Department Documentary Screening

White Mughals – Documentary Screening
Date: 01/12/18
Classes Attended & Number of beneficiaries: IV HEP and HTJ, 59 nos.
Objective: To aid students in the content of their syllabus.

A very significant portion of the Paper: History IV is War and Consolidation of the British Empire to colonize the Indian Territory. In this journey, many elements came to aid, including the presence of the Indian Princes. This documentary focuses on the use of Diplomacy and Power to conquer, expand and consolidate the territory. Based in the princely state of Hyderabad the same ideas are discussed through the true love story of Captain James Achilles Kirkpatrick and Khair-un-Nissa, a Hyderabadi noblewoman of royal Mughal descent. The students were educated on the significance of the alliance system that the British had created to further their case. Another significant theme that the students were introduced to was the other side of the British Impact – how the colonial rule changed and altered the lives of the Englishmen as well.