Water Flow meter
As the water level is decreasing day by day, effective water management has become a necessity. Water management involves supplying water according to the real requirement & without wasting Water. Therefore, it is very important to measure water flow rate and volume. Without measuring these parameters, Water Management is almost impossible. Also monitoring the Water Volume, Flow Rate & Water Quality remotely using Internet Connectivity has become very essential. Therefore there is a need for IoT based Monitoring Water Management System. Magnetic pulse based volumetric meters are used for calculating water flow and the amount of water flow in pipelines and sends it to the cloud to monitor the consumption of water.

Aegir water meters are installed in campus which are fully digital IoT meters and certified to be >99% accurate on regular residential flow ranges and >95% accurate in low flow ranges. Aegir solution is cloud-native, as a true IoT solution should be. Meter reading can be viewed in the mobile phone, and various analytics like comparing to global and community usage makes it easy to gauge water conservation efforts better. Highly available servers keep the data archived for 3 years in cloud.

Installation of IoT based water meter has helped to analyse water usage and helped to manage water. This has contribiuted mucjh in analyzing cost incurred for water management in campus as a good percentage of water consumption is by rainwater harvest and recycled water by STP installed in campus.

Water Level monitoring
Due to exploitation of water resources and speeding of climate change, Water has become a luxury these days and keeping tab on water consumption is a necessity now. An IoT based Water level Monitoring system is installed in campus whose data can be monitored through a webpage over a local area network. The water level will be detected by using an ultrasonic distance measurement sensor. It can also remotely control the water motors through a web based control panel based on the monitoring done by the water monitoring IoT solution and helps to take decision action of switching off/on the water motor. IoT based Motor Starter is a device that helps to switch on / off and monitor the water motor through Real-time Network. This controller protects the pump set from phase failure, low voltage and phase imbalance.

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