Other Activities

Workshop on Hindi Rangamach karyagaar
Date: 28 to 30 January 2025
The Hindi Department of Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, successfully conducted a three-day theater workshop from 28/01/2025 to 30/01/2025. Topic of the workshop "Hindi Rangamach karyagaar" The workshop aimed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of theater arts, including acting, scriptwriting, voice modulation, and stage presence. The event was attended by enthusiastic participants eager to enhance their theatrical skills. Workshop Highlights Day 1: Introduction to theater, basics of acting, and stage dynamics. Day 2: Voice modulation, character development, and improvisation techniques. Day3: Script reading, performance rehearsals, and final stage presentation. It provided a platform for students to develop their theatrical skills and gain practical knowledge of stage performance. The department looks forward to organizing similar workshops in the future to continue nurturing talent and creativity among students.

क्रिस्टु जयंती महाविद्यालय, स्वायत्त के हिंदी अध्ययन विभाग ने 28/01/2025 से 30/01/2025 तक तीन दिवसीय रंगमंच कार्यशाला का सफलतापूर्वक आयोजन किया। कार्यशाला का विषय था "हिंदी रंगमंच कार्यगार"। इस कार्यशाला का उद्देश्य छात्रों को रंगमंच कला की गहन समझ प्रदान करना था, जिसमें अभिनय, पटकथा लेखन, स्वर मॉड्यूलेशन और मंच उपस्थिति शामिल थे। इस आयोजन में उत्साही प्रतिभागियों ने भाग लिया, जो अपनी रंगमंचीय कौशल को निखारने के लिए तत्पर थे। कार्यशाला की मुख्य विशेषताएँ में पहला दिन: रंगमंच का परिचय, अभिनय की मूल बातें और मंच की गतिशीलता। दूसरा दिन: स्वर मॉड्यूलेशन, चरित्र निर्माण और तात्कालिक अभिनय तकनीकें। तीसरा दिन: पटकथा पाठ, प्रदर्शन पूर्वाभ्यास और अंतिम मंच प्रस्तुति। इस कार्यशाला ने छात्रों को अपने रंगमंचीय कौशल विकसित करने और मंच प्रदर्शन की व्यावहारिक जानकारी प्राप्त करने का मंच प्रदान किया। विभाग भविष्य में इसी प्रकार की और कार्यशालाएँ आयोजित करने के लिए तत्पर है, ताकि छात्रों की प्रतिभा और रचनात्मकता को बढ़ावा दिया जा सके ।

Vichar Vimarsh (Indian culture: past-present-future)
Date: 16 January 2025
The Department of Hindi Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru successfully organized an attractive “Vichar Vimarsh” (Indian culture: past present future) competition. The event was held 16/01/2025 from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM. Students of different classes enthusiastically participated in the "Vichar Vimarsh" event.

The objective of the event was to explain the importance of Indian culture to the students of modern times. The event was to share the importance and contribution of Indian culture to the students of past present future. Indian culture is the most important in the world. These many states have their own different famous cultures. The programme was also aimed at providing a platform to the students to show case their talents creatively. The event began with a formal welcome by the organizers followed by a brief introduction to the impressive Indian culture. These events total 40 students participated. Overall, the “Vichar Vimarsh” programme was a remarkable success, inspiring the participants and audience and fostering a deep appreciation for cultural and intellectual activities in the college.

Hindi Translation work shop
Date: 28 & 29 October 2024
On the 28th and 29 of October 2024, the Department of Hindi at Kristu Jayanti College(Autonomous), Bengaluru, successfully organized a two days Hindi work shop on Hindi to kannada Translation the topic “Jnana peetha sahityikaron ka anuvad ” in A Conference Hall 1 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Workshop focuses on bridging linguistic and cultural nuances between Hindi and Kannada, helping participants master translation skills effectively. The workshop began with an introduction to the basics of translationas a key note by Dr.Sreedhara. Dr.Tavanappa Rayappa Jodatti emphasizied common translation errors and provides strategies to avoid them in Hindi. Participants are guided through key differences between Hindi and Kannada, for understanding structural variations. Mythili P. Rao, Advisory Member, Rashtriya Chetana Shodh Patrika discussed various aspects of narrative techniques in Hindi to Kannada Translation, emphasizing their cultural significance and relevance in contemporary society.Dr.Rajeshwari Emphasized the importance of Translation and valuable insights in the world

Political Relevance
Date: 18 October 2024
On the 18th of October 2024, the Department of Hindi at Kristu Jayanti College organized a debate event as part of the Hindi Club activities. The event took place from 12:00 PM to 12:50 PM in the M2 Auditorium and centered around the topic of "Discussion on Indian Political System." It attracted enthusiastic participation from students across various disciplines. The event began with a formal welcome by the organizer, Professor Dr. Vinod baburao Meghshayam, who introduced the topic and its significance. Participants presented their viewpoints on the strengths and weaknesses of the political system, analyzing aspects such as democracy, governance challenges, and the role of political institutions.

As the debate unfolded, the atmosphere became lively and thought-provoking, with students articulating their ideas and perspectives on critical political issues. The event concluded with a vote of thanks from the organizer, who expressed appreciation for the participants' efforts and insights.

Overall, the debate event was a success, providing students with a valuable platform to enhance their critical thinking and engage with contemporary political discussions.

Dalit Sahitya Ki Vaicharikata
Date: 23 to 28 September 2024
The crux of the National Faculty Enhancement Program was to give an overview of Dalit literature and appraise its relevance, especially in an era where human rights are given utmost importance. The program was inaugurated by the famous Dalit writer Dr. Sushila Thakbhaureji. In her lecture she reflected on the trials and tribulations, despair and agony, and ostracization faced by of Dalit community and literature. The chief guest underlined the influence of the ideologies of Buddha, Jyotiba Phule and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar on Dalit literature and their attempts to bring the marginalised to the forefront.

In the second session, Dr. Namdev N Gauda, underscored the aesthetics of Dalit literature and said that the writers of Dalit literature have subverted the classical notions of aesthetics into an aspiration of inalienable representation of human life. Dr. Gauda observed that “he suffering of Dalits is the beauty in this literature” and didn’t foresee the contributions of Indian veterans.

In the third session, Dr. Khandare Chandu Laxman gave his speech on the intervention of Dalit literature in literary genres, in which he paved light on the exploitation undergone by the precursor’s interpretations, the vision and discourse perceived by the Dalit society.

In the fourth session of Faculty Enrichment Program on ‘Sensation of Dalit Literature’, Dr. Vilas Salunke said that Dalit Literature Pain is a product of deep experience, social justice, discrimination and oppression. This sensitivity gives voice to the struggle of that section of the society.

In the fifth session, Dr. Nagarathna N. Rao on the topic ‘Challenges and Possibilities of Dalit Literature’ elaborated the meaning of Dalit literature; who is Dalit, what are the values of Dalit, the difference between Dalit and non-Dalit, and illustrated the mentality of Dalit society. Dr. Rao acclaimed their fight against their predicament and resultant acceptance of the society in today’s changing environment.

In the concluding session of the enrichment program, Dr. Mobin Zaheeruddin presented his views on 'Ideology of Dalit Literature'. The resource person upheld the Dalit movement as was the ideological basis of Dalit literature and its unique place in history. According to him, this development of Dalit literature is not natural but a struggle and that it is necessary to expand beyond the limits of self-confidence.

Hindi Bhasha Utsav
Date: 17 September 2024
On August 17, 2024, Kristu Jayanti College hosted an insightful, day to celebrate Hindi Divas as a “Hindi Bhasha Utsav”. The celebration aimed to promote Hindi language and acknowledge its importance as a key element of India's cultural and linguistic identity. The event encouraged the use of Hindi in official communication, education, and daily life, while fostering pride in its rich literary tradition.

The celebration commenced with a welcome address followed by a speech delivered by Prof. Sreedhara P.D. He the Chief Guest Dr. Manjunath N Ambigh Registrer (In charge) D.BH.P. Sabha, Chennai addressed the gathering and underline the significance of commemorating the day and remarked. He highlighted the importance of Hindi language and emerging trends in employment in social sciences in particular to Hindi language in India. The Department of Hindi Conducted a series of activities winners won accolades for their excellence. Cultural programmes engaging in activities that honor the language and its cultural significance were performed to grace the event.

Conclusion: The Hindi Bhasha Utsav fest is conducted smoothly it's carrying the importance of Hindi language, it's motivated by the Guest in his speech address the popularity of Hindi, he added that Hindi speaking 170 countries around the world. And Hindi is a one of the official language and creating employment opportunity to youth.

Literary Panel Discussion Programme - "Harishankar Parsai ke Jeevan par Vichar Manthan"
Date: 22 August 2024
On 22 August 2024, Kristu Jayanti College hosted an engaging session titled "Harishankar Parsai ke Jeevan par Vichar Manthan" focusing on the life and legacy of the renowned satirist Harishankar Parsai. The event brought together literature enthusiasts, faculty members, and students to reflect on the remarkable contributions of Parsai to Indian literature. The session began with an introductory speech by Dr. Sridhara P. D., Head of the Department at Kristu Jayanti College, who emphasized Parsai's mastery in using satire to address societal flaws. Throughout the event, speakers delved into how Parsai's writing, though humorous on the surface, carried strong messages about the moral and ethical dilemmas prevalent in society. The "Vichar Manthan" successfully deepened the understanding of Harishankar Parsai's contributions to literature, leaving a lasting impact on all attendees.