Faculty Development Programme

Seven Days National Level Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Innovation Education: Integration of SDGs in Curriculum Framework
The Department of Commerce (PG) in association with Department of Social Work in collaboration with United Nations Academic Impact Hub for Sustainable Development Goals organized Seven Days National Level Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Innovation Education: Integration of SDGs in Curriculum Framework. Dr. Gopakumar A. V. gave the prelude to the session. Fr. Emmanuel P.J, Director, Kristu Jayanti College of Law, Director, Office of International and Domestic Relations, Jayantian Alumni Association and Faculty, Department of Psychology inaugurated the FDP. He emphasized on the phrase “Get it right and make it safe”, pointing at how the community of students and faculty can work for the success of SDG goals. Seven resource persons who are experts in their field delivered their insights on how to achieve SDG Goals in Higher Education Institutes and what are the requirements for the same. The scope of the FDP covered community engagement, research, policy advocacy and institutional commitments as the major means to achieve SDGs in institutions.

Seven Days National Level Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Business Anaytics: Concepts, Building Blocks And Applications
The Department of Commerce (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, conducted the Seven Days National Level Virtual Faculty Development Program which started on 2ndNovember 2023, Thursday. The program’s theme was “BUSINESS ANALYTICS: CONCEPTS, BUILDING BLOCKS AND APPLICATIONS". It was conducted virtually on the Zoom platform. The National level FDP witnessed seven sessions and six resource persons dealing on various topics pertaining to – Business data analytics and tools, data handling process, data patterns, descriptive statistics, predictive analysis modeling. The teachers from various colleges and universities as well as the students of the Department of Commerce (PG), Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru, were also a part of the program.

The program started with the inaugural session. It started with a welcome Address by Dr. Cherian Thomas, Faculty, Department of Commerce (PG) Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru. The Inaugural Address was given by Rev. Fr. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru. Father highlighted the need for such programs as the need for data analytics is rising in every field such as education, business, research etc. It was followed by vote of thanks by Ms. Varshini S, Student, 1st Semester M.Com, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru.

Seven Days National Level Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Multi-Disciplinary Approach: A Roadmap for Academia 4.0
The Department of Commerce (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru conducted Faculty Development Program which started on 3rd November, 2022, Thursday. The theme for the programme was “MULTI-DISCIPLINARY APPROACH: A ROADMAP FOR ACADEMIA 4.0”. The program was conducted virtually in Zoom platform. The National Level FDP witnessed 7 events and 8 resource persons dealing on various topics pertaining to Research, Consultancy, Teaching and Counseling. The teachers of various colleges and students of the Department of Commerce (PG) were also part of the program. The Inaugural Session began with a Welcome Address by Prof. Madhu Dhruvakumar, Coordinator, Department of Commerce (PG). The Inaugural Address was given by Fr. Jais V Thomas, Financial Administrator, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru. Our Father highlighted the need for such programs in inculcating good values in the minds of the learners and teachers. It was followed by Vote of Thanks by Dr. Murugesan T.K, Faculty, Department of Commerce (PG), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru.

7 Days Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Enabling Research with Interface of SPSS, E-Views & Mendeley
The Department of Commerce PG, Kristu Jayanti College, has organized a “7 Days Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Enabling Research with Interface of SPSS, E-Views & Mendeley” from 1st – 8th December 2021. The resource persons were Dr Urmila Itam Assistant Professor CMS Business School Jain (Deemed to be University) Bengaluru, Dr. Muhammad Ashiq A M, Assistant Professor & Mendeley Advisior, Department of Commerce PG, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, Dr. Muhammed Rafi OPC, Assistant Professor Dr. B. R. Ambedkar School of Economics University, Bengaluru and Dr. Murugesan TK Associate Professor, Department of Commerce PG, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) Bengaluru, Karnataka. The faculty members from various institution across India have participated in the programme. The resource persons enriched the knowledge of the participants, academic researcher and teaching community with wide scope on data analysis by using SPSS, E-Views & Mendeley for reference and citation. It was a great opportunity for the participants to learn and to have an overview of the research, interesting statistical tools, and knowledge shared by all the resource persons. The participants have participated actively and gained unique information on various aspects of research.

7-Day Virtual Faculty Development Programme on “Econometrics For Time-Series Analysis"
The Department of Commerce (PG) in association with the Department of Economics organised a 7-Day Virtual Faculty Development Programme On “Econometrics for Time Series Analysis” from 03rd to 10th March, 2021. This FDP was virtually organised via Zoom Platform from 5.30 p.m to 7 p.m for the benefits of faculty members and PG students of various educational institutions in India. Total 300 participants actively attended this 7-Day Virtual FDP. Out of 300 participants, 213 were the internal participants of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) and 87 were the external participants from various educational institutions across India. The resource persons for this FDP were Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Professor & Director, Centre for Research and Dr. Jyothi Manoj, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous).

The nitty-gritty of this 7-Day Virtual FDP is to provide the academic fraternity a hands-on platform for learning a blend of knowledge, acquittance and skills on real-world usage and application of various econometric tools and techniques with the help of GRETL to test hypothetical data of real-life social science research problems. Econometrics is the quantitative application of the statistical and mathematical models using data to develop theories or testing existing hypothesis in social sciences. The virtual FDP was started with an inauguration ceremony by welcoming the Management, Resource Persons, Faculty Members, Delegates and the Student Participants. After the inauguration, the hands-on session was handed over to Dr. Justin Nelson Michael.

The resource persons covered the following areas comprehensively in this seven-day virtual faculty development programme.

DAY 1: It was started with an inauguration ceremony by welcoming the Management, Resource persons, faculty members, delegates and the student participants. It was started with topic “Cointegration and Error Correlation Mechanism: Concept of Causality and followed by most imperative and significant topics and models on econometrics.

DAY 2: This day began with the significant topics of econometrics like autoregressive models and modelling volatility. The participants had a broad panorama and landscape on the imperative implications of autoregressive models and modelling volatility on the real-live market and business data.

DAY 3: The third day commenced with the wide-ranging concepts on econometrics using heteroscedasticity, followed by ARCH & GARCH models and their implications in the academic research of management, commerce, economics and other social science subjects. This day session provides the participants a far-reaching hands-on knowledge and skills and their applicability in real-time research data.

DAY 4: This day was started with a topic “Stationary Series in Econometrics” which is very useful and fruitful subject for data analysis and hypotheses formation by the research scholars and this session was wholly a knowledgeable, well-informed and conversant one.

DAY 5: This day has begun with the inexhaustible topic called “Multicollinearity”. It was a prodigious and phenomenal moment for the participants to have the hands-on and live exposures and opportunity to learn the concept with the practical implications.

DAY 6: The day was started by pitching a lime light on the topic “Cointegration Concept of Causality and followed by its significant concepts and notions and their applications in social science researches, which is helpful for analyzing the causality of research data by the academic scholars.

DAY 7: The concluding session of this virtual FDP has begun with the real-world usage and applications of GRETL & ARIMA Model and other relevant concepts in econometrics. This concluding session provides the participants a hands-on exposure on “How to explore, analyze and conclude the research data based upon time series and historical data by using Gretl software and 'Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average'. ARIMA Model is actually a class of models that 'explains' a given time series based on its own past values, that is, its own lags and the lagged forecast errors, so that equation can be used to forecast future values.

Followed by, there was a question and answering session in which the participants had a fruitful interaction for clarifying their doubts about various tenets and canons of econometrics and both the resource persons answered the major queries of the participants satisfactorily. Finally, this 7-Day FDP “on Econometrics for Time series Analysis" was ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Sivasubramanian, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous).

FDP on GST - one nation one tax
Date: 10/11/2016
Number of beneficiaries: 29
List of Resource Persons with details: Mr.Kiran Kumar, Founder Director, NICT Computer Education

Objective: To empower the faculty members to enrich and update their knowledge related to GST

In his Speech, Mr.Kiran explained the background of GST, Milestones, relevant concepts, applicability, coverage, proposed rate of taxation, comparison between the present indirect taxes and GST, its advantages, implication on the economy, and calculation of GST etc. Finally the interaction with the faculty members held with questions and answers. Prf.Suku Thomas Samuel Faculty Department of Management Proposed Vote of Thanks.

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