Expert Lecture

Guest Lecture on Practice of Social Work Methods among Migrant Labourers
Date: 22 February 2024
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru organized an insightful guest lecture on Practice of Social Work Methods Among Migrant Labourers on 22nd February 2025 for I MSW students. The lecture aimed to explore the unique challenges and methods employed by social workers when working with migrant labourers. The resource person Dr. Gundappa Devikari, Professor and Head, Department of Social Work, Bengaluru North University is an expert in the field of social work. The session aimed to highlight the socio-economic challenges faced by migrant labourers, including exploitation, lack of access to healthcare, poor living conditions, and social exclusion. was invited as the resource person to shed light on the complexities of migrant labour, their social conditions, and the social work interventions designed to assist them.

The session began with an introduction to the resource person Dr. Gundappa Devikari, an esteemed social worker with years of experience in the field, delivered an engaging and informative lecture. The key points discussed during the session explained how migrant labourers often face marginalization, exploitation, and limited access to basic services. Dr. Devikari elaborated on specific social work methods used to address the challenges faced by migrant workers, including: Social Case Work engaging with individuals to understand their specific challenges and provide personalized interventions. Social Group Work forming support groups to empower migrant labourers, helping them build solidarity and advocate for their rights. Community Organisation creating community-driven initiatives that involve migrant labourers in decision-making processes, improving their living and working conditions. Advocacy and Policy Work pushing for systemic changes to ensure better labour laws, access to healthcare, and improved living conditions for migrant workers.

One of the most significant aspects of the lecture was the emphasis on empowering migrant workers by raising awareness about their rights and giving them a platform to voice their concerns. Dr. Devikari stressed the importance of social workers in bridging the gap between the migrant workers and authorities. He shared real-life examples to demonstrate the harsh working conditions and poor living arrangements they endure.

The lecture was highly interactive, with students actively participating in discussions. Dr. Devikari encouraged students to ask questions and share their thoughts on how social work can improve the conditions of migrant labourers. Several students posed questions about practical approaches to intervening with migrant labourers and dealing with resistance from stakeholders in the process. The session ended with a vote of Thanks.

Expert Lecture on Diplomacy in Turbulent Times: Honouring UN Day
Date: 24 October 2024
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College organized an expert lecture Diplomacy in Turbulent Times: Honouring UN Day on 24th October, 2024.The objective of organizing this webinar was to commemorate the birth of the UN charter, on the same date, in the year, 1945. This is a day of global celebration of the UN mission promoting peace, security and human rights development across the world. The lecture was conducted on Virtual mode. The United Nations (UN) remains the primary global organization addressing issues that cross national borders and cannot be solved by one nation alone. Established to maintain peace, protect human rights, promote justice, and foster economic and social progress. However, the UN and its specialized agencies also work on a variety of activities aimed at enhancing people’s lives globally. The esteemed resource person for this webinar was, Dr. Bernard D’ Sami, a renowned Senior Fellow at Loyola Institute of Social Science Training and Research (LISSTAR).

Ms. Angelin, student coordinator invited Dr. Bernard to take over the session. Dr. Bernard started the session with a brief history of the UN, tracing down the lane of its formation, establishment, and growth over the years. He talked about the initiation of the League of Nations after the 1st World War, and how it was later developed into the United Nations, after the 2nd World War. He talked about the various principles by which UN functions, He also mentioned about the role played by significant dignitaries in the creation and functioning of UN. He also brought up the 6 organs of the UN, wherein he talked about the United Nations General Assembly, United Nations Security Council, Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat. He pointed out the three major pillars of UN, which are: 1). Maintaining World Peace; 2). Protection and Promotion of Human Rights; and 3). Working towards achieving the MDGs and SDGs. He ended his talk by suggesting the students to go through different reports and preambles pledged or presented by the different specialized agencies of UN.

Expert Lecture on Statistical Analysis for Social Sciences
Date: 07 March 2024
Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College has organized an expert lecture on Statistical Analysis for Social Sciences for II-year Social Work Students for the session 2023-24. The lecture was started with a gratitude toward Almighty by offering a piece of Prayer. The objective of expert lecture was to provide and practical exposure to the students on use and implication and application of statistical analysis for dissertation and research work. As the second-year students are writing their dissertation so it is their need and requirement to understand and practice the statistical analysis as per their nature of research. A brief introduction was given by Dr. Bijaya Laxmi Sahoo focusing the significance of Statistical analysis in research and dissertation work. The session was started with a brief introduction to the resource person by student coordinator. The resource person for the session was Dr Vinoth Balakrishanan from Statistics department. The resource person talked about different statistical tools and techniques for data analyzing and interpretation. He also demonstration on SPSS analysis and its importance and application in social science research. This expert lecture was organized for the second year MSW students to use the statistical analysis in their dissertation work. The Expert lecture was a successful one. The programme was ended with a vote of thanks and with lot of interest for statistical analysis.

Expert Session on Scope of Social Work Practice in UK
Date: 05 February 2024
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru organises an expert session on Scope of Social Work Practice in UK for MSW II-year students on 5th of February 2024.

Objectives: To create an understanding and insight on scope of social work profession in abroad and in UK. To provide social work students an ample of job opportunities in United Kingdom. To enlighten the students with procedure to apply and get in to the professional service in UK. To develop a depth knowledge for the practice of Social Work Profession in various sectors of other countries. The resource person for this expert session is Mr. Tomy Sebastian, Managing Director T&T Global Recruitment Ltd.

The expert session of interaction was started with a silent prayer and followed with welcome and introduction of the resource person. Mr Tomy Sebastian shared his working experiences in UK and elaborated the scope and opportunities for job in United Kingdom. He focused on the important skills and techniques to be learned for excelling social work service and jobs in other countries as well. He also talked on the process and procedures to get in to the job in UK.

Expert Lecture on Role of Peer Mediation in Conflict Resolution
Date: 29 January 2024
Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) organises an expert lecture on “Role of Peer Mediation in Conflict Resolution” on 29th January 2024 at Conference Hall P1, P.G Block. The Objective of the lecture is to provide an opportunity to the MSW student to understand the dimensions of conflicts and peace building and explore possibilities for the solution of conflict and Violence. To give an insight to assess and participate in the role of peer mediation in conflict resolution.

The lecture was started with an invocation prayer followed with a brief introduction to the lecture by Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head of Department of Social Work. The resource person Ms. Livino S Zhimo, the trainer capacitate the students with the concept of peer mediation and guided by a structured process of seven important steps of conflict resolution such as Introduction, Discussion, Clarification, Rectification, Resolution, Transformation and Evaluation. She also talked on using SWOT analysis to understand the strength and weakness of the group and transform the weakness in to strength. Peer Mediation as a cornerstone practice which signifies a transformative leap towards empowering students to building a resilient, conflict ready academic community. She provided a practical experience session to the students by forming groups.

The Programme was well planned and executed by students of both MSW II and MSW I year Students

Expert Lecture on Conflict Resolution & Peace Building through Peer Mediation
Date: 26 October 2023
Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College has organized an expert lecture on Conflict Resolution and Peace Building through peer mediation for II year Social Work Students for the session 2023-24. The lecture was started with a gratitude toward Almighty by offering a piece of Prayer. A brief introduction was given by Dr. Jonas Richard A focusing the significance of Conflict Resolution and Peace Building in considering the needs of the present situation of the World. The session was started with a brief introduction to the resource person by student coordinator. The session was an interactive one. The resource person talked about conflict and its nature. Started with conflict at various levels such as micro level, meso level and macro level. He covered the Seven important measures for conflict resolution such as Conflict is good, Identification of conflict at micro, meso and macro level, Strength based approach, Youth can bring transformation, Looking at the reality of the conflict, be try to listen not to respond but to understand, Peace building is relationship building. He also focuses on eight dimensions of conflict resolution and peace building such as emotional, social, intellectual, physical, environmental, financial, occupational and emotional aspects of conflict resolution and peace building.

Peer Mediation are of Intra and Inter-personal, Inter group and Intra group, and Inter community and Intra community He also reflected the issues and levels of conflict at normal, Pervasive and Overt level. Suggested to behave proactive rather than reactive to conflicts. The lecture was ended up with a vote of thanks to the resource person and faculties as well.

Expert Lecture on Recent and Emerging Trends in HR
Date: 26 August 2023
Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) has organized an expert lecture on Recent and emerging trends in Human Resource in relation to the field of social work for the final year student of MSW. The resource person for the session Ms. Lakshmi. S, General Manager, Human Resources (OAM), was contacted and confirmed well in advanced by the department. The objective of the lecture was to give orientation on current trends and issues on human resource and the emerging developments in the areas of human resource in relation to social work profession. The lecture was started with an introduction by Dr Jonas Richard A, Head of the Department and followed by the presentation by the resource person. She focused up on the issues on selection, interview, training, benefits and facilities to employees and challenges faced by both employer and the employee as well. She also talked about the new strategies which has been adopted for the benefit to the company. The lecture was ended with a good discussion and a warm vote of thanks given by students.

Expert Lecture on Advanced Research Methods for Social Work Professionals
Date: 19 August 2023
Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College has organized an expert lecture on Advanced Research Methods for II year Social Work Students for the session 2023-24. The Objective of the lecture was to provide detail understanding of the advanced research methodology practiced in social work profession. To enlighten the students on research process, methods, qualitative and quantitative data, tools for data collection and data analysis and interpretation etc. She covered the different methods used to conduct research such as formulating a question or problem, starting with a clear articulation of goal, a relevant literature review, leading with a specific research problem, objective, question, or hypothesis, Explaining the research methodology, types of data collection, interpretation and analysis. She also discussed on emerging trends and issues in the areas of research and new targets for social work research. The lecture was ended with a question answer session and with a warm vote of thanks given by students.

Expert Lecture on Give Your Life a Second Chance: The Power of Organ Donation
The Department of Social Work has organized an expert lecture on Give Your Life a Second Chance: The Power of Organ Donation for all the first-year and second-year students of the MSW program. The lecture started with an invocation song by the department’s choir and a welcome address by the student coordinator. Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head, of the Department of Social Work, addressed the gathering and gave an overview of the program, and welcomed the guest speaker with a plant sampling. The student coordinator introduced the guest speaker and handed over the session to him.

Ms. Lijamol Joseph started the session by providing basic knowledge about what organ donation and organ transplantation were in simple terms. Madam spoke about the two types of organ donation and transplantation: living donor transplant and deceased donor organ donation and transplantation. She went on ahead to explain brain death and also listed the organs and tissues that can be donated. One of the main focuses of the session was to replace the myths surrounding organ donation and transplantation with the truth. She also discussed various myths while giving insights about the green corridors by sharing a video about a real case that involved the transportation of two hearts for two recipients one of whom was a young girl.

The guest speaker addressed all the questions asked by the participants and the program ended with a formal vote of thanks and felicitation of the guest with a memento.

Expert Lecture on Recent and Emerging Trends in HR
The Department of Social Work has organized an expert lecture on the Recent and Emerging Trends in HR for all the first-year and second-year students of the MSW program. The lecture started with an invocation song by the department’s choir and a welcome address by the student coordinator. Dr. Winnie Joyce A welcomed the resource person with a plant sampling. The student coordinator introduced the guest speaker and handed over the session to him.

Mr. Darshan Dayasagar began his lecture by first understanding how well aware were the participants about present trends in HR and also sought to understand the varied terms they were familiar with, thus helping him understand the approach with which he should attend the gathering. The guest speaker used a unique, interesting, and interactive presentation through a web application to gather the attention of the participants. Mr. Darshan stressed how everyone has got their own destination and to reach the destinations there are many routes and many modes of transportation that one could utilize. The speaker intended to motivate the participants to introspect on their decision of choosing MSW and how they aim to reach the goal that they have set for themselves. He questioned them about their Unique Selling Proposition, their own personal brand that set them apart from the other professionals in the field. The participants got their doubts and questions clarified through the question and answer session.

The session ended with a formal vote of thanks and felicitation of the guest speaker

Expert Lecture on Best HR Practices
The Department of Social Work has organized an expert lecture on the Best HR Practices for all the first-year and second-year students of the MSW program. The lecture started with an invocation song by the department’s choir and a welcome address by the student coordinator. Dr. Winnie Joyce A welcomed the resource person with a plant sampling. The student coordinator introduced the guest speaker and handed over the session to him.

Mr. Venkatesh Murthy started the session by explaining about how Quess Corp is oriented towards workforce management, operating assets management, and global technology solutions. Mr. Murthy later took the social work trainees through the various functions and arenas that the human resource overlooks and also highlighted the various effective practices that they implement there. One major area that he focused on was the implementation of an initiative known as Quess Academy where the employees were made to after regular intervals take up a course related to acquiring a job-specific skill. It essentially helps build and contribute to the development of skills among the employees.

The guest speaker addressed all the questions asked by the participants and the program ended with a formal vote of thanks and felicitation of the guest with a memento.

Expert session on Current Challenges and the Future of Work
The Department of Social Work organised a shared expert session on Current Challenges and the Future of Work for the upcoming social work professionals. The objective of the session was to make the budding social workers understand various challenges in the current job market and the future of employment. Mr Selwyn Thomas, Executive Director of Talent Tribe and Mr. Pius Maria Prasad, Human Resource Professional served as expert speakers for the session.

The session started with a prayer song by the department choir and welcome address. Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head of the Department of Social Work welcomed the speakers with plant saplings and gave a prelude to the session. The student coordinator introduced the guest speakers and handed over the session to them. Mr. Pius Maria Prasad started the session by asking questions to the students to see their awareness of the current challenges in Human Resource Management. Mr. Prasad explained the current challenging concepts of VUCA, which stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous and BANI, which is the acronym for Brittles, Anxious, Non-Linear and Incomprehensible. These topics were very attractive to the students, and they understood these concepts through examples from the present scenarios of human resource management. After explaining the concepts of VUCA and BANI, Mr. Prasad invited Mr. Selwyn to enlighten the future workforce on the Future of Work. Mr. Selwyn clearly explained the expectations of the present job market and possibilities of the future working culture and trends through his live and interactive session, where the speaker carried out a short group activity to make the participants understand the demands of future human resource management and the job market.

The session ended with formal felicitation of the guest speakers with a memento and vote of thanks by the student coordinator, followed by a group photo.

Expert Session on Identification and Management of Psychiatric Patients: A Psycho-Social Perspective
The Department of Social Work organised an expert session Identification and Management of Psychiatric Patients: A Psycho-Social Perspective for the upcoming professional social workers. Dr. Chandrashekara, Faculty and Consultant (Counselling), Spandana Nursing Home and Spandana Rehabilitation Centre, Bengaluru served as the resource person for the session.

The session started with a prayer song by the department choir and welcome address by student coordinator. Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head of the Department of Social Work gave prelude to the session and welcomed the resource person with a plant sapling. A student coordinator introduced the resource person and handed over the session to him.

Dr. Chandrashekara started his session by interacting with the students and getting their views on psychiatric social work. Sir gave a detailed session on the significance of Psychiatric Social Worker in a Psychiatric setting and various roles that the social worker would play while dealing a psychiatric patient. Dr. Chandrashekara highlighted that Psychiatric Social Workers are the first point of contact in psychiatric setting and they play vital roles in assessment, therapy, treatment process and follow-up of cases. The expert session was very much interactive and sir has enhanced the students to understand the pivotal role of social worker in identifying and managing psychiatric patients from a psycho-social perspective through examples shared from his abundant experience in the field.

The session ended with formal felicitation of the expert speaker with a memento and vote of thanks by student coordinator followed by a group photo.

Expert Lecture on Union Budget 2022
An Expert Lecture on Union Budget 2022 was organized by the Department of Social Work Kristu Jayanti College with the title ‘Union Budget 2022 – Implications for Social Development’ on 7th February 2022 with 54 MSW student beneficiaries.

The objective was to have the students familiarized with the idea of the union budget, and to understand the implications of it especially in the social development of India.
The programme began with prayer a song by the department choir and the welcome address by Mr Moses H (social work trainee). Dr Jonas Richard A, head, department of social work. Sir put forth the idea about how the Union budget should be prepared in such a way that it also ensures not to neglect the development of the poor and minority and safeguard the idea of community development.

Ms Nimi Joseph (social work trainee) introduced the resource person, Dr Hansa Jain, Associate Professor, Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research, Ahmedabad. Dr Hansa Jain, very intricately introduced the virtual gathering to the idea of Union budget and also gave a detailed explanation on the objective and key points that the Union budget released on 1 February 2022 presents. She spoke about how experts from different fields have since the release of the new Union budget been attempting to analyse it, in relation to their field and its impact. Ma'am presented how the current Union budget is aimed more at the development of physical and more importantly digital infrastructures. Ma'am also spoke about how a huge percentage of development is planned in the digital infrastructure; thus, the plan is to help the people indirectly through projects rather than directly through welfare schemes, social security measures. Finally, towards the end ma'am specified that although the focus is on digitally ensuring development, not all have equal access to up-to-date technology hence the achievement of this development will take quite some time.

The session was then open to students to present their queries and was addressed by Dr. Hansa. Ms Atira Premsingh (social work trainee) delivered the vote of thanks which formally concluded the event. The expert lecture was well co-ordinated and carried out under the abled guidance of Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head of the Department and with the efforts of the faculty members.

Expert Lecture on Emotional Hygiene: Key to Hope and Happiness
“Values are related to our emotions, just as we practice physical hygiene to preserve our physical health, we need to observe emotional hygiene to preserve a healthy mind and attitudes” - Dalai Lama

Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized an expert lecture on the topic “Emotional Hygiene: Key to Hope and Happiness” in celebrating World Mental Health Day 2021 on 08th October 2021 from 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM on zoom platform. 75 participants had attended the program. The session was organized to create sensitisation on emotional hygiene and also to ensure to keep others happy to lead a productive life.

The Speaker for the session was, Ms Yogeeta Kadian, Founder and Director, Manosamvaad, New Delhi, A Psychologist and Hypnotherapist by profession. Ms Yogeeta started her session by asking a question on how everyone was feeling. Based on the answers, the speaker highlighted the significance of knowing our mental health and its role in everyone’s life. She discussed physical and emotional hygiene and also enlightened about emotional injuries such as Rejection, Rumination, Failure and Self- Esteem which can damage one’s confidence and affect one’s mental status. The session revolved around the practices needed, to achieve emotional hygiene such as awareness of emotional pain, protecting self-esteem, challenging negative thoughts and helping one own self to come out of the difficult situations as no one else would. The session was concluded with an impactful message:- “Many of us invest fortune making ourselves look good to the world, yet inside we are falling apart. It’s time to invest inside and make oneself resilient, confident and powerful who can conquer the world.”

The efforts by the faculty members under the guidance of the Head of the Department of Social Work made this program a real success and it was helpful for the participants who could understand the importance of practising emotional hygiene in their daily lives and to stand strong in all the challenges. The session was well planned and executed and it had a tremendous impact on the participants which taught them to express and not to suppress their feelings. Mental health starts with you, if you take care of your mind, you take care of the world. Therefore, invest in mental health and claim the power back.

Expert Lecture on Role of Social Workers in Community Development
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru had organized an Expert Lecture on the Role of Social Workers in Community Development on 29th September 2021 in the field of Community Development. 38 students from II MSW had attended the session.

The program started with an invocation prayer by the dept. choir followed by the welcome address by Mr Claire Paul (Student Coordinator). Ms Offiliya (Student coordinator) introduced the guest speaker of the session, Mr Thomas, Project Manager, Care India, Bangalore.

Mr Thomas initiated his session by asking the expectations of the session from the participants where each one shared their expectations and he addressed all the expected areas in detail. Sir spoke about the different National and International Organizations working on various themes such as Child Rights, Child Education, Human Welfare and Disaster Management. The session was focused on the areas of community development and their dimensions. The speaker enlightened the ways and means to improve the professional standards of social workers. He emphasized the roles and responsibilities required by the social workers to outshine in the field of Community Development. The session gave an overview of the functionality of the profession and defined the initiatives which are aimed towards the empowerment of the community at all levels including economic, social and cultural.

The program was ended with a Vote of Thanks by Ms Aarya, a student of MSW and gave the memento as a token of gratitude to the guest. The session was enriching and highly imparting on the various dimensions of community enrichment programmes for the budding social workers in building their career.

Expert Lecture On Employment Trends For Msw In Industrial Sector
The Department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru had organized an expert lecture on “Employment Trends for MSW in Industrial Sector” on 29th September 2021 for students of social work. A total of twenty five post graduate second year students of social work participated.

Dr M, Victor Prasad Kumar, Vice President, HR & Strategy, El-Measure India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore was the Expert Speaker for the session. Dr. Victor started the session with an introduction of human resources and explicated the term Human Resources for the student participants to understand. The guest speaker highlighted the significant roles, sub-functions and the contribution of human resource with respect to Business Outcome. Sir emphasized the importance of MSW-HR and the methods of social work including case work and group work that has immense potential in the field of human resource in industrial sector. The expert speaker explained that MSW HR deals with the fundamentals of Human Resource Management since its existence and functioning of human behaviour at work. Hence, the focus of the course was more on human psychology, Industrial Psychology, Resource Development, Empowerment, Engagement and Support. Further, the session was oriented towards corporate social responsibilities and building up of conducive environment for resource efficiency and growth. The session ended with key discussion on the current employment trends for Social Workers in HR and the reason for them being preferred at present over MBA HR in organizations.

The program concluded with a question-answer round. The session was completely interesting, interactive and imparted various dimensions of career building for freshers. It highlighted the requirement of right skills to become a successful HR professional and be part of the corporate/industrial sector. The session left a tremendous impact on the participants and motivated them to equip with skills and knowledge in the field of human resource management. The session was well executed and the right content was delivered by the speaker.

The program was well organized and planned under the guidance of the Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head of the Department and the efforts of the faculty members of the Department of Social Work along with the student coordinators. The participants had an overall enriching session during which the speaker focused on important perspectives of career development and skill training and how to choose the right field according to the interest, skill and demand of the industries in the present era.

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