Guidelines Term Examination

Guidelines Term Examination

1. Students should bring their Identity Cards & Hall Tickets without fail. No student will be allowed to write an examination without an Identity Card and Hall Ticket.

2. An Answer Booklet is issued from the college for writing Examinations.

3. Students coming late are not allowed to write the exams.

4. Students should be present in the Examination Hall 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination.

5. Roll No., Name of student, Class, Course Code, Course Title & Signature of the student should be written legibly on the cover page of the Booklet.

6. Malpractice of any sort will be seriously dealt with.

7. Scribbling in the Question Paper is not allowed. This is considered as an act of malpractice.

8. Students are not supposed to carry Electronic gadgets to the campus during examination days.

9. Students are not allowed to go out of the Examination Hall during examination for reasons like drinking water, Restrooms, etc.

10. Borrowing of writing materials, calculators or other Stationaries is not allowed.

11. Students can keep their bags and books inside the examination hall(near the blackboard).

12. The Control Room for the examination is the Examination Office (Admin Block, First Floor).

13. No students are allowed to leave the examination hall before the scheduled end time for the examination.

14. Students should hand over the Answer Scripts to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall.

Circular for End Semester Supplementary Examination Fee [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 4th Annual Convocation of Bengaluru North University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM |