Research Promotion Activities

Shodh Pravartan Research Grant
Date: 28th November 2022
Objective: The broad objective of the Shodh Pravartan Research Grant is to study and explore the social issues which have direct and indirect impact on society and nation. The specific objectives include identification of social issues, interpretation of current social events and prediction future social challenges.

The college endeavours to spread the spirit of research and innovation among the academic fraternity. The Centre for Research is the executive wing to promote research culture in the institute. In keeping with its spirit, the college has instituted Shodh Pravartan Research Grant. a. To cater to the needs of the society and foster transformation and upliftment, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous has initiated Shodh Pravartan - Collaborative Community Project (CCP). The sanctioned 12 proposals has been reached its final stage. The Investigators presented their progress report.

Collaborative Community Project – Sanctioned


Principal Investigator &



Dr. Raja Kamal CH
Dr. Mathiyarasan M

A Descriptive Study on Socio Economic Problems of Victimized Orphans Staying in Institutional Home with special reference to Kothanur, Bengaluru, Karnataka


Dr. Aloysius Edward J
Dr. Sheeja Krishnakumar

Socio-psycho-economic Aspects and Working Conditions of Street Vendors while Recuperating from Covid - 19 Pandemic


Dr. Geethu Anna Mathew
Ms. Shilpa Rao C

A Study on Impact of Pandemic on School Education of Under Privileged Children


Ms. Shanthi Joseph
Ms. Alna Mariya Isac

Seasonal Migration: Language Barrier and Perplexing Panorama of Migrant Children in North Bengaluru


Mr. Vinod Joseph George
Mr. Manjunath S

The Perception and Challenges of Members of SHG towards Digitalization of their Operations with reference to Kannur Village Panchayat, Karnataka


Dr. Gita P C
Mr. Stephen Deepak R

A Study on the Learning Gap among Middle and High School Students belonging to Urban Poor Households


Dr.Prasanna P

A Study on Problems Faced by Street Vendors in North Bengaluru


Dr. Jonas Richard A
Dr.Winnie Joyce

A Study on the Scope of Alternative Livelihoods among the Migrant Workers in Bengaluru, Karnataka


Dr. Rema M. K.
Mr. Shashi Kumar M

Health-related Quality of Life and Academic Performance among Migrant Children: A Community Education Program


Dr. Jayashree S
Dr. Arockia Stalin G

A Study on the Challenges and Prospects of Transgender Entrepreneurs in Bengaluru City


Dr. Saranya Narayanan
Dr. Rini Reba Mathew

Intervention for Transformation: Education for Sustainable Societies


Dr.Priya Josson Akkara
Dr. Reenu Mohan

Sustainable Living Opportunities through Urban Green Terrace and Balconies

Awareness Session on 'IPR Protection in India'
Date: 21st October 2022
1. The session Covered
i. Patents
ii. Designs
iii. Trade Marks
iv. Geographical Indication
v. Copy Rights
vi. SICL

2. Types of Rights – Negative, Exclusive, Territorial, Licensable.
3. Utilization & Commercialization of patens
4. Stages of Development
i. Fostering of Innovation
ii. Protection of IP
iii. Communication of IP
5. Importance of Novelty & Inventiveness
6. Documentation required for application
7. KAPILA Scheme
8. Expedited Examination Process
9. The patent application process was explained in detail.

Faculty Interaction on Enhancing Faculty Research Quality
Date: 07th July 2022
Resource Person: Prof. Justin Paul, University of Puerto Rico USA & University of Reading UK

This session was organized with the aim of enhancing the faculty members research output. The resource person Prof. Justin Paul shared his experience as an editor. He is the chief editor of the International Journal of Consumer Studies. Sir quoted many things from this journal. He also insisted on the do’s and don’ts while publishing the research articles. He clearly mentioned about the process involved in publishing a research article in Q1 Journals. Sir also mentioned about the time period taken to publish a quality research article. Prof. Justin suggested the possibilities of articles getting published and rejected. Sir also gave examples for his own journal. Sir gave the suggestion to cite the reference from international journal and to avoid the state or country name in the title of the article. The resource person clarified the doubts of the faculty members. The session was fruitful and interactive.

Workshop on IPRs and its Protection in India
Date: 28th May 2022
Resource Person: Mr.Abhishek Singh, Examiner of Patents and Designs, Patent Office, Chennai. Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Govt. of India.

The resource person began the session with basic definition of IPR and the whole workshop was demonstrated from the perspective of types of IPR, process to file an IPR and significance of IPR protection. He also explained that how a student acquire a patent for the any of the start-up company. Then Copyright, Trademark and the Geographical indication IPRs were explained in detail. All the topics were discussed with the case studies. At the Later part of the workshop, the documents required to register the patent and the various details related to it was explained.

Project Proposal Final Presentation and Review
Date: 23.05.2022 & 26.05.2022

Shodh Pravartan Research Grant
Objective: The broad objective of the Shody Pravartan Research Grant is to study and explore the social issues which have direct and indirect impact on society and nation. The specific objectives include identification of social issues, interpretation of current social events and prediction future social challenges.

The college endeavours to spread the spirit of research and innovation among the academic fraternity. The Centre for Research is the executive wing to promote research culture in the institute. In keeping with its spirit, the college has instituted Shodh Pravartan Research Grant.

a. Minor Research Project scheme has been instituted for discipline specific and interdisciplinary research in Pure and Social Sciences. 28 proposals has been received out of that 15 proposals have been recommended and sanctioned.

b. Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru the UNAI Hub for SDG 1, endeavours to create an ambience of academic enquiry with a mindset of concern for the community and dissemination of research that has a direct bearing on socio-economic development, empowerment of youth, women, rural community and the wellbeing of the society. In keeping with its spirit, the college has instituted Shodh Pravartan – United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Project. Eight proposals has been received out of that four have been recommended and sanctioned.

c. In keeping with its spirit, the college has instituted Shodh Pravartan - Collaborative Community Project (CCP) to cater to the needs of the society and foster transformation and upliftment in the community. 31 proposals has been received out of that 12 have been recommended and sanctioned.

Online Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - Filing of Patents and Designs
Date: 18th February 2022
The Centre for Research organised an Online Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - Filing of Patents and Designs, on 18th February 2022. The Resource Person was Dr. Bharat N. Suryawanshi, Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management (RGNIIPM). The resource person Dr. Bharat N. Suryawanshi spoke very elaborately about the “Intellectual Property Rights in India. He highlighted the various procedures and processes involved in IPR and explained that Patents provide rights to innovators for their unique ideas. He also answered the queries raised by the students and faculty members. This online expert talk on intellectual property rights enriched and enlightened the knowledge of participants.

National Faculty Development Programme on Data Analysis Using Spreadsheet
Date: 13/08/2021 – 20/09/2021
Time: 5.30 PM – 6.30 PM
Number of beneficiaries: 101

Research Centre in Commerce and Management organized a National Faculty Development Programme on Data Analysis using Spreadsheet on 13th September 2021 to 20th September 2021from 5.30pm to 6.30pm through Zoom platform meeting. This Faculty Development Programme helps the faculty to analyse the data using spreadsheet and it is a powerful skill that helps you make better decisions. Microsoft Excel is one of the top tools for data analysis and the built-in pivot tables are arguably the most popular analytic tool. The FDP is aimed to equip academicians, Researchers and industries take holders to Gain practical insight on using excel in various field. The FDP started with a inauguration ceremony addressed by Rev Dr. Augustine George Principal, Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous Bangalore. His motivational speech was an energetic ambiance for the resource person as well as participants. The resource person of the day Prof. A. Prasath Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Dr. Chandrakhanthan J, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce. The topics covered are as follows:
Day 1 Introduction to Excel, Working with advanced functions and Charts
Day 2 Conditional Formatting, Advanced Filtering, Lookup Functions
Day 3 What is Analysis, Pivot table and chart, Data Validation
Day 4 Slicer and Dashboard
Day 5 Descriptive Analysis, Frequency Distribution, Cross tablulation, Cronbach’s Alpha
Day 6 Anova, Moving Average
Day 7 Correlation and Regression

Research Empowerment Workshop on Publication Metrics
Date: 5th December, 2020
With the aim of creating awareness about the current trends in publication metrics and encourage the faculty members to increase their publication metrics, the Centre for Research organized a research empowerment workshop on ‘Publication Metrics’ Dr. B. Jeyapragash, Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science,  Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, India served as the resource person for the event Dr. Jeyapragash in his address emphasized on the Publication Metrics, and the way to increase the citation through H index and Impact Factor. He envisioned the mechanics of increasing the Citation.  He focused on the three types of metrics such as Journal Metrics, Author metrics and Article metrics. He clearly elucidated about the different types of publications and their impact on individual and institutional level. He explained about the calculation of H Index and highlighted the techniques to publish research work in the Scopus Indexed Journals. He clarified the difference between UGC care Group I and Group – II Journals.  The resource person explained about cloned Journals and insisted additional care to be taken while publishing the research work. He also explained about the citation databases. He ended the session by highlighting the importance of publishing research work according to current trends. The session was highly inspiring and encouraged faculty members to publish in Indexed Journal and Increase their citation. The Workshop concluded with Q and A session where participants asked several questions. The resource person clarified the doubts of the participants and enriched them with his experiential knowledge.

