Other Activities

Rural Exposure Programme
Date: 14 December 2022
The Department of Computer Science PG, organised a rural exposure program with the goal of giving the student fraternity a chance to be familiar with rural places. It also gave the graduate students a venue for interaction with Kabbal Village residents and students from government schools, which would aid in their comprehension of the country's rural social structure. The purpose of the two-day Rural Exposure Program, held at Shravanabelagola, Hassan District, Karnataka on December 13 and 14, 2022, was to give students a platform to understand and evaluate the rural social system. An enthusiastic group of 62 students and 4 faculty members were engaged in conducting “Kishora Ganakajnana Shibira” in Kabbal.

The students articulated about the fundamentals of computers and how the internet functions. The session was started by Mr. Ravikiran, IV MCA A, who introduced himself and discussed the day's goal. Later, he went over the fundamentals of computers, including how they were created, their components, and how they function. The discussion was then carried on by Mr. Arjun, IV MCA. He demonstrated how the internet functions and how technology is improving daily with a simple class activity. Later on, Mr. Mycal IV MCA took over the class to educate the students on programming languages. He explained to them what programming languages are and how they are essential for computers to function. Following the discussion, a quiz was conducted by Ms. Shilpa R, Ms. Beryl Sandrina, Ms. Bhavyashree, Ms. Mohanapriya, Ms. Mariam and Ms. Rekha of the IV sem MCA along with other students. Students engaged in the activity actively and enthusiastically. The students who provided the correct answers received prizes and all the students were presented with goodies.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Title: Presentation and Quiz
Objective: To promote gender equality in the field of science and technology.

The department of Computer Science[PG] , celebrated the The International Day of Women and Girls in Science by conducting presentation and quizzes based on women achievers in the field of science and technology. The session was conducted in virtual mode and it started with a small prayer followed by an introduction about the purpose of International Day of Women and Girls in Science. There were eight participants who gave their presentation about the women achievers in various fields of science, technology, entrepreneurship and leadership. The student presenters spoke about women achievers like Kalpana Chawla- Astronaut, Engineer and the first woman of Indian origin to go to space, Anandi Gopal Joshi – The First Indian female practitioner of western medicine, Lakshmi Pratury – Women Entrepreneur, Divya Gokulnath , Indra Nooyi and many more. After the presentation, a quiz was conducted for the students based on the theme of Women and girls in Science. The program was a huge success.

Building Innovative Applications using IoT
Date: 05-December-2020
Title: Building Innovative Applications using IoT
Number of beneficiaries: (CS-PG Students)
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Dr. Shobha K. R, Senior Member IEEE, MWIE MIEEE – ComSoc , LMISTE, MIAENG, IEEE Student branch Counsellor, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
To Introduce IoT to the students and to discuss different applications of IoT in real-life systems.

The webinar of Tech Talk Series was hosted on “Building Innovative Applications using IoT” and discussed how IoT works and how to implement it in solving real life problems.

It was coordinated by Dr. Velmurugan R, Associate Professor of the Department and hosted as a weekly club activity session - IEEE Tech Talk Series.

Dr. Shobha K. R, Student Branch Counsellor, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore was the resource person for the day. The session emphasized on Applications of IoT and how it can be implemented in real life problems. The Session started with a brief introduction about IoT and how it works and how it can be implemented to create solutions to various problems. Dr. Shobha gave examples of all the applications that exist today and also showed us the different places where it can be implemented in the future.

Dr. Shobha K. R also spoke about the importance of IoT and how it can make our lives simpler if implemented properly. She also mentioned the challenges of IoT mainly the dynamic nature of the IoT devices. It was a very interesting session which was really motivating for the students.

During the Q & A session, the students raised various queries. Dr. Shobha K. R helped the students by answering their queries and also informed them about the opportunity of utilizing the IoT lab which is available in her Institute for doing Projects.

Workshop on Productive Programming in Java
Title: Hands-on Session on Intellij IDEA
Date: 03-11-2020
Number of beneficiaries: 150 (CS-PG Students)
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Mr. Ganesh Samarthym, Co-Founder, Code-Ops Technologies, Bengaluru
Objective: To Introduce Productive Programming concepts to the students to solve problems using Intellij IDEA IDE Tool.

Mr. Ganesh started the session by introducing Productive Programming to the students. He handled the session using Intellij IDEA IDE Tool which was very simple and easy to understand. He explained about the code segments using live templates, auto-fixes and refactoring. The session was very informative and interesting since he showed a live demo of the programs. The students learned a new way of programming using Intellij IDEA tool.

Use Case of AI/ML - A Cyber Security Perspective
Date: 23-October-2020
Time: 10.00 AM – 11.00 AM
Number of beneficiaries: 155 (CS-PG Students)
Resource Person with his details: Dr. Mohammed Misbahuddin, Joint Director, ACTS & BD, CDAC(Centre for Development of Advanced Computing), Bengaluru, India.

Dr Mohammed Misbahuddin, Joint Director, ACTS & BD, CDAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing), Bengaluru, India was the resource person for the day. The session mainly emphasized on cybersecurity and its areas. Firstly, Dr. Misbah spoke about the best and worst part of the internet. He added that in today's world we depend on the internet directly or indirectly. Then he stressed about cyber society crimes and why cybercrimes happen. He also gave examples of cybercrimes such as credit card frauds, email bombing, cyberstalking, forgery, defamation, cyber terrorism, etc.

After that, he mentioned about the usage of Internet in India by 2020 and that there will be 75% growth of usage from rural areas, 175 million online shoppers, 70% e-commerce transactions will be via mobile and 50% travel transactions will be online. Then he highlighted major online risk and threats to a computer such as a virus, worms and trojan. He explained briefly about each threat with examples. He then showed the audience the graph of cybercrime rates in India and he also mentioned that the cybercrimes have seen exponential increase in the recent years. After the explanation of cybercrimes, he highlighted about types of attack such as phishing, malware and types of password attack such as brute-force, shoulder surfing and dictionary attack. He explained about each attack with examples. Then he spoke about risk-based authentication, the delay between compromise and detection. He also explained briefly about IDS (Intrusion Detection System) and IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) working structure. Lastly, he explained about social engineering aspects and his main focus was on phishing attack and homographic attack.

The talk was followed by Q & A where participants asked several questions. The valuable answers helped the students to gain knowledge and get deeper understanding about cyber security and its areas.

“Technical Infrastructure supporting Web Applications”
Department of Computer Science [PG] organized a virtual tech talk session programme on 3rd October, 2020 on the topic “Technical Infrastructure supporting Web Applications”. The resource person for the session was Mr. Abhijit Jayant Sinha, Senior Architect, Infinx India Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru, India. Mr. Abhijit has over 18+ years of working in the industry at various levels and currently he is into designing end to end solutions for enterprise applications. He started the talk with explaining the meaning of APIs. He also explained about the functioning of Domain Name Servers in detail. He discussed applications, cloud and hosting on clouds.

The speaker also gave a detailed explanation on load balancers and how to handle disaster recovery, which is very crucial nowadays, with many servers running 24/7 throughout the world. The speaker also stressed on the importance of understanding the basics of object oriented programming and its terminologies. There was a discussion on scalability in servers and its related architecture too. Overall the session was very useful to the students for connecting the topics learnt in the theory class with its implementation in the development environment. The speaker encouraged the students to ask questions and students also clarified their doubts by asking questions and making the session very interactive.

Rereading Gandhian Principles in the Digital Age
Date: 03/10/2020.
Time 12 to 1 pm
Number of beneficiaries: 110 students of I, II & III Year MCA, MSc. (CS) students
Name and details of the Resource Person
Dr. J. Jehoson Jiresh,
Department of Arts and Humanities
Christ Academy Institute for Advanced Studies, Bengaluru
Objective: To instil Gandhian thoughts, values and principles in young mind’s on the eve of Gandhi Jayanti Brief Write up on the Programme:
The Department of Computer Science (PG) regularly organises programmes to commemorate all events of national importance to connect the students of the department with the values and culture of our nation.

The session on Rereading Gandhian Principles in the Digital Age was arranged with the intension of making the young students ponder over the values and principles of Gandhiji. Dr. Jyothi Manoj welcomed the resource person; Head of the Department Dr. R Kumar, faculty members and the students of I, II and III Year MCA & MSc (CS) programme were present for the session.

Dr. J. Jehoson Jiresh started the session by stating the principles and values that Gandhiji had provided us and its relevance in the present world. He says, the choice is not between violence and non-violence; rather it is between violence and existence. Gandhi is the most searched personality in Google. His principle of non-violence is being considered as cowardice by many, but the fact is that non-violence is the highest form of bravery. He recalled the significance of South India- especially Madhurai, where Gandhiji first discarded foreign clothes.

Throughout the session, there were examples revealing connections between Gandhian principles and today’s practices- like- right to express and Twitter/ Facebook and other social media which has brought other people in a Global village etc. He also mentioned the efforts put forth by Gandhiji for bringing in education and women empowerment.

Overall the session was a time for the participants for revisiting the principles and thoughts of Gandhiji and suggestions on how to practice them in today’s busy world.

Learning outcome:
The participants got an opportunity to revisit Gandhian thoughts and principles and also to connect today’s world with what Gandhiji had envisioned.

Technical Community Inauguration
Date: 19.09.2020
Time: 12.00 noon – 1.15 pm
Inaugurated by: Dr. Kumar R, Head, Department of Computer Science (PG)
Mode: Zoom Platform (Meeting ID: 97788364948)
Class: II Year MCA & M.Sc. CS and III Year MCA

Technical Community is one of the best practices of the department. The students form a forum based on their domain specific interest and update their knowledge by monthly meetings.

The technical community forum helps the students conduct activities like Seminars, Presentations, Workshops, Peer Teaching and Training on latest trends, and development of prototypes etc., on third Saturday of every month.

For the academic year 2020 - 2021, the community enrollments were open online for the students through google form https://forms.gle/SZxKMVn1VZiLf9U86. The list of Technical Communities for this academic year is Current Trend in Programming Technologies, Computer Architecture & Operations (OS, Hardware, IoT), Networking & Security, Software Engineering & Project Management, Analytics Era / Research & Development and Creative Design (UI/UX Design, Web Design). The students enrolled for two communities of their interest. They were assigned with one community based on the availability and first come first serve basis. On the first meeting of technical community on September 19, 2020 Dr. Kumar R, Head, Department of Computer Science inaugurated the different communities for the academic year 2020 – 2021. Sir explained the need for knowledge updation and the power of team efforts. He encouraged the students to make use of the opportunity given and update themselves periodically. The coordinators for the communities were selected using Zoom Poll. Then the list of activities to be conducted under the community was discussed.

Solving Real Life Problems Using Cognitive Computing
Department of Computer Science (PG) organised a virtual Tech-Talk Session in association with IEEE, Bangalore Section on 26-September-2020 from 09.15 - 11.00 A.M.

Mr. Nishant Krishna, Software Architect, Inventor and Mentor, Co-Founder – TechMachinery Labs, Bangalore delivered a tech talk on Solving real-life problems using Cognitive Computing.

The session emphasized on Converging Technologies such as Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, Importance of Cognitive Systems, and the Key Challenges in the IoT World. The session gave us information on what Edge Computing is all about and what it has to do with Industry 4.0, Hyper Realistic Artificial Intelligence, Imparting Conversational AI Behaviour, the Turing Test and Natural Language Processing.

Mr. Nishant Krishna also spoke about Sentiment Analysis and Voice of Customer and some of the ways it could be used, in its objective and challenges. He also covered the types of sentiment analysis, Metadata Classification, and the various artifacts used in it. He also spoke about Elastic search, Steps involved in designing a Cognitive Application, the Emerging Cognitive Computing areas, Future Applications of Cognitive Computing and how Cognitive Computing can be applied in creating Smart Cities.

146 Participants attended the event and the session was very useful for the students. The session paved the way for exploration and research in the area of Cognitive Computing which is an upcoming and promising technology.

Industry Expert Training (IET) Introduction to Graphic Designing Tools
Resource Person: Mr.Kurian George Cheripurathu (Alumni of KJC)
Managing Partner Grid Technologies Doha, Qatar

The Department of Computer Science (PG) ensures a first-hand experience by continuously conducting sessions involving industry experts. The second session of the programme on IET was held on 18th, September 2020, The session started with an opening note by Dr. R Kumar, Head, Department of Computer Science (PG) During the session Mr.Kurian George Cheripurathu presented an introduction to need of awareness of learning graphic tools by technical students. He demonstrated various posters, banners, and websites which were visually appealing.

In his session, the students were taught on-Getting Acquainted with Photoshop, The Photoshop Environment, Basic Image Manipulation, Bitmap Images, Color Basics. Color Modes and Models, Painting Tools, Painting Tools, Brush Settings, Using the Brushes Palette, Making Selections, Selection Basics, Filling and Stroking, and Layers.

He also explained Adobe illustrator as a tool for graphical designing. In this he demonstrated Raster and Vector images, Illustrator's environment, Illustrator's tools and palettes & Views in Illustrator.

While concluding, Mr. Kurian shared, useful video links and pdf with the participants for further learning. Overall, the session was a knowledge enriching experience for the participants.

Leadership Programme on Importance of Leadership Development in Long Term Career Planning
Resource Person Mr.Shinto Joseph, Director – South East Asia Operations, LDRA India
Participants: 144 students of V MCA and I & III MCA, MSc (CS)
Total no. of hours: 2
Objective: To hone leadership qualities in the future technical professional who are currently pursuing MCA or MSc (CS).

The Department of Computer Science (PG) organises periodically session of Leadership Series, where the students of the department gains opportunities to interact with distinguished leaders in various sectors and professions The first session of the academic year was held on September 19th, 2020. Dr. R Kumar, Head, Department of Computer Science (PG) welcomed the resource person Mr. Shinto Joseph, Director – South East Asia Operations, LDRA India Mr. Shinto Joseph started the session by introducing the role of Novelty by changing the concept of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity), to VUNA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Novelty and Ambiguity) during this time of pandemic. The explanation of Industry 4.0 and its demand for technically skilled leaders was emphasised. He explained the traits that are common in a leader.

According to the new normal, Mr. Shinto Joseph said, the structure of an organisation has completely reversed; earlier the head of the institution was on the top-most of the pyramid and the junior most at the base, at present, the junior most employees are at the top. The complete culture of leadership is based on trust on the team members/ employees, more than any other quality, since most of the work happens remotely.

The types of leaders- authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire was explained citing, many leaders of each type. The need for Long term and Short term goals in any successful profession was yet another point of discussion. Final part of the presentation contained the essential skills of a leader, like, perseverance, commitment, integrity and lead by example.

The session was followed by answering the queries of students for 30-40 minutes where he provided excellent tips for the budding professionals. He conveyed various messages like- how to deal with negative criticism, how to gain trust of team members, how to motivate the team even in times of crisis and failures and so on.

Overall the session was highly motivational and energising for the participants.

Learning outcome: The participants realised the necessity of developing leadership skills for their professional growth by rising small habits sharpening their skills right from college days

Industry Institute Interface (3i) | Title: Journey of a Data Scientist in the Big Data World
Title: Journey of a Data Scientist in the Big Data World
Date: 05- September -2020

Department of Computer Science [PG] organized Industry Institute Interface (3i) programme on 5th September, 2020. Industry and academic institutes have both realized that the gap in the supply of employable manpower cannot be bridged without their close co-operation and continued engagement. The 3i programme organized by the Dept of Computer Science [PG], encourages the students to interact with industry personnel with the spirit of deriving multiple benefits. Ms. Ashwini Ramani, IT Architect, Big Data and Information Management, IBM Bengaluru, India was the resource person for the session. She has 14+ years of experience in the field of Data Science and Big Data. Initially she gave an overview on Big Data Analytics. She explained a variety of topics associated to Data Analysis in a simple manner which made the session very informative.

The steps in Data Life Cycle was explained which helped the students understand the role of a Data Scientist. She also described a lot of real world industry examples of BDA. The other topics covered were Multi Cloud and Hybrid Cloud, Automation, Microservices and containers, Open Source, DevOps, & DataOps, Data Science and AI.

In the end, she also gave some useful learning references and further motivated students by telling about the career prospects. The session concluded with a QA Session where students asked pertinent questions regarding certain applications of the data science and big data technology.

Career Readiness through Competencies
Title: Career Readiness through Competencies
Date: 29th Aug 2020
Classes Attended: V MCA
Objective: To notify the students about the Placement round and motivate the students to prepare for the placements.

Department of Computer Science [PG] had organized a Webinar on 29th Aug 2020 from 9.15 to 11.00 a.m. Prof.Sen B. Mathews, Associate Professor, School of Business & Director – Centre for Employability and Corporate Relations (CECR), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru delivered his session on the Career readiness through competencies.

The Center for Employability and Corporate Relations (CECR) in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science PG, had organized a Career readiness through competencies webinar undertaken by Prof.Velumurugan for the benefit of the final year MCA students. The webinar had Prof. Sen B Mathews, Associate Professor, School of Business and Director–CECR, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore as the resource person for the day.

Professor started the webinar with the powerful quote and then went on to explain the quote which was very motivating. Sir then went on to emphasize how to be prepared for the placements and also gave key points for the students. He made it a point to interact with the students and to give them a brief scenario on how the placements would occur, and also how to tackle the questions put forward for the placements. He encouraged the students to not only be prepared with the aptitude and the technical rounds but also encouraged the students to have the right attitude. He concluded his session with more tips and suggestions on how the students can be prepared for the placements.

The webinar concluded with the Vote of Thanks delivered by a student and with words of gratitude by Prof. Velumurugan. V semester MCA students attended the event and the students got lots of inputs and pointers on how to face placements with confidence.

Fit India Movement National Sports Day - 2020 Wellness through Yoga
Date: 29th Aug 2020
Time: 12.15pm-1:15pm
Classes Attended: III, VI MCA, III Msc
No of attendees: 91
To commemorate the initiative of Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi to help the youth of the country to be fit in mind and body by including physical activities and sports in their lives.

To commemorate the “Fit India Movement” initiative by the Government, the Department of Computer Science[PG] arranged a programme called “Wellness through Yoga”. Prof. Vani Chakraborty, faculty member of the dept gave a brief introduction to the webinar and the objectives of the Fit India Movement. The resource person for the programme was Yogini Rekha Murari, Certified Professional Power Yoga Teacher, and Advanced Yoga Practioner. Yogini Rekha gave up her professional career in the field of engineering and devoted herself to practicing yoga and has national and international clients to whom she demonstrates and passes on her yoga knowledge.

Yogini Rekha briefed about the advantages of yoga practice which helps the mind and body. She gave reasons as to why we have an unhealthy mind and gave suggestions and tips to improve and have a healthy mind. She then started by giving demonstrations for toes, knees, hands, shoulders, and neck which help the body to loosen up. Exercise for the eyes which helps relax the eyes, especially for people who work with computers. She demonstrated asanas that provide relief from back pain and asanas that help improve concentration .She introduced three different mediation techniques and concluded the session by giving further suggestions and her Facebook page link for further resources.

The webinar concluded with Q/A session where the resource person encouraged the students and the audience of the webinar to practice yoga to have a stress free and healthy lifestyle and also to increase productivity and positivity in life.

Industry Expert Training on Power BI

Resource persons: Mr. Jerin John
Associate Solution Designer, Business Intelligence, Data Semantics, Bangalore

Mr. Aravindan M
Associate Solution Designer, Business Intelligence, Data Semantics, Bangalore

Participants: V MCA and III MCA, MSc (CS) students
Total no. of hours: 5 hours
Objective: To get trained on using the software Power BI to accomplish common task in BI.

The Department of Computer Science (PG) ensures a first-hand experience by continuously conducting sessions involving industry experts. This academic year, the first programme on IET was held on 8th August 2020, followed by the second session on 14th August 2020. The topic of the sessions were Power BI.

On 8th August 2020, the session started with an opening note by Dr. R Kumar, Head, Department of Computer Science (PG)

During the session Mr. Jerin John presented an introduction to BI, difference between BI and AI, general BI architecture, ETL components of Power BI and all required explanations. An overview of the Power BI, its advantages and benefits were explained.

A hands- on mode was arranged by Mr. Aravindan, where the participants were requested to access the desktop version of Power BI. The Interface of BI was explained and all the options of data import, data validation, navigator, display option, row and column manipulations, delimiter options, were explained systematically. Merging of columns, dealing with query, establishing relations and data visualisations was explained with examples.

During the second session on 14th August 2020, the session took the participants through the various concepts of- connecting to SQL server, Fact table, Dimension table, different dimensions- time, product, location etc. for example. Data importing from SQL data server.

Power Query Editor was dealt with elaborately. The session explained and discussed managing relationships between different data base and detailed visualisation. And How a report is to be shared with clients was also demonstrated.

The resource persons shared, useful video links and pdf with the participants for further learning.

Overall the session was a knowledge enriching experience for the participants.

Learning outcome: The participants gained an overall awareness on how to install initiate work on Power BI, visualisation, analytics, generating reports and perform all basic tasks.

International Yoga Day Celebration - Yoga for Life
Department of Computer Science(PG) celebrated International Yoga Day by organizing an online yoga session for post graduate computer science students titled “Yoga for Life”. The program was held on 20th June 2020 at 5 PM. The session was conducted by Dr. Muruganantham.A, Associate Professor & Yoga Trainer, Department of Computer Science(PG), Kristu Jayanti College. He explained the importance of practising Yoga with special emphasis on chair yoga, catering to the needs of the working professionals and students who are expected to spend long hours sitting in the chair. The session was very useful and appreciated by all.

Workshop on React JS
Department of Computer Science(PG) under the banner of IEEE Student branch of the Computer Science department organized a online workshop on React JS on 4th and 5th June, 2020. The Resource Person was Mr. Saud Imran.G, Software Developer, Miracle Mirror Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru. The Resource Person Mr. Saud Imran G addressed the online participants by giving an introduction about himself and a brief about ReactJs gave a live Workshop on how to implement it on a small project. The participants included students who have registered for it. The Live workshop given by Mr. Imran used Software’s Like Visual Studio and SQL Server. He taught a different approach like Flux than MVC (model view control) architecture in a project. The Two-day workshop session made the participants aware of quick fixes to backend project.

Alumni Interaction Series – Season 1
The Department of Computer Science (PG) organized a variety of virtual programs for the benefit of the students to keep them focused and motivated. One amongst the program is Student Alumni Interaction Series, where the alumni students who are holding eminent positions in leading multi-national companies shared their experience and gave insights on emerging Information Technology related topics. The Alumni Interaction Series – Season 1 was from 21st to 23rd May,2020. Six of the department’s alumni interacted with the students. The aim of this Interaction is to strengthen the bond between students and alumni with the belief that close and continual interaction with alumni will help students gather valuable advice regarding overall development and will aid them in taking important decisions about their career.

Alumni who interacted with the students are :
1. Mr. Pintu Jacob, Director of Information Technology, Credit Union Finance Ltd., Ireland.
2. Mr. Amal S. Thayyil, Engineering Manager, Akamai Technologies, Bangalore.
3. Mr. David Vikrant, Subject Matter Expert (SME & SSE), Accelya, Dubai.
4. Mr. Anish Samuel, Data Engineering Lead, Google, USA.
5. Ms. Shreya Rani, Tech Lead, HCL Technologies, Noida.
6. Mr. Navin Singh, Technical Lead, Broadcom, Hyderabad.

The students got a glimpse of input and related knowledge about the domain of Data communication, networking, Cyber Security, etc. They also interacted to the speakers by posting various queries through the virtual platform using which the event was organized.

Intercontinetnal Webinar Series
The Department of Computer Science (PG) organized a webinar series from June 9th 2020 to June 13th 2020. This webinar is the first ever of its kind. Seven expert Speakers from five different continents interacted with the participants through online platform and delivered their technical inputs on the topic themed “Emerging Trends in Information technology”. The details of the different speakers are:

1. Dr. Cat Kutay, Software researcher, Top End Language Lab (TELL), Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia
2. Dr. Bharanidharan Shanmugam, Lecturer in Information Technology, College of Engineering, IT & Environment at CDU (Charles Darwin University), Darwin, Australia.
3. Prof. Mike Hinchey, President of IFIP, the International Federation for Information Processing, Emeritus Director of Lero-the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Software, Professor of Software Engineering at University of Limerick, Ireland, Europe.
4. Mr. Ndimangwa Fadhili, CEO and Founder, Zoomtong Company Limited, Tanzania, Africa.
5. Dr. Benjamin Premkumar, Associate Professor, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore, Asia.
6. Dr. Mitra Bokaei Hosseini, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
7. Dr. Ozgur Aktunc, Professor of Software Engineering, Graduate Program Director of Engineering Systems Management, Industrial Engineering and Software Engineering, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

This is a refined version of the department’s renowned trademark programme International Lecture Series which is conducted every semester for the post graduate computer science students and faculty members of the department. This time the sessions were opened for outside participants also. The distinguished speakers shared their insights on the topics “Teaching Language Online”, “Smashing Application Vulnerabilities at the Source”, “Evolving Critical Systems”, “Trend in Digital Transformation in Healthcare”, “5G New Radio Technologies”, “Privacy by Design in Software Engineering Life Cycle”, and “Latest Trends in Agile Development” covering a variety of domains related to the advancements in each of them. The students made the session more interactive by posting important queries which had benefitted all the participants. The students gained a global perspective on emerging trends in Information Technology.

Online FDP/Workshop on the topic “Current trends in Software Engineering – Agile and Dev Ops”.
The Department of Computer Science (PG), Kristu Jayanti College organized an online FDP/Workshop on the topic “Current trends in Software Engineering – Agile and Dev Ops”. The resource person for the FDP was Mr. Srinivasan Sairam, Senior Software Engineering Manager, Accenture, Detroit,USA. The FDP happened over a span of three days, on April 28th, 29th and 30th , 2020 and split into the following topics.
Day 1: Agile fundamentals overview
Day 2: DevOps Overview
Day 3: Agile + DevOps

Agile and DevOps are two major technologies which are much in use in the IT industry. They have drastically changed the way projects are designed, developed and executed. Mr. Sairam spoke about the advantages of these technologies in terms of the time taken and the resources involved. Agile Methodologies are used in tandem with DevOps and together they are very very useful. Mr. Sairam spoke about the use of these technologies in general and how they have helped the industry. He also gave an overview of DevOps and also gave a perspective of both of these technologies together. The audience had a lot of questions and he answered all of it patiently and to the point. Overall, the participants could benefit a lot from the experience and knowledge of the resource person.

National Science Day Celebration
Date: February 28th, 2020
Venue: PG Conference Hall II

Department of Computer Science (PG) celebrated the National Science Day on February 28th, 2020. National Science Day is celebrated every year on February 28th to commemorate the discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’, which led to Indian scientist Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman winning the Noble Prize in Physics in 1930. To commemorate the day the Department of Computer Science PG organized a Guest Lecture and announced few competitions.

Dr. Anoop Baby from the Department of Physics was the speaker for the guest lecture and gave the students a brief idea on why National Science Day is commemorated and its importance. He spoke about the Normal effect Vs the Raman effect, and also explained light and its dispersion, theory of Raman effect and the Instrument of Raman spectroscopy, application and the analysis of the Raman Effect.

The theme for this year’s National Science Day was “Women in Science”. Prof. Vani Chankraborty, Department of Computer Science (PG), spoke about the theme ‘Women in Science’. She pressed on the contribution women did to science and the contribution that can be done furthermore. She also mentioned about the efforts to be taken by everyone to increase the contribution of women towards science. Poster making and video making competitions on the theme “Women in Science” was announced for all the students of the Department of Computer Science (PG). Winners of the different competitions will be honoured with prizes.

Department of Computer Science(PG) organized a “Social Outreach Program” on the 13th of Feb 2020 to the AiR Humanitarian Home, ChikkaGubbi Village, for the students of IV MCA who actively took part in providing monetary and other materials.

The students reached the destination - the AiR Humanitarian Home by 2.00 pm. This institute has over 100 inmates and around 20 staff including a doctor, nursee and other caretakers. They were given a short tour around the home and had a small talk with the inmates and after which they performed programmes which they prepared for entertaining them. The students sang, danced and had an interactive session with the inmates . The inmates were found very happy and enthusiastic with the visit and programmes performed. They also sang and danced along with the students when they performed.

The students helped the volunteers of the home to arrange the tables and distribute the snacks and tea. The class dispersed with reinforced awareness on hardships around them and realizing the amount of blessing on oneself.

Tech Talk Series
Date: 15.02.2020
Time: 11.00 am – 1:00 am
Venue: Conference Hall II (PG Block)
The session of Tech Talk Series, was hosted on the topic “Cloud Legacy vs Emerging Technologies” on 15th February 2020 by the Department of Computer Science(PG). Mr. Prasanna Kumar, Technical Project Manager IBM, Bengaluru was the resource person of the day. The session emphasized on topics such as Waterfall model, Agile model (Product owners, Agile team, Facilitator), Sprints, Testing, Dev, QA and UAT. The session gave us information about the actual project development from the requirement gathering to deployment. Mr. Prasanna Kumar also stated the difference between Waterfall model and Agile model. He also spoke about how Agile models changed the entire project development cycle of a project development.

During Q & A session from students, faculty and the participants raised various queries. Mr. Prasanna Kumar helped students by answering them on topics such as edge and what are the other technologies which can be used instead of cloud, few questions about testing (integration testing) and also spoke about personal skills and how communication is important.

Industrial Visit - Comorin Consultancy Services, Bengaluru
The Department of Computer Science organised an industrial visit for the students of final year MSc to Comorin Consultancy Services, Bengaluru on 1st February 2020. Comorin Consulting Services India Private Limited is a fast growing company. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Bangalore. The services provided by the company include applications in Block Chain, AgileDevops, Cloud Automation, Microservices etc.

The students were accompanied by Prof. Aruna Devi, Department of Computer Science. Mr. Mohamed Ijaz one of the directors of the company, explained in detail about the various services of the company. There was an interactive session conducted by Mr. Mohamed Ijaz and Mr. Jeeva Chelladhurai on the recent developments in IT industries. The students witnessed the demo of the three live projects based on block chain technology, supply chain and IoT. It was a fruitful session as all the questions of the students were addressed and answered. Finally the students were addressed by are Jeeva Chelladhurai on the various coursers offered and also various internship programs

3i – Innovative Techniques in Multimedia Applications
Department of Computer Science(PG) organized a guest lecture on the topic “Innovative Techniques in Multimedia Applications” on 28th January 2020. The resource person for the lecture was Mr. Kumar Margalingam, Director, Arena Animation, Bengaluru. Arena animation is an animation institute in India that offers courses in 3D-animations, filmmaking, gaming, visual effects, web design, broadcast, digital advertising and marketing and multimedia. The students had an interaction session with the Director of Arena Animation. The Director spoke about what the animation course is all about, which includes program in VFX, amination, graphics, web design and so on. The session was very interactive in which the resource person spoke about different softwares for building landscapes, 3D programs and how it is used in movies. How exactly a movie action sequence is shot , the information related to graphics and VFX was explained with examples. The resource person spoke about movies like Fast & Furious, Bahubali and others.

International Lecture Series
The session of International Lecture Series, was hosted on the topic “Artificial Intelligence and the Deep Learning Revolution” on 27th January 2020 by the Department of Computer Science(PG).Mr. Guy Brown, Head of the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK ,was the resource person of the day. The session emphasized the need for understanding the fundamentals and applications related to Deep Learning Revolution technology and ways to achieve it. Mr. Guy Brown explained about the Python libraries for performing text to speech and speech to text conversion. Image identification using TensorFlow was also demonstrated by the resource person. Also how the images are identified using neural networks was explained. The resource person also explained about the structure and function of perceptron.

There was also a demonstration of an application where the machine was capable of learning music from scratch. Overall the session was very informative and there was great deal of enthusiasm and interaction exhibited by the audience. He also presented a small gift as a token of appreciation to two students from the audience who answered to some of his questions very brightly and enthusiastically.

Tech Talk Series on Technology Trends & Product Management
A session of Tech Talk Series, was hosted on “Technology Trends & Product Management” by the Department of Computer Science(PG) on 25th January 2020. Mr. Karthik Raja Sivacoumar, Global Contact Center Cloud, Senior Product Manager, TATA Communications Ltd was the resource person of the day. The session emphasized the need for cloud computing, types of cloud computing and uses of containers. The session gave information about what a cloud is, how cloud is used, why cloud is important, different types of cloud and how containers are used in cloud (Kubernetes). Mr. Karthik Raja Sivacoumar stated the difference between Private Cloud, Community Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, and Public Cloud. He also spoke about Quantum Computing, AI and IOT.

During Q & A session from students, faculty and the participants raised various queries. Mr.Karthik Raja Sivacoumar helped students by answering them all on topics such as how to crack an interview, about personal skills, how communication is important, how to prepare a resume and he also narrated some of his experiences in the form of stories. The session was very useful.

Industrial Visit to IBM, Bengaluru
The students of the Department of Computer Science (PG) went on an industrial visit to IBM, Bengaluru on 22nd January 2020. The aim of the visit was to give students insights about the opportunities and funding provided by IBM for entrepreneurship, to show the students IBM data centre and make them aware of the various skills to acquire to step in the industry. The representer Mr. Meghala from IBM, started the session with a warm welcome and gave insights about the concepts like data, information, storage etc. Also, he highlighted the importance of Data Science and how it is going to create an impact on all the domains of the industry in the future. Further, he explained the Data Science concepts like descriptive, predictive and prescriptive types of analysis which helped the students to gain the idea about how data science and artificial intelligence work.

Later, Mrs Latha Raj made the students aware about the scope of entrepreneurship and the skills required to succeed as an entrepreneur. She threw light upon how IBM support and fund young entrepreneurs. Madam also gave insights on various soft skills which help one to sustain and grow in industry. Finally, the session culminated with a visit to the Data Centre which houses all the Mainframe computers and the Servers which handles the data for the entire India region of IBM.

Learning Outcome:
• Students got an exposure to visit one of the IT giants like IBM and had a chance to experience the work culture of such an organization.
• Students got insights on various aspects of data science, how it is going to create an impact in the industry in the coming days and the opportunities in this field.
• Students learnt about the entrepreneurship program of IBM.
• Students acquired the information about the necessary skills to become successful in an IT career.

Industry Expert Training

Date: 24th November 2018
Time: 09:00 am – 11:00 am
Participants: IV Semester MCA
Number of beneficiaries: 57
Resource Person: Mr. Rajesh Achariya, IT Consultant, Netkraftz, Bengaluru

The objective of the industry expert training on J2EE is to provide an opportunity to the participants to have theoretical as well as practical knowledge on J2EE by the experts or trainers from Industry. To give an in depth knowledge about the industrial approach to problem solving to the students, Department of Computer Science (PG) initiated Industry Expert Training program in association with Netkrafz, Bengaluru for the students of 4th Semester MCA. The inauguration of the training began at 9:00 am by Dr. R Kumar, Head of the Department, Department of Computer Science (PG). Mr. Dharmendra V, founder director of Netkraftz, Bengaluru, gave a brief note on the importance of getting an industry expert training.

Then Mr. Rajesh Achariya, IT Consultant, Netkraftz, Bengaluru addressed the gathering. He gave introduction about JDBC ODBC connectivity, multi-tier architecture and MVC architecture. He explained how the basic JDBC ODBC connectivity, JDBC API core parts and types of JDBC drivers, is handled in industry. Then he explained about multi-tier and MVC architecture and the differences between them. He also explained about hibernate architecture, java packages, mapping and its types. The training duration is 40 Hours and it will happen every thursday. The participants of the training learnt about basics of MVC architecture. Hands on session made it more lively.

International Lecture Series (ILS): "Anti Money Laundering"
Date: 3-November-2018
Time: 11.00 AM – 1.00 PM
Venue: Conference Hall 2 (PG Block)
Participants Number of beneficiaries: I and III Semester MCA and M.Sc.(CS): 82
Resource Person: Vice President – Anti Money Laundering, Bank of the West San Raman, California, USA
International lecture Series (ILS) is initiated by Dept of Computer science (PG) to enlighten the young talent with some excellent opportunities to gain knowledge and become expertise in various domains.

The session started with a moment of silence, and the introduction of the guest-speaker for the day, Mr. Joseph Fernandez followed by the presentation by the guest-speaker. The seminar was aimed at introducing to the participants the new means and tools used in preventing Money Laundering and Aggregation of taxes and tax-evasions by corporate both high and low profile –in everyday life. He emphasized the need to rely on block-chain strategy for safer transactions, how clients are tracked for illicit international fund transfers, things like the funding of terrorist organizations, drug dealers, money laundering agents etc. He also spoke about how the tools to track money online in paperless transactions can be tracked, kept clean and regulated for frauds and illicit dealings. As a summary to the talk, he told the participants how simple it is to generate the tools needed to solve everyday business problems including those needed in anti-theft processes and anti money laundering activities using basic software generation techniques.

Environmental Awareness Programme Swachatha Hi Seva
To mark the 150th Year of Mahatma Gandhi Birthday Celebration, the Department of Computer Science(PG) organized a programme called “Swachatha Hi Seva”,on 1st october 2019, as per the AICTE guidelines. The students of I MCA and I MSc and III MCA were encouraged to make digital poster presentation, chart presentations on the topic Swachatha Hi Seva. The posters depicted the plastic pollution which is being very detrimental to the environment. All the students stressed the importance of going for a plastic free lifestyle to the maximum extent possible. They were also told about how to continue the work of making their home plastic free. There was enthusiastic participation from all the students.

Date: 29-September-2018
Time: 09.00 AM – 05.30 PM
Venue: SKE Auditorium (PG Block)
Participants: MCA Students
Number of beneficiaries: 235
The aim of this Commune is to gain the knowledge about top 30 technology predictions for the next decade. GIC (Global IT Commune) was organized by the Department of Computer Science (PG). Mr. Navaratan Katariya (Director, IOT, NASSCOM, Karnataka) was the Chief Guest of the program. The inaugural ceremony commenced with the welcome speech by Dr. Ambika, the conference faculty coordinator followed by the inaugural address of Fr. Josekutty P D., the Principal of the college. The chief guest addressed the gathering by interacting and delivering a brief introduction about AKASHVANI@2030.

Next Session started with a meditation by Mrs. Bhanu Shankar (Director, Divine Mother Holistic Healing Centre and Felicitation). The Technical Session commenced with three Keynote speakers and six strategic partner speakers. The first keynote speaker was Mr. Krishna Durdha (Head - Offshore Consulting, Cognizant) and he has presented on the topic “Changing Landscape@2030”. The Second keynote Speaker was Mr. Vijay Raghunathan (GM and Global Head - Wipro) and his topic of the presentation was on “Digital Transformation@2030”, the Third keynote speaker was Mr. Girish Nuli (CEO Genesis Identity) and he presented on “Technology Predictions@2030”.

The next session was the Panel Discussion - Round 1 moderated by Ms. Roopa Satish, Senior Program Manager, TechMahindra with the Panel Members Mr. Ramprasad Mattu Sridhara (Senior Manager QA, Publicis. Sapient, Bengaluru) on the topic “Product Engineering”, Ms. Ramya R Moorthy (CEO, Elite Souls) on the topic “Rise of Non Functional Testing Needs”, Mr. Yogesh Shankharmath (Client Manager, Suave Engineering) on the topic “Agile Scrum”, Ms. Deepthi K (QA lead, Coviam Technologies) on “Top 30 Technology Survey Summary”, Mr. Joseph Jude Antony (Sr. Manager, Amdocs) on “Devops”, and Mr. Jeeva Chelladurai (Founder, Comorin Consulting) on “Microservices”. The Panel Discussion - Round 2 was moderated by Mr. Manoj. Kr Nagraj, Head, Industrial Markets, Capgemini with the Panel Members Mr. Manoharan Gangadharan (Sr. Manager, Amdocs, Pune) who spoke on topic “Devops”, Dr. Ravi Shankar (HOD, ECE, Sambharam Institute of Technology on “Proximity Technology”, M. A T Kishore (Principal Consultant, Telecom,UTL Technologies on “5G and Emerging Telecom Technologies”, Mr. Prabhu Matt, Testing Head, Ericsson, on “Testing Strategies of Future Technologies”, Mr. Srinivasan Mangudu (Sr. Director, Global Delivery, AI, Analytics Cognizant on “Security”, Mrs. Priyamvada Kulkarni (Sr. Manager, Process and Quality Consulting, Cognizant) on “GDPR”, Mr. Kalyan Talluri (Sr. Technical Director, Conformiq) on “Voice Assistants, Chatbots, NLP”. At last, there was an IT Quiz hosted by Ms. Deepti K of Covian for the students of KJC.

Vinimay – “Fire within you”
Date: 22-September-2018
Time: 11.00 AM – 1.00 PM
Venue: SKE Auditorium (PG Block)
Participants: MCA and MBA Students
Number of beneficiaries: 2254
Resource Person: Dr. Madam Kumar Srinivasan, Associate Vice President of Big Data & Cloud Analytics Accenture Innovation Center for Analytics, Bengaluru

The aim of this session is to gain the knowledge about how to become successful person in a life. Vinimay is an interactive program organized by Computer Science Department (PG) Kristu Jayanti College on 22nd July 2018 in SKE auditorium. The chief guest for this occasion is Dr. Madan Kumar Srinivasan, Associate Vice President of Big Data & Cloud Analytics, at Accenture Innovation Center for Analytics. The program started with an inaugural address introducing the Chief Guest. Then Dr. Madan took over the session. He started with the presentation titled “The Fire Within” which was a very interesting journey that he took over till the end of the session. The highlight of this program is Dr. Madan was more in an enthusiastic interaction and was very open to share about his life’s ups and downs that he faced and how he overcame the situations. One such to be mentioned is about his English communication problem, his marriage/love life, his graduation periods, and his way towards the industry. Moving on he mentioned a lot of achievements that he got from the places that he had failed initially. Also the other achievements and targets that he ultimately was aiming achieve. To end, he concluded by a very important note “Fire and Fear” were he thought us how to face them both effectively. To conclude in this program we got to know a lot more of Dr. Madan and all his interactive fun talks and inspiring notes would never drain of our memory.

Student Research Symposium
Date: 11-September-2018
Time: 10.00 AM
Venue: Conference Hall 2 (PG Block)
Participants (Name, Roll No, Class): MCA
Number of beneficiaries: 110
Resource Person: Mr. Jeeva Chelladhurai & Mr. Mustameer Khan
The aim of the symposium which allows exchanging knowledge, experience and results and information related to various aspects of emerging technologies.

A National Level Student Research Symposium was organized by Department of Computer Science (PG). Mr. Jeeva Chelladhurai (Founder, Comorin Consulting Services, Bengaluru) was the chief guest of the program. The inaugural ceremony started with the welcome address by Prof. Muruganantham, convenor of the symposium followed by the presidential address was given by Fr. Augustine George, Vice Principal. The chief guest during inaugural address explains about the evolution of technology and a video which is related to Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.

The first technical session was presented by Mr. Mustameer Khan (Product Manager, SAP, Bengaluru) with technology on warehouse automation done by Amazon, he also briefed about ‘Go Game’ which was an automated analysing game. The application analyse the game moves of international champion for 6 months during the game application defeated the champion by its own analysed automated moves. He also explained about automated robotics in police field with a cheetah robot as an example which is much faster than the fastest human being. The second technical session was presented by Mr. Jeeva Chelladurai. He explains about docker technology. He also had shown practically how to run snippets to create a docker.

Post lunch session started with Paper presentation by research scholar and students. The session chaired by Dr. Kumar R and Dr. Ambika. P.
Learning Outcome:
• Audience were able to grab details on various research fields and its importance.
• Got the information about the various tools and techniques used for research.

“Software Testing: Modern Principles and Practices”
Date: 1-September-2018
Time: 11.00 AM – 1.00 PM
Venue: Conference Hall 2 (PG Block)
Participants (Name, Roll No, Class): I, III & V Semester MCA
Number of beneficiaries: 100
Resource Person: Mr. Subrat Tripathy Quality Engineering and Assurance, CTS, Bengaluru
The aim of this session is to have an interactive session to know more about the modern principles and practices in software testing.

The session started with the introduction of the Guest for the day – “Mr. Subrat Tripathy” who is working for CTS Bengaluru in Quality Engineering and Assurance. He started off with the session by speaking about testing and good practices in testing. He explained in detailed about test planning, coverage, methods and responsibilities and test plan documents the strategy that will be used to verify and ensure that a product or system meets its design specifications and other requirements. He also explained in detail about levels of testing like unit testing, integration testing, validation testing and acceptance testing.

He interacted with students and conducted an activity for the them. For the activity he divided the students into two teams. Where each team will have to find the test case for the product that the team chooses. They were given the freedom to select any product. The test case needs to be made based on functionality, non-functionality, integration, validation and unit testing. The students actively participated in the activity, Mr. Tripathy gave them his suggestion on various test-cases and was answering to all the query that the students were putting forward.

To conclude, Mr. Tripathy has said that at present world where every organization is asking for a well-developed and bug free product and the scope in the field of testing is only increasing.

Learning Outcome:
Students understood about manual testing.
About how to make test cases for web application as well as system application.

Institution Innovations- Open Space Seminar
Date: 17th August, 2019
Resource Person: Ms. ADITI TIWARI, Data Scientist, Wizely
Objective: To Provide hands on experience in Machine Learning for the women students.

The workshop series on Machine learning was taken by Ms.AditiTiwari, Data Scientist, Wizely who is a member of ACM, Bangalore chapter. The main objective of this session is to provide a learning experience to the women students to apply artificial intelligence that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves. The overview about Machine learning and the basics of statistics and probabilities, random variable were the topic of discussions for the session.
Outcome: To relate statistical concepts into Machine Learning and to develop computer programs that can access and use data by themselves.

Tech Talk on “Mobile App Retargeting”
Date : 04-August-2018
Time : 11.00 AM – 1.00 PM
Venue : Conference Hall 2 (PG Block)
Participants (Name, Roll No, Class) : III & V Semester MCA
Number of beneficiaries : 71
Resource Person : Ms. Ashvina Kumari N, Executive Account Manager, Digital Operations, Revx Technology Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru
The objective of this Tech Talk Series is to have an interactive session to know more about the Mobile App Retargeting and online Advertising. The session started with the introduction of the Guest of the day – “Ms.Ashvina Kumari N”, who is an alumni of our department. She started off with the session by speaking about online Advertising, its advantages like precise targeting, quick execution, measurability, cost effectiveness and detailed explanation on Advertising types, mobile app targeting etc. She explained about the working and importance of Online Advertising in comparison to the other methods of advertising and promotion such as hoards and billboards which doesn’t attract much customer, and she also talked about how to impress the customer through Search engine marketing, social media advertising, mobile advertising, display advertising. She enlightened about how slots should be provided in the website which will be used to display ads and these slots should be of specific dimension that is set by the publisher. Each ads is called as creatives. Different types of creatives are static, dynamic, flash, video, rich media and these are used for specific purposes. Further she briefed working of mobile app targeting and how Revx, Advertising Agency help its client in reaching the relevant customer. She further explained about the importance of the mobile app retargeting in any online marketing field. She enlightened us about advertisement ID which is available in any smart phone which is used to provide relevant product ads based on the searches made by the customers and also detailed us about click ID which is used to identify the type of ads is clicked by the user. She also explained about ad serving and its working along with how the real time bidding for a particular user or customer take place in the background which happen in less than 10 milliseconds and how pre-impression plays major role real time bidding. Ma’am explained about how the dynamic ads are used to work with the website and mobile app with specified dimensions of the website they are also called as Native dynamic ads. In her concluding remarks, she said that the fresher can be part of the online marketing if students have base on data analytics, and coding.
The Students understood how the online marketing is taking place through websites and mobile apps. They also learned about the different types of advertising method used in the online market.

International Lecture Series "Stepping Stones for Quality Research"
Date: 30th July, 2018
Time: 10.00 AM
Venue: PG Computer Lab II
Participants (Name, Roll No, Class): III & V Semester MCA
Number of beneficiaries: 50
Resource Person: Dr. Seyed Mohamed Buhari, Professor, Faculty of Computing & IT, King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia.

The Department has conducted International Lecture Series on “Stepping Stones for Quality Research”. Dr. Seyed Mohamed Buhari, Faculty of Computing & IT, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia was the resource person.

The programme was mainly meant to the students who are interested in taking up researches on their area of interest. The session was of immense use to those who wished to enhance the knowledge on how to identify the topic for research and narrow down to the topic.The objective of the Lecture was to provide knowledge about the structure and process of research, and the way in which information was analyzed, which helped the participants to learn and articulate various this like how to identify the problem to conduct quality research based on areas of interest. It also helped in enhancing the knowledge base of using ”Zotero” software to import related papers and add citation and bibliography easily to our research paper.

First was a refreshing session on the Introduction to research. The steps to conduct research are
1. Gartner hype cycle
2. Identifying the problem or area of interest.
3. Research groups
4. H-index and citations.
5. Exploring with Zotero.
6. Discussion about the content of the paper.
7. Collecting different paper using a survey paper on the interesting topic.
1. Gartner hype cycle
Sir explained how to choose a topic based on the trend in IT. The Gartner hype cycle helps us to identify the trending areas on which research can be taken up and publish it successfully. This is the important step in identifying the area of interest from vast topics available. He threw light on Sensitivity Analysis and its impact on the topic for conducting research

2. Identifying the problem or area of interest
Dr. Seyed helped us to identify the area of interest in a tabular format with certain criteria such as Course which we like, specific topics which we interested in the course, specific reason about why we like, the relevant paper for the interesting topic, and the links of the relevant papers.

3. Research groups
Using the research groups such as IEEE Explorer, Science direct and Google scholar we were able to find the recent topics for research and also figure out the best survey paper for the topic of interest by knowing the journals in which it was published and the maximum citations added to a particular paper.

4. H-index and citations.
Sir, also taught us the meaning and importance of h-index and citation for a good paper. It is supposed to be the key attribute to find a better paper.

5. Exploring with Zotero.
After finalizing the best topic among different areas, Mr. Syed also explained how to handle the Zotero software. Zotero is a Reference Management software which is used to add citations and bibliography. So initially we were supposed to add Zotero plugin to chrome and MS word and demonstrated how to add bibliography from other papers to our research paper. This tools benefited a lot from a research point of view.

6. Discussion about the content of the paper.
After the lunch break, Sir also discussed the various topics that are necessary to be included in a good research paper. The topics included are the title, keywords, Abstract, introduction, literature review, block diagram, methodology, experiment, results, discussion, conclusion, and bibliography.

7. Collecting different paper using a survey paper on the interesting topic.
After learning all the process required to conduct research, we started exploring about collecting different paper using survey paper of the interested topic Later in the questionnaire session sir explained about the plagiarism check and also the vocabulary on how to write a good research paper. The best site to check vocabulary was the Element of the style-cheat sheet which improves the quality of writing a research paper.
Dr. Seyed Mohamed Buhari, an experienced and expert in research expressed his happiness about the participants’ involvement, dedication and wished everyone to be a knowledge equipped academician and to explore more and more since research is a never-ending process as new innovations and techniques keep emerging every day in human lives. The participants were enriched with knowledge. Prof. Velmurugan the faculty coordinator of International Lecture Series expressed his gratitude with a memento and thanked the resource person and also the participants.
On the whole, the seminar deliberated on various aspects that are necessary to be analyzed before even finding a good topic and implement efficiently. The workshop helped the participants who are interested in writing research papers paved a way for researchers to learn, explore and adapt to various new techniques and also to achieve optimization in their proceedings and research activities.

Tech Talk Series on "Digital Analytics"
Date: 21st July, 2018
Time: 11.00 AM
Venue: Conference Hall 1 (PG Block)
Participants (Name, Roll No, Class): III & V Semester MCA
Number of beneficiaries: 69
Resource Person: Mr. Cammillius Jayadev, Project Manager, Nabler, Bangalore
The aim of this session is to know about the Digital Analytics and opportunities.

Mr. Cammillius started with the basics of Digital analytics. Digital analytics encompasses the collection, measurement, analysis, visualization and interpretation of digital data illustrating user behavior on websites, mobile sites and mobile applications.

He also explained in detail about the importance of digital intelligence. Digital analytics enables brands and website owners to understand how their sites and apps are being found and used. Using digital analytics the companies can optimize the content based on the customer experience on their websites, mobile sites, and mobile apps.

Mr. Cammillius interaction with the students was indeed a very fruitful one which encourages them to do more on Digital Analytics.
Learning Outcome:
The knowing the industry trend of digital analytics
Importance of digital analytics

IEEE Student Branch Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme
Date: 12-July-2018
Time: 2.00 PM – 3.30 PM
Venue: Conference Hall 2 (PG Block)
Participants (Name, Roll No, Class): III & V Semester MCA
Number of beneficiaries: 53
Resource Person: Mr. Girish Batra, Founder at Glocal Projects, Bengaluru.
Objective: The aim of this session is to know more about the Entrepreneurship and qualities of a good leader in today’s World.

The session started with the introduction of the Guest for the day - “Mr. Girish Batra”. He started with the session by speaking about the entrepreneurship and the difference between entrepreneurship and ideapreneurship. He also gave us an inspirational speech about Apple Chief Ex. Steve Jobs, Paytm Founder, Amazon and their inspirational stories.

The session became more interesting when he spoke about the 10 traits of a good leader. The session became more enthusiastic, when students started to share their entrepreneurship ideas, .This interactive and motivating session was taken as an opportunity to explore the ideas of entrepreneurship. He concluded by giving a brief idea about his Global Projects and how they train people to come up with their entrepreneurship plans.
Learning Outcome:
Students got an idea about what is entrepreneurship
Qualities required by an entrepreneur
Traits of Leadership.

National Level Workshop on “Blockchain Development using Ethereum”
Date: 11th & 12th July 2018
Time: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm & 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Venue: Conference Hall and PG-lab1
Blockchain development using Ethereum workshop apprised about the Ethereum Ecosystem and its differences from its rich cousin Bitcoin. The inauguration of the two-day workshop was on 11th July 2018 at the Conference Hall. The chief guest for the inauguration session was Dr. Madhan Kumar Srinivasan, Associate Vice President, Accenture Solutions Ltd. an eminent personality who shared valuable thoughts that was very inspiring and energetic for the participants. It was a great honor to witness such an amazing person. Followed by the inauguration, the technical session-I was handled by Mr. Sanil Kumar, Chief Architect - Cloud Division, Huawei Technologies. The story of blockchain was discussed during this session. The key note was bitcoin is blockchain but blockchain is not bitcoin, which enlightened our mind the blockchain concept can be applied to almost all the use cases which we could probably apply. What is Blockchain? Why do we need blockchain? And the areas where it could be applied was efficiently delivered by the resource person. The Technical session-II was handled by Dr. Neeraj Kumar. Senior Technical Leader - Cloud Division Huawei Technologies. He briefed about the blockchain opportunities, the architecture and the challenges to be faced while implementing blockchain concept. The use cases where blockchain could be applied to provide transparency in the data and avoid fraudulence was also briefed during this session.

After the lunch break, hands on session about how to create a node to implement blockchain using terminal and command prompt was also discussed. After the hands-on session, the panel discussion started. The aim of the panel discussion was to deliver the strategies and integration of the Blockchain technology by four enthusiastic and eminent personalities, Dr. Shankar Ramamoorthy - Harman Connected Services, Mr. T.V. Ramakrishnan - Chief Product Owner, Digital Core Banking SAP Labs, Mr. Jeeva Chelladurai - Entrepreneur and Technical Author and Dr. Syed Mohammed Buhari, Professor, UAE. Each and every one discussed the importance of blockchain and the impact of it in the future. The advantages of learning blockchain technology and the implementation on different use cases were discussed. The career advice was also delivered by the panel members which was motivating and inspiring

The hands-on session was handled by Mr. Ganesh Samarthyam, Co-founder, CodeOps Technologies. The session started with the brief introduction to the Blockchain. The participants got the insights about Ethereum and Smart Contracts, it acquainted them with the knowledge of decentralized application and the practical implementation of it. The session aided the students to develop their own blocks from the scratch in order to understand the business of Initial Coin Offering (ICO), which included with understanding of Hashing (in Python) and creation of Contracts and Ether multiple accounts using Meta Mask application, along with transferring of Contracts and Ethers among the multiple accounts. After the lunch break, the workshop resumed with understanding of Tokens and their Contract along with deploying them using the web application Remix IDE which resulted in creation and transfer among the multiple accounts around the world. The next concept was Smart Contract with Solidity, using Remix IDE, and contract deployment in testnet. The session concluded with sharing of real time example and experience of different use-cases and different solution of storage of database.

Prof. Kumar R, Head, Department of Computer Science (PG) during his valedictory address thanked the resource person Mr. Ganesh Samarthyam and appreciated Dr. P. Ambika for her untiring efforts in bringing the resource people for this two-day workshop. He thanked and congratulated the participants from various institutions for attending the workshop and presented them with the participation certificate.

Tech Talk Series – I on e-Workforce Management , Planning and Scheduling
Date: 7th July 2018
Time: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Classes Attended: III & V Semester MCA
Name and details of the Resource Person: Mrs Sithara Kumaresh, Project Manager, Accenture, Bengaluru
The First session of Tech Talk Series for this academic year was handled by Mrs. Sithara. She stated the introduction of a tool which is been widely used by the projects in an IT sectors by the project leads called WFM – WorkForce Management. WFM is a term that encompasses all the activities needed to maintain a productive workforce. WFM is an integrated set of processes that a company uses to optimize the productivity of its employees. WFM consists of activities like planning, scheduling, forecasting, intraday management. WFM also helps in the management of schedule shrinkage. Real time analysis the key factor for the management. . Ms. Sithara said that it’s easier to create algorithms to predict an outcome, such as a forecast or a staff requirement. She also listed the disadvantage that is the data can be so complex that it becomes a challenge to convey what seems like a simple concept to someone not intimately familiar with the data. Break spacing is done using the workforce management tools. Seat planning and deviation planning are the two planning sectors used to schedule the work setup in a corporate. Vareint is the newer version of the workforce management is to be launched. Transport management force is also a trending example of workforce management. The participants were introduced with WFM tool and how it functions and also have carved a path for more discovery in the tool.

Microsoft Build Local 2018 – Bangalore
Session 1: Server- less Computing
Date: 30-June-2018
Time: 09:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Venue: Lab 3
Beneficiaries: 49
Resource Person: Mr Kuppurasu Nagaraj Microsoft MVP - Azure, C# Corner MVP
To understand the working of server-less computing via cloud computing.
The resource person Mr Kuppurasu Nagaraj , Microsoft Azure MVP, C# Corner MVP, Technical Coordinator, explained cloud computing and its aspects with practical and real world examples. He briefed on the various cloud model services, its advantages and dis-advantages. In his talk, he introduced to us the Microsoft Azure: Cloud Computing Platform. He spoke more on various services offered by Microsoft Azure and how to work with the cloud computing technology. He demonstrated the hosting of a website using Microsoft Azure, where he explained to us step by step the process of hosting a website.

Learning Outcome:
Knowledge about Microsoft Azure and its cloud computing services.
Host a website on cloud.
Create a virtual machine using Azure.
Session 2: Learn more about Cognitive Services
Resource Person: Ms. Alagunila Meganathan, Microsoft MVP & C# Corner MVP
Objective:To understand the features and services available in Microsoft Cognitive services
The students had a hands-on session on the following features of Microsoft Cognitive services
• Vision:Image processing algorithms to smartly identify, caption and moderate your pictures.
• Speech: Convert, spoken audio into text, use voice for verification or add speaker recognition to your app.
• Knowledge: Map complex information and data in order to solve tasks such as intelligent recommendations and semantic search.
• Search: Add Bing search API’s to your apps and harness the ability to comb billions of webpages, images, videos and news with a single API call.
• Language: Allow your apps to process natural language with pre-built scripts, evaluate sentiment and learn how to recognize what users want.

Learning Outcome:
 Various cognitive services offered by Microsoft.
 APIs under each service.
 How to use the demo APIs.
Session 3: What’s new in Xamarin.Forms 3.0
Resource Person : Mr. Anbu Mani, Software Engineer, Changepond Technologies, Chennai, Tamilnadu and Microsoft Student Partner
Objective: Creating apps that are indistinguishable from an application using Xamarin Forms Xamarin.Forms exposes a complete cross-platform UI toolkit for .NET developers.
The Resource person highlighted the following features to develop an user friendly app.
• Native user’s interfaces-apps built using xamarian contains standard, native user interface controls.
• Native API access: Apps built using xamarian have access to the full spectrum of functionality exposed by the underlying platform and device, including platform specific capabilities like ARKIT and ANDROID multi window mode.
• Native performance: Apps built using xamarian, leverages platform specific hardware acceleration and are compiled for native performance.
Learning Outcome
How an efficient app can be developed using Xamarin Forms
Advantages of using Xamarin Forms

The department of MCA organized workshop on Research methodology for the students by Dr. Srinivas T, Professor, Department of ECE, IISc, Bengaluru, Mr. Dhanukumar P, IEEE Client Services/ University Partnership Program Manager, IEEE Bangalore, Dr. Ambika P & Prof. Jyothi Manoj, Department of Computer Science [PG], Kristu Jayanti College on 4th August 2017.

The department of MCA organized a two day national workshop on “Data Science and Analytics” for the Faculties, Research Scholars, and Students all over India by Dr. Ambika P & Prof. Aruna Devi K, Kristu Jayanti College, on 20th and 21st July 2017.

A workshop on “Networking & Network Security” by Dr. Samir Kalekar, Development Director, Kristu Jayanti College was organized for the students of MCA on 6th and & 7th July 2017.

Student Seminar Series
Student Seminar Series was organized by the department of MCA on IoT, WoT and Cloud Computing by Mr. Deepak Dulal, Mr. Kynsaihunlang Iangrai, Mr. Sarjun, III Semester MCA for the III semester MCA students on 22nd July 2017.

FOSS - Java
The department of MCA organized a Free and Open Source Software – Java for the students of MCA by Mr. Kannan M. Moudgalya, Mr. Arya Ratish and Mr. Prathamesh Salunke, IIT Bomaby on 18th July 2017.

Rural Exposure Programme and Computer Literacy Programme
The department of MCA organized Rural Exposure Programme and Computer Literacy Programme in Kiranagere, Ramanagara District on 28th and 29th July 2017.

An enthusiastic group of 38 students and 6 faculty members engaged in conducting “GramaSamveditha” in Kiranagere. A survey was conducted by the students to gauge the literacy rate and make a study on M-Commerce services in agriculture. “Kishora Ganaka Gnana” was a small treading towards providing a baseline to the students of “Rural High School”, Harohalli, Kanakapura (Tk)) to help the country in its grass root levels to reach the ultimate goal of digitalization. The students were taught about smart phones and their Applications; Computer Fundamentals and Career prospects in the arena of technology. Around 300 students of class IX and X attended the sessions. The participants indeed were very vibrant and extracted the best from the programme.

The department of MCA organized Technological Training Programme for the I and III semester MCA students by Mr. Kurian George & Mr. Abhijith Benny, V MCA from 18th to 31st August 2017.

3I Transition from Campus to Corporate for IT Professionals
Mr. Ishan Bose, Chief Marketing Officer, KrazyBee, Bangalore conducted a training for 52 students of computer science on placement process and Inter personal relations on 13th August 2016.

Rural Exposure Programme
49 students of MCA participated in a two day Rural Exposure Programme and Kishora Ganakajnana – Computer Literacy Programme in Alambady Village, Malur Taluk, Kolar District on 5th and 6th , August 2016.

Student Seminar Series for the Academic year 2016-2017 was conducted on 25th June, 2016 by the MCA students presented on various topics like python, angular JS, software testing, Joomla and Internet of Things. Student Seminar Series is the forum where students will have the exposure to present their views about latest technologies in the market

The Department of Computer Science PG, MCA Program organized a Talk Tech on Software Project Management Tool by Mr. Kannan Senthil Nathan, Independent Consultant, Agile Trainer on 18th July 2016.

The department of MCA organized a seminar on Transformation from waterfall and traditional software development to Agile Software development by Mr. Srinivas V (PMF SAFe, Agilist, CSFO, CSM), Agile Coach at CISCO Systems, on 16th July 2016.

Mr. Srinivas briefed the students on Agile Software Development. He explained the software development life cycle and existing software development model – the waterfall model, Iterative and Incremental model and their shortcomings.

The department of MCA & Life Sciences organized a one day workshop on IEEE for the students to understand the importance of digitalization to make things simpler and easier on 16th January 2017.

The department of MCA in association with Centre for Life Skills Education (CLSE) conducted Two Day Capacity Building Training on Life Skills for IT Professionals on 24th & 25th August 2016. Fr. Augustine George, Vice principal inaugurated the training. Dr. Jonas Richard, Head, Department of Social Works & Director, CLSE gave the brief introduction about the training and also given the importance of life skills education.

Alumni’s Mr. Baby K Jojo & Mr. Vineeth V George, SAP BI Consultant, Utegration Inc. Bangalore had an interaction with the students 86 students of MCA to gain knowledge on SAP and ERP systems was organized by the department of MCA on 10th September 2016.

The interaction between the students and the alumni Mr. Arun, Software Engineer, NY Web Solutions and Cyber Systems was organized by the department of MCA on Overview of AWS on 7th January 2017.

Research Colloquium
The department of MCA organized a Research colloquium by Dr. Subashini. P, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore on 26th November 2016.

The objective was to enhance the quality of Research articles from the science deanery, create awareness about how to write project proposals, awareness about various funding agencies.

The Department of Computer Science (PG) and IIT Mumbai organized an Online Test FDP on “Java”, on 10th December August 2015. All III MCA students were taken up the test and received their digital certificate.

Peer to Peer training – Data mining techniques (clustering)
Data mining techniques (clustering) was organized by the department of MCA for the V semester BCA students from 3rd to 8th September 2015.

The main objective of this Peer – Peer Teaching Learning activity is apart from classroom lecturing sessions conducted by teachers this (Learning from & with Each Other) helps the students to again more knowledge from their friends.

Peer to Peer training – Photoshop
The Department of Computer Science (PG) offers students the opportunity to learn from each other through the Peer to Peer training in Photoshop on 21st August 2015. The session was focused to gain knowledge on Adobe Photoshop. Mr. Melbin and Mr. Mathewkutty Mathew of III Semester MCA were the trainers.

Mr. Melbin gave the insights on Photoshop, its benefits and how to install the software. He explained how to create a new photoshop document, create graphics objects, layering concepts, editing the images and layer styles. He also demonstrated to select part of the image using various types of selection tools.

Mr. Mathewkutty explained about brush and other drawing tools. He also demonstrated to use filters on images. The students were gained knowledge on importing and exporting the documents. Finally the students were assigned with an exercise of creating a brochure for intercollegiate fest.

Thus the Peer to Peer training helped students to apply the core concepts presented by the trainers.

Rural Exposure Programme
The Department of Computer Science (PG) had organized a rural exposure camp for the third year MCA students where they were taken to Purushanahalli, Doddabalapur (D.T), Bangalore. They were given with an opportunity to interact, teach and guide the village citizens and the students of Sri. Siddaganga High School.

The camp conducted various events like: Training the students with respect to life skills, Cleaning the premises, Visiting the farms, Conducted a session for the students on the topics related to technology and career guidance, Visiting the villagers and conducting a study and analysis based on how far the villagers are accustomed to the latest technological out growth.

Social Outreach Programme
The Department of Computer Science (PG) organized a Social Outreach Program (SOP) for the III Semester MCA students on 25th July 2015. They visited RVM Philanthropic Home - a Rehabilitation Centre giving shelter to old and handicapped orphans at Chikka Gubbi Village.

As a part of SOP, the staff as well as students contributed a total amount of RS.13020, which was used to buy them necessaries like toothbrush, paste, soap and a Horlicks packs. We also managed to sponsor the lunch for them.

The Department of Computer Science (PG) organized Tech-quest on 30th April 2016, students present and wrote new ideas or innovative application of existing concepts. It is a platform to express their views, explore ideas and a perfect stage to showcase their technical expertise.

This quest exhibited the conglomeration of talent, intellect, innovative and competitive sprite of the students.

Data Analytics using SPSS Software
Technical Community Presentations by Shebin and Denil of Vth Semester MCA Data Analytics using SPSS Software on the topics how we can analyze the data and formulate it in the format of LPP, and the working flow of the software and how to find the correlation between the variable., and Community Network Presented by Saleem Matloob and Jinu Maria of V MCA on the topic Generation of Networks, Network Components - Switches, NIC, Routers, Topologies was organized by the Department of Computer Science (PG) on 1st August 2015.

The Department of Computer Science (PG) organized the 24th edition of Vichaarmanthan - an interactive series with Indian and Global visionaries for the PG students on “Governance at your fingertips”. Dr Rathan Kelkar, CEO, Center for E- Governance, Government of Karnataka, was the Chief Guest on 27th July 2015.

Dr Rathan in his presentation introduced a new mobile application called MOBILEONE which was developed as a major project for the welfare of the public. The various functionalities of the application like the traffic alert, weather forecasting, the details about the farmers land which was sent as a message to each farmer were explained in detail. The various facilities like ‘’Bangalore One’’ provided by the government to the public were also educated.

Ms. Deepali Pant Joshi, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India addressed the post graduate students on ‘RBI reforms and current trends in Banking’ in the 24th Edition of Vichaarmanthan - an interactive series with global and Indian visionaries, was organized by the Department of Computer Science (PG) on 11th September 2015.

Ms. Joshi said, “Reserve Bank of India (RBI) strengthens the monetary policy framework through strengthening our diverse and rich banking structure by granting licenses to new entrants, branch expansions and regulating foreign banks”

Ms. Pant also highlighted the ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna’ and the importance of creating bank accounts for every citizen to counter money laundering. Further speaking on the indigenization of currency note printing she said, “RBI is deciding on new numbering system for visually impaired citizens and few other security features”.

The session ended with Ms. Joshi inspiring the students and saying “The biggest strength of our country is the youth. And youth is a majority in our country contrary to some countries where majority is formed by aged people.”

The department of Computer Science (PG) and the Department of Management Studies organized “Vinimay” – Leadership Series Programme was inaugurated by Mr. Michael Joseph, Manager, People and Culture, Grant Thornton, India and Ms. Rashmi Bhat, Assistant Tax Manager, Grand Thornton on July 21, 2015.

The session was about the culture of corporate space and what is expected from them in the corporate environment. Mr. Michael emphasized the importance of having a ‘purpose’ while choosing a career. His talk includes understanding one’s own talents and skills and matching it with the available opportunities. He spoke about the opportunities and choices and the importance of learning.

Vinimay – Leadership Series with Mr. Shridhar Venkat, CEO, Akshaya Patra, Focused on Child Hunger briefed on his idea and vision in life said, it was to make India a well-nourished and literate country by 2020 was organized by the department of Computer Science (PG) on 9th September 2015.

Later he demonstrated using a video how his kitchen looks like, how are the machines of each for each meal prepared and what is each containers capacity. Then he made us view how these meals are delivered to children’s in schools.

He emphasized his views to our fellows Jayantian’s how can they contribute, or be a part for his Vision of Akshaya Patra.

Shri. Venu G Somineni, Chairman and CEO, MyDeals247 addressed the Vinimay – Leadership Series for PG students on ‘Effective future career opportunities’ was organized by the department of Computer Science (PG) on 27.07.2015.

Shri Venu spoke about the trends and the scopes prevailing in job market. He also shared his work experience at Microsoft and how he moved out and started his own company and the risk he had undergone in starting the company.

Shri. Venu mentioned a few differences of regular e-commerce website where all the products are sold in the mode of bargaining. Overall the session was an eye opener for the students which gave insights about the domains what the students have to concentrate for their effective future career.

Vinimay – Leadership Series for PG students by Mr Surya Prakash Mohapatra, Head- Resource Enablement at HP Global Business Services, on ‘Skill set for Career Growth’ highlighted six attributes are Purpose, Courage, Communication, Collaboration, Integrity, and Accountability on 30th January 2016.

Mr Surya, further tainted about the six habits are, Offer gratitude, Learn invest in you, Do exercise, your purpose reviews your progress, your life reflect, and Mediate connect your soul.

Workshop on Network Virtualization
The department of MCA organized a two day workshop on Network Virtualization by Mr. Babu Ebezener, Assistant Manager, Talent Transformation Team, Wipro Ltd, Bangalore on 27th & 28th August 2014.

Mr. Babu had given the complete overview of virtualization, types of virtualization, VDA setup working, its advantages and different types of architectures. He also threw light on VMware – Virtualization software, active directory and few more. The students gained knowledge on the practical implementation of virtualization.

The two day workshop on “Virtualization” has given the practical knowledge on Virtualization and its implementation to the participants.

Vichaarmanthan is an interaction with Global and Indian visionaries was organized by the Department of MCA ON 9TH September 2014. Shri. S V Ranganath, IAS was the chief guest said talking about leadership, in which he gave examples of various efficient leaders such as Napoleon. He stressed that a leader is the one who builds up a team. A leader is one who leads the team from front, the one who is always willing to take up the start, the one who values each and every employee, the one who focuses on continuous improvement and the one who feels proud with the work of his employees.

Few of the capabilities of a leader are self-confidence, sincerity, sympathy, thinking and focusing on the present and the ability to visualize the future.

The session was very interactive. Students put forth many questions regarding corruption, techniques to face IAS tests etc., which were willingly answered by Shri S V Ranganath.

The department of MCA organized 3I - is the acronym for Industry Institute Interface on the 27th of September 2014. The chief guest for the day was Mr. Jayas Damodaran, CEO of Boston technology Corporation. The session was conducted between 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Mr. Damodaran touched upon the latest technologies in the corporate field such as mobility, android, iOS, SAP etc. He also mentioned about the current affairs in IT. In the next half of the session he spoke about the various techniques of attending an interview. The session was very interactive and informative.

Tech Talk series
The tech talks series by Mr. Srinivas Gururaja Rau, Senior Director, Fidelity Investments, Bangalore on the topic “Big Data – Big Opportunities” was organized by the department of MCA on18th of October, 2014.

Mr. Gururaja Rau mentioned about the 4 V’s of Big Data: Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity. The Big Data landscape such as log data apps, vertical apps, business intelligence, analytics and visualization, data providers, analytics infrastructure, operational infrastructure, IAAS, structured database and technologies were also mentioned in the session.

Workshop on Ethical Hacking
A Workshop on Network Security and Ethical Hacking, by Mr. Santhosh Thuppad, Director, Moolya Software, Bangalore was organized by the MCA department on 7th September 2013.

Mr. Santhosh spoke about Hacking techniques and the importance of validation. Faculty members of MCA department and students of II and III year MCA attended the workshop. He also explained about the ethical hacking and tools used for the hacking. He introduced many hacking tools like Fiddler, Key Logger & wire shark etc...,. He demonstrated how to hack the sites. He emphasized on the importance of ‘discovering one’s passion & to live by that passion’, as innovation emerges from passion. Since hackers are the highly paid professionals in the IT industry, it has wide scope. So he insisted students to update the current trends of the IT industry by reading articles from various magazines and journals. He suggested not taking things or knowledge as it is, but always try to question it because questioning helps us to get deeper understanding about it. The workshop was very interesting and he assured help at any time in learning any areas of validation technique, software testing & hacking.

Spoken Tutorial Workshop on Free and Open Source Software’s
The Department of MCA in association with IIT, Mumbai, organized an informational tutorial on Java Programming, for the students of III Semester MCA, on 21st August, 2013. The session comprised of basic hands on tutorial on Java Programming with the prime intention to establish a strong foundation of the programming concepts and a positive approach to deal with the complex algorithms in Core JAVA.

The participating students were provided with technical supports like computers, headsets and other required equipment’s to listen to the high quality tutorial videos. The videos were well explained, and the students had an on-site experience with continuous guidance from the faculty members of the department.

Skill Development and Team Building
In order to enhance knowledge in various technical domains in IT, six technical communities were formed, viz Networking, System Administration, Security, Enterprise solutions, Mobile Computing and Embedded Systems.

The students were grouped according to their interest in various technical communities.

Industrial Visit
Visit to Infosys Campus on 21.01.2012 – Technical Seminar was delivered by Infosys professionals. 58 students and 2 faculty members attended.

Programmes to develop interpersonal skills
Various programmes and fests were conducted last year to improve interpersonal, team building, soft skills and technical skills.

Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM