Faculty Development Program

National Level Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Innovative Pedagogical Strategies Using AI & Digital Platforms
Date: 04 & 11 November 2024

National Level Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Innovative Pedagogical Strategies Using AI & Digital Platforms, held from 04/11/2024 to 11/11/2024. The program witnessed enthusiastic participation from faculty members, researchers, and academic administrators across the nation, joining the sessions. The five-day FDP was designed to empower educators with the knowledge and tools necessary to incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital technologies into their teaching methodologies. The program focused on creating innovative, interactive, and inclusive learning environments to address the demands of modern education. Participants reported that the FDP provided them with valuable insights and practical knowledge to enhance their teaching methods. Many appreciated the hands-on approach and the opportunity to explore innovative tools. One participant remarked, "The program was a perfect blend of theory and practice. It has given me the confidence to integrate AI tools into my classroom." The FDP on Innovative Pedagogical Strategies Using AI & Digital Platforms successfully achieved its objective of empowering educators with modern tools and strategies to enhance academic delivery. The organizing committee expressed gratitude to the speakers, participants, and sponsors for their support in making the program a resounding success.

National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Research Writing”
Date: 05 & 06 August 2024

Department of Commerce (UG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bangalore, in collaboration with PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, organized a highly impactful National Level Faculty Development Programme on Research Writing on 5th and 6th August 2024. The online programme was facilitated by Dr. R.B. Ayeswarya, Dean of Students Affairs, Stella Maris College, Chennai, and attracted 75 faculty members from institutions across the country. The initiative aimed to refine research writing skills, improve publication success rates, and foster a strong culture of research and scholarship. Participants engaged in comprehensive sessions on topics such as research design, literature review, data analysis, and manuscript preparation. Additionally, hands-on workshops provided practical guidance on writing proposals, abstracts, and addressing plagiarism concerns. This enriching experience empowered faculty members with the necessary tools to enhance their academic writing and contribute significantly to scholarly advancements.

FDP on Utilizing Cutting-Edge Pedagogical Approaches to Enhance Educational Efficacy
Date: 15 to 22 April 2024

The Department of Commerce (UG) organized a FDP on "Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS and Econometric Analysis using EViews" from 15/04/2024 to 22/04/2024 April 04, 2024, to April 22, 2024. Faculty from various institutions participated in this FDP. 253 participants benefited from this Faculty Development Program. The resource person for the FDP was Dr. Ankit Saxena, GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Saxena provided a comprehensive blend of theoretical understanding and practical application, catering to researchers, academicians, and professionals aiming to enhance their quantitative analysis skills. Dr. Saxena provided hands-on experience to the participants. The participants explored SEM using the AMOS software and EViews.

FDP on Utilizing Cutting-Edge Pedagogical Approaches to Enhance Educational Efficacy
Date: 02 to 10 November 2023

Department of Commerce organized seven day faculty development program (FDP) from 02nd November to 10th of November 2023. The title of the FDP is “UTILIZING CUTTING-EDGE PEDAGOGICAL APPROACHE TO ENHANCE EDUCATIONAL EFFICACY” which will aim to provide faculty members an opportunity to develop their knowledge to engage the students with different kinds of stimuli and creates an environment of activity-based learning. The FDP will help in improving teaching quality and professionalism which can then lead to self-propelled changes in teaching learning process. The need of the faculty development program is felt to enable the faculty members to understand appropriate techniques and methodology to be used in PEDAGOGICAL TECHNIQUES. Hereby Seven Days faculty development program is scheduled to enhance the participant’s skills in innovative teaching strategies which every teacher can embrace and make their teaching way more interesting.

FDP on Usage of Innovative Pedagogical Techniques
Date: 17 to 22 October 2022

Department of Commerce organized seven day faculty development program (FDP) from 17th October to 22nd of October 2022. The title of the FDP is “USAGE OF INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGICAL TECHNIQUES” which will aim to provide faculty members an opportunity to develop their knowledge to engage the students with different kinds of stimuli and creates an environment of activity-based learning. The FDP will help in improving teaching quality and professionalism which can then lead to self-propelled changes in teaching learning process. The need of the faculty development program is felt to enable the faculty members to understand appropriate techniques and methodology to be used in PEDAGOGICAL TECHNIQUES. Hereby Six Days faculty development program is scheduled to enhance the participant’s skills in innovative teaching strategies which every teacher can embrace and make their teaching way more interesting.

The FDP was inaugurated on 17th October 2022 The inaugural function of the Faculty development program commenced with the invocation song, by the department choir and welcome address by Prof. Vijayakumar R. HOD, Department of Commerce, Kristu Jayanti College followed by Inaugural Address by Fr. Jais V Thomas, Financial Administrator & Faculty Member, Commerce and Management and all the sessions has went well by enriching the knowledge on pedagogical techniques.

FDP on “Systematic Approach for Academic Research”
Date: 20/09/2021 -28/09/2021

Research plays an important role in a society that inspires others and opens up more job opportunities in the country. Hence there is a need for sustainable growth for research in the industry as well as the education sector.

Department of Commerce organizes a seven-day faculty development program (FDP) from 20th September to 28th of September 2021. The title of the FDP is “Systematic Approach for Academic Research” which will aim to provide faculty members an opportunity to develop their knowledge in the field of research. The FDP will help in improving teaching quality and professionalism which can then lead to self-propelled changes in the teaching-learning process. The need for the faculty development program is felt to enable the faculty members to understand appropriate techniques and methodology to be used in research.

Hereby Seven Days faculty development program is scheduled to enhance the participant’s skills in writing quality and relevant researches papers/work and also learn a lot about how one can publish their papers in various reputed national and international journals.

The objective of this event is to enhance the quality of research and lead to a shift in indications of human research growth.

The faculty development program has seven days sessions which include from initials of introduction to journals and articles, followed by a systematic approach to the literature review, procedure for writing a research paper, hypothesis testing for research articles, advanced data analysis techniques with SPSS, data analysis using R programming, concluding with techniques for preparing the plagiarism-free article.

The FDP will enrich the knowledge of faculties through interaction with eminent personalities from academia. Knowledge sharing will improve the teaching-learning process for the faculties and benefit society.

The FDP program will aim at Research Scholars, Academicians, and Industrialists to enable the participants to define research problems and develop a suitable methodology for addressing crucial challenges.

Happy Teacher, Happy Student, Happy Nation.
Date: 14 June 2019
Time: 10.30 am - 3.30 pm.
Department: Commerce
Target Audience: Faculty Members of Commerce Department
Trainer: Prof. Vijayakumar R Head, Department of Commerce, Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous

Prof. Vijayakumar R, empowered department faculty members to be consultants for school teachers to build a 'Happy Nation'.

Prof. Vijayakumar, stressed on 'Happiness' of a 'Teacher' which is directly connected with the happiness of students who will be the future of our 'Nation'.

He also explained various 'Strategies' to be 'Happy' as an individual and the importance of being a 'Team Player' in an organization.

When we are 'Happy' as an individual, then we can build a 'Happy' environment around us.

Goods and Service tax
Date: 01/07/2017
Number of beneficiaries: 25
List of Resource Persons with details: Mr Sourabh Jain C A, Chartered Accountant, Kadam Foundation
Objective: To enhance and upgrade the knowledge related to GST

The Faculty of Commerce and Management, Kristu Jayanti College, organized a Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on July 1, 2017, featuring the newly implemented ‘Goods and Services Tax’ (GST).

CA Saurabh Jain, Director at iOnyx Global Private Limited and Managing Partner at S Jain Gupta and Co. LLP, was the Resource Person for the session. The aim of the program was to introduce the teachers to a better understanding of the tax reforms so that they could in turn share with others the functioning of the GST system.

Sri Jain gave an overview of the tax scheme that with the implementation of GST, there would no longer be frequent rate changes and it would create a unified market, uniform compliance, payments and filings, the removal of cascading taxes and benefit the manufacturers and exporters.

Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM