Life Science Club

The Department of Life Sciences was started in the year 2002, with the aim of preparing aspirants in Life Sciences for research and career. The Department offers B. Sc., programmes in Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics, Forensic Science and Botany, and M. Sc., programme in Biotechnology and Microbiology. The Department is also a Research Centre in Biotechnology of Bangalore University.

We believe co- curricular activities help the students to analyze and understand the ever changing dynamics of the academia-industry and to gather knowledge and information in the area of Life Sciences.

Life Sciences Club:
In light of this, the department has a unique hub of excellence for excavating students’ talents in co- curricular activities – LIFE SCIENCES CLUB. The creation of the Life Sciences Club aims at developing best practices for intracollegiate fests and inter-institutional competitions. Each of these additional entities has its own scientific mandate, but also benefits from and contributes to the rich environment in different arena of Life Sciences.

Annually the club hosts intra collegiate fests- Connoisseur and Bioventura for undergraduates and post graduates respectively and an intercollegiate fest – BIOAURA. An intracollegiate exhibition- CREATRIX is also held annually.

CONNOISSEUR - intracollegiate biofest for undergraduates organised annually is a fest arbitrated by the seniors that allows them to facilitate their leadership skills and also allows them to understand and nurture a healthy relationship among peers and juniors. The fest includes cornucopia of events which helps the first year and second year undergraduates to showcase and hone their creativity and expertise in the field of life sciences. This synergistic association at the Life Sciences club is a crucial foundation for the department to work as a whole, be it any concern regarding co-curricular activities or activities strictly based on curriculum and literature. Each year, the fest is in accordance with a particular theme which revolves around the subject of Life Sciences.

The notable events include “Biomanager”, the main event with three rounds which vintages the ultimate leader of the year. Best out of waste, Photography allows students to be creative with their video and photography skills and to portray issues of Life Sciences. Debating involves the prime issues under Life science. “Agent Strokes” involves poster making, under topics of environment and Life Science, “Jam sessions”, which is a light hearted fun event tests the verbal communication skills, Events like X-files allows students to move across venues and find clues, solve puzzles. “Wrinkle in a minute” deals with events that test their skills in the lab. Bio-marketing event, Quiz blends the co-curricular elements as well as elements that are present in the curriculum for an interactive method of learning. Scientific Brain stormer is a part of the fest to appreciate the puzzle solving skills of students.

BIOVENTURA, is an added Annual Intra Collegiate Biofest for the PG students of Life Sciences. This fest provides an amazing platform for students to showcase their various talents and explore the depths of the wonderful world of science. The fest is critical driver for performance and innovation and makes way for young minds to put forth their innovative ideas and perceptions. The fest includes challenging events namely trash transformers that help in using their sense of innovation to transform anything of no value to something aesthetic educational, creative and appealing. Biojournalism is focused on bridging the gap between science & Journalism. It requires the participants to convey a scientific discovery or mishap in an innovative realistic. Spectrosnapy unleashes the photography skills amongst the creative minds. Bioentrepreneur is conducted to unleash the ventureship quality in them.

BIOAURA –an intercollegiate fest is organized by inviting the participants from various colleges and far wise. It has the plethora of events as that of intracollegiate fest. This fest helps upon interacting new people and builds their network. These healthy interactions not only enhances interpersonal and communication skills of students but also prepare them for the real world.

CREATRIX, an intracollegiate exhibition of the department of Life Sciences and part of Life Sciences Club purposes in the budding scientists of our college to present many creative ideas as exhibits. The exhibits are usually unique of being compact, easy to use and very important being cost – effective.

Life Sciences Club thus with a collective mindset and proper execution builds an interactive base, and opens up the plethora of opportunities, talents, ideas and much more, to the spotlight.

Bioventura– 2019
BioVentura, the Annual Intra Collegiate Biofest for the PG students of Life Sciences was held on 22nd August 2019. The fest was a critical driver for performance and innovation and made way for young minds to put forth their innovative ideas and perceptions. 75 participants were divided into 10 groups. A total of 10 events were organized out of which 5 were off stage events and the rest were on stage events held on 22nd August. The fest was organized by the Final year MSc. Students for the first year students. The fest was inaugurated by the chief guest of the day Mr. Sandeep, Managing Partner, BioNova Biologicals Pvt Ltd Bangalore at 9:30am in the Mini Auditorium III of UG Block.

Connoisseur - 2019
Connoisseur-19, the 2019 edition of the annual intra collegiate bio fest organised by the Department of Life Sciences in association with the Life Science club of Kristu Jayanti College came to an exciting closure with the final rounds of the major events on 16th August 2019. Mr. Mayank Anand, Director & Head, Global Data Management Service Delivery, Global Clinical Operations Bristol Myers Squibb inaugurated the fest.

Bioaura - 2019:
Bioaura, the inter-collegiate bio fest was conducted on 18th February 2019. The chief guest for the inaugural ceremony was Mr. Ashish Srivastava, Vice President HR, Inbisco India. Thirty students representing different colleges in Bangalore competed in various events. The overall championship was bagged by Reva University and Garden City College was selected as runners-up.

Creatrix - 2018:
Creatrix, the intra-collegiate Life Science exhibition was held on 14th December 2018. Sixty seven, teams each with three members participated in the exhibition. The exhibition was inaugurated by Dr. Varsha Sridhar, Director and Co-founder, Molecular Solutions Care Health, Bengaluru.

Connoisseur - 2018
Connoisseur, the intra-collegiate fest for undergraduate students was organised on 16th August 2018. The fest included a cornucopia of events which helped the students to showcase and hone their creativity and expertise in the field of life sciences. This year the fest had the theme ‘Harry Potter’. Mr Nihar Gundumala, Head of Employer Brand Marketing, Covance and Ms Shwetha Sharma Associate Director, Recruitment and Talent Advisors, Covance were the guests of honour. Connoisseur 2018 had eighteen events including short documentary movie making, quiz, crime scene investigation, pep talk, debate, photography, Yule Ball, tableau, bio-journalism, bio-marketing, bio-manager, etc

Bioventura – 2018
Bioventura 2018, the intra-collegiate bio-fest for the postgraduate students was also organised on 16th August 2018. Offstage events and preliminary rounds of few events started on 7th August 2018. Transcript, Reflex- the quiz event, Polemic, Biomanager, Biomarketing, Biojournalism, Cinethesis, Blue Pencil, Wealth out of Waste, Nutrichoice and Crime were some of the events of the fest. Bioventura 2018 helped the students to showcase their talents in the field of Life Sciences.

Creatrix – 2017
The beauty of Science was explored to its best by the students of the Department of Life Science of Kristu Jayanti College in their Annual Science Exhibition Creatrix which was held on the 21st December 2017. The well anticipated event had a plethora of working models and live experiments pertaining to different domains in the field of Life Science. Total of 68 exhibits were presented.

Connoisseur & Bioventura - 2017
Connoisseur and Bioventura, Intra collegiate fests for undergraduate and postgraduate students respectively was organised on 18th August 2017. Ms. Smitha Murthy, Founder & Director, Credora Life Sciences, Bangalore inaugurated the fests. Sixteen events were conducted as part of connoisseur while Bioventura featured 10 events.

Bioaura - 2016:
The Inter-collegiate UG biofest Bioaura-2016 was organised on 19th September 2016. Seventy one participants from 9 colleges competed in 8 different events. The chief guest for the inaugural ceremony was Mr. Sai Surya Narayana, Vice president, HR and Administration at Sami Groups

Connoisseur – 2016
Connoisseur-2016, Intra collegiate fests for undergraduate students respectively was organised on 19th August 2016. A total of 120 participants belonging to ten teams competed in 16 events. The preliminary rounds of the events were conducted from 10th to 18th August 2016.

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