Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Germany

The Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) is an international business school which welcomes students from all over Germany and the world. Our aim is to educate students who are keen on results and to prepare them throughly for their future roles in management. Our bachelor and master's programmes are strongly grounded in the practical application of academic theory.

Courses taught in English
Lectures at the HNU are either given in German or, in many cases, in English only.
In 'Business studies' (B.A.) four entire focus fields are held in English:
International business administration
Transport, environment and international logistics
International management and leadership
Business information systems

Each focus field includes several seminars.

The 'Information management and corporate communications' B.A. programme and the newely introduced 'Information management automotive' B.Sc. programme both include two semesters held exclusively in English.

At the Master's level, the focus area 'International brand and sales management' is taught in English.

The range of courses in English is complemented by a number of optional courses, e.g.'Corporate finance','Cross-cultural aspects of business' and 'Managerial economics'.

Studying at the HNU

Academic departments
The Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences consists of the following academic departments:
Department of Business and Economics
Department of Information management
Department of Healthcare management
Department of Professional and postgraduate studies

Undergraduate programmes usually take seven semester to complete, including one internship and the final thesis, whereas the master's degree requires four semesters of study. The part-time professional degree programmes take four to six semesters, depending on the programme.

HNU academic calendar
The academic year at HNU consists of a summer and a winter semester.
Teaching period summer semester: mid-March to mid-July
Teaching period winter semester: October to mid-February
For our international students, the International office holds welcoming weeks prior to the beginning of the teaching period.

Degree programmes
Bachelor majors
Business studies(B.A.)
Industrial engineering | Production (B.Sc.)*
Industrial engineering | Logistics (B.Eng.)*
Information management and corporate communications (B.A.)
Information management automotive(B.Sc.)
Business information systems(B.Sc.)*
Information management in healthcare(B.Sc.)*
Healthcare management (B.A.)
Management for health and care professional (B.A.) (part time)

Master majors
Master of advanced management (M.Sc.)
Business studies for engineers and other non-business professionals (MBA) (part-time)
Strategic information management (MBA) (part-time)
Business studies for doctors (MBA) (part-time)
Business studies for doctors in Africa (MBA) (part-time)

Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM