Jayantian Language Training Centre (JLTC)

Jayantian Language Training Centre (JLTC) of Kristu Jayanti College offers Beginners Level courses and Advanced Level Courses in four major global languages: French, Spanish, German, and Japanese for undergraduate students. JLTC also offers IELTS and C1 English (Advanced) training for undergraduate students who aspire to work or migrate to other countries and can use the English language effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes.

The classes complement the thrust of the overall curriculum which is designed to equip students with the major skills of language learning — listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Students will benefit immensely from the study materials made available to them by skilled language trainers, which include resources and worksheets. The classes motivate and inspire the students toward a passionate engagement with foreign languages and prepare them for a good career option.

Why learn a foreign language?
International language learning undoubtedly pave way for added advantages among our students. Apart from being able to cater to the global demands of the generation, such knowledge and skills have been helping our students to not only work and pursue higher education in any desired part of the world but also become a bonus point in their employability criterion too. In addition to education, such skills build the students in areas of cultural compatibility, helping them gain a better perspective of the world around them, thereby boosting their confidence and enhancing their ability to connect.


  • To make the students know the importance of learning foreign Languages and their global benefits.
  • To motivate the students to learn any one of the globally accredited foreign languages.
  • To provide them with training in foreign languages
  • To make them excel in English and foreign languages at the international level.

Courses offered:

  • Basic and Advance Level Courses in French
  • Basic and Advance Level Courses in German
  • Basic and Advance Level Courses in Spanish
  • Basic and Advance Level Courses in Japanese
  • Basic and Advance Level Courses in Korean

Training offered

  • C1 English (Advanced)

Inauguration of the Korean Language Course
Date: 28 October 2024 The inaugural session of the Korean language class took place on 28 October 2024 in Room H106 of the Humanities Block. Fr. Joshy Mathew, Head of the Department of English, extended a warm welcome to the participants, followed by Dr. Pradeep S. Raj, Faculty Coordinator of JLTC, introducing the course instructor, Ms. Lee Young Me.

Ms. Lee presented an overview of the syllabus, explaining the course structure and emphasizing the main learning objectives. Dr. Thejas Gigy Thomas, Assistant Professor in the Department of English, was designated as the course coordinator to ensure the efficient management of the Korean classes. Participants were encouraged to share their interests in the course, fostering a collaborative learning environment. Offline classes, with 17 participants enrolled, are scheduled for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 4:45 PM to 5:45 PM.

Inauguration of the Spanish Language Course
Date: 25 October 2024 In collaboration with the Jayantian Language Training Centre (JLTC), the inaugural session of the Spanish class took place on 25 October 2024 in Room H101 of the Humanities Block, from 5:00 pm to 5:40 pm. Ms. Krishnapriya M., the session coordinator, welcomed the participants, and Dr. Pradeep S. Raj formally introduced the course instructor, Prof. Shilpa Netto, to the gathering.

Prof. Netto provided an overview of the syllabus and explained the course structure, outlining the key learning objectives. Students were also encouraged to share their specific areas of interest related to the course. A total of 50 participants enrolled in the program, and it was decided that offline classes would be conducted on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:45 pm to 6:15 pm.

Inauguration of the German Language Course
Date: 18 October 2024 The inaugural session of the Certificate Course on German, conducted by the Jayantian Language Training Centre, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, was held on 18th October, 2024, in room H202, located on the second floor of the Humanities Block, from 4:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Attendance was recorded by Dr. R.K. Lalnunsangi, the teacher in charge. The instructor, Ms. Sakshi Sharma, gave an introduction of herself and the certificate course to the students. The first class began after the introduction. Sixty-two (62) students are enrolled in the course. There were forty-two (42) attendants in the first session. Online sessions will be held on Mondays from 06:30 pm to 07:30 pm. Offline sessions will be held in H202 in the Humanities Block on Wednesdays and Fridays from 04:45 pm to 05:45 pm.

Inauguration of the Japanese Language Course
Date: 16 October 2024 The inaugural session of the Japanese language course, organized in collaboration with the Jayantian Language Training Centre (JLTC), was held on 16 October 2024. The event took place in Room H105 of the Humanities Block, from 4:45 pm to 5:45 pm. The session opened with a welcome address by Dr. Pradeep S. Raj, Faculty Coordinator of JLTC. He emphasized the significance of language learning in today’s interconnected world and encouraged students to fully engage with the course content.

Following this, Ms. Karen Ziona, the course instructor, introduced the syllabus and course structure. She explained the key topics to be covered throughout the program, offering students a clear understanding of the learning journey ahead. Dr. Thejas Gigy Thomas, Assistant Professor from the Department of English, was appointed as the course coordinator to oversee the smooth running of the Japanese classes.

The offline classes are scheduled to take place from Monday to Friday, between 4:45 pm. and 5:45 pm. A total of 23 students have enrolled in the course, expressing a keen interest in learning the Japanese language and culture. With a well-structured curriculum and enthusiastic participation from the students, the Japanese class is poised to provide a rewarding and enriching educational experience.

Inauguration of the French Language Course
Date: 07 October 2024 The Jayantian Language Training Centre (JLTC) inaugurated its French Certificate Course for the academic year 2024-2025 on the October 7, 2024, with 50 students enrolling in the program. The session was introduced by Dr. Nila Rajeev and Ms. Diana Sushmitha, the faculty in charge of the course. Mr. George Tshibangu, the French Instructor led the inaugural session in an interactive and engaging manner. The instructor also facilitated a lively discussion with the students, encouraging one-on-one interactions to assess their prior knowledge of the French language and their cultural experiences related to it. The French Certificate Course aims to equip students with both speaking and writing skills in French, while also providing them with a rich exposure to the socio-cultural aspects of the French-speaking world from a global perspective.

Jayantian Language Training Centre (JLTC) in Collaboration with the Cambridge English Conducted C1 Advanced Examinations
Date: 27 & 28 October 2023 Jayantian Language Training Centre (JLTC), in collaboration with The English Advantage, conducted the C1 Advanced examinations for the faculty members belonging to JLTC, including a few additional members from the department of English. The examination was conducted in two different slots dividing the candidates into two batches. For the first batch of candidates, the exam was conducted on the 27th and 28th of October, whereas the second batch of candidates took the examination on the 11th of November 2023. In the examination, all four components or skills of language (the LSRW skills) were tested in different ways. While the speaking sessions were conducted in physical mode in the presence of an external interlocutor, all the remaining sessions corresponding to various skillsets were examined through online mode. The main objective behind the conduction of this exam was to acquaint faculty members with the norms and rules governing C1 advanced Certification, as well as to familiarize and train them on the conduction C1 exam in near future, within the campus. As a result of this initiative, teachers were able to get a clear understanding of the C1 exam patterns.

Orientation for Cambridge C1 Advanced Certification
Jayantian Language Training Centre (JLTC) conducted a Faculty Enrichment Programme for the faculty members of the Department of English. The programme was conducted from 2 pm – 3 pm in Conclave Hall (Admin Block), Kristu Jayanti College, on August 10, 2023. The programme began with a silent prayer. The emcee of the day gave a brief introduction to the programme. Dr. Pradeep S. Raj, Coordinator, JLTC, welcomed the resource person. Prof. Jerrin Jose, Coordinator, Department of English UG, presented a sapling to Mr. John D’ Souza, Director of The English Advantage, India. The resource person gave an overview of the C1 Advanced Certificate. He focused on the pattern of the exam and compared the other English Language tests. Dr. John D’souza announced that Kristu Jayanti College is nominated by Cambridge as the first institute in Bengaluru to be the Be Spoke Centre for C1 certification. There was a Q& A session. Prof. Jerrin Jose presented a memento as a token of appreciation to Mr. John D’ Souza, followed by the vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Samjaila and a group photo session with all the members present.

Jayantian Language Training Centre Signing of MoU with Cambridge C1 The English Advantage, India
On 10th August 2023, at 10.30 am, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, with The English Advantage, India, for conduct of Cambridge C1 Advanced Examination as Be Spoke Centre for C1 Advanced Exams. Mr. John D’souza, Director of the Institute, mentioned that the College, is nominated by Cambridge as the first institute in Bengaluru to be the Be Spoke Centre for C1 Advanced certification. The collaboration involves training teachers to become certified trainers, leading to students taking their exams at this established centre. Among those present during the MoU signing were Dr. Gopakumar AV, Dean Humanities, Rev. Fr. Joshy Mathew, Head, Department of English and Dr. Pradeep S Raj, Coordinator, JLTC.

Kristu Jayanti College provides a forum for learning foreign languages through Jayantian Language Training Centre (JLTC). The centre offers various programs in learning foreign languages- French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. The vision of JLTC is to motivate and encourage students to focus on individual language goals and to make them acquaint in a diverse work culture.

The language training emphasizes in listening, speaking, reading and writing (LSRW) of French, German, Japanese and Spanish languages with the help of expert trainers. JLTC strives to meet the demands of the modern multilingual trend focusing on global competencies.

The English Language Lab provides a platform for the postgraduate students to develop their skills in Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing (LSRW). These classes complement the thrust of the overall curriculum which is designed to equip students in the major skills of language LSRW. The language lab uses Orell Talk software which contains lessons from the beginner, average to advanced learners. It is operational from 4:30-5:30pm, and the lab accommodates twenty (20) students at a time.

Students have benefited immensely from the materials made available to them in the lab, which contains lectures given by world-renowned professors (video and audio). The topic includes language teaching, linguistics and phonetic, that are difficult to be explained without the aid of audio-visual apparatus. The computer-enabled learning is much appreciated by the students as it enhances their learning and understanding.

The students are provided with 20 computers and 20 headsets in the language lab, and the environment is highly conducive for learners. It aims to ensure that students get the standard accent in English which would help them in their career globally.

Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM