness and Development for Children with Special Healthcare needs
The students of the Department of Social Work organized a workshop on Wellness and Development for Children with Special Healthcare needs in association with Manna Trust on 7th October, 2017 at Manna school.

The program started at 10:00 am with a welcome address by Ms. Rani, Faculty, MannaTrust and Ms. Jincy (Field Work trainee) introduced the resource person Ms. Nirmala Jacob, Special Educator, MANNA.

Ms. Nirmala spoke on the importance of hygiene followed by tips to maintain good health. The social work trainee also organized art and craft classes followed by a few games. The program concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Jincy Thomas. The program was co-ordinated by Ms. Jincy Thomas

Training on PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal)
The students of the Department of Social Work organized a Training on PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) in association with ‘FIDES’(Family Integral Development and Education Scheme) in ULSOOR which is one of the target areas of FIDES on 27th September, 2017. The beneficiaries of the program were the women of the Self Help Groups.

The program started at 11:00 a.m. with the welcome address by Mr. Hisham Ali (Fieldwork Trainee). The resource person for the program was Ms. Doibila Mazarello (Fieldwork Trainee).In the technical session, Ms. Mazarello shared about the participatory rural appraisal and its importance. The participants were segregated into three groups in which the first group was assigned to do social mapping. The second group was allotted to do resource mapping and the third group was assigned with the task of scoring and ranking where the participants listed out the major problems of the community.

The program was concluded with a vote a thanks by Ms. Himakshi Deuri (Fieldwork Trainee) and the beneficiaries expressed their gratitude. The program was co-ordinated by Ms. Doibila Mazarello, Ms. Himakshi Deuri and Mr. Hisham Ali.

Awareness on Child Rights
The students of the Department of Social Work organized a program on "Awareness on Child Rights "in association with GRACE (Grass Root Action on Community Empowerment) on 27th September, 2017 at Sagaya Madha Padipaham-I for the children.

The program started at 5:30 pm with a welcome address was by Ms. Deepa B. (Fieldwork Trainee). The Resource person for the program Ms. Chitra Ranganada Consultant, Manorights-human rights was introduced by Ms. Deepika Annamma Thomas (Fieldwork Trainee). Ms. Chitra Ranganada spoke on "Child Rights" namely, Right to Live, Right to Participation, Right to Protection and Right to Development. Ms. Chitra also spoke about Child Labor and the importance of education for children. She stressed upon Child helpline number-1098 (Makkal sahagayam vani-any problem a child faces they can call this number its free and works 24/7).

The program concluded with the vote of thanks by Ms. Divya Nair (Fieldwork Trainee). Children of Grace shared a positive feedback. The program was co-ordinated by Ms. Deepa B., Ms. Deepika Annamma Thomas and Ms. Divya Nair.

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