Department Fests

Impulse 2K24 An Intra Collegiate Fest
Date: 09 September 2024
The Department of Commerce PG at Kristu Jayanti College proudly organized IMPULSE 2K24, an intra-collegiate fest, on the 9th of September, 2024. This premier event, exclusively designed for the first-year M.COM and M.COM FA students, served as a dynamic platform to bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world application.

IMPULSE 2K24 was meticulously curated to foster practical learning, critical thinking, and the development of professional skills through a series of competitive events. These events spanned key areas of commerce such as auditing, tax advisory, financial analysis, investment banking, fintech, and teaching. The objective was to provide students with opportunities to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, thereby enhancing their industry-specific expertise and preparing them for successful careers in finance, academia, and commerce.

The theme of IMPULSE 2024, “Sattvam,” was inspired by one of the three gunas—qualities of nature—according to ancient scriptures. “Sattvam” represents the highest and most desirable quality, symbolizing wisdom, knowledge, and self-realization. This theme resonated throughout the fest, encouraging participants to strive for excellence in all their endeavors.

The event was graced by the presence of Mr. Jijoy Kuruvilla, IT Finance Analyst at Accenture, Bengaluru, who served as the Chief Guest. The fest was inaugurated by our esteemed Principal, Rev. Fr. Dr. Augustine George, whose inspiring words set the tone for the day's events. The Valedictory address was delivered by Rev. Fr. Jais V Thomas, the Financial Administrator of our college, who emphasized the importance of integrating academic knowledge with practical experience.

IMPULSE 2K24 was not just an event; it was a celebration of the students’ journey towards becoming future leaders in commerce. The fest successfully brought out the best in each participant, paving the way for a new generation of industry-ready professionals.

The success of IMPULSE 2024 was driven by the dedication and leadership of the student coordinators: Ms. Harshitha S K, Ms. Sruti Suresh, and Ms. Shruti Satish from M. Com FA, along with Mr. Adrian Abhishay Mr. N Arjun, Mr. Sai Raghav.S, and Ms. Shilpa Sivan from M.Com. Their efforts, under the valuable guidance of the Head of the Department of Commerce PG, Dr. Madhu Druva Kumar, and Faculty Coordinator Dr. Mohan Kumar R., ensured the smooth execution of the fest.

Inter-Collegiate Commerce UG Fest (Online) “Alcanzar 2024”
Date: 08 April 2024
Department of Commerce (PG) organized an Inter-Collegiate Commerce UG Fest “ALCANZAR 2024” on 8th April, 2024 from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm via Zoom Platform exclusively for external UG commerce and management students. The Department has organised this event with an objective of expanding horizons of a student's learning experience in various commerce and management activities of ALCANZAR 2K24. The inauguration of the event took place at 9.30 am to 10.15 am through the Zoom platform and was graced by the Chief Guest Fr. Jais V Thomas, Financial Administrator, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) Bengaluru. He was accompanied by Prof.Dr.Madhu Druvakumar, Head, Department of Commerce (PG), Dr. R Mohan Kumar, Faculty Coordinator-Alcanzar 2024, and the Student Coordinators Ms. Ireen J, Mr. Nithin Kurien Eapen, Mr. Adrian Abhishay and Ms. Jeevitha N T. The students of both first and second year M. Com and M. Com FA along with other faculty members and the participants from various parts of the country were a part of the inaugural session. After the inauguration, the event rounds like Business Quiz, Group Discussion, Case study and Just a Minute (JAM) were conducted by the first year students of M.Com and M.Com FA for the final year B. Com and BBA students. At 3:00 pm the valedictory program was organized for the declaration of winner and runner up. The fest successfully achieved its goal of providing a dynamic platform for students to showcase their skills and talents. Beyond offering a competitive environment through core events, Alcanzar facilitated valuable opportunities for networking and knowledge exchange among participants from diverse colleges. The number of participants actively participated in varius events of this programme is 59.

Commercia 2K24
Date: 06 February 2024
Commercia 2K24, organized by the Department of Commerce PG, unfolded on February 6th, 2024, witnessing vibrant participation from 10 colleges and bringing together 142 enthusiastic participants. The fest featured six core events—Tax Advisory, Mock Stock, IPL Auction, Financial Analyst, and Venture Harbour—each crafted to refine skills and instill healthy competition among budding commerce professionals. The grand inauguration, starting at 9:30 am, Fr. Dr. Augustine George, the esteemed Principal, delivered the presidential speech. Father shared valuable insights into the corporate world, emphasizing the importance of acquiring relevant skills for success in the competitive job market. Following the presidential address, Mr.Anil Kumar K L, Talent Acquisition Manager at Moder an Archwell Company, as the chief guest addressing the crucial roles of intercollegiate fests in shaping future professionals, underscoring the skill development opportunities offered by events like Commercia 2K23. He urged participants to seize the platform for personal and professional growth. The fest successfully achieved its goal of providing a dynamic platform for students to showcase their skills and talents. Beyond offering a competitive environment through core events, Commercia 2K24 facilitated valuable opportunities for networking and knowledge exchange among participants from diverse colleges.

Impulse 2k23 - An Intra-Collegiate Commerce Pg Fest “Olympusexpo”
Department of Commerce (PG) organized an Intra-Collegiate Commerce PG Fest Impulse-2K23 with the theme “OLYMPUSEXPO” from 30th September, 2023 and 3rd October, 2023 for I Semester M.Com & M.Com FA Students. Mr. Sibi Mathew, Senior Manager, Bandhan Bank, Bengaluru has consented to be the resource person for the fest and he is proud Alumni of Kristu Jayanti College. The inauguration of the event was conducted in Auditorium A3, 5th Floor, Admin Block. The Principal Fr.Dr.Augustine George, the Head of Department Dr.Madhu Druva Kumar, the Faculty Coordinator Dr.Vidhya S and the student coordinators of the event were present on the dais during inauguration. The Principal delivered presidential address and the chief guest threw a light on significance of employability skills in today’s competitive business world. This intra-collegiate fest was conducted with the intention of creating a gateway to a competitive environment for their personal and professional growth. The main objective of this fest is to supplement students with the knowledge, skills and exposures expected by the corporate world and to provide them a platform to express and explore various areas of commerce such as Tax Advisory, Auditor, Mock Stock, Venture Capitalist, Financial Analyst, and Investment Banker.

Impulse 2K22- an Intra-Collegiate Commerce PG Fest - “Ricerca-Pursuit of Excellence”
Department of Commerce (PG) organized an Intra-Collegiate Commerce PG Fest, Impulse -2K22 with the theme “Ricerca: Pursuit of Excellence” from 18th October, 2022 to 21st October, 2022. The fest was formally inaugurated on 21st October, 2022 by Mrs.Sumitha Sabarinath, Manager, Total Rewards, NetApp, Bengaluru and proud Alumni of Kristu Jayanti College along with the Principal Fr.Dr.Augustine George, Department Coordinator Prof.Madhu Druvakumar, Faculty Coordinator Dr.A.Pushpa and student coordinators. The inauguration of the event was conducted in Auditorium A2, 3rd Floor, Admin Block. The Principal delivered presidential address and the chief gust threw a light on significance of employability skills in today’s competitive business world. This intra-collegiate fest was conducted for the first year M. Com and M. Com FA students with the intention of creating a gateway to a hostile environment for their personal and professional growth. The main objective of this fest is to supplement students with the knowledge, skills and exposures expected by the corporate world and to provide the platform for our students to express and explore various areas of commerce such as Tax Advisory, Auditor, Mock Stock, Venture Capitalist, Financial Analyst, and Investment Banker.

COMMERCIA 2022 (An Inter- Collegiate Commerce PG Fest)
The Department of Commerce PG, Kristu Jayanti College, has organized a COMMERCIA 2022 an Inter- Collegiate Commerce PG Fest on 6th May 2022. The resource persons was Ramesh Kumar, Leadership coach and Mentor. The fest provides a platform for all its participants to exhibit their talents in the various commerce oriented events. COMMERCIA 2022 provides an environment for collaborating ideas which will be fuelled by innovation and enthusiasm. 30 student delegates from various institution across the country participated in various events of COMMERCIA 2022. The fest provided the participants a platform to imbibe team work, creative learning, critical thinking and exposure to realities of business world. The participants have participated actively and gained unique knowledge on various aspects of commerce and business.

“IMPULSE 2K21” An Intercollegiate Commerce PG Fest
The Department of Commerce (PG) with an objective of expanding horizons of a student's learning experience organised an Intercollegiate Commerce PG fest “IMPULSE 2K21”. The inauguration of the fest took place on 28.10.2021 at 9.30 am to 10.30 am in the auditorium III (main block) and was graced by Mr. Joel Roshan D’sa., Senior Technical Recruiter for Campus Program from Sabre Corporation as the chief guest. He interacted with the students and oriented them on the need for improving skills to meet the industry expectations of the post covid job market. Dr. Rev. Fr. Augustine George presided over the program for the presidential address. He was accompanied by Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean Faculty of Commerce and Management, Prof. Madhu Dhruvakumar, Coordinator Department of Commerce (PG), Dr. Pushpa A, Faculty Coordinator- Impulse 2K21, and the student coordinators Mr. Tony J Sam and Ms. Gayathri. The students of both first and second year MCOM and MFA along with other faculty members were a part of the inaugural session.

After the inauguration the events like Financial Analyst, Tax Advisory, Investment Banker, Venture Capitalist, Auditor, and Mock Stock were conducted by the second-year students of MCOM and MCOM FA for the first year MCOM and MCOM FA students of the department. At 3.30 pm the valedictory program.

The Department of Commerce (PG) organized Virtual Intra-Collegiate Commerce PG Fest IMPULSE 2K20 with a Theme of Rhythm of Renaissance on 9th December, 2020 via Zoom Application. The aim of Impulse 2K20 is to provide the First Year M.Com & M.Com FA a vibrant and thought-provoking platform to explore their talents, skills, exposures and knowledge in the core functional areas of commerce such as financial analysis, investment banking, online trading, tax planning & advice, venture capital and auditing. The core events of Impulse 2K20 are Financial Analyst, Auditor, Venture Capitalist, Investment Banker, Mock Stock and Tax Advisory. The core events of the Fest were conducted virtually by the final students of M.Com & M.Com FA for the benefits of I Year M.Com & M.Com FA students.

The Chief Guest for the Inaugural Ceremony of the Fest was Dr. Anil Kumar, Associate Professor, Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, Delhi. Dr. Fr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) delivered the presidential address and appreciated the efforts taken by the staff and student co-coordinators for their meticulous planning in organizing the fest. The Chief Guest delivered a thought-provoking lecture on the prominence of creativity and innovation in enhancing managerial skills, leadership qualities and employability skills of the students. He had a sparkling and active interaction with the students and highlighted the importance of acquiring employability skills and managerial exposures in order to become company friendly. Prof. VijayaKumar delivered the valedictory address and appreciated the staff and student co-coordinators for the successful conduct of fest and congratulated all winners and participants for their active participation and involvement in the various events of Impulse 2K20.

Total 6 teams comprising 89 students from I Semester M.Com & M.Com FA enthusiastically participated in various events of Impulse 2K20 like Financial Analyst, Auditor, Venture Capitalist, Investment Banker, Mock Stock & Tax Advisory. The participants were extremely thrilled and amazed with the way the events of Impulse 2K20 were conducted by the organizing teams. Impulse 2K20 provided the student co-coordinators and participants an exciting experience and learning platform to develop their soft-skill sets like managerial skills, organizing abilities, coordinating skills, inter-personal skills and communication skills. The participants have felt that Impulse 2K20 offered them a thought-provoking platform to showcase their talents, skills and exposures. The prize winners were honoured with e-certificates of excellence and appreciation and all the participants were given the participation e-certificates.

Commercia 2K19

The Department of Commerce PG organized Commercia 2K19 – A National Level Inter-Collegiate PG Commerce Fest on 12th December, 2019 from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm. The inauguration and valedictory ceremony were held at Mini Auditorium (PG Block). The crux of Commercia 2K19 is to provide a vibrant platform for post graduate commerce students across the nation to explore their skills, talents, competency and knowledge in the functional domains of commerce such as financial analysis, investment banking, virtual trading, tax planning & advices, venture capital and auditing. This is the first time in the history of Commerce PG, the Commercia 2K19 witnessed core events related to commerce. The theme chosen for Commercia 2K19 is “Revelation” which means “Exposure to Reality”.

Mr.Nandan Bhatia, Chapter Head - South GACS (Global Association for Corporate Services) has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest of Commercia 2K19. Mr. Nandan Bhatia has worked in Britannia for over a decade and also has worked in the operational research for about 11 years. He has also had a national role which helps the company to increase its market share in India and abroad. He has also won various awards including Namma Bengaluru Award. He is also one among those who initiated to discuss about ripple effect and organizational growth. Mr.Nandan Bhatia has said that it is a pride moment for him to inaugurate Commercia 2K19 and address the young minds. He stated that when you take up a task it is important that you take up the responsibility and accountability for the task. He further stated that how he took lead in a project of reducing carbon footprints as a part of corporate social responsibility. One should work towards achieving a task with a positive attitude. He spoke about various challenges in life and the mind-set of how you are going to face it. With the dedication and determination, you can make your dreams come true. He said “Education is not just learning of facts; it is also the learning of minds to think.” He concluded with a quote of Mahatma Gandhi, “Live as you have to die tomorrow, learn as if you have to live forever.”

Total 10 colleges comprising 104 student delegates from various parts of the nation actively participated in different events of Commercia 2K19. The key events of Commercia 2K19 are Venture Capitalist, Investment Banker, Auditor, Tax Advisory, Financial Analyst, Mock Stock and Paper Presentation. The participants have strongly felt that the event coordinators and committee heads have meticulously planned their roles and managed their time properly. The students of this college handled their roles well and portrayed a good example of how the culture of institution and the department is to be maintained. The participants were highly delighted and overwhelmed with the way and manner the events were conducted by the organizing teams. The prize winners were honoured with trophies and certificates of excellence and all the participants were given the participation certificates. The Overall Championship in Commercia 2K19 bagged by Christ University.

Impulse 2K19
The Department of Commerce PG organized Impulse 2K19 – An Intra-collegiate PG Commerce Fest in 19th , 22nd & 24th August, 2019 at Admin Block from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm. The inauguration and valedictory ceremony was held at Mini Auditorium II (UG Block) on 24th August, 2019. The crux of Impulse 2K19 is to provide a vibrant platform for the first year M.Com & M.Com FA student to explore their skills, competency and knowledge in the functional domains of commerce such as financial analysis, investment banking, virtual trading, tax planning & advices, venture capital and auditing. This is the first time in the history of Commerce PG, the Impulse has core events related to commerce.

The Impulse 2K19 was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Mr.N.Ragavendra, Talent Acquisition Manager, Standard Chartered Bank, Bengaluru, who had an active interaction with the students on role of Fest in molding soft skill sets and employability skills of the students and bridging a gap between the industry and the academia. He also highlighted the importance of soft skills sets in the development of core competency. The valedictory ceremony of for the Impulse 2K19 was chaired by Rev. Fr. Emmanuel P J, Director, Kristu Jayanti College of Law who appreciated the efforts of staff and student co-coordinators and organizers in the successful conduct of the Impulse 2K19 and congratulated all winners and participants for their active participation and involvement in the various events of Impulse 2K19.

Total 10 teams comprising 99 first semester M.Com & M.Com FA students actively participated in various events of commerce like Financial Analyst, Auditor, Venture Capitalist, Investment Banker, Mock Stock & Tax Advisory. The participants were highly delighted and overwhelmed with the way and manner the events were conducted by the organizing team. Impulse 2K19 provided the organizers and participants a vibrant platform and forum to develop their leadership skills, inter-personal skills and communication skills. Most of the participants have responded that Impulse 2K19 provided them an opportunity to showcase their skills, talents and exposures. The prize winners were honoured with trophies and certificates of excellence and all the participants were given the participation certificates.

Commercia 2K19
The Department of Commerce (PG) of Kristu Jayanti College conducted Commercia – A National level Inter-Collegiate Commerce PG fest which provides a platform for all its participants to exhibit their talents in the various commerce oriented events. Commercia provides an environment for collaborating ideas which will be fuelled by innovation and enthusiasm. Commercia was held on 02nd February, 2019 in which 16 colleges with 5 full teams and 89 student delegates participated in various events of commercial 2K19. The fest provided platform to imbibe team work, creative learning, critical thinking and exposure to realities of business world.

The Inter-Collegiate Commerce PG Fest “Commercia 2K19” was conducted with the aim of imbibing various skill sets to the student fraternity on commerce related areas. This fest is exclusively organised for sharpening the professional skills of the students and helping them to face future competition in the field of commerce.

Colleges Participated
Commercia 2K19 was conducted with the aim of imbibing various skills to the students from outside colleges in field of commerce and business. The Commercia 2K19 is designed to equip the students excel in the field of commerce and business and help them face the future competition. The following are the list of colleges actively participated in the Commercia 2K19:
1. Christ University,
2. MS Ramiah University of Applied Science & Technology
3. St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous)
4. Lingaraj College, Belagavi
5. Indian Academy Degree College (Autonomous), Bengaluru
6. Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College (Autonomous), Bengaluru
7. St. Anne’s First Grade College for Women, Bengaluru
8. St. Claret College, Bengaluru
9. Krupanidhi College, Bengaluru
10. Mount Carmel College, Bengaluru
11. Seshadripuram college, Bengaluru


Classes Attended & Number of Beneficiaries: I M.Com & I M.Com FA & 90 Students
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Mr.Praveen Nair, HR Manager, Shared Service Centre
Faculty Coordinator: Dr.T.K.Murugesan
Students Coordinators: Mr. Jovin Rahul Serrao, Ms. Manju Saren S, Mr.Rinku P Joy & Ms. Jisa Babu
To improve the skills and knowledge of the first year and (FA) students in all fields of commerce and give them a practical exposure in order to enhance skills and competency.

Impulse 2K18, Intra-Collegiate Fest conducted by Department of Commerce (PG), was held on 24th August, 2018. The various events held were Marketing, Finance, Human resource, Mock Stock, EDP, Crazy Ads and Best Manager. This Fest is conducted to increase the skill set and provide a platform for each individual to show case their talents in the events they choose.

The target audience was all students of first year M.Com and M.Com FA who participated enthusiastically in this fest. The organizers were from the final year M.Com and M.Com FA under the guidance of the department faculty.

Impulse 2K18 was inaugurated by Mr.Praveen Nair, HR Manager, Shared Service Centre, who had an interaction session with the students with regard to bridging a gap between the industry and the academia. He also highlighted the importance of analytical skills for the development of core competency.

The total number of students participated were 90. Whose active participation had given glory to the fest, Impulse 2K18. The list of events and winners are given below:



I Prize

II Prize

III Price



Events included product launch, marketing of product and mock press

Team – Ultron
1.Albin Benny
2.Shaun Thomas

Team – Voyager
1.Leema S Mamman
2.Ashitha Ann Koshy

Team –
1.Martin Mathews
2.Titus Sam Mathew



Events based on financial knowledge, quiz and preparation of financial statements

Team –Nimbus
1.Yamuna G
2.Shalini S B

Team – Hydra
1.Dinta Elsa Varghese
2.Konyn Tuba Lappay

Team – Gizmo
1.George K John
2.Merin Mathew

Human Resources


Events on case studies in HR, personnel development

Team - Ranger

Team –Ultron
1.Jinsa Johns
2.Catherine P Shaju

Team –Vision
1.Divya Cherian
2.Brinda Susan

Mock Stock


Events based on online trading for a week and submission of the trading activity for the period

Team – Ranger
1.Moin Azeez
2.Sushmitha Kujur

Team –Vision
1.Savio Cyriac
2.Amal Emmanuvel

1.Rajeevnath T  R
2.Stella S



Events on entrepreneurship, best out of waste and re-launch of products

Team – Ranger
1.Aishwarya S
2.Moin Azeez
3.Chaitra C
4.Alphy Tom

Team – Vision
1.Brinda Susan
2.Anumol Mathew 3.Betsi Paul
4.Savio Cyriac

Team –Voyager
1.Leema Mamman
2.Disha A S
3.Stella S

Public Relation

Events based on the issues discussed by public relation officers with the  media public and the court.

Team –Ultron
2.Catherine P Shaju

Team –Inferno
1.Nithya Varghese
2.Shruthi K S
3.Titus Sam Mathew
4.Merlin Eldho

Team – Vision
1.Divya Cherian
2.Deena Paul
3.Mebarisha Jones Syiemilieh 4.Amal Emmanuvel

Crazy ADs


Event on creative advertising strategies to be adopted

Team – Gizmo
1.Aswini E
2.Bincy Merin Varghese
3.Geogrina Mariam Georgy
4.George K John
5.Manu John
6.Merin Mathew
7.Sajith George
8.Sneha K V

1.Ashitha Ann Koshy
2.Elizabeth Saju
3.Leema S Mamman
4.Merlyn P Alexander
5.Rajeevnath T R
6.Sneha Priya
7.Stella S
8.Disha A S

Team – Nimus
1.Georginta Baby
2.Jesteena Thomas
3.Jithin John Shaji
4.Reshma V Johny
5.Shalini S B
6.Sruthi S
7.Tony Joy
8.Yamuna G

Best Manager


Event on testing the individual performance in various activities.

Team – Ranger
Eesa Ahmed H



Mr. Eesa Ahmed H of Team Ranger from 1st Year M.Com FA won the ‘BEST MANAGER’ Award and Team Hydra bagged the OVERALL TROPHY for their excellence in each event.

The valedictory for the Impulse 2K18 was presided by Rev. Fr. Josekutty P D who appreciated the efforts of the organizers and congratulated all the participants for their active participation in the various events of Impulse 2K18.

The participants were delighted and overwhelmed with the way and manner the variety of events conducted by the organizing team which helped the organizers and the participants to develop their inter-personal skills and communication skills. Almost 90% of the participants were very happy with the way the events were organized. Most of the participants have felt that it provides them a strong platform and forum to showcase their skills and their overall development & exposures.

Impulse 2017
Department of Commerce (PG) conducted Impulse 2017, Intra-Collegiate Fest ,on the 1st of September 2017.

Ms. Moneesha Shrivastav, the Regional Lead – Karnataka, IT-ITeS Sector, Skill Council, NASSCOM, was the chief guest who had an interaction session with the students with regard to bridging the gap between the industry and the academia. She also highlighted the importance of analytical skills for the development of core competency.

Various events on Marketing, Finance, Human resource, Mock stock, Business quiz, EDP, Crazy ad’s, Best manager, Synergy were a part of the fest. This fest is conducted to increase the skill set and provide a platform for each individual to show case their talents in the events they choose.

The fest included 80 participants including students of first year M.Com and M.Com(FA) who participated enthusiastically in this fest. The organizers were from the final year M.Com and M.Com(FA) students.

Commercia 2017
The Department of Commerce (PG) of Kristu Jayanti College conducted Commercia – A National level Inter-Collegiate Commerce PG fest on 22nd February 2018.

11 colleges with 66 teams participated in various events. The fest provided a platform to imbibe team work, creative learning, critical thinking and exposure to realities of business world.

The objective of the fest is to imbibe various skills in the students in areas they chose to excel and help them face the future competition. The fest aimed to provide a platform for all its participants to exhibit their talents in the various commerce oriented events.

Commercia provides an environment for collaborating ideas which will be fuelled by innovation and enthusiasm.

Impulse 2016
Department of Commerce (PG) organized the fest Impulse 2016 on 5th and 6th October 2016 with the theme “Inspire,Ignite, Integrate, The Impetus Of A New Age Leader” Mr. Rajnish Mishra, Senior Manager Operations, Great West Financial – Bangalore was the chief guest. This fest is an intra-collegiate fest conducted annually by the department of Commerce (PG)

Impulse 2016 witnessed three new events that were exclusively conducted for M.Com FA students. Those events are:
These events gave them exposure to different fields in the financial domain.

Commercia Fest 2016
Department of Commerce – Post Graduate Studies organized an inter-collegiate PG fest – Commercia on 1st March 2017, with the theme – “Shikhar – Rise of the Eminent”. The theme depicts the proverb “With power comes responsibility” - shows how a powerful leader reaches his goal in spite of numerous hurdles and takes up a great responsibility. Mr. Winston A De Rosario, Director, People and Culture, Grand Thornton, Bangalore was the chief guest of the fest.

It provided a platform for students to exhibit their talents in various commerce oriented events. The fest imbibed team work, creative learning, critical thinking and exposure to the realities of the business world. The key events of the fest included - Best Manager, Business Quiz, EDP, Finance, Human Resource, Marketing, Mock Stock and Paper Presentation.

Impulse 2015
Department of Commerce (PG) organized the fest Impulse 2015 on 25th and 26th August 2015 with the theme “Limitless”. Samuel Mathews, director WOLS Logistics Pvt.Ltd. was the chief guest. This fest is an intra-collegiate fest conducted annually by the department of Commerce (PG).

Various activities like quiz, collage work, role plays were conducted in the areas of business, marketing, finance, human resources etc.

The fest is the platform to showcase the students’ immense potentiality and grab all the opportunities to develop themselves into multi-tasking performers.

Commercia 2015
Department of Commerce (PG) organized a national level intercollegiate commerce fest, Commercia 2015, with the theme “PHOENIX, Arise From The Ashes” , on 10th and 11th of March 2015. Mr. NOORALI, President of Sunrise Bistech System, was the chief guest of this annual, national fest which aimed to create a platform where numerous colleges get an opportunity to display their real mettle in the various business oriented event.

Various events like ‘Best Manager’, ‘Mock Stock’, ‘Business Quiz’ and others were conducted in this national level fest at Kristu Jayanti College.

Commercia 2014
Department of Commerce (PG) organized a national level intercollegiate commerce fest – Commercia 2014 on 27th and 28th March 2014. With an endeavor to create a platform where numerous colleges get an opportunity to display their real mettle in the various business oriented events; the theme of the fest was aptly chosen as - “Resurgence the change begins”.

The chief guest of this two-day fest was Mr. PRADIP.K, Managing Director, Garden World, which included participation of 120 students from other colleges.

Various events like ‘Best Manager’, ‘Mock Stock’, ‘Business Quiz’ and others were conducted in this national level fest at Kristu Jayanti College.

Impulse 2013
Department of Commerce (PG) organized the fest Impulse 2013 on 4th December 2013 with Rev. Fr. Sebastian as the chief guest. This fest is an intra collegiate fest conducted annually by the department of Commerce (PG).

Impulse has been a milestone for students’ overall growth. It has carved their path to success by imbibing resource management quality in students. Every year, the students unite in a combined and synergized effort to organize this fest. Not only does it allow the students to explore their creative and business sensibilities but it also provides a platform to exhibit textbook managerial practices in a more realistic and personal environment thus strengthening and firming their understanding of core concepts.

Various activities like quiz, collage work, role plays were conducted in the areas of business, marketing, finance, human resources etc.

Impulse 2012
Department of Commerce (PG) organized the fest Impulse 2012 with the theme Chathurang on 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th September 2012. This fest was the 1st intra collegiate fest by the Commerce department (PG) in the history of Kristu Jayanti College. The fest began with the fresher’s day program on 24th followed by a 3-day program comprising of various events on topics related to HR, business, marketing, and finance. Impulse has been a milestone in the way to the students overall growth. It has also made their path to success by imbibing in the students the quality of managing the given resources.

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