Environment Day

World Environment Day is the most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. It has grown to become a global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries. World Environment Day is the "people's day" for doing something to take care of the Earth. That "something" can be focused locally, nationally or globally; it can be a solo action or involve a crowd.

CSA of Kristu Jayanti College observed the world environment day in association with Government Primary School Narayanapura by planting saplings on 5 June 2018. Rev. Fr. Emmanuel P.J., Director of Jayantian Extension Services inaugurated the program by planting saplings in the school premise. The Programme was organized with an aim to create awareness about the importance of growing and safeguarding the trees. Ms. Hemavathi, Head Mistress, Government Primary School Narayanapura, NSS Program Officer, CSA Coordinators, KJC Alumni and CSA Volunteers were attended the function. Volunteers enthusiastically participated in planting the saplings and poster making. Around 60 volunteers planted 50 saplings

Centre for Social Activities and BBMP Horamavu Ward jointly organized Tree Plantation Drive on 5th June 2017 at N. Nagenahalli lake belt. The drive was inaugurated by Smt. Radhama Venkatesh, Corporator, Horamavu Ward and Rev. Fr. Josekutty P D, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College. The corporator addressed the gathering stating that we should take care of our environment all through the life. The condition of our healthy environment is getting declined day by day just because of the industrialization, deforestation, technological development, global warming and pollution. Polluting environment affects the health of living beings and environment very badly. She also appreciated volunteers for their concern and active participation in tree plantation drive. Mr. Lokesh, member DCC, Mr. Manjunath S., CSA Coordinator, Mr. Chandrashekar, CSA Coordinator, KJC Alumni and volunteers of NSS, NCC and CSA were present. Around 60 volunteers were present and they planted 50 saplings.

Centre for Social Activities of Kristu Jayanti College in association with BBMP Horamavu Ward, Rotary Club, Government Primary School Narayanapura organized World Environment Day on 5th June 2016 at, K. Narayanapura. Sri B.A. Basavaraj, MLA KR Puram Constituency, inaugurated the event by planting a sapling. Rev. Fr. Josekutty P.D, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College, addressed the gathering with greetings of World Environment Day .The speech highlighted the present environment issues and how each one of us can contribute to save mother earth for future generation. Smt. Radhamma Venkatesh, BBMP Corporator Horamavu Ward promised to provide complete support in making Green Bangalore, Rev.Fr. Lijo P Thomas, Financial Administrator Kristu Jayanti College, Mrs. Hemalatha, Head Mistress GLPS. Rtr. Shashi Kumar, CSA Coordinators, NSS Program Officer, Representatives from Kothanur, K.Narayanapura, N.Nagenahalli, and around 130 volunteers were present. Around 50 saplings were planted by CSA and NSS volunteer on the day. CSA have a plan to plant around 250 saplings in and around the premises with the support of BBMP.

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