Governing Body Memebers

Name Designation

Fr. Abraham Vettiyankal - Provincial

Chairperson, Managing Trustee, Bodhi Niketan Trust

Fr. Dr. Augustine George

Principal and  Ex - Officio

Director, Dept. of Collegiate Education
Govt. of Karnataka

Government Nominee

Prof. Dominic

University Nominee

Prof S C Sharma

Management Nominee

Prof. Mathew J. Manimala

Management Nominee Educationist / Industrialist

Shri. Rajeev Chawla, IAS

Management Nominee Educationist / Industrialist

Fr. Emmanuel P J

Management Nominee Educationist / Industrialist

Fr. Lijo P Thomas

Management Nominee, Financial Administrator

Mr. Jeo Joy A

Senior Faculty, Controller of Examinations

Dr. Aloysius Edward J

Senior Faculty, Dean, Commerce & Management

Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM