IQAC Activities


National Conferences

16th National IQAC Conference (I-Con) Building Multidisciplinary And Transdisciplinary Capabilities In Higher Education
The 16th National IQAC Conference (I-Con), hosted by Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), marked a significant milestone in the quest for excellence in higher education, focusing on “Building Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Capabilities in Higher Education” in collaboration with EuroMid Academy of Business and Technology, Turkey on 5th & 6th April 2024. The event was inaugurated by Prof. Anil Sahasrabudhe, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, the National Educational Technology Forum (NETF), and the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). Emphasizing the importance of integrating multimedia elements such as graphic animation, storytelling, and interactive experiences into the higher education curriculum, he said: “Creating a narrative around each subject can make learning more interesting and relatable”. Prof. Sahasrabudhe underscored the importance of embracing innovation in education and emphasized the transformative potential of technology in enhancing student engagement and understanding across various disciplines.

The conference consisted of VI keynote sessions that delved into the heart of contemporary educational challenges and opportunities. In keynote session I, Prof. K. Ratnabali, Dean of Academic Affairs at the University of Delhi, focused on the theme of “Redefining Higher Education: Building Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Capabilities through Curriculum Reforms”. Keynote Session II was handled by Prof. Rajan Gurukkal, Vice Chairman of the Kerala State Higher Education Council and former Vice-Chancellor of MG University, centered on the “Problems of Teaching and High Order Cognition”.

In Keynote Session III, Dr. Aloysius Edward, Professor & Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management, and Director of IQAC at Kristu Jayanti College addressed the role of the National Higher Education Qualification Framework (NHEQF) in fostering academic excellence through multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary learning. Keynote Session IV was led by Prof. Saji Gopinath, Vice Chancellor of Digital University Kerala, delved into “Networking and Collaboration: Leveraging Industry Connect in Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Learning”.

The Plenary Session of Paper Presentations, held concurrently in various venues provided platforms for scholars to present their research findings and engage in academic discourse. In the sessions, a total of 28 papers were presented.

Day 2 of the conference commenced with an enlightening Keynote Session V delivered by Prof. N. V. Varghese, Former Vice Chancellor of the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), New Delhi, focusing on “Elevating Higher Education: Advancing Multidisciplinary Competencies through Technology”. In Keynote Session VI, “Bridging Disciplinary Divides with Generative AI” by Dr. Viraj Kumar, Director, AI-ML Centre, Indian Institute of Science(IISc), Bengaluru, offered a compelling vision of how generative AI can facilitate collaboration across various disciplines. Concluding the two-day conference, Mr. Aravind Srinivas, Advisor at the CII Institute of Quality, Bengaluru, came as the chief guest for the valedictory ceremony.

The sessions explored diverse dimensions of multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary education, fostering dialogue on innovative approaches to curriculum development, research methodologies, and pedagogical practices. The conference was attended by 110 delegates from various higher education institutions across 15 states in India and provided a collaborative platform for exchanging ideas and best practices in higher education. As discussions continue to resonate, Kristu Jayanti College and The Internal Quality Assurance Cell reaffirm their commitment to innovation and excellence, shaping the landscape of Learning.

NAAC Sponsored the 15th National IQAC Conference on “Revisiting Quality in Higher Education”
A two day NAAC Sponsored 15thNational IQAC Conference on the theme “Revisiting Quality in Higher Education” was organized by Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru on 16thand 17th March 2023. A team of distinguished eminent professors across the nation visited and addressed the gathering which included Prof. Kavi Mahesh Director- IIIT Dharwad, Mr. Sudhansu Mohapatra - CII Institute of Quality, Prof. Ramesh Chander Kuhad – Former Vice Chancellor, Central University of Haryana, Dr. N. Jayasankaran – Former Vice Chancellor, Kanchi University, Dr. Anitha Kurup –Head NIA Bengaluru, Prof. Ali Raza Mossavi – Vice Chancellor Khaja Bandanawaz University, Gulbarga and Dr. Aloysius Edward J, Dean – Faculty of Commerce & Management Director – IQAC, Kristu Jayanti College. The speakers of different sessions highlighted areas which included Accreditation Methodology, Benchmarking of Higher Education, Integration of Quality Parameters of different Accreditation Institutions of India and online A & A methodology in Revised Accreditation Framework.

The valedictory session of the two day conference was addressed by Padma Shri Darshan Shankar – Vice Chancellor, University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Science and Technology who addressed on focusing towards better ways of teaching beyond classroom boundaries and providing experiential learning to students through a clustered approach by cooperation and collaboration. In a nutshell, the two day NAAC Sponsored 15thNational IQAC Conference provided quality inputs and has successfully revisited the need for improving quality in higher Education. The conference witnessed participation of 173 participants from 8 states and 41 institutions with seven expert sessions and a plenary session which deliberated on various issues of quality concerns in higher education institutions. 20 research papers on the various sub themes of the conference were presented and published in published in a Book titled Revisiting Quality in Higher Education with ISBN No. 978-81-956813-5-8. The two day deliberations highlighted three aspects: firstly, the importance of quality faculty members in transforming an institution, secondly, benchmarking efforts leading to standardized processes to achieve quality in higher education institutions and thirdly, overcoming the challenges through consistent collaborative efforts of like-minded institutions.

XXIII Association of Indian College Principals’ Conference on Leveraging the Technology for Higher Education
The inaugural session of 23rd Association of Indian College Principals’ Conference on Leveraging the Technology for Higher Education witnessed participation of 136 delegates that includes 89 Principals and senior academicians from different parts of India.

The inaugural session has started with National song and it is followed by Prayer song by college choir
Welcome Address: The welcome address was given by Fr. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College. In the welcome address Father motivated the participants to explore the ways to learn digital technology for the better future of the country. He also commented that Information Technology is rapidly transforming Higher education and it influences student’s learning outcomes. He welcomed all the dignitaries and delegates to the session.

Prelude: The prelude has given by Dr. Aloysius Edward, Director, IQAC, Kristu Jayanti College. He mentioned that higher education 4.0 influences industrial revolution 4.0. He also stated that technology facilitated learning at any time and it aids personalised learning. This is the era of technology powered learning techniques like edutech apps and educational start-ups. The role of the teachers will be facilitators and curators in the future. He also pointed out that educational institutions should opt for blended learning which gives significance to both offline and online learning. Inaugural address: The inaugural address has given by Shri. Pradeep P IAS, Commissioner, Department of Higher & Technical Education, Govt. of Karnataka. He pointed out that technology fosters social equity and inclusion. Students will be getting access to wisdom and knowledge in national and international level. He also briefed digital learning initiatives taken in the Karnataka state like Karnataka Learning Management System.

Keynote Address: The keynote address has delivered by Prof. Ved Prakash, Former Chairperson, UGC, New Delhi. He stressed that colleges and universities to rethink about the quality of education. The educational quality contributes towards national competitiveness. Educational institutions need the support from the policy makers especially with regard to funding. Global workforce expects changes in the education and institutions should be responsive towards changing market demands. He suggested to conduct an academic audit every year by the institutions. He insisted the participants to do consistent testing of the limits of knowledge. He highlighted about strategic planning, focussed attention and student faculty ratio.

In the second part of his key note address, he focussed more about the leverage of technology in Higher education. He suggested the inclusion of technology in the operations of educational institutions like admission, attendance, proctored examinations and to develop dashboards to send reminders in the day to day activities of students. He recommended institutions to opt for Learning management System, developing artificial intelligence, and to introduce analytical tools to examine the engagement of students to ensure fair assessment. He commended that the LMS should be designed in such a way that the students can access it in the smart phones. He stated that the curriculum has to be redesigned for the effective delivery in the online mode.

Felicitation: Dr. R. K. Mahajan, AICP, President has commended that higher educational institutions should focus on accessible and affordable education so the students will be equipped with high quality degree and credentials to contribute towards the society and the global workforce.

Felicitation: Dr. Sanjay M. Vakil, Secretary General, AICP has mentioned that educational institutions should see the students as the future workforce and should enable them to face the challenges in the corporate world.

Vote of Thanks: Dr. Ashok M. Desai, Vice-President, AICP has delivered the vote of thanks and he pointed out that technology can be used for enhancing quality education. He thanked each and every one who contributed in the inaugural session and the participants also.

Keynote Session I
Challenges in Higher Education: Issues and Probable Solutions - An Insight
Welcome Note: The welcome note for the keynote session has given by Dr. Kumar R, Head, Department of Computer Science, PG, Kristu Jayanti College. He welcomed everyone to the session.
Guest Address: Prof. R. Mahesh Pharmacy Department, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Campus, Rajasthan has delivered the guest address. He said that colleges have to see students as potential future employees and prepare them for the societal makeups and immediate environment. He highlighted the benefits of technology in education and they are immersive learning, gamification, accessibility, personalized educational experience, blended learning environment, better engagement etc. The major points of his discussion are:
• Students have access to information and they expect individual care and want teachers to guide them.
• Students can be included in the real time discussions
• Technology can be used as a tool , also interactive sessions, group activities can be added
• A portal can be developed where lectures are available
• Students affordability is a challenge
• Capitalize on strength and work on weakness
• Periodic curriculum review and revision
• Understand the mind-set of the students and categorize their strengths and weakness
• Introduce tweak programmes with minimum effort, cooperation and guidance
• Induct consultants , train faculties for the use of technology
• Offer short term certificate, degree and diploma programmes
• Understand market value and societal needs
• Adapt changes in order to sustain like flip mode of continuing education, credit based modular or mutual recognitive system, up skilling etc.
• Mock drills can be conducted where students can have a professional approach to situations. Eg: time management, information management, personality etc.
Epilogue: In the epilogue, Prin. Ali Imam Khan, Vinoba Bhave University, Jharkhand commented that Government should allocate more funds for higher education. He also stated that main thrust should be an openness to lifelong learning.

Keynote Session II
Education in the Digital Era
Welcome Note : Dr. Molly Joy, Head, Department of Psychology, Kristu Jayanti College has given the welcome note and she welcomed everyone to the session.
Keynote Address: Shri. Aravind Srinivas , Board of IT Education Standards (BITES) spoke about four main areas
• Background of digital (4.0)
• Ability to promote
• Promoters and inhibitors
• Educational dimensions
He said that educational institutions should recognize change. He pointed out an example for history repeating itself like Moses giving information (the 10 commandments) on tablet of stone and in todays time we are using electronic mode tablets. He also told the definitions of digital, digitalization and digital transformation . He also highlighted the evolution of digitalization.

He stated two forces that promote technology, ie, globalization and growing need of children. He pointed out certain challenges which are cost, growing criticism, adoption, integration and managing change. He commented in the online mode data should be sorted, arranged and presented in an appealing way. Data has to be explained in the form of a story to enhance understanding.
He mentioned six dimensions related to education. They are
• Admission test
• Faculty and research
• Curriculum and Pedagogy
• Industry placements
• Internal process
• Student experience
He suggested four simple rules that can be followed in the educational sector
• Rent your own technology
• Bill as income and pay as use
• Integration
• Never go for customization
Epilogue: In the epilogue Prin. Ajay Gor has said that after covid educational sector is more open to digitalization and resistance to technology has reduced.

Panel Discussion I
Digital Educational Eco System for Learning
Dr. P.Baba Gnanakumar, Director, Centre for Consultancy and Corporate Training, Kristu Jayanti College and Mr. Sevuga Pandian A, Head, Department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College are the moderators of the panel discussion. Prin. V. R. Shrigurkar, is the Chairman, AICP of the session

In the introduction Sir V R Shrigurkar spoke the problem of stability of internet which 3 out of 5 students face was spoken about and also about how more time to publish is required was spoken about. They also spoke about what can we do to improve the quality? Sir spoke about the 60:40 formula by UGC, and also about four digital ecosystems requirements i.e.,
1. Internet
2. Content (videos, notes)
3. Zoom
4. Smartphones
Most of the educational systems use technology in their curriculum, but problems such as connectivity in rural areas, was discussed about. They also mentioned that student should not miss or lose out because of such issues and that, even after the pandemic online teaching will continue .

Prof Vijay Kumar commented about how the pandemic helped us to use the digital platform to it’s best, and the higher education is attempting to reach students through technology. He also noted the challenges they face i.e., issues encountered by students in rural areas, poverty leading to non-accessibility and high cost of data. He also gave some solution like providing devices to students, BSNL and JIO networks to offer subsidized rates for data.

Mr. Sevuga Pandian A explained the effective working of LMS (learning management system) and their use of the 4 quadrants making learning for student effective and efficient, how the students are provided with open communication and feedback platforms, how well the security of these platforms is, the importance of the digital infrastructure and also how to monitor students effectively online, online examinations and the reforms that need to be bought in the style of examination, how technology should be compatible and inclusive for every student, scope of educational institutions having a tie up with technological companies (edutech companies).

He also highlighted that monitoring of student activities in LMS are also important. The institutions should have good infrastructure to support the digital platforms. He offered help to other institutions to bring out learning management system. He said that colleges can customize user friendly learning management system according to their requirements.

He answered a question related to the security of using open sources system. The infrastructure where the system is running is significant with regard to security. The authentication of users are important to get access to the system. He also mentioned that using Google drive will help to save the space taken by the system. He also explained the process students has to undergo in the Learning management system from reading the content till taking up the assessment.

Dr. P.Baba Gnanakumar mentioned that, after several steps of trial and error students are very much adapted to the online learning system. He motivated all the institutions to manage the digital learning system by explain the process adopted here in Kristu Jayanti college.

Later Mr. Sevuga Pandian explained the cons of AI in the digital education system and explained how the college has tackled the issue especially with regard to the conduct of examination. The importance of proper bandwidth for the students has also mandatory for the proper implementation of digital education.

The spoke about usage of television networks for primary classes and that there are separate television channels He mentionaed anout the swayam platform to sort out the problem of infrastructure. Proper schedule has to be circulated to the audience to manage for time management.

Vote of thanks: Dr. Manikandan Kathirvel has delivered the vote of thanks. He thanked all the panel members.

Panel Discussion II
Perspectives of Technology Usage for Higher Education
Dr. C. Veerabahu, Principal, V.O.Chidambaram College , Thoothukudi, Tamilnadu
Dr. C Veerabahu explained the use of technology as well as Data Analytics has become prominent as it has become the need of the hour. He further stated the availability of many short courses has emerged in today’s time when compared to the traditional education system.

He also spoke about how we should be more focused on the aspect of quality when it comes to online learning and commented on the fact that 40% of students today are using swayam courses. The future of education system id determined by technology as it reduces the restriction to availability of more information and also is very easily accessible so we have to adapt to technology and embrace learning, unlearning as well as re-learning.

Panel Discussion:
Dr. Smita Deshmukh, Member, Executive Committee, NAAC, Bengaluru
Dr. Sanjay Vakil, Secretary General, AICP
Dr. Neena Seth Pajni, Principal, Gobindgarh Public College, Alour, Ludhiana
Dr. Karunakaran, CEO, Hindustan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore
Dr. Karunakaran:
Dr. Karunakaran commented in the pre covid season, bringing technology into classrooms was quite difficult, but covid gave the educational institutions an opportunity to open the doors to technology into classrooms. There are two committees:
1. Teaching committee
2. Learning committee
The learning committee has a faster pace when compared to the teaching committee in learning technology hence, the teaching must be equipped with the latest technology to form e-content. There is a need of easy tools for simulation and for this there are many free tools that are available to learn the latest technology.

He told there are two components of technology:
1. Tools to use technology (devices).
2. Real Technology(internet).
The concept of real technology was well discussed off but the availability of the devices or tools was missed out. He also told that now due to technology teachers have to shift roles between being a teacher and a mentor.
Dr. Neena Seth Pajni:
Dr. Neena Seth Panjni shared her experience. She told that currently a lot of attention is being given to digital and hence, we are facing digital threat and which is why the learning committee needs to adopt and have a faster pace of learning in technology. We need to lead with digital readiness to achieve digital transformation. Covid has made digital technology one of the winners and hence, it is not a want but a necessity.
She also mentioned the challenges:
1. Implementation of AI.
2. Excessive screen time.
3. Content formation and
4. Cost.
Content formation needs to be done in such a way to encourage students from different perspectives and partnership with different technology can help in the cost, also, provision of devices and internet to all students is necessary. There is also the problem of having confidence in using new technology, and we all need to work together to solve these problems.

Dr. Neena stated that when the content is provided through technology students can learn at their own pace. She also told that technology learning should be made a part of the curriculum and that technology should be more inclusive and should be made available to be customized as per the need required.

PM launched blockchain that focused on the users so that they will not miss out on any content, although it is expensive, it is easier. Many are also using crypto currencies as a payment method for tuitions. She also gave examples on the use as well as customization of technology and ended with a saying that we need to adapt to the changing environment.

Dr. Smita Deshmukh:
Dr. Smita told that the technology is changing the landscape of education systems in today’s time and that covid has forced us to embrace technology as there was no other way, and that technology was the new way to turn to. Today’s students are growing up with internet and this has changed their learning habits. She gave the example of how research was done previously that was by visiting libraries and today it is done by one click on the internet (google).

We are promoting technology but along with the positive aspects of technology we also have to be aware of the negatives such as cybercrime of the same. The advantages of using technology are very well recognized today and also has made a visible impact which in turn has made it compulsory to adapt to technology and hence, there is a requirement of adequately prepare and enhance the teaching committee with technology as well. The impact of technology today is growing rapidly leading to quest of excellence. She commented that technology should be used for the betterment of students.

The end note was given by Prof. Surendranath Reddy.

Keynote Session III
Technological Initiatives in Higher Education by Govt. of Karnataka
Dr. Bhagyavana S. Mudigoudra, Special Officer E-Governance & State Nodal Officer - RUSA, AISHE & Director, PMU (UUCMS), Department of Higher Education, Govt of Karnataka
Dr. Bhagyavana S. Mudigourda started by stating period of civilization has a lot of transformation ; hence, it is believed transformation or changes is the principle of nature. The education system has transformed from oral to written and now changing to technological.
Toady we are moving towards digital transformation i.e., our day-to-day activities are completely transformed to digital and the pandemic has also added a lot of support to the same.
Karnataka is one of the highest states having IT companies, along with that the higher education department, has also struggled to cope up with the existing scenario of the society under the digital platform, a lot of initiatives have taken place.
Some initiatives taken are:
● DIGILOCKER NAD and Sahamathi

UUCMS in Karnataka:
This has been the vision of the government since 2015. This was formed as in the higher education sector there was not a single data where we can make use for application administration and other application purposes. It includes university as well as colleges.

As per the report of 2021government of Karnataka has announced that a title of permanent system will be put in place to efficiently monitor the administration of universities and college in the state with the help of technology. Two committees for the same have been approved:
1. High Power committee
2. Executive committee
It is aligned with the principles of NEP (ABC registration). It is to bring all public universities and colleges under one umbrella. The entire process from admission to examination and getting of the degree certificate can be tracked within the system and for faculty from joining to their performance appraisal and from management to promotion can ne tracked within the system and also activities like lesson plan and class monitoring are a part of it.
The objective is:
1. Cater to the requirements of NEP.
2. Increase accountability in the system.
3. Bring transparency.
4. Higher accessibility.
5. Provision of horizontal data.
6. To ensure integration with Kutumbha, HRMS, CAC.
7. Integrating institutions data with SSP, NAAC.
UUCMS has 10 modules essential for various aspects in academic institutions
o Admission module
o Academics and class monitoring
o Examination module
o HRM module
o Affiliation module
o Student support system
o Asset management
o Library management
o Financial planning and monitoring
o Research and development

It took around 18 months to complete the modules. The government has for formed sub- committee for each of these modules. All the plans are reviewed repeatedly and this is done with all kinds of stakeholders. A lot goes into this as a process before it is being approved. Initially it covered 24 state universities, 3800+ colleges now they have added the department of technical education, 340 polytechnics and 33 private and deemed to be universities. UUCMS covers 17,00,000 lakh students under these modules.

Karnataka LMS:It was very important as well as highlighted in Karnataka. It integrates content creation, content assessment, and performance analytics at anytime and anywhere it is accessible. It has the best teachers and these teachers are oriented to provide content and content is created with the support of technology tools and is made accessible to all colleges hence, access towards quality teachers anytime and anywhere is made. Around 2500 smart classrooms are made in Karnataka. The teachers are allowed to create their own content or use the already available content. This helps in continuous assessment to unlock the potential of the students and the teachers. Revolutionizing the teaching- learning process.

State scholarship portal : This portal was initiated 4 years back. It is an integrated scholarship portal for post-Matric students, studying in any type of college. Students bonafied data and result data from the HEIs has been integrated with this portal which makes it applicable for primary to Ph.D classes. The information that needs to be uploaded by the students is minimum. When the students link their Aadhar card the eligibility criteria for the students to get the scholarship is shown. It's vision is of entitlement base scholarship.

E-office:It is completely a paperless office and is a project that is part of the Karnataka government Staff and citizens. It was implemented in all States Public Universities for the knowledge and the process and status of files. This helps avoid delays and enhances decision making and transparency.

Seva Sindhu :It is an initiative of Karnataka government to deliver the government services at door steps. Its objective is to provide government services in a cashless, paperless, and faceless way.It had adopted around 31 service universities, 10 collegiate education and 11 services of technical education. It also helps in simplifying the processes of the department by removing cumbersome and non-value add steps.

Digilocker : It operates 24*7 and allows academic institutions to lodge academic awards in digital format and it is easily sharable and verifiable. There is no risk of theft, spoilage, hazards or tampering of awards. Karnataka is the first State in deposing highest number of digital documents from10 to 21 years.

Dr. Nanda N, Principal, BMS College for Women, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru
Dr. Nanda N spoke of the various information that were provided by the keynote speaker. She also stated how technology is used for communication in classrooms, and gives access to much more knowledge. She also spoke about how the vision is to transform and modernize higher education system with the optimal use the resources provided and ended by saying digital India is that way forward and to strengthen it should be the aim.

Valedictory Session
The valedictory session has started with the college choir leading the invocation song.
Welcome Address: The welcome address was given by. Dr. Calistus Jude, Dean Faculty of Sciences, Kristu Jayanti College. In the welcome address Dr. Calistus Jude shed light on how education and education institutions have become quite competitive. To survive, improvement of quality is required, which has to add value through integration, innovation and best practices. He also commented that this conference helps in self- reflection, to check if the students’ needs are met along with the changing environment. He welcomed all the dignitaries and delegates to the session.

The report of the conference was given by Prof. Ramya .B, Kristu Jayanti College. In her report she told there were 5 key note session, 6 plenary sessions, 2 case study sessions and several presentations. There were 136 participants and 89 senior academicians. The welcome address was given by Fr. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College Bengaluru. The prelude was given by Dr. Aloysius Edward. The inaugural address has given by Shri. Pradeep P IAS, Commissioner, Department of Higher & Technical Education, Govt. of Karnataka. He stated that today we can learn at any time in a blended form due to technology and also briefed on digital initiatives that were taken. The keynote address has delivered by Prof. Ved Prakash, Former Chairperson, UGC, New Delhi, he stressed upon the quality of education and expected changes with time. The felicitation was done by Dr. R. K. Mahajan, AICP, President he spoke about how higher education should focus on accessible and affordable higher education for all and Dr. Sanjay M. Vakil, Secretary General, AICP mentioned students are the future workforce and hence we should equip them. Dr. Ashok M. Desai, Vice-President, AICP has delivered the vote of thanks, he mentioned how technology should and must be used to enhance quality education. Key note session 1 was taken by R Mahesh. He spoke about enabling learning and accessibility and enhancing personalized learning system and a blended form of education. In the epilogue to find sources of independent funds for higher education and main thrust should be lifelong learning. In the key not session 2 Arvind spoke about 4 main perspectives of digital era and the epilogue was given by Ajay Ghor who stated covid has propelled towards digitalization and resistance to technology has reduced. Six parallel session were held where there were 19 principles and academicians who presented. Day 2: Panel discussion, here the panel spoke about higher education invested a lot in hardware and software as well as broadband access and should have digital readiness for digital transformation. In the hey note session 3 how Karnataka is the digital hub of India and education institutions have clear policies to transform into digital platform which can be accessed anywhere at anytime. In key note session 4 the need for research of raising visibility of institutions to bring in new knowledge and open up for collaboration was mentioned. In the epilogue, how we should focus on working on the quality of research was mentioned. Valedictory: The valedictory address was given by R.S Mali. He told that all colleges must come together and learn on different topics to improve the quality of education. He also spoke about the appreciable growth of Kristu Jayanti college

Felicitation Address: It was given by Prin. Subhash Brahmbhatt who mentioned how well it was scheduled and quality papers were presented in online conference. Fr. Lijo Thomas appreciated the initiative taken by AICP to promote excellence for higher education amidst covid and that becoming digital is very necessary as it is a part of evolution.

Feeback: Dr. Akilesh Peshwa and Dr. Cinthia Jude gave their feedbacks they mentioned how successful this conference was and that they had learnt a lot on the use of technology and how to adapt to it.

Vote of thanks: vote of thanks was given by Sanjay Vakil.

Dr. Aloysius Edward, gave the formal announcement of the 16th Internal quality assurance cell conference “Revisiting quality in higher education” on the 3rd and 4th of February, 2023. The valedictory ended by the College choir rendering the College anthem.

Virtual International Conference on Implementation of NEP 2020 In Higher Education Institutions: Opportunities and Challenges
The International Quality Assurance Cell Organized a two day virtual international conference on implementation of NEP 2020 in higher education institutions: opportunities and challenges on December 1 and 2, 2020. The conference was inaugurated by Dr S C Sharma, Director, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). The main objective of the conference was to collaborate with the experts in the field of higher education, for arriving at an action plan for Implementation of NEP 2020 in higher education institutions. In his inaugural address, Dr Sharma highlighted the need for revamping the educational systems, as the world is undergoing rampant changes in the knowledge landscape with various scientific, innovative and technological advancements. He threw light on the critical areas of the NEP, including the focus areas concerning academic adventure and institutional integrity. He revamped on the ‘light but tight’ regulatory approach of the government in implementing NEP 2020.

The welcome address was delivered by Dr Fr Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru. In his welcome address, Dr Augustine referred to the education system in ancient India which was rooted in, not just in the acquisition of knowledge, but in appreciation of life experience and the liberation of one’s own self. He also stated that Kristu Jayanti College, following the footsteps of the founder members of the CMI, strives to fulfil its mission to provide educational opportunities to all aspiring youth, by creating opportunities for academic excellence and by building global competencies in a dynamic academic environment.

The prelude to the conference was presented by Dr Justin Nelson Michael, Director, Centre for Research. Dr Calistus Jude, Dean, Faculty of Sciences, delivered the vote of thanks.

The first session on Effective Governance and Leadership in Higher Educational Institutions was coaxed by the keynote address of Dr Rishikesh B S, Member, Sub Committee, Taskforce on Implementation of NEP in Karnataka & Associate Professor, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, India.

Dr Rishikesh started the session by shedding light on a brief background on NEP 2020. He emphasised on the point that there is a need to ensure that the educational institutions align with the objectives of NEP 2020. Dr Rishikesh also re-emphasised on NEP’s weight on the broad-based holistic education and effective governance.

The second session of the conference was on Reforms on Professional, Vocational and Teacher Education, by Dr Leena Chandran Wadia, Chief Consultant, Committee for Draft NEP and Member, Drafting Committee, NEP 2020. Dr Leena started her presentation by exploring the symbolic meaning of the Mobius strip icon in the Draft NEP 2019, which figuratively represents education as a continuum- ‘with no beginning and no end’. Developing on the perceptions of the previous sessions, Dr Wadia stated that the foremost challenge India is facing in higher education is “a small quantity of high-quality educational institutions”. The speaker discussed in details the opportunities and challenges in the integration of vocational and professional education. She also talked in volumes about the principles used to arrive at the Draft of NEP 2019 (DNEP). Dr Wadia also shared the importance of evenly investing in student and faculty development, balancing contributions to research, teaching, student wellbeing and in the larger spectrum of the society and country.

The keynote session III under the title “Internationalisation of Higher Education- Opportunities and Challenges”, began with the introduction of the resource person Dr Philip G Laird, Vice Provost, Trinity Western University, Canada. “Global collaboration between institutions is a marathon, not a sprint.” said Dr Laird on the outset, displaying the image of a runner on the virtual screen. Through the metaphoric association, Dr Laird sets up his view that international collaboration is about building trust and relationships over time. He continued his talk focusing on the ‘New Global Normal’ scenario in the world, as an aftereffect of the covid-19 pandemic. He pointed out that the global pandemic has brought in both challenges and opportunities.

On the one hand, the pandemic has affected the structures of social functioning and pushed down millions into economic havoc. On the other hand, it has enabled people to think differently, to figure out alternative solutions to problems. In the course of the lecture, further emphasis was given on the necessity of international collaboration on research initiatives, and for facilitating the student and faculty development. The session was concluded with an interactive session, in which the resource person and the participants articulated their point of views.

The fourth session of the virtual international conference was vivacious with the erudite presence of Dr Y Narasimhulu Former Vice Chancellor, Rayalaseema University, Andhra Pradesh. He spoke on the topic” Move with the Times” and he mentioned that Covid 19 pandemic has allowed the students and teachers to look into education through a novel perspective. Online education, according to the speaker, has led the world to take the path of transformation in everything they were doing in academia. As many of the transactions are online now – online meetings, virtual transfers, virtual seminars and the like, he encouraged the audience to keep an open mind and to adapt to the changing landscape of education. ‘We need to be flexible in our academic approaches and be ready to fit in the changing scenarios in the field of education’, said Dr Narasimhulu. The session came to an end with an interactive session between the Dr Narasimhulu and the participants of the conference.

In the Fifth session, Kristu Jayanti College presented a working model for the implementation of NEP 2020 in the institution. The session under the title preparedness of NEP Implementation was presented by Dr Aloysius Edward, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management and Dr Gopakumar A V, Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru. The Session primary acknowledged the institution’s openness towards the implementation of NEP 2020. It emphasised on the importance of having an action plan and preparedness to embrace the new wave of academic transference. The session addressed the challenges and discussed an action plan to turn the challenges into opportunities. Delegates from other academic institutions raised their concerns, and the discussion positively strived to solve the doubts and concerns.

The keynote session VI was delivered by Dr S Srikanta Swamy, Academic Consultant, Research and Analysis Wing, NAAC, Bengaluru, India. The speaker started the session by sharing the key highlights of NEP 2020. The speaker stressed on aspects of NEP 2020 relating to the pedagogical dissemination of quality, value and flexibility. He also added that real education should go beyond the classroom teaching to train the young minds to develop an analytical mind. According to the speaker, teaching is pre-planned behaviour, and it is important to merge child development theory and teaching theories. Dr Swamy exalted that teaching involves many factors such as motivation and inspiration to the learners to take it to a higher level in a manner that learning becomes a continuous process. He also stated that the commitment of the teachers, their passion and interest levels of the teachers are important.

The two-day virtual international conference witnessed the flocking of ideologies from various strata of Higher education, deliberating institutional excellence, building uniqueness and the challenges and opportunities of NEP 2020 implementation.

The critical discussions of the virtual international conference were:
1. To ponder on an action plan for Implementation of NEP 2020 in higher education institutions.
2. The ‘light but tight’ regulatory approach of the government in implementing NEP 2020.
3. Thrust on upholding the four main principles of Indian constitution: liberty equality, fraternity and justice as the hallmark of all higher education institutions.
4. Emphasis on effective governance in the institutional and university level.
5. Challenges Indian education system is facing at present with the “small quantity of high-quality educational institutions”.
6. Opportunities and challenges in the integration of vocational and professional education
7. Internationalisation of higher education- opportunities and challenges
8. Concerns of the digital divide between the haves and have-nots.
9. Flexibility in academic approaches and the readiness to fit in the changing scenarios in the field of education.
10. The need of an action plan and preparedness to implement NEP 2020.

Virtual National Conference on NEP 2020: A Transformative Educational Policy for Aspirational India
Kristu Jayanti College in collaboration with Bengaluru North University and Centre for Educational and Social Studies [CESS] organized a two day Virtual National Conference on NEP 2020: A Transformative Educational Policy for Aspirational India on September 15 and 16, 2020.

The conference was inaugurated by Dr. C. N Aswath Narayan, Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Higher Education, Government of Karnataka.

Inaugural Address: Dr. C. N Aswath Narayan, Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Higher Education, Government of Karnataka. The inaugural address by the Chief Guest of the Conference started with a deep appreciation of the topic of the Conference NEP 2020: A Transformative Educational Policy for Aspirational India and the message it conveyed. He bemoaned the lack of dynamic changes in the field of Education and mentioned that the Trust Deficit was probably one of the main reasons behind the stagnation in our educational system. He stated that the National Educational Policy would facilitate the participation of the entire society in the betterment of the Educational System which would focus on the important issue of how to live and function with the system within which we live. He also urged that we consider the challenges that the society faces and urged that we all be part of the solution as that was the main purpose of learning. Education should facilitate enlightenment and the eventual process of becoming good human. We should create learners who are creative, critical and concept learners who learn not just for the sake of a degree. He also affirmed the fact that the Government is willing to empower and facilitate all these changes and to bring it to fruition to ensure that India becomes a superpower and that quality education along with the convergence of technology would be able to reach all the people even those in the remotest areas. He further avowed that the Government is committed to address all the challenges that may arise in facilitating this Convergence of Education and Technology maintaining that Internet connectivity is now a basic necessity like water. He concluded with the exhortation that Kristu Jayanti College, CESS and Bangalore North University should not limit themselves to a particular jurisdiction but attempt to pass on their best methods of teaching and learning to all who wish to learn and assist in the creation of such an Environment that facilitates this. The creation of an Awareness to this effect has to be created and that would make a big difference in the education scenario. He concluded by congratulating and appreciating the three institutions involved for their commitment to making positive changes in the process of facilitating the transformative Educational Policy and thanking them on behalf of the people and Government of Karnataka.

Prof. M.K. Sridhar Member , Committee for Draft NEP 2020 Member, University Grants Commission and Member, Task Force of Implementation of NEP in Karnataka
Prof. Sridhar started off with the an opening gambit of introspection to consider whether we wish to be part of the solution and look for opportunities and where to find these opportunities, stating that NEP is not the policy of the government but it is the policy of the people as he went on to trace the origin of the policy and the journey of its creation and formulation.

In a rhetorical question as to how to make Karnataka a vibrant knowledge society he stated that it is the it is the aspiration of the people that has shaped this policy that has taken 5 ½ half years to be formulated. He stated that the policy encompasses the inputs of more than 3 lakh comments and feedback from all the sections of the different minorities in India. It was only after processing all this that the 66 page policy was finally formulated. It is in fact the consolidation of the aspirations of all stakeholders including minorities and people from all sectors of society, in other words it is the aspiration of 132 crores of people.

  • NEP is going to be the policy for the next 20 years.
  • NEP as a policy is coming from a position of strength and confidence from aspirational India
  • Transformation is all inclusive as it helps us change and it is wholly backed by the Government
  • NEP does not intend to change the syllabus instead it hopes to inspire every Institution to become a agent of change and that every teacher should become a change agent
  • The policy hopes to empower people and it is time tfor people to take charge
  • The next step is a the need for a mechanism to implement the policy
  • A Task Force needs to be created to discuss the policy at the institution level and take the implementation of NEP forward in the institution

Presidential Address: Prof T.D. Kemparaju, Vice Chancellor, Bangalore North University
Prof T.D. Kemparaju stated that we have a greater responsibility to carry forward the vision and mission of the NEP policy and its objectives and oversee its successful implementation in letter and in spirit

  • NEP is truly a policy of difference
  • We are living in the age of transition, and Education has its own importance in this era of transition it has become a basic component to achieve success
  • The world is looking at India – because it has a strength that no country has – it has a Youth Capital that is its greatest asset that can be of use not only for India but for the countries of the World
  • Developmental activities can be instituted only through good quality educational system and great educational policies.
  • In the last seven decades India has achieved a lot in the fields of IT, science and technology but it still leaves much to be desired in the field of education.
  • Not even one university has appeared in the top 100 universities of the world. It is a time to rethink
  • We have to strategize our actions and policies to ensure that we reach global requirements.
  • We are yet to find an answer to the question how far is our educational system is relevant today? The NEP is one such meaningful attempt to bring about relevancy at all levels of education.
  • The NEP is Student focused and learner centric and inclusive at all levels and has incorporated a lot of meaningful structural changes.
  • The four year programme at the graduation level and the creation of the National Research Foundation are steps in the right direction so that they can find solutions to our society’s problems and create a culture of research even at the degree level.
  • Karnataka is the first state to take the initiative to implement the recommendations of NEP with the constitution of a task force for this purpose. As we are living in the age of collaboration and networking he concluded with the call urging us to work collectively to implement the NEP. Greater autonomy is thus granted to institutions to take forward the implementation of NEP which makes the days ahead days of great challenge and expectation to ensure that quality education reaches all.

Prof. T D Kemparaju, theVice Chancellor of Bengaluru, North University give the presided over the meeting. Rev. Dr. Augustine George, Principal Kristu Jayanti College welcomed the gathering and the inaugural session ended with the Vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Aloysius Edward, Co Ordinator of IQAC, Kristu Jayanti College.

Resource Person : Dr Manasa Nagabhushanam, Member Sub- Committee Task Force on Implementation of NEP in Karnataka and member, Executive Council, CESS.
Session: Towards Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education
Dr Manasa Nagabhushanam started off with the fact that NEP was a game changer and that education was about to undergo a sea change. In the current scenario apparent around us we see Parents and Teachers would prefer if their students and wards would choose professional courses. A normal graduate course was not a very attractive proposition these days. She further presented the normal concerns of parents as to whether students would be able achieve their true potential. She stated that education is about opening the doors and windows of the mind so that we may be able to gain perspective, think critically, and express creatively and thus find meaning in a holistic way. She added that Education is not just about jobs or careers, it is about educating people for life. She elaborated on the advantages of Multi-disciplinary education as opposed to Single Disciplinary Approach Multi-disciplinary education provides a conscious breaking down of boundaries between disciplines and enhances the breadth and depth of understanding and provides an exposure to new and diverse disciplines, concepts, thoughts or perspectives for example 50% of knowledge people learned in college has become obsolete.

Multi-disciplinary education helps us explore and discover interests that can motivate the students It is important to link specialized areas of study to other variables to help us make the shift from Data Era to Knowledge Era. Multi skilling also provides the advantage of multi skilling to shift careers in effect Technology Enhancing Occupational Mobility Multi-disciplinary education encourages Passion that drives Motivation, High Adaptability Breadth of knowledge, Creativity and the Synthesizing ideas and the Linking of concepts

The Challenge is for institutions to carefully consider how they can offer the variety of courses on offer so as to do justice to all of them. How to make our institution multi-disciplinary is the foremost challenge that we need to ponder on and how to integrate different skills into each of these courses is the challenge before us. So students would have more choices Multi disciplinary education also provides flexibility with multiple exit and entry including

  • Credit structure through which one can build an academic bank of credit
  • Discipline Choice – Elective Choice
  • Passion driven choice
  • Deep Knowledge: Study majors and Specialization in Honors in the fourth year
  • Learner Career
  • Disciplinary skills and Transferable skills
  • Skill based Jobs
  • Research and projects based learning

The idea is to make education more holistic by adopting content reduction and adopt more options for experiential based learning

She concluded with certain clear actionables namely:

  • Acclimatize by gaining clarity and shedding apprehensions
  • Analyze and Evaluate how it can benefit the students and the institution
  • Accept - Appreciate - Think through the process
  • Action that is to Start implementation at the institution level.
  • Dr Nagabhushanam ended with a sincere appeal to make NEP a reality

Resource Person: Dr K Sudha Rao, Former Vice chancellor Karnataka State Open University, Mysore
Dr K Sudha Rao, handled a session on Transforming Regulatory System and Governance. The resource person started with making a comparison with the existing and proposed systems.

In the existing system of universities, once you enter a university it becomes very difficult to take a transfer. India is the only country next to Pakistan to have an affiliated college system.
In developed countries the vast majority follow the certain principles:

  • Professional Ethics is a basic principle of life;
  • Integrity of employees;
  • Responsibility is taken over by the employees;
  • Respect to the laws and Rules of the land;
  • Respect to the rights of other citizens;
  • Loving and enjoying their work;
  • Strive for saving and investment of resources
  • Will to offer superior performance;
  • Punctuality at work and play

Responsibility of the universities

  • Goal for universities is to become multidisciplinary institutions
  • Teachers need to be provided with a permanent employment structure
  • To attain these goals: consolidation, substantial expansion and improve existing structure
  • Single-stream HEIs will be phased but over time; Single-stream HEIs will, add departments across different fields that they currently serve;
  • At this stage it is still unclear whether private institutions will fund themselves or if the Government will fund them for scholarships etc.
  • Higher Education Grants Council will carry out funding and financing of higher education based on transparent criteria, including the IDPs prepared by the institutions and monitor the progress made on their implementation;
  • All HECIs will be required to have IDPs

It is essential for every person connected with Education planners, Administrators, Implementers, Vice Chancellors, Principals, Heads of the Departments, Teachers and the PhD Scholars to read and understand the NEP 2020 as it concerns each one of us and our performance. It is only our understanding of the NEP 2020 and that would bring the change at implementation levels, all this will be possible only if we can reach the unreached and have an equity between the have and the havenots.

Date: 16/09/2020
Session: Technical Session – I
Time: 10 AM – 11 AM | Platform: Zoom
Resource Person: Dr. Leena Chandran Wadia, Chief Consultant, Committee for Draft NEP & Member, Drafting Committee, NEP.

The first session of the second day of the Virtual Conference on NEP was handled by Dr. Leena Chandran Wadia, Chief Consultant, Committee for Draft NEP & Member, Drafting Committee, NEP.

The session focused on the transformations that is happening in Indian school education. The speaker highlighted the changes proposed in the NEP which will help in enhancing the overall quality of Indian school education. The major highlights of the talk were

  • Areas of focus in school Education: Early childhood Care and Education covering children between 3-6-years
  • Ensuring foundational literacy and numeracy for every child by the age of 8 - 10.
  • Stemming dropouts and ensuring 100% enrolment by 2030
  • Universalization of free and compulsory education: for children between the ages of 3- 18 years – No child left behind
  • New developmentally appropriate curriculum and pedagogy – the 5+ 3+3+4 architecture: does not have to be aligned with physical infrastructure.
  • New National Curricular Framework (NCF)
  • Central role for teachers: rigorous preparation, robust recruitment, professional development and attractive career paths
  • School complexes: to support teachers, and to provide shared resources to all schools
  • Governance Reforms – Principle of separation of roles and powers.

The session ended with the speaker addressing the queries of participants on various aspects of her address. The session was well appreciated by the audience.

Resource Person: Dr. Gururaj Karajagi, Chairman, Academy for creative writing
The second session of day 2 was on the holistic development of learners. Dr. Gururaj Karajagi beautifully narrated the importance of holistic development of the learner using beautiful and simple examples. The keypoints discussed were

  • Strengthening Early Childhood Care and Education
  • Based on the scientific view that, nearly 85% development occurs before the age of 6.
  • Language learning in children – through interaction – with adults and with other children.
  • Three language formula with two important changes.
  • Introduce the language before age 10.
  • Only language learning focused on listening/speaking not focused on reading and writing.
  • Ensuring Foundational Literary & Numeracy
  • Key stage assessments at Grades 3 and 5.
  • Exposure to Vocational Education. Children get a chance to Multi skill courses.
  • Semester system instead of Exam system which give
  • Experimental learning in secondary education
  • Challenge to implementation of Vocational Education
  • Vocational education covers a very large variety of job roles.
  • It provides 100% employability.
  • Secondary School: 14-18 years – Integrated four-year education within school
  • Transformation of Curriculum & Pedagogy
  • School Teachers: Torchbearers of Change (B. Ed degree to be taught in universities as a stage-specific 4-year undergraduate program)
  • Continuous Professional Development
  • NEP emphasis of School Complexes
  • Making Government Schools Works Separation of Functions in Governments

Panel Discussion – Decoding Education Post NEP 2020
Time: 12 pm -1.30 pm
Session Chair . Dr. Venkatesha Murthy V. KAS Registrar, Bengaluru North University
Prof. B. Thimme Gowda, Former Vice Chancellor Bangalore University, Former Vice Chancellor Karnataka State Rural Development and Panchayat Raj University, Gadag, Member, Taskforce on Implementation of NEP in Karnataka.
Dr. Yashavantha Dongre, Formerly Professor of Commerce & Director, PMEB, University of Mysore Chairman, Sub-Committee, Taskforce on Implementation of NEP in Karnataka.
Shri. T. R. Parasuraman, Deputy Managing Director, Toyota Industries Engine Pvt Ltd President, Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BCIC)
Moderator: Dr. Padmavathi B.S, Director, CESS, Convener, Sub-Committee, Taskforce on Implementation of NEP in Karnataka.
The conference witnessed a vibrant panel discussion. The panelists presented the various aspects of NEP and highlighted the positive aspects of NEP. All the panelists were unanimous in their opinion that implementation of the policy is the key factor. Key Points of Discussion:

  • New vision and architecture for higher education
  • Large, well- resourced, multidisciplinary institutions
  • Researcher-intensive Universities, Teaching Intensive Universities, and Autonomous Degree-Granting colleges
  • Broad-based holistic undergraduate education
  • Flexible curricular structure & Multiple entry and exit points
  • Creative combinations of study
  • Strong focus on equity and inclusion
  • Empowered governance and autonomy for higher education institutions ‘Light and tight’ regulation Separation of function to eliminate conflicts.
  • Key Recommendation points in NEP 2020:
  • Moving towards a more multidisciplinary undergraduate education
  • Revamping curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and student support for enhanced student experience
  • Promote imaginative and flexible curricular structure.
  • Offer multiple entry and exit points, thus, removing currently prevalent rigid boundaries and creating new possibilities for life-long learning
  • The flexible and innovative curriculum of all Higher Education shall include credit-based courses and projects.
  • As part of a holistic education and employability of graduates, students in Higher Education will be provided with opportunities for internships with local Industry businesses, artists, crafts persons, etc., as well as research institutions
  • The UG degree will be of either 3 or 4 – year duration, with multiple exit options, with appropriate certifications.
  • Students can opt for ‘majors’ and minors’ or a major and a Vocational Subject or a discipline & Teacher Education aspects in multidisciplinary education:
  • An Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) shall be established which would digitally store the academic credits earned from various recognized Higher Education scheme so that the degrees from a Higher Education Scheme can be awarded taking into account credits earned.
  • Effective Learning requires a comprehensive approach that involves appropriate curriculum, engaging pedagogy, continuous formative assessment, and adequate student support.
  • The curriculum must be interested and relevant, and updated regularly to align with the latest knowledge requirements and to meet special learning outcomes
  • Higher Education Scheme shall move to a criterion based grading system that assesses students achievements based on learning goals for each program, making the system fairer and outcomes more comparable.
  • Higher Education Scheme shall also move away from high-stakes examination towards more continuous and comprehensive evaluation
  • As teacher education requires multidisciplinary inputs, education with high-quality content and pedagogy. All teacher education programs must be conducted within the composite multidisciplinary institutions.
  • The 4 years integrated B.Ed. will be a dual- major holistic Bachelor’s degree, in Education as well as a specialized subject.
  • Vocational education will be integrated into school and higher education. Salient Features of the Proposed 4 Years Multidisciplinary UG Program – General Education
  • The undergraduate programs shall be structured in a semester mode with multiple exit options with certification, Diploma & Basic Bachelor Degree at the completion of first, second and third years, respectively.
  • The Candidate who completes the 4 years UG Program, in one stretch or through multiple exits and re-entries will get a Bachelors, degree with Honors:
  • 4 years UG Honors Degree holders with a suitable grade will be eligible to enter the Doctoral (Ph.D.) Program, in a relevant discipline or a ‘Two Semester Master Degree program with project work’:
  • Candidates who wish to enter the masters/Ph.D. program in a discipline other than the major discipline studied at the UG program have a take additional course in the new discipline to meet the requirement.
  • There may be parallel five year integrated Master’s degree program with exit options at the completion of the third and fourth years, with UG basic degree and UG Honors degree in a discipline, respectively;
  • There may also be an integrated doctoral program with exit options at the end of the fourth and fifth years with the Bachelor degree with Honors and the Master’s degree, respectively:
  • Students who exit with Certificate, Diploma & Basic Bachelor Degree shall be eligible to re-enter the program at the exit level within 5 years to complete the program or to complete the next level. The candidates any have a maximum two exit options or lateral entries to complete the program:
  • The Multidisciplinary UG Program will help in the improvement at all the education; outcomes, with a flexible & imaginative curricular approach:
  • The program shall fulfil knowledge, vacationed, professional & skill requirements along-side humanities, arts, social, physical and life sciences. Mathematics, sports, etc.,
  • The curriculum combines conceptual knowledge with practical engagement and understanding that has relevant real world application through particle laboratory / field work, internships, workshops and research projects
  • The areas of specialization which the Students are required to choose are either one or two disciplinary/ subjects or a major (e.g.: History) and an area of additional discipline called ‘minor’ (eg: Music)
  • Students can choose subject combinations across ‘stream’. One of the disciplines can also be a vocational subject;
  • Skills shall be explicitly integrated, highly visible, taught in context and have explicit assessment;
  • The skills shall include abilities language and communication, working in diverse teams, critical thinking, problem solving, add analysis and life skills;
  • Students shall be given options to choose from a basket of courses which the institution is capable of offering. There shall be no rigidity of combination of subjects.

The panel discussion ended with the panelists airing their opinion to the queries raised by the participants. The two day conference concluded with Prof. Ramya B , Member, IQAC proposing the Vote of Thanks. The conference was successful in conveying in aspirations of the NEP 2020 to all the participants.

National Conferences [November 13 - 14, 2019]
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru organized National conference for the 11th successive year with a relevant and emerging issue discussing the “Role of Higher Educational Institutions in Promoting Lifelong Learning and Inclusiveness” on 13th and 14th of November 2019. The inaugural ceremony on 13th November was presided by Rev Fr. Josekutty P D, Principal of Kristu Jayanti College. The chief guest for the inaugural session, Prof. S. N. Hegde, Former Vice Chancellor, University of Mysore, stated that Higher Education and research are instrumental in advancement and transfer of productive knowledge to constitute social, economic, cultural and scientific assets of our country. Lifelong learners can be groomed by conscientious teachers by creating exciting and challenging learning environment.

The first keynote session by Prof. Yagnamurthy Sreekanth, Principal, Regional Institute of Education, Mysuru on “Dimensions of Inclusive Learning and Teaching” emphasized on evolving inclusive curriculum design, delivery and assessment methods. He called for collective efforts among educationists to promote inclusive learning and teaching for engaging students in learning that is meaningful, relevant and accessible to all.

The second keynote session on “Effectiveness of Open and Distant Learning in Higher Education” was addressed by Dr. Jose Cherian M Head, School of Education, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore who enlightened the delegates on the types of ODL, its objectives and need today.

The third session on “Enhancing Quality through Inclusiveness in Higher Education” was by Dr.Aradhna Yadav, Director - Patel Institute of Science & Management, Bengaluru enlightened the participants on the employability factors through vocational courses and the urgency to make higher education accessible to everyone. The session also put forth a need to revamp the school education system to uplift the society to meet the industrial age.

The deliberations of the Second day of national conference commenced with 20 thematic paper presentation sessions. The fourth keynote session “Promoting Lifelong Learning – Future of HEI” was chaired by Dr. Ravichandra Reddy, Former acting director of NAAC and Senior Academic Consultant – EMS. Prof. Anitha Kurup, Dean, School of Social Sciences and Head of Education Programme, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru in the keynote session insisted that we need to focus more on the increased student capabilities through pedagogic changes, and technology tools. Prof. Anitha also challenged the teachers to bring in contemporary content to class every day and the ability to create challenging assessment for the students and stressed on the importance of blended learning approaches in education and training sectors.

The fifth keynote session on “Draft New Education Policy 2019 - Inclusive Education and Lifelong Learning” was chaired Prof. Mariamma Varghese, Former Vice Chancellor, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai. Prof. Leena Chandran Wadia, Senior Consultant of the committee on the New Education Policy 2019 highlighted the benefits of real autonomy of higher education institutions in order to offer broad based liberal education.

The conference served as a platform for 106 delegates from 23 higher education institutions from 7 different states across the country to come together and share their thoughts on various aspects on lifelong learning and inclusiveness. The participants of the two days conference decided on strategies to promote lifelong learning by

  • creating a culture of inclusiveness in campus
  • promoting ODL to achieve Sustainable Development Goals
  • innovation and entrepreneurship through vocational education
  • adopting blended learning techniques
  • being progressive educators

The chief guest for the valediction of the national conference was Dr. Janardham, Registrar IC and Registrar Evaluation, Bangalore North University who appreciated Kristu Jayanti College for the quality initiatives taken in the journey towards excellence and in imparting value based education. The conference concluded with the announcement of the theme for the 12th National IQAC Conference to be held in November 2020.

National Conferences [November 16 -17, 2018]
Dr. N. Nagambika Devi IAS, Principal Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Karnataka inaugurated the Conference and highlighted several successful and unique practises carried out by the State of Karnataka especially the Sahayog Employment Enhancement Skill Initiative efforts undertaken in the Govt colleges. She suggested that the higher educational institutions have the responsibility of making positive impact on the neighbourhood, groom socially sensitive youngsters and make education more accessible to the less privileged. In his presidential address, Rev. Fr.Josekutty P.D the Principal of Kristu Jayanti College encouraged all the educators that any institution can build its uniqueness when they serve the people with clear purpose by providing quality education and strive for excellence in all aspects.

The first session on Developing Unique Practices for Enhancing Excellence in Higher Educational Institutions was steered by the keynote speaker Prof.V. S. Prasad, Former Director, NAAC and Former Vice Chancellor of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad. Professor Prasad was of the view that accepting autonomous status itself helps a higher educational institution to experiment and evolve unique practises. The speaker resonated that there is no tailor made formula for developing unique practises. The institution should experience and evolve its own practises that are context specific and institution relevant fulfilling the goals of higher education. The first session was chaired by Prof. K. Sudha Rao, Former Vice Chancellor, Karnataka State Open University who concluded that building uniqueness is a progressive activity and any institution will be known only for its uniqueness.

The second session of the conference was on Preparedness of Higher Educational Institutions towards Changing Environment was chaired by Dr. Shakuntala Katre, Senior Academic Consultant, EMS, Bangalore. The keynote speaker was Dr. Kathan Shukla, Professor, Ravi J. Matthai Centre for Educational Innovation of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. The session was a journey starting with the Current Scenario of Teaching Learning Practices adopted in higher educational institutions in the country where success is determined in reproducing model responses in a timely manner. He presented a comparative analysis of different methodologies and was of view that Indian higher educational system lacks accountability and that could be one of the reasons for not moving forward. Institution can position itself as teaching intensive institution, research intensive institution or a mix of both. The chairperson Dr. Katre remarked that Indian higher system has a deficit of trust, truthfulness and tolerance. As the Indian scenario is in the transformative phase, class room management system has to be continued in addition to technology enabled learning to provide better accessibility towards higher education.

The third technical session on Change Management in Higher Educational Institutions was addressed by Prof. Bipin V. Mehta, Executive Director, Swarnim Start-up & Innovation University Gandhinagar, Gujarat who elaborated on how management of change is carried out in higher educational institutions. He provided successful models of change that are initiated by Indian educational institutions today and concluded that any change management should have clear measurable goals for it to be successful. The chairperson of the session Dr. V. Immanuel, Principal, Rev. Jacob Memorial Christian College, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu voiced caution about reckless change management and insisted upon a planned change.

The day two of the conference started with 22 delegates presenting papers on the various subthemes of the conference. The Session IV was a Presentation of Unique Practices by Dr. Dhaval Pujara, Director, Research & Innovation, Nirma University. Dr. Pujara had a multitude of ideas and observed that even though India had expanded in terms of numbers in higher education, quality of education was never seriously looked upon. The speaker highlighted several successful practices such as the rigorous attention shown towards the Faculty Development Programme and the opportunities provided to the students to pursue courses and initiate innovative ideas. The chairperson Dr. M.L. Joseph illustrated the various good practises adopted at St.Alberts college, Kochi. The fifth-session on Presentation of Unique Practices by Dr. Meena Chintamaneni, Registrar, NMIMS University, Mumbai, illustrated the evolution of NMIMS University from 1981 with one student to one of the most sought after University today. Dr. Meena rightly said that to bring in quality we require only right attitude that is self-driven.

The two day conference witnessed the flocking of ideas from 96 participants from 10 states of India representing Higher Education institutions building uniqueness and institutional excellence. The key suggestions evolved in the deliberation were
• Opening doors of Higher educational institutions to impact the surroundings and make education accessible to all
• HEI should focus on their goals and values to find their uniqueness and identity.
• Evolve practices that are context specific and area specific
• HEI must evolve practices that focus upon the emerging trends – grooming students skilled for future
• Attitude of resisting change is to be resisted and planning of implementing effective changes to be carried out
• Academic, research and administrative responsibilities of educators to be clearly defined and demarcated
• Education to be designed to cater to young generation learners and Managing the changing attitudes of the learner has to be taken earnestly
• The role of the Assessment agencies is to measure quality and the institutions have the complete prerogative to ensure quality culture which is self-driven
• Change management in higher education should be measurable
• Periodic Skill Enhancement training of faculty members to enable them to be the drivers of change.

The Chief Convener of the Conference was Dr. Aloysius Edward, Co-ordinator of IQAC and was ably supported by the members of Internal Quality Assurance Cell. The common theme that reverberated in the two day Icon was ‘uniqueness cannot be replicated and every institution should learn and evolve its own uniqueness through its experiences’

National Conferences [January 18-19, 2018]
The 9th National conference on the Role of Higher Educational Institutions in Sectoral Equilibrium and National Well-being was held on 18th and 19th Jan 2018 in Kristu Jayanti College. The inaugural ceremony on 18th Jan presided by the principal of Kristu Jayanti college- Rev Fr. Josekutty P D. Dr. Calistus Jude, Dean, Faculty of Sciences, welcomed the gathering and Dr. Aloysius Edward, Convenor of the conference gave the prelude to the conference. The chief guest for the inaugural session, Dr. Jerome Bove, Scientific and academic Attache’, French Embassy in India- - Consulate General of France , described in his inaugural address, the initiatives taken by French govt to improve collaborative research, to encourage start-ups and also the French foot print. He lauded the management and IQAC for holding such conference with relevant theme of skilling the youth of India which would accelerate the growth of Indian economy further. Prof. Ramya B, Co-convenor of the conference proposed the vote of thanks during the inaugural ceremony

Chair Person: Mr. Sanjeev Patil ., Principal, Jaee Foundations’ Gurukul Degree College, Kalaburagi
Keynote Speaker: Dr.S. Rajaguru., Principal, Sri. Ramakrishna Mission Vidhyala College of Education, Coimbatore

The keynote speaker for the session insisted on the India’s heritage which helped in the higher education in ancient days. Sir also reminded that we are living in a ‘PUNNIYA BUMI’ with lots of resources. He revealed various statistics and evidences from Vedas, Epics and Indian Scriptures related to education. Lord. Macaulay’s education gave huge strength for Indian education system which helped in scientific inventions. He raised a question to the audience that such a legendary country is facing challenges in retaining the values in the education. The reason is value crisis in educational system. Sir insisted on the importance given to agriculture in the past and in future. He also explained how agriculture and rural life will help students in learning values. He advised the educational institution to include agriculture in the curriculum. Sir insisted that agriculture is important for the national well-being.

He also envisioned that Education is the manifestation of perfection. Sir mentioned the difference between educated and literate people. He also quoted Mahatma Gandhi’s Philosophy towards education that is 3H( Head,- cognitive, Hearts- affective & Hands- psychomotor).

The new educational objectives given by UNESCO in the 21st century is related with yoga
1. Learning to Know – Gnana yoga
2. Learning to Do – Karma Yoga
3. Learning to Live together – Saga yoga
4. Learning to be – Saga - yoga

There is a massive growth of higher education institution in India. The quality of the education accounts to less than 1% of the population of the country. Only 6% of the institutions are there for higher education. National Knowledge commission planned to increase the higher educational institution five times within 2015, but till 2017 they achieved only 50% of the target. The challenges faced by teacher to provide quality education are Social challenges, Economical challenges, Political challenges, Cultural challenges, Political challenges, challenges from science and technology and pedagogical challenges.

To overcome all these challenges the following factors should be considered before implementing the educational policy
1. Curriculum development
2. Training to teachers
3. Infrastructure facilities
Three types of generation are
X Generation - people using old technology (Old TV, Old Computer, Radio etc.)
Y Generation – People Using technology (Old mobile)
Z Generation – People using social media (Skype, Face book etc.)
To focus on the Z generation the teachers should update them every day.
Exceptional students should be given special attention. The following are the different types of exceptional students. Physically challenged students, sensitively challenged students, cognitively challenged students, behaviorally challenged, perception ally challenged, and socially deprecated students. Communication is not common for all the students.

There are two types of Learners in the class room Analytical thinkers (Intellect) and Global thinkers (Creative). Discrimination should be there in the class room. It will help in value development.

Mr. Sanjeev Patil , chairperson of the session in his concluding message envisioned the challenges for growth in the higher education system. He also suggested conducting meditation for students to focus on discipline and mentoring of the students. The session was highly inspiring and emphasized on the challenges in the higher education system and the measures to overcome these challenges.

Session – II
Contribution of Indian Universities towards Innovation in Diverse Sectors
Date: 18th January, 2018 Time : 1.45 PM
Former Vice Chancellor, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai
Keynote Speaker: Prof. S. Parasuraman
Director, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai
The chairperson set the tone of the session by highlighting the broad values and vision an institution stands for can be of application to the society. The chairperson congratulated Kristu Jayanti College in its continued efforts to make valuable contributions to society.

Dr Parasuraman started the session by stating that the fundamental elements of Universities are students and teachers. Teachers are people with certain level of maturity and teaching profession always deals with young people. He was of the opinion that if young people of this country is properly utilised there is no looking back for this nation. That is the area where Higher Educational Institutions plays a vital role whereby they can bring in societal change through young people.

The speaker spoke from his own vast experience elucidating each of his points with an experience he encountered. He discussed about the migrant work force in Kerala, the situation of young women in Assam ,the problem of dehydrating coconuts in Nicobar islands without pollution and how HEI’s can study these kind of societal situations and to suggest what best can be done in these kinds of situations. Students working with communities can identify their problem easily and can develop suitable solutions often working much better than an outside solution brought in to solve the problem.

Dr Parasuraman narrated the examples of TISS student projects turning out to be internationally acclaimed programs like Child helpline with the toll free no- 1098 imitated by Ms.Jeru Billimoria and how Mr.Mohammed Tariq’s work with beggar home turned out to be the Koshish program. He narrated the setting up of mobile courts at beggars home in Delhi helping the beggars.

The speaker briefed upon the school social work program, National University Student Employement Program and how through all these HEI can implement skill development programs. He was of the view Indian universities can do so much provided there are teachers who makes things happen.

He expressed his concern that in spite Government implementing many programs like Mid- day meals, Gram Vikas Yogna and many more- India remains hungry and poor due to the leakages in the system which in turn is a result of deterioration of personal values and ethics. He suggested all the members present to ensure that their institute should, connect with community, understand their problem, do macro level planning and come out with grass-root level projects to practically resolve the problems of rural India.

Many a time we have a specific description for a human being and if the person do not fit into that description, society has problem towards accepting those people. We do not much bother about how an individual ended up in that state. Sir illustrated the projects done by Action Aid to illustrate what young people can do to bringing in change of poor people.

He urged that every HEI institution should make sure that there is no poverty around their campus and every HEI should do a self check about what they are doing for the society.

He concluded his session by stating that the need of the hour was moulding students who are disciplined and got an urge to bring in change. All the social innovations should be sustainable and should be done by community participation. Higher educational institutions can take a definite lead to bring in Scoietal innovation to improve the quality of living. .

In the concluding address the Chairperson -Prof. MARIAMMA VARGHESE, Former Vice Chancellor, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai appreciated the efforts taken by TISS and emphasised on the possibilities available for autonomous institutions and universities to explore new ways to connect with community by incorporating such activities in the curriculum and evaluation process.


Keynote Session 3
Role of HEIs in skilling challenged youth
Chairperson: Fr. Felix Chackalackal,
Manager St. Pauls College, Kalamasserry, Senate member, MG University
Keynote speaker: Dr. Shivappa IES

The chairperson, Fr. Felix Chackalackal , Manager St. Pauls College, Kalamasserry, Senate member, MG University started the session by quoting that “Skill India and India will skill you.” He commented that 93% work force belong to rural areas and hence there is urgent need to develop the rural areas by introducing and modifying technology.This would lead to national development.

The Keynote speaker Dr. Shivappa IES, said that he started his life from a humble background and that he finished his PhD by taking bank loan. His dream was to contribute something to the community and established his own NGO’s. He was sorry to reveal the fact that the ratio of unemployment is 58% and that 62% of the postgraduates are unemployed. 97% of the labourers are unskilled and we don’t know whom to blame for all this.

The education system has to be changed. It should not be restricted to just completing the syllabus without being bother about the fate of students. As a teacher, what have I given to the society and what is my ultimate goal is to be questioned. He emphasized that we should not be restricted by our own boundaries. Many handicraft sectors have disappeared. In his humble effort to revive cottage industries, he has established 5000 self- help programmes. He is involved in the design, development and transformation programme for rural based cottage industries. By giving marketing assistance, an entire village an entire state and thus entire country could be empowered. Since IRDP, NRDP etc. has failed, government of India is trusting NGO for implementing the programme. He showed his concern that Government is neglecting the cottage sector. The empowerment of rural sector could be a solution to unemployment. To get the right candidate for the right job is very difficult. Government policies are hindrance for economic development.100% placement is possible by special training programme in skill development. He insisted that internships leading to placements should be made compulsory in courses. He concluded by saying that he is leading a peaceful life as 5000 people whom he has given employment are blessing him.

Fr. Felix Chackalackal concluded by saying that 98% of his students are OBC but he has 92% results. He said that it was because of the curriculum and in house training facilities available to the students. He expressed his discomfort that the government of Kerala is not giving sanction for new courses and not supporting private institutions.

Day 2: Paper presentations (9.30 am)
Keynote Session IV 11.00am
Impetus on higher education on renewable resources, agriculture and rural development
Chairperson: Dr. Ravichandra Reddy,
Former acting Director-NAAC & Senior Academic Consultant
Keynote speaker:
i. Dr.Gangadharappa, Professor Emeritus, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru
ii. Dr.Shivanna, Vice Chancellor,University of Agricultural Science,Bengaluru
Chairperson Dr.Ravichandra Reddy, Former acting Director-NAAC & Senior Academic Consultant introduced the topic to the audience.

First Keynote speaker Dr.Gangadharappa, Professor Emeritus, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru gave a thorough analysis of renewable resources, agriculture and scope of rural development.Out of the population of 121 crores, rural population is comprised by 83.34 Cr and Urban that of 37.71 Cr. Majority of the population depends on agriculture as their livelihood. In Karnataka, out of a population of 6.1 Cr, Rural population comprises 3.74 Cr which is more than more than half of total population. He highlighted the rural income disparity in India. If we consider the natural resources, out of the total cultivatable land in India, gross cropped area is 195mha while net sown area is 141mha.The rest which is a very large area cannot be used for cultivation which is quite alarming.The percentage of geographical area having total forest cover is only 21.23%.Water is very important but very scarce for cultivation. Population, poverty and encroachment are major issues.

Production of commercial sources of energy in India-both renewable and nonrenewable energy sources should be taken into priority. Various forms of renewable energy include biomass, geothermal, hydropower, wind energy.

Usage of biofertilisers and rain water harvesting should be greatly promoted. Though we have 75.7mha of rainfed area, the net irrigated area is only 65.3mha. In order to treat people as social beings, the standard of living should be improved by improving health and education. Increase income and quality of living could lead to human development. More people are living in rainfed areas and development takes place around these areas. To increase productivity in agriculture, there should be breakthrough in research. Ministry has introduced few programmes like IAAP(Intensive agriculture distress programme), IADP(Intensive agriculture area programme), High yielding variety programme, National food security mission, RKVY(Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana. Research and sustainability in water and soil is the need of the hour.

Rainfall pattern is erratic and rainfall distribution is erratic. The coastal belt has a reduction of rainfall by 16%.These issues have to be addressed. Information accessibility should be made more. Only 23% of technology reaches the farming community.

Higher education in agriculture
The first university was PUSA. If we look at the agricultural institutes in India,SAU-62,Deemed-5,CAU-2,Central University-4.Total no: of universities is 73.The number of agricultural institutes is 64,national research institutes is 15.Wehave to create facility in agricultural research.

Challenges in higher education are facilities, funds, genetics and breeding. We must incorporate technology to improve food production and food security. The problems of small and marginal farmers are price, credit and monsoon. For farmers to take up technology, they should be competent enough and this is possible by empowering them with good resources, higher education in higher institutes of research.

The second keynote speaker Dr.Shivanna, Vice Chancellor, University of Agricultural Science, Bengaluru started the session by saying that India has 75 agricultural universities and 800 universities. Nalanda University was the first university in 5th century. It is our duty to take India to international standards. Our people are second to none and steps ae to be taken to stop the braindrain. Emphasis has to be given in the areas of soil, water and biodiversity towards rural development.The current usage of water is ata an alarming rate of 3800 lt/day/person. Water is a major problem as rainfall is scattered and there is a lot of tension between the states for sharing of water.More than 95% of water goes to the sea and is is not used.

India is producing275 million tonnes of food grain,300 million tonnes of fruits,160 million tonnes ofmilk,10 million tonnes of fish,20 million tonnes of meat which sums up to 780 illion tonnes of food production which was made possible due to advanced technology.Higher education coupled with technology has led to an increase inquantity of food production.

It is not possible to increase the area of cultivation due to geographical reasons.26 million hectares 0f land is not cultivated.10-15% 0f land has been taken away due to industrialization.10 million hectares of land has sick soil,not suitable for cultivation.To produce 1 kg of rice,we need 5000 lt of water.Natural rsources are declining.higher education coupled with technology has to find a solution to increase food production with the available rains.We should advocate and promote these issue by coupling with facilities in institutions.

The complicated problem is that 95% of resources is enjoyed by 2% of people.How to distribute resources uniformly is a big question.The rural people use resources more judiciously.Inndia is highly skilled and we are inferior to none in knowledge.We should focus on technology driven socioeconomic development.There is a tremendous growth in higher edication in the field of agriculture in India.The first agricultural University came into being in Karnataka in 1960.Now,it has grown to 53 universities.Women constitute about 565 I agricultural University.

It is the responsibility of the academecians to improve the quality if higher education.The criteria of education should be to serve the society at large.To improve quality,faculty,facilities and quality students should be there.

During the fifth and final key note session was on the title- Draft Higher Education Policy towards Sectoral Growth and National Well-being, Dr. Leena Chandran Wadia, Senior Fellow, Observer research Foundation (ORF), Mumbai and Consultant, Draft Committee, National Education policy, GoI stated that the complexity of Indian HEs is indefinable insimple terms. Draft HE policy has attempted to address on key issues and provide solution. As higher education providers we can endeavour to address basic issues such as concentrate on student learning, enable learning by doing, engage in extension activities at grass root level. Dr. Viraj Kumar Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, PES University, Bengaluru Consultant, Draft Committee, National Education policy, GoI, who was also a keynote speaker, spoke about the requirements a sound education policy must old- there shouldn’t be a gap between objectives abd leaqrning outcome. Dr. Shakuntala Katre, Senior Academic Consultant, EMS, Bangalore , the chairperson concluded the session by stating that a national policy might not suit every section. The emphasis must be on Education for making a life and not for making a living. This conference witnessed a number of deliberations on various dimensions regarding the role of HEIs in skilling India which is by enhancing various sectors of India-especially Agriculture sector, rural/ cottage industries, energy sector, and also the ways to reduce divide among the social sectors

There were 14 eminent resource persons from various walks of life who addressed the participants during the 5 key note sessions.

There were 45 participants from different /5 states of the country that made this conference a great success. 24 research papers on the various sub themes of the conference were presented and were published in the UGC indexed journal- International Journal of Higher Education & Research. As a concluding remark the points that would likely be to taken to the notice of policy makers that evolved during the sessions were
1. Having agriculture as a subject from school till graduation
2. Taking grass root level project- with compulsory community engagement programmes for all HE courses-
3. Instead of developing a technology and then trying to implement it; understand the needs of the society and develop technology that suits the need and resolves the problem
4. Reviving cottage industries
5. Improving the budget allocation for agriculture
6. Setting up more HEIs for agricultural studies
7. Educational policies at different levels of should be connected, right from primary to the highest level.

During the Valedictory session, Mr. S Chandrasekhar, Managing Director, Bhoruka Power Corporation Limited, Bengaluru, the chief guest, appreciated the theme of the conference and stressed on the role of HEs in bringing in sectoral development. He suggested, the agriculture and Production GDP must rise from the current 16 to 25 and the service sector must come down from 70 to 50, so that there is more employment opportunities and development in the nation. Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, co- convenor of the conference proposed the vote of thanks.

National Conferences [January 19 - 20, 2017]
The conference was inaugurated by Shri. Krishna Byre Gowda, Hon. Minister for Agriculture Govt. of Karnataka.

In his inaugural address he voiced his concerns about why India as a nation is not driven by excellence. He cited numerous areas where we as nation is considered as a reckoned player but not as the world leader in that area. He concluded that every individual should be driven with a passion to excel and higher education is a platform to inculcate this culture - that is wanting to be the best.

The keynote address was delivered by Dr.Aravind Sreenivasan, Dean iON Academy,Tata Consultancy Services. His address talked about how technology is enhancing learning. He talked about the convergence that is happening in the educational field, the technology enabled alternate delivery models and the new avenues where conventional system to be replaced with technology and its advantages. Connect – change and collaborate with the aid of technology and concluded that we should use technology as an accelerator to further our education.

The prelude to the conference was given by Dr.Aloysious Edward , Coordinator of IQAC.
Sir resonated the relevance of the conference theme and stated that the gap in Indian higher educational system in terms of access, equity and quality can be bridged only through effective use of technology.

The first session of the conference was on Enhancing Teaching-Learning Effectiveness through Technology Intervention .The keynote speaker Prof. R. Mahesh,Dean, Faculty Affairs, Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS), Pilani.
The session discussed the reasons for why educational institutions should come up with bold innovations,what can be the strategies for providing quality education with economic advantage and what can be the new delivery and sustainability models and the role of IQAC in ensuring quality education.The session was chaired by Dr. SHAKUNTALA KATRE Senior Academic Consultant, EMS, Bengaluru concluded that outcome based assessment can to some extend build the gap that is existing in the educational field.

The second session on Modern Technological Advancements in Higher Education was steered by the keynote speaker Prof. Adinarayana Kalanidhi Vice-Chairman, Common Wealth Science and Technology Academy for Research & Former Vice-Chancellor of Anna University, Chennai and was chaired by Dr. RAVICHANDRA REDDY Former Acting Director of NAAC, & Senior Academic Consultant. The session was a proposal by the speaker on the Need For Dynamic Accreditation .Prof. Adinarayana detailed out the drawbacks of the existing accreditation systems and how technology can be used for dynamic accreditation process. He concluded that dynamic accreditation by the various agencies can be catalystic in improving academic gradation across the world.

The third technical session was on Learning Benefits and Barriers in the use of Technology.The Keynote Speaker Prof. M.G. Sethuraman Director – IQAC, The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Deemed University, Gandhigram The session was chaired by Prof. K K Pande,Dean Academics,Teerthanker Mahaveer University,Moradabad. The session detailed out the changing scenario in education,the drivers of change and the pendulum swing happening in higher education. Sir stressed upon the need for inventive thinking and innovative teaching, why technology should be used, what is its potential and what are the barriers in the Indian context. The entire session was presented with lot of anecdotes peppered with humour by the Prof.Sethuraman.He concluded the session by throwing the question whether we could break through the barriers?

The second day of the conference started with Delegates presenting papers on the various sub themes of the conference. The fourth session of the conference was on HEI Policies regarding Integration of Technology in Education by Prof. Sudhanshu Bhushan Head, Dept. of Higher & Professional Education, National University of Education Planning and Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi. The session was chaired by Prof. MARIAMMA VARGHESE Former Vice Chancellor, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai. The deliberations of the speaker was around the Hamboldt’s Philosophy .He was of the view that teacher should integrate research and teaching and should be learner centric ,but to integrate technology into teaching and to adopt it ,suffient support system should be in place. Which is lacking in the current Indian context.

The last session of the conference was a case study on Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Higher Educationby By Dr.Jayaram G,Dean,Acdemics,VIT University and the session was chaired by Dr.E S J Prabhu Kiran,Vice Principal Fr. Muller Homeopathic Medical college, Mangalore. The session dealt in detail about the ERP systems in place in VTU and how it is enabling the decision making processes.

The two day conference had 84 participants from 39 instituions, 11 universities from 6 states of the country.

The conference witnessed the flocking of ideologies from various strata of Higher education.
It threw light into how technology is impacting the educational field.

The ideologies that revealed in the national conference were
1) Higher educational institutions should inculcate the culture of striving for excellence in every individual.
2) Technology should be used for change and collaboration in the teaching learning system
3) The Use of technology for providing quality education for economic advantage from all the stake holders’ point of view.
4) The role and responsibility of educators is that they must first embrace the technology for impacting the change.
5) Using the technology is more important than knowing the technology in the educational field.
6) For adoption of technology into teaching sufficient support systems should be in place.

The conference convener is Prof. Alosiyus Edward and ably supported by the members of internal quality assurance cell.

Considered as the best innovator of our times Steve Jobs said, Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them.

An Individual using the right tool, at the right time for the right purpose even today remains a challenge.

Let us use this tool technology to do wonderful things bringing in a difference in the field of education.

National Conferences [Jan 21-22 2016]
The 7th National Conference organised IQAC was held on 21st and 22nd Jan 2016. There were 12 resource persons/ speakers to address the gathering and 49 participants from various institutions from different parts of India. 17 research papers were presented during the paper presentation session which were held in 4 different panels. The conference convenor was Prof. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Faculty of Commerce & Management, Co-ordinator – IQAC.

The 7th national IQAC conference on Role of Higher Educational Institutions in Reinventing Skills for Global Competency was inaugurated by Dr. R. NATARAJAN, Former Director, IIT Madras and Former Chairman, AICTE ,Chairman, Board for IT Education Standards of Karnataka The speaker started his address by touching upon the different dimensions of knowledge the spatial and temporal dimension. He stressed upon the fact that we should adapt to change as well as create change for better. Dr.Natarajan said that development should be sustainable and illustrated the various sustainable development goals with the academic, professional social and environmental dimension of knowledge.

The talk highlighted on the changing character of knowledge and the skills required for twenty first century and the desirable characteristics of twenty first century teachers, students and graduates. Some of the challenges in the field of research, the need for promoting research by educational institutions. The reason for disconnect between what the teachers teach and what the students learn and what is expected from the student .

The speaker threw light upon the importance of having a paradigm shift required in the field of education where a new culture of learning by doing has to be evolved Dr.Natarajan concluded that the need of the day is increasing capacity, improving quality and reachability and enhancing Research and development in the field of higher education.

In his presidential address Rev. Fr.Josekutty P D, The Principal viewed that in the today’s world education should change from the tunnel education to garden path model. He exhorted the educators to impart skills with the right attitude as education empowers individuals and empowered individuals empower the society.

The conference proceedings and the first issue of ‘Chavara’ the international journal of business research was released during the inaugural ceremony.

Dr. Calistus Jude A.L. Dean, Faculty of Sciences; Kristu Jayanti College welcomed the gathering. A prelude to the conference was given by Prof. Aloysius Edward,Dean, Faculty of Commerce & Management, Co-ordinator - IQAC, Kristu Jayanti College.Ms. Ramya B, Associate Professor & Member IQAC, Kristu Jayanti College. delivered the vote of thanks,

Sustainable skill development initiatives: Case Study
Chairperson: Dr. E .Jerome (Principal –Indian Academy Degree College)
Keynote Speaker: Prof. S Margatham (Dean-Faculty Engineering), Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore
Rapporteur: Ms.Susan Sanny

The Chairperson catapulted the session by embarking on elaborating the origin of the term Sustainability. He expressed the need to create an ambience to promote Knowledge, Skill and Development leading to Holistic development. He stated Information, Reformation, Formation and Transformation can enhance and improve the quality of Education.

Prof.Margatham delved into the intricacies of the topic. She said that India is one of the few countries in the world where the working age population will be far in excess of those dependent on them .This has increasingly been recognized as a potential source of significant strength for the national economy, provided we are able to equip and continuously upgrade the skills of the population in the working age group. She said that unless schools effectively develop vocational education and a deep knowledge of global affairs the likelihood of a barren skill landscape looms large. The transformation of the Skill Landscape is paramount and for this the policy makers need to change the way education is imparted at school level. India has the advantage of the demographic dividend and 80% of the entrants do not have Skill Training. The four challenges faced are the Economic Challenge, the Inclusive growth challenge, Demographic challenge and the Employability challenge of the educated .The percentage of employability in our country is abysmal and therefore the main target should be to identify the lacunae and focus on rectifying the problem. One of the main reasons for youth unemployment is Skill mismatch and shortage of right talent and these needs to be addressed at the earliest. Vocational skill are important and comprehensive insights into India’s skill reservoir can help in scaling up the employment opportunities .After tracking the skill gap, policy makers can aim at skilling and re-skilling the students.

The Government of India has set up the National Skill Development Agency (NSDA) as an autonomous body which will coordinate and harmonize the skill development efforts of the Government and the private sector to achieve the skilling targets of the 12th Plan and beyond. The NSDC was formed by leading industry associations and the Government as a Public Private Partnership to catalyze and enhance the role of the corporate and private sector in skill Development. The NSDC funds skill development initiatives, Sector Skill Councils and other activities related to skill development including the setting-up of large scale, for-profit sustainable vocational institutions in the country, by encouraging private sector participation and providing low-cost funding for training capacity.

The focus should be to initiate vocational education, vocational training, general education and skill development .The curriculum needs to be restructured with 40% general education and 60%industrial training with predefined entry and multiple exit options. Life Skills and industry specific skill can put us on the right trajectory. The case study showed that there is a need to provide career oriented skills education to students currently pursuing higher education but are actually interested in entering the workforce at the earliest opportunity; The session enumerated the prerequisite to provide opportunities for employable and certifiable skills ,opportunities for up-gradation and certification of traditional / acquired skills of the learners irrespective of her / his qualification or age; and to provide opportunities for community–based life-long learning by offering courses of general interest to the community for personal development and interest.

Prof.Margatham wound the session by quoting Shri Narendra Modi-“Skilling is building a better India.”If we have to move India towards development, then Skill development should be our mission.

The session showcased practical examples and enumerated the need for Sustainable skill development initiatives. The interactive session helped in widening the horizon of the participants in perceiving the topic.

Chairperson – Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head, Department of Social Work
Date: 21st January 2016 Venue: Conference Hall
The Paper presentation by delegates at 7th National IQAC Conference on Role of Higher Educational Institutions in Reinventing Skills for Global Competency commenced at Conference Hall of Kristu Jayanti College on 21st January 2016 at 2 pm. The session was chaired by Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head, Department of Social Work. Mr. Jose Paul welcomed the gathering and handed over the session to the Chairperson. Dr. Richard addressed the delegates and shared his views on improving the skills of Youth to ensure global competency. Dr. Badri H.S, IQAC Coordinator, Presidency College, Bangalore presented his paper on “Nurturing Skills: Building the workforce of the future”. He proposed the need of merging traditional education and exposure to work experience to build a positive attitude in students. Mr. Badri stressed on the importance of Higher Educational Institutions’ involvement in creating and recreating skills in students through Employability Enhancement programmes, Vocational education and training, promoting the use of technology and providing proper guidance.

Ms.Anto Juliet Mary, Associate Professor, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore expressed her ideas as a paper on “Bridging the skill gap in the global labour market: Indian Perspective”. Ms. Mary based her paper on a study conducted among students on Choice based credit system. As per her study, 64% students believed that CBCS assured flexibility and creativity and 41% were in favour of academic reform to mould them to be competent at the new avenues opened up through Globalism. Ms. Mary concluded the presentation by terming CBCS as a flexible learner centric system which propelled the academic institutions to actively take up more researches. Dr. Rohini V.S, Assistant Professor, PG Department of Economics, Vivekananda Institute of Management, Bangalore presented her paper on “Higher Education Institutions-The Purveyors of Skill Development”. Dr. Rohini promoted the concept that a skilled workforce can lead our country to social and economic development. She stressed on imparting 16 types of skills which are required to ensure better employment opportunities. She pointed out that the uneven geographical outreach of Higher Educational Institutions is hindering the rural Youth from accessing the training in skill sets required for a sustainable livelihood.

Ms. N. Jayalakshmi, Research Scholar, National Law School of India presented a paper on “Higher Education-Challenges and Solution”. Ms. Jayalakshmi reminded the delegates about the Universities of Nalanda and Takshashila which provided formal education to our ancestors. She upheld the significance of value based higher education to empower people to combat social injustice and provide synergy for socio-political transformation. Ms. Jayalakshmi listed out the revival measures in Higher education through proper organization and governance, restructuring and reformation of system, fast tracking the sanction of funds and inculcating research culture among students.

Dr. Meera Krishnappa, Principal, Dr. NSAM First Grade College, Yelahanka spoke on her paper on “Soft Skills and their importance for Careers”. Dr. Meera described about the research conducted with the objective of understanding the perception on importance of soft skills and employment among 343 students in her college. 30% of students had clarity on the concept of soft skills. Majority of students were in agreement to the need for leadership skills and communication skills to move up in career. She concluded with a suggestion based on the study that the Higher Educational Institutions should undertake hands on efforts to make a better change in the system.

Mr. Lokesh Sharma, Research Scholar, Bhaggwant University, Ajmer presented a paper on “Strategic Brand Management of Food Products in Emerging markets: Review of Theoretical Contexts used in literature”. Mr. Sharma explained the need of building a brand with use of well etched out strategies. The Management must engage experienced professionals in the strategic formulation to maintain the standards in the field.

Mr. Beeraiah D, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce and Management, Government First Grade College for Women, Ramanagara presented a paper on “From Education to Employability”. Mr. Beeraiah illustrated on how our economic policy increased the employment opportunities in private sector. He urged the delegates to look into the need for upgrading the syllabus as per the requirements of the industry.

Prof. Kumari Veenu, Head, Department of Environment and Public Health , St. Anne’s Degree College for Women, Ulsoor unveiled her paper on “Revamping & Reinventing Higher Education for Societal Transformation through Human Revolution”. She threw light on the less discussed topic of a steep rise in the number of crimes committed by educated Youth in our country. Prof. Veenu emphasized on moulding the Youth focusing on their Interpersonal skills, Positive mental attitude, Spiritual growth, Financial management, Crisis management, Value education and Personality development as an individual with Social Responsibility.

Mr. Surendra H, student of Center for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, University of Mysore presented a paper on “Skill Development and Poverty Reduction: Contemporary Reviews”. Mr. Surendra invited the attention of delegates to the need of attaining Millennium Development Goals through providing free Vocational training to the vulnerable and marginalized Youth in the country.

Dr. Jonas Richard A, Chairperson of the session appreciated the delegates who made the session lively with their Paper presentations. He stressed on the need of the hour to think and act on how to improve the Education system in accordance with the global scenario. The session came to an end with Vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Zita Varghese.

Chairperson – Dr. Molly Joy, Head, Department of Psychology
Date: 21st January 2016 Venue: Panel Room
The papers presented were
Mrs. Alfa Mary Kurbah, Lecturer, Co-ordinator-IQAC St. Mary’s College of Teacher Education, Shillong - Generating Good Practices In Teaching Among The Student - Teachers of Colleges of Teacher Education, Shillong

Prof. Anuradha , Astha Shukla, Don Bosco Institute of Bioscience and Mgt.Studies - Higher education a ladder to enhance your skills

Ms. Sowmya, Ms, Manickamala, Department of English,Krupanidhi Degree College ,Bangalore - Soft skills : a driving force for one’s success in career

Ms. Venissa N. Shenoy , Ms. Anto Juliet Mary M Assistant Professor, Mount Carmel College ,Palace Road, Bangalore - Employability Skills: Enhancing the Employability Skills among Undergraduates to meet Industry requirement

Maheswari.M, Assistant Professor, Knowledge Business School, Salem, Tamil Nadu, Amuthasenthuran.S, Dineshkumar.S, Master of Business Administration, Student, Knowledge Business School, Salem, Tamil Nadu- A Study On Nurturing Functional Skills For Employability

Mr. S V Mularidhara, Assistant Professor,Department of Commerce and Management, Prof.K.Nagarathnamma, Principal,Government First Grade College, T.Narasipura – Management education in India and responsive higher education Instituions: Challenges and prospects.

Report –Session II
Former Acting Director - NAAC, & Senior Academic Consultant, EMS, Bangalore
Keynote Speaker: Shri. T.R. PARASURAMAN
Deputy Managing Director & Member of the Board,Kirloskar Toyota Textile Machinery Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru
Rapporteur: Mrs. Reena Rani
Dr.Ravi Chandra Reddy set the tone of the session “Fostering Industry Academic Partnership for Skill Development” and handover the session to Mr. Parasuraman the Key note speaker.
The speaker started his session by explaining how the entire market dimension has changed from a sellers’ market to buyers’ market. The epicentre of any organisation is its people and the organisations that had long term goals always focussed on Human resource development.

The keynote speaker framed his speech into three dimensions
1. Knowledge base
2. Experience base
3. Attitude base

According to Mr. Parasuraman ” competition is the order of the day” and to beat the race we need to have all three basic component in order, missing of any one of these is like a flower without a fragrance.

Knowledge: a child gets from school and college. He further emphasize on the basic concept should be very clear in school and college. Teacher should have a clear concept and can use number of methods to teach. According to Mr. Parasuraman today’s education is lacking the basic concept.

Experience base: A student learn while practicing in industry and develop the skill

Attitude base: a very important component to have a successful life and child learn from his parents, school, college and society in large .To mould the attitude he emphasize on moral education and life skills. Because right attitude will bring growth in personal and professional life.

He further talked about 6 works for better life
1. Team work- understand everybody in team
2. Foot work – set right track (attitude)
3. Hard work- no pain gain
4. Head work – usage of common sense
5. Network- come out from inner shell
6. Homework – What I learn today and what better can I do tomorrow

He conclude his talked by screening a 3 minute video on Toyota Training Institute. The video showed the initiatives taken by the institute in enhancing the skills of its workforce through a holistic approach.

Questions arised from the gathering included any specific initiate a college could take to collaborate with industry and How best an industry can participate in skill development?

The Chairperson summarised the session and concluded there should be an exchange from people coming from industry and teach and teacher going to industry to learn. The chairperson was of the view that academicians have a greater role to play in moulding the character of the students.

Report –Session III
Senior Academic Consultant, EMS, Bangalore
Keynote Speaker: Mr.Ashok Paimidi,Regional Director,NASSCOM ,Bangalore.
Rapporteur: Ms.Mary Jacob

The chairperson began the session by saying the present generation are IT informed, net generation who only requires proper guidance to shift to global scenario. Mr.Ashok Paimidi with an overall experience of 27 years shared his work experience from 2009 onwards. He began his talk by presenting a video of NSDC and told that the name of the programs change but the fundamentals remains the same. He shared several statistics on the labour force, women education etc. and justified that with the skills a country improves. He discussed on the megatrends that are presenting an altering business landscape such as growing elderly population, rise in middle class growth, interconnected global trade, growing emerging economies and enabling technologies. He also said that the new age business will be a fusion which requires humans to work with machine. He elaborated on how integration of skill development into academic cycle of higher education framework was possible. He explained the institutional framework for skill development being created in the country by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship with government and private sector initiatives. He insisted on the Prime Minister’s Vision stating the importance of skills for the youth of today. He briefed on the NSDC’s 3 Pronged Approach of create, fund and enable to catalyse private sector Investment. He listed the Key NSDC Initiatives like Setting up of Sector Skill Councils, Making Skilling “Aspirational” through a focused media campaign, Funding of Vocational Training Institutions, Lead India’s participation in World Skill Competitions etc.. He mentioned that MSDE through NSDC has created 40 Sector Skill Councils in Priority Sector, large workforce and Priority Sector and there are more in process. Sector Skill Councils aligning Training with Industry do the training need analysis, curriculum development, rollout of training, assessment and certification. He presented an analysis of Sector-wise and State-level district-wise skill gap studies. He explained with examples on how the Qualification Pack (QP) which is thelogical grouping of various NOSs required to perform a Job Role is defined. Education levels versus Interpretation of NSQF Skill Levels were presented and to explain the importance of a skilled person in today’s world. He elaborated on the NSDC Higher Education Model frame work which is being supported by a number of States and Ministries as well as education institutions, schools, colleges and universities. There were 2 options – Option A and Option B and mentioned that option B is preferable for the institution. He highlighted the International opportunities available through the various MOU with Australia, Canada etc. He gave an overview of NASSCOM, Industry structure and various talent facts. He also mentioned on the IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM. The activities of SSC NASSCOM were briefed by the speaker. He said that India is emerging as the world’s leading center for digitisation initiatives and it is the second largest in the world in availability of emerging skills. Finally he listed the top skills in demand in technology, domain and soft skills. Platform engineering, data scientists, migration to new technologies , user experience design and mobile apps are the top skills in demand in technology. Software Engineering, Mathematics, Banking, Doctors, Economists and Lawyers are in demand in the domain category. English communication, Customer interaction, Project Management, Leadership skills and Presentation skills are looked for in soft skills. He also provided a list of Top 20 firms which account for ~1.25 million India based employees. During the audience interaction he took up the question from Dr.Nelson and explained the entire process of how an institution can tie up with NASSSCOM or NSDC to conduct various courses. He also informed the audience that majority of research and development happens in India. The chairperson finally concluded the session by stating that the trainers have to be trained first to infuse skill development in students.

Report Session IV
Chairperson- Prof. MARIAMMA VARGHESE
Former Vice Chancellor, SNDT Womens University, Mumbai
Keynote Speaker - Prof. SUHAS PEDNEKAR
Principal, RamnarainRuia College, Mumbai
Rapporteur – Ms.Reena Rani
The Chairperson Prof. Mariama spoke about the importance of holistic development and handed over the session to the key note speaker Prof. Suhas.
Prof. Suhas began his talk with few questions .
Which is the famous equation of this century? E=mc2 was the answer aired by the audience. Hee further describe the equation in educational world is e=f, that is Education is equal to future. The speaker viewed that education helps to turn the mirror into window and detailed on what is holistic education and the purpose of life.

The speaker gave his perception of educational institution which is like a living organism and related it with the characteristics of living organisms like Open System, Alignment with larger system, Import energy, Transform energy, Specialization, Out Put and Equifinality

The speaker explained the experiences of Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai by giving first an introduction about the college and its uniqueness, the challenges faced during the journey and the achievements .Professor spoke about the role of teachers and viewed that teaching is incomplete without research.

Chairperson summarised the session stating that the basic training in teaching profession is also required.

Panel discussion: Re inventing Skills for Global competency Moderator
Shri Sanjay Padode Secretary, Centre for Developmental Education & IFIM Business School, Bengaluru
Mr.Aravind Warrier Senior Business Partner & University Relations, People & Organization, Novo Nordisk Pvt. Ltd.
Mr.Ramu T Srinivasaih Founder and Director,Lekha Wireless Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Mr.Suhas GY Head HR & IT ,L & T Construction Equipment Ltd.
Mr.Vikram Vageesh Senior Project Controller,Deloitte Consulting India Pvt. Ltd.
Mr.Vijaya Kumar Ivaturi Co-founder and CTO,Crayon Data
Rapporteur :- Ms.Susan Sanny
Welcome and Introduction: Ms.Sharmin Thampi

The concluding session-a panel discussion on Re inventing Skills for Global competency– was moderated by Shri Sanjay Padode. He said that globalization is deeply transforming the context of the lives of many people around the world. Those who are educated to understand those transformations are likely to benefit from globalization. The groundwork to expand knowledge and skills must begin early in order to develop high levels of proficiency as well as help youth recognize the relevance of their education to the world in which they live in. Global competency is helpful not only from an economic standpoint but as a cornerstone of democratic leadership and citizenship.

Mr.Aravind Warrier of the Pharma industry felt that there was a huge scope in the health care domain and there was a requirement to initiate 360 degree learning and promote in-depth organisation management. He emphasized that need based learning is paramount and the stakeholders should have three practicalities namely –learn, relearn and unlearn.

Mr. Ramu kick started his talk by explaining the essential prerequisites to become an entrepreneur namely courage, positive outlook, accountability, integrity, and clear objectives. He emphasized on networking skills and elaborated about the working of his business venture. He concluded by stating that an entrepreneur needs to be persistent and innovative and can contribute effectively only if- as Steve Jobs rightly remarked “ Stay Hungry ,Stay Foolish.”

Mr.Suhas peppered his session with anecdotes and highlighted the need to visualize, adapt to change and to be the change. He stated that while basic skill development and workforce preparation skills are important in the education system, a paradigm shift must take place recognizing that in order to be truly globally competitive, we must be globally competent.

Mr.Vijaykumar talked about the erroneous notion that knowledge is skill .He felt that analytic skill is essential and cross domain and emphasized that skill savoir-faire is needed to create and recreate.

The educational paradox lies in the disconnect between the superb institutional capacity of schools and colleges and their underperformance in preparing students to invent a future that appropriately addresses the global challenges and opportunities shared with their fellow world citizens. The moderator Shri Sanjay Padode felt that the need of the hour is to reinvent skills for global competency.

The valedictory function of the 7th national IQAC conference on relevance of interdisciplinary approach in higher education was addressed by Mr.Srikantan Moorthy, Executive Vice President, Infosys. In his address Mr.Moorthy illustrated the changes that are happening in the world.He referred to the scenario where machines are competing with human beings illustrated by Mr.Ray Kurzweil the renowned American author. The following thoughts were shared during the session. The world economic forum predicts that the 4th industrial revolution is revolving round internet of thoughts. The speaker highlighted one aspect of the revolution especially with respect to food production as the amount of food requirement is going to be increased in many folds. Understanding the basics and building on the basics, critical thinking to solve the challenges of daily life and human values are important as it creates self-awareness, helps to think about the ethical implications of the actions and to work collaboratively. The speaker conacluded the talk by stating that Survival of the fittest is true now than ever before! Fitness comes from the skills built through education.

The welcome address was done by Prof. Jeo Joy,Controller of examinations and the vote of thanks was delivered by Dr.Justin Nelson Michael Director of Research, Kristu Jayanti College. The conference report was presented by Ms. Anita.C, Member IQAC, Kristu Jayanti College.

National Conferences [Jan 22 and 23 2015 ]
The 6th national IQAC conference on relevance of interdisciplinary approach in higher education was inaugurated by Dr. Prof. (Dr.) V.N. RAJASHEKARAN PILLAI, Former Vice Chairman & Chairman – UGC, Former Director, NAAC & Ex-Vice Chancellor.
In his inaugural address Dr. Rajasekharan Pillai touched upon the various aspects of Indian higher education. He was of the view that the various aspects of Indian higher education are not said in a desired voice. He observed that if we look into the input to output ratio, the most rewarding sector in India is the educational sector. Prof.Pillai expressed happiness on the theme selected for the conference that is based on interdisciplinary approach.

He was of the opinion that inter disciplinary is a very confused term. Each discipline has its own pedagogy, experiments, approach and interdisciplinary is not mixing of disciplines. Each discipline has its own way of functioning and it should not be confused with mixing of disciplines. In multidisciplinary approach also individual disciplines stands separate and quoted the examples of physics of music and politics of literature. The integration of disciplinarily approaches is the need of the day as many problems of the day like climate change etc require that kind of an approach. The speaker stated that the strategy of one discipline helps in solving the problem of another discipline .His address detailed out the structure of inter disciplinary approach, its structure and its application. The address emphasised on the fact that the interdisciplinary approach should take into consideration the context of the society in which it is applied .All the inter disciplinary approach should enhance the quality of life.

In the presidential address Rev. Fr.Josekutty P D, the principal expressed that in the modern world, team work is required for excellence. Education should empower the students, make them employable and to be effective in their life to make positive contributions to society.

Prof. Aloysius Edward Dean, Faculty of Commerce & Management, Co-ordinator - IQAC, Kristu Jayanti College welcomed the gathering.
A prelude to the conference was given by Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Director of Research, Kristu Jayanti College and Dr. Calistus Jude A.L. Dean, Faculty of Sciences; Kristu Jayanti College delivered the vote of thanks,

Report –Session 1
Charting an effective CBCS
Chairperson: Dr.ShakuntalaKatre (Senior Academic Consultant ,EMS,Bangalore)
Keynote Speaker: Prof. S. Albonse Raj ( Vice Principal, Loyola College, Chennai)
Rapporteur: Ms.Susan Sanny
The maiden session set the ground on which the later sessions were to lay the foundation and build the structure of the conference.
Dr.Shakuntala Katre introduced the topic by stating that choice based credit system has undergone a sea change and invited the keynote speaker to foray into the topic.
Prof. S. Albonse Raj manoeuvred the session by providing the participants with the ammunition needed to think proactively and emphasized that CBCS is not a panacea for all ills affecting the society.
He asked the delegates to consider the CIAMP(C=Choice , I=Inter disciplinary, A=Acquiring more credits, M=Mobility,P=Pace) Model and not a cloistered intellectual model. He said that the CBCS is premised on a different theory of knowledge and analysed the epistemological foundations underlying CBCS.
He enumerated the roadblocks that hinder CBCS namely:
* Multiple variants of CBCS
* Predisposition of the academic staff
* Dilution of standards
* Administrative labyrinth
* UGC proposes /University disposes
* Students opting the easy way out
Grandiose plans to implement CBCS can be effective only when a bi-trajectory model is worked out.There is an urgent need to address the access issues through enabling programmes, MOU’s, Genuine restructuring of Curricula, Value education and by initiating credit equivalence.
Higher education institutions should reorient the staff to the CBCS model, provide mentoring facilities and translate academic policies after intensive research to avoid serious lacunae.

Report –Session II
Building Global Competencies through Interdisciplinary Approach – A Case Study
Chair Person: Fr. Augustine George, Vice Principal, Kristu Jayanti College.
Keynote Speaker: Prof.Chandrakant Kokate, Vice Chancellor – KLE University, Belagavi.
Rapporteur: Mrs. Mary Jacob
The chairperson welcomed the gathering and said that building interdisciplinary approach is a challenge and need of institutions. Prof.Chandrakanth Kolkate introduced KLE as the deemed university of health sciences. The extreme shortage of medical facilities in the region, promoted the KLE Society to establish the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College at Belagavi in 1963. Jawaharlal Nehru medical College is a centre of excellence in Medical Education, Research, and HealthCare services at the national and international level. The college is recognized by the Medical Council of India and has a 1000 bedded free charitable block as well as the 1000 bedded Dr.Prabhakar Kore Hospital & Medical Research Centre on campus. Both these facilities are to expose the medical students to a holistic approach to medical science and its practice, in rural and urban areas. The college also runs a rural hospital - Dr. Kamal Medical Centre, 150 KMs away at Ankola. The speaker claims that the high standards maintained by the College have attracted students from all over the world. Several collaborations with ICMR, WHO, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA, University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA, for teaching and research, have vastly enhanced the reputation of the College. The Chief Minister of Perak, Malaysia, acknowledged the high academic calibre of the institution by signing an MOU to set up a similar college in Malaysia.

He stated that Quality is the essence of professional education and the process of teaching - learning and evaluation is its life-line.He told that the Interdisciplinary approach brings about mutual benefit from partnership and the overall impact can be much greater when two partners function in phase and resonance. It is also necessary to create WINWIN relationship for both partners. He told that it is practically impossible to excel in all collaborations but a good network of collaborations is required to enjoy the benefit of collaboration. The collaborations can allow us to share experiences and use the capabilities. HE said that our country has excellent network of IITs and IIMs but there are no linkages with small affiliated colleges. He insisted we should not hesitate to take help from established institutions and benefit the creativity. He emphasized that collaborations are required to strengthen the existing strengths, to weaken the weaknesses, to multiply the opportunities and to face the challenges. He said that the collaborations are needed to ensure that the best quality education is given to the students as the quality is the essence of professional education and the process of teaching.

He shared the experience of the teachers of KLE being sent to foreign universities. There was huge expense on KLE University in the beginning but in the later stages the foreign university delegates visited KLE campus and continued the collaboration.KLE was given a huge grant in 1998 and was selected to be the country co-ordinator.US health secretariat visited the campus, continued the scheme and provided huge grants. He made it clear that initially there is lot of struggle to establish the credentials. The KLE College of pharmacy has collaborations with Rhodes University, South Africa and Goa College of Pharmacy, for faculty and student exchange program. He also mentioned that it is useless to build files of correspondence without collaborative ventures to satisfy the NAAC committee. He stated that Vision without action is day dreaming and action without vision is a nightmare. He briefed the SOCRATES approach for global competency as:

Strategy: He insisted on the strategic approach of making the blue print by interacting with reputed institutions and establishing the contacts. It is necessary to be focussed in this approach

Ownership: He said that the institution should identity its strong areas and provides it to others. He insisted that it is necessary to identify people with a visionary approach give them the freedom to make and own it. The people will work towards the promises made in the document.

Continuous improvement: It is required to work continuously towards the goal and each phase is evaluated.

Resources: All the available facilities and capabilities are to be utilized to the maximum.

Assessment and Audit: Continuous assessment and audit should be done irrespective of NAAC visit. Documentation should be a continuous process.

Training: Continuous onshore and offshore trainings are to be provided.

Evaluation: He insisted on the evaluation system to be very strong.

System: The entire institution should be focussed and move towards the goals set.

He stated that “Excellence is never an accident. It is the result of sincere efforts with skilful execution and vision to see obstacles as opportunities”

The interdisciplinary approach is required for collaborative learning, curriculum enrichment, faculties, staff and student exchange, departmental collaborations and for sharing infrastructure. The research expense can be reduced by sharing the infrastructure as insisted by UGC.

He quoted an example of the difficulties KLE University had as a private university in setting up a new program Master of Public Health (MPH). Vice chancellor had to then sign an MOU with the uuniversity of Michigan School of Public Health, to mould the students into true Public Health Professionals .Interdisciplinary approach is required to build the research capabilities and inputs and also for organizing joint academic and professional events. It will also provide a way for various extension activities.CBCS is not implemented in health sciences as KLE doesn’t want to experiment on it. On this regard a dialog has to happen with the medical Council of India and then it can be imposed.

He said the teacher is the motivator of the academic process and a lifelong learner. As change is bound to take place the teacher has to be change to take up the responsibility. He emphasized that the teacher is the only creature to bring the change in higher education for younger generation. He concluded by saying that we should always remember PAINS-Positive Approach InNegative Situations and urged the teachers to be positive minded.

Finally in the interaction when asked about the credit acceptance from foreign universities he said that KLE could admit only 15% of foreign students. When asked to increase the intake by Malaysian it set up a separate college for Malaysian students USM-KLE International Medical Programme by reemploying the retired teachers.The visiting Chief Minister of Perak, Malaysia made note of the impressive achievements of the college and signed an MOU to set up a similar institution in Malaysia. He said that acceptance of credit awarded by the foreign university depends on the attitude of the affiliating university as UGC permits the student to be away from the headquarters for six months.

Report –Session III
Inclusiveness in higher education for national development
Chair Person: Fr. Ambrose Pinto, Principal, St. Aloysius College, Bangalore.
Keynote Speaker: Prof. JANCY JAMES, Former Vice Chancellor – University of Kerala & Mahatma Gandhi.
Rapporteur: Mrs. Anita.C
The chairperson introduced the topic stating that after the Mandal commission, inclusiveness in education is a highly debated issue.
The keynote speaker Dr. Jancy James started the session by briefing on interdisciplinary approach, stating that most of the time in the Indian context the contribution towards one’s own discipline becomes limited. Education is a door to knowledge, growth and development and India has a rich tradition of education stating the examples of Nalanda and Taxila. In ancient and medieval times education was only for acquiring knowledge. Indians never related knowledge with development or knowledge as an asset for the nation till India became independent. After independence the preoccupation of development came which insisted on education for generation, creation and dissemination of new knowledge. India is an emerging country with demographic dividend clearly to our advantage. The speaker briefed upon the UGC document for 12th plan, which states on inclusive and qualitative expansion of higher education. The speaker presented the statistics on gross enrolment ratio of developed, developing and world average. Presenting the statistics the speaker was of the view that target of gross enrolment ratio at 30% by the year 2030 was a challenging task. She pointed out that the reason is the left out people are the marginalised of the society and statistics proves this fact.

A huge amount of 500 billion is required to achieve the 30% gross enrolment ration. It is not enough that the cream of the society gets access to education. How to achieve the inclusiveness is not yet thought in a realistic and intelligent manner. Taking into consideration the nation’s financial resources she suggested that extensive use of digital resource could be a solution. , allowing all sections to come and access education through digital world. She was of the view that the system should be flexible and should not differentiate between online learners. In India no proper research is conducted on how inclusiveness can be brought. Education in the neo liberalist scenario has become a commodity. Every move in liberalisation should consider marginalised also. The injustices are most cruelly displayed at higher education. Identify the requirements of the people who get enrolled for higher education and offer them their choice was also suggested.

She was of the view that Kristu Jayanti College should prepare a document a scientific one on how inclusiveness can be done. The country has the responsibility to give higher education also. The speaker concluded by reiterating the individual’s right for right education.

The chairperson expressed his views of
• Education must cultivate good attitudes and knowledge is subject to humanisation.
• Take up a survey of 15 years of Kristu Jayanti experience on the Jayantians on the state of living.
• Challenge the current economy i.e. from global economy to local economy.
• Government should intervene in education and sited the Kerala model of including marginalised in economics which has put Kerala in the forefront of education and health among Indian states.

The chairperson Fr. Ambrose Pinto concluded that education is for thinking and unless the marginalised is included in nation building the nation cannot progress. We should look at education for all.

Report –Plenary Session I Paper Presentations
Chairperson – Dr.Molly Joy ( Head, Department of Psychology, KristuJayanti College)
Paper I:
Dr. Anitha.S , Assistant Professor and Ms. Aswathy S.S ,Research Associate of Dept. of Personnel Management,Loyola College of Social Sciences,Thiruvananthapuram presented on the“Inter Disciplinary Approach for Engaged Knowledge Building: Loyola Model”. They briefed the process of student progression under various levels .They demonstrated the Interdisciplinary Tools used for the holistic development of the student at Loyola College and the multifarious skills acquired by students.
Paper II:
MoirangthemMomocha Singh,Assistant Professor, Central University of Karnataka presented on“The Academic Audit for Future Buildings:A Conceptual Study”.He presented on the current education systems especially in higher education .He also discussed on how an academic audit could promote a healthy and enabling teaching learning environment.
Paper III:
SibyJohn,Professor of Civil Engineering and Dean Research, Planning and Development PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh presented on “Project-Based Interdisciplinary Approach in Engineering Education”. The presenter discussed the competences required in engineering graduates. He introduced Project based learning, its benefits and Project Based Learning practiced at PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh.
Paper IV:
G.Sasi, Assistant Professor, P.S.N.A College Of Engineering, presented on “Relevance of Interdisciplinary Approach In Higher Education Process And Its Outcomes”. The presenter stressed on the interdisciplinary approach becoming an important and challenging technique in the modern curriculum and how it synthesizes more than one discipline and creates teams of teachers and students that enrich the overalleducationalexperience
Paper V:
ShailajaKonek ,Asst.Professor ,Central University of Karnataka presented on “Inclusion of Skills and Knowledge – A way driving to employability with quality and Excellence”. The presenter explained the role of interdisciplinary approach in producing graduates with Intellectual diversity by the inclusion of skills and knowledge. An analysis of how interdisciplinary approach enforces in constructing the career platform for the graduates was made. A study on the challenges of interdisciplinary approach in higher education in the Indian context was also made.
Paper VI:
ShilpaTripathi, Assistant Professor, Department of I.T, S.S Dempo College of Commerce and Economics, Altinho, Goa and Rahul Tripathi, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Goa University presented on “Bridging the gap between Preaching and Practicing Inter-disciplinarity: Role of Information Technology” .The presentation explained Interdisciplinarity and its importance in higher education. It also elaborated on how Information Technology is enabling interdisciplinarity.
Paper VII:
Ms. Muktha Kumar, Assistant Professor and Ms. NirmalaJoseph ,AssistantProfessor,St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous),Bangalore presented on “ Inter-Disciplinary Approach in Higher Education - The CBCS Way”. They presented the emerging need for incorporating CBCS into the curriculum design and to create a conceptual framework for a CBCS model .An analysis of the issues and challenges associated with a CBCS system was also made.
Paper VIII:
Dr.J.Achyutha Devi,Controller of Examinations, RBVRR Women’s College, Narayanguda, Hyderabad,Telangana presented on the “CBCS Issues & Challenges -A Case Study”. She talked on the imbalance between teacher student ratio, Inadequate infrastructure, the problems faced by the students on choosing the subjects and issues on Re-admitting students from Non-CBCS to CBCS.

Report Session IV
Innovative Interdisciplinary Approach for Holistic Transformation – A Case Study
Chairperson- Dr. S. SRIKANTA SWAMY, Additional Director, Centre for Research, Christ University, Bangalore.
Keynote Speaker - Prof. MEENAKSHI GOPINATH, Mentor, Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi
Rapporteur - Mrs Mary Jacob
The chairperson welcomed the gathering by quoting that teacher is an ever learner. He insisted on teachers doing research, publications and various extension activities. He said that the interdisciplinary research can lead to scientific collaborations and innovative research can bring about holistic transformation.
The keynote speaker Prof. MEENAKSHI GOPINATH began the session by narrating a story which depicts the importance of out of box thinking. She stated that expansion is about option generating and in consciousness it is all about discovering the potentials of a student. She said that each individual is an artist and it is the institution to unlock the potential. She used an example of celestial swan which is comfortable in land, air and water to highlight on the tremendous refinement and discrimination. She insisted on each of us getting on to the kernel of understanding different context.

As true knowledge leads to liberation she insisted that the colleges have to look beyond the limits. She added on by saying we have to move from notion of limits to possibilities. Institutions have to nurture global citizens by transcending egocentric and idea centric approach. She said that taking ownership makes everyone feel better and work better.

She told that the true discovery is to have new eyes and it is the perception what makes the difference. She said Kristu Jayanti College recognises the sacred need every day and we need to make the students see the extra ordinary in an ordinary. She quoted examples of Krishnamurthy School where the students watch the sun rise to portray the importance of some meditation for self reflection.

She said that everyone has multiple intelligence but as they grow up they are conditioned by the social behaviour. Intelligence provides alternatives, envisions the future, provides multidisciplinary approach, synthesizes mind and builds a creative mind. She insisted not to step into the same river twice as there is a change in every second. Teacher should possess humility and then the students can be their best teacher. She said that life has ill defined problems and we need to learn and relearn. As all universities are moving towards globalisation there is the need to make students question and wonder the marvels of universe. She insisted the teacher to make a sacred covenant to make a huge difference.

She insisted on having a transdisciplinary approach by including education for peace in the curriculum. She also urged to design the curriculum with considering the pain on the planet earth. Education should aim to remove violence and build imagination, creativity and peace. The institution should be the transmitter of living traditions. There is a need to bridge the gap between India and Bharath. A dialogue with the student has to be fixed to look on where the student has pitched his or her aspiration. When there is a lack of civility in the campus we need to disagree without being disagreeable. Undergraduate space should inspire the student for a lifelong learning. Collaborative learning is what the international learning is talking of. There should be a social focus with regard to Higher education. Men and women should work in collaborative manner providing both healing and energizing space. She narrated a story to demonstrate on how having new eyes can transform the workspace. She quoted that the future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind — creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers, and meaning makers. These people - artists, inventors, designers, storytellers, caregivers, consolers, big picture thinkers - will reap society’s richest rewards and share its greatest joys.

She concluded the session with a quote by Eliot “We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time”.

During the interaction session when asked about foreign collaboration she said that all the universities invest in UG space and we live in an interconnected world where the borders and boundaries can disappear. We need to be confident and open to engage with faculty and student exchange programmes. As we are good at training of mind, neuroplasticity of brain and healing traditional, we can make it available to the rest of the world. She made an observation that in India private universities make effort for foreign collaborations but in other countries governments make the efforts for it. She insisted that India needs to understand the neighbourhood and integrate peace with curriculum.

The chairperson concluded the talk by insisting that there could be holistic transformation by sharing the knowledge in a multidisciplinary approach. Innovative interdisciplinary approach can exist in terms of variables selected for the methodology, statistical tools and mathematical models used. The focus should be on the specialized subject wherein 30 to 40% can be on the other interdisciplinary subject. He concluded by saying that higher the education the ethical values should also increase.

Session V-Panel discussion
Moderator: Dr. Ravichandra Reddy
Industry : Mr.Narendra Kumar B.S
Management: Prof.M.Prakash
Faculty: Prof.SevugaPandian
Parent: Ms.Libby Sharieff
Student: Mr.Blesson Paul
Rapporteur: Ms.Susan Sanny
The fifth session tinkered not just around the fringes of CBCS but went a step further in expressing a need to churn scholars amphibiatic enough to excel in the academic as well as in the employability arena.

The panel discussion was an eye opener to understand the essence and impact of CBCS on employability. The talks synergised to the conclusion that institutions need to be careful and systematic while introducing CBCS. A subject that promotes employability needs to be offered.

Prof.M.Prakash, Prof.SevugaPandian , Ms.LibbySharieff and Mr.Blesson Paul enumerated the benefits of the CBCS model.

Mr. Narendra Kumar B.S cautioned against the introduction of too many choices. He stated that that the industry focussed at immediate requirements.The core needs require to be addressed otherwise it will be a liability.

Dr.Ravichander Reddy said that the time was ripe to sow the seeds of CBCS model in an organized mode. Valedictory Function.

The valedictory function of the 6th national IQAC conference on relevance of interdisciplinary approach in higher education was addressed by Dr. Prabhu B Ullagaddi, advisor, AICTE,New Delhi. In his address Prof.Ullagaddi was of the view that today’s education system prepares a student for a carrier for life and creativity part is missing in the current system. India has made appreciable growth in higher education and do not have the problem of unemployment instead unemployability. Today the criteria to choose a course by a student is based on what is the brand of the course, brand with good placement history and parental pressure. We should reduce the gap between the educational institutions and industry. Sited the summary of Yashpal report. The courses offered by National Skill Development Corporation were cited as an initiative from government to bring in choices in education. The address concluded by saying that life is inherently interdisciplinary.

The welcome address was done by Prof.Gopakumar M V, Dean of Humanities and the vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs. Ramya B, Associate Professor & Member IQAC, Kristu Jayanti College. The conference report was presented by Mrs. Anita.C, Member IQAC, Kristu Jayanti College.

The conference convenor was Prof. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Faculty of Commerce & Management, Co-ordinator – IQAC.

Annual Educators Meet

8th All India Educators Meet Transcending School Education by Embracing Innovation [May 4 - 6 , 2023]
The Eighth edition of the Educator's Meet on "Transcending School Education by Embracing Innovation" was organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru from May 4th to May 6th, 2023. Aimed at empowering school principals, headmasters, and educational administrators, the event provided a platform to connect with influential figures from educational institutions nationwide. It focused on promoting innovative practices within school education, marking a significant milestone in advancing educational leadership and collaboration.Key sessions included insightful addresses by educational leaders and experts. Dr. Aloysius Edward and Dr. Jonas Richard set the stage with overviews and preludes, emphasizing the institution's achievements and the importance of integrating life skills into education. Fr. Dr. Augustine George highlighted the college's development and stressed the connection between schools and colleges. Dr. Sridhar Srivastava from NCERT discussed the transformative potential of experiential learning and the National Education Policy (NEP), underscoring its role in national development.

Technical sessions delved into crucial topics such as technology integration, creativity in education, and curriculum frameworks. Speakers like Mr. Anand Desai explored the impact of ICT and AI on education, advocating for their strategic implementation in pedagogy. Dr. Chetan Singai elaborated on NEP 2020's components and local relevance in curricula, while Ms. Pranjali Chakraborty Thakur addressed technology addiction among students, offering practical solutions for schools.

The event also featured a panel discussion where educators shared best practices and insights on integrating rural schools and innovative teaching methodologies. The discussions underscored the importance of balancing traditional methods with modern educational approaches to enhance student learning and engagement. In the valedictory address, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado encouraged educators to prepare students for future challenges through effective teaching strategies and adaptive learning environments. He emphasized the role of educators in nurturing students' critical thinking and creativity, essential for their holistic development and success in a dynamic world.

Overall, the Educator’s Meet 2023 highlighted the significance of embracing innovation in school education. It provided a platform for fruitful discussions, knowledge sharing, and networking among educational leaders, fostering a commitment to advancing educational practices and preparing students for the opportunities and challenges of the future.

7th All India Educator’s Meet on Reinventing School Education with Technology Integration [26th-28th May 2022]
The virtual Educator’s Meet 2022 on Reinventing School Education with Technology Integration was another academic milestone created by Kristu Jayanti College. Educator’s Meet 2022 was conducted for all the School Principals, Headmasters, Vive-Principals, Educational Administrators and Academic counsellors to get connected with the leaders of educational institutions in the country. The event witnessed the registration of 985 educational leaders from across the globe.

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, organized the Educator’s meet to throw light on dealing with the generation Z learners, disseminate ideas and empower the educators with the integration of technology.

The sessions unveiled the significance of reinventing the educational system post-pandemic and emphasized the need for technology integration in schools. The virtual meeting provided a platform for networking with prominent educational institutions in the country and across the globe. The sessions exposed the participants to engaging and thought-provoking discussions and made them realize the importance of connecting with collaborative learning experiences, which would lead to lasting, meaningful relationships in reigniting the visions of the educators.

Inaugural Address
Date: May 26, 2022
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Dr. Sridhar Srivastava, Joint Director, National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT), Ministry of Education Government of India

Dr. Aloysius Edward J, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management and Professor, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College, welcomed the online participants for the three-day national education meet.

Dr. Sridhar Srivastava, Joint Director, National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), Ministry of Education, Government of India, delivered the inaugural address and spoke about the importance of reinventing technology integration and its significant relevance to the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 in India.

Dr. Srivastava stated, “Indigenous knowledge of India is being acclaimed and proved to be scientific globally. There is a resurgence of sound technology, elements of psychological basis, knowledge of flora and fauna, co-existence and sustainability. Tribal universities are coming up in India funded by the Centre, which resonates with the sustainability, sustenance and living with nature”.

Talking about NEP, Dr. Srivastava mentioned that the education policy gives opportunities to rethink and reinvent the education system. He also emphasizes the importance of technological integration, which would aid the Sustainable Development Goals. The speaker points out that Teaching-Learning Process has to focus on assessment, creativity and at the same time, exhibit critical analysis and collaborative efforts.

The chief patron of the Educator’s Meet, Fr. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College, delivered the presidential address. Fr. Dr. Augustine George pointed out the context of schooling, which is rapidly changing and he emphasized on the need to cater the immediate attention in fostering and nurturing the transformation of the education system. “Timely review of the role of education, culture of educational institutions, and quality of teachers, unique best practices, and desired outcomes are required for the transition. The thought-provoking transformation must be implied in both administrative and academic processes” added Father Principal Augustine George.

Dr. Calistus Jude, Dean, Faculty of Sciences, proposed the vote of thanks on the occasion.

Technical Session I
Date: May 26, 2022
Topic: Changing Role of Educators in Technology Supported Learning - NEP Perspective
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Prof. Ali Raza Moosvi
Prof. Ali Raza Moosvi, Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Registrar, The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad and Dean, School of Earth Sciences and Head, Department of Geography, Central University of Karnataka.

Technical Session I, titled ‘Changing Role of Educators in Technology Supported Learning - NEP Perspective’ was conducted by Prof. Ali Raza Moosvi. Prof. Alna Mariya Isac welcomed and introduced the Resource Person.

At the onset, Prof. Moosvi congratulated the organisers on the selection of the pertinent topic. He briefed how National Education Policy (2020) replaced the 34 years old National Policy (1986). He gave a comprehensive background to the Indian school education system quoting the UDISE Report 2020-21 to elucidate the decisive role government-managed schools play at the Primary level (1-5th). Prof. Moosvi highlighted the pivotal role of NEP at school, seeking changes in learning, teaching, and governance of schools, capacity building of stakeholders, and the use and inclusion of technology.

With statistical data, Prof. Moosvi addressed the existing challenges in implementing technology in schools, enumerating how internet connectivity remains one of the most languishing areas in the infrastructural availability in Indian schools. Change in mindset continues to be the major impediment since people are not open and receptive to any technology integration ideas. Priority should be to address the digital divide, ensure e-learning resource accessibility, integrate robust ICT schemes, produce affordable digital devices, facilitate online teaching platforms, content creation, digital repository, and leverage existing e-learning platforms such as DIKSHA, SWAYAM, SWAYAMPRABHA. Prof. Moosvi concluded the session by observing how NEP envisions the teachers to be educators.

Technical Session II
Date: May 26, 2022
Topic: Changing Role of Educators in Technology Supported Learning - NEP Perspective
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Dr. Rishikesh B S,
Associate Professor: School of Education, Leader: Hub for Law, Education & Policy, from Azim Premji University, Bangalore, whose talk was titled “Transition from STEM to STEAM”.

Dr. Rishikesh commenced the session by giving a brief outlook on the ancient education system based on STEM, which catered to the potential of the free mind to realize the power of knowledge and scrutinize conventional wisdom. He then stressed the relevance of the liberal education system, which is propagated in the New Education Policy (NEP), as a holistic education system that encourages creativity and independent thinking and promotes intellectual curiosity.

Furthermore, he reiterated how Liberal education is the foundational aspect of the education system to face the uncertain world, as it equips learners with interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary skills and even trans-disciplinary skills to face the uncertain world. He was critical of the current education system, which emphasized specialization in a particular field. On the other hand, he accentuated that liberal education breaks the conventional hierarchy of subjects by giving all subjects the same value and weightage. He also put forward the idea of including liberal education or STEAM at the various stages of school education so that students can accommodate themselves to this ecosystem when they interact with it at the higher education level. Even higher education institutions need to offer multidisciplinary courses that are challenging and that are based on current issues to engage the learners with knowledge about the society they live in. He quoted the words of Dr. Donald Knuth, Stanford University, “ A liberal arts education is supposed to teach you something about everything and everything about something”, to emphasize his argument. Higher education in the future based on NEP envisages an innovative and broad-based holistic undergraduate education with a rigorous specialization in chosen disciplines and fields. He cited the University of Central Florida's STEM ideas to demonstrate the value of STEM curricula. He advocated for the shift from STEM to STEAM, which included the study of arts and humanities along with the sciences and technology, with discretion to include the learning of hard and soft skills by future learners. He remarked on the current scenario where technology integration with education has almost become mandatory at both the school and higher education levels. However, he gave a word of caution on the technology trap and concluded by saying firmly that technology was a part of the education system; its position was not at the centre or core of education but the peripheral.

Technical Session III
Date: May 27, 2022
Topic: NEP Guiding Principles and the National Curriculum Framework.
Resource Person: Prof Y Srikanth (Principal, Regional Institute of Education, Mysore)
The third technical session of the 7th All India Educator’s Meet was conducted on the second day of the meet, 27th May 2022, at 5.00 pm. The session started with an introductory welcome given by the host of the session, Dr. Lyola Thomas, followed by a profile reading of the resource person, Prof. Y. Srikanth. Fr. Emmanuel P.J, Director, Kristu Jayanti College of Law, graced the occasion.

Prof Srikanth started his talk on NEP Guiding Principles and the National Curriculum Framework by focusing on the equitable aspect of education. Equitability, as in provisions and processes for classroom transactions, focuses on critical thinking and creative thinking. He talked about the challenges we face in current academia. Sir expanded in detail about the National Education Policy and what the government plans to implement in the future. He explained that NEP visualizes a vibrant knowledge society, High-quality education for all, and structural changes as a system. He quoted the eminent professor, Prof Yashpal, “you have to uncover, not cover the syllabus,” when he stressed that children’s capacity to observe, analyze and interpret to be enhanced. NEP addresses the rigid structure used till now in liberal arts and social sciences, which will open fresh avenues, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary prospects, Multilingualism, and Life skills. He emphasizes NEP’s focus on formative assessment more than summative assessment and the possibility of adopting e-portfolios to keep the student progression updated. Sir also invited parents and teachers to be active participants in this revolutionizing step taken by the government.

NEP envisions a rootedness in India and the culture and tradition should be reflected in the learning process.

He also pointed out the government’s constant efforts to update the process by organizing 25 focus groups working on various areas of NEP.

After the detailed lecture on NEP, the floor was kept open for deliberations. Several questions were asked by the proactive participants. Many asked about elaborating on formative assessment plans, structural changes in age groups, and implementation plans. Amit Mehra asked how NEP will ensure value-based education for present-day youth. For which sir answered that NEP plans competency that involves knowledge, skills, and values. Arvind Shrivas asked about literacy and numeracy, for which sir expanded extensively. Regina Mathias from St Joseph’s College commented about how NEP would equip the students to face the awaiting competitive examinations and sir pointed out that the exam methods will also be transforming.

Technical Session IV
Date: May 27, 2022
Topic: Open Educational Resources and Tools for High-Quality Teaching Learning
Resource Person: Shri Gurumurthy Kasinathan, Founder Member and Director, IT for Change, Bengaluru.
Gurumurty Kasinathan addressed on reinventing school education with technology integration based on free and open digital technologies in education with a tagline of working together and learning together.
He enlightened the educators on various free online technologies available for school education, giving examples and demos of different software for different subjects. The teachers can create content on OER- Open Education Resource. After the session, many participants welcomed the idea of free online technology and asked their queries to the resource person.

Technical Session VI
Date: May 28, 2022
Topic: Engendering Inclusive Education in Mainstream Schools
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Mrs. Kalpana D. Kumar, Founder of Kare Therapy Centre and a consultant speech pathologist
Mrs. Kalpana D. Kumar spoke about the educational system wherein she urges all educators to welcome inclusive learning experiences regardless of who they are. She draws on the need to restructure the curriculum, dissemination of knowledge, infrastructure, and transportation suitable for all children at all levels. She states that all children learn together in the same schools and no one should be left out. Every kid, including those with disabilities, has the right to inclusive education. She highlighted on the goals and visions:

● To provide affordable rehabilitation in schools.
● To provide early intervention.
● To create awareness in parents and teachers to identify children with special needs.
● To change the perspective of the society about specially gifted children.

Further, she emphasizes the importance of Inclusive education, which would promote empathy, decrease prejudice, and strengthen social integration for all children, including those with impairments. She reiterates how inclusive education is linked to the realisation of other rights by children with impairment. Human rights are all intertwined. The right to education is included in this. Other rights must be realised before an effective education can be achieved. When the right to education is realised, it opens the door to other rights. Besides, Mrs. Kalpana D. Kumar points out the barriers to inclusive education, including attitudinal barriers, physical barriers, inappropriate curriculum, untrained teachers, inadequate funding, and poor organization of the education system. She highlighted the requirements for inclusive education: Inclusive mainstream settings should include accessible educational infrastructure, learning methods and pedagogies, and teaching and learning resources.

Technical Session VII
Date: May 28, 2022
Topic: Enhancing Psychological Well-being of Learners
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Dr. Jonas Richard
Director, Center for Life Skills Education , Kristu Jayanti College,Autonomous, Bangalore

The seventh technical session, "Enhancing Psychological Well-being of Learners,” began with significant momentum as Dr. Jonas Richard engaged the participants and delegates with an interactive ice-breaking session. The session addressed the psychological well-being of children, issues among youth, and particularly challenges like social media influences and peer pressure. The slides projected by the resource person vehemently captivated varied impactful pieces of information. The mental health of the children and the three broad challenges they face -personal, academic, and social were highlighted. The major influences on a child include Family, School, and Neighbourhood; in particular, Dr. Jonas emphasized the prime influence of the school atmosphere on a child's growth. Thereby stating the reworking of the teachers to mould every unique child, especially after the pandemic scenario.

Dr. Jonas Richard presented the word ‘Moral Orphans,’ denoting the young children missing out their attention from parents and peers, making them move to the zone of loneliness; he underlined the role of the teachers in mentoring this classification of students. The post covid challenges faced by educational institutions were also further pondered, particularly dealing with the learning loss of the students and suggested action plan for schools was highlighted concerning awareness. Images like Parent, Teacher, and Student linkage called the golden triangle captivated the participants with great zeal. The proposal for teachers’ well-being sessions was recommended along with the students' mental health. Dr. Jonas specified the word ‘routine’ to the academicians for implementation on the students’ welfare as the pandemic had disturbed the normal functioning. Additionally, he talked about the positive mental health execution projecting the – emotional, psychological, and social well-being aspects.

The session underscored the determinants of mental and emotional health, the emotional climate of the classroom, teachers’ personalities, and types of discipline. Suggestions to promote positive mental health inculcated psychological first aid and removed stigma toward counselors. Paying attention to children with double vulnerabilities was discussed in the case of single parents and many more. Mr. Jonas advocated that relationships with the parents as teachers and institutions had to be developed for the welfare of the children. He stressed on teachers, the most ignored group who had to be paid attention to, their muscle tension, arrangement for teacher’s self-care and well-being by the management was fostered for creating exceptional teachers. Positivism was showered to the teachers with statements that never can they be replaceable by google platforms motivated the participants. The chat bustled with responses throughout the session and posted vivid feedback on the effective session. The technical session fetched the maximum response from the principals, teachers, and educators, pronouncing the success of the seventh technical assembly.

Technical Session VIII
Date: May 28, 2022
Topic: Making Quality happen in Schools through Sustainable Practices
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Dr. Senthil Kumaran, Chief Confluence, The Learners Confluence, Bangalore.
In his talk on ‘Making Quality happen in Schools through Sustainable Practices,’ Dr. Senthil focused on detailing the NEP framework. He framed his talk to make the participants understand the NEP policy. Structuring on Quality and policy, he warned the participants not to get carried by what happens outwardly. He further developed the concept of the competency-driven frame that focuses on fulfilling the gap between the learning world to the world of work. His presentation was rich in illustration, making the concepts easy to understand. Sir also mentioned the importance of Contextualizing according to the environment. He added that Reflection, even though the smallest section plays a vital role in achieving competency in any institution because NEP is all about integration. He also mentioned the importance of a 360-degree report, which acts as a Service provider to the teachers. From his research, he understands that Institutions are drifting away from the basics, which is essential. He also advised that any institution which invests in people and processes achieve progress. He concluded by wanting the participants to do their own research to learn more about this Policy because learning is a lifelong process.

Dr. Senthil mentioned the Integration across subjects and multi-disciplinary approach to learning and specified the vivacity of ‘Learning world and world of work’, which helps the learners have bright career choices. He noted on School assessment – process, integration of process and measurement which is vital according to the SQAA school quality assessment. According to him, ‘Framework is the progress key – he repeated invited all the heads of the institution to invest in people and progress. He concluded his talk by explaining the 360-degree report, which helps track a student’s growth.

During the Q&A session, Dr. Padmanabha asked Dr. Senthil to explain more on verticalization that has to be done; answering him, Sir insisted on the importance of using digital technology and the understanding of blooms taxonomy. Dr. Senthil also answered questions raised by Mr. Adarsh and Celina Cardozo on the importance of the freedom app. The participants thanked Dr. Senthil for sharing the hardcore truth through his talk.

Valedictory Session
Date: May 28, 2022
Topic: Valedictory Address
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Fr. Josekutty Aykaraparampil CMI Councillor for Education & Communication Media, St. Joseph Province, Kottayam.
Dr. Gopukumar A V, Dean, Department of Humanities, Kristu Jayanti College, welcomed the gathering with a brief note on ‘Technology and its Impact on Education’. Prof. Sen B Mathew read the brief report of all technical sessions. The felicitation address was by Rev. Fr. Emmanuel PJ, Director, Kristu Jayanti College of Law and Jayantian Extension Services. Fr. Emmanuel expressed his happiness and gratitude towards the participants from various educational institutions. Furthermore, he shared how the college initiated the Educators' Meet seven years ago.

Feedback: Sis Jerin shared her feedback by stating that the meeting was an enriching programme. The programme provided insights to all the educators. This programme gives hope to all the people to get an overview of the present need for education in society.

Rev. Fr. Josekutty Aykaraparampil delivered the valedictory address. He congratulated Kristu Jayanti College for the new initiative and the efforts in reinventing the educational system in schools. He further stated that the Educator’s Meet would help them connect as leaders and get input on their institution's progress. The theme of this 7th Educator’s Meet is mainly to showcase the progress and improve educational institutions' quality. It is very relevant to the time and needs for school education. Through this meeting, the educators gained insights related to technology and its impact on education.

Fr. Josekutty Aykaraparampil instigated to create awareness of sustainable global development which should be part of learning. He appreciated the management and the organizers for their effective teamwork. He highlighted how technology would create highly engaging classrooms leading to better results, transforming traditional learning methods, breaking down the walls of classrooms, and making students think out-of-the-box and pilot innovations.

Dr. Nelson Michael proposed a vote of thanks on behalf of the entire team and the management of Kristu Jayanti College. He thanked the participants across the borders for their active participation in all the sessions indicating how the Educator’s Meet is the brainchild of educational leaders. The valedictory session was concluded with the national anthem, sung by the college choir.

Virtual Meet of School Educational Leaders on Upskilling and Re-skilling- Redefining the Future of School Education [June 9-12, 2021]
Virtual Meet of School Educational Leaders on “Upskilling and Reskilling - Redefining the Future of School Education“ was another opportunity created by Kristu Jayanti College for the School Principals, Headmasters,Vice-Principals, Educational Administrators and Counsellors to get connected with the leaders of some of the best educational institutions in the country. The event witnessed a participation of 1090 academic leaders from across the globe, with delegates from 850 plus institutions.

The sessions exposed the participants to an engaging and thought-provoking discussion on
• Paradigm Shift in School Education
• Socialization in the New Normal
• Leadership in times of Uncertainty
This virtual meet provided an opportunity of unmatched networking opportunities with the peers from some of the best schools in the country to reignite their passion and experience engaging in meaningful collaboration which lead to lasting connections.

Date & Time: June 9, 2021 ,4.30 PM to 5.30 PM
Chief Guest : Shri Major Harsh Kumar, Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi
Major. Harsh Kumar, Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi, inaugurated the meet . The session began with an invocation to the divine. Dr Aloysius Edward, Director, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), delivered the welcome address, and the prelude to the meet was given by Dr Justine Nelson Michael, Director, Centre for Research, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bangalore. The Presidential Address was delivered by Rev. Dr Augustin George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College. He emphasized the fact that an empowered community, technology, people, and management contributes to the development of an institution. Hence, quality and excellence must be the vision of every educational institution.The main objective of the meet was to bring in the experts in the field of education under the virtual roof to contemplate, discuss and disseminate precepts of education in India. The meet was a momentous event, as it offered due emphasis on the implementation, impact and scope of National Education Policy 2020.

In the inaugural address, Major. Harsh Kumar reminded the congregation of the need for revamping the educational systems, as the world is undergoing rampant changes in the knowledge landscape with various scientific, innovative and technological advancements. He called for a unified strive towards the betterment of the educational system in the country in the current challenging times. Drawing from a sloka in Rig Veda, “Sam gachadhvam sam vadadhvam sam vo manamsi janatam” (may we walk together, may we study together, let us put our minds together and understand.), Maj. Kumar appealed the gathering to be the flag bearers of ancient Indian wisdom of- togetherness, brotherhood and unity for the benefit of the society. He emphasised the importance of integrating technology into the curriculum. However, he proposed a word of caution when he said, ‘technology should empower, but should not overpower’. Maj. Kumar shed light on the government and NCERT initiatives like community radio, TV broadcasting, learning platforms for Divyang, Nishtha and Swayam platforms, designed for the diverse educational needs of the students despite the pandemic situation prevailing in the country. He also emphasised the need to design and implement curricula that enable learners to ‘learn, relearn and unlearn’. He concluded the address by pointing out the need to inculcate the spirit of ‘empathy’ for the country's greater good. He encouraged the teachers, administrators and well-wishers to come together in unison to achieve greater heights in the field of education and nation-building. Dr Calistus Jude, Dean, Faculty of Sciences, delivered the vote of thanks. The inaugural session was concluded with the college anthem, sung by the college choir.

Technical Session I: NEP and Covid-19 - An Opportunity to Transform Indian Education System with Blended Learning
Date & Time : June 9, 2021 ,5.45 PM to 6.45 PM
Keynote speaker: Prof. Sevuga Pandian Asirvatham, Head, Department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru.
Prof. Sevuga Pandian Asirvatham highlighted the overview of NEP 2020 and how education modifies the pedagogy. He emphasised the need to bring quality and equality in education and pointed out the aim of NEP2020 to provide quality education for all learners. He explained the benefits of introducing blended learning and the role of teachers and students in such an environment. He highlighted the advantages of blended learning for students: increased learning skills, great access to information, opportunities to learn and teach, and learning outcomes. He explained the implementation and framework in blended learning. He highlighted the framework proposed by Kristu Jayanti College - ELITE to understand the framework model implemented in all educational institutions. He emphasised the need to enhance the system, process, activities and assessment to bring a change in the educational system to learn and grow. The session was followed by a Q and A session, which was both illuminating and enriching.

Technical Session II: NEP 2020: Towards Transforming School Education
Date & Time : June 10 , 2021 , 4.30 PM to 5.30 PM
Keynote speaker: Dr. Leena Chandran Wadia, Chief Consultant Committee for NEP and Member, NEP Drafting Committee
Dr. Leena Chandran Wadia started the session with a reference to the implementation plan for NEP 2020 - SARTHAQ (Students' and Teachers' Holistic Advancement through Quality Education). She pointed out that SARTHAQ incorporates about 300 tasks, which will be executed by government educational agencies like NCERT, SCERT, State Governments, Department of School Education and Ministry of Education. Dr. Wadia emphasised the due importance of vocational education in the NEP 2020. She said that the policy envisages providing vocational exposure to 50% of all students by 2025. She further focused on reimagining vocational education to reintroduce learning by doing. She explained the importance of ICT in all secondary schools, including rural schools. She emphasised introducing project-based learning and skills required for the 21st-century. She highlighted the figure of UNICEF’s comprehensive life skill framework for India. The four pillars of learning suggested by this framework are-‘learning to be, learning to go, learning to know and learning to live’. Dr Wadia shared the importance of evenly investing in student and faculty development, balancing contributions to research, teaching, student wellbeing and in the larger spectrum of the society and country. Dr. Wadia encouraged the educators to make changes in their institutions by proactively engaging in learning, and by enabling flexibility, student mobility and lifelong learning.

Technical Session III : Teaching for Global Competence with EdTech - Sustaining Teaching Excellence in Virtual Classrooms
Date & Time : June 10, 2021 , 5.45 PM to 7.15 PM
Resource Person: Mr. Gurumurthy Kasinathan, Founder Member and Director, IT for Change, Bangalore.
Mr. Gurumurthy Kasinathan began his talk by introducing the availability of various Open Educational Resources as their need is increasing in the present educational platform. He proposed to enquire the participants on their awareness of Edtech and its role in supporting schools. Acknowledging internet connectivity as the common rural/urban problem shared by many educational institutions, the resource person stated that there are many forms of Digital Technology that regular teachers can use without internet connectivity. The resource person stated that one of the challenges in teaching Mathematics in schools is the students’ dislike of the subject. According to Mr. Kasinathan, dislike for the subject occurs because the students pick up the mechanics of Mathematics without understanding the concepts. To overcome the challenge of teaching Mathematics, Mr. Kasinathan demonstrated Mathematical problems through, which he believes can turn Mathematics into magic.Mr. Kasinathan then began his presentation on “Understanding role of collaboration in Education in Working together, Learning together. Free and Open Digital Technologies- a new world.” He gave a brief talk about the nature of knowledge and the role of education. He talked about how knowledge is meant for sharing, yet it is regrettable that many forms of knowledge are not free. The resource person asserted using free software in educational institutions, viz. Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) since knowledge is for sharing.

Talking about the nature of ICT, Mr. Kasinathan explained the importance of the role of the teacher towards fulfilling the aims of ICT. He advised that the teachers should be sensitive towards students’ access to technology and hence promote the use of FOSS. He talked about the relevance of ICT by stating how Kerela was the first to use FOSS in 2002 and NCERT’s ICT policy in 2012 advocated the use of FOSS. Mr. Kasinathan also talked about Prof. Richard Stallman (MIT) who, in 1981 came up with four freedoms in ICT: free to study, free to copy, free to modify & free to distribute. Keeping the four freedoms in ICT on mind, Mr. Kasinathan stated that FOSS is the best platform to rely on for education. Unlike other open sources of learning, FOSS allows teacher to make copies, modify the software accordingly. A teacher may choose FSF, India, FSMI or SLF which are all desktop publications.

Mr. Kasinathan demonstrated different software that can be used for different subjects. He warned about using digital technologies that can violate our privacy by citing the experiences of many men and women who have been arrested because their private data was being collected through the free software they were using.

Panel discussion - From Striving to Surviving: Post Pandemic Scenario
Date & Time : June 11, 2021 , 3PM to 4PM
Moderator: Rev. Fr. Philip Joseph CMI, Kristu Jayanti CMI Public School, Bengaluru.
The Panel discussion on the topic “From Striving to Surviving: Post Pandemic Scenario” was witnessed by 953 honourable delegates and academicians from PAN India . The session began with the silent prayer and later the eminent panelists from different parts of the country shared some of the unique experiences they have undergone during the pandemic. They also spotlighted the new and innovative strategies adopted and assimilated in their institution to enhance the teaching-learning process.

Fr. Joby Joseph, St. Anthony’s College, Shillong commenced the discussion by highlighting the various activities organised by the institution to reach out to every student in the department. Moreover, their unique services named ‘Covid Times: Reach out & Responsibility’ and ‘Covid Relief Cell’ have rendered spiritual, medical and psychological support for the needy during the crisis. Mr. Sunil Bhakare from Eklavya Model Residential School, Nashik identified the concept named ‘Education on Wheels’, where the teachers extended their service to all the tribal students by sharing the study materials, worksheets and podcasts. They also used conventional ways of communication such as letters and postcards so as to overcome the digital divide and thereby bridge the gap in imparting knowledge during the covid times.

Sr. Jacintha, Holy Cross Convent High School, Kalyan, Mumbai underscores the importance of providing value education to boost the morale of students. The activities conducted on a smaller scale have made a significant impact on the minds of students and their family members. Mrs. Annie Ignatious, Christ Nagar Central School, Trivandrum accentuated on the importance of utilising ‘opportunity amidst adversity’ to empower the vulnerable. The other participants also shared some valuable insights that helped them to evolve successfully during the pandemic.

Technical Session IV : Balancing between Social Distancing and Social Commitment: Role of Educational Institutions
Date & Time : June 11, 2021 ,4.30PM to 5.30 PM
Resource Person: Dr. Jonas Richard A, Director, Center for Life Skills Education (CLSE), Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru
Dr. Jonas Richard A, Director, Center for Life Skills Education (CLSE), Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru delivered an expert talk with specific focus on “Multi stake holder approach” as an ideal strategy to be adopted by educational institutions during the post covid era. The innumerable challenges faced by the students and teachers demand a paradigm shift in the role of educational institutions from being a manager to that of a leader. He asserted that ‘every challenge comes with an opportunity and every opportunity comes with a challenge’.

Dr. Jonas proposed “The Power-Interest Matrix” reinforcing the transition from beneficiaries’ approach to the stakeholder approach. He identified the 3c’s of twenty first century teaching-learning process such as creative thinking, communication and collaboration. He cited Dr. Carol S. Dweck’s book titled “Mindset: The New Psychology of success” to emphasise the two types of mindsets prevalent in the world: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. He regards that the mindset play an important role in relationship, survival and communication. Further, he cited the three dimensions of organisational commitment suggested by Allen N.J. & Meyer J.P namely affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment. Lastly, he referred to the ‘Iceberg theory of understanding students’ and reinstated that ‘It is always better to prepare and prevent rather than repair and repent’.

Technical Session V - Innovative Strategies for Efficient Finance and Resource Management
Date & Time : June 11, 2021 ,5.45 PM to 7.15 PM
Resource Person: Dr. Aloysius Edward Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Director, IQAC
Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and management, Director, IQAC deliberated on the resources in schools, effective management of financial resources, physical resources and its management, technical resources, effective human resource management, and green resources. At the outset of the session, he mentioned the skills needed to be cultivated among students to accelerate the progress of society. He highlighted the significance and need for a structured environment in schools for inculcating the desired change in learners. He showed the correlation of quality environment, quality teaching-learning, quality human resources, and quality citizenship. He commented on the importance of procurement, utilisation, and maintenance of resources through a structured process and well-defined policies to make an institution unique. He also mentioned the close relationship between academic performance and the physical environment. He listed the elements of resource management in schools as people, structure, process, technology, and culture. He stressed the need for effective planning, allocating, deploying, coordinating, and monitoring the various resources like finance, physical, technological, human, and green to attain the institutional objectives, vision, and mission. He indicated that institutional sustainability is dependent on financial stability.

As part of financial resource management, he suggested the preparation of a master budget, departmental budget, allocation of funds based on budget, internal audit, and statutory audit. He also elaborated on the different kinds of revenue and expenditure in an educational institution. He also recommended d ten golden rules for the effective management of funds during this pandemic period. He explained the various physical resources its impact on the teaching-learning process and how it should be monitored and maintained. He recommended the use of updated technological resources as per the need and demand. He highlighted the significance of human resource management in schools as it constitutes the crux of any educational institution. He also alerted the need to have sustainable green initiatives and practices in schools. He concluded the session by stating that the effective management of all the resources is entrusted to all the stakeholders. The session came to an end after the Q& A discussion.

Technical Session VI - Policies and Legal Components towards Safe School
Date & Time : June 12, 2021 , 4.30 PM to 5.30 PM
Resource Person: Dr. Nagarathna A ,Associate Professor of Law, Coordinator, Advanced Centre on Research, Development & Training in Cyber Law and Forensics, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru
Dr. Nagarathna started the session with a quote by Jawaharlal Nehru- “Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow”. She talked about Legal obligations under the international, national and state frameworks that an institution should adhere to for the safety of children in a school environment. She further talked about international legal frameworks like The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), that had influenced the policy-making worldwide in areas such as child education, safety, rules against abuse and exploitations.

Dr. Nagarathna pointed out the guidelines on the safety and security of children, 2014 by MHRD. According to the definition, “ children require a healthy and supportive environment to grow and develop and have access to education in an environment that is safe, protective and conducive to growth and development. The school environment is associated with overall growth and development, cognitive behaviour, safety and security of a child” She also pointed out the fundamental rights ensured for children under Article 21 and 21 A.

Dr. Nagarathna defined corporal punishment which is established to prevent physical punishment, mental harassment and discrimination against children. Such atrocities against children would be considered under criminal offence. She talked about the nuances POSCO act 2012, which is established by law to prevent sexual assault or harassment against children. She also covered areas such as cyber safety, health and hygiene, personal data protection (PDP) and prevention of child labour as a part of child safety. The session was informative and the participants contributed to the session with a fruitful interaction.

Technical Session VII - Total Quality Management in School Education
Date & Time :June 12, 2021,5.45 PM to 7.15 PM
Resource Person: Dr A Senthil Kumaran, Chief Confluencer, The Learners Confluence, Bangalore
Dr A Senthil Kumaran, Chief Confluencer, The Learners Confluence, Bangalore started interpreting the umbrella term ‘quality’ and further continued to list out the parameters that guide educational institutions to quality. Dr Kumaran said that people always try to interpret quality in their own experience and awareness, and it is a culmination of many qualities such as compliance, good practices, work environment and infrastructure. Dr Kumanran has put forward an approach for Total Quality Management (TQM) - a management approach centred on quality, based on the participation of all members aiming at long-term success through stakeholder satisfaction with benefits to all stakeholders. He also brought in the eight fundamental principles for total quality in educational institutions. The eight fundamental principles are—stakeholder focus, leadership, involving people, process approach, systems approach, continual improvement and data-based decision making. He concluded the session by asking the educationalist in the virtual gathering to use TQM philosophy to make the educational experience joyful.

Valedictory Session
Date & Time :June 12, 2021,5.45 PM to 7.15 PM
Chief Guest: Fr. Martin Mallathu CMI, General Councilor for Education, CMI Congregation
The 6th All India Educators’ Meet on Upskilling and Re-skilling- Redefining the Future of School Education came to an end with a valedictory session. Prof.Juby Thomas presented a brief report of the four days virtual educators meet.Fr.Emmanuel P J provided the background of the All India Educators Meet and Fr. Augustine George made an official announcement of the meet for the next academic year and invited all the delegates for the same. Fr. Martin Mallathu CMI gave the valedictory address in which he insisted on the inner strength in each individual which should help the humans to face any kind of crisis.Father also highlighted on the importance of the role of educators in the future of the world. Fr. Martin also shared on the need for today’s generation becoming more socially responsible and contributing to the welfare of the under privileged society. The participants shared their experiences and gave their feedback about the meet. The contribution made by each individual was appreciated and thanked by a vote of thanks proposed by Prof. Mary Jacob,Convener of the meet.The valedictory session was concluded with the national anthem, sung by the college choir.

Annual Educators Meet [May 11-14, 2020]
The Virtual Meet of School Educational Leaders on Promoting and Sustaining Excellence in School Education was organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru in collaboration with United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI). The four-day online meet scheduled from May 11 to May 14, 2020 aimed to strengthen the academic leadership at the secondary school level , exclusively for Principals , Educational Administrators and Management Representatives of Schools . The event witnessed a participation of 475 academic leaders from across the globe , with delegates from 10 different countries.

Virtual Meet of School Educational Leaders was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Josekutty P D, Principal , Kristu Jayanti College . Father said that every individual possesses eight types of intelligence and helping the children, identifying and nurturing these intelligences are the primary responsibility of an educator.

The four day programme had nine sessions and one panel discussion. Two sessions were on Sustainability Development Goals and was addressed by Dr Sally Elizebeth form University of Auckland and Ms Isabelle Tibi, Global Citizenship Education Consultant, World Federation of United Nations Associations, New York.

The sessions focussed on educational leadership , promoting positive student mental health, embedding sustainable development goals in school education, new directions in mentoring and evaluation, ICT in education, redefining excellence for slow learners and content development skills with social media. The meet also had a panel discussion on the strategies to manage the impact of COVID-19 in educational system moderated by Fr.Philip. The session concluded with the valedictory address of Rev. Dr. Augustine George ,Vice Principal, Kristu Jayanti College in which he said that the only constant in life is change and the educators should be equipped to move forward with changes. The platform was an opportunity for the principals and administrators across the globe to connect online with a large community of educators , to plunge in innovative ideas for dynamic and progressive growth thereby promoting and sustaining excellence.

Annual Educators Meet [May 2-4, 2019]
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Kristu Jayanti College organized Third All India Educators meet entitled ‘Uniqueness – Pathway to Excellence in School Education’ from 2-4 May 2019. 130 delegates from 20 states across the country participated in the Educators meet to connect with dynamic and progressive educators and to share their uniqueness thus building a path to excellence - making the Third All India Educators Meet successful. Dr. Jonas Richard, the convener of the program welcomed the gathering by quoting ‘Parents are the first teachers and teachers are the second parents for students’. Dr. Aloysius Edward, Coordinator of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell gave the prelude to the Educators meet. Dr. Aloysious Edward, Coordinator, IQAC was of the view that the system of education should focus on learning rather than being more exams oriented. He elucidated the emergence of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies which necessitates a totally different set of skills than what is being taught by today. In fact, the contradiction is that we are equipping the learner for jobs which may not be present tomorrow. To be unique, the educational institutions should bring in an innovation ecosystem and inculcate that in the learner to be relevant in tomorrow’s world. Rev. Fr. Josekutty P D, the Principal gave the Presidential Address in which he asserted the fundamental purpose of schools with some analogies as that of a home, reservoir of wisdom and knowledge, observatory for the future, a fort and as a temple of values and concluded that ultimately it is education that prepares one for the future.

Smt. T N Gayathri Devi, Joint Director, Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT), Government of Karnataka was the Chief Guest for the occasion. In her inaugural address, Smt. T N Gayathri Devi appreciated the teaching community for being a teacher, a mentor and a guide who shapes the future of students. She highlighted that education should mold responsible citizens equipped with skills and knowledge. The importance of language education and providing the right teaching-learning environment was also highlighted. She described the various initiatives of her department for bringing in quality in education. Smt. T N Gayathri Devi concluded her speech by stating that vibes of positive thinking and adding a pinch of creativity will greatly influence the teaching-learning process bringing good results.

Dr. Aruna Wadkar, Founder and MD, Harvest Education Transformational Solutions advocated revolutionary thinking as opposed to evolutionary thinking in the students by giving them the courage to unlearn, so that they can progress with enthusiasm and excitement into an uncertain future, not with trepidation, hesitation and unquestioning obedience. Shri. Venkata Suresh Lolla, Principal, Global City International School, Bengaluru shared the various options available for the campus safety and security of children supported by several Government agencies. Dr. Varghese John, Former Principal, Union Christian College, Kerala highlighted the 5 components involved in Quality Education according to UNESCO / UNICEF- 1) Learners 2) Content 3) Processes 4) Environments and 5) Outcomes. Dr. R. Vijaya Saraswathy, Founder & CEO, Godwin Academy President, WE GIRLS NGO emphasized the fact that positive discipline happens when we know to handle visual, auditory and kinesthetic skills and demonstrated several techniques for sharpening memory and practicing better time management for the students.

Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma, Professor of Clinical Psychology, National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru discussed the concerns and opportunities of social media usage in the present generation and how the educational institutions can contribute to the healthy usage of it. Bro. Paul Raj S International Facilitator & Mentor, Montfort International Group of Educational Institutions spoke on the role of educational institutions on the psychosocial development of Gen Z Learners. Mr. P. Suryakumar, Managing Director, GanitGenie Pvt. Ltd, Chennai demonstrated various online test platform, application software such as GeoGebra, and how it can be integrated into teaching and learning. Ms. Geetha Krishnan Founder, Ekam Learning Consultants enlightened on the need to attain skills of the future which has to be developed now. Ms. Geetha insisted on acquiring several skills like computational thinking, social intelligence, virtual collaboration, new media literacy and soft skills like problem solving, persistence, motivation, self-control, confidence, teamwork and ethics.

Mr. Bansy Kalappa, Political Editor, The New Indian Express Bengaluru emphasized on the skills an educational leader should possess in media management for the betterment of the educational institution with several examples. Few delegates shared several best practices in holistic education. Dr. Senthil Kumaran A, Chief Confluencer, The Learners Confluence, Bengaluru shared his thoughts on building uniqueness and thereby developing the culture of excellence in school education. Mr. Gurumurthy Kasinathan, Director & Team, IT for Change, Bengaluru gave an introduction to various free and open source software and enumerated the various initiatives taken by educators across the country to enhance the learning experience through ICT. The three-day educators meet concluded with the valediction. Prof. Ravichandra Reddy, Former Acting Director, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), was the chief guest for the valedictory session. Prof. Ravichandra Reddy stated that quality and excellence must be the vision of every educational institution. He also stated that learning through technology is the future. Fr. Augustine George, Vice Principal gave the concluding remarks and appreciated the organizers and the participants from across the country in making the Third All India Educators Meet a great success.

Annual Educators Meet [May 3-4, 2018]
The second edition of All India Educators Meet organized by the IQAC of Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru has witnessed its curtain raiser on May 03, 2018 at 10 AM. Prof. Dr. Shashiranjan Yadav, Vice Chancellor, India Institute of Teacher Education (IITE), Gujarat was the guest of honour. The three day meet with the theme ‘Enhancing Learning Experience through ICT’ aimed to strengthen the academic leadership at the secondary school level witnessed a participation of 82 academic leaders spanning across 12 states in the country and one global representation.

Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Commerce and Management, welcomed the gathering followed by a presentation of brief outline about the Educators meet by Dr. Jonas Richard A., Convenor of the Conference and Head, Department of Social Work. The guest of honour Prof. Yadav addressed the gathering on, “Only skilled people with computer knowledge will survive in the future. It is the time for educators to bring creativity and innovation in learning for the betterment of younger generation.” He also expressed that India is at the threshold to conquer the world, since the country is situated on a triveni sangam of huge population of youngsters as human assets, widespread use of English language and democratic use of technological innovation.

Rev. Fr. Josekutty PD, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College, in his presidential address said that "Academic is not confined to teaching and learning. Technological interventions bridge the gap between teachings and learning hence the educational institutions need to keep abreast of technologies that will enhance the learning experience of millennials.

The three-day educators meet was divided into eight sessions coupled with cultural programs and a city tour. Dr. Virajkumar, Professor from IISC, Bengaluru through the first session on Perspective building of ICT in schools emphasised on the potentials of language translation, the pros and cons of smart question and answers with the support of artificial Intelligence and the necessity of leveraging computers for automation of question generation and evaluation.

In the second session Shree Na. Vijay Shankar, the founder of Naavi (the cyber law college) unleashed the potential of technology to start a university/ a course anytime anywhere. And also highlighted the three fundamental issues you should be conscious while adopting technology in schools like the IPR hurdle, the connectivity issues and the challenges of distribution.

Ms. Sonia Garcha, member of CSpathshala, in the third session posed a question; do we need technology to teach computing? And through various games and mind mapping she proved, computing can be taught even without technology.

Moderator Dr. Gopakumar A.V, (Dean of Humanities, Kristu Jayanti College) begun the panel discussion by stating the statistics with regard to Education and Gross Enrolment Ratio of 33% reveal the challenge that educators are facing today.

Panellist Dr. Mohammed Sayeed, mentor of Pearls International School, Bengaluru took the breath away for a second by teaching the new set of ABCD that prevail in most of the educational institutions. He also highlighted the necessity of achieving an apt mind-set to operate the tool sets and the skill sets.

Panellist Rev. Fr. Jerone, Principal, Claret Higher Secondary School, Chennai exemplified few key issues like the modern educational system focuses on the academic goals than holistic development. The time allocated for Sports activities and extra-curricular activities are compromised and shortened for the purpose of achieving ‘academic targets’.

The Panel discussion also witnessed vibrant question answer session from several participants who expressed their concern about the present system. They identified several areas of lacunae as well as shared some of the innovative practices adopted by them in their respective institutions.

The second day of the conference focused on the implementation of ICT application in schools using open source software. Mr. Gurumurthy K and team from IT for Change threw light into the concept of open source software, cyber security issues and implementation of cyber security in school campuses.

The hands of session on FreePlane, geogebra, marble, audacity and phet was an eye opener into the quantum of resources available as open source software in various domains. The resource person exhorted the participants to seriously use open source softwares instead of proprietary ones.

On the third day, Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma, Professor of Clinical Psychology, NIMHANS Bengaluru enabled the participants to retrospect on their social media behaviour. He also highlighted the physical and psychological impact of excessive usage of mobile phones. He encouraged the participants to have a non - judgemental attitude and effective communication with the students to tackle technological addiction.

Ms. Meera Venkat, President and CEO of Rise Global world trade center opined, an academic leader must be a doctor, a soldier, an accountant, a philosopher and an architect. She further emphasized in a dynamic academic environment, it’s time for us to give up the dominating leadership and it is essential to adopt behavioural and situational approach.

Dr. Bindu Tirumalai, Assistant Professor, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai spoke about the future of ICT in Indian Schools. She spoke on the obvious and non-obvious changes that had taken place in Indian schools since 1980s. This information was an eye opener to the participants with regard to how some things hadn’t changed, even though it was perceived to have been.

The three-day Educators meet came to an end with a valedictory program on 5th May, 2018. The Chief Guest for the valediction was Dr. Ravichandra Reddy S, Former Director, NAAC. The programme was presided by Rev. Fr. Josekutty P D, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College.

The session started with a welcome note by Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Director, Research and member of IQAC followed by presenting the report of the 3-day Conference by Dr. Juby Thomas, faculty member, Department of Journalism. In the valedictory address Dr. Reddy emphasized the need of Quality assurance in education. He stated quality and excellence should be the vision of every higher education institution. Acquisition and enhancement of quality is a great challenge faced by almost all higher education institutions. He further discussed the challenges of ICT enabled teaching and learning in infrastructure, content curation and technological updating. The session ended with the vote of thanks by Ms. Ramya B, Member of IQAC and Faculty member of Department of History.

Annual Educators Meet [May 4-6, 2017]
A three day national level workshop on management of change for progressive secondary education for the Principals and Faculty members of high school and higher secondary school was held at Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore on May 4th - 6th 2017. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) organized the workshop with an aim to prepare the secondary schools to be globally competent. The broad objectives of the Workshop were:

  • To understand the Learners’ attitudes and capabilities and assist them to accomplish their goals
  • To provide a knowhow of strategies to manage the classroom and institution effectively, and to the satisfaction of the Stakeholders.
  • To improve the teaching-learning environment by integrating technology

Globalization and concurrent demands on educational delivery and services are a hallmark of the 21 Century, apart from the need for innovative technology adoption. Many political, economic, technical and technological changes that are taking place in the country, call for appropriate and timely changes at all levels of Education. While considerable efforts are evident to reform education in general and Secondary Education in particular, institutions are unable to keep pace with the changing times.

In this dynamic world, change is imperative and institutions must go an extra mile to reposition, renew, reorganize and systematically adapt to the changing times. There are several challenges that confront the Management, as well as other stakeholders of secondary education institutions, and many a times there is resistance to change on the part of the teachers and even administrators. Hence, the workshop focused to discuss on individual, institutional and technological management in the present era.

Shri. B C Rao, Managing Director, Kennametal and Mr. Hendrikus van Dord, Executive Vice President IETO, Fr Josekutty PD, Principal and Fr. Augustine George, Vice Principal, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru were present at the inauguration of the program.

The following resource persons addressed the participants on various aspects of secondary education.

  • Dr. H.S. Ganesha Bhatta Principal, MES Teachers’ College, Bengaluru
  • Dr Sudha Bhogle, Head, Student Solutions Eduquity Career Technologies
  • Dr. Shakuntala Katre, Former Senior Academic Consultant, NAAC
  • Dr. Aravind Srinivas, Tata Consultancy Services
  • Shri S. Giridhar, Chief Operating Officer, Azim Premji University
  • Dr. A Senthil Kumaran, Chief Confluencer, The Learners Confluence, The Learners Confluence
  • Dr. S Ravichandra Reddy, Former Acting Director, NAAC
  • Dr. Mariamma A Varghese, Former Vice Chancellor, SNDT University, Mumbai

This Workshop was specially designed to appraise the participants with the nuances of the changes as expected, and to give a clear insight into the need-based mechanisms which they need to adopt to be successful in their specific tasks. Around 75 representatives from various institutions from seven states of India participated in the workshop. The three day workshop was divided into eight keynote sessions.

Keynote Session I: Reaching out to the Learners through Aptitude Testing and Counseling
Keynote Speaker: Dr. ASHOK H.S. Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychology, Bangalore University
0 Introduction & Welcome: Ms. Ramya B, Faculty Member, Department of History, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru.

The first keynote session of the workshop made an introduction to the type of learners and learning. Different learners have different levels of prior knowledge, motivations, effort, and learning styles. The Efficiency, effectiveness, and planning made by teachers increases the quality of curriculum. One needs to acknowledge that the students have different levels of prior knowledge and cognitive abilities.

Dr. Ashok highlighted several behavioral aspects of learners that require attention of the teachers and counseling. He suggested conducting a need assessment through Parent and teacher interviews, Behavior rating scales, Formal assessment, Behavior observations as well as Informal assessment. It helps to understand the various challenges faced by the learners to determine the reasons for commonly found issues such as Bullying, frequent changing of schools, Conflicts with teacher, forced competitiveness, absence, falling grades and learning disorders

Through discussion the resource person encouraged the delegates to bring forward the common reasons of behavioral problems. Some of the reasons highlighted were relationships issues, Peer motivation, wanting to spend time with peers but without parental supervision, conflicts with parents, friends, influence of media and Internet.

The resource person also suggested contacts of various agencies that provide with aptitude testing tools such as National Library of Educational & Psychological Test (NLEPT) Catalogue Of Tests Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations of Education, National Council of Educational Research and Training Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi, Psychotronics, Bangalore, National Psychological corporation Kacheri Ghat, Agra and Rupa Psychological center varanasi

The session made the participants to reflect upon
• Knowing one’s own teaching style
• Understanding different learning styles of students
• Adopting diverse teaching methodologies and strategies to reach out all types of learners
• Being mindful and respectful of the needs of students
• Deciding the right approach through aptitude testing tools and counselling services
Keynote Session II: Classroom Management for Effective Learning
Keynote Speaker: Dr. H.S. Ganesha Bhatta Principal, MES Teachers’ College, Bengaluru
Introduction & Welcome: Ms. Anita.C, Faculty Member, Department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru.

The session by Dr. H S Ganesha Bhatta focused on the varied aspects of class room management for effective learning.M

The speaker introduced a new definition for teacher from his personnel experience stating that Tolerance, Earnestness, Acumen, Character building, Humor, Enthusiasm and Receptiveness are the qualities that stands for a teacher.

The session highlighted on the characteristics of an ideal teacher for effective class room management were:

  • Knowledge in subject
  • Creating conducive atmosphere for learning
  • Class room management enabling effective learning through various measures
  • Charts out clear rules to be followed inside class room
  • Designs clear instructional strategies
  • Among all the desired characteristics, competency of the teacher are the most important as this is catalytic in enabling a teaching to make use of the best of his other capabilities. The speaker was of the view that the personal qualities of a teacher like capacity of the teacher to develop good inter personal relationships and the self-esteem of the teacher plays a key role in effective class room management. Dr. Bhatta highlighted on how a teacher can monitor self-effectiveness in class room management through evaluating various outcomes.

    The teacher should have a good judgment regarding what works better in each class room environment to manage it effectively.

    The speaker highlighted on various qualities of the teachers and the students that can work for a better learning experience. He detailed on the qualities and actions of an outstanding teacher and exhorted each one to do their best to imbibe those qualities. The session ended with a ten point oath and twelve commandments for a teacher.

    Dr.Bhatta beautifully explained each of the concept he spoke using beautiful anecdotes from his experience. The session was highly interactive with the audience raised many queries about effective class room management mostly from their own experiences and the speaker answered all of them in an exemplary manner.

    Keynote Session III: Role of Multiple Intelligence in achieving sustainable development of the Learner
    Keynote Speaker: Dr. Shakuntala Katre, Former Senior Academic Consultant, NAAC
    Introduction & Welcome: Ms. Juby Thomas, Faculty Member, Department of Journalism, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru.

    Dr. Shakuntala Katre began the session by highlighting the changes in educational sector. She opined the change is for both the students and the institutions. Hence the institutions have the challenge of understanding the 21st Century learner. She explained who is a 21st Century learner? They are baby boomers, digital media users or digital natives, multitaskers, hyper communicators and gamers. Hence, institutions must focus on creating a student centered learning atmosphere. Thus understand the nature of the learner and the needs of the learner. At present most of the institutions focus on a monotonous way of teaching learning. Several Scholars have already identified a gap in the teaching learning process and thus give a rise of the need for differentiated learning.

    By drawing inspiration from Howard Gardner Dr. Katre explained multiple intelligence and the need for an academician to understand that every individual possess multiple intelligence. She said Gardner in the late early 1980’s, identified that individuals possess eight or more relatively autonomous intelligences. Individuals draw on these intelligences, individually and corporately, to create products and solve problems that are relevant to the societies in which they live. The eight identified intelligences include:
    • Linguistic intelligence
    • Logical-mathematical intelligence
    • Spatial intelligence
    • Musical intelligence
    • Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
    • Naturalistic intelligence
    • Interpersonal intelligence, and
    • Intrapersonal intelligence.

    According to Gardner’s analysis, only two intelligences that is linguistic and logical mathematical have been valued and tested for in modern secular schools; it is useful to think of that language-logic combination as “academic” or “scholarly intelligence”. In conceiving of intelligence as multiple rather than unitary in nature, the theory of multiple intelligences represents a departure from traditional conceptions of intelligence first formulated in the early twentieth century, measured today by IQ tests. By focusing on this Dr. Katre emphasized that in the 21st Century the academicians and institutions must take an initiative in differentiated learning. The session was concluded with a group activity of evaluating the institution. The resource person distributed two questionnaires for SWOC and Gap analysis to evaluate the participants’ institution and suggestions were provided based on the queries of participants.

    Keynote Session IV: Online Educational Resources
    Keynote Speaker: Shri. Aravind Srinivas, Tata Consultancy Services
    Introduction & Welcome: Ms. Mary Jacob, Faculty Member, Department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru.

    The fourth keynote session on Online Educational Resources was delivered by Shri. Aravind Srinivas, Dean, ION Academy, Tata Consultancy Services. He started the keynote address by stating the forgetfulness that comes with writing as stated by Socrates. He said that the technology tools have to go farther in education. He called the teacher as digital migrants and the students of today as digital natives. He made a comparative analysis of digital immigrant and digital natives. He briefed on the various online education channels like the audio and video tools, synchronous and asynchronous tools. He made a comparison on the intrinsic stimulus of teachers to explore and experience, co-create with customers, unlearn and to be the leaders to drive the change with the extrinsic stimulus in integration of online, hybrid and collaborative learning, data driven learning and assessment, students as creators and the agile approach to change. He also spoke on the onion layer theory of learning stressing on the importance of the personality, perception and cognition, environment and the multi-dimensional instructions. On speaking about the characteristics of the online educational resources he mentioned that the content has to be tailored to the target audience and leverage the micro learning approach. The online educational resources must be easily compatible with the existing system and it should be easy to use. The resources should also integrate multimedia content. He stressed on the power of collaboration and sharing facilitated through the use of YouTube, blogs, Wikis, Social Network, mobile apps etc. He said that the teachers have to accelerate towards technology adoption. He spoke on the teacher centric online resources like the creation of lesson plan, hosting various types of content videos, presentations and audio files, building various types of assessments, question bank sourcing and item response theory based question paper setting. From the student centric perspective the online resources should be accessible subject, chapter and term wise. The student should be able to read and download manuals, guides and books and take digital assessments. From the establishment viewpoint the online resources should support in announcements using notice boards, colourful banners, emails and SMS messages. The resources should also allow sharing of circulars and notifications with the chosen groups and maintain records of all communications. He concluded the session by stating that the teachers with the right mind-set, passion, focus and rigour with the adoption of technology can achieve excellence.

    Keynote Session V: Institutional Management
    Keynote Speaker: Shri S.Giridhar, Chief Operating Officer, Azim Premji University.
    Introduction & Welcome: Ms. Anita.C, Faculty Member, Department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru.
    The session started with the speaker giving a statistics about the state of literacy in India. He exclusively illustrated the statistics to give details about what percentage of Indian population is not having access to school education and among those who have access to schooling almost forty per cent of them are first time learners. This is a great challenge for the nation. The speaker shared his views on institution management primarily with respect to the domain in which Azim Premji University is working that is to contribute to the realisation of a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society.

    The talk dealt with management of school education and higher education. The first half dealt with how institution management of schools happening especially with respect to schools in rural India. The speaker shared all the ideas what he wanted to convey about institution management through narrating the management of a village school by two teachers of Varatharhatty village in remote Karnataka. The activities of the two teachers Mr. Lingappa and Mr. Hanumanthappa had converted the village school in Varatharahatty into a school which is quoted as a model school for other schools in Karnataka. The speaker was of the view that in spite of minimal resources, the institutions that were managed the best were the ones in which inviduals were self-motivated, individuals who could appreciate themselves and were smart in leveraging the available resources. Mr. Giridhar quoted inspiring real life anecdotes from rural India to supplement all the points.

    The second half of the session focussed on management of higher educational institutions. The speaker felt that teacher capacity building is not taken seriously in India. Since the teacher is a product of an incompetent system, the incompetence of the teacher affects the existing system making it a spiral from which it is very difficult to deliver the expected outcome.

    Mr.Giridhar felt that the people who manage the village schools in rural India are no way inferior to people who manage large educational institutions in the cities of India. The speaker concluded the session with his view on some aspects which should be taken seriously in managing higher educational institutions. They were Teachers and students should work together, always recruit the best, bureaucracy to be kept minimal, Encourage research and publication among teachers and students and involve the teachers in admissions. The session was open for questions and the participants asked questions on diverse aspects of institutional management for which the speaker answered them all with clarity. The whole message of the session was how an Individual can act as the catalyst for change, enabling to manage the institution in a better way.

    Keynote session VI: Assessment and Accreditation of Schools
    Dr. A. Senthil Kumaran, Chief confluencer, The Learners Confluence.
    Introduction & Welcome: Mrs. Priya Josson Akkara, Faculty Member, Department of Life Sciences, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru.
    The session by Dr. Senthil Kumaran was a very lively and interactive one in which there was an active involvement of the participants.
    It started off with a simple question thrown at the audience as to why the rhyme “Jack and Jill went up the hill” didn’t have Ram and Sita in Jack and Jill”s place. Then came a series of questions like “What are the probabilities of having a well on the top of the hill?” and so on. The questions raised by the speaker made the participants to think and analyse a simple nursery rhyme in a way they have never analysed before. This interactive exercise made the concept of analysis and assessment clear in the minds of the audience. Taking a rhyme as an example, he made the audience assess as to
    • Why certain things have to be taught in specific ways?
    • What should be the outcome of teaching a particular topic?
    • Are there any other methods to teach the same topic to achieve the same objectives?
    • If we devise a method to achieve an objective and it does not work out, how do we assess it?
    • What are the criteria for assessing?
    • What should be the measures taken to achieve the same objectives if it fails work in a particular way?

    The concept of assessment was made very simple and clear to all by taking day to day examples.

    The theme for the workshop “Management of change for progressive secondary education” was summarized into a simple equation 4A+2I=C which stated that Assessment, Awareness, Acceptance, Attitude of the Individual together with the Institution leads to Change. The terms for 4A, assessment, awareness, acceptance and attitude was made clear to the participants. Assessment is to look deeper and analyse. We should be able to analyse as to why certain practices are done. We assess people according to our awareness and experience. Emphasis was given on PFW-Perceptive frame work. The speaker was of the opinion that compliance based assessment is not right. Before we step out to do anything, the 5W+H question needs to be asked. Who, What, When, Where, Why and How it could be done should be analysed and decided.

    The speaker stressed upon the need for school practices to be personalized as each individual is different. He explained about the different governance frameworks for accreditation like the Deming, EFQM/EQUIS, MBNQA, NAAC, AICTE-NBA, QCI School accreditation, CBSE-SQAA, KHDA-DSIB and Singapore Excellence Model. Quality management system was also dealt with in detail. If we take a quality school performance model, the heart of it will be the Vision, Mission and the Values. Educational processes will lead to holistic development of students through school governance and the performance to be measured and improvement to be monitored. Students, parents, staff and administrators should work towards this goal. An institution learns from and individual who learns. While preparing lesson plans, importance should be given to the objectives. We should emphasize on remarks. People seldom make comments about remarks as to what went right or wrong. Only if these things are done continually, there is scope for assessment and improvement.

    Finland was taken as a role model country for education where their goal is to create active, good, happy citizens. Our vision, mission and objectives should be prepared after a good thought process. The learning practices should ultimately culminate to the vision of the institution. The values should meet the objectives. When we make an improvement plan, it should lead to quality improvement. Management of academics, co-curricular activities, institutional and financial management should go hand in hand to achieve the best results. When the input is customer requirement and output is customer satisfaction, it is achieved by continuous improvement of the quality management system. It is a cyclic process involving the management responsibility, resource management, product realization, measurement, analysis and improvement.

    The points to be taken care as we march forward are
    • SLT to agree on any frame work
    • Identify a strategic core group
    • Decide on implementation plan
    • Communicate to all stake holders
    • Education and training of SCG
    • SCG members should conduct their individual assessment using the agreed framework
    • Look out for strengths and areas for improvement.

    The post tea session of the workshop followed a less traditional format than the afternoon’s proceedings. It was designed to elicit the maximum contribution from all the participants, and aimed in different ways to promote reflection and deeper exploration of the themes emerging from the afternoon’s presentations and discussions. The variety and richness of discussion at the workshop made it impossible to draw together in the final discussion all the insights, observations and proposals for action that had emerged during the course of the day.

    The session concluded with a note that the take home gain from attending workshops is the networking and bouffet of experiences. The session on “Assessment and accreditation of schools” was very relevant as it gave the participants a basic idea about the practices and processes involved in the assessment and accreditation of schools. It imbibed confidence in the participants to go back to their respective schools and implement it according to individual needs and requirements. The expectation is that individuals and organizations will have been motivated by these discussions to take up the themes most appropriate to their sphere, and create more developed plans of action.

    Keynote Session VII: Digital Learning Devices
    Keynote Speaker: Dr. S Ravichandra Reddy, Former Acting Director, NAAC.
    Introduction & Welcome: Mrs. Anita.C, Faculty Member, Department of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru.

    The speaker started the session by explaining about the evolution of learning. Starting with the recording of knowledge using leaves and stone tablets to recording the information in digitised format, the speaker elaborated on how teaching methods had evolved along with education technology. Dr.Reddy threw light on how the digital technology is transforming the newer educational culture from modern to post-modern culture. The speaker elaborated on the modern education ecosystem. The on-going paradigm shift in education was illustrated with respect to its advantages and stated that evolution of education technology in higher education is synonymous with evolution of digital technology. The different online resources currently available were detailed out with its benefits. The main advantages of digital learning devices were learning is personalised, managing the learning by the learner or learner state control .The speaker cautioned that great care has to be exercised while setting the objectives of leaners and teachers in a digitally mediated learning environment. Any institution employing digital learning devices should be clear about the quality imperatives involved in employing technology.

    Time, place, path and pace of learning have taken a three sixty degree turn by employing digital leaning technology and this one of the greatest advantage of using digital learning devices. Dr. Reddy talked in detail about the benefits of the digital learning technology mainly learn efficiently, learn fully, learn in the best way, learn from anywhere, engage a world-wide audience, build learning modules quickly, and improved instructional techniques.

    The speaker detailed on understanding the attitude and nature of the plug and play generation and cautioned that thorough care has to be exercised while designing digital content and digitally mediated interactions. The feasibility, scalability and quality sustenance in using education technology has to be thoroughly studied before adopting any form of digitised learning method. The reasons why digital learning is so important and can no longer be ignored was explained in detail. The speaker was of the view that Blended learning which is an education program that combines online digital media with traditional classroom methods and flipped class room methodology can work better than full-fledged employment of digital learning techniques. Dr Reddy conclude by stating that one should learn digital technology with respect to learning adopt, adapt and enjoy using it.

    The second part of the session was a review of the activity which was carried out for gap analysis of each institution. The scores of institution were listed and queries regarding the various aspects of gap analysis were answered.

    Keynote Session VIII: Leadership and Motivation of Teachers
    Keynote Speaker: Dr. Mariamma A Varghese, Former Vice Chancellor, SNDT University, Mumbai
    Introduction & Welcome: Mrs. Ramya B, Faculty Member, Department of History, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru.
    The session provided a culmination note on the three day workshop, by motivating the teachers who make the most significant contribution to the art of learning. They need mastery in Leadership as it is the art or process of influencing people to strive willingly and enthusiastically towards the achievement of group goals. The resource person highlighted various principles of leadership required in the teaching profession such as technical proficiency, seek responsibility and take responsibility of actions, making sound and timely decisions, setting the right example, developing a sense of responsibility in them and others, ensuring that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished and building team spirit.

    The speaker also explained some of the theories of leadership include: Trait theory , Behavioural theory, Contingency theory, Invitational theory, Transactional theory and Transformational theory.

    The resource person also insisted upon the need for the young teachers to be self- motivated. Motivation is a means to reduce the gap between one’s actual state and some desired state Whether it is to excel in a sports field or in the 'ivory tower‘, they must be motivated or driven to it, either by themselves or through external stimulus. Motivation is a kind of internal energy which drives a person to do something in order to achieve somethingA teacher who is inspired and sold on maintaining a positive attitude at all times becomes a teacher that students and staff will enjoy learning from, working with and being around. Learning is interrelated to motivation. In education, instructors need to use motivation techniques in order to motivate the students to learn. It is essential to increase student motivation as it can make a student more competent

    The resource person wanted the academicians and management to create right conditions for the teachers motivation. She laid out three conditions that can promote the development of internal motivation:
    • A warm, responsive, and supportive environment.
    • Enough autonomy to have a sense of self-determination.
    • Guidance and structure, including information about expected behaviors, why they’re important, and consequences for not engaging in them.

    She as a teacher and leader advised the delegates to create self- condition for their growth. Areas to work upon oneself are
    • A vision/mission - for professional life
    • Self-motivation -to control your destiny
    • A job - ideally, one in line with your mission
    • Support - a good boss and a mentor
    • A plan - a path to attaining your goals
    • Skills - some you have, some need development
    • A balanced life and Continual re-assessment

    In short, the session was highly motivating which said “As we go about our lives, we should remember that each one of us matter, that each one of us has it within us to make a difference”.

    Faculty Development Programme

    Faculty Development Programme on Current Developments in Higher Education – Strategies, Preparedness, and Resilience
    Date: 08 to 16 July 2024

    The Faculty Development Programme on "Current Developments in Higher Education – Strategies, Preparedness, and Resilience" was organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Kristu Jayanti College from July 8 to July 16, 2024. The event aimed to equip faculty with insights and strategies for the 2024-25 academic session, with each session addressing vital aspects of higher education. The first day commenced with an inaugural address by Rev. Dr. Augustine George on growth strategies for excellence, followed by IQAC guidelines and institutional codes. On the second day, Prof. Rama Shankar Dubey discussed paradigm shifts and the role of AI and Indian knowledge systems in contemporary education, alongside the college's Annual Strategic Plan presentations. The third day featured Dr. Anil Joseph Pinto, who highlighted the academic and administrative roles of faculty in premier institutions. Day 4 covered advanced educational tools and methods, including AI in education, Learning Management Systems (LMS), and Outcome-Based Assessment. In total, six resource persons guided approximately 400 participants each day, ensuring a robust learning experience. This FDP underscored the college’s commitment to continuous improvement, innovative teaching, and supporting faculty in adapting to the evolving landscape of higher education.

    Faculty Development Programme on Implications of Changing Paradigms of Higher Education in the context of NEP 2020
    Date: 06/07/2023 - 13/07/2023

    The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Kristu Jayanti College organized a Faculty Development Programme on "Implications of Changing Paradigms of Higher Education in the Context of NEP 2020" on July 6, 2023. The session commenced with the Inaugural Address rendered by Fr. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College, on the "Role of Teachers in Developing Curriculum". Fr. Dr. Augustine George articulated the growth prospects of the college over the years and also focused on the futuristic view of the college for improving the quality paradigm of the institution. He also explained the trust areas to be concentrated for the holistic development of the students and institutions as a whole. The session was enlightening as Fr. Dr. Augustine explained the philosophical thoughts of St. Chavara and briefed the inspirational story about the development of the college from its inception until today. The principal called upon three deans to continue discussion in the three focus areas; Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management, and Director, IQAC, who focused on the role of teachers and their importance in the development of the institution. Dr. Edward also focused on the 24 rules that must be followed by each teacher during the academic and assessment processes at the institution. He also briefed on the role of class animators in maintaining the code of conduct, mentoring, and upholding Jayantian principles.

    The curriculum and its framework are part and parcel of each teacher's academic responsibility. The session on the curriculum framework and its articulation was delivered by Dr. Gopakumar A. V., Dean, Faculty of Humanities, who stressed the mapping of COs and POs (Course outcomes and Programme outcomes). Dr. Gopakumar addressed how a particular course helps attain different levels of importance, catering to regional, national, and global needs. He also briefed on the Blooms taxonomy that could be applied while framing the curriculum and question paper setting. He briefed on the integration of online courses into the curriculum framework as specified by UGC. The session provided clear ideas on the metrics of formative and summative assessment processes leading to the measurement of OBE attainment. Dr. Calistus Jude A. L., Dean, Faculty of Sciences, briefed the teachers about the general norms that must be followed by teachers and students inside the campus premises. Dr. Calistus Jude listed out the roles and responsibilities of each and every teacher for upholding Jayantian decorum and also pointed out the dos and don'ts that should be followed by Jayantians as the college focused on holistic development.

    The first session of the FDP provided insight on the role of a teacher in the academic, administrative, research, and assessment processes of the institution to all the faculty members.

    During the second day of FDP, Professor Aloysius Edward presented his views on National Higher Education Qualification Framework in the context of NEP 2020. Resource person has addressed on the various polices of NSOF framework such as, India recognized the need for NQF both for general education and for vocational education and training (VET). The Ministry of Labour and Employment developed the National Vocational Qualifications Framework (NVQF) and the Ministry of Human Resource Development (renamed as Ministry of Education, after NEP 2020 recommendations) developed the National Draft National Higher Education Qualifications Framework (NHEQF) and Vocational Education Qualifications Framework (NVEQF). These two frameworks were considered and used while developing the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) notified in 2013. The Session of the FDP provided clear information on NSQF framework and academicians were able to select appropriate NSQF polices to implement or enhance in the current Indian national higher education world.

    The third session was on Professional Ethics and Values by Dr. Calistus Jude A L, Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kristu Jayanti College. Dr. Calistus Jude emphasized the importance of upholding high standards in teaching, classroom management, and evaluation. He stressed the significance of continuously updating professional knowledge and skills throughout a teaching career. Additionally, Dr. Jude highlighted the importance of respecting the unique qualities of each student and embracing the diversity within the student body, while also prioritizing their overall well-being and safety. Furthermore, Dr. Jude requested that all faculty members comply with the college's policies and procedures in their relationships with parents and other stakeholders. He emphasized treating the administrative and support staff as colleagues. Finally, Dr. Jude emphasized the importance of faculty members adhering to a responsible pattern of conduct and behavior that aligns with the expectations of the community. He urged them to be aware of social problems and actively engage in activities that contribute to the progress of society and the nation as a whole. During the Fifth day of FDP, Dr Joseph Charles presented his views on Micro Approach towards outcome based Assessment and Evaluation. The objective of this faculty development programme is to nurture the philosophy of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and build the capacity and competencies of the faculty members in the teaching-learning system and other Academic Process of the colleges. The resource person has discussed the introduction to Outcome Based Education, Key parameters of OBE, Vision, Mission and PEO's/GA/POs/PSOs, Revised Blooms Taxonomy in Cognitive domain and Articulation of COs, CO-PO mapping, Role of Blooms Taxonomy in Teaching and Learning. The speaker gave presentation on the process and the basis for the framing of the course outcomes for the different subjects. A neat and detailed presentation was also explained to the participants on the mapping process of the course outcomes and program outcomes. Speaker also explained about Questions Design to Measure COs, CO-PO Attainment Computation and Outcomes Analysis, Use of Technology for CO-PO Attainment Computation and Outcomes Analysis and Improving Employability Outcomes. The process of designing the curriculum to obtaining the appropriate outcome based education has discussed in detail. The session was interactive with the audience taking an active part in understanding the process to be undertaken. A detailed explanation was given by the speaker to all the queries made by the participants.

    Prof. Ramya B, commenced the sixth day session with an overview of the five fundamental principles of NEP 2020 and the way it’s allied with graduate outcomes. The speaker indicated the need to explore, integrate and inculcate the traditional knowledge system of India in higher education. Multitude terms of the Indian Knowledge System were also shared by the resource person. The speaker elaborated on the reference to Indian Knowledge System in all the branches of NEP and the roadmap for integration of the Indian Knowledge System in NEP was also shared. The concept of Vishwa Guru was also explicated by the speaker. The resource person enlightened the need to integrate Indian Knowledge System into curriculum by explaining the factors such as identity, culture, wisdom, and value. The impact and positive aspects of the integration of IKS in education were explored in detail in the session. Initiatives adopted by Kristu Jayanti College in the implementation of the Indian Knowledge System such as Foundational courses, and the Indian Knowledge System internship programme were presented by the speaker. An overview of IKS modules that can be included by the faculty of Humanities, Sciences, Commerce and Management were listed with right examples and samples. The session ended after a meaningful answering of questions and discussion about implementation of IKS. The participants were enlightened about the significance of Indian Knowledge Systems in Higher Education. The session enriched faculty members with various possibilities for integrating Indian Knowledge Systems into the curriculum of the institution and the courses that can be offered under each deanery to ensure the integration of Indian Knowledge Systems.

    The Institutional Initiatives to Enhance Research Quality was presented to the faculty members in the last day of the FDP by Dr. Justin Nelson Michael. He started the session by showing a new model for research, as AI model. A stands for Acceleration and I stands for Ignition. Sir also listed the different gears and explained the concepts through that. Gear 1 focusses on research policy and guidelines as per UGC and the college norms, which include research promotion policy, code of ethics in research, prevention of plagiarism and other good academic research practices. The Gear 2 include publication of articles in UGC CARE, ADBC, Web of Science, Scopus indexed journals, books with ISBN, chapters, proceedings etc. Sir also presented the publication status of the college for three academic years. He showed different research projects in Gear 3 category. Dr. Justin Nelson Michael also listed the institutional measures to enhance the research output through research day and research mentoring programme. He alerted the faculty members about the pitfalls of the perception score also. He invited Dr. Baba Gnanakumar, Coordinator, Centre for Consultancy and Corporate Training to throw lights on improving the faculty perception and research score. Dr. Baba Gnanakumar showed different portals of government agencies which helps to improve the visibility of the teachers as well as the institution. It was a great learning experience for all the participants about the institutional initiatives and the ways to enhance research quality. The FDP concluded with the vote of thanks by Ms. Ramya B, Associate Director, IQAC. The google form for the FDP assessment and feedback was also shared with the participants.

    National Level FDP on Crafting e-Content
    Date: December 17 - 22, 2022

    The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru in collaboration with expert trainers of Risaya Academy, Bengaluru organized the National Level FDP on Crafting e-Content, a hands-on full day training programme during December 17 - 22, 2022.

    The objective of the FDP was to empower the faculty members in creating the lecture content for e-learning and online classes, using the available resources like mobile phones and laptop, to suit the changing trends in the modern education system. Mr. Rathish Babu Unnikrishnan and his team members Mr. Akshit Joy Runda, Mr. Asim Jojo and Mr. Anshuman U Shastry from Risaya Academy trained and enlightened the faculty members on crafting e-content in effective and efficient manner.

    On day 1 the faculty members were introduced on e-learning and storytelling, techniques with still pictures, editing and presentation of pictures using Snapseed. Then they were trained with creating video content using mobile phone, tripod and indoor shooting and editing techniques using Power Director - video editing app on Day 2. The participants also gained knowledge on editing audio and voice-over using Audacity - audio editing app on Day 3. They were encouraged and guided well to create their own video lecture with more aesthetic and appealing way in the next 2 days. All the participants eagerly took part in the assignment, could complete a video production and present it to the trainers. The trainers shared their feedback and suggestions on every e-content prepared by the faculty members and it was very useful to participants to enhance their lecture content.

    The day wise feedback collected from the participants depict that the FDP was really fruitful and it enabled our teachers to master the skills of new trends in teaching learning. I appreciate and express the gratitude to the efforts of Risaya Academy taken to contribute for this great need of today’s teachers.

    April 24 - 30, 2020
    Online- FDP on Outcome Based Learning Approach in Higher Education

    • Dr. Aloysius Edward J, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management and Co-ordinator, IQAC, Kristu Jayanti College

    April 22, 2020 to April 30, 2020
    Online- FDP on Outcome Based Learning Approach in Higher Education

    • Dr. Shymal Kumar Das Mandal, Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Kharagpur.
    • Dr. Kaushik Kumar Bhagat Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Kharagpur.

    Role of Teachers in Academic and Administrative Excellence
    Date: 14-07-2021 to 23-07-2021

    The in-house faculty development programme on ‘Role of Teachers in Academic and Administrative Excellence’ was conducted by IQAC of the institution for all the faculty members from July 14th, 2021 to July 23rd, 2021 between 3.45 PM to 4.45 PM through Zoom virtual platform.

    Day 1: 14th July, 2021
    Topic: Curricular Aspects
    Resource Person: Dr. Aloysius Edward J, Dean Faculty of Commerce and Management, IQAC Coordinator
    Dr. Aloysius Edward J presented the session on curricular aspects by acknowledging the constant efforts of the departments to create a relevant curriculum which withstands the changes of time and meets local, regional, national, and global needs which are reflected in POs, PSOs and COs. Sir told that 41 programmes were offered by the institution during the last five years and all the courses focused on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development through 42 MOUs signed with different organizations. Sir told that 51.34 percentage of new courses were introduced of the total number of courses across all programs offered during the last five years and there was 100 percent implementation of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) / elective course system in all the programmes. Dr. Edward also briefed on how the Institution integrated Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum. Sir also mentioned that 241 value added courses were offered for imparting transferable and life skills during last five years and 88.4 percent of students enrolled for the courses. Sir acknowledged the efforts of departments towards enabling 98 percent of students to undertake field projects / internships / projects in the last academic year. Feedback on curriculum taken from various stake holders was also highlighted. Sir concluded the session by appreciating and acknowledging the efforts of every Jayantian in successful completion of the NAAC accreditation work.

    Day 2: 15th July 2021
    Topic: Teaching-learning and Evaluation
    Resource Person: Prof. Ramya B, IQAC Member
    The day two of the FDP focused on the various teaching learning and evaluation methodologies of the institution. Prof. Ramya, IQAC Member started the session by acknowledging and appreciating the contribution of the Management, Deans, HoDs, faculty members and administrative staff in completing and presenting Criteria 2 to the complete satisfaction. The session highlighted all the aspects of criteria II of NAAC accreditation process specially the demand ratio, mentoring process, academic calendar, examination, evaluation and results. Madam briefed on the importance of presenting the assistance provided for slow learners and the guidance given to advanced learners and highlighting the unique practice of the department in the department presentation. Prof. Ramya spoke on the various student centric teaching learning process/methods-Experiential, Problem Solving and Participative Learning and insisted the teachers to adopt new techniques into the process. Madam appreciated all the faculty members for using ICT in their teaching process and acknowledged the guidance and training support provided to enable all the teachers of Kristu Jayanti College for using the ICT tools. She also briefed on how CO attainment is measured through skill development and academic performance of the students. The student satisfaction survey of NAAC was also highlighted. Madam concluded the session by once again thanking each of the faculty member who contributed to the successful completion of NAAC Work.

    Day 3: 16th July 2021
    Topic: Research, Innovations and Extension
    Resource Person: Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Director, Centre for Research, IQAC Member
    Dr. Justin Nelson Michael presented the excerpts of Research, Innovation and Extension from the Kristu Jayanti College Self Study Report by recalling the thought of former principal. Fr. Josekutty P D to strengthen the research domain - the weakest link of the chain. The research promotion activities of the college were highlighted. Sir briefed on the role of Centre for Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre, Institute Innovation Centre and Kristu Jayanti Incubation Centre providing innovation ecosystem to foster research activities. Talking on the research publications and awards, Sir appreciated the contributions of faculties towards average research paper publication rate of 3.43 per teacher, average book or chapter publication rate of 3.79, average citation index in Scopus/Web of Science/PubMed of 1.91 and h-index of the institution is 6.5. Sir also spoke on the revenue of generated through consultancy and corporate training. Dr. Nelson briefed on the Extension activities which made an impact in the neighboring community and also acknowledged the awards received by many of the faculty members for the extension service provided. An average of 295 collaborative activities per year was executed with 48 functional MoU’s. Sir concluded the session by appreciating all the members of Jayantian family who contributed tirelessly to the making of SSR. Fr. Principal also insisted the faculty members to contribute more towards research, publication, project and consultancy and promised the support of the institution towards any kind of research activity.

    Day 4: 18th July 2021
    Topic: Infrastructure and Learning Resources; Student Support and Progression; Governance, Leadership and Management
    Resource Person: Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean Faculty of Commerce and Management, IQAC Coordinator, Dr. Calistus Jude, Dean Faculty of Sciences, IQAC Member
    Dr. Aloysius Edward briefed on the physical facilities available in the College - Classrooms with ICT facilities, Laboratories and common spaces available for teaching learning process and various facilities available for sports, games and cultural activities. Sir insisted that the teachers and students should make an optimum use of e-resources and library to increase the usage rate and requested the teachers to provide more video lectures to be uploaded in JRISE.

    Dr. Calistus Jude began the session by appreciating and thanking all the teachers who contributed to the student support and progression criteria. The various student support activities and services were highlighted. Training programmes organized for the students, placement services, prizes and awards won by the students at various fests and competitions, statistics about the students clearing the various competitive examinations for the last five years were presented. Dr. Jude briefed on the percentage of students benefited by the scholarships and free ships provided by the Government, NGOs and the college. The contribution of the alumni and the importance of maintaining a good rapport with alumni were also highlighted. Sir give a clear roadmap on how to enhance the activities and what awareness should be given to the students on various student support services.

    As part of the Governance and Leadership, Dr. Aloysius Edward briefed on the perspective plans and participation of the teachers in the decision-making bodies. Sir elaborated on the case study and model provided on Management by Exception followed by the institution, building senior and mid-level participative leadership in academic roles, administrative roles, extension and student support services. Sir also enlightened the faculties on the ten thrust areas of the third perspective plan. Prof. Edward highlighted the usage of ERP software in operations, administration, admission process, examination process, finance and accounts. Sir also acknowledged the monetary welfare and general welfare measures provided for the faculties and staff of the college. Sir elaborated on the institutional strategies towards mobilization of funds and utilization of resources. He also briefed on the contributions of IQAC towards institutionalization of quality assurance strategies through international accreditation and bench-marking. Dr. Edward also highlighted the two initiatives of Teaching learning process review and continuous quality improvement through OBE towards the implementation of teaching learning reforms.

    Day 5: 20th July 2021
    Topic: Institutional Values and Best Practices
    Resource Person: Prof. Priya Josson, IQAC Member
    Prof. Priya Josson started her session on the Institutional Values and Best Practices by appreciating the contributions of the Management, faculties and administrative staff to present this criterion in the best possible manner. She said that the core values of the institution, goals and policies ensure gender equity and sensitization through various facilities and the conduct of curricular and co-curricular activities. She briefed on how Solar energy, Biogas plant, Wheeling to the Grid, Sensor-based energy conservation and the Usage of LED bulbs/ power efficient equipment contributes to the alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures. Madam elaborated on the Solid, Liquid, Biomedical and radioactive and E-waste management, Waste recycling system, Hazardous chemicals and radioactive waste management facilities of the college. Prof. Priya also highlighted the Kristu Jayanti Green Policy providing the guidelines for the degradable and non-degradable waste management. Madam briefed on the water conservation facilities like Rain water harvesting, Borewell /Open well recharge, Construction of tanks and bunds, Waste water recycling and Maintenance of water bodies and distribution system in the campus. Prof. Priya spoke on various green campus initiatives and Quality audits on environment and energy regularly carried out by the Institution paving the way towards the Green campus certification with Gold Rating. Professor also mentioned the provision of disabled-friendly campus by equipping the campus with ramps/lifts for easy access to classrooms, Disabled-friendly washrooms, Signage including tactile path, lights, display boards and signposts, Assistive technology and facilities for persons with disabilities (Divyangjan) accessible website, screen-reading software, mechanized equipment and Provision for enquiry and information : Human assistance, reader, scribe, soft copies of reading material, and screen reading. Madam appreciated the academic and administrative activities conducted to promote tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal, socio-economic and other diversities. She also told that the activities and programmes in the college focus on sensitization of students, faculty and staff on constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens. The institution has a prescribed a code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff and conducts periodic programmes to ensure that it is practiced to the fullest. The days of National and international importance were commemorated to instill patriotism, civic responsibility, environmental concern, appreciation for humanities, sciences and all arts. On talking of the two best practices of the college madam highlighted the Paradigm of Holistic Education – Reskilling and Upskilling for the Future and Enriching Academic Excellence Through Blended Learning – 4 C Model. She said that the institutional distinctiveness is portrayed through Igniting Leadership for Empowerment, Achievement and Determination- I-LEAD. Prof. Priya then elaborated on the green campus initiatives and the facilities available in detail and concluded the session by requesting each individual to contribute in their own ways to maintain and nurture the green, neat and smart campus.

    Day 6: 22nd July 2021
    Topic: Blended Learning, Adding Plugins to KJLMS
    Resource Person: Prof. Sevuga Pandian A, Head Department of Computer Science (UG), Dr. Dalvin Vinothkumar, Faculty, Department of Computer Science
    Prof. Sevuga Pandian Asirvatham, Head-Department of Computer Science and the Kristu Jayanti College LMS Administrator provided an insight into blended learning and its benefits in today’s world. Sir briefed on the objectives of the practice - KJC - 4C Model
    1. Create-to develop updated, simplified and comprehensive digital content
    2. Conduce-to establish conducive and flexible learning embracing inclusivity through secured technology platform
    3. Collaborate-to facilitate active student engagement through interactive digital pedagogies ensuring lifelong learning
    4. Capacitate - to build intellectual, ethical, aesthetic, emotional, social and spiritual abilities for holistic development.
    Prof. Pandian informed on the KJLMS Organizational Hierarchy consisting of LMS Administrator, LMS Policy Makers, Technical Infrastructure Support Team, LMS Tech Team, LMS department Coordinators, Course Developers and End Users. He also explained the privileges and responsibilities of each of these roles. Prof. Pandian also briefed on the technical specifications of KJLMS and the 4 quadrants of the course creation and enrollment
    1. Quadrant I: Lesson Activity
    2. Quadrant II: Video Presentation about the lecture
    3. Quadrant III: Open Discussions
    4. Quadrant IV: Assessment on the learning activity
    He ensured that following the above said pattern will make it easy to convert each of the course to a MOOC course later. He also replied to the questions raised by the participants on how the discussions can be initiated from the student side, how to keep track of student’s completion status and ways to motivate them, URLs from external sources and how each teacher can create lesson activity for their respective group.
    Prof. Dalvin Vinoth Kumar explained the process of configuring external blogs to KJLMS through the below steps,
    1. Enable RSS feeds on the KJLMS site
    2. Adding blog feed to content developer’s login
    3. Add and configure blog feed block to a course
    Sir then explained the mechanism of promoting self-learning through Gamification by configuring badges. The criteria for awarding badges can be to monitor for activity completion and award badges. Award a badge on receiving a particular number of badges or award a badge on course completion. The course teacher has to first create a badge, assign awarding criteria and then enable badges.

    Day 7: 23rd July 2021
    Topic: Adding Plugins to KJLMS, Enabling the Teaching Quadrants in LMS
    Resource Person: Dr. Dalvin Vinothkumar, Faculty, Department of Computer Science
    Dr. Baba Gnanakumar, Professor, School of Management
    Prof. Dalvin continued the session on adding plugins to KJLMS by explaining on how to add interactive videos to KJLMS through H5P integration. It can be done by creating and uploading the video and then adding interactions like label, web URL, quiz etc. and actions to it. Sir also explained on how to embed podcast into KJLMS and introduced through which quiz, multiple choice, rating poll, word cloud poll, open text poll can be added to make learning more interactive. He concluded the session by introducing the padlets and how various interactive tools can be embedded to KJLMS.

    Prof. Baba Gnanakumar introduced the Enhanced Learning and Innovative Teaching in Education (ELITE) model which is student centric and the vision of KJLMS. Sir demonstrated the provision of inclusive learning environment through prioritized pedagogy, scalable solution considering future functional needs, equitable experience,24/7 learning system, interactive digital media development, prototypical instructional design and utilization of innovative teaching technologies. Sir elaborated on Extensive Content Development Planning, Learning Path Development, Interactive Content Delivery, Transcendent Lesson Completion Tracking and Enhance Hierarchy of ELITE model. On briefing on quadrant, I Prof. Baba highlighted on including session introduction, session learning outcome, acknowledging the third-party contents, enabling advance learners, participatory learning. In quadrant II on video presentation about the lecture sir suggested on including name of the course, program, term, faculty details, aim of the course, topics covered, method of teaching, course outcomes, rubrics for measuring course outcomes, course evaluation system for assignment, seminar or group activity, rubrics for evaluating assignment, seminar, group activity, text book resources and due date for introductory video. On briefing of quadrant III - Open discussions Prof. Baba insisted on discussions between academic and industry, academy and academy and academy with alumni by enabling blogs both internal and external and by enabling chat between students. In quadrant IV-Assessment on lesson activity by conducting Pre-Test, Formative Test, Case Study, Multiple Choice Question. Sir also spoke on Assessment of Course Outcome by enabling rubric in LMS, challenge Question, Post Test and Feedback.

    Day 8: 24th July 2021
    Topic: Enriched Academic Excellence through Blended Learning
    Resource Person: Prof. Sevuga Pandian A, Head Department of Computer Science (UG)
    Prof. Sevuga Pandian started the session by briefing on implementation of the four quadrants and the learning ladder competencies of the knowledge, skills and attitude. Sir explained the process of creating groups using cohorts and providing the course teacher the freedom to share unique resources and activity to the group. Sir also provided an insight to the competencies which can be created at the institution or department or deanery or course level and the competency framework. Prof. Pandian explained the creation of learning path for students, synching cohorts to the path and adding competencies to it. Sir also explained on how the course teacher can track the progress of the students.

    The eight days FDP concluded by the appreciation of resource persons by the Principal and a formal vote of thanks by Dr. Gopakumar AV, Dean, Faculty of Humanities.

    Special Lectures

    Annual Strategic Plan (ASP) Meet 2022-2023
    Date: 20/07/2022 (Wednesday)
    Resource Person: Prof. Anup K Singh, Vice Chancellor, Nirma University, Ahmedabad

    Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Kristu Jayanti College organized Annual Strategic Plan Meet for the academic year 2022-2023 on 20/07/2022. Our Institution adopts the strategy of annual plan to set goals and vision that helps the department to visualize, plan for the activities and improvise the overall performance. An annual plan charts out the path or roadmap for the academic year and helps in making the vision a reality. The ASP meet begun with expert talk on “Dynamic Roles of Teachers in University” by the eminent speaker Prof. Anup K Singh, Vice Chancellor, Nirma University, Ahmedabad. He emphasized that the teacher’s professional development accompanies with dynamic approach which includes effective classroom learning environment, structuring the plan, reasoning, teaching active modeling, new pedagogical approach, drawing real life connection and bringing conducive environment to the students. Each department presented their set goals and plan to the entire Kristu Jayanti fraternity. Centre for Employability and Corporate Relations (CECR) presented the placement details and achievements and promised to bring the more standard companies for recruitment of students. The session concluded with the remarks of Fr. Dr. Augustine George CMI, Principal. He well appreciated the sincere efforts of the department and wished the Kristu Jayanti fraternity to achieve to the greater heights.

    The formulated annual strategic plan by the individual department sets the direction towards the success of the institution. It empowers the team and an individual with great hopes in achieving the set-targets for the academic year 2022-2023. The ASP meet created the stronger connection with goals and achievement to the strategic plan.

    Expert Lecture on Role of Teachers in Implementing NEP 2020 in Colleges
    Date: July 17, 2021
    Time: 3 PM to 4.15 PM
    Resource Person: Prof. Dr. B. Thimme Gowda Vice Chairman, Karnataka State Higher Education Council Chairman, Committee on Curriculum Reforms in Higher Education, NEP 2020 Former Vice Chancellor, Bangalore University, Bengaluru

    The IQAC of the college organized an expert lecture on the role of teachers in implementing the National Education Policy 2020. Prof. Thimme Gowda, Chairman, Committee on Curriculum Reforms in Higher Education, NEP 2020 addressed the teaching community of the college through the online mode.

    Dr. B. Thimme Gowda appreciated the efforts and preparations made by Kristu Jayanti College for the implementation of NEP 2020. The resource person shared the basic background work which is happening with respect to the implementation of NEP in government colleges and public universities of Karnataka. Prof. Thimme Gowda highlighted that the real success of implementation of the policy is in the hands of teachers. He opinioned that workload of the teacher is going to be redefined as there are multiple elements to be focused during the course like project work, internship and application of knowledge. Sir narrated with examples on how the teaching hours of individual subjects nor teachers are also not getting reduced due to the implementation of NEP. The shifting of B. Sc and BA programmes from triple major to a major-minor programme model was also highlighted. The inclusion of life skills, soft skills and ability enhancement courses were also highlighted. The modality of Major minor scheme was highlighted from the point of view of a student and highlighted the kind of choices available for a student while choosing the major and minor subjects. The importance of the research component in the four year degree programme was elucidated and the various exit options available for the student was explained. The exit options are the prerogative of the individual institutions and the teachers of the institution. The teacher should always keep in mind that the education imparted should help to empower the student in terms of developing his overall personality, entrepreneurial skills or employment skills. The option of availing up to 40 percentages of the courses in the online mode and the minimum requirement of completing 50% of the courses from the institution to avail the degree from the institution gives considerable flexibility to the student. The student enjoys complete freedom in choosing the courses and the mode of education to be in online or offline mode. In short the policy helps in transforming education from a teacher centric to student centric approach. Offering courses relevant and interesting to the student is the key for the institutions. Credit transfer and cluster of collaborating institutions will play a great role in the years to come. Prof. Gowda said that the real test for the teacher is to continuously update himself and to be competent and relevant. The educational institutions should facilitate faculty development programmes and the teacher should always have the mindset of a student of the discipline. The ideology of the accumulation of credit enables the learner to gain a certificate, diploma, degree, honors degree or a post-graduation in the relevant discipline without having any restriction with respect to the prescribed time. Redesigning the programme to be relevant for the time is the key.

    The second part of the lecture focused on the different types of institutions envisioned in the policy, the expected graduate attributes and theses depends solely on the competence of the teachers. The need for integration of STEM with Arts subjects was highlighted. All the envisioned transformations take time and it is important to make a beginning. Future accreditation may focus more on programme accreditation to facilitate the credit transfer. The education in the future will truly help one to enjoy lifelong learning with the help of blended learning methods. Implementation of NEP is likely to change the eligibility criteria for recruitment. Offering teacher education programme can help the students to concurrently pursue it which in turn can act as an enabler for preparing teachers for the various level of teacher education. These were the major excerpts from the talk. The talk ended with a question answer session. The talk helped the teaching community of Kristu Jayanti College to very clear on the role of a teacher in the actual implementation of the policy in higher educational institution.

    Virtual interaction with Padma Vibhushan Prof. K. Kasturirangan
    The first session of the annual strategic plan was held on 3rd June 2020 at 11 am. The session was a virtual interaction with Padma Vibhushan Prof. K. Kasturirangan, [The Chancellor, Central University of Rajasthan and chairman NIIT University, Neemrana, Chairman, National Education Policy, 2019 and Former Chairman of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)].

    Fr. Josekutty P D, the principal gave the opening address and highlighted the role of annual strategic plan in ensuring the growth of the institution.

    Dr. Kasturirangan addressed the gathering on the 'The Future of Indian Higher Education System - Opportunities and Challenges’. The talk presented a panoramic view of the Indian education and educational policies especially the important proposals of the draft national educational policy. The speaker reflected on the critical importance of school education and cited some of the most relevant issues in Indian higher education. The importance of providing a liberal undergraduate education was highlighted. The empowerment of faculty through engagement and capability enhancement and the importance of synergising research and quality education were underlined. Integrating professional and general education and the need for institutions organically evolving as a multidisciplinary institution was emphasised. The need for empowered governance and autonomy of higher educational institutions and integration of technology at all levels of education were elucidated. Dr. Kastruirangan was optimistic that India as a nation is evolving in the right direction and he was confident that as a nation we will be able to overcome all the challenges pertaining to education in a longer duration of time.

    The session concluded with the vice principal, Fr. Augustine George proposing the vote of thanks.

    Other Programmes

    Two-Day Workshop on Outcome Based Education using Subject specific benchmarking
    Date: 04 & 05 october 2024
    The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru, successfully organized a Two-day workshop on “Outcome-Based Education (OBE) using Subject-Specific Benchmarking” on October 04th and 05th, 2024. The workshop aimed to provide academic leaders and faculty with comprehensive insights into OBE and strategies for implementing subject-specific benchmarking in higher education. The first day of the workshop began with a Welcome Address by Dr. Alloysius Edward, Director IQAC & Dean Faculty of Commerce of Management, followed by the Presidential Address delivered by Fr. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College, (Autonomous). Fr Dr Lijo P Thomas, Vice Principal & CFO, also presided over the occasion, enhancing the opening of the event. The Keynote Address was delivered by Prof. Ved Prakash, Former Chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC), who emphasized the importance of Outcome-Based Education in ensuring that academic programs meet industry standards and equip students with essential skills. Prof. Ved prakash led the morning session on the fundamentals of Outcome-Based Education, focusing on the benefits and implementation of OBE in modern education. The afternoon featured a session on Implementation Strategies for Subject-Specific Benchmarking, delivered by Prof. Vimal Rarh. The day concluded with presentations from three teams, each representing the Commerce and Management, Life Sciences, and Humanities deaneries. The teams showcased their Subject-Wise Group Activities, where participants engaged in discussions and practical exercises, guided by Prof. Ved Prakash and Prof. Vimal Rarh.

    Day two began with a session on E-Content Preparation Tools and Techniques and Assessment Tools presented by Prof. Vimal Rarh. This session introduced participants to the latest digital tools for creating and assessing quality content for LMS and Moodle in line with OBE and various assessment tools for measuring both cognitive and non-cognitive domains, Further Subject-Wise Group Activities were conducted by Prof. Ved Prakash and Prof. Vimal Rarh, allowing participants to collaborate on applying subject-specific benchmarks. The event concluded with a Valedictory Ceremony, during which participants shared their feedback and reflections on the insights gained over the two days, followed by the distribution of certificates. The ceremony ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Ramya B, Associate Director, IQAC. The workshop, organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Kristu Jayanti College, was widely praised for its practical approach and for equipping educators with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively integrate Outcome-Based Education (OBE) into their academic programs.

    Annual Strategic Plan (ASP) Meet 2023-2024
    Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Kristu Jayanti College organized Annual Strategic Plan Meet for the academic year 2023-2024 on 08/07/2023. Our Institution adopts the strategy of annual plan to set goals and vision that helps the department to visualize, plan for the activities and improvise the overall performance. An annual plan charts out the path or roadmap for the academic year and helps in making the vision a reality. The ASP meet begun with expert talk on “Role of Teachers in a Deemed University” by the eminent speaker Prof. Bhama Venkataramani, Dean, Academics and Administration, Symbiosis International University, Pune. The resource person highlighted the changing imperatives in the higher educational landscapes in India, the expectation of stakeholders in higher educational institutions, the role of a teacher in the changing education modern scenario, preparing for a fulfilling career as a teacher and conducive ecosystem for faculty development, which creates the overall impact of the teachers in higher educations. She emphasized that the teacher’s professional development accompanies with dynamic approach which includes effective classroom learning environment, teaching with equity and not equality, structuring the plan, understanding the modularization of curriculum, reasoning, teaching active modeling, new pedagogical approach, drawing real life connection and bringing conducive environment to the students. Fr. Lijo P Thomas, Vice-Principal presented the memento to the resource person as token of appreciation and gratitude. Several participants provided overwhelming feedback and thanks.

    Session - II Department Level Discussion
    The Strategic Plan sets out a framework of structured plan for the college and departments. The very first step in achieving the college objectives is underpinned by more detailed implementation planning at the department levels. Each department conducted meeting to chalk out the plan and execution. Each faculty member contributed the views and ideas in uplifting the department to the next level. The meeting held at the allotted venues.

    Session - III Department Presentation of ASP
    The Kristu Jayanti College practices strategic planning to achieve targets in different academic dimensions. It helps in foreseeing the future and prepares perspective plans for the department. Each department presented their set goals and plan for the academic year 2023-2024 to the Kristu Jayanti teaching fraternity deanery-wise. The presentation held at the respective venues. The session concluded with the remarks of Fr. Dr. Augustine George CMI, Principal. He well appreciated the sincere efforts of the department and wished the Kristu Jayanti fraternity to achieve to the greater heights.

    Implementation of National Education Policy 2020- A Roadmap
    Wednesday, Bangalore: A national seminar on ‘Implementation of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 - A Roadmap’ was organized by Bangalore North University in association with Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) on Wednesday, August 18, 2021.

    Dr. C.N. Ashwath Narayan, Minister for Higher Education, Information Technology and Biotechnology, Skill Development, Government of Karnataka, inaugurated the national seminar held here.

    Delivering the inaugural address, Dr. C. N Ashwath Narayan, Minister for Higher Education, Information Technology and Biotechnology, and Skill Development said, “Education is the only right and royal way to strengthen our society. There is no other alternative. We need to channelize the existing structure and create a system where education, skill enhancement, knowledge dissemination, knowledge creation, and research are emphasized on. We need to build our future and that can happen by building the right education system. All resources must be channelized towards educational institutions and their empowerment.”

    Dr. Ashwath Narayan pointed out that NEP is a proven model and not a new one. He said that the economy can grow only through knowledge, technology, innovation, and science. We need to facilitate the best practices with the coming together of all stakeholders and various agencies. There is a need to decentralize educational systems, he added.

    Dr. Ashwath Narayan announced, “The last date for admissions for the 2021 academic year is October 1, 2021, with the systematic implementation of NEP. The admissions for this academic year are scheduled to begin on August 23, 2021. We are prepared and fully ready with the content, curriculum, and framework. The NEP 2020 has been implemented already in polytechnic institutions in the state. Dedicated portals will be created for NEP implementation to cater to the needs of the students and to curb confusion and anxiety among them”.

    Delivering the keynote address, Fr. Dr. Augustine George appreciated the move of implementation of NEP in Karnataka. Fr. Dr. Augustine George said, “Karnataka becomes the first state to initiate NEP implementation. The knowledge-sharing initiative NEP is the founding pillar for access, equity, quality, affordability, and accountability in education. The aim is to achieve a 50 percent gross enrollment ratio by 2035 and to create a sustainable vibrant knowledge society.”

    Pradeep P, IAS, Commissioner, Department of Higher Education, said, “NEP in our country is coming after 35 years and this I believe is a great start in inculcating overall freedom in students, flexibility and no separation between disciplines. If not for this multidisciplinary approach it is a criminal waste of time for students. This policy would demand well-rounded personality development which includes wellness and mental health, skill, and ability enhancement. This transformational change will bring in the holistic development of the student. This way there wills pedagogy and assessment and methodological changes too.” Prof. B Thimme Gowda, Vice Chairman, Karnataka State Higher Education Council, Former Vice-Chancellor, Bangalore University, said, “NEP is going to bring about transformational changes in the education sector, it is more student-centric than teacher-centric. This national policy follows the global pattern of four years honors degree which consists of multiple entries and multiple exits during the curriculum. It makes it flexible for the students by finishing their course on slow track or fast track. NEP is going to increase the employability rate in the society which in turn will lead to the development of the society. In 15 years, the institutions have to be restructured in three ways, ie Research Intensive University, Teaching Intensive Institutions, and Degree-Granting Autonomous Institutions namely.”

    Prof. D. Kumuda, Vice-Chancellor (I/C), Bengaluru North University, appreciated the efforts taken by the government in the implementation of the NEP in the state. Dr. Venkatesha Murthy V, Registrar, Bengaluru North University, and Dr. K. Janardhanam, Registrar- Evaluation, Bengaluru North University were also present on the occasion.

    Annual Strategic Plan Meeting 2021-22
    Date: 3rd August, 2021

    Kristu Jayanti college got a tradition of conducting the annual strategic plan meeting before the commencement of the new academic year. The ASP meeting for the academic year was organized on 3rd August, 2021. A review of the previous academic year activities is done and plans for the upcoming year is finalized through collective discussion of all the faculty members of the department. The meeting started at 9.15 AM with the address by the Principal. In the first session, the principal Fr. Dr. Augustine George addressed the Jayantian faculty members. His address highlighted the major milestones of the college for the past 22 years of existence. Fr. Principal highlighted the need for converting challenges into opportunities and the decisions one makes today decides ones tomorrow. The roadmap of the activities to be planned and the strategies to be formulated for the 23rd academic year of the college were elucidated.

    The second part of the session was department level planning meeting at the assigned venues. The agenda was to review the activities of the last year and formulate the plans for the year 21-22. The last session of the meeting was the departmental presentation. All departments presented their review summary and plan of action for the year. The ASP meeting ended at 5.30 PM with the concluding remarks by the principal.

    Keeping its tradition of having an expert lecture during the ASP, this year the expert lecture was organized on July 17th, 2021 where Prof. Dr. B. Thimme Gowda, Vice Chairman, Karnataka State Higher Education Council Chairman, Committee on Curriculum Reforms in Higher Education, NEP 2020 addressed the Jayantian faculty fraternity on the role of teachers in implementing the National Education Policy 2020.

    Faculty Development Cell Professional Development Programme on National Pension Scheme (NPS) and Term Insurance Products
    Date: 26th July, 2021
    Resource Person: Mr. Aditya Tripathi, Chief Manager, Regional Office, SIB
    Mr. Jeral James, South Indian Bank
    Participants: All In-house Faculty members and Administrative Staff
    No. of Benefices: 262
    Faculty Development Cell organised a session on ‘NPS and Term Insurance Products’ on 26th of July 2021, at 4:00 p.m. through online platform Zoom. The session was designed to educate the faculty members and administrative staff of the college on National Pension scheme and Term Insurance Products in association with South Indian Bank. The session began with the silent prayer, and welcome address by Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Department of Commerce and Management followed by opening remarks for the FDP by the Principal Fr. Dr. Augustine George.

    Mr Aditya Tripathi, Chief Manager, Regional Office, South Indian Bank and Mr. Jeral James were the resource person who demonstrated with a live example about the importance of the National Pension scheme, its regulations and different insurance plans. The programme highlighted the importance of various financial plans for securing the future due to the uncertainties of life

    Other dignitaries who graced the virtual gathering were Rev Fr. Lijo P Thomas, Financial Administrator, Rev.Fr Emmanuel PJ, Director of Kristu Jayanti College of law and faculty department of psychology.

    In the end, Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Department of Commerce and Management, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, thanked all the invited guests and participants for gracing the occasion.

    On 18 July 2014, Dr. Anima Nair, Director, Kaleidoscope had an interaction with the psychology students of Kristu Jayanti College. The intention of the workshop was to understand Autism and was very useful to the students to deal with the autistic children. The speaker clearly gave the complete information on Autism and care for autistic children. Sense Kaleidoscopes is a vocational training center for children (over the age of 12) and young adults on the autism spectrum founded with the aim of ultimately getting them to become employable according to each individual's ability.

    Guest Lecture
    Mr. Anantho, Therapist at Athama Shakthi Vidalia addressed the Psychology students on 18 July 2014 about the therapeutic alliance between the client and the therapist also explained how it can help the client to improve in his/ her life.

    Academic and Administrative Audit
    29th and 30th of August 2019

    • Dr NA Francis Xavier Coordinator, Consumer Club and Entrepreneurship Development (ED) cell Andhra Loyola College (Autonomous) Vijayawada
    • Dr.B.Ramesh, Coordinator - IQAC PSG College of Arts and Science,Coimbatore
    • Dr. Renish Geevarghese Abraham Bursar & Public Information Officer St. Stephen's College,University of Delhi

    National Conference on New Paradigms in Academic Innovation
    May 8-9, 2014

    • Dr. Fr. Thomas C.Mathew, VC, Christ University
    • Prof. B. R. Muthu Kumar, IFS, Former Ambassador of India to Tajikistan, Belarus, Lithuania and Azerbaijan.
    • Prof. Vivien Amonkar, HoD, Dept of Microbiology and PG Dept. of Biotechnology, St.Xavier’s College, Mumbai
    • Dr. Ravichandra Reddy, Former Acting Director, NAAC
    • Prof. Rammohan Rao, Professor Emeritus, ISB Hyderabad
    • Dr.Subramonium Rangaswami, Former VC, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai

    National Conference on Indian Higher Education in the 21st Century- Five Decades Ahead: Challenges and Prospects
    November 29-30, 2012

    • Prof. H. Ranganath, Director, NAAC
    • Dr. Gopichand Kattragade, Director, Research & Technology Centre, GE
    • Dr. N.N. Prahallada, Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Mysore.
    • Dr. H. Vinod Bhat, Pro - Vice Chancellor, Manipal University
    • Dr. M. S. Shyamasundar Deputy Adviser, NAAC
    • Dr. Geetha Swaminathan Coordinator - IQAC & Former Vice Principal, Stella Maris College, Chennai
    • Prof. R.W. Alexander Jesudasan, Principal, Madras Christian College
    • Prof.Latha Pillai,  -Adviser, NAAC, Former Pro Vice Chancellor, IGNOU

    FDP on Basic Academic Mentoring Skills

    • Dr. K. Sekar, Registrar, Prof & Head, Department of Psychiatric Social Work, NIMHANS

    Training for MBA Accreditation Process by NBA

    • Dr. Sunil Kumar Gupta, Former VC, Himachal Pradesh University

    Special Lecture for teachers on Role of Faculty in Quality Enhancement

    • Prof Sunil Kumar Gupta, Former VC, Himachal University

    Special Lecture for teachers on Journey towards becoming ‘College with Potential for Excellence’ [CPE,CE]

    • Dr. Ravindra Phadke, Vice Principal, Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai

    Training for Faculty members
    May 1- 3,  2014

    • Six Sigma Green Belt training in lean management

    Training for Faculty members
    12/10/ 2014

    • ERP solutions by Moodle

    Workshop on Curriculum Design and Development 
    June 2013

    • Prof.V.D Bhat and Dr. U. Laxmi Narayana from the Regional institute of Education, Mysore 

    Faculty Development Programme
    03.06.13 & 04.06.13

    • Institutional Integration and Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness 

    Extension Programmes offered by IQAC

    • Faculty Interaction Programme on Role of IQAC in Streamlining Institutional Processes, The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh [11/10/19]
    • Faculty Interaction Programme on Role of IQAC in effective institutional functioning , Nagarjuna College of Management Studies, Chickaballapur, Karnataka. [8/8/2019]
    • Special lecture on ‘Opportunities and Challenges of State Private University’ was delivered by Dr. Alka Mahajan, Dean and Director, Nirma University Ahmedabad, Gujarat. [11/6/19]
    • Faculty Orientation Programme on Role of Teachers in Institutional Quality Sustenance and Enhancement to the faculty members from SohphiaS College, Ajmer Organized for Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer. [26/06/2018]
    • Faculty Orientation Programme organized for faculty members from Christ College, Mysuru [15/06/2018]
    • Special lecture on “Role of Faculty in Quality Enhancement” by Prof Sunil Kumar Gupta, Former VC, Himachal University [8/6/2017]
    • FDP on Basic Academic Mentoring Skills – Dr. K. Sekar, Registrar, Prof & Head, Department of Psychiatric Social Work, NIMHANS [28/01/2016]
    • Special lecture on Journey towards becoming ‘College with Potential for Excellence’ [CPE,CE] was delivered by Dr. Ravindra Phadke, Vice Principal, Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai [17/6/2015]
    • Six Sigma Green Belt training in lean management was provided to all faculty members to improve the quality culture in the institution [May 1st- 3rd , 2014]
    • Training session on Moodle to all faculty members [12th October2014]
    • A one day workshop on Curriculum Design and Development was organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell during the year 2013. Prof.V.D Bhat and Dr. U. Laxmi Narayana from the Regional institute of Education, Mysore guided the faculty about the stages of curriculum development
    • Faculty development programme on Institutional Integration and Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness at Kristu Jayanti College [03.06.13 & 04.06.13]
    • IQAC extension programme - "Role of teachers in quality enhancement initiatives" offered to teaching faculty of St. Anne’s Degree College, Bangalore on 7th January 2012.
    • A case study on 'Kristu Jayanti Quality Sustenance and Enhancement' was presented by Prof. Aloysius Edward at Pazzhasi Raju College (PRNSS), Kannur, Kerala on 30th June, 2012
    • Session on Autonomy Perspectives and Responses (2012)
    • Workshop on 'Moving Towards Autonomy' Role of Teachers in Autonomy - Dr.S.Ravichandra Reddy(Former Acting Director NAAC, Bangalore) 14/06/2011
    • 5th -7th April, 2011: Prof. Aloysius Edward, Coordinator of IQAC was deputed to participate and deliberate at the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education Conference at Madrid, Spain
    • Workshop on Autonomy - Tasks and Challenges (2010)
    • One day session on 'Road map to autonomy - Teaching learning methods' at Christ College, Bangalore (July 18, 2009)
    • IQAC of the college has been invited to organize workshops on quality sustenance and enhancement at various Higher Education Institutions

    Regular Activities include:

    • Induction Programme for new faculty members
    • Induction programme for First year UG & PG students
    • C. DoT meeting with departments documentation team
    • Bi- Annual audit
    Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM