International Student Forum

There is an incremental growth in the number of International students. Students from Bangladesh, Iran, Ivory coast, Dar Es Salaam, Maldives, Nepal, Republic of Korea, , Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tibet, Bhutan, Chad, Thailand , Congo, Nigerian, Cameroon, Saudi Arabia, , and Yemen are studying in the Institution. Programmes offered at present are available to all International students as and when they seek admission in the institution, subject to the guidelines of University and AICTE. To nurture the educational experience of the International students in the campus, International Students Forum (ISF) was established. The Forum offers the following support services:

  • Arrangement of secure accommodation
  • Administrative support to process papers for their visas
  • Sanctioning of leave for renewal of their visa
  • Counselling

The department of Tourism is also offering the following services obliging to the request of the students.
  • International Travel ticketing for international passengers
  • Domestic ticketing for the students who are looking leisure (during holidays) travel for exploring incredible India (both Flight and Train)
  • Assistance for housing / accommodation

Guidelines for International students
  • To take Admission in Kristu Jayanti College, please bring all your pertinent documents with 5 set of photocopies and 5 passport size photos
  • After your admissions, register with FRRO online for prior appointment
  • Submit the copy of appointment letter, Passport, student visa and Rental agreement to the office and collect your bona fide letter for Residential Permit from FRRO
  • Check the validity of your Passport, student visa, RP and Rental agreement. Don't wait till the last date, apply one month before the expiry dates
  • After the renewal of each document (passport, student visa, RP and rental agreement), please make a copy and submit it in the office and collect the acknowledgement
  • If your passport, student visa and residential permit is expired kindly report immediately to the FRRO office, so that you will not be in trouble of exist. Always check the validity of your rental agreement because many students come with expired rental agreement to office for the extension of Visa or RP, which will not be entertained by the office or the local police station too
  • There several complaints from the Local police station that foreign students are roaming late night, please avoid such inconvenience
  • In case of supplementary papers to be appeared, please take prior permission from the office with the necessary documents (marks card copies) etc
Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM