Management Association

Management Association was established in the year 2001 with motto "vision beyond tomorrow". Management Association is a platform for students to come together and learn about various managerial skills, which are essential for successful transition to corporate and excelling in their corporate tasks.

Department of Management, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) organised The ACUMEN – the Management Event on 10th November 2021 to encourage and motivate the budding first-year management students to participate and understand the all functional perspective of management. The fest focused on the theme of “Sustainability In Virtual Reality” was well planned, comprising events namely Marketing, Public Relations, Best Management Team, Finance, and Best CEO. Teachers separately headed all the events along with student’s coordinators. Final-year students are headed the ACUMEN- Events, and First-year BBA students participate in the event. Events were well discussed early with teacher and student coordinators and prepared the schedule accordingly.

The participants were oriented about the events, with proper guidelines. Prelims of each event were conducted on 30th October, and 4th November second round of the event were conducted. On 10th November, the ACUMEN was inaugurated by Mr Ravi Jangra, Deputy Director, Centre for Management Development, AIMA, Delhi. The final rounds of events were conducted, and the winners are announced during the valedictory function on the same day. The event aimed to motivate and encourage the budding managers to inculcate the information of each function of management and enhance the managerial skill through their roles assigned and areas interested in participation. It is promptly achieved, and students are also expressed their experience. Students have gained knowledge and understanding of the different perspectives on Management functions like leadership skills through leading the event flawlessly and motivating the participants. Also, the students have enhanced their organising tactics, coordinating and controlling talents. Participants are experienced, evolved and enlightened themselves through their active involvement in various events.

Department of Management, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) organised Inquizitive 2021, a Business Quiz competition- Intra Collegiate Fest for BBA students, on 19th November 2021. The competteion aimed to inculcate the interest in current affairs in business and promote the culture of quizzing among students. The quiz also sought to bring the best talent among the students and develop knowledge about business affairs. The competition had two prelims conducted on 15th November 2021 and 17th November 2021, and the finals on 19th November 2021. The students were divided into teams of 2 each and a total 47 teams were registered for the competition. The teams had to participate in two prelims: MCQ type of questions, Guess the Personality, etc., on different topics like advertisement, company logos, taglines, etc.

Inquizitive 2021 provided a platform for students to develop their knowledge, especially in the business sector. In this competition, students learned to improve their IQ in the field of business and develop their self-confidence to take part in similar events in the future. Six teams out of 24 teams were selected for the finals after the prelims. The first and second prize-winning teams were awarded trophies and certificates, and the third prize-winning team was given certificates.

Department of Management organised an Intra Collegiate Management Fest for the students of III BBA hosted by the final year students. In recent years, the application of virtual and augmented reality learning environments has been increasing both in general education (primary, secondary, and university studies) and in technical education in industrial or professional fields. In addition, the current epidemiological situation regarding COVID-19 has encouraged the adoption of non-formal education, and current patterns indicate that distance learning will gain more weight in the near future. Therefore, new applications based on Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are expected to emerge in the coming years to facilitate students’ self-study, provide extensive practical work opportunities, or even teach theoretical content. These new educational challenges generate high expectations in institutions and individuals. The ACUMEN – Management Event focused on the theme of “Sustainability in Virtual Reality” was well planned, comprising marketing, public relations, Best Management Team, finance, and Best CEO. Teachers, along with student coordinators, separately headed all the events. Final years students headed the ACUMEN events, and second-year BBA students were participants of the event. The fine points of the event were well discussed at an early stage with the teacher and students’ coordinators and prepared the schedule accordingly. The participants were oriented about the events, with proper guidelines. Prelims of each event were conducted on 30th September, and the second round of the events was conducted on 4th October. The ACUMEN was inaugurated by Dr. Amit Kumar Singh, Professor, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi, on 7th October. The final round of the event was conducted on 8th October and the winners were announced during the valedictory function on the same day.

The event aimed to inculcate the knowledge of each management function and enhance the managerial skill through their roles assigned and areas interested in participation. It is promptly achieved, and students also expressed their experience. Students gained knowledge and understanding of the different perspectives on Management functions like leadership skills through leading and motivating the participants and enhanced their organising tactics, coordinating and controlling talents. 310 Participants experienced and enlightened themselves through their active involvement of the various events.

Department of Management organized the Intra Collegiate Management fest ACUMEN 2020 on 15th October 2020 and 16th October 2020 with a spark of competitive spirit among the students, before which there were a series of competitive rounds conducted as prelims which kindled their managerial adroitness. The unprecedented challenge COVID-19 pandemic, we all face today, did not, however, stop Acumen 2020. Acumen 2020, for the very first time, was conducted using online platforms which enabled the participants, student coordinators and teachers to come together and connect virtually no matter where they were physically located. This shows the power of the Digital Era we live in and the resilience of each and every one of us.

The Inauguration ceremony of Acumen 2020 commenced at 9:15 AM. It was inaugurated by Ms. Lakshmi Konnanath, Director and Founder, VICIGI, Coimbatore, TamilNadu through virtual Mode in Zoom platform. The ceremony started off by invoking God’s blessing by the College choir and the Introduction was delivered by Dr. Jisha V G, Faculty coordinator for Acumen’20. Rev. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College delivered the presidential address stressing on the importance of values and adaptability in the current corporate world. He also appreciated the department teachers and students for organizing and pulling off a great show through Digital mode, which focused on stimulating the management aspects to actual practice. His motivational speech was a great motivation to the audience as well as the participants.

For the 1st year students it was an individual participation and the second years were divided into teams of three, for each event except Best CEO. The following events were conducted for first years namely: Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship Development, and Best Manager. Events for second year were Best Management team, Public relations, Digital Marketing, Wealth Management and Best CEO. There were 299 participants from First year and 307 Participants from the second year. The prelims for various events commenced on 5th of October and concluded on 12th of October. After all the comprehensive rounds of prelims, Best 5 were selected for the final round.

Valedictory ceremony of Acumen 2020 commenced at 3:45 pm on 16th October 2020 on Zoom Platform. The session began with a Silent prayer followed by feedback given by the 1st and 2nd year participants on the respective event they participated in which the outcome of Acumen was clearly stated. The students had a great learning experience by applying theory into simulation. The feedback session was followed by Dr Aloysius Edward, Dean & Faculty of Commerce & Management addressed the students on the importance of participating in fests like Acumen, and making the impossible possible. Prof. Gincy Charles and Dr. Roshen Theresa, Faculty coordinators for Acumen’20 announced the results for 1st and 2nd year students.

Acumen 2020 supports building skills in students such as Time management, Team Work, Stress Management, Organization skills, Patience and Confidence. These skills will help them carve a niche for themselves in their careers. It made a great impact on students' perspective towards Management Studies and helped them to analyze their strengths and weaknesses and how they could overcome challenges.

Date: 18/02/2019
External Participants: 86 | Internal Participants: 153
List of Resource Persons with details:
Inauguration: Ms. Arthi Sunil, Founder & Director, Indriya Lifestyle Ventures, Bangalore.
Valedictory: Rev.Fr.Immanuel P.J., Director. Kristu Jayanti College of Law & Jayantian Extension Services, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore.
To organize different management events to test the innovative and various management skills of the students.

Prodigy 2020 - National Level Inter Collegiate Management Fest, conducted during the month of February every year since 2007. This fest centered on various management events, where each event created to nurture all the participants and unlock their new and hidden talents. Each and every participant showcased their intelligence to think outside the box, which helped them to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way and becomes a real professional to climb the ladder to be the best.

Prodigy 2020 was the 14th edition of Prodigy with the theme “Armageddon – Can you outlive the end?”, signifies the end of the World. By following the theme, inspired the participants to bring a vision to dare and dream of rebuilding a broken world.

Prodigy 2020 was inaugurated by our Chief Guest Ms.Arthi Sunil, Founder & Director, Indriya Lifestyle Ventures, Bangalore who had 24 years of experience in ITC limited. She had shared her experience which exposed the various qualities in her life. She had given valuable guidance to the young minds that they should not compromise few things in life and should be always work hard, focus and develop your qualities to be the best.

Prodigy 2020 had two types of rounds in each event. Preliminary rounds and Qualifying rounds. The event winners are decided only on qualifying rounds, however qualifying rounds have bonus points which are considered for deciding overalls and runners- up.

This fest incriminated the students’ management skills based on various events like
• Lone Wolf - Best Manager
This event calls out the emperors – the best managers to rise against the odds and showcase their survival skills and emerge victorious from the test of time.
• Designated Survivor - Human resources
This event tests the human resource management skills of the students as when an enterprise collapses how one can step in and restore the order.
• Margin call – Finance
This event again tests the financial management skills of the students. As they say truth is like poetry, everyone hates poetry.
When the financial crisis starts nobody likes it and if it does how will one succumb to it or may be face the truth and secure it. • Shark Tank – Marketing
Not everyone can sell everything. Marketing is a skill and it must be mastered. So this event puts the marketing skills of students into a litmus test.
• Scarcity Optimization - Entrepreneurship development
What if the resources are less, yet one must survive. This event tests the business survival ability of students when resources are less. How one can manage to survive when there is scarcity of resources. ?? Students are given the toughest tasks to understand the EDP and scarcity management skills.

Virtuoso 2019
Virtuoso 2019 aims at giving the students an exposure to the verticals of management. The rounds are simulations of business scenario to enhance learning skills of the students. It is organized by final year students for freshers (first year students) of the department.

The workshop is divided into six events, namely: Best CEO, Human Resource, Marketing, Finance, Business Quiz and Entrepreneurship. Each team comprises of 17 students and one team leader will be appointed among them. The Virtuoso has 2 preparatory rounds and 1 finale round. There will be no elimination during the preparatory rounds. 5 best teams will be selected for the finale round based on the scores.

Virtuoso has helped the students learn about several crucial skills needed in the corporate such as presentation, strategy, etc. They were given a wholesome learning experience of various functional departments in a business organization and its functioning. Three teams were selected as best performers of Virtuoso 2019-20.

Acumen 2019
Acumen is an intra-collegiate management fest which is conducted every year in the odd semester. This is an event conducted every year mainly with the view of inculcating managerial skill and nurturing the potentialities of 1st year and 2nd year BBA students.

Acumen was started in the year 2003 with the motto “sharpening the business minds”. Thereafter this tradition continued for the next consecutive years and every year it was made sure by the seniors that they present a brilliant show not only in front of their juniors but also in front of the whole college.

The fest is served as a platform for students to showcase their talents and prove their metal in various management events like marketing, human resource, finance, entrepreneurship, public relations, best manager and many more.

Acumen 2019
Date: 8th & 9th August, 2019
Number of beneficiaries: 685 In-house: 685 External: Nil
List of Resource Persons with details:
1. Inauguration - Shri.Rajan Parulekar, Managing Director, Paradigm Trainers Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore.
The objective of ACUMEN 2019’ was to explore and improve the ability of the students to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain of their interest in the area of management such as Finance/ Wealth management, Marketing/ Digital marketing, Human Resource / public relation, Entrepreneurship / Best management team & Best CEO which equip students as Young emergers for corporate world.

The Inauguration ceremony of Acumen 19 commenced at 9:15 AM inaugurated by Mr. Rajan Parulekhar, Managing Director, Paradigm Trainers Pvt Ltd, a firm specialized in Sales and Marketing Training since 1995. The firm is also well known by him for Contextual Selling, Negotiation skills, Sales Force Management and Key Account Management. The ceremony started off by invoking the god’s blessing followed by lighting of the lamp continuing to which the prelude was delivered by Dr. Jisha V G, Faculty coordinator for Acumen’19. As the present era is more into digitalization the theme selected for Acumen this year was “DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT- An escape to reality”. Rev. Dr. Augustine George, Vice Principal, Kristu Jayanti College delivered the presidential address stressing on the importance of values and adaptability in the current corporate world. He also appreciated the department teachers and students for organizing and pulling out a great show, which focused on stimulating the management aspects to actual practice. His motivational speech was a great motivation to the audience as well as the participants.

Acumen is the most anticipated fest of the Department of management organized by the final year students for the first and second year students was inaugurated on 8th august 2019 with a spark of competitive spirit among the students, before which there were a series of competitive rounds conducted as prelims which kindled their managerial adroitness. As the present era is more into digitalization the theme selected for Acumen this year was “DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT- An escape to reality”. The participants from BBA first year and second year were grouped separately in the arrears of Finance/ Wealth management, Marketing / Digital Marketing, Human resource/ Public Relation, Entrepreneurship /BMT and Best CEO. The first year participants were divided into 24 teams with 13 to 15 members in a team and the second year students also were divided into 24 teams with 13 to 15 members in a team. The prelims of various events commenced on 25th July 2019 and concluded on 6th August 2019. After three comprehensive rounds of prelims across 13 days, six teams stood between the finale and the grand prize. The final round for the second year students started by 10:00AM on 8th August followed by first year finalist presenting on 9th of august which ended at 3:00 PM. The Valedictory session began with feedbacks given by the 1st and 2nd year participants on the respective event they participated in which the output of Acumen was clearly stated and the students had a great learning experience by applying theory into simulation. The feedback session was followed by Rev. Fr. Emmanuel P.J addressing the students on the importance of participating in fests like Acumen where the number of participants is equal to the total strength of a whole college and the importance of learning outcome from such an event. The winners of Acumen 2019 were felicitated by Rev. Fr . Emmanuel P J. The overall winner in the 1st years was team Telegram and the runners were Google plus for the second year’s winners were team HBO Now and Runners were 123 Movies. Acumen has always served as an important phase of growth and learning in every BBA student's life.

National Level Inter Collegiate Management Fest, conducted during the month of February every year since 2007. Prodigy is a two day Annual Management Fest organized by Kristu Jayanti College Management Association for undergraduate business management students to test their knowledge, skills and attitudes against each other. Prodigy is inculcated within the management association of Kristu Jayanti College, to foster real life management practices and equip the young management students to experience and have a competitive edge in the changing world of today.

This fest centered on various management events, where each event created to nurture all the participants and unlock their new and hidden talents. Each and every participant showcased their intelligence to think outside the box, which helped them to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way and becomes a real professional to climb the ladder to be the best. The annual management fest of the college will be a high-profile event which would attract under graduate students in management from various colleges in and around the country to compete on a big scale and showcase their management skills.

Date: 20/02/2019 & 21/02/2019
Number of beneficiaries: 906 In-house: 800 External: 106
List of Resource Persons with details: Mr. Vikranth Sharma DGM- Sales, Cease fire, Bangalore.
Objective: To inspire students to take up challenges in the area of Management and to overcome hurdles effectively.
Prodigy is the flagship inter- collegiate event of BBM Department of Kristu Jayanti College. Various Management events are conducted for participants from colleges across Bangalore and also from other states. The participants are put through various challenging rounds for the various events and the best teams are awarded prizes. The students of our college are also given a chance to witness these rounds. Based on the performance of the colleges in the various rounds, the best colleges are given the overalls and runners- up positions.

Prodigy 2019 had two types of rounds in each event. Qualifying rounds and Competitive rounds. The event winners are decided only on competitive rounds, however qualifying rounds have bonus points which are considered for deciding overalls and runners- up.

Prodigy 2019 was the 13th edition of Prodigy and had the theme “Industrial revolution 4.0”. It had the following six events;
• Maestro- Best CEO
• The formidable force- Human resources
• Currencia- Finance
• Influenco- Marketing
• Neoteric- Entrepreneurship development
• The Vortex Cloud
The fest had its promotion on 19th February, a day before the fest in the college quadrangle at 11.00 am. The promotion was very innovative and depicted the evolution of industrial revolutions 1.0 (Steam engine), 2.0 (Electric bulb), 3.0 (Computer) & 4.0 (Humanoid with AI).

Virtuoso 2018
The Management Association Club in association with Department of Management aims at creating holistic management professionals with a zeal for innovation and excellence. Through its various skill enriching activities, the department brings out the best and empowers the young visionaries to soar in the horizon. Virtuoso, the management workshop is one such unique platform. It marks the first activity of the department for the academic year 2018-19.

The workshop aims at orienting students about various management concepts and giving them a learning experience about managerial skills to be equipped with. Virtuoso focuses on providing students a first-hand experience to various managerial aspects.

This year’s edition of Virtuoso features activities across six verticals Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resource, Marketing, Business Quiz and Best Manager. With the FIFA World Cup fever up in the air, the teams are named after the countries participating for the world cup. Each event has 2 preliminary rounds. Teams for Virtuoso will be formed within the first-year class rooms. Each team will comprise of 16 members. One member from the team will be appointed as the team leader.

Virtuoso has helped the students learn about several crucial skills needed in the corporate such as presentation, strategy, etc. They were given a wholesome learning experience of various functional departments in a business organization and its functioning. During the Virtuoso, Mr.Anush Abraham of I BBA A Section was declared as Best Manager.

Prodigy 2018
Date: 16 – 17/01/2018
Number of beneficiaries: 774 In-house: 720 External: 54
List of Resource Persons with details: Mr Ghanshyam Singh, Director, supply chain management. Mountain Trails Pvt Ltd.
Objective: To have a business and management simulated environment and test the participants on real life business problems and scenarios.
Prodigy is a flagship inter collegiate management fest conducted by Department of Management, Kristu Jayanti College. This was the 12th edition of prodigy and it indeed did justice to the previous edition. Prodigy 2018 was focused on the theme “Game of Thrones” a popular fantasy book and media series. Prodigy adapted the various elements of this fantasy series which involves governance, strategies and several other aspects that is directly linked to leadership and management. The essence of the fest began on 12th January when the students of the department portrayed what Prodigy has in store for the college in the quadrangle and had colorful and vibrant promotion for the event.

Prodigy 2018 had hosed a total of 8 colleges from various parts of the city. There were 7 events in total, Best Manager, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource, Finance, Public Relations, Marketing and Treasure Hunt. Each of these events had well planned rounds and the contestants had a fruitful time competing on the first day of the event.

The Following day was characterized by intense competition among the participants. Every event had its set of rounds that pushed the contestants to unleash their inner potential and brain power. The fest hosted its final round with best manager event, after intense competition among the finalist the fest had finally declared its best manager to be the ‘King of The Seven Kingdoms’.

Date: 13th August, 2018
Number of beneficiaries: 576 In-house: 576 External: Nil
List of Resource Persons with details:
Inauguration ceremony commenced at 9.15am. The fest was inaugurated by M.S.Vijayan, founding director of RESIL, a Bangalore based company that has a global presence in the field of specialty materials manufacturing. Under his leadership, Resil has emerged as an award-winning institution in various categories. He has had the honour of receiving the Nano innovation award from Nobel Laureate Andre Geim in 2015, the ‘Technology Innovation award’ from the President of India, Sri. Pranab Mukherji in 2016 and the ‘Innovation Excellence award’ from the Federation of Karnataka Chamber of Commerce in 2017. Resil has also won the awards for excellence in design and Intellectual property from the Confederation of Indian Industries, for three consecutive years. The ceremony started off with the Prelude delivered by Dr. Jisha V.G, faculty Coordinator for Acumen’18. Living in an extremely competitive world and the need to overcome obstacles in life, the theme selected for ACUMEN 2018 is “FACE THE RACE”. Rev. Fr. Augustine George, Vice Principal, Kristu Jayanti College delivered the presidential address where he appreciated the department teachers and students for organizing and pulling out a great show, his motivational words on how the world throws obstacles at one's race to success and how to transcend all of it served to be a great source of motivation to the participants.

Virtuoso 2017
The workshop’s aim was to provide a simulation of various business situations managers would face in the corporate world. Virtuoso focuses on providing students a first-hand experience to various managerial aspects. This was consisting of five different events such as Best Manager, Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, and Business Quiz. The theme ‘digitalization’ was adopted for the workshop.

The students learn about several crucial skills needed in the corporate such as presentation, strategy, etc. They were given a wholesome learning experience of various departments in a business organization and its functioning. The winners were felicitated; Team Alilbaba and team Flipkart were the overall winners and runners up respectively. Ms Harshitha was declared as Best Manager.

The department effectively managed the event; it gave the students a good exospore of the corporate management world. Event coordinators were very effective in the design and implementation of the rounds.

Date: 26 July – 3 August 20117
Number of beneficiaries: 427 Students; I semester – 239 students / III semester – 221 students
Classes participated: I BBA Sec A, B, C & D; III BBA Sec A, B, C & D)
List of Resource Persons with details:
Inauguration – Sri. Eldo T Iype, Managing Director, Tentacle Aerologistix Pvt. Ltd
Valedictory – Rev. Fr. Lijo P Thomas, Financial Administrator
Objective & Overview: At Acumen, the final year management students host a series of competitive rounds for the junior students of second and first year testing them on the various aspects of management. One needs both skill and tact to emerge victorious at Acumen.
• Helps students with the management functions of planning, organizing, coordinating and execution
• Insight about the management fest
• Team work and group dynamics
With the aviation sector being the centre of attraction, the theme selected for Acumen 2017 is Aviation: Welcome Aboard. Through Acumen 2017 Department of Management would like to take our students to a thrilling flight experience. 427 participants from BBA first year and second year are tried in the areas of
− Finance
− Marketing
− Human Resources
− Business Quiz
− Entrepreneurship Development
− Public Relations
− Best Manager
The participants are divided into 26 teams with 18 members each. The teams are named after prominent airlines such as Indigo, Air India, Singapore Airlines, Emirates etc. The prelims for the various events commenced on 26th of July and concluded on 1st of July. The students of the department hosted a promotion of the fest on 2nd August in the college quadrangle. At the promotion, Rev. Fr. Augustine George, Vice principal declared Acumen 2017 open to the college.

Acumen 2017 was inaugurated by Shri. Eldo T Iype, Managing Director, Tentacle Aerologistix Pvt. Ltd. The final round for all the seven events were hosted on 3rd of August. After two comprehensive rounds of prelims across 6 days, 5 teams were selected for the finals.

Date: 14th & 15th of February, 2017
Staff Coordinators: Vinod Joseph; Priya M
Student Coordinators: Akshay; Nithyashree
Number of beneficiaries: 78 students from 18 colleges
List of Resource Persons with details:
1. Samson James, Talent Operations Manager, Syncron
2. The external Judges for the various events including: Mr. Vinod Edward; Mr. John; Mr. Mahesh SB; Mr. Richard; Dr. Kavitha Chalakkal; Mr. Shreyas; Mr. Gajapathy; Mr. Sameer for the various events
• To provide a platform of intense competition in various skills and functions of management.
• To build confidence among the students at the highest level
• To expose the participants to practical learning
• On 13 February 2017, the promotions for the Fest were held in college quadrangle, this was the place where the Department of Management revealed many surprises. Another surprise forming a part of promotion was the introduction of a MASCOT for the first time in the history of Management department. Department of management was termed as ‘department of surprises.’ and Rev Fr. Augustine George, Vice Principal declared prodigy 2017 open by cutting the cake

• The inauguration took place at SKE auditorium in PG Block, between 9.15 to 10.30 am on 14th February 2017. At the Diaz were Chief guest, Mr. Samson James, Principal Fr. Josekutty, Dean Prof. Aloysius Edward, Staff Coordinator Vinod Joseph, and Student Coordinators Akshay & Nithyashree
• Staff Coordinator Vinod Joseph gave a brief outline of prodigy 2017; Fr. Principal spoke of the importance of participating in Fests and the chief guest Mr. Samson James cited various examples from the industry were the skills of management were required.
• After the inauguration the participants were taken to UG Block, Mini Auditorium I. They were instructed with the rules & regulation of the Fest and the manner of scoring for the competition. This was between 10.30 and 11.00 am.

Conduct of Events
• The Fest was conducted with the theme Master Chef- after the popular serial in innovative cooking.
• The Fest had eight events, they were
o Chef Hunt: HR Event
o It’s Yum: Marketing Event
o Food Critic: Public Relations Event
o Find the recipe: Treasure Hunt Event
o Master Chef: Best manager Event
o Fresh Cuisine: EDP Event
o Worth it: Finance Event
o Taste Catalyst: Business Analyst Event
• The Rounds started in different venues at 11.00 am on the first day, which is 13th. . The first day was for all the eighteen colleges. Only qualifying rounds were held
• On the second day five colleges were shortlisted for each event, for the competing rounds

Virtuoso 2016
Virtuoso is an intra-collegiate management workshop conducted by Management Association Club in associate with the Department of Management by the Final year students of BBA for the fresher students, providing an insight of the various situations a person can face in the corporate world.

Students from I semester BBA were divided into 16 teams with 14 Members in each team. They have given the choice to choose to participate in events like HR, Marketing, Finance, Business Quiz andBest Manager

This year virtuoso was focused on providing students a first-hand experience to various managerial aspects, where around 235 students were divided into 16 groups of 15 members each, consisting of five different events such as Best Manager, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources and Business Quiz.

Six teams emerged into the finals for each event where the first event Human Resource focused on a similar rehire situations, followed by Marketing round where participants were given old products to advertise, strategize and market in today’s scenario. The Finance round consisted of a task where participants were given a task focused on long term investments and allocation of funds followed by Best Manager round where six finalists were put through a personality round and followed by the final event Business Quiz.

Prodigy 2016
Date: 09 – 10/02/2016
Intra/Inter: Inter collegiate management fest
Number of beneficiaries: External: 60 students
List of Resource Persons with details:
Inauguration : Mr. J. Crasta, Chairman, CM Envirosystems
Valedictory : Rev. Fr. Augustine George, Vice principal, Kristu Jayanti College
To host fest for management colleges across India
Create a competitive environment to foster learning

Prodigy 2016, the inter collegiate Management fest this year had the theme of “Make In India” with a view to grow versatile to the changing environment and let students inculcate and adapt to current information. The organizing conducts across the following areas:
- Best Manager (Consultare)
- EDP ( Web-preneur)
- Human Resources (Hire)
- Business Quiz (Bizquizzitive)
- Marketing ( Analyse, Research, Transform)
- Business Plan (Pitch shot)
- Finance (Rupaya).
60 students from 7 management colleges participated in the management fest.

The organizing team for Prodigy 2016 were as follows:
- Faculty Coordinator- Mr. Suku Thomas Samuel.
- Student Coordinators- Mr. Godwin Isaac Paul, Ms. Kikayangla Longkumer.
- Event heads:
i. Consultare- Junaid Ahmed, Nitin T and Tracy Anthony.
ii. Webpreneur- Vishnu Menon, Greeta Rodriguez and Don Davis.
iii. Hire- Manish S and Patel Mohammed Safwan.
iv. Pitchshot- Steffi Priyanka and Sonia Chawan.
v. Rupaya- Daniel Rosario and Arjun Muralidhar.
vi. ART- Joshua V and Isaac Mathew Varghese.
vii. Bizquizzitive- Shaik Faisal and Shlok Kumar.

Acumen 2016
Date: 23/08/2016
Intra/Inter: Intra-Collegiate Management Fest
List of Resource Persons with details:
Inauguration session - Shri Tanvir Singh, India Leader for Campus Recruitment and University Relations - EY GDS.
Valedictory - Rev. Fr. Lijo P Thomas, Financial Administrator, Kristu Jayanti College

Acumen is an annual intra-collegiate fest organised by final year students of department of management. The main objective of fest is to analyze and to identify out the hidden talents in first and second year management students. In addition to that our fest also helps to mould the students and bring them out of comfort zones towards real and competing corporate world.

This year Acumen is bearing theme of ‘Football’ because football is a game of strategies, coordination, team play and forward planning which in one way or other syncs together with management concepts.

Virtuso 2015
Virtuoso is a workshop conducted by Management Association club in associate with the department of management for the first year students, organised by the final year BBM students, wherein they will be introduced to the basic concepts of managerial fests so that they will have an idea about the contents of a fest. Virtuoso has been conducted by the department of management (KJCMA) for the past seven years.

Virtuoso, the annual, intra collegiate management workshop organised by the third years for the first years, this year, saw the theme ‘’The Avengers” with emphasis on team work and a mind-set to give a first-hand experience to important managerial aspects. The students were divided into 16 teams of 15 members each. Each team had a designated group leader chosen by the members themselves. The workshop had 5 major events and the teams were tested on events such as Best Manager, Marketing, Human Resources, Business Quiz and Finance.

The students from all the 4 sections of the I BBA program actively participated which comprised of approximately 240 students. This workshop has benefited both the third years as well as the first years in various aspects like event management, active participation, team spirit, coordination and so on.

The students said that it was a great opportunity and a platform for them to experience and test their capabilities, coordinate and interact with everyone. Interacting with team members and guidance from seniors was a plus point. For the students it was very informative and they suggested that the organisers allocate more time for the workshop for them to benefit, experience and learn more.

 Student Life

























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