
Workshop on Charting your way to Financial Success
The Department of Commerce PG organized the Workshop on 28th October 2024, Monday from 01:40 p.m. to 03:30 p.m. for the I M.Com. and I M.Com. FA Students. Dr. K Kiran Kumar focused on theoretical and practical exposure on Investment in the stock market and the steps to create the portfolio in the stock market. He exposed many strategies that intra-day traders use. He focused on the Japanese candle stick method and various sub methods which are involved in predicting the future of stock price trajectory. A virtual trading platform was used to demonstrate and identify these strategies.

Workshop on Charting your way to Financial Success
The Department of Commerce PG organized the Workshop on 28th October 2024, Monday from 01:40 p.m. to 03:30 p.m. for the Generic Elective Students. Dr . K Kiran Kumar focused on theoretical and practical exposure on Investment in the stock market and the steps to create the portfolio in the stock market. He exposed many strategies that intra-day traders use. He focused on the Japanese candle stick method and various sub methods which are involved in predicting the future of stock price trajectory. A virtual trading platform was used to demonstrate and identify these strategies.

One-Day Skills Enhancement Workshop on Research Methodology
The Department of Commerce (PG) organized “One-Day Skills Enhancement Workshop on Research Methodology” on 11th November, 2023 in Computer Lab III, 5th Floor, Admin Block from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm for the benefits of I Semester M.Com & M.Com FA. The main aim of this workshop on SPSS is to provide the students the hands-on experience to understand the basics of SPSS and its statistical applications in the business and commerce research work. Spanning multiple sessions, the workshop was effectively organized not only to throw a light on theoretical knowledge of research methodology and but also to foster know-how proficiency in the application of statistical tools for preparing research reports and research articles using the powerful statistical analysis software SPSS. The workshop was designed with four sessions handled by four resource persons. Dr.Neerupa Chauhan, Faculty, Department of Professional Accounting & Finance conducted a hands-on session on “Introduction to Descriptive Statistics”; Ms.Sony, Faculty, Department of Management effectively handled a session on the statistical applications of correlation and regression using SPSS; Dr.Nagadeepa, Faculty, Department of Commerce UG performed Chi-Square and Factor Analysis tests using SPSS; and Dr.Yuvaraj, Faculty, Department of Statistics conducted a session of applying ANOVA and T-Test using SPSS. This workshop provided the students a hands-on experience to manage large and complex data sets and perform advanced statistical analysis using SPSS.

Two-Day Skills Enhancement Workshop on Processing and Analysis of Data Using SPSS
The Department of Commerce (PG) organized a “Two-Day Skills Enhancement Workshop on Processing and Analysis of Data Using SPSS” for II Semester M.Com and M.Com Students on 18th and 19th January 2023. This workshop was formally inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Deepu Joy, Director, Student Welfare Office, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) on 18th January 2023 at 9.00 am in Auditorium I, 2nd Floor, Admin Block and thereby followed with the hands-on sessions in SPSS in Computer Lab-P3, 4th Floor, PG Block from 9.30 am to 5.00 pm on Day 1 and from 9.30 am to 2. 30 pm on Day 2 by different eminent resource persons for the benefits of II Sem M.Com & M.Com FA as a skill development program. The resource persons for this workshop were Dr. C. Nagadeepa, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce UG, Dr. Chandrakhanthan J, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce UG, Mr. Somasundaram J, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Dr. P C Gita, Associate Professor, School of Management and Dr. D Joseph Charles Tamilmaran, Assistant Professor, School of Management. This workshop as a part of a skill enhancement program aims to provide the student fraternity a hands-on platform for acquiring and enriching their practical knowledge and skills in processing and analysis of various statistical tools and techniques with the help of SPSS Statistics to test hypothetical data of real-life business problems.

Skill Development Workshop on “Writing and Publishing Research Articles in Book, Scopus and Web of Science Indexed Journals”
The Department of Commerce (PG) organized a Skill Development Workshop on “Writing and Publishing Research Articles in Book, Scopus and Web of Science Indexed Journals” for 2nd Year M.Com and M.Com students on 19th September, 2022 from 11 am to 1 pm at A1 Lab, 5th Floor, Admin Block. The session was handled by Prof. Surjit Singha, and Dr. Rajakamal CH, Assistant Professors, Department of Commerce (UG) as resource persons, along with Department Coordinator Prof. Madhu Druvakumar and Staff Coordinator Dr. Akhil M P. The resource persons threw a light on various facets of workshop theme such as citation styles, citation generator, editing and layout designing of an article, citation of journal in APA format, writing a research article, journal reviewers' expectations, and submission process through Mail ID, Author Account and creation of ORCID ID for all the participants.

The participants shared their topics of interest such as field of research in analytics, a complete manuscript, employee performance measurement, performance of researcher, etc. They discussed their topics of interest and raised their queries to the resource persons for the initial idea formation of article drafting, selecting topics, framing of article titles, research paper publication, various websites which provide projects in research fields, and study samples. Sharing of ideas between the trainers and students made the session an interactive one, and the session was highly participative and encouraging towards the students’ completion of projects in coming days.

A Seven Day Workshop on Research Methodology & Data Analysis Using SPSS
The Department of Commerce (PG) organized a Seven-Day Workshop on Research Methodology & Data Analysis Using SPSS from 15th – 23rd November, 2021. The workshop was scheduled from 3.00 pm to 4.0 pm in Auditorium I, 2nd Floor, Admin Block and from 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm in PG Computer Lab, 4th Floor, Admin Block for the benefits of I Year M.Com & M.Com FA as a skill development program. The resource persons for this workshop were Prof. Madhu Druvakumar, Coordinator, Commerce PG; Dr.Murugesan T K, Associate Professor, Commerce PG; Dr.Krishnamoorthi M, Assistant Professor, Commerce PG; Dr.Pushpa A, Assistant Professor, Commerce PG; and Dr.Muhammad Ashiq, Assistant Professor, Commerce PG. This workshop as a part of a skill enhancement program aims to provide the student fraternity a hands-on platform for acquiring and enriching their practical knowledge and skills on usage and application of various statistical tools and techniques with the help of SPSS Statistics 20 to test hypothetical data of real life business problems. The virtual workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Aloysius Edward J, Dean & Professor, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) on 15th November, 2021 at 4.00 p.m.

Two Day Workshop on Citation and Reference Management
The The Department of Commerce (PG) organised a national level workshop titled “Two Day Workshop on Citation & Reference Management" in association with Mendeley Corporation on 6th and 7th, September 2021. The event was virtually organized through Zoom platform from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. The resource person for the workshop was Dr. P. Mathivanan, Mendely Advisor and Assistant Professor in the department of Data Sciences at Siva Sivani Institute of Management, Secunderabad, Telangana. The workshop was organized in order to introduce the Mendeley software which is widely used by researchers for manging citation and referencing in research and academic writings and academic networking.

The resource person introduced the basic components and the interface of Mendeley software in the first session of day one. Whereas in the second session on day two he demonstrated the application and integration of Mendeley in formatting in-text and non-integral citation. He also explained the process of adding and managing citation using Mendeley plug-ins for MS Word and web browsers. The purpose of this workshop was to stimulate the participants and familiarize them with the software in their academic writing. The participants included 164 members consisting of Faculty members, research scholars and PG students from various parts of the country. The participants while sharing the feedback said that the workshop was highly useful and helped them to make the academic writings easier and more effective.

Two-Day Virtual Workshop on “Data Analysis Using SPSS”
The Department of Commerce (PG) organised a Two-Day Hands-on Virtual Workshop on "Data Analysis Using SPSS" on 10th & 11th December, 2020. The workshop was scheduled from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. on both the days via Virtual Platform Zoom for the benefit of I Year M.Com & M.Com FA & I & II Year MA Economics students as a skill development program. The resource person for this workshop was Dr.Jyothi Manoj, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous).

This workshop as a part of a skill enhancement program aims to provide the student fraternity a hands-on platform for acquiring and enriching their practical knowledge and skills on usage and application of various statistical tools and techniques with the help of SPSS Statistics 20 to test hypothetical data of real life business problems. The virtual workshop was inaugurated by Rev.Fr.Lijo P Thomas, Financial Administrator, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) on 10th December 2020 at 9.30 a.m. After the inauguration, the hands-on session was handed over to Dr.Jyothi Manoj. The resource person covered the following areas comprehensively in this two-day online workshop.

Day 1: Data processing techniques like importing, coding, classifying, editing, tabulation and charting of data with the help of SPSS Statistics 20.

Day 2: The second day of the workshop started at 10.00 a.m. by the resource person. She provided the students a Hands-on learning experience on usage and application of SPSS Statistics 20 for executing both parametric and nonparametric statistical tools like One Sample t-Test, Independent Samples t-Test, Paired Sample T-Test, Z-Test, Correlation analysis, Regression analysis, Chi-square test, One-Way Anova and Factor Analysis.

About 107 students actively participated and acquired the theoretical and hands-on knowledge on analysis of hypothetical data using SPSS Statistics 20. The Two-day virtual workshop was well designed and enunciated for enhancing knowledge and skills of the students on data processing and analysis with the help of SPSS Statistics 20 in the research areas of social science. The online workshop was virtually organized and delivered via Zoom platform. The participants of this workshop felt that it provided them hands-on knowledge, skills and experience on the usage and application of SPSS Statistics 20 and will be helpful to prepare quality research articles and projects in consequent semesters as part of their academic curriculum.

Four-Day Online Workshop on “Research Paper Writing”
The Department of Commerce PG organised Four-Day Hands-on Online Workshop on "Research Paper Writing" from 26th to 29th May, 2020 at 10 am to 12 pm with the help of Virtual Platform Zoom for the benefits of II M.Com & II M.Com FA students during the epidemic of Covid 19. Nearly 98 students actively participated and acquired the theoretical and practical knowledge and exposure on undertaking pure academic research in the functional domains of commerce. They also acquired hands-on learning experience on preparation of research scheme, formulation and testing of research hypotheses and analysis of survey data using SPSS package.

The resources persons for this workshop were Dr.Jyothi Manoj, Faculty, Department of Statistics, Prof. Madhu Druvakumar, Faculty, Department of Commerce PG, Dr.T.K.Murugesan Faculty, Department of Commerce PG, and Dr.Muhammad Ashiq AM, Faculty, Department of Commerce PG.

This online workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Fr.Augustine George, Vice Principal, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous). An introductory session was conducted by Prof. Madhu Druvakumar, who briefed the student fraternity the basics of research, types of research, sampling techniques and collection of primary and secondary data. Further, Dr.T.K.Murugesan has thrown a lime light on the theoretical perspectives of hypothesis testing and statistical tools. The next hands-on session was effectively handled by Dr.Jyothi Manoj, who provided the students the hands-on learning experience on application of SPSS for executing statistical tools like Chi-square, Anova, One Sample T-Test, Paired Sample T-Test and Factor Analysis. The concluding session was lucratively handled by Dr.Muhammad Ashiq AM, who shed a light on the art of preparing and writing a research report.

The resource persons explained in details the various aspects and nuances of doing an academic research in the functional areas of commerce. The four-day online workshop was well articulated and designed for enhancing knowledge and competence of the students in the research areas of commerce and social science. The online workshop was virtually organized and delivered via Zoom platform. This online workshop enriched and updated the knowledge and competency of the II M.Com and M.Com FA students in areas of research and is helpful for students to prepare research report in ensuing semester as part of their academic curriculum.

Orientation Programme on Project Guidelines
Department of Commerce PG organized an Orientation Programme on Project Guidelines on 19th December, 2019 at Class Room No.B402 (Admin Block) from 1.45 to 3.00 pm. Dr.T.K.Murugesan, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce PG oriented IV Semester M.Com & M.Com FA Students with the systematic and step-by-step guidelines on the “Art of Writing and Preparing Project Report” for ensuing semester. The main objective of this Orientation Programme is to supplement students with the basic guidelines, format and procedure required to write and prepare the project report. This programme has been envisaged to provide hands-on training on the sequence in which the academic project report is to be prepared by the students. The resource person has thrown a light on the sequence in which the project report material should be arranged and bound as follows:

  • Front Pages: Title Page, Certificate, Declaration, Acknowledgement, Table of Contents,
  • Index or Abbreviations
  • Chapter I - Introduction
  • Chapter II – Review of Literatures and Research Design: Rationale of the study, Objectives of the Study, Research Methodology, Hypothesis Statement, Methods of Data Collection, Sample Size, Research Instrument, Sampling Type, Area of study, Period of study, etc.
  • Chapter III – Industry and Company Profile / Theoretical perspectives
  • Chapter IV – Analysis and Interpretations
  • Chapter V – Findings, Suggestions and Conclusions
  • End Pages: Bibliography & Appendix – Questionnaire or Interview schedule

Total 89 students (50 from III M.Com & 39 from III M.Com FA) attended this Orientation Programme. The participants of this orientation programme will be equipped with the use and applicability of research concepts, tools and techniques for the preparation of both academic and empirical research projects. The participants have felt that this orientation Programme provided them the insights and knowledge of preparing project reports.

Two Day Workshop on Research Paper Writing
Department of Commerce PG organized a Two-Day Workshop on Research Paper Writing on 11th & 12th July, 2019 at Conference Hall II and Computer Lab (PG Block) from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Dr.V.Muthukumar, Head, Department of Commerce PG, KJC conducted comprehensive lecture on Research Methodology and Dr.Jyothi Manoj, Faculty Member, Department of Statistics, KJC conducted Hands-on Training on Sample Research Data by applying SPSS.

This two day workshop on research paper writing is primarily targeted at PG students of Kristu Jayanti College for providing useful insights about writing good quality of research paper and academic project.

The theoretical aspects of this workshop were covered by Dr.V.Muthukumar, Head, Department of Commerce PG, KJC and the practical aspects of this workshop were covered by Dr.Jothi Manoj, Faculty Member, Department of Statistics, KJC.

The workshop has four sessions:
Session 1: It covers theoretical aspects of research such as introduction to research, research process, research design, formulation of hypothesis, measurement of scales, methods of data collection, testing of hypothesis, etc.
Session 2: It covers technical aspects of research such as Testing of hypothesis by applying both parametric and nonparametric tests and these tests are carried out with the help of SPSS Package.
Session 3: Feeding, classifying, editing, tabulation and charting of data with the help of SPSS Package.
Session 4: The art of writing and drafting research project.

Total 87 students (48 from III M.Com & 39 from III M.Com FA) attended this workshop. The participants of this workshop will be equipped with the use and applicability of research concepts, tools and techniques for the preparation of both academic and empirical research projects. The participants have felt that this workshop provided them a forum and platform for exchanging their research thoughts and ideas.

Demo On Trakinvest Platform
Department of Commerce PG organized Demo on TrakInvest Platform on 9th July 2019 at Mini Audi I (UG Block) from 1.45 pm to 3.30 pm. Ms.Urvi Babla, Senior Vice President, TrakInvest, Bangalore demonstrated and simulated the proven technology “TrakInvest Platform” for the benefits of III Semester M.Com & M.Com FA Students.

TrakInvest gives Pro Investors access to real market data from multiple global exchanges to trade in. Ms.Urvi Babla explained the students with help of TrakInvest platform on how to manage your portoflio like an expert, test your investment strategies, leverage analytics/social tools and compete in simulations against other top traders to earn great prizes, including job opportunities.

Commerce Workshop “Parivarta”

Number of Beneficiaries: 30 School Children
Name and Details of the I M.Com Students as Resource Persons: Ms. Disha A.S, Ms.Konyn Tuba L, Ms. Yamuna G, Ms.Brindha L, Ms. Stella M, Ms.Niketha R & Ms.Chaithra C

The objective of the commerce workshop is:
1) To inculcate the awareness on commerce education to high school students.
2) To empower students with all the knowledge and guidance that they need to become worthy professionals in the field of commerce.

The M.Com students from the Department of Commerce PG, Kristu Jayanti College conducted one-day workshop on 6th September 2018 in school premise of Don Bosco Scool located in K.Narayanapura. The objective of the workshop is to create an awareness regarding commerce education to high school students who have the desire to pursue further studies. The students were briefed about the importance of commerce education with live examples and its applications in business organization. They also explained various career options available in the field of commerce.

Along with the lecture session, few fun activities were conducted by M.Com students. The first activity conducted was Chinese whisper wherein a message would be circulated to a group of school students and the final person would read out the understood message at the end. The main purpose of this activity is to make the students aware of not to believe in all the information they hear regarding career options but to consult a proper counselor or to personally look into the subject. The second activity conducted was word building where certain alphabets were provided to the students to frame new words from them. The aim of the activity was to ensure the students knew their creativity skills and work more on the same.

The workshop was divided into 4 parts namely lecture session, activity session, interactive session followed by the feedback session. The lecture session was handled by Disha and Tuba followed by the activity session conducted by Niketha , Brinda.L and Chaitra . The interaction session was conducted to clarify all the queries of the school students and finally the feedback session handled by Stella and Yamuna. The school students were very happy with all sessions and said that the one-day workshop was effective and fruitful for them. We are happy with the support and encouragement bestowed by the Faculty Coordinator of Don Bosco High School without which the workshop would not have been successful.

To conclude he workshop, the School Management is willing to associate with Kristu Jayanti College for the benefits of school children and the society at large. And also invited the Department of Commerce PG to conduct such workshop for the benefits of school children in the future.

A Two Day Workshop On “Research Paper Writing”

Resource Persons: Dr.V.Muthukumar & Dr.Jyothi Manoj
No. of Beneficiaries: 91 (M.Com- 43; M.Com FA-40; MA Eco – 8)
Research not only generates useful insight and confidence but also acts as a stimulant for academic growth. Sound conceptual understanding of various research methods, research instruments, tools and techniques is an essential prerequisite for conducting empirical research.

For undergoing high quality research and writing good research papers, one requires to collect, interpret and logically document the information. The art of drawing coherent conclusions, supported by appropriate research tools and reference citation is vital for quality research work. The recent innovations in statistical applications, availability of statistical software applications allow scholars/researchers to test more complex, multilevel and dynamic models.

This two day workshop on research project and research paper writing is primarily targeted at PG students of Kristu Jayanti College for providing useful insights about writing good quality of research paper and academic project. As part of their curriculum, they have to do one academic research project and purplish research papers in national or international conferences.

Aims of the Workshop
To cater to the above mentioned interests, the Department of Commerce (PG) has organized a two day (17th & 18th, July 2018) workshop on ‘Research Paper Writing’ for PG students of Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore. The PG students of M.Com, M.Com FA, MA Eco have actively participated in the workshop.
The key aim of this work shop is to enable the students:
a) To formulate a research proposal.
b) To develop the research design with suitable sampling methods & data analytical tools.
c) To draw better inference and conclusions from the analysis with the help of SPSS.
d) To write and draft academic research project and a good research paper.

The workshop has four sessions
Session 1: It covers theoretical aspects of research such as introduction to research, research process, research design, formulation of hypothesis, measurement of scales, methods of data collection, testing of hypothesis, etc.
Session 2: It covers technical aspects of research such as Testing of hypothesis by applying parametric and nonparametric tests and these tests are carried out with the help of SPSS Package.
Session 3: Feeding, Classifying, Editing, Tabulation and Charting of data with the help of SPSS Package.
Session 4: The art of writing and drafting research project.

These sessions gave the students an idea and provided a platform for students to be able to handle a research project.

The theoretical aspects of this workshop were covered by Dr.V.Muthukumar, Coordinator, Department of Commerce (PG) and the technical aspects of this workshop were covered by Dr.Jothi Manoj, Faculty Member, Department of Computer Science.

Learning Outcome
• Participants of this workshop will be equipped with the use and applicability of research concepts, tools and techniques for the preparation of academic research project.
• Gained knowledge about writing and submitting their research work in quality research journal and international and national conferences.
• Students have learned research skills and knowledge that they can use in their courses across the curriculum and industrial context.

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