Carrer Opportunities

Commerce is one of the most popular fields of study across the globe, with the rapid growth of the Indian economy a commerce graduate is never in dearth of employment.

The discipline of commerce consists of a wide range of inter-disciplinary branches including Accountancy, Business Administration, E-Commerce, Finance, Economics and Marketing.

This ensures that commerce education churns out talented professionals who can contribute to the growth of the Indian economy. A commerce graduate can opt for Governmental Jobs/ Jobs in MNC or any firm who needs a qualified commerce professional.

After completing the course, students can pursue higher education also by enrolling for M.Phil or PhD Progrmmes

Corporate Visit to Withum Smith Brown India Ltd.
On September 22, 2023, Withum Company welcomed students from the Commerce Department PG for engaging pre-placement talk, organized in collaboration with the Centre for Employability and Corporate Relations (CECR). This event provided students with a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into Withum’s corporate culture, values, and recruitment processes. Vikram Rao, Head of HR at Withum, provided a comprehensive overview of the company’s recruitment process, with a specific focus on the aptitude and Group Discussion (GD) Rounds. His insights into the qualities and skills that Withum values in potential candidates were instrumental in helping students prepare for future interviews.

Nigel John, Head of Talent Acquisition, shared valuable information about Withum’s core values and the various benefits offered to employees. He emphasized the company’s commitment to fostering a positive work environment, promoting employee well-being, and supporting growth through initiatives such as the Milee CPA partnership and the employee referral bonus program. During the talk, it became evident that Withum Company places a strong emphasis on values such as client-centricity, integrity, innovation, collaboration, and a balanced work-life approach. These values are not only integral to the company’s success but also reflect its commitment to creating a thriving workplace culture. The corporate visit, organized exclusively for the pre-placement talk, was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the Commerce Department PG and CECR. It allowed students to experience firsthand environment at Withum and gain a deeper understanding of the company’s ethos.

Capacity Building Training on Life Skills Education
The Department of Commerce (PG) in association with Centre for Life Skills Education organized capacity building training programme on Life Skills from 18/08/2022 to 20/08/2022 from 9:00 to 3:30 pm for the benefits of I Semester M.Com & M.Com FA Students in Class Room No. B 402 (IV Floor, Admin Block). The training on life skill education was started with introduction to life skill education by Dr.A.Jonas Richard, Director, Centre for Life Skills Education. During the introduction session, Dr.A.Jonas Richard explained the significance and importance of ten life skills education in the personal and professional development of the students.

The crux of life skills education is to focus on wholesome development of the students. It helps participants become more assertive, communicate effectively with others by developing good listening skills and learn to handle stress and deal with disappointments and setbacks. Prof.Madhu Druvakumar handled sessions on Self Awareness and Empathy, Dr.T.K.Murugesan conducted sessions on Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking, Dr.A.Pushpa handled interactive sessions on Coping with Emotions and Coping with Stress, Dr.Krishnamoorthi effectively conducted sessions on Decision Making Skills and Interpersonal Relationship Skills and Prof.Bharti Ranade handled sessions on Effective Communication Skills and Problem Solving Skills.

Placement Orientation & Training Program (POTP)
The Department of Commerce PG in association with Centre for Employability and Corporate Relations (CECR) organized Placement Orientation & Training Program (POTP) on 8th August, 2022 from 2:30 to 4:30 pm for the benefits of III Semester M.Com & M.Com FA Students in Auditorium I, 2nd Floor, Admin Block. The resource person for the program was Prof.Sen B. Mathews, Director, Centre for Employability & Corporate Relations (CECR). POTP plays a key role in shaping up the career goals of the students. It is the dream of every post-graduate to get placed in one of the reputed organizations visiting the college campus for recruitment. Keeping this key aspect into consideration, it was realized that POTP was imperative for final year M.Com & M.Com FA students to enhance their employability skills and career exposure opportunities for getting placed in one of the reputed companies globally.

Online Session on Career Opportunities in the Securities Markets
The Department of Commerce PG in collaboration with NISM (National Institute of Securities Markets) organized an Online Session on Career Opportunities in the Securities Markets via Cisco Webex on 18th November, 2020 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm. The resource person for the Session was Mr.Gokulnath Raja, Business Development Manager (South), National Institute of Securities Markets. The purpose of this session was to provide the student fraternity a thought-provoking platform for acquiring a wide range of capacity building activities at various levels to enhance the quality standards and exposures in securities markets. The National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) is a public trust established in 2006 by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the regulator of the securities markets in India.

This session equipped the students with capacity building skills in the Indian securities markets through financial literacy, professional education, enhancing governance standards and fostering policy research. This online session threw light on the following aspects of securities markets in India.
• Promotion of securities markets through research and education
• Roles and technical functions of securities market
• The regulatory and its roles and functions in securities market
• Financial instruments traded in the securities market
• Finally, the career opportunities in the securities market for students.

Total 182 students from first and final year M.Com & I M.Com FA attended the session virtually via Cisco Webex and they were glad with the way the session was organized by the expert team of NISM. The students acquired an inclusive awareness and knowledge about various roles, technical functions and taxonomy of securities markets in India. The partakers of this online session gained professional knowledge on the roles, functions and structure of the securities market in India. The students responded that this online session embarked them with knowledge dissemination and skills enhancement in the financial and securities markets domain.

Placement Orientation & Training Programme (POTP)
The Department of Commerce PG in association with Centre for Employability and Corporate Relations (CECR) organized Placement Orientation & Training Programme (POTP) via Zoom Platform on 16th September, 2020 from 3:30 to 4:30 pm for the benefits of III Semester M.Com & M.Com FA Students. The Resource Person for the programme was Prof. Sen B. Mathews, Director Centre for Employability & Corporate Relations (CECR).

POTP plays a key role in shaping up the career goals of the students. It is the dream of every post-graduate to get placed in one of the reputed organizations visiting the college campus for recruitment. Keeping this key aspect into consideration, it was realized that POTP was imperative for final year M.Com & M.Com FA students to enhance their employability skills and career exposure opportunities for getting placed in one of the reputed companies globally.

The crux of this orientation and training programme was to foster the fraternity of final year students with soft-skills set like communication skills, quantitative aptitude, problem solving skills, and interview skills which are the prerequisites of being company friendly and also to prepare post graduate students to achieve superior career roles in the corporate world.

The CECR was established with the sole aim of finding out the gap between need of the industry and end product of the Institute. The Center also facilitates aspiring students by providing Industrial Visits, Projects, Soft-skills Training, Industry Meets, Career Orientation and Expert Lectures by respective professionals. Prof. Sen B. Mathews gave an insight on the following facets during this orientation and training programme.

  • Placement Guidelines for GATE 2021
  • Awareness about “career planning" and "career mapping" among the students.
  • Recruitment process usually followed by organization and its expectations
  • Orientation on Aptitude Test, GD, HR & Tech Interviews
  • Personal Branding through Resume
  • E-Mail Etiquette
  • Scenario Analysis
  • Accurate Self-Awareness Analysis

Total 98 students (58 from III M.Com & 40 from III M.Com FA) attended the POTP and they gained knowledge on employability skills and career exposures from undergoing this training programme. This programme provided the student community a strong platform for imbibing leadership qualities, organizing abilities, communication skills and team spirit to meet the demands and expectations of the corporate word. To meet the expectations of the Industry, this full-fledged orientation and training programme equipped our III Semester M.Com & M.Com FA Students with the knowledge, competency, skills and exposures on par with the industry standards.

Online Webinar on “Transition From Campus To Corporate”
The Department of Commerce PG organized an Online Webinar on “Transition From Campus To Corporate” via Zoom Platform on 08th August, 2020 at 10-11 am for benefits of III Semester M.Com & M.Com FA Students. The resource person for the Programme is Mr.Kamal Kanth T, Regional Vice President at Salesforce, Bengaluru, Karnataka. The aim of the programme is to imbibe the students with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes required for meeting the demands and expectations of the corporate world.

Today, global competitive environment demands resilient individuals who are dynamic in their approach, humble in their attitude, proactive in their thoughts and committed in their workplace. Right since its inception, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) has endeavored to inculcate a culture of developing employability skills among the student fraternity. Based on the four pillars of education - Knowledge, Skills, Values and Attitude, the Jayantian Education System is geared up towards the holistic development of the student community.

Mr.Kamal Kanth has delivered an inspiring and guiding talk on the topic "Transition From Campus to Corporate". As the students are entering the corporate world after graduating from campus, it is extremely important for them to have the employability skills to cope up with the new corporate environment. The resource person also gave the students a few tips and guidelines on “How to cope up with new business environment”. The resource person emphasized that the students need to update or upload their resume in LinkedIn and other job sites. He has also thrown a point on how to create a LinkedIn resume and also spoke about how important it is to create the first and the best impression to be different from others while making self-introduction.

When students enter the corporate environment, they meet new people or colleagues every day and it is more important for them to collide with new people in every possible aspect. He also gave us a clear picture on how to identify our weaknesses and strengths and also suggested ways to turn our weaknesses into our strengths. He explained how important the initial 5 to 10 years of our job is. He explained us to concentrate on gathering knowledge and experience, rather than focusing or concentrating much on earning more salaries and incentives. He assured that it would become easier for us to earn the desired salary in the future with the knowledge and experience gained when you entered the corporate world.

Total 58 students from III Semester M.Com & M.Com attended this online webinar and they have acquired the skills, exposures and knowledge which are the vivacious facets of coping with new corporate environment. This virtual webinar provided student fraternity a strong platform for imbibing leadership qualities, organizing abilities, communication skills and team spirit to meet the demands and expectations of the corporate word. The participants have felt that this online webinar has imbibed them with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to meet the demands of the business world. Thus an hour of enlightening talk on how to carry our self was very much the need of the hour.

Certificate Course on Basics of Decision Science
Department of Commerce PG conducted a Certificate Course on Basics of Decision Science on 19th to 21st November, 2019 at Class Room No.B402 (Admin Block) from 9 am to 4.30 pm. This Certificate Course usually tests the student’s ability to acquire decision making skills and problem-solving skills. The main objective of conducting this Certificate Course is to supplement students with the scientific, decision making, analytical, reasoning, comprehensive and quantitative skills required to be competent in the preliminary stage of the interview process and in the competitive examinations. The basics of decision science are the most important requisites for clearing any competitive exams and cracking the initial round of the interview. The chapters of the course along with the resources persons are as follows.

Title of the Session

Resource Person

Learning Outcome

Unit I: Simple Interest (SI) and Compound Interest (CI)

Dr.Murugesan T K

Students were familiarized with the calculation of the compound and the simple interest from the given data.

Unit II: Average & Percentage

Dr.Muthukumar V

Students have acquired knowledge on expressing the numbers in the base of a fraction of 100

Unit III: Profit & Loss

Ms.Madhu Druvakumar

Students have learned the concepts in Profit and Loss which play a fundamental role in the realm of accounting.

Unit IV: Number Series

Ms.Pushpa A

Students have learned skills to with a sequence formed out of numbers and to detect the rules that result in the formation of a number series.

Unit V: Data Interpretation


Students are equipped with the interpretation skills of making sense out of a collection of data that has been processed.

Total 89 students (50 from IV M.Com & 39 from IV M.Com FA) attended this three days certificate course. The participants of this course will be equipped with intellectual, analytical, reasoning, comprehensive, logical, numerical and reasoning skills to crack the aptitude round of the interview, competitive examinations and UGC-NET Examinations. The participants have felt that this course provided them a platform for acquiring all soft-skills set, decision making abilities and numerical capabilities for cracking any competitive examinations.

Centre for Employability and Corporate Relations (CECR)
Leadership Training Programme (LTP)

Department of Commerce PG organized Leadership Training Programme (LTP) on 25th June, 2019 at SKE Auditorium from 9 am to 1.45 pm and B407 from 1.45 pm to 4.30 pm. Prof. Sen B Mathews, Director, CECR, Kristu Jayanti College conducted LTP for enhancing leadership and employability skills of the M.Com & M.Com FA students.

Today global competitive environment requires resilient individuals who are dynamic in their approach, humble in their attitude, proactive in their thought and highly committed in their work. Based on the four pillars of education - Knowledge, Skills, Values and Attitude, the students are able to obtain holistic development. The CECR provided students a strong platform form imbibing leadership qualities, organizing abilities, communication skills and team spirit to meet the demands and expectations of the corporate word.

Total 65 students (30 from III M.Com & 35 from III M.Com FA) attended the LTP and they have acquired the employability skills and knowledge from undergoing this training programme.

Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM