Department Movie Screening

Movie Screeing “Rashtrapati Bhavan”
Class Attended and number of beneficiaries: BA V (HEP/HTJ/JPsENG), BA I (HEP/JPsENG) BA III (JPsENG) Name and details of the programme: The documentary “Rashtrapati Bhavan” was screened for the purpose of making the political science students aware about the structure and functions of the executive in Indian context.

Objectives: The fundamental objective is to increase the understanding of the students regarding the functioning of the executive in Indian context.

The club activity was held under the disciplined and organized leadership of Prof. S. J Michael (Head of the deaprtment) and the able stewardship of the club coordinators including both faculty and the students respectively. The film visualizes the magnum opus of Edwin Lurtyens; the great architectural project in Imperial India in retrospect of India’s colonial past. The tract of the movie traces the history, legends and architectural genius and the disputes that made the house of the first citizen of India. It explores the rooms, corridors and the state. Film was a visual treat which di9splayed the extra-vagant interiors and gardens. It explored the most intricate details of the Rashtrapati Bhavan and how grandly it is maintained still now. “The scene where the British flag goes down and the Indian flag is hoisted during Indian independence sent a wave of patriotism along the whole auditorium.

At the close of the event, every semester students were given different assignments relating to the movie and its message.

The department of Political Science conducted the second event in the political science club hour series on 3rd August 2015. The Movie Screening was done on the life history of Adolf Hitler, a documentary.

The movie gave the real picture of how the life of Adolf Hitler was changed during the course of time and how he developed the kind of hatred that made him a harsh and cruel dictator, from a benevolent and most widely loved leader of one of the strongest of the nations. Based on the movie screening an assignment on traits of a dictatorship was given to the students to understand the qualities of a dictator.

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