Project Compendium
Review of ShodhPravartan- Collaborative Community Project

Date: 05.11.2020
Time: 11:45 am-12:45 pm
No of participants: 68

The Centre for Research organized the Interim Review for the collaborative community projects sanctioned in 2019 on 5th November, Thursday through zoom meeting. Dr. Reenu Mohan started the meeting with silent prayer and welcomed the participants. Rev.Dr. Augustine George, Principal of Kristu Jayanti College was the president of the review meeting. He appreciated all the investigators for taking up their projects. Rev. Dr. Augustine George stressed that the Community-based research must seek to empower communities and have an effect on the policy changes.

He suggested the faculty to collaborate with the government projects and assured support in taking up further research work for Community Development. The investigators were provided with the format for submission of interim reports. Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Director of Centre for Research and Dr. Jonas Richard from the Research Advisory Committee addressed the doubts of investigators and provided suggestions for completion of projects successfully by 30.11.2020.The investigators will be presenting their research work in the month of December. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks.

Review of Shodh Pravartan Collaborative Community Project Circular
Review of Shodh Pravartan-Collaborative Community Project sanction in 2019 - 20 is being arranged by the Centre for Research for the investigators. The Investigators and co-investigators are requested to attend the zoom meeting for updating the status of their research work on 5th November, 2020 at 11:30 am. Rev. Dr. Augustine George will be the President of the session. For further queries please contact Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Director, Centre for research.

Workshop on Consultancy Process
Date: 31st October, 2020
Time: 2.30 PM – 4.30 PM
Number of beneficiaries: 170
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Dr. Pennan Chinnasamy, Director, Rural Data Research and Analysis (RUDRA) Lab, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai

The workshop was intended to orient the faculty members about the significance the process of undertaking consultancy. Dr. Pennan highlighted the importance of research and consultancy. He stressed the value of research publications and projects in obtaining consultancy from other agencies and industry. He also insisted on the value of academic collaboration, industry collaboration and networking with industry, government and media to increase the opportunities of obtaining projects by various research funding agencies. Then he stressed about building faculty profile through collaborative projects with other colleges, industry and IITs. The resource person explained the various phases involved in consultancy and skills required to do consultancy. In various areas the academicians can do consultancy with the consulting groups to solve the most critical strategy and operations problems found in different sectors were also underlined by Dr.Pennan. The talk was followed by Q & A where participants asked several questions. The valuable answers helped the faculty to gain knowledge and a deeper understanding about the consultancy process.

Publishing your Research: A Roadmap
Date: 17-10-2020
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 01:15 p.m.
Number of beneficiaries (In-house Faculty): 108
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Dr. Anita Balakrishnan, Former Head, Department of English, Queen Mary's College, Autonomous, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

The Centre for Research focuses on its mission to advocate and promote research among faculty through various research promotion activities like workshops, seminars, expert lectures, initiating research projects and nurturing quality publications. In that respect the Centre organized an Expert Lecture titled “Publishing your Research: A Roadmap” on Saturday, 17th October 2020 for faculty members. Dr. Lyola Thomas, Member, Centre for Research, Kristu Jayanti College welcomed all present. The webinar focused on the current publishing landscape, with a special thrust on preparing manuscripts that will get accepted easily by Scopus and Web of Science indexed journals.

Prof. Anita spoke on the subtopics of Impact Factor, choosing the right journal and the importance of error free language and correct citations/references. The resource person elaborated on the general guidelines to be followed for a review article and for a research paper with an emphasis on the structure of a bottom-up approach for building an impactful article. Other topics that were addressed and demonstrated with examples were, choosing an appropriate title, selecting keywords judiciously, framing proper abstracts, the significance of introduction and the importance of apt conclusions. Participants raised their queries and concerns regarding various aspects of publications and research during the session. The session ended with the vote of thanks by Dr. Reenu Mohan, Member, Centre for Research.

Impactful Research Publications
Date: 19-09-2020
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 01:00 p.m.
Number of beneficiaries (In-house Faculty): 118
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Dr. P. Gnanakumar, Professor, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College

The Centre for Research aims to accelerate the research temper of the college through innovative projects, publications and research extension activities. The Centre for Research conducted a webinar titled “Impactful Research Publications” on Saturday, 19th September 2020 for the faculty members. The webinar began with the welcome address by Dr.Rajalakshmi V R. The purpose of organising the webinar was to inspire the faculty towards publishing high quality, impactful research articles in journals of International repute and provide them the working principles for choosing research problems, preparing articles and communicating them to the high-quality journals.

Prof. P. Baba Gnanakumar stressed on bringing out the creativity of the researcher in the publication. He discussed about practical measures of selecting topics, use of keywords, research sites and strategies for increasing the article visibility. Rev. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College expressed his appreciation to the resource person and encouraged the faculty to undertake projects and publish research papers. The webinar session was followed by the concluding remarks by Dr. Nelson J Michael, who stimulated the question and answer session. The session ended with the vote of thanks by Dr. Reenu Mohan.

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